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作者 蔡元丽 周生飞 谢幼梅 《山东家禽》 2001年第6期33-36,共4页
本试验研究了枯草杆菌发酵产物(FPBS)对肉仔鸡饲料转化率、脂肪沉积和产氨量的影响。7日龄雌性肉仔鸡(StrainChunk)60只,随机分成4组,每只鸡都单笼饲养。1组为对照组,喂给不含FPBS的商品日粮,其余3组分别喂给含FPBS0.5%、1.0%、2.0%的... 本试验研究了枯草杆菌发酵产物(FPBS)对肉仔鸡饲料转化率、脂肪沉积和产氨量的影响。7日龄雌性肉仔鸡(StrainChunk)60只,随机分成4组,每只鸡都单笼饲养。1组为对照组,喂给不含FPBS的商品日粮,其余3组分别喂给含FPBS0.5%、1.0%、2.0%的商品日粮,从7日龄饲喂至28日龄。自由采食及饮水。FPBS0.5%或1.0%组鸡的饲料转化率比对照组有明显提高(P<0.05)。试验组肝脏中的乙酰辅酶A羧化酶和脂肪酸合成酶的活性以及甘油三酯、胆固醇的含量均比对照组有显著降低(P<0.05)。FPBS对血浆中甘油三酯、磷脂和胆固醇的浓度无影响。饲料中添加1%或2%FPBS的试验组氨气排放量减少(P<0.05)。由上述可知,在饲料中添加1.0%FPBS既可提高生产效率,又能减少因氨气排放而造成的环境污染;若同时考虑到生产效率和最佳经济利润,则FPBS的推荐添加量为0.5%。另外在饲料中添加FPBS还可减少肝脏中的脂肪沉积。 展开更多
关键词 枯草杆菌发酵 肉仔鸡 饲料转化率 类脂沉积 产氨量
减少猪尿氮排泄量及粪尿产氨量的技术 被引量:4
作者 山本朱美 潘雪男 《国外畜牧学(猪与禽)》 2005年第3期29-33,61,共6页
关键词 尿氮排泄 粪尿产氨量 饲料添加剂 饲料原料 生态型饲养技术 环境保护
CHO细胞培养中NH_3量的监测和分析 被引量:1
作者 王妍 李云富 +5 位作者 张驰 李志强 官桂范 耿星涛 罗璇 叶世德 《中国生物制品学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1997年第1期38-40,共3页
关键词 乙型肝炎 表面抗原 生物制品 细胞培养 产氨量
气流组织形式对实验动物设施内氨气浓度的影响 被引量:8
作者 解茜 王燕平 狄彦强 《洁净与空调技术》 2009年第1期80-83,共4页
本文以氨气为代表,对不同气流组织形式下实验动物设施内污染物的浓度和分布进行了分析和比较。从污染控制和节能的角度出发,针对两种不同的气流组织形式,分别进行了两种不同换气次数工况下的研究,最后得出实验动物房一般应采用两侧回风... 本文以氨气为代表,对不同气流组织形式下实验动物设施内污染物的浓度和分布进行了分析和比较。从污染控制和节能的角度出发,针对两种不同的气流组织形式,分别进行了两种不同换气次数工况下的研究,最后得出实验动物房一般应采用两侧回风的通风形式的结论,为实验动物设施气流组织形式的合理选择提出了参考性意见。 展开更多
关键词 实验动物设施 气流组织 气浓度 产氨量
尿素水解制氨系统主要性能参数试验研究 被引量:2
作者 李龙涛 何永兵 +3 位作者 刘博 裴煜坤 江建平 张杨 《中国新技术新产品》 2022年第18期84-87,共4页
该文以某660MW燃煤机组尿素水解系统为研究对象,测试水解器产氨量、尿素水解率和尿素耗量,重点分析水解器水解率的影响因素,同时研究了催化剂对尿素水解稳定性的影响。研究表明:尿素溶液体积流量每变化0.1m3/h时,尿素耗量变化约47kg/h,... 该文以某660MW燃煤机组尿素水解系统为研究对象,测试水解器产氨量、尿素水解率和尿素耗量,重点分析水解器水解率的影响因素,同时研究了催化剂对尿素水解稳定性的影响。研究表明:尿素溶液体积流量每变化0.1m3/h时,尿素耗量变化约47kg/h,且随着尿素溶液密度的增大,尿素耗量变化更显著;当脱硝入口NOx浓度、烟气流量变化率为1%时,尿素水解率变化分别为1%、1%,而尿素溶液体积流量每变化0.1m3/h时,尿素催化水解水解率变化约4%,尿素普通水解水解率变化约3%;添加催化剂可以提高水解器液位、压力运行的稳定性,增强水解器对机组负荷及NOx浓度变化的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 尿素 催化剂 水解器产氨量 尿素水解率
尿素催化水解制氨关键性能参数试验研究 被引量:1
作者 李龙涛 何永兵 +1 位作者 刘博 裴煜坤 《中国环保产业》 2023年第2期73-77,共5页
本文以某660MW燃煤机组尿素催化水解制氨系统为研究对象,分析水解器产氨量及尿素水解率两项关键性能参数,并从氨逃逸、烟气流量、脱硝入口氮氧化物(NO_(x))浓度及出口NO_(x)浓度四方面分析对水解器产氨量测试的影响,同时还研究了尿素溶... 本文以某660MW燃煤机组尿素催化水解制氨系统为研究对象,分析水解器产氨量及尿素水解率两项关键性能参数,并从氨逃逸、烟气流量、脱硝入口氮氧化物(NO_(x))浓度及出口NO_(x)浓度四方面分析对水解器产氨量测试的影响,同时还研究了尿素溶液储罐液位及储罐内径变化量对尿素水解率测试的影响。 展开更多
关键词 催化水解 产氨量 水解率 敏感性 尿素
作者 许浩 《实验与分析》 2023年第1期70-73,共4页
某2×660MW超超临界二次再热机组采用尿素水解制氨系统工艺。对该工艺进行性能试验研究,结果表明,该工艺各项运行参数优良,供产品气压力稳定,产品供氨气流量能够满足锅炉升负荷时的响应能力,各项指标基本达到设计性能值,可替代液氨... 某2×660MW超超临界二次再热机组采用尿素水解制氨系统工艺。对该工艺进行性能试验研究,结果表明,该工艺各项运行参数优良,供产品气压力稳定,产品供氨气流量能够满足锅炉升负荷时的响应能力,各项指标基本达到设计性能值,可替代液氨为锅炉脱硝系统安全稳定供氨提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 燃煤机组 尿素 水解器 产氨量
实验动物设施内换气次数的影响因素分析研究 被引量:3
作者 王燕平 解茜 +1 位作者 马飞 罗维东 《洁净与空调技术》 2008年第3期12-15,20,共5页
关键词 实验动物设施 换气次数 气流组织 产氨量
Separation and Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins in Pistillate Flowers between Different Mulberry Cultivars
作者 牛瑞鹤 陈媛媛 +3 位作者 张萍萍 祁伟 郑必平 谈建中 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1383-1385,1402,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore the proteins related to pistillate flower development in different mulberry cultivars. [Method] The total proteins of the pistillate flowers of two mulberry cultivars Dal0 (Mor... [Objective] This study aimed to explore the proteins related to pistillate flower development in different mulberry cultivars. [Method] The total proteins of the pistillate flowers of two mulberry cultivars Dal0 (Morus atropurpurea Roxb.) and SG01 (Morus muIticaulis Perr.) were extracted, separated and detected through two- dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry. [Result] There was sig- nificant difference in the expression of proteins from the pistillate flowers of different mulberry cultivars. From the 2-DE images of Dal0 and SG01, 445_+17 and 425_+12 protein spots were respectively detected. The expression levels of 75 protein spots differed significantly. Thirteen spots those were expressed at high levels and well separated were analyzed by mass spectrometry, and nine of them were identified successfully. The nine proteins are involved in the glycometabolism, protein and amino acid metabolism and defense responses during the development of mulberry pistillate flower after they were pollinated. [Conclusion] The findings will provide reference for further study on the molecular mechanism of mulberry pistillate flower de- velopment. 展开更多
关键词 Mulberry cultivars Pistillate flower Differentially expressed proteins Two- dimensional electrophoresis Mass spectrometry
Effect of Amino Acid Fertilizer on Flue-cured Tobacco Fertilizer Reducing and Efficiency Increasing 被引量:1
作者 Xia NI Wenzheng PAN +10 位作者 Yongping TAO Song GAG Hongbo ZHA Tanggui YOU Xu CHEN Zexu ZHAO Bizhi JIN Yakun HU Dedong JIANG Bing FENG Qinmin ZHAO 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1925-1928,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the effect of amino acid fertilizer on the growth, development and quality of flue-cured tobacco. [Method] With Yunyan 87 as tested flue-cured tobacco varieties, three treatments (c... [Objective] The aim was to explore the effect of amino acid fertilizer on the growth, development and quality of flue-cured tobacco. [Method] With Yunyan 87 as tested flue-cured tobacco varieties, three treatments (chemical fertilizer (control), chemical fertilizer+solid amino acid, chemical fertilizer+liquid amino acid) were set up to study the effects of amino acid fertilizer on flue-cured tobacco fertilizer reducing and efficiency increasing by means of contrast in the same field. [Result] The flue-cured tobacco applied solid amino acid fertilizer had the best performances of overall agronomic traits and the highest yield, while liquid amino acid fertilizer was conductive to the top leaf opening, making the raw tobacco appearance best, and could increase the proportion of middle and high quality tobacco, gaining good economic benefits. The flue-cured tobacco treated by liquid amino acid fertilizer had the optimal ratio of total sugar to nicotine and disaccharide differences in tobacco leaves, and the best coordination of chemical composition. Compared with the contrel, tobacco treated by amino acid fertilizer had less irritating and more comfortable taste, and the tobacco treated by liquid amino acid had light miscellaneous gas, and the best overall performance of sensory quality. [Conclusion] Chemical fertilizer+liquid amino acids is conductive to promote the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco and improve the quality of tobacco leaves. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Amino acid fertilizer YIELD Quality
Enhancing Biogas Production from Anaerobically Digested Wheat Straw Through Ammonia Pretreatment 被引量:4
作者 杨懂艳 庞云芝 +4 位作者 袁海荣 陈树林 马晶伟 郁亮 李秀金 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期576-582,共7页
Aqueous ammonia was used to pretreat wheat straw to improve biodegradability and provide nitrogen source for enhancing biogas production. Three doses of ammonia(2%, 4%, and 6%, dry matter) and three moisture contents(... Aqueous ammonia was used to pretreat wheat straw to improve biodegradability and provide nitrogen source for enhancing biogas production. Three doses of ammonia(2%, 4%, and 6%, dry matter) and three moisture contents(30%, 60%, and 80%, dry matter) were applied to pretreat wheat straw for 7 days. The pretreated wheat straws were anaerobically digested at three loading rates(50, 65, and 80 g·L-1) to produce biogas. The results indicated that the wheat straw pretreated with 80% moisture content and 4% ammonia achieved the highest methane yield of 199.7 ml·g-1(based on per unit volatile solids loaded), with shorter digestion time(T80) of 25 days at the loading rate of 65 g·L-1compared to untreated one. The main chemical compositions of wheat straw were also analyzed. The cellulose and hemicellulose contents were decomposed by 2%-20% and 26%-42%, respectively,while the lignin content was hardly removed, cold-water and hot-water extracts were increased by 4%-44%, and12%-52%, respectively, for the ammonia-pretreated wheat straws at different moisture contents. The appropriate C/N ratio and decomposition of original chemical compositions into relatively readily biodegradable substances will improve the biodegradability and biogas yield. 展开更多
关键词 wheat straw anaerobic digestion BIOGAS ammonia pretreatment moisture content
Effects of Amino Acid Foliar Fertilizer on the Yield and Quality of Different Vegetables 被引量:2
作者 SUN Mei SUN Geng +2 位作者 MA Hao-liu LUO Zun-chang LIU Jie 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2018年第6期10-15,共6页
In order to explore the effects of amino acid foliar fertilizer on the yield and quality of different vegetables, we tested the spraying of an amino acid foliar fertilizer(Wanfeng 2) onto the leaves of cucumbers, eggp... In order to explore the effects of amino acid foliar fertilizer on the yield and quality of different vegetables, we tested the spraying of an amino acid foliar fertilizer(Wanfeng 2) onto the leaves of cucumbers, eggplants and water spinach through contrast experiment in a greenhouse. The results showed that the yield increments of amino acid foliar fertilizer treatments in cucumbers, eggplants and water spinach were 11.57%, 4.43% and 12.41% respectively, and the output-input ratios were 64.52 ∶ 1, 53.31 ∶ 1 and 55.14 ∶ 1 respectively. Amino acid foliar fertilizer can influence the quality of greenhouse vegetables. The total sugar content of the cucumbers, eggplants, and water spinach significantly increased by 12.00%, 22.30%and 12.10% respectively. The vitamin C content increased by 4.76%, 24.80%, and10.90% respectively compared with the control. In conclusion, the spraying of amino acid foliar fertilizer could improve the yield and the nutritive quality of vegetables such as cucumbers, eggplants and water spinach. 展开更多
关键词 Foliar fertilizer Amino acid Vegetable quality YIELD Output-input ratios
Effects of Humic Acid and PASP Compound Fertilizer Application on Growth,Quality and Yield of Broccoli 被引量:1
作者 代明 陈庆飞 +4 位作者 胡兆平 李新柱 张金涛 王建康 冯海娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期535-538,共4页
[Objective] This study was conducted to analyze the effects of humic acid and PASP on the growth of broccoli to provide a basis for fertilizer application.[Method] A field experiment was carried out to investigate bro... [Objective] This study was conducted to analyze the effects of humic acid and PASP on the growth of broccoli to provide a basis for fertilizer application.[Method] A field experiment was carried out to investigate broccoli growth, yield and quality by using humic acids and PASP as fertilizer synergists in the mixture with compound fertilizer. [Results] The treatment of 5‰ humic acid + 3‰ PASP + compound fertilizer exhibited the plant height, stem diameter and yield increased by8.3%, 13.3% and 10.3%, respectively, and thus was the best; and the treatment showed a single curd weight of 478 g and a commodity rate of 89.4%, and had lower economic cost than treatment of 10‰ humic acid + 6‰ PASP + compound fertilizer. [Conclusion] In summary, 5‰ humic acid + 3‰ PASP + compound fertilizer is suitable for wide application in broccoli culture. 展开更多
Recombinants for Enhanced Productivity and Drought Tolerance in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
作者 J. P. Lal H. Singh R. Nandan L. C. Prasad H. Kumar 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第4期550-555,共6页
In an attempt to enhance productivity as well as drought tolerance of barley cultivar, a 5 × 5 diallel cross involving rainfed cultivars was made. Of the 10 crosses, cross K603 x K560 was most promising as it yie... In an attempt to enhance productivity as well as drought tolerance of barley cultivar, a 5 × 5 diallel cross involving rainfed cultivars was made. Of the 10 crosses, cross K603 x K560 was most promising as it yielded highest number of recombinants (21 in irrigated and 36 in rainfed conditions); the cultivar K506 was considered as drought resistant (drought susceptibility index 〈 1). A total of 22 out of 64 and 18 out of 59 most promising F2 recombinants in irrigated and rainfed conditions, respectively from 6 crosses were evaluated for yield, harvest index as well as proline content. All the recombinants selected under rainfed condition (including a few from irrigated condition) showed enhanced level of proline content coupled with high grain yield and harvest index. Further, a total of twenty-nine segregants (12 rainfed and 17 irrigated derived cultures) showing significantly higher values of proline content and grain yield were grown during 2007-2008 under both the environments, rainfed and irrigated to determine the geometric mean (GM) and drought susceptibility index (S). The segregants (Culture No. 8, 10 & 13) derived from cross K 603 × K 560 and culture No. 5 from K 560 × RD 2508 gave maximum mean yield under rainfed and geometric mean coupled with lower drought susceptibility index (S). Also, it has been observed that the transgressive segregants selected from limited water environment (rainfed) performed better than those selected from irrigated environment for higher grain yield and drought tolerance. 展开更多
关键词 DROUGHT drought susceptibility index (S) PROLINE transgressive segregants.
Salt Stress Effects on Germination, Plant Growth and Accumulation of Metabolites in Five Leguminous Plants
作者 V.D. Taffouo L. Meguekam +1 位作者 Amougou Akoa A. Ourry 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第2期27-33,共7页
The investigation was conducted to determine physiological criteria of early selection for salt tolerant leguminous plants. Plants were subjected to 5 levels of salt stress at the roots (0, 50, 100,150 and 200 mM NaC... The investigation was conducted to determine physiological criteria of early selection for salt tolerant leguminous plants. Plants were subjected to 5 levels of salt stress at the roots (0, 50, 100,150 and 200 mM NaCI). Results showed that sodium chloride had an underrating effect on growth of stems and seed germination of the species studied. The germination rates of seeds of Glycine max and Phaseolus vulgaris (sensitive glyeophytes) were affected from 3 g/L of NaCl, with critical thresholds at 9 and 12 g/L respectively. In contrast, critical thresholds with Mucunapoggei (facultative halophyte), Vigna unguiculata (moderately tolerant glycophyte) and P. adenanthus (natural halophyte) was found to be above 21 g/L. The reduction of stems growth rate were not significant in P. adenanthus whereas in M. poggei and V. unguiculata this inhibition was observed just when nutritive solutions were enriched with 200 mM. The lipid contents were reduced in all the species under salt stress, whereas proteins and proline contents in the leaves were substantially increased in tolerant species (M. poggei, P. adenanthus and V. unguiculata). In contrast, proteins and leaf proline contents were negatively affected by salt concentration to G. max and P. vulgaris. Seed germination, proteins and proline could be used as physiological criteria of early selection for salt tolerant leguminous plants. 展开更多
关键词 Salt stress leguminous plants physiological criteria Cameroon
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