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浅议烟气脱硫除尘治理及其产物应用 被引量:5
作者 宋玮 安敬学 《科技与企业》 2013年第1期135-135,共1页
随着我国经济的不断发展,我国各省市,各地区的各类工厂均如雨后春笋般拔地而起,越来越多的工厂环绕着我们。这些工厂为我们带来经济收入的同时,也为我们带来了一个严重的问题,这就是环境污染的问题。而这其中尤为重要的便是大气污染,空... 随着我国经济的不断发展,我国各省市,各地区的各类工厂均如雨后春笋般拔地而起,越来越多的工厂环绕着我们。这些工厂为我们带来经济收入的同时,也为我们带来了一个严重的问题,这就是环境污染的问题。而这其中尤为重要的便是大气污染,空气中的硫含量正在与日剧增。相对的,我国的烟气脱硫技术也在迅速的进步着,本文就对几种烟气脱硫的技术以及其产物应用进行了讨论,希望这些技术能够得到更好的发展与创新。 展开更多
关键词 烟气脱硫 治理 产物应用
作者 马慧敏 《化工管理》 2013年第8期141-141,共1页
腈纶作为一种生活中常见的纤维材料,它的发明和使用大大地促进了我国纺织行业的发展。但是腈纶因自身的化学成分和原料的特殊性,生产过程中产生的腈纶废丝不能用普通的手段和方法进行处理,要通过一些化学方法方能有效而低污染、低伤害... 腈纶作为一种生活中常见的纤维材料,它的发明和使用大大地促进了我国纺织行业的发展。但是腈纶因自身的化学成分和原料的特殊性,生产过程中产生的腈纶废丝不能用普通的手段和方法进行处理,要通过一些化学方法方能有效而低污染、低伤害地处理掉。不过其处理过后的产物经过加工又能作为新的原料,这样既提高了资源的利用率,又实现了经济的循环发展。 展开更多
关键词 腈纶废丝 化学处理 产物应用
作者 《沈阳药科大学学报》编辑部 《沈阳药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期480-480,共1页
本刊接到举报,称彭飞等发表于我刊2020年第37卷第4期的论文《CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术在链霉菌天然产物挖掘中的应用》涉嫌剽窃、抄袭,经编辑部认真调查核实,该文剽窃、抄袭行为属实,情节严重,特郑重声明:1.撤销我刊2020年第37卷第4期... 本刊接到举报,称彭飞等发表于我刊2020年第37卷第4期的论文《CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术在链霉菌天然产物挖掘中的应用》涉嫌剽窃、抄袭,经编辑部认真调查核实,该文剽窃、抄袭行为属实,情节严重,特郑重声明:1.撤销我刊2020年第37卷第4期刊登的《CRISPR/CaS9基因编辑技术在链霉菌天然产物挖掘中的应用》论文。 展开更多
关键词 基因编辑技术 CRISPR/Cas9 《CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术在链霉菌天然产物挖掘中的应用 链霉菌 天然产物
作者 赵昊 白波 +2 位作者 罗钰 胡娜 王洪伦 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期214-218,共5页
表面氨基化碳微球是一种新型的改性多孔碳材料。归因于其特殊的形貌、结构和丰富的官能团特性,表面氨基化碳微球在诸多领域得到广泛应用。近年来,碳微球表面氨基化技术、氨基化试剂逐渐多样化,接枝产物的性能大大提高,应用领域不断拓展... 表面氨基化碳微球是一种新型的改性多孔碳材料。归因于其特殊的形貌、结构和丰富的官能团特性,表面氨基化碳微球在诸多领域得到广泛应用。近年来,碳微球表面氨基化技术、氨基化试剂逐渐多样化,接枝产物的性能大大提高,应用领域不断拓展,相关产品的种类也日益丰富。据此,概述了氨基化碳微球的改性方法,以及氨基化碳微球在吸附材料、催化材料(催化焦化废水的生物降解)、检测材料等领域应用的新进展,并对氨基化碳微球未来的合成与应用进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 氨基化 碳微球 接枝技术 产物应用
园林废弃物与污泥协同堆肥的绿化应用 被引量:3
作者 巩潇 韦依伶 赵方莹 《中国环保产业》 2017年第10期62-66,共5页
通过在园林废弃物堆肥中添加不同比例污泥进行混合堆肥实验,研究堆肥过程中温度、pH值等指标变化情况,探究堆肥产物应用于绿化行业的可行性。研究发现:园林废弃物堆肥中添加一定量的污泥,能优化堆肥环境,堆肥效果较好;比例适宜的混合堆... 通过在园林废弃物堆肥中添加不同比例污泥进行混合堆肥实验,研究堆肥过程中温度、pH值等指标变化情况,探究堆肥产物应用于绿化行业的可行性。研究发现:园林废弃物堆肥中添加一定量的污泥,能优化堆肥环境,堆肥效果较好;比例适宜的混合堆肥表现出升温速度、高温期时间、腐熟效率、安全性等方面具有一定优势;目前我国园林废弃物资源化比例较低,混合堆肥产物可作为土壤改良基质进行土地利用,实现资源化利用,促进园林绿化产业发展。 展开更多
关键词 园林废弃物 污泥 堆肥处理 产物应用 土壤改良
有机废弃物堆肥产品应用效果研究 被引量:1
作者 巩潇 韦依伶 +1 位作者 苏光瑞 赵方莹 《再生资源与循环经济》 2017年第5期39-41,共3页
为解决近年来逐年增加的园林废弃物处理问题,通过园林废弃物和污泥进行不同质量比的混合堆肥试验,研究园林绿化废弃物堆肥过程中各项指标的变化情况及堆肥产品应用于工程绿化的可行性。研究发现:园林废弃物与污泥以适当比例混合,能改善... 为解决近年来逐年增加的园林废弃物处理问题,通过园林废弃物和污泥进行不同质量比的混合堆肥试验,研究园林绿化废弃物堆肥过程中各项指标的变化情况及堆肥产品应用于工程绿化的可行性。研究发现:园林废弃物与污泥以适当比例混合,能改善堆肥条件,取得较好的堆肥效果;园林废弃物堆肥具有升温快,高温维持时间长,腐熟快,安全性高的优点;现阶段我国园林废弃物利用率较低,其堆肥产品可作为泥炭、有机肥、土壤改良剂的替代品,促进循环经济的发展。 展开更多
关键词 园林废弃物 污泥 堆肥处理 产物应用 土壤改良
《天然产物提取工艺学》课程体系教学改革与探索 被引量:2
作者 周丽洪 张楷正 +3 位作者 边名鸿 龚利娟 罗惠波 李东 《农业工程》 2016年第6期128-131,共4页
立足于生物工程专业,基于该课程理论知识及实验教学均偏向传统的传授式教学而疏于引导教学的现状,结合《天然产物提取工艺学》的课程特点,对该课程教育提出优化方法及改革建议。立足于时代发展的天然产物微课理论教学与科学研究相辅相... 立足于生物工程专业,基于该课程理论知识及实验教学均偏向传统的传授式教学而疏于引导教学的现状,结合《天然产物提取工艺学》的课程特点,对该课程教育提出优化方法及改革建议。立足于时代发展的天然产物微课理论教学与科学研究相辅相成的实验操作齐头并进,因材施教的实验教学可推动科学研究的发展。培养学生观察分析问题的基本思路和严谨的科学作风,为解决生产、科研中的实际问题打下理论与技能基础。 展开更多
关键词 生物工程 课程体系 天然产物分离及应用
城市污泥水热碳化的研究与应用进展 被引量:5
作者 殷琳鑫 余鋆 +1 位作者 王智聪 段培高 《当代化工研究》 2022年第16期4-8,共5页
城市污泥是人类活动所产生的固体废物,如何对其进行适当的处理并重新利用是污泥减量资源化的研究热点。文章主要介绍了水热碳化技术在城市污泥处理中的研究进展。首先综述了反应温度、反应时间、pH、催化剂等因素对污泥水热碳化产物性... 城市污泥是人类活动所产生的固体废物,如何对其进行适当的处理并重新利用是污泥减量资源化的研究热点。文章主要介绍了水热碳化技术在城市污泥处理中的研究进展。首先综述了反应温度、反应时间、pH、催化剂等因素对污泥水热碳化产物性能的影响,其中,反应温度对其影响最大。随后总结了污泥水热碳化产物的提质方法及应用,其固相产物可作为燃料、化肥、生物炭复合材料等,液相产物可联合厌氧消化等技术加以利用。同时,液相产物可以联合厌氧消化等技术加以利用。最后对污泥水热碳化处理的发展前景作出展望,并提出了下一步的研究思路。 展开更多
关键词 污水污泥 水热碳化 改性提质 产物应用
《天然产物提取工艺学》课程体系教学改革与探索 被引量:1
作者 邓爱华 谢鹏 王云 《化工管理》 2017年第36期39-,共1页
在当前高校课程不断改革的条件下,食品工程专业也逐渐被重视起来。在进行传统教学的过程中,更加偏向于理论知识的传授,而当前更加注重实践知识的学习。关于《天然产物提取工艺学》课程的传授,就是一个非常典型的例子,在当前对该课程教... 在当前高校课程不断改革的条件下,食品工程专业也逐渐被重视起来。在进行传统教学的过程中,更加偏向于理论知识的传授,而当前更加注重实践知识的学习。关于《天然产物提取工艺学》课程的传授,就是一个非常典型的例子,在当前对该课程教育也提出了相应的优化方法以及改革建议。《天然产物提取工艺学》的课程具有很强的实践性,在进行实际教学的过程中,结合相关的实验进行引导,能够取得更好的效果。本文主要针对《天然产物提取工艺学》教学的现状进行了一定的分析,并提出了相应的教学改革措施。 展开更多
关键词 生物工程 课程体系 天然产物分离及应用
低阶煤的热溶萃取提质研究进展 被引量:1
作者 郭柱 李显 +7 位作者 李致煜 胡振中 钟梅 赵纯亮 夏慈良 罗光前 王书林 姚洪 《煤炭科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期286-303,共18页
低阶煤的热溶萃取提质是利用溶剂在温和条件下对低阶煤进行热萃取,通过对原煤的脱水与多级分离,可得到无水、无灰、高热值与良好热塑性的萃取产物与低水分的萃余煤。同时萃取产物在配煤炼焦、高级燃料及炭材料制备等多个领域均具有实际... 低阶煤的热溶萃取提质是利用溶剂在温和条件下对低阶煤进行热萃取,通过对原煤的脱水与多级分离,可得到无水、无灰、高热值与良好热塑性的萃取产物与低水分的萃余煤。同时萃取产物在配煤炼焦、高级燃料及炭材料制备等多个领域均具有实际应用优势,拥有较高的附加值,并且该技术中溶剂具备可循环利用的优势。因此,热萃取提质是实现低阶煤分级分质转化利用的有效途径之一。本综述首先介绍了现有各类低阶煤提质处理方式;然后梳理了热溶萃取提质发展脉络,重点综述了低阶煤热溶萃取提质的各类影响因素、反应机理、现有工艺以及产物的利用途径;最后利用“Web of Science核心合集”作为数据源,使用CiteSpace科学计量软件刻画了煤溶剂萃取的知识图谱,通过对研究主题进行分析,总结研究方向并预测研究热点,为低阶煤热溶萃取提质研究提供一定的参考价值。综合分析表明:新型低成本绿色溶剂的选取、萃取产物结构表征及高值利用等领域具有较高的研究趋势,同时需要对萃取机理及萃取物特性定向调控开展深入研究,进一步推动工艺规模化生产进程。 展开更多
关键词 低阶煤 热溶萃取 产物应用 CITESPACE 知识图谱
Advances in Application of Biological Nitrification Inhibitors 被引量:3
作者 王国强 孙焕明 +1 位作者 彭婧 薛书浩 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第10期2232-2237,2241,共7页
Based on current research, the characteristics and action mechanism of biological nitrification inhibitors at home and abroad were reviewed by combining with the latest research progress. The application effects of bi... Based on current research, the characteristics and action mechanism of biological nitrification inhibitors at home and abroad were reviewed by combining with the latest research progress. The application effects of biological nitrification inhibitors on agricultural production were summarized. Research hotspot and achievements of biological nitrification inhibitors at home and abroad were summarized. The research direction in future was forecasted. 展开更多
关键词 NITRIFICATION Biological nitrification inhibitors Greenhouse effect Nitrogen use efficiency Crop yield
Biodiversity and biotechnological potential of mangrove-associated fungi 被引量:24
作者 CHENG Zhong-shan PAN Jia-Hui +2 位作者 TANG Wen-cheng CHEN Qi-jin LIN Yong-cheng 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期63-72,共10页
This review describes the present hot research areas of mangrove-associated fungi, including its biodiversity, ecological roles, novel metabolites productions and biotechnological potential. Mangrove-associated fungi ... This review describes the present hot research areas of mangrove-associated fungi, including its biodiversity, ecological roles, novel metabolites productions and biotechnological potential. Mangrove-associated fungi were divided into saprophytic, parasitic and true symbiotic fungi based on its ecological roles. Saprophytic fungi are fundamental to decomposition and energy flow of mangrove, additionally, their potential toxicity also exists. Pathogenic fungi have significant effects on mangrove survival, growth, and fitness. Endophytic fungi, the most prolific source of diverse bioactive compounds found among that of mangrove-associated fungi, are found in most species of mangroves. Although a significant number of reports focused on the antimicrobial, insecticidal and other bioactive metabolites as well as many novel enzymes isolatcd from mangrove-associated fungi, and many of those metabolites from endophytic fungi are suspected to be of significant to mangrove, only few studies have provided convincing evidence for symbiotic producers in mangrove. Hence, this paper discusses the present progress of molecular methods used to correlate the ecological roles of endophytic fungi with their bioactive metabolites;, meanwhile, the potential of using metabolic engineering and post-genomic approaches to isolate more novel enzymes and bioactive compounds and to make their possible commercial application was also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Mangrove fungi BIODIVERSITY Bioactive metabolites Commercial application
科技期刊国际影响力提升初探——以《应用天然产物》为例 被引量:2
作者 贾非 刘静 +1 位作者 田宏 吴茵杰 《中国科技期刊研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期1328-1331,共4页
中国科技期刊数量众多,但国际影响力有待提升。中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划是由"六部委"联合实施的大型英文科技期刊资助项目,《应用天然产物》获2014年该计划D类支持。《应用天然产物》在期刊管理体制、办刊机制和模式... 中国科技期刊数量众多,但国际影响力有待提升。中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划是由"六部委"联合实施的大型英文科技期刊资助项目,《应用天然产物》获2014年该计划D类支持。《应用天然产物》在期刊管理体制、办刊机制和模式、资金投入方式、办刊人才组成、科研政策支持等方面进行了有益探索。 展开更多
关键词 中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划 D类支持 国际影响力 应用天然产物
Application of Artificial Neural Network in Predicting Crop Yield: A Review 被引量:2
作者 Siti Khairunniza-Bejo Samihah Mustaffha Wan Ishak Wan Ismail 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2014年第1期1-9,共9页
Agricultural system is very complex since it deals with large data situation which comes from a number of factors. A lot of techniques and approaches have been used to identify any interactions between factors that af... Agricultural system is very complex since it deals with large data situation which comes from a number of factors. A lot of techniques and approaches have been used to identify any interactions between factors that affecting yields with the crop performances. The application of neural network to the task of solving non-linear and complex systems is promising. This paper presents a review on the use of artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting crop yield using various crop performance factors. General overview on the application of ANN and the basic concept of neural network architecture are also presented. From the literature, it has been shown that ANN provides better interpretation of crop variability compared to the other methods. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial intelligent artificial neural network crop yield prediction.
Enhanced Yield and Quality in Some Banana Varieties Applied with Commercially Manufactured Biostimulant Aquasap from Sea Plant Kappaphycus alvarezii
作者 Kosalaraman Karthikeyan Munisamy Shanmugam 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第8期621-631,共11页
A field study was conducted to investigate the effect of Aquasap, a commercially manufactured biostimulant from seaweed Kappapphycus alvarezii on some hills and foothills banana varieties namely Robusta (AAA), Njali... A field study was conducted to investigate the effect of Aquasap, a commercially manufactured biostimulant from seaweed Kappapphycus alvarezii on some hills and foothills banana varieties namely Robusta (AAA), Njali poovan (AB), Red banana (AAA) and Nendran (AAB) by applying at 5% through foliar spray at the 3rd, 5th and 7th month of plantation. Both quantitative and quality data of fruits were analyzed along with vegetative growth of the plants. The seaweed biostimulant was found very effective on increasing the weight and nutritional contents of all four banana varieties tested. The highest yield was found in Robusta with 56.58% over control followed by Njali poovan, Red banana and Nendran with 19.08%, 39.35% and 11.46%, respectively. Yield of fruits per hectare of four varieties treated were 76.96, 19.23, 29.68 and 23.37 metric ton (mt), respectively. Fruits of treated plants also showed less moisture level as compared to control with 240.61%, 62.30%, 61.68% and 37.18% more carbohydrate, 283.71%, 94.07%, 62.87% and 38.93% higher proteins and 153.02%, 47.37%, 58.73% and 31.48% higher minerals respectively as compare to control plants. Therefore, the simple practice of application of eco-friendly seaweed based biostimulant would benefit small and marginal farmers of banana. 展开更多
关键词 Seaweeds/sea plants Kappaphycus alvarezii Aquasap biostimulant banana yield Red banana (AAA) Njali poovan (AB) Robusta (AAA) Nendran (AAB).
High efficiency production of ginsenoside compound K by catalyzing ginsenoside Rb1 using snailase 被引量:5
作者 Zhiguang Duan Chenhui Zhu +5 位作者 Jingjing Shi Daidi Fan Jianjun Deng Rongzhan Fu Rong Huang Cuiying Fan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期1591-1597,共7页
The rare ginsenoside Compound K (C-K) is attracting more attention because of its good physiological activity and urgent need. There are many pathways to obtain ginsenoside C-K, including chemical and biological met... The rare ginsenoside Compound K (C-K) is attracting more attention because of its good physiological activity and urgent need. There are many pathways to obtain ginsenoside C-K, including chemical and biological methods. Among these, the conversion of PPD-type ginsenosides by enzymatic hydrolysis is a trend due to its high efficiency and mild conditions. For effectively extracting from the other panaxadiol saponins, the conversion process for ginsenoside C-K was investigated using snailases in this study. The univariate experimental design and response surface methodology were used to determine the optimal hydrolysis conditions for the conversion of ginsenoside Rbl into ginsenoside C-K by snailases. The optimum conditions were as follows: pH 5,12, temperature 51 ℃, ratio of snailase/substrate 0.21, and reaction time 48 h. On the basis of these parameters, the addition of 1.0 mmol· L- 1 ferric ion was found to significantly improve the enzymolysis ofsnailases for the first time. With the above conditions, the maximum conversion rate reached 89.7%, suggesting that the process can obviously increase the yield of ginsenoside C-K. The bioassay tests indicated that the ginsenoside C-K showed anti-tumor activity in a series of tumor cell lines. Based on these results, we can conclude that the process of rare ginsenoside C- K production by enzymolysis with snailase is feasible, efficient, and suitable for the industrial production and application. 展开更多
关键词 GINSENOSIDE Rb1 Ginsenoside Compound K Snailase ENZYMOLYSIS
The Cultural Linguistic Code
作者 Tullio Rizzini 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2018年第1期59-63,共5页
For over thirty years I have been researching the origins of language by means of an original and innovative metod. If it consists of considering oral articulation, which produce phonetic sounds as informative gesture... For over thirty years I have been researching the origins of language by means of an original and innovative metod. If it consists of considering oral articulation, which produce phonetic sounds as informative gestures and expressions of a visible-expressive code, that precedes the use of phonetic codes. The meaning expressed through each of these articulate-oral gestures was identified through research-responses by two select sample groups of psychotic subjects, chosen because of their greater permeable accessibility to the collective unconscious. In this sense the application of phonetic sounds, that is "words", is no more than representative or substitutes of the use of pre-articulate oral-facial gestures, used by pre-sapiens to express their informative intentions. Using this method I have published three books, which analyzed precisely and systematically the inter-relationships between consonants in words of Info-european origin--that is the roots of these words--discovering that words sharing common root-consonants do indeed express part or all of their meaning in correspondence with the original meanings of their gestural archetype. The projection into objects of these pre-articulate gestural meanings denotes them by means of mediators' metaphors and analogies, this is appearing to be the fundamental reason for the variety of languages, since diverse peoples will use different psychic Freudian puns and methaphors, for the projection to similar object. I have examined over twenty languages, in relation to this generalized cultural code model, founded on biological reactivity to conditions in reality to advantage given its extensive informative use. 展开更多
关键词 Language origin cultural evolution DARWINISM LINGUISTIC PSYCHOANALYSIS human gestures.
Effect of Potash Application Patterns on Crop Yields Under Different Cultivation Systems
作者 CHENXIAOQIN ZHOUJIANMIN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第3期219-226,共8页
Three patterns of potash application were used in the corn-wheat and rice-wheat rotation experiments,which were conducted in the upland and wetland of Siyang County, northern Jiangsu Province, and the wetland of Liyan... Three patterns of potash application were used in the corn-wheat and rice-wheat rotation experiments,which were conducted in the upland and wetland of Siyang County, northern Jiangsu Province, and the wetland of Liyang City, southern Jiangsu Province. The results of 5 cropping seasons (2 seasons/year)showed that the direct response of corn to K was larger than that of wheat, but no difference was found between rice and wheat in Siyang when the total annual amount of K was applied only in one cropping season. However, the response of wheat was much greater than that of rice in Liyang. If potash was applied in the preceding season, the residual effect of K on wheat was larger than that on rice both in Siyang and Liyang, but less than that on corn. The total effect (direct and residual effects) of K applied to corn or rice was greater than that to wheat in Siyang, but that to wheat was greater in Liyang. The direct and total effects of K application in the upland were larger than those in the wetland of Siyang; but for the wetland,the effects were larger in Liyang than in Siyang, especially in the wheat season. The results demonstrated that the most profitable practice to be recommended to the local farmers was to apply a limited amount of potash to only rice or corn but not to wheat. Equally applying half of the total annual amount of K to each of the crops may be advisable in order to lessen possible fertilization risks. 展开更多
关键词 CORN crop rotation potash application pattern RICE WHEAT
Maize Seeds Submitted to Thermotherapy and Analyzed by Dynamic Speckle
作者 Lucas Sacramoni Peixoto Gisela Maiara Silva +3 位作者 Armando Kazuo Fujii Joao José Dias Parisi Rosa Helena Aguiar Juliana Aparecida Fracarolli 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2018年第2期115-121,共7页
The quality of the seeds used for sowing is fundamental for a high productivity and quality of the crop. Therefore, eradicating pathogens is essential for the plant to develop in the best possible way. The eradicatio... The quality of the seeds used for sowing is fundamental for a high productivity and quality of the crop. Therefore, eradicating pathogens is essential for the plant to develop in the best possible way. The eradication of those pathogens can be accomplished by means of treatments that consist of the application of substances to the seeds or by performing physical procedures. Thermotherapy is a physical treatment, in which the seed is exposed to a given thermal energy, such as heated air or steam, and can be highly efficient for controlling those pathogens, in addition to reducing environmental damage and costs. The present work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of thermotherapy in two ways: wet heat (water) and dry heat (water vapor), both at 60 °C, alternating the exposure time to the thermal sources. The treatment with humid heat with a time of exposure of 5 min was the most efficient, since it presented higher germination percentages (83%) and less occurrence of Fusarium sp. (33%). It was observed that the most efficient thermotherapy is in the control of Fusarium, the most aggressive is for the quality of the seed. The quality of the treatments was evaluated through standard methodologies, according to the rules for seed analysis, such as germination and sanitation tests. Biospeckle laser was used to identify the microbial activity in these seeds, through activity maps generated by laser speckle contrast analysis (LASCA) processing. In this way, the research involving thermotherapy can be done by varying the temperature and the time of exposure to obtain values that considerably reduce the pathogenic agents and preserve the quality, in order to maintain the values of germination and vigor acceptable for commercialization. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal treatment wet heat dry heat FUSARIUM germination.
Real and Legal Nutritional Alternative (e.g. Application of Free Amino Acids) to Replace Forbidden Doping Substances to Produce Excellent Sport Performance
作者 Andras S. Szabo 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第3期308-312,共5页
Peformance enhancing drugs are widely used today in different sport fields, and therefore the successful anti-doping activity should be based not only on regular doping controls, but also it should show the real alter... Peformance enhancing drugs are widely used today in different sport fields, and therefore the successful anti-doping activity should be based not only on regular doping controls, but also it should show the real alternative: how to replace the forbidden doping substances with legal and effective supplements. The paper deals with application proposition of protein concentrates, free AA (amino acids), HMB (hydroxy-methyle-butyrate), creatine and camitine. If the athlete is involved in strength and power sport (e.g. throwing events in track and field, olympic weightlifting etc.), the explosive and maximum strength is of primary importance. For strength athletes, these mentioned substances are those legal preparates, supplements, which can help effectively in performance improvement of sport results. The main reason is that using protein concentrates, AAs, HMB, creatine and camitine, the anabolic (and anticatabolic) effect will enhance the protein biosynthesis of the organism, improve the aerob and anaerob capacity of the athletes, activate and stimulate the own hormonal system. And the final result is creating higher loadability because of the faster recovery, and higher performance level on the competition. Of course, the athletes--as a minimum requirement--need an adequate nutrition (good balanced nourishment), as well, with appropriate application and supplementation of all vitamins and essential minerals. 展开更多
关键词 Camitine CREATINE HMB protein concentrate strength supplement.
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