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我国食品工业副产物资源化利用现状 被引量:25
作者 李建科 孟永宏 +4 位作者 刘柳 王晓宇 王晓龙 吴晓霞 骆莹 《食品科学技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1-13,共13页
我国是农业生产大国,农产品及食品工业的副产物数量巨大。为推进可持续化发展,这些副产物的资源化利用越来越受到人们的重视,并且很多副产物的深度开发与利用在研究与实践层面均取得了长足的进步,显示出良好的发展前景。以小麦、豆制品... 我国是农业生产大国,农产品及食品工业的副产物数量巨大。为推进可持续化发展,这些副产物的资源化利用越来越受到人们的重视,并且很多副产物的深度开发与利用在研究与实践层面均取得了长足的进步,显示出良好的发展前景。以小麦、豆制品、油脂、蚕桑、石榴、葡萄等6大类食品加工业的副产物为例,系统阐述了我国小麦麸皮、小麦次粉、豆渣、豆粕、豆皮、油脚、脱臭馏出物、蚕蛹蛋白、蚕蛹油、石榴皮、石榴籽、葡萄皮、葡萄籽等食品工业废弃物的资源化利用现状。并以前期工作为基础,分别介绍了豆制品副产物及排放的黄浆水的资源化利用,石榴皮及石榴籽多酚提取物,石榴籽油及葡萄籽油的产品开发,桑蚕副产物制成的蚕蛹蛋白、活性肽、蚕蛹油、蚕蛹甲壳素的开发利用情况等。希望为我国食品工业副产物的深度开发与高值化利用提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 产物资源化利用 小麦麸皮 豆渣 蚕蛹蛋白 蚕蛹油 石榴皮 葡萄籽
柑橘副产物资源综合利用现状及发展趋势 被引量:21
作者 单杨 丁胜华 +2 位作者 苏东林 刘伟 张菊华 《食品科学技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1-13,共13页
柑橘是世界和我国产量第一的水果。我国是柑橘生产及加工大国,随着柑橘种植业与加工业的迅速发展,柑橘种植过程中的落果和残次果、加工过程中的废弃物和废水等副产物资源也随之增多,因此由副产物资源利用率低带来的资源浪费和环境污染... 柑橘是世界和我国产量第一的水果。我国是柑橘生产及加工大国,随着柑橘种植业与加工业的迅速发展,柑橘种植过程中的落果和残次果、加工过程中的废弃物和废水等副产物资源也随之增多,因此由副产物资源利用率低带来的资源浪费和环境污染等问题较为突出。目前,对柑橘副产物资源除可直接利用外,还可用于制备果胶、类黄酮、类胡萝卜素、类柠檬苦素、香精油和辛弗林等功效成分,或通过生物质发酵转化用于制备乙醇、柠檬酸、饲料和有机肥等。柑橘副产物资源综合利用率偏低、关键技术和核心装备缺乏、高附加值功能性产品略少等问题,是目前亟待解决的柑橘副产物资源利用难点。绿色低碳、高效高值、综合循环利用是柑橘副产物资源利用发展趋势。针对存在的问题,提出加强科技攻关、制定专项规划、强化财政投入等可有效提升柑橘副产物资源利用度的建议,希望为柑橘副产物资源综合利用产业高质量发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 柑橘 产物资源 类黄酮 柠檬酸 有机肥 类胡萝卜素
热作副产物资源开发饲料生产的研究 被引量:1
作者 喻孟君 王忠民 +1 位作者 梁雪梅 黄和 《热带农业工程》 2000年第1期19-22,共4页
关键词 节粮型饲料 热作副产物资源 发酵 开发利用
作者 商晓腾 孟德安 +6 位作者 周文武 王加琪 朱可针 吴迪 万鑫云 马佳敏 旦增 《环境生态学》 2023年第8期144-150,共7页
热解是废旧轮胎高效资源化利用的重要手段,近年来废旧轮胎热解产物资源化利用受到业界广泛关注。通过查阅大量文献,在分析近年来废旧轮胎直接利用现状及热解资源化主要影响因素的基础上,对热解产物资源化研究进展进行总结、归类和对比分... 热解是废旧轮胎高效资源化利用的重要手段,近年来废旧轮胎热解产物资源化利用受到业界广泛关注。通过查阅大量文献,在分析近年来废旧轮胎直接利用现状及热解资源化主要影响因素的基础上,对热解产物资源化研究进展进行总结、归类和对比分析,以期为废旧轮胎热解高效资源化利用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 废旧轮胎 热解 产物资源 研究进展
作者 焦孝平 《甘肃科技》 2022年第16期72-74,81,共4页
苹果生产副产物(主要包括疏花疏果废弃的幼果以及苹果加工过程中排放的苹果皮渣)无法实现真正意义上的资源化利用,既浪费了资源,又污染了环境,制约了我国苹果产业的进一步发展,影响了农业综合效益。本研究以全国最佳苹果适生区和第二大... 苹果生产副产物(主要包括疏花疏果废弃的幼果以及苹果加工过程中排放的苹果皮渣)无法实现真正意义上的资源化利用,既浪费了资源,又污染了环境,制约了我国苹果产业的进一步发展,影响了农业综合效益。本研究以全国最佳苹果适生区和第二大苹果主产区庆阳市为例,对苹果副产物资源化利用现状和存在的问题进行分析,并提出以苹果皮渣和果农疏花疏果产生的幼果为原料,采用冷冻干燥技术生产果粉后,再通过超声辅助有机溶剂提取苹果多酚等生物活性物质,最后利用剩余的“废渣”生产苹果膳食纤维和饲料等,意在为带动苹果副产物综合利用开辟一条新的途径,为实现苹果副产物“吃干榨净”提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 苹果副产物资源 利用 萍果皮渣
海洋生物资源的新内涵及其研究与利用 被引量:4
作者 吴文惠 许剑锋 +1 位作者 刘克海 包斌 《科技创新导报》 2009年第29期98-99,共2页
本文从海洋生物资源的角度把海洋生态环境中的动植物和微生物分为群体资源、遗传资源和产物资源。海洋群体资源是海洋生命系统的主体构成成分,是海洋养殖和捕捞等典型渔业以及海洋生物学的主要内容;海洋遗传资源是海洋生命系统的重要构... 本文从海洋生物资源的角度把海洋生态环境中的动植物和微生物分为群体资源、遗传资源和产物资源。海洋群体资源是海洋生命系统的主体构成成分,是海洋养殖和捕捞等典型渔业以及海洋生物学的主要内容;海洋遗传资源是海洋生命系统的重要构成成分,是探索生命起源、生物进化、发现物种的重要领域;海洋产物资源是现代海洋生物资源利用领域的直接对象,在新化合物和新材料的发现和人类疑难病症的治疗上将发挥越来越主要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 海洋生物资源 群体资源 遗传资源 产物资源 研究途径
作者 卢凤宁 张元兴 蔡孟浩 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期315-324,共10页
极地酵母菌要适应极地的极端环境,需以独特的适冷策略来维系生命,包括产生抗冻蛋白、不饱和脂肪酸、胞外多糖、色素和冷活性酶等。这些产物蕴含着巨大的开发潜力和商业价值,用于食品、农业、医药、纺织和卫生等领域。尽管关于极地酵母... 极地酵母菌要适应极地的极端环境,需以独特的适冷策略来维系生命,包括产生抗冻蛋白、不饱和脂肪酸、胞外多糖、色素和冷活性酶等。这些产物蕴含着巨大的开发潜力和商业价值,用于食品、农业、医药、纺织和卫生等领域。尽管关于极地酵母的研究已持续一个多世纪,但人们对其地理分布、多样性和生态功能的认识还存在明显不足,有待进一步的探索开发。本文综述了极地酵母菌的发现与应用研究进展,为极地酵母产物资源的研究与开发提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 极地环境 酵母菌 适冷 多样性 产物资源
餐厨垃圾处理技术方案概论 被引量:3
作者 季冉 《环境与发展》 2017年第10期119-120,共2页
关键词 餐厨垃圾处理 厌氧产沼气 预处理+全物料厌氧消化+产物资源化利用
基于中药资源产业化过程副产物开发禽畜用药及饲料添加剂的策略与路径 被引量:27
作者 赵明 段金廒 +5 位作者 张森 郭盛 宿树兰 吴启南 唐于平 曾建国 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第18期3628-3632,共5页
全球抗菌素耐受形势严峻,威胁人类健康,通过天然产物或传统药物资源的替代或减少食源性动物养殖抗菌素使用是世界各国追求和努力的方向之一。中药材生产及深加工产业化过程中产生大量的非药用部位及副产物未得到有效利用,既造成资源的... 全球抗菌素耐受形势严峻,威胁人类健康,通过天然产物或传统药物资源的替代或减少食源性动物养殖抗菌素使用是世界各国追求和努力的方向之一。中药材生产及深加工产业化过程中产生大量的非药用部位及副产物未得到有效利用,既造成资源的巨大浪费,又加剧了生态环境压力。然而,基于其传统应用记载和现代研究发现,这些未被利用的植物组织或副产物中含有的清热解毒、抗菌消炎等功能性化学物质,可作为禽畜用药及饲料添加剂的原料加以利用。该文在简述全球抗菌素耐受带来的严峻形势、抗菌素在食源性动物养殖中的应用等基础上,提出基于中药资源产业化过程副产物开发畜禽饲料添加剂及抗菌用药的策略和路径,以期为中药资源利用效率和效益的提升及多途径、多层次利用途径的拓展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 中药资源产物 禽畜用药 饲料添加剂 开发利用
Biotech key to unlock mineral resources value 被引量:3
作者 Guan-zhou QIU Xue-duan LIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第7期2309-2317,共9页
This work aims to describe the history of biometallurgy in China,introduce the development and application of biometallurgy technologies in exploitation of mineral resources,and identify the main challenges and future... This work aims to describe the history of biometallurgy in China,introduce the development and application of biometallurgy technologies in exploitation of mineral resources,and identify the main challenges and future directions.Although the earliest biometallurgy activities in China were documented in 6th−7th century BC,fundamental research and biometallurgy applications started relatively late in this country.Rapid development,from phenotypic to genotypic characterization of biometallurgy microorganisms,as well as from theoretical to practical applications,has been made in China since the 1950s.The integrated applications of biometallurgy technology in copper,gold,and uranium extraction ensured China’s economic reserves of strategic mineral resources.Developing more efficient microorganisms and strengthening the micro-interface reactions will be an effective way to improve the biometallurgy efficiency.Biometallurgy technologies can also be adapted to recovery of valuable metal from marine minerals and e-wastes and environmental protection including carbon sequestration and heavy metal polluted soil/sediment bioremediation. 展开更多
关键词 BIOTECHNOLOGY biometallurgy BIOLEACHING mineral resources nonferrous metals
Multi-objective optimization of methane production system from biomass through anaerobic digestion 被引量:1
作者 Weijun Li Jakob Kj?bsted Huusom +3 位作者 Zhimao Zhou Yi Nie Yajing Xu Xiangping Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2084-2092,共9页
This work addressed the multi-objective optimization of a biogas production system considering both environmental and economic criteria. A mixed integer non-linear programming(MINLP) model was established and solved w... This work addressed the multi-objective optimization of a biogas production system considering both environmental and economic criteria. A mixed integer non-linear programming(MINLP) model was established and solved with non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm Ⅱ, from which the Pareto fronts, the optimal technology combinations and operation conditions were obtained and analyzed. It's found that the system is feasible in both environmental and economic considerations after optimization. The most expensive processing section is decarbonization; the most expensive equipment is anaerobic digester; the most power-consuming processing section is digestion, followed by decarbonization and waste management. The positive green degree value on the process is attributed to processing section of digestion and waste management. 3:1 chicken feces and corn straw, solar energy, pressure swing adsorption and 3:1 chicken feces and rice straw, solar energy, pressure swing adsorption are turned out to be two robust technology combinations under different prices of methane and electricity by sensitivity analysis. The optimization results provide support for optimal design and operation of biogas production system considering environmental and economic objectives. 展开更多
关键词 Biogas production system MINLP Multi-objective optimization Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm Green degree value
The Study of Diversities of Marine Microbes in China 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Si ZHANG Changsheng TIAN Xinpeng WANG Fazuo LI Jie 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2010年第4期228-234,共7页
The oceans account for 71% of the Earth’s surface and are rich in the most advantageous and characteristic resources of marine microbes. The research on diversity is the key point for exploring and exploiting marine ... The oceans account for 71% of the Earth’s surface and are rich in the most advantageous and characteristic resources of marine microbes. The research on diversity is the key point for exploring and exploiting marine microbial resources. Giving attention to species diversity and genetic diversity of marine microbes, discovering novel metabolites with multiple functions, revealing key secondary metabolic process and the main regulation mechanisms in marine microbes, and developing a new technology of biosynthesis, are the important foundation for discovering innovative drugs and developing functional products with characteristics. The present paper has reviewed the recent advances in the four research areas of marine microbial species diversity, genetic diversity, chemical diversity and metabolic diversity in China. 展开更多
Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Origin of White Jade Worship: On the Myths of the Yellow Emperor's Eating Jade and Queen Mother of the West's Presenting the White Jade Ring
作者 YE Shu-xian LIU Wan-er 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期579-596,共18页
The white jade worship, born in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, brought about a "Protestant Revolution" in the development history of Chinese jade mythology, which had deep influence on the nation's ideology and mate... The white jade worship, born in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, brought about a "Protestant Revolution" in the development history of Chinese jade mythology, which had deep influence on the nation's ideology and material production in the following 3,000 years. The myths of the Yellow Emperor's eating the white jade cream and the Queen Mother of the West living in Kunlun Jade Mountain, as recorded in Classic of Mountains and Seas, are mythological imaginations of the historical reality that the jades were spread from the West to the East and recreated by people living in the early state of the Central Plains. All such motifs, no matter the white jade cream that produced black jades, the Yellow Emperor's planting the jade flowers, the Kunlun Jade Mountains (the Mountain of Jades) where the Queen Mother of the West lives or the Jade Lake, clearly show Chinese indigenous worship for the white jades. Scholars like Su Xuelin and Ling Chunsheng think that Queen Mother of the West is the goddess of the moon that originated from the old West Asian civilization. However, such idea is full of contradictions and flaws after the discovery of Chinese unique worship for white jades and the holy mountain of Kunlun. The book Classic of Mountains and Seas, with records of 140 mountains that produce jades and 16 mountains that produce white jades, can be the white jade worshippers' bible to explore the holy material resources. 展开更多
关键词 jade mythology white jade worship the Yellow Emperor's eating jade cream the Queen Mother of theWest's presenting the white jade ring
Impact of grazing on soil, vegetation and ewe production performances in a semi-arid rangeland 被引量:3
作者 Muhammad ISLAM Abdul RAZZAQ +6 位作者 Shamim GUL Sarfraz AHMAD Taj MUHAMMAD Sawsan HASSAN Barbara RISCHKOWSKY M.N.M.IBRAHIM Mounir LOUHAICHI 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期685-694,共10页
Controlled grazing is considered a good management strategy to maintain or increase the live weight of livestock and to reduce vegetation degradation of rangelands. The present study investigated soil characteristics,... Controlled grazing is considered a good management strategy to maintain or increase the live weight of livestock and to reduce vegetation degradation of rangelands. The present study investigated soil characteristics, aboveground vegetation biomass dynamics and controlled grazinginduced changes in the live weight of local ewes in the semi-arid rangeland of Ahmadun, Ziarat, Balochistanprovince of Pakistan. An area of 115 ha was protected from livestock grazing in April 2014. In June 2015, soil characteristics within 0-30 cm depth i.e. soil organic matter(SOM), mineral nitrogen, p H and texture in controlled and uncontrolled grazing sites were assessed. Aboveground vegetation biomass measured in early(June) and late summer(August) in 2015 and 2016. The nutritional value i.e. crude protein, phosphorus(P), neutral detergent fiber(NDF), acid detergent fiber(ADF), calcium(Ca), magnesium(Mg) and potassium(K) of dominantplant species were assessed at the beginning of experiment in 2015. Vegetation cover of controlled and uncontrolled grazing sites was also measured during the two years of the study period using the Veg Measure software. From June to November in2015 and 2016, controlled and uncontrolled livestock grazing sites were grazed on a daily basis by local ewes with a stocking rate of 2 and 1 head ha^(-1) respectively. Results reveal that the organic matter contents of coarse-textured, slightly alkaline soil of the study site were in the range of 9.4-17.6 g kg^(-1) soil and showed a strong positive correlation with aboveground vegetation biomass. The biomass of plants was 56.5% and 33% greater at controlled than uncontrolled grazing site in 2015 and 2016 respectively and plant cover was also higher at controlled than uncontrolled grazing site in both years The nutrient contents were significantly(P<0.05)lower in grasses than shrubs. In both years, the controlled grazing increased the weight gain of ewes about two folds compared to the uncontrolled grazing.The results indicate that controlled grazing improved the vegetation biomass production and small ruminant productivity. 展开更多
关键词 Grazing exclosure Soil organic matter Vegetation cover VegMeasure
Influence of Prospecting and Crude Oil Production on Geoecological Parameters of Permafrost
作者 Sergey N. Buldovich Elena V. Stanis 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第2期244-249,共6页
The large reserves ofoil are disposed in zones of permafrost in shelf and continental fields. In Europe the subarctic and arctic tundra are abundant only in Nenetsky autonomous area and in the north-east of the republ... The large reserves ofoil are disposed in zones of permafrost in shelf and continental fields. In Europe the subarctic and arctic tundra are abundant only in Nenetsky autonomous area and in the north-east of the republic of Komi. Oil and gas production activity has threatened richest biological resources and health of the population of the region. A singularity of petroliferous fields of the north of Russia is the existence of the thick strata of permafrost. On top of them different heat-insulating overlying layers (snow, biogenic covers) reside. State and dynamics of permafrost cause progressing dangerous exogenic geoecological processes, which are exhibited completely. State of permafrost is instituted by exchange of heat in near-surface strata of a geological section. During the development of oil fields there is a disturbance of a temperature schedule of permafrost. For estimation of technical attack the analytical computational method of influence of the different factors on value of annual heat exchange and prediction of geocryological conditions is proposed. It is shown, that such dangerous phenomena as degradation of permafrost and thermokarst would develop in the first place, which would cause the destruction of natural ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Heat exchange PERMAFROST thermal parameters of rocks seasonal thawing layer thermokarst.
Cultivation of microalgae for biodiesel production:A review on upstream and downstream processing 被引量:7
作者 Xin Bei Tan Man Kee Lam +3 位作者 Yoshimitsu Uemura Jun Wei Lim Chung Yiin Wong Keat Teong Lee 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期17-30,共14页
Fluctuating market price of fossil fuel and overwhelming emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have resulted in climate change and have been a global concern in this decade. Hence, biodiesel has become an alt... Fluctuating market price of fossil fuel and overwhelming emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have resulted in climate change and have been a global concern in this decade. Hence, biodiesel has become an alternative option to fossil diesel as it is renewable and environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, this alternative fuel that is usually derived from terrestrial oil crops will cause shortage in food supply and deforestation if mass production is realized. In recent years, cultivation of aquatic microorganism(particularly microalgae) to produce biodiesel is considered as a practical solution due to their high growth rate and ability to synthesize large quantity of lipid within their cell. However, the development of energy and cost-efficiency of microalgae cultivation system are the main issues in producing renewable microalgae biodiesel. Of late, wastewater or organic compost has been used as the cultivation medium as it can provide sufficient nutrients to sustain microalgae growth.Microalgae cultivation method and system are vitally important as these factors undoubtedly affect the final microalgae biomass and lipid yield. In this review, the cultivation system of microalgae, nutrients demanded for microalgae production, cell harvesting and drying, microalgae oil extraction, and utilization of microalgae biomass for biodiesel production are introduced and discussed. It is anticipated to convey clearer perspectives in upstream and downstream processes in microalgae-derived biodiesel production. 展开更多
关键词 Microalgae Cultivation Lipid Biodiesel Harvesting
Protection and Utilization of Special Biological Resources and Biodiversity in Pu'er City
作者 Zhilin JIANG Liping YANG +2 位作者 Ganqian YU Zhengyue LI Wenzhang CHENG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1451-1454,共4页
In the paper, the animal and plant diversity and its main characteristics in Pu'er City were summarized, and reviewedthe development and utilization of main special biological industry. The policies and research i... In the paper, the animal and plant diversity and its main characteristics in Pu'er City were summarized, and reviewedthe development and utilization of main special biological industry. The policies and research institutions on protection and utilization of biodiversity in Pu'er City were introduced. At the last, we analyzed the deficiencies in the conservation and utilization of biodiversity in Pu'er City and proposed the relevant measures to strengthen protection and utilization of biological diversity in the future. 展开更多
关键词 biodiversity conservation institutions summarized endemic genera birds reserves planting medicines
Carbon Footprint Determination When Using Residual Agricultural Biomass for Energy Production
作者 Erol Murad 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2018年第3期119-126,共8页
At present, the focus is on distributed energy generation with low or negative carbon emissions as well as high conversion yields. In Romania, the renewable energy resource that can be used and produced when and where... At present, the focus is on distributed energy generation with low or negative carbon emissions as well as high conversion yields. In Romania, the renewable energy resource that can be used and produced when and wherever necessary is residual agricultural biomass with a potential of 31 million tons, which can produce over 40% of the national energy demand. Residual agricultural biomass is produced with an average energy efficiency of 6 kWh·bm/kWh input. The CHAB (combined heat and biochar production) concept produces high yield thermal energy as well as BC (biochar) with an average carbon footprint of 140 kg/ton biomass. If the energy produced is used to produce agricultural output, the negative carbon footprint increases by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. It increases energy independence, the safety of agricultural production, the number of jobs, and regional economic development. 展开更多
关键词 Waste biomass ENERGY BC CHAB carbon footprint.
A Conceptual Approach for Cannibalism Between Goods
作者 Mauro Maia Laruccia Joso Americo Martelli Tristao 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第11期989-995,共7页
The launching of a new product is an essential strategy for the survival and success of a company. However, in certain cases, it can reduce the results obtained by other products of the same company. This fact is nam... The launching of a new product is an essential strategy for the survival and success of a company. However, in certain cases, it can reduce the results obtained by other products of the same company. This fact is named "cannibalism". Following by a review of the literature on cannibalism between goods, this paper outlines a conceptual approach, showing the way it happens, its impacts, and the possibility of its uses as a marketing tool. A new product should, wherever possible, be carefully designed to avoid cannibalizing old products, unless this process is carefully planned. Concludes that creating and launching of new products are critical to companies who want to stand out next to their markets and need to survive over time. A lot of new products launched each year, coupled with the fact that most are line extensions already worked by companies, so we assume that the occurrence of cannibalism is common, or that a significant amount of resources are designed to prevent or dilute it. There is a high probability of transfer of results obtained by established products to new products, since similarity between 展开更多
Climate Change and Environmental Impact Caused by Anthropogenic 被引量:1
作者 Omar Khodjet Kesba Mustapha Kamel Mihoubi Abdelhamid Hebbouche 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第5期668-672,共5页
For the last two decades the world has undergone a population explosion which has been accompanied by a speeding up of urbanization and land use for industrial and agricultural products. These involve a vast increase ... For the last two decades the world has undergone a population explosion which has been accompanied by a speeding up of urbanization and land use for industrial and agricultural products. These involve a vast increase in the discharge of pollutants into very different receiving water bodies, and have had adverse effects on the various components of the environment. For a long time, human has concerned a little of the natural environment. It is obvious that this variation in surface temperature of the earth increases the level of sea due to snowmelt. So climate change is manifested by many phenomena: floods, droughts, fires, tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, diseases etc.. The statement today is dramatic. Entire regions were devastated and many rivers and lakes have become polluted around the world. Pollution has it nature which is hard to be absorbed. Where did the different pollutants come from? What are the risks to the aquatic environment? To prevent and combat the general decline of these ecosystems, it is important to distinguish and determine the effects of different sources of pollution and any changes that may suffer the physical environment. The climate depends primarily on changes in earth orbit parameters, which affect the solar radiation received by the earth surface. Therefore, human participates strongly to these changes, for example, pollution is the main reason to argue the greenhouse effect, an increase of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which promotes global warming to the planet. These modifications are already applied in order to ensure durable development in water resources by controlling discharges into streams to preserve water resources for future generations and to ensure reconciliation between man-climate and environment. 展开更多
关键词 Human CLIMATE environment anthropogenic pollution SOIL water.
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