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论国际人权法的产生和历史分期 被引量:4
作者 郭曰君 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期18-25,共8页
无论是"二阶段论"还是"三阶段论",学者们大都回避国际人权法的产生问题。国际人权法的产生,必须同时符合三项标准:其一,以国际人权条约的形式确定缔约国应当遵守的人权标准;其二,依法建立专门负责监督该人权条约实... 无论是"二阶段论"还是"三阶段论",学者们大都回避国际人权法的产生问题。国际人权法的产生,必须同时符合三项标准:其一,以国际人权条约的形式确定缔约国应当遵守的人权标准;其二,依法建立专门负责监督该人权条约实施的国际机构;其三,建立法定的监督程序。以此为标准,国际劳工组织的劳工保护制度和国际联盟的少数人保护制度标志着国际人权法的产生,尽管它们存在这样或那样的缺陷。国际人权法的历史发展过程分为三个阶段:萌芽阶段、产生和初步发展阶段、全面发展阶段。 展开更多
关键词 国际人权法 产生历史分期 两阶段论
维吾尔族生态伦理思想产生发展历史探析 被引量:2
作者 刘东英 《民族论坛》 2011年第11X期98-103,共6页
本文重点探讨维吾尔族生态伦理思想产生发展的历史。文章认为,远古至漠北回鹘时期为维吾尔族生态伦理思想的孕育时期。这一时期维吾尔先民已经开始了对人与自然关系的思考。这一思考主要是以一种被动适应自然生态系统的经验形态呈现的... 本文重点探讨维吾尔族生态伦理思想产生发展的历史。文章认为,远古至漠北回鹘时期为维吾尔族生态伦理思想的孕育时期。这一时期维吾尔先民已经开始了对人与自然关系的思考。这一思考主要是以一种被动适应自然生态系统的经验形态呈现的。高昌回鹘汗国与喀喇罕王朝时期至近代维吾尔族生态伦理思想的形成发展时期。这一时期维吾尔先民对人与自然关系的思考已经进入到了理性的哲学思考阶段,以从整体上把握生命共同体,追求人与自然的和谐统一成为特征。探讨维吾尔族生态伦理思想产生发展的历史目的是为系统挖掘蕴含在维吾尔族自然观、生产生活方式、宗教信仰、文学典籍、禁忌习俗以及乡规民约习惯法中的维吾尔族生态伦理智慧奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 维吾尔族 生态伦理思想 产生发展历史
作者 何天慧 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第1期193-204,共12页
关键词 《格萨尔》史诗 吐谷浑 部落战争 党项 苏毗 年代考 产生历史 象雄 公元 子名
作者 王庆 《语言与教育研究》 2023年第4期5-12,F0002,共9页
克罗夫特认为,被动语态产生于把过程性事件表达成状态性事件的过程。然而,对被动语态历史产生过程的研究并不支持克罗夫特的观点。在语言最初期,是没有被动语态的,主动和被动的概念都用主动形式表示;后来随着表达的需要,被动语态才逐渐... 克罗夫特认为,被动语态产生于把过程性事件表达成状态性事件的过程。然而,对被动语态历史产生过程的研究并不支持克罗夫特的观点。在语言最初期,是没有被动语态的,主动和被动的概念都用主动形式表示;后来随着表达的需要,被动语态才逐渐发展起来,但至今被动语态的形式还是不如主动形式那样完备。 展开更多
关键词 被动语态 历史产生过程 认知因素
关于叶景葵及其《述汉冶萍产生之历史》的考证 被引量:4
作者 张实 《黄石理工学院学报(人文社科版)》 2008年第2期76-83,共8页
关键词 叶景葵 《述汉治萍产生历史 汉冶萍公司
张之洞创办汉阳铁厂之历史平议 被引量:1
作者 李海涛 《湖北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第5期103-108,共6页
长期以来,学术界关于张之洞创办汉阳铁厂之问题存在不实指摘,究其根源,与民国元年叶景葵撰《述汉冶萍产生之历史》一文有关。该文在学术界研究汉阳铁厂创建史时被广泛利用,然此文所述张之洞订购汉阳铁厂炼钢设备的细节存在诸多失实之处... 长期以来,学术界关于张之洞创办汉阳铁厂之问题存在不实指摘,究其根源,与民国元年叶景葵撰《述汉冶萍产生之历史》一文有关。该文在学术界研究汉阳铁厂创建史时被广泛利用,然此文所述张之洞订购汉阳铁厂炼钢设备的细节存在诸多失实之处,不应被采信。张之洞在创办汉阳铁厂过程中,受时代局限,固然有诸多考虑不周之处,但在各界訾议最多的订购炼钢设备环节,亦不乏理性考虑。汉阳铁厂后期出现的产品质量问题,责任不能完全由其承担。张之洞一手缔造中国第一家大型钢铁联营企业,推动中国钢铁工业建设由思想讨论向实践探索转变,其成就足以用“丰功伟业”去形容。 展开更多
关键词 张之洞 汉阳铁厂 《述汉冶萍产生历史
作者 钱影 《法制与经济》 2011年第8期105-106,共2页
历史法学的产生有其深刻的社会历史背景、政治思想背景和法律思想背景。历史法学,一般是指18世纪末19世纪初,在德国形成的以胡果和萨维尼为代表的,以历史的观点和历史的方法来研究法律的一种思潮。历史法学对德国和其他国家法典的制定... 历史法学的产生有其深刻的社会历史背景、政治思想背景和法律思想背景。历史法学,一般是指18世纪末19世纪初,在德国形成的以胡果和萨维尼为代表的,以历史的观点和历史的方法来研究法律的一种思潮。历史法学对德国和其他国家法典的制定都产生了深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 历史法学的产生背景 历史法学的定义 历史法学的影响
作者 蒋建平 李荣幸 +1 位作者 刘廷志 李发 《河南林业科技》 1990年第2期8-11,共4页
农桐间作对农业究竟是有利,还是有害?作者根据二十多年的有关研究成果和实践经验,对其产生历史、发展过程及存在问题进行了科学的论述和客观地分析,并针对存在问题提出了相应的对策。本文充分肯定了农桐间作在促进农业稳产高产中所起到... 农桐间作对农业究竟是有利,还是有害?作者根据二十多年的有关研究成果和实践经验,对其产生历史、发展过程及存在问题进行了科学的论述和客观地分析,并针对存在问题提出了相应的对策。本文充分肯定了农桐间作在促进农业稳产高产中所起到的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 农业 泡桐 间作 对策 产生历史 发展过程 速生用材树种 林业建设
投合潮流 对应受众——对美国高收视热点专栏“法庭秀”的诠解
作者 皓传 瑞君 《南方电视学刊》 2001年第1期95-96,共2页
去年初夏,笔者参与广东省电视代表团赴美、加访问,并同美、加两国的电视主流节目的管理、制作人员进行了学术交流。美国电视大量播出的谈话节目尤其是“法庭秀”引起了我们的关注。本文准备结合考察所见进行专题剖析,以备电视同行借... 去年初夏,笔者参与广东省电视代表团赴美、加访问,并同美、加两国的电视主流节目的管理、制作人员进行了学术交流。美国电视大量播出的谈话节目尤其是“法庭秀”引起了我们的关注。本文准备结合考察所见进行专题剖析,以备电视同行借鉴:也为广东电视台节目改革、栏目设置提供一个具体的参考例子。 展开更多
关键词 美国 《法庭秀》 电视事业 产生历史 节目改革 栏目设置
作者 业露华 《当代宗教研究》 CSSCI 2001年第3期43-49,共7页
巴哈伊,也称作“巴哈伊信仰”(Balla‘iFaith),我国以前也有译作“巴海运动”、“巴哈教”或“白海教”的。我国的香港、台湾地区曾经把巴哈伊教称为“大同教”。这是一个在当代社会非常活跃的新兴的世界性宗教。巴哈伊信仰创立的时... 巴哈伊,也称作“巴哈伊信仰”(Balla‘iFaith),我国以前也有译作“巴海运动”、“巴哈教”或“白海教”的。我国的香港、台湾地区曾经把巴哈伊教称为“大同教”。这是一个在当代社会非常活跃的新兴的世界性宗教。巴哈伊信仰创立的时间不算太长,至今只有一百多年的历史,但它在一百多年却已经走过了从创立到迅速发展成为一个新兴的世界性宗教的全部历程。巴哈伊教发源于伊朗,现在已经走向世界各地。今天,巴哈伊信仰不仅在中东,而且在世界许多国家和地区都建有社团。据巴哈伊信仰的领导机构宣称,目前巴哈伊教已经在全世界近二百多个国家和地区建立了基层机构,其分布范围之广,已经仅次于基督教,在世界各宗教组织中占了第二位。 展开更多
关键词 巴哈伊信仰 基本原则 “大同教” 宗教信仰 产生历史 信仰内容 信仰理念
作者 孙奉媛 《管理观察》 1995年第1期19-19,共1页
在洛杉矶(美国)PhenixGroup公司专家的文章中论述了质量统计监督方法的产生历史和早在中世纪时期的实际应用情况。指出,这种方法是17世纪帕斯卡奠定的基础,进而借助于概率论进行了研究和论证并在20世纪前半期应用电子计算机进行了... 在洛杉矶(美国)PhenixGroup公司专家的文章中论述了质量统计监督方法的产生历史和早在中世纪时期的实际应用情况。指出,这种方法是17世纪帕斯卡奠定的基础,进而借助于概率论进行了研究和论证并在20世纪前半期应用电子计算机进行了数学论证。简要介绍了在美国、英国、日本采用现代统计方法的特点。论证了在采用质量管理系统和产品销售阶段,特别是在电子工业和其他科学密集型领域采用这种方法的必要性。强调指出了提高产品质量方面的各类工作人员──电子学工程师、程序设计师、咨询人员和经济师掌握和利用统计方法的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 提高产品质量 统计方法 电子学工程师 20世纪前半期 质量管理系统 程序设计师 数学论证 必要性 质量统计 产生历史
Paleoproductivity evolution in the West Philippine Sea during the last 700 ka 被引量:4
作者 唐正 李铁刚 +2 位作者 常凤鸣 南青云 李青 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期435-444,共10页
In order to reconstruct the paleoproductivity evolution history of the West Philippine Sea during the last 700 ka, the vertical gradient of Δδ13C in dissolved inorganic carbon Δδ13C between those of foraminifera P... In order to reconstruct the paleoproductivity evolution history of the West Philippine Sea during the last 700 ka, the vertical gradient of Δδ13C in dissolved inorganic carbon Δδ13C between those of foraminifera Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi) and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages were analysed in piston Core MD06-3047 retrieved from the Benham Rise (east of the Luzon Island). Paleoproductivity evolution in the West Philippine Sea during the last 700 ka is closely related to glacial-interglacial cycles and precession-controlled insolation. Controlling factors ofpaleoproductivity could have been both thermocline fluctuations related with ENSO-Iike processes and eolian input associated with East Asian winter monsoon, and the former could have been the primary factor. A higher productivity and a shallower thermocline coeval with the occurrence of low CO2 concentrations in the EPICA Dome C ice core might indicate that biological export production in the low-latitude could act as a significant sink in the global carbon cycle, and modify atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Spectral analysis further reveals that the paleoproductivity is mainly controlled by thermocline fluctuations subjected to ENSO processes responding to processional variability of insolation. High coherences in eccentricity, obliquity and precession periods fiuther revealing the close link between thermocline fluctuations, paleoproductivity and atmospheric CO2 levels. 展开更多
关键词 PALEOPRODUCTIVITY thermocline depth paleo-ENSO west Philippine Sea
Sources and significance of variation in basal,summit and maximal metabolic rates in birds 被引量:7
作者 Andrew E. MCKECHNIE David L. SWANSON 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期741-758,共18页
The rates at which birds use energy may have profound effects on fitness, thereby influencing physiology, behavior, ecology and evolution. Comparisons of standardized metabolic rates (e.g., lower and upper limits of ... The rates at which birds use energy may have profound effects on fitness, thereby influencing physiology, behavior, ecology and evolution. Comparisons of standardized metabolic rates (e.g., lower and upper limits of metabolic power output) present a method for elucidating the effects of ecological and evolutionary factors on the interface between physiology and life history in birds. In this paper we review variation in avian metabolic rates [basal metabolic rate (BMR; minimum normothermic metabolic rate), summit metabolic rate (Msum; maximal thermoregulatory metabolic rate), and maximal metabolic rate (MMR; maximal exercise metabolic rate)], the factors associated with this variation, the evidence for functional links between these metabolic traits, and the ecological and evolutionary significance of avian metabolic diversity. Both lower and upper limits to metabolic power production are phenotypically flexible traits, and vary in association with numerous ecological and evolutionary factors. For both inter- and intraspecific comparisons, lower and upper limits to metabolic power production are generally upregulated in response to energetically demanding conditions and downregulated when energetic demands are relaxed, or under conditions of energetic scarcity. Positive correlations have been documented between BMR, Msum and MMR in some, but not all studies on birds, providing partial support for the idea of a functional link between lower and upper limits to metabolic power production, but more intraspecific studies are needed to determine the robustness of this conclusion. Correlations between BMR and field metabolic rate (or daily energy expenditure) in birds are variable, suggesting that the linkage between these traits is subject to behavioral adjustment, and studies of the relationship between field and maximal metabolic rates are lacking. Our understanding of avian metabolic diversity would benefit from future studies of: (1) the functional and mechanistic links between lower and upper limits of metabolic power output; (2) the environmental and ecological cues driving phenotypically flexible metabolic responses, and how responses to such cues might impact population responses to climate change; (3) the shapes of metabolic reaction norms and their association with environmental variability; and (4) the relationship of metabolic variation to fitness, including studies of repeatability and heritability of minimum and maximum metabolic power output [Current Zoology 56 (6): 741-758, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Phenotypic flexibility Reaction norms Basal metabolic rate Maximal metabolic rate BIRDS
Study on RMP Accreditation
作者 He Ping Zhai Peijun 《China Standardization》 2010年第3期14-18,共5页
Accreditation requirements for reference material producers (RMP) are systematica duced from the viewpoints of origination causes, development history, and domestic and international status in quo.
Analysis on the Relationship among Memorizing Ability, Note-taking, and Psychological Factors in Interpretation Teaching
作者 Yufang RUAN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期68-70,共3页
Since China's reform and accession to the world trade organization (WTO), the international labor division, cooperation, and communication of production have been a direction of the global productivity development.... Since China's reform and accession to the world trade organization (WTO), the international labor division, cooperation, and communication of production have been a direction of the global productivity development. The expansion of the world trade organization and the growth of multinational corporations have promoted China's market economy to head for internationalization; the exchanges of all countries' science and technology, culture, and education have become increasingly frequent and beyond the borders very early, so opening-up has become a world trend. China is playing an important role in this historical process. In this situation, the importance of language translation is increasing day by day, and an unprecedented prosperous situation has especially appeared to the interpretation. In order to accord with this new historical situation, many colleges and universities have set up language translation program and have offered interpretation course. To promote the economic development of China and train more senior interpreters, the studies of interpretation teaching and the improvement of interpretation teaching quality have been particularly important. In this paper, the relationship among memory, note-taking, and psychological factors are analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 The Current Situation of Interpretation Teaching MEMORY Note-taking Psychological Factors and the Teaching Effect
From Oil to Renewable Energies: An Ecological Concern
作者 Julieta Evangelina Sanchez Cano 《Sociology Study》 2012年第7期527-539,共13页
The energetic sector is necessary for productive activity in the world, because energy is one of the most essential economic resources. The energy, at a social-historic level, always has been relevant for the developm... The energetic sector is necessary for productive activity in the world, because energy is one of the most essential economic resources. The energy, at a social-historic level, always has been relevant for the development of any society, and as a country advanced in this field, there is an important increase of their energetic needs, in such a way that all energy supplies are considered as a national security strategy for many countries. This element, the natural resources of their own, their existence and good management are and will be the key for the coming years and decades to achieve the national security in the energetic field, economic development, and environment. This last argument has a great importance for the issues that are generated by an environmental crisis and the greenhouse effect in the world, due to the consumption of energy from oil and coal. All these justify the relevance of performing an analysis of the problems between the energy development and the environment, and both issues are presented in this paper from the economic history point of view. 展开更多
关键词 Greenhouse effect sustainable development renewable energies
Encountering Mandela on Screen: Transnational Collaboration in Mandela Image Production From 1987-2010
作者 Okaka Opio Dokotum 《Sociology Study》 2013年第10期794-802,共9页
This article examines transnational collaboration in the production of Mandela's biopics and what it means for Mandela's self-image, for South African history, and for the globalization of human experience. The film... This article examines transnational collaboration in the production of Mandela's biopics and what it means for Mandela's self-image, for South African history, and for the globalization of human experience. The films covered in this discussion include: Mandela (1987), Sarafina (1992), Mandela and de Klerk (1997), Goodbye Bafana (2007), Endgame (2009), and Invictus (2010). The article examines the portrayals of Mandela as a lover, action hero, conciliator, and as a symbol of the anti-apartheid liberation struggle, and then focuses on Invictus, Clint Eastwood's adaptation of Carlin's book, Playing the Enemy to show the degree to which Mandela is incarnated on screen through Morgan Freeman's stunning performance while at the same time underscoring the dangers of Euro-American cultural production of Mandela's image. While Carlin's book employs reminiscences, flashbacks, and shifting chronology to expose the injustice, oppression and brutality that the Springboks symbolized, the film instead focuses on magnifying Mandela's image and charm at the expense of South African history, leading to the misrepresentation of Mandela: the "heroic self-transcendence" typical of Hollywood's shallow treatment of historical material for commercial and cultural expediency. 展开更多
关键词 Nelson Mandela film adaptation heritage construction image production post-colonial celebrity
A Political Aspect of the Korean Wave in Taiwan
作者 Lim Nga Khing 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期606-617,共12页
Studies of the Korean Wave in Taiwan have construed the genesis of the Wave as either accidental, evitable, or taken it for granted. Problematising the genesis of the Korean Wave in Taiwan, the paper proposes to see i... Studies of the Korean Wave in Taiwan have construed the genesis of the Wave as either accidental, evitable, or taken it for granted. Problematising the genesis of the Korean Wave in Taiwan, the paper proposes to see it as the product of social and political forces pertaining to a specific moment of history of Taiwan. Other than deeming the genesis categorically as a cultural instance, it argues that the Wave is in effect the production manufactured at the convergence of social political changes at a historical moment unprecedented in Taiwan history. To respond to the new social and political conditions, the Korean Wave is deliberately appropriated as the extension of social institution and political control for the purpose of prolonging class interests of the traditional rulers. By means of mammoth circulation and transmission of print media and television broadcast, the Wave is immediately called into being and captivates a throng of Taiwan Residents audience. In return, the overwhelming popularity of Korean TV dramas is capitalized on politically besides socially and culturally in order to meet new needs. Resiting the Korean Wave in Taiwan in the social and political processes at the specific moment of Taiwan history, its genesis is thereby complicated and overdetermined on top of the advanced and promised drama qualities and productions. Inevitably a limited view, however, the paper is hoped to provide an alternative aspect to the studies of the Korean Wave either in Taiwan or other regions. 展开更多
关键词 Korean TV dramas product social and political processes media in question INTENSION TELEVISION mammoth
A half-century of radioisotope neutron sources in China
作者 Cai Shanyu 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2009年第4期22-34,共13页
Near 50 years history of the development of radioisotope neutron sources in China is briefly reviewed.The structure design,preparing technology and production status of routine neutron sources including 210Po-Be sourc... Near 50 years history of the development of radioisotope neutron sources in China is briefly reviewed.The structure design,preparing technology and production status of routine neutron sources including 210Po-Be sources,210Po mock fission sources,241Am-Be sources,238Pu-Be sources,252Cf spontaneous fission sources and other special-shape neutron sources are summarized.In addition,the prospects of development on radioisotope neutron source in China are predicted from the needs of nuclear power construction,oil well-logging,neutron moisture gauge and neutron brachytherapy. 展开更多
关键词 radioisotope neutron source α n source spontaneous fission source source core preparing source capsule sealing quality control oil well-logging neutron moisture gauge neutron brachytherapy
作者 柳怪 《汽车杂志》 2006年第3期126-129,共4页
关键词 防弹车 安全 价值 产生历史 性能
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