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不同种植密度对桂糖系列甘蔗新品种农艺性状及产量的影响 被引量:21
作者 陆建勋 邓展云 +4 位作者 刘晓静 李鸣 徐林 贤武 刘海斌 《广西农业科学》 CSCD 2010年第11期1170-1172,共3页
以桂糖21号、桂糖26号、桂糖27号和桂糖28号为试验材料,设4个种植密度水平,研究不同种植密度对4个甘蔗品种农艺性状及产量的影响。结果表明,种植密度越高,桂糖26号和桂糖27号的公顷有效茎数越多,桂糖21号和桂糖28号在种植密度为15万芽/h... 以桂糖21号、桂糖26号、桂糖27号和桂糖28号为试验材料,设4个种植密度水平,研究不同种植密度对4个甘蔗品种农艺性状及产量的影响。结果表明,种植密度越高,桂糖26号和桂糖27号的公顷有效茎数越多,桂糖21号和桂糖28号在种植密度为15万芽/ha时公顷有效茎数最多;桂糖21号在种植密度为15万芽/ha时产蔗量和含糖量最高,桂糖26号、桂糖27号和桂糖28号在种植密度为12万芽/ha时产蔗量和含糖量最高;在中等土壤肥力下,桂糖21号、桂糖26号、桂糖27号和桂糖28号种植密度以9万~12万芽/ha为宜;种植密度过高时,桂糖28号显著减产;不同种植密度对甘蔗的蔗糖分影响不大。 展开更多
关键词 品种 桂糖系列 种植密度 产蔗量 含糖 糖分
不同施氮量对新台糖16号的产量和品质的影响 被引量:10
作者 陆国盈 韩世健 杨培忠 《广西蔗糖》 2001年第4期3-8,共6页
新台糖 16号在 667m2施用过磷酸钙 60 kg、氯化钾 30 kg的基础上 ,分别设施尿素 4 0 kg(N1)、 60 kg(N2 )和 80 kg(N3)三个不同施氮水平处理。新植、宿根两年的试验结果表明 :每667m2 施尿素 60 kg,N∶ P2 O5∶ K2 O比例为 1∶ 0 .35∶ ... 新台糖 16号在 667m2施用过磷酸钙 60 kg、氯化钾 30 kg的基础上 ,分别设施尿素 4 0 kg(N1)、 60 kg(N2 )和 80 kg(N3)三个不同施氮水平处理。新植、宿根两年的试验结果表明 :每667m2 施尿素 60 kg,N∶ P2 O5∶ K2 O比例为 1∶ 0 .35∶ 0 .65的施氮水平 (N2 ) ,其株高、茎径、单茎重和蔗茎产量 ,在三个处理中最优 ,施肥效益最好 ,其工艺品质也达到糖厂 11月份开榨的要求 ,是新台糖 展开更多
关键词 施氮 新台糖16号 产蔗量 糖分 栽培
作者 吴诗 冯奕玺 《科学种养》 2008年第12期16-17,共2页
雷州丰岛蔗区既是糖蔗主产区,又是果蔗产区,土壤、气候、环境条件适宜果蔗生长,是种植果蔗的好地方。该蔗区的湛江、麻章、雷州、遂溪、廉江和徐闻等县(市)种植果蔗面积1334公顷,一般公顷产蔗量75~90吨,高产的达120~150吨。现... 雷州丰岛蔗区既是糖蔗主产区,又是果蔗产区,土壤、气候、环境条件适宜果蔗生长,是种植果蔗的好地方。该蔗区的湛江、麻章、雷州、遂溪、廉江和徐闻等县(市)种植果蔗面积1334公顷,一般公顷产蔗量75~90吨,高产的达120~150吨。现将该蔗区果蔗丰产优质无公害栽培技术介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 无公害栽培技术 优质 产蔗量 雷州 种植
机械化生产对桂糖47号宿根能力的影响与分析 被引量:5
作者 王伦旺 邓宇驰 +4 位作者 谭芳 唐仕云 黄海荣 经艳 杨荣仲 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期2163-2166,共4页
【目的】探讨机械收获对桂糖47号宿根能力的影响,为桂糖47号的机械化生产提供依据。【方法】在对桂糖47号新植蔗进行机械化种植和管理的基础上,分别进行机械收获和人工砍收对比试验,连续2年调查宿根蔗的发株率、产蔗量、蔗糖分及相关农... 【目的】探讨机械收获对桂糖47号宿根能力的影响,为桂糖47号的机械化生产提供依据。【方法】在对桂糖47号新植蔗进行机械化种植和管理的基础上,分别进行机械收获和人工砍收对比试验,连续2年调查宿根蔗的发株率、产蔗量、蔗糖分及相关农艺性状并进行分析。【结果】桂糖47号在机械收获后的第1和2年宿根的发株率、株高、茎径、有效茎、产蔗量、蔗糖分与人工收获的差异均不显著。其中机械收获后的第2年宿根产蔗量达到101.70 t/hm^2,含糖量达到15.32 t/hm^2,与人工砍收的相当。【结论】桂糖47号宿根能力强,抗倒能力强,耐机收碾压能力强,适合全程机械化生产,在劳动力缺乏的蔗区应加速推广应用,以降低成本,提高效益。 展开更多
关键词 机械化生 桂糖47号 宿根能力 产蔗量 含糖
2003-2004年广西甘蔗品种区域试验报告 被引量:9
作者 刘海斌 何红 张革民 《广西农业科学》 CSCD 2006年第2期130-134,共5页
为探讨我区新育成及引进的甘蔗优良品系在全区各蔗区的表现,为新品种的选育、审定和推广提供依据,自2003年1月至2005年1月,实施了由9个区试点参加、涉及8个参试材料及一个对照品种的广西甘蔗品种区域试验。结果表明:桂糖96-154,中大茎,... 为探讨我区新育成及引进的甘蔗优良品系在全区各蔗区的表现,为新品种的选育、审定和推广提供依据,自2003年1月至2005年1月,实施了由9个区试点参加、涉及8个参试材料及一个对照品种的广西甘蔗品种区域试验。结果表明:桂糖96-154,中大茎,早熟、高糖、丰产,宿根性、抗旱能力强,甘蔗蔗糖分与新台糖16号相近,产蔗量较新台糖16号增12.4%,含糖量增10.2%;桂糖96-211,中大茎、早熟、丰产、高糖,宿根性强,产蔗量较对照增121%,含糖量增10.2%,蔗糖分与对照种新台糖16号相近;桂糖94-116,中茎、早熟、高糖、高产,宿根性好,产蔗量较对照种增4.7%,含糖量增8.9%,甘蔗蔗糖分增0.6%。综合适应指数的计算与分析过程简洁,结果通俗易懂,可成为区试材料在各生态区域综合适应性分析的一种简便方法。 展开更多
关键词 品种 区域试验 适应指数 适应性 宿根性 产蔗量 含糖
甘蔗脱毒健康种苗田间比较试验 被引量:28
作者 游建华 曾慧 +2 位作者 李松 莫磊兴 刘红坚 《中国糖料》 2005年第2期12-15,共4页
甘蔗脱毒健康种苗与常规种植田间比较试验结果表明,在新植连作时,无论是否健康种苗繁殖的后代,每茬都进行热水脱毒处理,其效果好于传统的常规种植,桂糖11号蔗茎增幅45.28%~51.19%,拔地拉蔗茎增幅61.49%~66.22%;而且每茬下种前的种茎... 甘蔗脱毒健康种苗与常规种植田间比较试验结果表明,在新植连作时,无论是否健康种苗繁殖的后代,每茬都进行热水脱毒处理,其效果好于传统的常规种植,桂糖11号蔗茎增幅45.28%~51.19%,拔地拉蔗茎增幅61.49%~66.22%;而且每茬下种前的种茎都进行热水处理后种植比前茬健康种苗种植出的种茎不再进行热水处理就直接下种效果好,桂糖11号蔗茎增幅2.92%~6.78%,拔地拉蔗茎增幅0.48%~0.66%;而后者又比传统常规种植方法好,桂糖11号蔗茎增幅38.50%~48.27%,拔地拉蔗茎增幅61.01%~65.56%。上一茬已做过热水处理、茎尖脱毒组培苗种植,新植1年后的宿根蔗桂糖11号蔗茎增幅也比对照高32.05%~40.86%。各个处理的蔗糖分均比对照有所提高,增幅0.91%~1.71%(绝对值)。 展开更多
关键词 脱毒健康种苗 产蔗量
作者 张春良 《热带农业科技》 2004年第1期16-17,32,共3页
关键词 云南 品种 区域试验 产蔗量 含糖 性状
作者 莫广盛 蒙旭军 《广西蔗糖》 2001年第2期13-14,共2页
CP8 0 / 182 7、 CP81/ 1384、新台糖 16三个甘蔗新品种与广西当家品种桂糖 11号进行一年新植、一年宿根对比试验。结果新台糖 16两造公顷产蔗量及含糖量分别比桂糖 11号增 14.1%和 2 4 .2 % ,一些主要农艺性状也优于桂糖 11号 ;CP80 / ... CP8 0 / 182 7、 CP81/ 1384、新台糖 16三个甘蔗新品种与广西当家品种桂糖 11号进行一年新植、一年宿根对比试验。结果新台糖 16两造公顷产蔗量及含糖量分别比桂糖 11号增 14.1%和 2 4 .2 % ,一些主要农艺性状也优于桂糖 11号 ;CP80 / 182 7两造公顷总产量比桂糖 11号低13.6 % ,但总含糖量比桂糖 11号增加 16 .3% 展开更多
关键词 品比试验 广西 产蔗量 含糖
《广西糖业》 2021年第5期F0002-F0002,共1页
亲本:崖城94-46 x新台糖22号o特征特性:植株直立紧凑,高度中等,中茎。早熟高产高糖,新植萌芽好,分菓力强,前期生长稍慢;宿根蔗发株早且多,成茎率高,宿根年限可达4~5年以上。产量:据2007~2008年广西区试两年新植一年宿根试验结果,新植宿... 亲本:崖城94-46 x新台糖22号o特征特性:植株直立紧凑,高度中等,中茎。早熟高产高糖,新植萌芽好,分菓力强,前期生长稍慢;宿根蔗发株早且多,成茎率高,宿根年限可达4~5年以上。产量:据2007~2008年广西区试两年新植一年宿根试验结果,新植宿根平均亩产蔗茎6.41吨,与对照种新台糖22号(6.57吨)相近。其宿根性突出,第一年宿根蔗平均亩产蔗量为6.26吨,比对照种新台糖22号(5.67吨)增产10.4%,多1310条蔗茎。 展开更多
关键词 广西农科院 宿根 新台糖22号 宿根性 特征特性 高糖 前期生长 产蔗量
作者 陆耀新 郭小强 赵肖丽 《广西农学报》 1999年第3期58-60,共3页
广西甘蔗主栽品种已沿用多年,表现品种老化,低产、低糖,抗逆性差等,因此,甘蔗品种更新更换势在必行。广西区内目前育成和引进了不少新品种,这无疑对甘蔗品种的改良具有促进作用。为了解新品种在我区各地的表现情况,我们最近先后到达横... 广西甘蔗主栽品种已沿用多年,表现品种老化,低产、低糖,抗逆性差等,因此,甘蔗品种更新更换势在必行。广西区内目前育成和引进了不少新品种,这无疑对甘蔗品种的改良具有促进作用。为了解新品种在我区各地的表现情况,我们最近先后到达横县、扶绥、鹿寨、邕宁、合浦、北海、?.. 展开更多
关键词 新品种 调查分析 新台糖16号 产蔗量 新台糖20 糖分 广西甘研究所 绿叶数 土壤环境 孕穗率
Effects of Different Plastic films Mulching on Soil Temperature and Moisture, the Growth and Yield of Sugarcane 被引量:3
作者 许树宁 吴建明 +5 位作者 黄杏 谢金兰 罗亚伟 梁阗 黄家雍 李杨瑞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第9期2073-2076,F0003,共5页
[Objective] The effects of different plastic films mulching on soil temperature and moisture, and growth and yield of sugarcane were discussed in order to provide references for using different plastic film in sugarca... [Objective] The effects of different plastic films mulching on soil temperature and moisture, and growth and yield of sugarcane were discussed in order to provide references for using different plastic film in sugarcane pro-duction. [Method]Four kinds of plastic films viz., normal colorless transparent plastic film, milky photodegradation weeding plastic film, black plastic film and gray-black plastic film were used in sugarcane cultivation by using no film mulching as the control. Soil temperature and moisture were measured during plastic film mulching period, and sugarcane agronomic traits such as emergence rate, tillering rate, plant hight, stalk diameter and effective stalk number were investigated during growth period, the cane yield and economic benefits were calculated during harvest period. [Result] The results showed that plastic film mulching could significantly increase soil temperature and moisture. Com-pared with the control, soil temperature was increased by 0.3-0.8 ℃ in three plastic films mulching treatment except for gray-black plastic film mulching. The soil moisture of all mulching treatments was 10.1%-17.4% higher than the control. Furthermore, the seedling emergence rate, tillering rate, effective stalk number and cane yield also could be improved using plastic film mulching,which were increased by 0.8%-9.9%, 20.6%-34.9%, 5190-10980 stalks/hm^2and6.4%-14.9% as compared to the control,while plant height and stalk diameter were found to be no significant effect by plastic film mulching. The results of benefit analysis indicated that, milky photodegradation weeding film mulching had the highest economic benefit, the second were normal colorless transparent plastic film mulching and black plastic film mulching, which were 5 987.2, 1 876.5 and 1 813.5 Yuan/hm^2 higher than the control. The gray-black film mulching treatment had poor benefit.[Conclusion] The milky photodegradation weeding plastic film could be vigorously extended in sugarcane production. Normal colorless transparent plastic film and black plastic film could be ex-tended gradually as a new kind of plastic film. The grayblack film should not be used for its higher cost and more thickness. 展开更多
关键词 Plastic film mulching Soil temperature Soil moisture SUGARCANE YIELD Economic benefit
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Mode on Sugarcane Yield and Soil Nutrient Change 被引量:1
作者 谢金兰 王维赞 +5 位作者 朱秋珍 刘晓燕 梁强 李毅杰 罗亚伟 梁阗 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第1期119-122,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to improve use ratio of N fertilizer in sugarcane production and reduce N pol ution in agricultural production. [Method] With ROC22 as materials, N fertilizer quantities were set, including 38,... [Objective] The aim was to improve use ratio of N fertilizer in sugarcane production and reduce N pol ution in agricultural production. [Method] With ROC22 as materials, N fertilizer quantities were set, including 38, 276 and 414 kg N/hm2, according to three fertilization approaches (approach 1: N fertilizer at 10% as base fertilizer, 30% N fertilizer applied to soil dressing, 60% N fertilizer applied to big ridging; approach 2: 30% N fertilizer as base fertilizer, 70% N fertilizer applied to soil dressing; approach 3: 100% N fertilizer as base fertilizer). Some sugarcane in-dices, such as agronomic traits, yield and soil nutrients, were measured to research the relationship of N fertilizer with sugarcane growth and soil nutrients. [Result] Sug-arcane yield was increasing upon N fertilizer and reached the peak with N fertilizer at 276 kg N/hm2. In addition, early application of N fertilizer would promote sugar-cane jointing, growth and increase sugarcane yield. Nitrogen and available K con-tents were increasing upon N fertilizer, but excessive N fertilizer also caused soil acidification. N fertilizer applied early could help dissolve soil phosphate and improve phosphorus absorption and utilization. Applying N fertilizer completely as base fertil-izer was likely to cause N loss and low use efficiency. [Conclusion] The appropriate application mode for sugarcane is to apply N fertilizer twice at 138-276 kg N/hm^2. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen fertilizer Application-mode SUGARCANE YIELD Soil nutrient
Influences of Surface Drip Irrigation on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Several New Species of Guitang Sugarcane
作者 许树宁 唐胜 +5 位作者 许卫安 陈引芝 李毅杰 谢金兰 丘立杭 王维赞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1828-1832,共5页
[Objective] This paper discussed the influences of surface drip irrigation on the growth, yield and quality of several new species of Guitang, in order to provide references for the promotion of new species and high-y... [Objective] This paper discussed the influences of surface drip irrigation on the growth, yield and quality of several new species of Guitang, in order to provide references for the promotion of new species and high-yield cultivation. [Method] One species is planted in each region, and there were two controls dripping technology or no-dripping technology in each region. [Results] The average yield of dripping-pro- cessed land was 115.91 t/hm2, which was 19.73 t/hm2 higher than the control. The maximum output was GT31, followed by GT34. The output of all Guitang new species was higher than the control ROC22. The average sucrose of dripped sug- arcane was 14.68%, which was 0.19% less than the control of 14.83%. The drip- ping technology was economically beneficial, rising by 15.2% compared with the control. The highest dripping efficiency was GT31, while the lowest one was ROC22. The increasing ratios of drip irrigation efficiency of the tested new Guitang species were higher than ROC22. [Conclusions] Under the drip irrigation condition, the sugarcane yield was extremely higher than the control of non-dripping irrigation, and the economic efficiency was significant. However, the sugar in the sugarcane declined slightly. The sensitivity of several new Guitang species to water was higher than the control ROC22. 展开更多
关键词 SUGARCANE Drip irrigation Different species Yield SUCROSE
作者 闭少铃 《广西糖业》 1996年第A01期65-65,共1页
广西甘蔗研究所经国年试验结果,争试品系新植和宿根的表现不尽相同,以下对新植和宿根均表现较好的三个品系进行综合评述。 一、桂糖89/5,亲本为桂糖11号×崖城62/40。 经4年培育选择,新宿平均株高达286.6厘米,茎径2.63厘米,亩有效茎... 广西甘蔗研究所经国年试验结果,争试品系新植和宿根的表现不尽相同,以下对新植和宿根均表现较好的三个品系进行综合评述。 一、桂糖89/5,亲本为桂糖11号×崖城62/40。 经4年培育选择,新宿平均株高达286.6厘米,茎径2.63厘米,亩有效茎4059条,比桂糖11号分别高24.8厘米,多365条,新宿平均亩产蔗量为5468公斤。 展开更多
关键词 新育品系 桂糖11号 桂糖89 含糖 广西甘研究所 产蔗量 差异显著水平 糖分 综合评述
Comparison of New Varieties of Sugarcane in China 被引量:1
作者 张远福 幸新妹 +2 位作者 郭承芸 刘春平 刘春红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期755-759,共5页
This study aims to provide information on the dissemination potentials of some sugarcane varieties in the main sugarcane producing regions of China through screening some newly bred sugarcane varieties. Nine sugarcane... This study aims to provide information on the dissemination potentials of some sugarcane varieties in the main sugarcane producing regions of China through screening some newly bred sugarcane varieties. Nine sugarcane varieties were chosen to study their agronomy and yield potentials in comparison with the control vari- ety Roc22. The agronomic characters studied were the sprouting rate, tillering rate, cane production, sugar content, chilling tolerance and sugar production per unit area. Results showed, compared with the control, YT55, Funong15, GT02-901 and YT00- 236 had higher sprouting rate. YT55 and YT00-236 showed higher tillering rate than Roc22. Four varieties, YT55, GT97-69, YT00-236 and Funong15, gave higher cane production than the control. GT02-901 and Y799-21 had the highest sugar content and YT55, Funong15, YT00-236 and GT97-69 produced more sugar per hectare. YZ99-91, YZ03-422, YT55 and YT00-236 showed improved chilling tolerance. It was concluded that YT00-236 and Funong15 are the top two sugarcane varieties with comprehensive advantages and could be widely disseminated through the main sugarcane producing regions in China. 展开更多
Study on the Sulfur Nutrition of the Sugarcane and Balance of Sulfur in Soil for Sugarcane Planting Areas 被引量:4
作者 H.W. Tan L.Q. Zhou R.L. Xie M.F. Huang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第9期40-43,共4页
Areas of planting sugarcane are located in subtropical and tropical parts of Guangxi. These areas are characterized by high temperature, heavy rainfall and nutrients leaching. It results in strong decomposition of soi... Areas of planting sugarcane are located in subtropical and tropical parts of Guangxi. These areas are characterized by high temperature, heavy rainfall and nutrients leaching. It results in strong decomposition of soil mineral and a low cation exchange capacity (CEC), low organic matter, and low phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulfur (S) in soils. In about 30% of the soils in the planting sugarcane regions the total sulfur and the plant-available sulfur are under 150 mg/kg and 12 mg/kg, respectively. The sulfur nutrition is usually supplied insufficiently for sugarcane growth. The total sulfur of and available sulfur are under the medium level in nearly 50% of the soils in the planting sugarcane regions. Therefore, with the improvement of production of the sugarcane, the sulfur soil nutrition will influence and limit sugarcane yield. After application of sulfur fertilizer, available stem, single stem weight increased 5.77%-9.43% of sugarcane yield than without the treatment. It still can improve the cane sugar and fibre content. And the sugarcane can obtain better economic benefits to use the sulfur phosphorus ammonium; it is 18.2-20.23 with output/input (VCR) to use the sulfur fertilizer. Amount of sugarcane absorption sulfur reaches 44.1-67 kg/ha. The treatment with no sulfur fertilizer annual sulfur nutrient lose will be 23.67 kg/ha because sugarcane yield uptake from the field. 展开更多
关键词 SUGARCANE sulfer nutrition SOIL balance ofsulfer.
Yields of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) during Batch Fermentation of Sugar Cane Juice by Alcaligenes latus and Alcaligenes eutrophus 被引量:1
作者 Waranya Suwannasing Samart Moonamart Pakawadee Kaewkannetra 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第11期960-966,共7页
In this work, sugar cane juice was fermented to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by Alcaligenes latus TISTR 1403 and A. eutrophus TISTR 1095. The juice was characterized and composed of total sugars 105.5 g·... In this work, sugar cane juice was fermented to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by Alcaligenes latus TISTR 1403 and A. eutrophus TISTR 1095. The juice was characterized and composed of total sugars 105.5 g·L^-1 (sucrose 36.6g·L^-1 , fructose 26.0g·L^-1 , glucose 21.8g·L^-1 and other sugars 21.1g·L^-1 ). Each inoculums ( 10%, v/v) was separately cultivated in the medium containing 20g·L^-1 total sugars under condition (30℃, 200 rpm, pH 6.5-7). It was found that the A. eutrophus can be grown better than the A. latus. Only the A. eutrophus was further cultured under different total sugar concentrations (20, 30, 40 and 50g·L^-1 ). The optimal contents of total sugar, dry cell mass (DCM) and maximum PHAs were obtained at 50g·L^-1 , 6.013g·L^-1 and 1.84g·L^-1 , respectively after 60 h fermentation which were converted to biomass yield (Yx/s), product yield (Yp/5), specific product yield (Yp/x) and productivity of 0.163, 0.05, 0.306 and 0.031 g.Llhl. Large scale of PHAs production was conducted in 5 L fermentor using the optimal condition obtained under 30% dissolved oxygen. The DCM and the maximum PHAs were 5.881g·L^-1 and 1.281g·L^-1 which were calculated to values of Yx/s, Yp/s, Yp/x and productivity at 0.19, 0.04, 0.218 and 0.021g·L^-1 , respectively. 展开更多
关键词 A lcaligenes latus A lcaligenes eutrophus FERMENTATION PHAS sugar cane juice
Effect of Season, Location, Cultivar and Spacing on Yield and Quality of Sugarcane in Western Kenya
作者 Omoto George Auma Elmada, Odeny Opile Wilson Reuben 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第9期755-761,共7页
In Kenya almost all sugarcane grown is under rainfall conditions that are planted in different locations during both long and short rainy seasons. Effect of season, location, cultivar and spacing on yield and quality ... In Kenya almost all sugarcane grown is under rainfall conditions that are planted in different locations during both long and short rainy seasons. Effect of season, location, cultivar and spacing on yield and quality of sugarcane is not clearly understood. The research was conducted at Kibos and Mumias to determine if the yields and quality of three sugarcane cultivars were affected by season, location and row spacing. Cultivars CO 945, EAK 73-335 and KEN 83-737 were manually planted during June and September in 2011. The trial was laid out as split-split plot arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated three times. Data collected at harvest, 17 months after planting (MAP) including cane yields, cane yield components and cane quality. The results revealed that cane length differed significantly between June and September. Stalk population and cane yields were significantly more at Mumias compared to Kibos. Cultivar EAK 73-335 showed significantly more cane yield (t/ha) than KEN 83-737 and CO 945. Both row spacing 1.2 m and 1.5 m did not affect cane yields. Brix%, Sucrose% and Purity% differed significantly between cultivars. The relationship between cane yield and stalk population was positive and significant, which indicated stalk population is a strong determinant of cane yield. The results showed that cane yield was significantly affected by location and cane quality by cultivars. Therefore Mumias is a better zone for sugarcane cultivation for both June and September seasons compared to Kibos. 展开更多
关键词 SUGARCANE SEASON LOCATION CULTIVAR yield quality relationship.
Association of Organic and Mineral Fertilization on Crop Yield and Theoretical Cachaqa in Sugarcane
作者 J. C. Garcia P. A. M. Figueiredo L. +1 位作者 L. A. B. Andrade M. S. Scarpari 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第1期38-47,共10页
We evaluated several organic fertilizers associated or not to mineral fertilizers, in the cane yield and theoretical sugarcane brandy in plant cane. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with nine treatments ... We evaluated several organic fertilizers associated or not to mineral fertilizers, in the cane yield and theoretical sugarcane brandy in plant cane. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with nine treatments and four replications, constituted of: TI: Liming ( 1 ) + reactive rock phosphate (2) + chemical fertilizer (3); T2:2 + 3; T3:1 + 3 (control); T4:1 + 2 + 3 + cattle manure (4); T5: 1 + 2 + 4; T6:1 + 2 + 3 + chicken manure (5); T7:1 + 2 + 5; T8:1 + 2 + 3 + cane bagasse (6); T9:1 + 2 + 6. It was applied the fertilizers in the following doses: cattle manure, 30 t hal; chicken manure, 3.5 t hal; cane bagasse, 24 t ha-1; reactive rock phosphate, 400 kg ha-1 and 120 kg ha-1 of K20 and P205, in the planting furrow. The limestone was distributed in the dose of 2.5 t ha-1 The variety was used SP 79-1011. The cattle manure substituted the chemical fertilization of plant cane. The cane bagasse, when used as organic source should always be complemented with the chemical fertilization; there were no effect of treatments in the principal technological characteristics of the cane. 展开更多
关键词 SUGARCANE organic manuring LIMING reactive phosphate cachaca
Simultaneous Selection for Yield and Stability in Sugarcane Using Parametric Statistics
作者 Marvellous M. Zhou Munashe D. Shoko 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第4期400-410,共11页
Sugarcane advanced variety trials are planted across several locations and harvested for several crop-years to determine genotype by environment interaction and yield stability. Previous studies describe methods for s... Sugarcane advanced variety trials are planted across several locations and harvested for several crop-years to determine genotype by environment interaction and yield stability. Previous studies describe methods for simultaneous screening for yield and stability but did not use parametric statistical tests for comparing genotypes. The objective of this study was to describe a parametric statistical method for simultaneous screening of sugarcane genotypes for yield and stability. Data from 26 crops were collected from trials established at five locations and harvested in the plant, first, second, third and fourth ratoon crops. The mixed procedure of SAS was used for data analysis. The intercept and slope were used to represent yield and stability, respectively. There were significant (P 〈 0.05) differences in yield and stability among the genotypes. Test genotypes were classified into groups of genotypes that produced high yield, or high stability or both. The method provides fast statistical tests for simultaneous screening for yield and stability. The method was also used to compare two genotypes, an application for variety choice at time of release. 展开更多
关键词 STABILITY PARAMETRIC simultaneous screening advanced variety trials.
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