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作者 李勇 杨爽爽 《今古文创》 2024年第11期73-76,共4页
西汉建立之初,汉高祖刘邦吸取秦亡的教训,一方面推行郡县制度;另一方面分封了众多同姓亲族子弟作为诸侯王,在关东地区代天子行政,起到拱卫中央的作用。这些同姓诸侯王中,皇子诸侯王与皇帝的血脉关系最为亲近,也最得到皇帝信任,因此成为... 西汉建立之初,汉高祖刘邦吸取秦亡的教训,一方面推行郡县制度;另一方面分封了众多同姓亲族子弟作为诸侯王,在关东地区代天子行政,起到拱卫中央的作用。这些同姓诸侯王中,皇子诸侯王与皇帝的血脉关系最为亲近,也最得到皇帝信任,因此成为中央政府控制关东地区的重要盟友。然而,随着帝位更迭,新皇子诸侯王不断产生,原有皇子诸侯王及其后嗣与新皇帝的血缘关系渐于疏远,于是成为中央政府新的防备、削弱对象。通过不断分封新的皇子诸侯王,以亲制疏,西汉政府强化了对关东地区的控制,增强了对关东地区的影响力。 展开更多
关键词 西汉早期 关东地区 皇子诸侯王 亲制
宋代祭天礼中三岁一亲郊制探析 被引量:5
作者 杨高凡 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期141-147,共7页
祭天礼中的三岁一亲郊制虽肇端于秦,但宋以前并没有严格执行,其制度内涵亦呈现出多重内容。降及宋代,三岁一亲郊制开始趋向稳定。在制度内容上,宋代的三岁一亲郊制主要包括南郊大礼和明堂大礼。在制度路径上,它开始实施于宋真宗朝,形成... 祭天礼中的三岁一亲郊制虽肇端于秦,但宋以前并没有严格执行,其制度内涵亦呈现出多重内容。降及宋代,三岁一亲郊制开始趋向稳定。在制度内容上,宋代的三岁一亲郊制主要包括南郊大礼和明堂大礼。在制度路径上,它开始实施于宋真宗朝,形成定制于宋仁宗朝明道年间,完善于嘉祐末年。三岁一亲郊制能在宋代发展完善,不仅与宋代中央集权的强大、新儒学的理论支撑息息相关,同时,祭典和赏赐的耗费、礼仪的繁冗以及中国古代祭天礼由繁至简日益世俗化的趋向亦构成了三岁一亲郊制逐步稳定的深层动力。 展开更多
关键词 宋代 三岁一 南郊大礼 明堂大礼
中国基础设施产业的亲贫规制体系设计 被引量:4
作者 吴绪亮 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期24-29,38,共7页
中国基础设施产业的亲贫规制体系设计受Ⅰ、Ⅱ两大类约束条件的限制:Ⅰ类约束包括基础设施产业固有的五大经济特性,Ⅱ类约束是亲贫目标。在Ⅰ、Ⅱ两大类约束条件下,就中国这样的发展中大国而言,一个优良的亲贫规制体系设计的最优解... 中国基础设施产业的亲贫规制体系设计受Ⅰ、Ⅱ两大类约束条件的限制:Ⅰ类约束包括基础设施产业固有的五大经济特性,Ⅱ类约束是亲贫目标。在Ⅰ、Ⅱ两大类约束条件下,就中国这样的发展中大国而言,一个优良的亲贫规制体系设计的最优解,必须是既能刺激私人资本进入基础设施产业,增加总供给,同时,又能确保弱势群体可以分享到这种增长的好处。这应该是当前中国基础设施产业亲贫规制体系设计的总纲。最后,从微观和宏观两个层面探讨了中国基础设施产业的亲贫规制体系设计。 展开更多
关键词 中国 基础设施 贫规体系 弱势群体 PPP模式 公私合作伙伴关系 基本建设融资 特许经营
中国自来水业的亲贫规制与减贫 被引量:4
作者 蒋寒迪 《理论观察》 2012年第3期91-92,共2页
亲贫规制是一种有利于弱势群体的规制措施,从国外和国内的自来水业民营化过程来看,有必要构建亲贫规制,具体措施上,要通过价格规制保护弱势群体;通过竞争规制兼顾效率与公平;构建亲贫规制的补贴机制。亲贫规制与促进减贫也有密切的联系... 亲贫规制是一种有利于弱势群体的规制措施,从国外和国内的自来水业民营化过程来看,有必要构建亲贫规制,具体措施上,要通过价格规制保护弱势群体;通过竞争规制兼顾效率与公平;构建亲贫规制的补贴机制。亲贫规制与促进减贫也有密切的联系,通过提高农村地区公用事业覆盖率和降低公用事业改革对城市贫困人群的影响,可以对减贫起到一定的作用。 展开更多
关键词 自来水业 贫规 减贫
论能源亲贫规制的立法促进 被引量:1
作者 邱新 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第4期48-54,共7页
能源亲贫规制立足于消除能源贫困,保障基本能源服务的可获得性、可承受性和可靠性,这是政府履行生存照顾义务的应有之义。普遍服务规制、更加灵活的价格规制以及多样化质量规制和能源供给规制将有利于亲贫目标的实现。我国应当以能源法... 能源亲贫规制立足于消除能源贫困,保障基本能源服务的可获得性、可承受性和可靠性,这是政府履行生存照顾义务的应有之义。普遍服务规制、更加灵活的价格规制以及多样化质量规制和能源供给规制将有利于亲贫目标的实现。我国应当以能源法的制订为契机,通过立法促进能源减贫,实现弱者的正义。 展开更多
关键词 能源规 贫规 普遍服务 能源立法
作者 李卓 《南开日本研究》 1999年第2期163-175,共13页
公元645年,日本发生了大化改新。建立完备的中央集权体制和律令制度,是新政府为之奋斗的目标。在此后的几十年间,日本先后制定了《近江令》(668年)、《飞鸟净御原令》(689年)、《大宝律令》(701年)、《养老律令》(718年)。日本的律令与... 公元645年,日本发生了大化改新。建立完备的中央集权体制和律令制度,是新政府为之奋斗的目标。在此后的几十年间,日本先后制定了《近江令》(668年)、《飞鸟净御原令》(689年)、《大宝律令》(701年)、《养老律令》(718年)。日本的律令与唐律令有着密切的亲缘关系,有些法律是对唐律令的忠实模仿。但在整个制定律令的过程中,并不是一味盲从。 展开更多
关键词 原令 亲制 飞鸟 江令 律令 日本
作者 蒋寒迪 《中共山西省委党校学报》 2012年第2期64-66,共3页
减贫扶贫是中国实现全面小康社会的主要任务,政府为贫困地区和人口提供公共服务是减贫扶贫的重要内容之一。政府因为财力有限在提供普遍性公共服务方面心有余力不足,需要把私人资本引入公共服务领域,但是这样又会出现民营企业经营公用... 减贫扶贫是中国实现全面小康社会的主要任务,政府为贫困地区和人口提供公共服务是减贫扶贫的重要内容之一。政府因为财力有限在提供普遍性公共服务方面心有余力不足,需要把私人资本引入公共服务领域,但是这样又会出现民营企业经营公用事业的营利性目标与公用事业的普遍服务宗旨相背离的状况。解决这个问题需要政府建立亲贫规制,具体措施在于:打破行政垄断,吸引民营资本来增加公共服务的供给;建立灵活多样的公共服务定价方式和资费结构;加强补贴措施的规制;政府在企业中建立普遍服务基金;加强价格听证制度的有效实施。 展开更多
关键词 公用事业 贫规 减贫
中国公用事业民营化进程中基于公平目标的亲贫规制 被引量:1
作者 许峰 《世界经济情况》 2006年第24期26-29,共4页
关键词 政府规 普遍服务 贫规
中国基础领域反垄断与弱势群体福利变迁 被引量:4
作者 吴绪亮 于左 《当代财经》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期5-10,共6页
本文从宏观和微观两个层面分析了中国基础领域放松规制的趋势与弱势群体福利变迁之间的联系。基本观点是:民资参与基础领域对弱势群体福利的总体效应不明确,但蕴含着侵害弱势群体福利的风险。反垄断、放松规制和民资参与中国基础设施服... 本文从宏观和微观两个层面分析了中国基础领域放松规制的趋势与弱势群体福利变迁之间的联系。基本观点是:民资参与基础领域对弱势群体福利的总体效应不明确,但蕴含着侵害弱势群体福利的风险。反垄断、放松规制和民资参与中国基础设施服务是改革的方向,但这样的改革必须以政府完善的规制体系为前提。公共决策者要独立、公正地设计出精巧的机制,寻求放松规制与普遍服务之间的平衡。 展开更多
关键词 反垄断 放松规 弱势群体 PPP模式 贫规
贾谊的政治思想 被引量:2
作者 杨育坤 《唐都学刊》 1991年第2期9-15,共7页
贾谊深刻总结了秦亡的经验教训,继承发展了先儒民本、农本思想,反对刑罚和暴政,斥责背本趋末和淫佚奢侈之风;他建议收铜于中央,由国家统一铸币,解决财政混乱局面;对于藩镇势力,主张众建诸侯,以亲制疏,巩固中央统一;对于北方匈奴,采取恩... 贾谊深刻总结了秦亡的经验教训,继承发展了先儒民本、农本思想,反对刑罚和暴政,斥责背本趋末和淫佚奢侈之风;他建议收铜于中央,由国家统一铸币,解决财政混乱局面;对于藩镇势力,主张众建诸侯,以亲制疏,巩固中央统一;对于北方匈奴,采取恩威并行的措施,矫正汉初屈辱妥协的政策。这些对于加强中央集权,安定政治局势,恢复社会经济,发展农业生产,巩固国防,都具有切实的可行性和良好的现实效果。 展开更多
关键词 贾谊 铸币 背本趋末 众建诸侯 亲制 五铒三表
High-yield Seed Production Techniques of Late Japonica Hybrid Rice Tongyoujing 1
作者 周根友 杨红燕 +1 位作者 夏华 陈启康 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1413-1415,共3页
The differences in growth period and seeding to heading duration of both parents of Tongyoujing 1 are 4-6 and 3-5 d, respectively. Plant height of the male parent was 6-8 cm higher than that of the female parent, and ... The differences in growth period and seeding to heading duration of both parents of Tongyoujing 1 are 4-6 and 3-5 d, respectively. Plant height of the male parent was 6-8 cm higher than that of the female parent, and blooming time of the male parent was 30-60 min earlier than that of the female parent. The seed pro-duction technology points of Tongyoujing 1 include appropriate seeding (the differ-ence in sowing period of both parents is 3-5 d), timely transplanting, reasonable layout (ratio of rows between both parents is 2:(6-8)), strengthening variety isolation, scientific fertilizer and water management (high fertilization for male parent and ade-quate fertilization for female parent), reasonably regulating flowering period (to pro-mote flower synchronization), artificial pollination (to improve outcrossing rate), paying attention to miscel aneous plant removal and pest control and timely harvest. 展开更多
关键词 Tongyoujing 1 PARENTS Characteristics and properties Seed productiontechnology
论我国法定继承的相关问题 被引量:2
作者 党竹琴 《求实》 北大核心 2006年第z1期104-105,共2页
关键词 继承顺序 法定继承人 配偶继承权 继承遗产 继承人 生存配偶 系继承 系继承主义
作者 MA Baoquan KANG Wei YAN Junkai 《Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers》 2007年第1期90-95,共6页
The role of three highly conserved insulin residues Tyr^B26 was studied to better understand the relationship between insulin and receptor from rat adipose tissue plasma membranes, lnsulin analogues with a single amin... The role of three highly conserved insulin residues Tyr^B26 was studied to better understand the relationship between insulin and receptor from rat adipose tissue plasma membranes, lnsulin analogues with a single amino acid substitution or single N-methylation of the peptide bond in the position B26 were all shortened in the C-terminus of the B-chain by four amino acids. The effect of modifications was followed by the binding to the insulin receptor. From our results, we can deduce several conclusions: (1) the replacement of tyrosine in the position B26 by histidine, [N-MeHis^B26]-des-tetrapeptide-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-amide and [N-MeGlu^B26]-des-tetrapeptide- (B2-B30)-insulin-B26-amide, have no significant effect on the binding affinity and they show binding affinity 105%, 190% and 208%, respectively, of that of human insulin; (2) [Aad^B26] -des-tetrapeptide-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-amide and [Phe(4-carboxy^B26)]-des-tetrapeptide- (B27~B30)-insulin-B26-amide affect the potency highly positively in vitro studies; they show binding affinity 529 and 289 %, respectively, of that of human insulin. 展开更多
关键词 lnsulin Binding affinity [N-MeHis^B26]-des-tetrapeptide-(B27-B30)-insulin-B26-amide.
Fabrication of superhydrophilic surface on copper substrate by electrochemical deposition and sintering process
作者 刘侨鹏 汤勇 +2 位作者 罗文杰 付婷 袁伟 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1200-1205,共6页
Superhydrophilic surfaces were fabricated on copper substrates by an electrochemical deposition and sintering process. Superhydrophobic surfaces were prepared by constructing micro/nano-structure on copper substrates ... Superhydrophilic surfaces were fabricated on copper substrates by an electrochemical deposition and sintering process. Superhydrophobic surfaces were prepared by constructing micro/nano-structure on copper substrates through an electrochemical deposition method. Conversion from superhydrophobic to superhydrophilic was obtained via a suitable sintering process. After reduction sintering, the contact angle of the superhydrophilic surfaces changed from 155° to 0°. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images show that the morphology of superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic surfaces looks like corals and cells respectively. The chemical composition and crystal structure of these surfaces were examined using energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that the main components on superhydrophobic surfaces are Cu, Cu2O and CuO, while the superhydrophilic surfaces are composed of Cu merely. The crystal structure is more inerratic and the grain size becomes bigger after the sintering. The interracial strength of the superhydrophilic surfaces was investigated, showing that the interfacial strength between superhydrophilic layer and copper substrate is considerably high. 展开更多
关键词 Superhydrophilic Superhydrophobic Copper surface Electrochemical deposition Sintering process
Mother Images in Carol Ann Duffy's Poetry
作者 ZHOU Jie 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期412-418,共7页
"Mother" is sometimes associated with "other". The same is true in some of Carol Ann Duffy's poems, in which some mothers are described as institutionalized in the patriarchal society and considered as "the othe... "Mother" is sometimes associated with "other". The same is true in some of Carol Ann Duffy's poems, in which some mothers are described as institutionalized in the patriarchal society and considered as "the other", losing self-identity. Duffy also describes women fighting against the patriarchal control generation after generation until they are finally free. Some mothers exhibit their own potentials as mothers, either able to or unable to fulfill the duties of both material and spiritual caretakers of the family. 展开更多
关键词 Carol Ann Duffy's poems mother other INSTITUTIONALIZED POTENTIALS
Comparison of Dezocine and Tropisetron for the Control of Maternal Shivering Undergoing Spinal Anesthesia--A Randomized Double-blind Trail
作者 Li Shuailong Guo Anmei 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第4期343-345,共3页
To compare intravenous Dezocine Tropisetron in reatment of shivering after spinal anesthesia in cesarean. A double-blind trail. From January to June 2014 90 cases elective cesarean under spinal anesthesia randomly div... To compare intravenous Dezocine Tropisetron in reatment of shivering after spinal anesthesia in cesarean. A double-blind trail. From January to June 2014 90 cases elective cesarean under spinal anesthesia randomly divided into three groups of 30, the control group A (Sml saline) given to dezocine (10mg / 5ml) B grou, given tropisetron (5mg / 5ml) C group. The incidence of shivering in groups 46.48%, 31.18%, 60.83% (P = 〈0.01). Bradycardia is a group (A) 3.3%, the group (B) is 0.0%. Significant differences in other variables (myoclonic seizures and rash) no significant (P = 0.353). Dezocine and Tropisetron alone can cure shivering effectively for cesarean section after spinal anesthesia. 展开更多
SSR Cluster and Fertility Loci Analysis of GC13 被引量:2
作者 NONG Bao-xuan XIA Xiu-zhong +3 位作者 LIANG Yao-mao LU Gang ZHANG Zong-qiong LI Dan-ting 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期832-835,共4页
[Objective] The research aimed to clarify the genetic mechanism of special wide compatibility of GC13.[Method] The clustering analyses of GC13,five indica,five japonica and five wide compatibility varieties were carri... [Objective] The research aimed to clarify the genetic mechanism of special wide compatibility of GC13.[Method] The clustering analyses of GC13,five indica,five japonica and five wide compatibility varieties were carried out by using 70 SSR primers.[Result] GC13 was clustered into japonica group and had far genetic relationship with indica and wide compatibility variety.Two fertility loci were detected in GC13,in which one closely linked to RM225 on chromosome 6.According to the position on the chromosome,it speculated that this locus was allelic to S5.GC13 carried the allelic gene S5-n at this locus.The other locus closely linked to RM408 on chromosome 8 and was provisionally designated as Sg(t).At this locus,GC13 carried Sg(t)-i allelic gene,which was consistent with IR36.The effect of S5 locus was stronger than that of Sg(t).[Conclusion] The research laid the good foundation for using the wide compatibility line GC13 to breed the hybrid between subspecies. 展开更多
关键词 Special wide compatibility line GC13 Fertility locus SSR clustering
Simultaneous identification and quantification of tetrodotoxin in fresh pufferfish and pufferfish-based products using immunoaffinity columns and liquid chromatography/quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometry 被引量:4
作者 郭萌萌 吴海燕 +5 位作者 江涛 谭志军 赵春霞 郑关超 李兆新 翟毓秀 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期883-893,共11页
In this study, we established a comprehensive method for simultaneous identification and quantification of tetrodotoxin (TTX) in fresh pufferfish tissues and pufferfish-based products using liquid chromatography/qua... In this study, we established a comprehensive method for simultaneous identification and quantification of tetrodotoxin (TTX) in fresh pufferfish tissues and pufferfish-based products using liquid chromatography/quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometry (LC-QqLIT-MS). TTX was extracted by 1% acetic acid-methanol, and most of the lipids were then removed by freezing lipid precipitation, followed by purification and concentration using immunoaffinity columns (IACs). Matrix effects were substantially reduced due to the high specificity of the IACs, and thus, background interference was avoided. Quantitation analysis was therefore performed using an external calibration curve with standards prepared in mobile phase. The method was evaluated by fortifying samples at 1, 10, and 100 ng/g, respectively, and the recoveries ranged from 75.8%--107%, with a relative standard deviation of less than 15%. The TTX calibration curves were linear over the range of 1-1 000 ~tg/L, with a detection limit of 0.3 ng/g and a quantification limit of 1 ng/g. Using this method, samples can be further analyzed using an information- dependent acquisition (IDA) experiment, in the positive mode, from a single liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry injection, which can provide an extra level of confirmation by matching the full product ion spectra acquired for a standard sample with those from an enhanced product ion (EPI) library. The scheduled multiple reaction monitoring method enabled TTX to be screened for, and TTX was positively identified using the IDA and EPI spectra. This method was successfully applied to analyze a total of 206 samples of fresh pufferfish tissues and pufferfish-based products. The results from this study show that the proposed method can be used to quantify and identify TTX in a single run with excellent sensitivity and reproducibility, and is suitable for the analysis of complex matrix pufferfish samples. 展开更多
关键词 TETRODOTOXIN fresh pufferfish pufferfish-based product immunoaffinity column liquidchromatography/quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometry
Adsorbents for Expanded Bed Adsorption: Preparation and Functionalization 被引量:3
作者 赵珺 姚善泾 林东强 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期678-687,共10页
Expanded bed adsorption(EBA),a promising and practical separation technique,has been widely studied in the past two decades.The development of adsorbents for EBA process is a challenging course,with the special design... Expanded bed adsorption(EBA),a promising and practical separation technique,has been widely studied in the past two decades.The development of adsorbents for EBA process is a challenging course,with the special design and preparation according to the target molecules and specific expanded bed systems.Many types of supporting matrices for expanded bed adsorbents have been developed,and their preparation methods are being consummated gradually.These matrices are activated and then coupled with ligands to form functionalized adsorbents,including ion-exchange adsorbents,affinity adsorbents,mixed mode adsorbents,hydrophobic charge induction chromatography adsorbents and others.In this review,the preparation of the matrices for EBA process is summa-rized,and the coupling of ligands to the matrices to prepare functionalized adsorbents is discussed as well. 展开更多
关键词 expanded bed adsorption MATRIX PREPARATION tunctionalized adsorbent CHROMATOGRAPHY SEPARATION
Human intestinal acyl-CoA synthetase 5 is sensitive to the inhibitor triacsin C 被引量:3
作者 Elke Kaemmerer Anne Peuscher +4 位作者 Andrea Reinartz Christian Liedtke Ralf Weiskirchen Jürgen Kopitz Nikolaus Gassler 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第44期4883-4889,共7页
AIM:To investigate whether human acyl-CoA synthetase 5(ACSL5) is sensitive to the ACSL inhibitor triacsin C.METHODS:The ACSL isoforms ACSL1 and ACSL5 from rat as well as human ACSL5 were cloned and recombinantly expre... AIM:To investigate whether human acyl-CoA synthetase 5(ACSL5) is sensitive to the ACSL inhibitor triacsin C.METHODS:The ACSL isoforms ACSL1 and ACSL5 from rat as well as human ACSL5 were cloned and recombinantly expressed as 6xHis-tagged enzymes.Ni 2+-affinity purified recombinant enzymes were assayed at pH 7.5 or pH 9.5 in the presence or absence of triacsin C.In addition,ACSL5 transfected CaCo2 cells and intestinal human mucosa were monitored.ACSL5 expression in cellular systems was verified using Western blot and immunofluorescence.The ACSL assay mix included TrisHCl(pH 7.4),ATP,CoA,EDTA,DTT,MgCl 2,[9,103 H] palmitic acid,and triton X-100.The 200 μL reaction was initiated with the addition of solubilized,purified recombinant proteins or cellular lysates.Reactions were terminated after 10,30 or 60 min of incubation with Doles medium.RESULTS:Expression of soluble recombinant ACSL proteins was found after incubation with isopropyl betaD-1-thiogalactopyranoside and after ultracentrifugation these were further purified to near homogeneity with Ni 2+-affinity chromatography.Triacsin C selectively and strongly inhibited recombinant human ACSL5 protein at pH 7.5 and pH 9.5,as well as recombinant rat ACSL1(sensitive control),but not recombinant rat ACSL5(insensitive control).The IC50 for human ACSL5 was about 10 μmol/L.The inhibitory triacsin C effect was similar for different incubation times(10,30 and 60 min) and was not modified by the N-or C-terminal location of the 6xHis-tag.In order to evaluate ACSL5 sensitivity to triacsin C in a cellular environment,stable human ACSL5 CaCo2 transfectants and mechanically dissected normal human intestinal mucosa with high physiological expression of ACSL5 were analyzed.In both models,ACSL5 peak activity was found at pH 7.5 and pH 9.5,corresponding to the properties of recombinant human ACSL5 protein.In the presence of triacsin C(25 μmol/L),total ACSL activity was dramatically diminished in human ACSL5 transfectants as well as in ACSL5-rich human intestinal mucosa.CONCLUSION:The data strongly indicate that human ACSL5 is sensitive to triacsin C and does not compensate for other triacsin C-sensitive ACSL isoforms. 展开更多
关键词 Acyl-CoA synthetase 5 Fatty acid metabolism Mitochondria Triacsin C
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