One's worth cannot be measured by looks just as sea water cannot be measured in liters. Long ago, there was a court official named Wang who had three sons. All of his sons worked in places away from home, and the ...One's worth cannot be measured by looks just as sea water cannot be measured in liters. Long ago, there was a court official named Wang who had three sons. All of his sons worked in places away from home, and the two elder sons were married. One year Wang went home with his sons for me lunar New Year holiday. When he found his wife had become old and weak, he decided that one of his two daughters-in-law should take over running the household affairs. He展开更多
文摘One's worth cannot be measured by looks just as sea water cannot be measured in liters. Long ago, there was a court official named Wang who had three sons. All of his sons worked in places away from home, and the two elder sons were married. One year Wang went home with his sons for me lunar New Year holiday. When he found his wife had become old and weak, he decided that one of his two daughters-in-law should take over running the household affairs. He