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从人为的教育到为人的教育——基于人性的思考 被引量:1
作者 吴培启 《现代教育论丛》 2011年第10期2-4,24,共4页
人为的教育是基于社会道德伦理文化自上而下的一种规训与改造,是以"人伦教化"来"化成天下"的政治工具主义教育思想,人为的教育导致教育功利化的盛行,使教育沦为一种谋求功利的过程;为人的教育是基于人本主义文化自... 人为的教育是基于社会道德伦理文化自上而下的一种规训与改造,是以"人伦教化"来"化成天下"的政治工具主义教育思想,人为的教育导致教育功利化的盛行,使教育沦为一种谋求功利的过程;为人的教育是基于人本主义文化自下而上的,彰显人性与自由的教育,为人的教育是把学生作为人,作为一个具有独立性和生命尊严的人,是为人的生成和无限可能服务的,它所谋求的是学生人性的复归与完满。 展开更多
关键词 人为教育 为人的教育 人本主义
作者 黄国勇 《福建教育》 2002年第09A期11-12,共2页
关键词 素质教育 人为教育 人文精神 人的教育
作者 姚瑶 《精神文明导刊》 2018年第9期13-15,共3页
多年来,广东坚持把立德树人作为教育根本任务,以“大德育”的宽广视野,把育人、育德贯穿于治教办学全过程。中山大学:“以点带面”创新德育工作体系前不久,中山大学举办的“笃行与薪传——马克思主义在中山大学的实践与传承”纪念... 多年来,广东坚持把立德树人作为教育根本任务,以“大德育”的宽广视野,把育人、育德贯穿于治教办学全过程。中山大学:“以点带面”创新德育工作体系前不久,中山大学举办的“笃行与薪传——马克思主义在中山大学的实践与传承”纪念马克思诞辰200周年专题展上,展示马克思和恩格斯的亲笔手稿、致友人签名信,吸引了不少师生前来参观。 展开更多
关键词 人为教育 探索实践 立德树人 马克思主义 德育工作体系 中山大学 “大德育” 以点带面
作者 黎群芳 叶青 《环境教育》 2018年第6期114-114,共1页
江西省南昌市第十七中学以立德树人为教育的光荣使命,打破高考至上、分数唯一的思想局囿,以多元化教育理念和开放先进的教育眼光,确立了创建"四园"的核心工作,更将"创国际生态校园建设"全面渗透在"和谐、活力、书香、生态"校园建... 江西省南昌市第十七中学以立德树人为教育的光荣使命,打破高考至上、分数唯一的思想局囿,以多元化教育理念和开放先进的教育眼光,确立了创建"四园"的核心工作,更将"创国际生态校园建设"全面渗透在"和谐、活力、书香、生态"校园建设中,以实现绿色环保的生态文明特色教育。 展开更多
关键词 生态文明教育 南昌市 江西省 文明校园 中学 纪实 校园建设 人为教育
作者 张坤其 周志强 《福建高教研究》 2002年第5期29-31,共3页
卢梭在他的自然教育理论中提出人类的三种教育即天性的教育、人为的教育、事物的教育,分别得自“天性”、”人为”和“事物”三种来源,并强调天性的教育是人类教育的主轴,人为的教育和事物的教育必须围绕它而旋转,让三种教育力量协... 卢梭在他的自然教育理论中提出人类的三种教育即天性的教育、人为的教育、事物的教育,分别得自“天性”、”人为”和“事物”三种来源,并强调天性的教育是人类教育的主轴,人为的教育和事物的教育必须围绕它而旋转,让三种教育力量协调一致,共促儿童和谐发展。这个教育理论在把教育对象即儿童提到教育的中心地位的同时,也承认了人和事物对儿童身心发展的影响与作用,在教育史上具有划时代的意义,对当今教育同样意义重大。为此,作者将在探究卢梭的三种教育力量的基础上,提出创建一种新型学校——“天性学校”的设想。 展开更多
关键词 天性教育 卢梭 教育思想 人为教育 事物教育 因材施教 教学方法
作者 俞成婷 《作文成功之路》 2018年第10期22-22,共1页
人文教育就是指对受到教育者进行有目的的能够提高人性境界、塑造理想人格、弘扬民族精神传承并且能够实现个人价值的社会性教育。随着时代的改革与进步,我国已经逐渐意识到小学人为教育的重要性,但由于我国在人为教育方面的专业教育者... 人文教育就是指对受到教育者进行有目的的能够提高人性境界、塑造理想人格、弘扬民族精神传承并且能够实现个人价值的社会性教育。随着时代的改革与进步,我国已经逐渐意识到小学人为教育的重要性,但由于我国在人为教育方面的专业教育者的数量较少、学习及家长对人为教育的重视程度不够,这也导致了我国目前的小学人文教育形势严峻,有关专家认为存在这种情况的主要原因就是人文教育没有从小进行,近些年,城市的小学逐渐开始进行人文方面的教育. 展开更多
关键词 人文教育 小学 诗歌 人为教育 社会性教育 理想人格 个人价值 精神传承
作者 蔡辰年 《教育界(综合教育)》 2016年第5期71-71,共1页
我国医疗事业中大部分医护人员都是由中职卫生学校输送的,不仅为国民经济水平的提升做出了一定的贡献,还有效推动了我国医疗事业的发展.然而在中职卫生学校开展的人文素质教育中还存在一定的问题.文章对中职学校医学人文素质的实际教育... 我国医疗事业中大部分医护人员都是由中职卫生学校输送的,不仅为国民经济水平的提升做出了一定的贡献,还有效推动了我国医疗事业的发展.然而在中职卫生学校开展的人文素质教育中还存在一定的问题.文章对中职学校医学人文素质的实际教育情况进行探究,并提出相应的解决方案,希望能够在一定程度上推动中职学校的有效发展. 展开更多
关键词 中职卫生学生 医学 人为素质教育 现状 对策
作者 吕雁琴 《新疆财经学院学报》 2002年第2期18-21,共4页
由于高度行政垄断体制的实行 ,我国高等教育发展滞后 ,供给短缺。本文在认真分析这一体制的表现、后果及其成因的基础上 ,提出应该在坚持培育德智体全面发展的人为教育目标的前提下 ,把市场竞争机制引入高等教育领域 ,使市场对高等教育... 由于高度行政垄断体制的实行 ,我国高等教育发展滞后 ,供给短缺。本文在认真分析这一体制的表现、后果及其成因的基础上 ,提出应该在坚持培育德智体全面发展的人为教育目标的前提下 ,把市场竞争机制引入高等教育领域 ,使市场对高等教育的资源配置起基础性作用 。 展开更多
关键词 高教体制 供给 中国 宏观调控 市场化 市场竞争机制 资源配置 高等教育发展 人为教育 育德
作者 吕丰 《浙江档案》 北大核心 2008年第12期32-33,共2页
浙江大学110多年的发展历史,是烙进我们灵魂深处的印记,除了几代求是人为教育和科学事业孜孜以求的精神品格外,还有一幅幅记忆影像中的校园建筑。由这些影像串联而成的历史空间,绵延着每一个时代独特的韵味。它们已不单单是一幢校舍、... 浙江大学110多年的发展历史,是烙进我们灵魂深处的印记,除了几代求是人为教育和科学事业孜孜以求的精神品格外,还有一幅幅记忆影像中的校园建筑。由这些影像串联而成的历史空间,绵延着每一个时代独特的韵味。它们已不单单是一幢校舍、一栋楼宇,同时也是大学的符号和象征。阅读它们,仿佛以一种特殊的语言在解读学校的岁月变迁。 展开更多
关键词 记忆 求是 浙江大学 发展历史 精神品格 科学事业 人为教育 校园建筑
作者 薄俊生 《江苏教育(教育管理)》 2010年第3期23-23,共1页
案头上摆着一本散发着墨香的集子——《让历史告诉未来》。 这本集子记录的是我们学校21位退休老师的故事。《一生钟情栽桃李——记常熟市实验小学退休教师许关妹》《爱与执着——记常熟市实验小学退休教师薛良根》《干一辈子叶的事业... 案头上摆着一本散发着墨香的集子——《让历史告诉未来》。 这本集子记录的是我们学校21位退休老师的故事。《一生钟情栽桃李——记常熟市实验小学退休教师许关妹》《爱与执着——记常熟市实验小学退休教师薛良根》《干一辈子叶的事业——记常熟市实验小学退休校长徐德源》……一篇篇、一行行生动感人的文字,记述了学校退休老师奉献教育、耕耘心田的故事:一帧帧发黄的老照片,再现了一代代实小人为教育为实小挥洒智慧和汗水的青春岁月。 展开更多
关键词 退休教师 讲故事 老师 《让历史告诉未来》 实验小学 常熟市 奉献教育 人为教育
作者 蔡山查 《福建教育研究》 2018年第3期68-69,共2页
教育部核心素养课题组负责人、北京师范大学教授林崇德认为:“核心素养是学生在接受相应学段的教育过程中,逐步形成的适应个人终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力。”这样的素养应该“是‘可教、可学’的,是经由后天学习获得的... 教育部核心素养课题组负责人、北京师范大学教授林崇德认为:“核心素养是学生在接受相应学段的教育过程中,逐步形成的适应个人终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力。”这样的素养应该“是‘可教、可学’的,是经由后天学习获得的,它可以通过有意的人为教育加以规划、设计与培养,是经由课程教学引导学习者长期习得的”. 展开更多
关键词 数学素养 课堂教学 社会发展需要 教育过程 大学教授 关键能力 终身发展 人为教育
People-oriented values on Ideological and Political Education Research
作者 Yueling Kou Xiaoxi Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期18-20,共3页
"People-oriented" is the core of the scientific concept of development, it is to carry out and implement the scientific concept of development which is reflected in the field of education, ideological and political ... "People-oriented" is the core of the scientific concept of development, it is to carry out and implement the scientific concept of development which is reflected in the field of education, ideological and political education is to improve the effectiveness of a powerful guarantee. In this paper, in-depth analysis and in view of the meaning of ideological and political education of people text, we combine with the particularity of the ideological and political education, and propose practical measures to promote the stable development of the ideological and political education. 展开更多
关键词 PEOPLE-ORIENTED VALUES Ideological Political Education
Chinese College Students' Ideological and Political Education: Ways and Strategies in the New Period
作者 Wang Rui 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第2期231-234,共4页
Humanism is the soul of the ideological and political education. In the process of ideological and political education, adherence to humanities education is the objective requirement of modem education. This paper ana... Humanism is the soul of the ideological and political education. In the process of ideological and political education, adherence to humanities education is the objective requirement of modem education. This paper analyzes Chinese college students' ideological and political education ways and strategies in the new period. The author believes that optimized campus cultural environment can help build stages for students' growth, establish the principal position of students, promote students' individuality development, improve the psychological service system, improve students' psychological development, increasing students' emotional education and pay attention to students' emotion demands, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese college students Ideological and political education WAYS STRATEGIES
Study on College English Teaching from the Perspective of Humanism
作者 Wang Chengdong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期25-27,共3页
In the eyes of humanists, the value of people is the most important. This view corresponds with modern education values and development direction, which has profound influence on university English teaching. It introd... In the eyes of humanists, the value of people is the most important. This view corresponds with modern education values and development direction, which has profound influence on university English teaching. It introduces humanism theory into language teaching field, and humanism emphasizes that language teaching is not only to teach language, but also to help students obtain their own development. This paper tries to take humanism as the perspective, talking about the current college English teaching, hoping to have a certain enlightening significance. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM college English teaching teacher-student relationship
Art Education Need of Adults and Contribution of Art Education to Their Personalities
作者 Asuman Aypek Arslan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第7期582-587,共6页
Education is a mental effort that an individual performs alone or in a group for the purpose of perceiving the surrounding, understanding, and putting a meaning on it. In this sense, it would be a reasonable idea that... Education is a mental effort that an individual performs alone or in a group for the purpose of perceiving the surrounding, understanding, and putting a meaning on it. In this sense, it would be a reasonable idea that an individual should benefit from art education in order to have a complete education, since art is not just creating an aesthetic object or being aware of staying against an aesthetic object. Art means that it occurs in every stage, in every action, in all attitudes and behaviors of human being realized in an aesthetic concern without thinking When the individuals having an art education in primary and secondary education start their education in a higher education program in a faculty or department other than art education, art education loses its continuity. However art education should be continuous and it is of importance in terms of its contribution to this continuity since the studies of art education for the adults out of formal education would support it. The purpose of the current study was to determine the needs of adults and also the support that would be obtained from any kind of educational activities for art education, and to propose some recommendations in this sense 展开更多
关键词 Art education EDUCATION adult education
On Sports Humanistic Education and Humanistic Quality
作者 Chen-xiang QIAN Feng YANG 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期70-72,共3页
As the trend of modem education development, sports humanistic education covers an important field m humanistic education system, with "people-orientation" as its core. The implementation of sports humanistic educat... As the trend of modem education development, sports humanistic education covers an important field m humanistic education system, with "people-orientation" as its core. The implementation of sports humanistic education must be based on and be premised on the humanistic quality of the physical education teachers. Through the discussion of sports humanistic education and humanistic quality of physical education teachers, the connotation and essence of sports humanistic education and humanistic quality can be grasped, which facilitates the comprehensive carrying out of sports humanistic education, with providing a theoretical basis. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISTIC Sports humanistic education Humanistic quality
On the effectiveness of the ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges
作者 Liu Shitao 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期64-66,共3页
The ideological and political education in vocational colleges has "employment oriented", "practicability" and "practicalness" and other features, while facing the practical difficulties that the cultural spirit... The ideological and political education in vocational colleges has "employment oriented", "practicability" and "practicalness" and other features, while facing the practical difficulties that the cultural spirit is insufficient, the specialization of the teachers is not strong, and the students lack their own active participation and so on. The higher vocational colleges must deepen the concepts of running higher vocational education, strengthen the construction of the team of the ideological and political theory education, pay more attention to the combination of the ideological and political education with the practice, cultivate the people-oriented model of the ideological and political education, and improve the effectiveness of the ideological and political education. 展开更多
关键词 Higher vocational ideological and political education DILEMMA STRATEGY
Review of AIDS Health Education and Behavioral Interventions in China
作者 蔡于茂 曾序春 董时富 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第3期54-57,共4页
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by HIV It has been epidemic formore than 20 years, but there is no cure of it. Health educationand behavioral interventions are some of the mo... Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by HIV It has been epidemic formore than 20 years, but there is no cure of it. Health educationand behavioral interventions are some of the most effectiveapproaches in the control and prevention of AIDS. China isone of the countries with the fastest growing HIVseroprevalence rate, and is facing a widespread epidemic ofAIDS. Currently, high-risk populations such as individualswith multiple sexual partners and intravenous drug users arethe main foci of health education and behavioral interventionsin China. Encouraging results have been observed in manyforms of health education and behavioral intervention. Theapplication of health education and behavioral interventionsmust emerge from scientific evidence, follow a series ofstrategies, be carried out from various perspectives, andrequire the participation of all societal communities. 展开更多
关键词 AIDS health education behavioral intervention
作者 曹益进 《新智慧》 2017年第30期91-91,共1页
关键词 爱国主义教育 孝敬父母尊敬师长教育 人为教育 礼仪教育以及谦虚上进教育
作者 秦秋霞 于海涛 《江西教育(管理版)(A)》 2006年第7期49-50,共2页
关键词 人本化 德育 自由自觉 人为教育 人为 生命体 “人”
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