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人参子注射液对维拉帕米致犬急性心力衰竭心功能的影响 被引量:2
作者 徐凤芹 史大卓 孟亮 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2003年第2期63-65,共3页
目的 :观察人参子注射液对急性心力衰竭犬心功能的影响。方法 :采用健康杂种犬静脉输注维拉帕米 (异搏定 )造成急性心力衰竭动物模型 ,静脉给予不同剂量的人参子注射液 ,观察用药前后左心室内压上升最大速率(dp/dtmax)、左心室舒张终末... 目的 :观察人参子注射液对急性心力衰竭犬心功能的影响。方法 :采用健康杂种犬静脉输注维拉帕米 (异搏定 )造成急性心力衰竭动物模型 ,静脉给予不同剂量的人参子注射液 ,观察用药前后左心室内压上升最大速率(dp/dtmax)、左心室舒张终末压(LVEDP)及心排血量 (CO )的变化。结果 :各组造模后dp/dt max、CO均明显下降 ,LVEDP升高 ,用人参子注射液治疗后即刻dp/dtmax虽有所下降 ,但随后逐渐回升 ,LVEDP下降 ,CO增加。结论 :人参子注射液可明显降低心脏前负荷 ,改善心脏的收缩功能 ,增加心输出量。 展开更多
关键词 人参子注射液 急性心力衰竭 心功能
响应面优化水酶法提取人参子油工艺 被引量:2
作者 李传欣 程敬松 +1 位作者 吴琼 宋丹宁 《粮食与油脂》 北大核心 2020年第9期73-76,共4页
以人参子为原料,从纤维素酶、果胶酶、复合纤维素酶、碱性蛋白酶和α-淀粉酶中筛选提取人参子油的最适水解酶,结果表明:碱性蛋白酶的提油率最高达75.34%。通过响应面法对人参子油的水酶法提取工艺进行优化,得到最佳工艺条件:料液比1∶8(... 以人参子为原料,从纤维素酶、果胶酶、复合纤维素酶、碱性蛋白酶和α-淀粉酶中筛选提取人参子油的最适水解酶,结果表明:碱性蛋白酶的提油率最高达75.34%。通过响应面法对人参子油的水酶法提取工艺进行优化,得到最佳工艺条件:料液比1∶8(g/mL)、酶的添加量3%、酶解pH 9。在该条件下,人参子油的提油率达80.41%。通过GC-MS从人参子油中鉴定出19种化合物,其中顺-11-十八碳烯酸和亚油酸含量较高。 展开更多
关键词 水酶法 人参子 碱性蛋白酶 响应面法 气相色谱-质谱联用仪
人参子抗衰老作用述要 被引量:1
作者 毛万芳 刘远旭 王富 《四川中医》 北大核心 2007年第2期52-53,共2页
关键词 人参子 衰老 抗衰老 强心补肾 补脾健胃
作者 董娟 高沣 李东霞 《科学技术创新》 2018年第31期40-41,共2页
关键词 人参子 开发利用 食品及保健品
作者 郑彦楠 阮郑石诗 +3 位作者 高建平 贾晓薇 丁旭彦 袁满 《世界中医药》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第15期2253-2259,共7页
目的:研究人参枳椇子口服液(GROL)的解酒保肝作用。方法:将50只小鼠随机分空白组、模型组、GROL高剂量组、GROL低剂量组和阳性药联苯双酯对照组,每组10只。灌胃给药4周后用50%乙醇一次灌胃建立小鼠急性醉酒模型,考察GROL对小鼠基本生理... 目的:研究人参枳椇子口服液(GROL)的解酒保肝作用。方法:将50只小鼠随机分空白组、模型组、GROL高剂量组、GROL低剂量组和阳性药联苯双酯对照组,每组10只。灌胃给药4周后用50%乙醇一次灌胃建立小鼠急性醉酒模型,考察GROL对小鼠基本生理活动、小鼠血清及肝组织中相关指标,观察肝组织病理切片,评价其解酒保肝作用。采用乙醇诱导AML12肝细胞损伤模型,检测GROL干预后对乙醇刺激的AML12细胞上清液中谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)、活性氧(ROS)水平的影响。结果:GROL组小鼠醉酒时间显著延长,睡眠、醒酒时间显著缩短;血清中乙醇浓度、GPT、GOT水平显著降低;肝细胞损伤情况有所改善;GROL组肝组织中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH)水平明显提高,丙二醛(MDA)含量明显降低。对体外培养的AML12肝细胞,GROL可以逆转乙醇引起的肝细胞ALT和AST活性的升高以及过度生成的ROS量。结论:GROL具有良好的防醉、解酒和保肝作用,其发挥作用的途径可能与促进体内乙醇代谢、增强内源性抗氧化酶的活性有关。 展开更多
关键词 人参枳椇口服液 急性酒精性肝病 乙醇 解酒 保肝 抗氧化 乙醇代谢
作者 王婧 《国外医学(中医中药分册)》 2005年第4期231-231,共1页
关键词 抗肿瘤作用 细胞因 提取物 人参子 腹水瘤 小鼠 介导
煌煌大观“参”世界 功用主治各不同
作者 王佩芳 《医学参考》 2004年第1期34-37,共4页
一般人们都把“参”与“补”划等号,庶不知,全国各地,乃至世界各国,因出产地、加工方法及野生与栽培的不同,而性味、功效也各有差异,治疗的疾病也各不相同。所以,各种不同的“参”,有其各自的效能、主治,不要见着“参”,就拿... 一般人们都把“参”与“补”划等号,庶不知,全国各地,乃至世界各国,因出产地、加工方法及野生与栽培的不同,而性味、功效也各有差异,治疗的疾病也各不相同。所以,各种不同的“参”,有其各自的效能、主治,不要见着“参”,就拿来用作“补”,以免误补益疾。下面就简单介绍一下各种“参”的功效及应用,以供参考. 展开更多
关键词 移山参 西洋参 人参子 人参 石柱参
人参、附子药渣的生物活性初探 被引量:6
作者 宋玉琴 赵炳祥 +5 位作者 李燕 代良萍 张雪 刘贤武 彭成 谢晓芳 《中药药理与临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期103-108,共6页
目的:初步探讨人参、附子药渣的生物活性。方法:分别制备含有0.53%人参药渣、0.78%附子药渣及含有人参药渣0.26%+附子药渣0.52%的家兔饲料;及含人参药渣1.7%、0.85%、0.425%,附子药渣2.5%、1.25%、0.625%,及人参药渣0.85%+附子药渣1.7%... 目的:初步探讨人参、附子药渣的生物活性。方法:分别制备含有0.53%人参药渣、0.78%附子药渣及含有人参药渣0.26%+附子药渣0.52%的家兔饲料;及含人参药渣1.7%、0.85%、0.425%,附子药渣2.5%、1.25%、0.625%,及人参药渣0.85%+附子药渣1.7%的大鼠及小鼠饲料;将含药渣的兔饲料喂饲1.5月龄家兔50天,观察对其生长发育、肌肉p H值和净膛率的影响;以含药渣鼠饲料喂饲大鼠3个月,观察大鼠一般状态和抗体内细菌感染能力变化;以之喂饲小鼠6周,观察其对小鼠体重和耐寒、耐缺氧应激能力的影响。结果:含人参药渣、附子药渣和人参+附子药渣的饲料可促进家兔体重增长,提高净膛率;可增加大鼠耐受大肠杆菌感染的能力,且长期给药无明显不良反应;可延长小鼠耐缺氧存活时间和增加小鼠耐寒存活时间。结论:人参、附子药渣具有促进动物生长发育、增强抗感染和抗应激能力,具有开发为动物饲料添加剂的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 人参药渣 药渣 生物活性 饲料添加剂
参芪消渴颗粒质量标准研究 被引量:4
作者 王健 李振国 《中国药事》 CAS 2011年第5期473-475,共3页
目的研究参芪消渴颗粒的质量控制。方法建立牛蒡子的薄层鉴别方法,同时确立人参皂苷Rg1、Re的含量测定方法。采用Lichrospher C18色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-0.05%磷酸溶液(99∶400),检测波长为203nm。结果薄层色谱能检出牛蒡子,专属性强;... 目的研究参芪消渴颗粒的质量控制。方法建立牛蒡子的薄层鉴别方法,同时确立人参皂苷Rg1、Re的含量测定方法。采用Lichrospher C18色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-0.05%磷酸溶液(99∶400),检测波长为203nm。结果薄层色谱能检出牛蒡子,专属性强;人参皂苷Rg1进样量在0.08168-1.30688μg范围内线性良好,r=0.9999,平均回收率为98.31%,RSD%=2.29%;人参皂苷Re在0.05064-0.81024μg范围内线性良好,r=0.9999,平均回收率为98.75%,RSD%=2.24%。结论定性、定量方法准确可靠、重复性好,能有效地控制参芪消渴颗粒的内在质量。 展开更多
关键词 参芪消渴颗粒 TLC HPLC 牛蒡人参 质量标准
The Mediation of Defense Responses of Ginseng Cells to an Elicitor from Cell Walls of Colletotrichum lagerarium by Plasma Membrane NAD(P)H Oxidases 被引量:2
作者 胡向阳 Steven J.NEILL +2 位作者 方建颖 蔡伟明 汤章城 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第1期32-39,共8页
NAD(P)H oxidases were detected in suspension cultured cells of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer). The activities of these enzymes were induced by an elicitor (Cle) extracted from cell walls of Col-letotrichum lagera... NAD(P)H oxidases were detected in suspension cultured cells of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer). The activities of these enzymes were induced by an elicitor (Cle) extracted from cell walls of Col-letotrichum lagerarium. In addition, Cle induced an oxidative burst and enhanced the synthesis of saponin, activity of phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) , accumulation of chalcone synthase (CHS) and the transcription of a hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein gene ( hrgp ) . Pre-treatments with DPI and quinacrine (two inhibitors of mammalian neutrophil plasma membrane NADPH oxidase) for 30 min prior to Cle addition blocked the NAD(P)H oxidase activity induced by Cle. These inhibitors also inhibited the release of H2C2, the synthesis of saponin, PAL activity and CHS accumulation. Our data revealed homology between plasma membrane NAD(P)H oxidases of mammalian neutrophil cells and ginseng suspension cells. They also indicated that deactivated NAD(P)H oxidases catalysed the release of H2O2 and that H2O2 was functioning as a second messenger stimulating PAL activity, saponin synthesis and hrgp transcription. Elevations of Ca2 + and protein phos-phorylation/dephosphorylation were required for this defense process. We propose that NAD(P)H oxidases mediate the processes of Cle-induced defense responses in ginseng suspensions, and postulate the existence of a signalling cascade including extracellular Cle stimulation, activation of plasma membrane NAD(P)H oxidases, release of H2O2, and the intracellular responses of metabolism and gene transcription in ginseng suspension cells. 展开更多
关键词 NAD(P)H oxidase Panax ginseng Colletotrichum lagerarium ELICITOR signal transduction
Activation of Plasma Membrane NADPH Oxidase and Generation of H_2O_2 Mediate the Induction of PAL Activity and Saponin Synthesis byEndogenous Elicitor in Suspension-Cultured Cells of Panax ginseng 被引量:1
作者 胡向阳 Steven J NEILL +1 位作者 蔡伟明 汤章城 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第12期1434-1441,共8页
Endogenous elicitor, termed cellulase-degraded cell wall (CDW), was prepared from the cell wall of suspension-cultured ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) cells via cellulase degradation. CDW activated the NADPH oxidas... Endogenous elicitor, termed cellulase-degraded cell wall (CDW), was prepared from the cell wall of suspension-cultured ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) cells via cellulase degradation. CDW activated the NADPH oxidase activity of isolated plasma membranes and stimulated in vivo H2O2 generation in ginseng cell suspensions. CDW also increased the activity of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), expression of a P. ginseng squalene epoxidase (sqe) gene and saponin synthesis. NADPH oxidase inhibitors inhibited both in vitro NADPH oxidase activity and in vivo H2O2 generation. Induction of PAL activity, saponin synthesis and sqe gene expression were all inhibited by such inhibitor treatments and reduced by incubation with catalase and HA scavengers. These data indicate that activation of NADPH oxidase and generation of H2O2 are essential signalling events mediating defence responses induced by the endogenous elicitor(s) present in CDW. 展开更多
关键词 plasma membrane NADPH oxidase H2O2 ELICITOR Panax ginseng
作者 张晓东 《中医健康养生》 2015年第9期10-11,共2页
小程卖参程忠影来吉林省集安市清河镇人参市场打工卖参已经10个月了,这里关于人参的一切信息,每天都在刺激着她的神经。老板娘的家业如何、隔壁今年赚了多少、对面卖海参的怎么掺合进人参行业的、采参老汉一枝野山参卖出了多少万……这... 小程卖参程忠影来吉林省集安市清河镇人参市场打工卖参已经10个月了,这里关于人参的一切信息,每天都在刺激着她的神经。老板娘的家业如何、隔壁今年赚了多少、对面卖海参的怎么掺合进人参行业的、采参老汉一枝野山参卖出了多少万……这里也是她老公的故乡,多少个传奇故事在她老公的演绎下,曾娓娓动听。最终,他们决定辞去之前在大连的工作,来到这里一起卖参。"去年很矮的一个老头。 展开更多
关键词 清河镇 吉林省集安市 程忠 人参产业 移山参 万良人参市场 医科学院 药材标准 中国人参 人参子
Removal of Lead Ions from Ginseng Ethanol Extracts by Dynamic Adsorption in a Fixed-bed Column 被引量:1
作者 刘文芳 赵之平 郭轶琼 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期227-231,共5页
The removal of lead from ginseng ethanol extracts by a fixed-bed column filled with an adsorbent bearing amine and carboxyl groups was investigated. The Pb2+ content was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass s... The removal of lead from ginseng ethanol extracts by a fixed-bed column filled with an adsorbent bearing amine and carboxyl groups was investigated. The Pb2+ content was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. When the flowrate increased from 0.12 to 0.34 ml·min-1 , the column exhibited a marked increase in percentage of lead removal from 54.9% to 92.3%. Further increase in the flowrate did not bring evident changes to the lead removal, whereas an increase in the temperature could reinforce adsorption further, suggesting that the adsorption process was controlled by external film diffusion below the flowrate of 0.34 ml·min-1 , and by the intraparticle pore diffusion of lead ions when the flowrate exceeded it. A low remaining lead amount in extracts such as 0.11 mg·kg-1 (extracts powder) was achieved. The adsorbents also adsorbed effective constituents to some extent. But 88% of constituents adsorbed were taken off using a 70% ethanol aqueous solution. 展开更多
关键词 ginseng ethanol extracts lead removal ADSORPTION FIXED-BED effective constituent
The impact on secreted VEGF of Hep-2 human laryngeal cancer cell induced by Rg3 被引量:1
作者 Jihua Zhang Lai Wang +4 位作者 Caili Han Dongmei Song Baoshan Wang Suqin Shi Sha Liu 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2013年第10期477-480,共4页
Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate the af ecting of Rg3 to secreted VEGF of human laryngeal carcinoma Hep-2 cells and its mechanism of inhibition to tumor angiogenesis. Methods:Cultured human larynge... Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate the af ecting of Rg3 to secreted VEGF of human laryngeal carcinoma Hep-2 cells and its mechanism of inhibition to tumor angiogenesis. Methods:Cultured human laryngeal cancer cellline Hep-2 and human vascular endothelial cells in vitro, cells got into the period of exponential phase of growth, was diviced into 3 groups:group I (control group), group II (DDP group), group III (Rg3 group). Added to the Hep-2 cells Rg3 and DDP, made Rg3 final concentration was 300μg/mL, and DDP was 3μg/mL. 48 h later, specimens from sample to be done immunocytochemistry, and the protein of VEGF in Hep-2 cells to be detected. Col ecting Hep-2 cells supernatant, some was used to measure the protein level of VEGF in Hep-2 cells supernatant by ELISA. Some was used to culture HVEC. 24 h later, cellgrowth inhibition rate of human vascular endothelial was determined by MTT. Results:The protein level of VEGF was evi-dently higher in group I compared to group II and group III, it was not only in Hep-2 cells, but also in supernatant of Hep-2 cells. There was no significantly dif erent between group II and group III. MTT results showed that, the human vascular endothelial cellgrowth inhibition rate of group I was significantly lower than that of group II and group III (P〈0.05). At the same time the HVEC growth inhibition rate of group II was significantly lower than that of group III (P〈0.05). Conclusion:The inhibition to tumor angiogenesis of Rg3 is stronger than traditional chemotherapy drug cisplatin. It worke by reducing the biological ef ects of secreted VEGF, But the ef ecting worke by reducing the activity of secreted VEGF itself or af ecting endothelial function of VEGF receptor or some other ways to be further studied. 展开更多
关键词 Rg3 secreted VEGF Hep-2 cell HVEC
Impact of Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) on Power Generation of Microbial Fuel Cells 被引量:1
作者 Wonjae Kim Peter Lee +4 位作者 Thomas W. Kim George Kim Jonathan Sukhee Chung Jihwan Alex. Joo Sung-Jae Chung 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第7期448-453,共6页
This study reports an increase in power generation of a MFC (microbial fuel cell) by the addition of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng). It was noted that the use of ginseng enhances the microbial anaerobic degradatio... This study reports an increase in power generation of a MFC (microbial fuel cell) by the addition of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng). It was noted that the use of ginseng enhances the microbial anaerobic degradation of cellobiose, a disaccharide that was used as a substrate in the anode chamber of the MFC. The power output of the MFC where ginseng was added showed noticeable enhancement compared to the control MFC. The increase slowly ramped at the initial days and became appreciably higher after the 11th day of incubation in an experiment set up for 16 days duration. It is attributed that the ginseng increases the CO2 production by accelerating the fermentation process. Decrease in CH4/CO2 ratio was observed also due to decrease in methane production per digested cellobiose, the proton donor in the current study. Four ring steroid-like structural moiety Ginsenoside of Panax ginseng seemed to play a beneficial role in the electron transfer from ceilobiose to the anode, perhaps by rendering easier electron transfer due to favorable energy level alignments. 展开更多
关键词 MFC Korean ginseng PANAX anaerobic degradation.
参附配伍减毒作用的尿液代谢组学研究 被引量:8
作者 赵佳伟 何家乐 +6 位作者 马增春 梁乾德 王宇光 谭洪玲 肖成荣 汤响林 高月 《中药药理与临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期1-5,共5页
目的:研究参附配伍对大鼠尿液代谢组学的影响,旨在从尿液中发现参附配伍作用的内源性标记物,从内源性代谢物角度解释参附配伍的作用规律。方法:连续7天给予雄性Wistar大鼠不同配伍的参附水煎液20g/kg,收集尿液,通过主成分分析和偏最小... 目的:研究参附配伍对大鼠尿液代谢组学的影响,旨在从尿液中发现参附配伍作用的内源性标记物,从内源性代谢物角度解释参附配伍的作用规律。方法:连续7天给予雄性Wistar大鼠不同配伍的参附水煎液20g/kg,收集尿液,通过主成分分析和偏最小二乘判别法分析参附配伍对内源性代谢物的影响。结果:参附合并组与合煎组相比,泛醌、马尿酸的含量下降,甲硫氨酸含量上升。泛醌、泛酸、核黄素、甲硫氨酸等可能通过抗氧化的方式来减轻附子的毒性,并影响着线粒体的功能。结论:参附配伍可以减轻附子的毒性,并且代谢组学为参附配伍减毒的研究提供了科学参考。 展开更多
关键词 人参 配伍减毒 内源性标示物 尿液 代谢组学
作者 跃华 《山西老年》 2000年第11期41-41,共1页
二苋子散 主治:目中出泪或出脓。 处方:马齿苋子、人参子各15克。 用法:为末,绵裹铜器中蒸熟,熨大眦头脓水出处。每熨温度以50℃为宜。 注:本方清热、解毒、凉血、消脓。 倍荆洗眼方 主治:眼热流泪。 处方:五倍子、蔓荆子各适量。 用法... 二苋子散 主治:目中出泪或出脓。 处方:马齿苋子、人参子各15克。 用法:为末,绵裹铜器中蒸熟,熨大眦头脓水出处。每熨温度以50℃为宜。 注:本方清热、解毒、凉血、消脓。 倍荆洗眼方 主治:眼热流泪。 处方:五倍子、蔓荆子各适量。 用法:煎汤洗,后用雄鸡胆点之。 注:本方外用疏散风热,清利头目。 展开更多
关键词 人参子 马齿苋 洗眼方 处方 蔓荆 疏散风热 温通气血 冷泪 目昏 桑叶
Ultrafast spectroscopy studies on the mechanism of electron transfer and energy conversion in the isolated pseudo ginseng,water hyacinth and spinach chloroplasts
作者 徐四川 孙照勇 +7 位作者 艾希成 冯娟 张启元 张兴康 郁飞 唐崇钦 李良璧 匡廷云 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第4期366-380,共15页
The spectroscopy characteristics and the fluorescence lifetime for the chloroplasts isolated from the pseudo ginseng, water hyacinth and spinach plant leaves have been studied by absorption spectra, low temperature st... The spectroscopy characteristics and the fluorescence lifetime for the chloroplasts isolated from the pseudo ginseng, water hyacinth and spinach plant leaves have been studied by absorption spectra, low temperature steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy and single photon counting measurement under the same conditions and by the same methods. The similarity of the absorption spectra for the chloroplasts at room temperature suggests that different plants can efficiently absorb light of the same wavelength. The fluorescence decays in PS II measured at the natural QA state for the chloroplasts have been fitted by a three-exponential kinetic model. The three fluorescence lifetimes are 30, 274 and 805 ps for the pseudo ginseng chloroplast; 138, 521 and 1494 ps for the water hyacinth chloroplast; 197, 465 and 1459 ps for the spinach chloroplast, respectively. The slow lifetime fluorescence component is assigned to a collection of associated light harvesting Chl a/b proteins, the fast lifetime component to the reaction center of PS II and the middle lifetime component to the delay fluorescence of recombination of P+ 680 and Pheo-. The excitation energy conversion efficiency(η) in PS II RC is defined and calculated on the basis of the 20 ps electron transfer time constant model, 60%, 87% and 91% for the pseudo ginseng, water hyacinth and spinach chloroplasts, respectively. This interesting result is in unconformity with what is assumed to be 100% efficiency in PS II RC. Our result in this work stands in line with the 20 ps electron transfer time constant in PS II rather sound and the water hyacinth plant grows slower than the spinach plant does as envisaged on the efficiency. But, our results predict that those plants can perform highly efficient transfer of photo-excitation energy from the light-harvesting pigment system to the reaction center (closely to 100%). The conclusion contained in this paper reveals the plant growth characteristics expressed in the primary processes of photosynthesis and a relationship between a plant growing rate and its spectroscopy characteristics and fluorescence lifetimes, namely, the slower a plant grows, the less excitation energy conversation efficiency used might be anticipated. 展开更多
关键词 pseudo ginseng water hyacinth CHLOROPLAST single photon counting fluorescence lifetime excitation energy conversation efficiency
Ginsenoside Rg3 inhibits colon cancer cell migration by suppressing nuclear factor kappa B activity 被引量:13
作者 Song Junmin Liu Hongxiang +2 位作者 Li Zhen Yang Chao Wang Chaojie 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期440-444,共5页
OBJECTIVE: To study the mechanism of the inhibitory effect of ginsenoside Rg3 on colon cancer cell migration.METHODS: Transwell migration assays were performed to investigate the inhibitory effect of ginsenoside Rg3 o... OBJECTIVE: To study the mechanism of the inhibitory effect of ginsenoside Rg3 on colon cancer cell migration.METHODS: Transwell migration assays were performed to investigate the inhibitory effect of ginsenoside Rg3 on SW480 cell migration. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays(EMSAs) and dual luciferase reporter assays were used to study the suppression capability of Rg3 on nuclear factor kappa B(NF-κB) activity. Western blotting was adopted to determine protein levels.RESULTS: Two-hundred micromolar ginsenoside Rg3 significantly inhibited SW480 cell migration(P < 0.05). EMSA showed that Rg3 suppressed the DNA binding ability of NF-κB. Dual luciferase reporter assay showed that Rg3 decreased NF-κB-regulated gene transcription(P < 0.01). Western blots indicated that Rg3 down-regulated expression of the NF-κB-regulated matrix metalloproteinase 9,cyclooxygenase-2 and C-Myc. An NF-κB inhibitor,pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate,enhanced the inhibitory effect of Rg3 on SW480 cell migration.CONCLUSION: Ginsenoside Rg3 has a strong antitumor migration capability by suppressing NF-κB activity and expression of NF-κB-regulated gene products. It could be a good adjuvant for colon cancer patients during the course of chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 Colonic neoplasms Ginsenoside Rg3 NF-kappa B Cell movement
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