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福建省2004年各类学校突发公卫事件监测结果 被引量:37
作者 陈武 欧剑鸣 +2 位作者 蔡少健 陈彩粼 洪荣涛 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第10期872-874,共3页
目的了解各类学校突发卫生事件的报告及时性与现场处置情况,为有效预防、及时控制各类学校突发卫生事件提供决策依据。方法分析2004年国家突发公共卫生事件报告管理信息系统与福建省文件传输协议(FTP)监测系统的各类突发公共卫生事件。... 目的了解各类学校突发卫生事件的报告及时性与现场处置情况,为有效预防、及时控制各类学校突发卫生事件提供决策依据。方法分析2004年国家突发公共卫生事件报告管理信息系统与福建省文件传输协议(FTP)监测系统的各类突发公共卫生事件。结果各地突发公共卫生事件报告工作不够平衡,有些地市报告工作不够理想;FTP方式是目前的主要报告途径,占各类报告途径的78.02%(71/91);传染性疾病类是各类学校突发公卫事件的主要类型,占89.01%(81/91);春秋两季是学校各类突发公卫事件的好发季节。结论应加强对各级各类学校保健部门督查,提高突发公共卫生事件的报告及时性。 展开更多
关键词 公共卫生 人口(种群)监测 学生保健服务
不同失眠症易患群体的睡眠特征比较 被引量:12
作者 关玲 秦爱梅 +2 位作者 蔡兰萍 李金梅 盖秀静 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第48期30-32,共3页
目的:调查老年人群和轮班人员的睡眠状况,对比分析不同失眠症易患群体的睡眠特点,为改善睡眠质量提供帮助。方法:于2005-07-15/19在解放军总医院对396名年龄>65岁的老年人、388名轮班人员、100名正常人进行匹兹堡睡眠质量指数的测查... 目的:调查老年人群和轮班人员的睡眠状况,对比分析不同失眠症易患群体的睡眠特点,为改善睡眠质量提供帮助。方法:于2005-07-15/19在解放军总医院对396名年龄>65岁的老年人、388名轮班人员、100名正常人进行匹兹堡睡眠质量指数的测查和睡眠特征分析,用DSM-Ⅳ标准进行失眠症的诊断。分为老年组、轮班人员组、正常组。采用问卷调查法,问卷包括一般情况(包括姓名、性别、年龄、病情等)和匹兹堡睡眠质量自评量表两部分。匹兹堡睡眠质量自评量表由23个条目构成,分为7个成分,包括睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍、安眠药物和日间功能,每个成分按0~3计分,各域分相加为匹兹堡睡眠质量指数总分,>7分者表示睡眠质量差,总分越高示睡眠质量越差。对比老年组、轮班组和正常对照组的失眠率及匹兹堡睡眠质量自评量表中7个成分得分和睡眠质量指数总分情况,分析3组的睡眠质量特征。结果:共发放问卷调查900份,回收有效问卷884份,调查应答率98.22%,老年组396名、轮班组388名、正常组100名,进入结果分析。①老年组睡眠差者占58.05%,确诊为失眠症的占总群体的32.58%,轮班人员睡眠状况差者占72.02%,确诊失眠的占64.69%。②老年组、轮班组匹兹堡睡眠质量指数均高于正常组,差异有显著性(8.61±5.07,8.52±3.57,3.36±2.24;t=5.903,7.74,P=0.000),老年组、轮班组总体睡眠质量差异无显著性(t=0.318,P=0.753)。③轮班组以入睡困难、白天功能障碍为突出表现(χ2=53.970,145.705,P=0.000),老年人以睡眠时间减少、睡眠效率降低、睡眠障碍多、催眠药物使用多为特点(χ2=38.808,65.943,16.840,91.652,P=0.000)。④影响夜间睡眠的因素中,老人起夜多(每周>1~2次)的占总体的72.23%。早醒(每周>1~2次)的占总体的56.06%。轮班人员早醒的占总体的53.09%,起夜多(每周>1~2次)的占34.79%。结论:老年人群和轮班人员的睡眠状况较普通人群差。轮班人员主要表现为入睡困难、白天功能障碍,可能与睡眠剥夺和生物钟紊乱有关;老年人以睡眠时间减少、睡眠效率降低、睡眠障碍多、催眠药物使用多为特点,似乎与脑功能退化有关。临床上应采用针对性的干预措施来改善不同群体的睡眠。 展开更多
关键词 睡眠障碍 失眠症/病因学 人口(种群)特征 患病率 老年人
乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族成年人超重和肥胖的流行病学调查 被引量:22
作者 曾小云 谢自敬 伊力哈木 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期17-19,共3页
目的:探讨乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族成年人超重和肥胖的情况,并分析不同体质量指数(bodymassindex,BMI)与血糖、胰岛素抵抗、血压、血脂关系。方法:调查乌鲁木齐市10个单位维吾尔族年龄20~84岁的居民,进行体格测量和实验室测定相关指标,分别... 目的:探讨乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族成年人超重和肥胖的情况,并分析不同体质量指数(bodymassindex,BMI)与血糖、胰岛素抵抗、血压、血脂关系。方法:调查乌鲁木齐市10个单位维吾尔族年龄20~84岁的居民,进行体格测量和实验室测定相关指标,分别以年龄、性别分层统计分析超重和肥胖流行病学情况,分析不同体重指数与血糖、血压、血脂的关系。结果:以WHO现行肥胖诊断标准(超重BMI≥25kg/m2,肥胖≥30kg/m2)为标准,乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族成年城市居民超重现患率为:65.6%,肥胖现患率为18.3%。男性分别为71.2%,17.7%;女性分别为55.9%,19.3%;男性超重现患率高于女性(χ2=15.7,15.5,P<0.01)。超重和肥胖现患率随年龄增长呈增长趋势。随BMI增加,收缩压、舒张压增高,差异有显著性意义(F=28.6438,5.8172,P<0.01);空腹胰岛素、稳态模式胰岛素抵抗指数呈上升趋势,与体质量正相关(r=0.9424,0.9321,P<0.05)。乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族成年居民的每天膳食特点为高热量犤平均(12.35±5.62)MJ/d犦和高脂肪(平均脂肪热量比39.02%)。结论:乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族成年人中超重和肥胖病现患率高、年轻人与男性的超重与肥胖现患率高、热量摄入高、膳食结构不合理。 展开更多
关键词 肥胖症/流行病学 人口(种群) 汉族 成年人
乌鲁木齐市汉族人群代谢综合征流行病学基线调查 被引量:6
作者 胡尔西达 曾小云 +3 位作者 谢自敬 祁燕 王薇彬 朱筠 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2004年第27期5850-5851,共2页
目的:调查乌鲁木齐市汉族成年人代谢综合征及有关疾病的患病状况。方法:以乌鲁木齐新市区25岁以上汉族成人为对象,排除资料不全者,共分析2670例,男1597例,女1073例,平均年龄(48±12)岁。采用流行病学调查方法进行问卷调查,所有调查... 目的:调查乌鲁木齐市汉族成年人代谢综合征及有关疾病的患病状况。方法:以乌鲁木齐新市区25岁以上汉族成人为对象,排除资料不全者,共分析2670例,男1597例,女1073例,平均年龄(48±12)岁。采用流行病学调查方法进行问卷调查,所有调查者均接受75g葡萄糖耐量试验,并进行血糖、血脂、血胰岛素、血压的测定。结果:乌鲁木齐市汉族成年人中糖尿病、糖耐量减低/空腹血糖减损、高血压、血脂紊乱、向心性肥胖及代谢综合征患病率分别为11.16%,27.41%,17.69%,65.56%,6.78%和9.21%。男性的高血压、血脂紊乱、超重、代谢综合征患病率高于女性(χ2=14.37,3.57,44.13,10.60,P<0.01)。结论:乌鲁木齐市汉族中中年人代谢综合征及相关疾病的患病率很高,尤见于中心性肥胖和血脂紊乱。 展开更多
关键词 代谢疾病/流行病学 人口(种群) 维吾尔族 成年人
我国突发公共卫生事件预警机制建设现状 被引量:63
作者 舒彬 廖巧红 聂绍发 《疾病控制杂志》 2005年第6期623-626,共4页
预防和控制突发公共卫生事件最关键是及时、迅速地发现突发事件的先兆,起到预警作用。预警是在考虑了资料的不完全性和危害的不确定性之后,在有必要采取措施的地方进行危害警告的方法,将突发事件的危害降低到最小。预警系统是由信息来... 预防和控制突发公共卫生事件最关键是及时、迅速地发现突发事件的先兆,起到预警作用。预警是在考虑了资料的不完全性和危害的不确定性之后,在有必要采取措施的地方进行危害警告的方法,将突发事件的危害降低到最小。预警系统是由信息来源系统、预警监测指标体系、信息收集、分析、反馈与报警系统和预警反应措施四大框架组成。我国预警机制建设已有了初步进展,基本做到县及以上医疗卫生机构网络直报,建立了信息相互通报的机制,增加了疫情信息的透明度,初步探讨传染病的预警界值等,但仍存在认识不到位、预警指标体系和网络不健全、监测报告系统反应速度慢、公共卫生投入不足、预警反应措施不健全等问题。预警机制建设的发展趋势是建立功能完善的监测报告系统;优化预警系统的资源配置,完善预警反应措施;建立垂直的公共卫生服务体系的问责制。 展开更多
关键词 公共卫生 人口(种群)监测
作者 陆舜华 张炳文 《山西医科大学学报》 CAS 1998年第S1期36-38,共3页
选取8项肤纹参数(A、Lu、W、atd角、悉尼、桥贯、I3、Hy),对我国24个群体肤纹特征进行了主成分分析,其结果显示,24个群体可分为北方组和南方组两大群体。北方组各群体的肤纹特征有较大的相似性,而南方组群体彼此... 选取8项肤纹参数(A、Lu、W、atd角、悉尼、桥贯、I3、Hy),对我国24个群体肤纹特征进行了主成分分析,其结果显示,24个群体可分为北方组和南方组两大群体。北方组各群体的肤纹特征有较大的相似性,而南方组群体彼此间的差异性高于北方群。拉萨藏族具有较为独特的肤纹特征。 展开更多
关键词 肤纹学 主成分分析 人口(种群)
A Comparison of the Bacterial Microflora between Coastal Sites in Qingdao, P.R. China and Loch Fyne, Scotland 被引量:20
作者 MacInnes J. +3 位作者 Robertson P.A.W. Austin B. 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2002年第2期148-152,共5页
Aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria, recovered from two sites located on the west coast of Scotland, were compared to cultures obtained in a similar way from industrial, aquacultural and clean sites in the vicinity of Qin... Aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria, recovered from two sites located on the west coast of Scotland, were compared to cultures obtained in a similar way from industrial, aquacultural and clean sites in the vicinity of Qingdao, Shandong, P.R. China. Gram-negative bacterial cultures were examined by BIOLOG-GN, and the data analysed by the simple matching (S SM) and Jaccard coefficients (S J) and unweighted average linkage clustering using NTSys. The output revealed that 20% of the bacteria, namely, Acinetobacter johnsonii, Aquaspirillum dispar, Pseudomonas spp. (two groups), Sphingobacterium sp., Vibrio sp., V. campbellii, V. mimicus and V. hollisae, were common between the two geographical locations. However, the study revealed shortcomings with the BIOLOG-GN system for the study of coastal Gram-negative bacteria. 展开更多
Relationship between trawl selectivity and fish body size in a simulated population 被引量:1
作者 孙鹏 梁振林 +2 位作者 黄六一 唐衍力 何鑫 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期327-333,共7页
Trawl is a main fishing gear in Chinese fishery,capturing large fish and letting small ones at large.However,long-term use of trawl would result in changes of phenotypic traits of the fish stocks,such as smaller size-... Trawl is a main fishing gear in Chinese fishery,capturing large fish and letting small ones at large.However,long-term use of trawl would result in changes of phenotypic traits of the fish stocks,such as smaller size-at-age and earlier age-at-maturation.In this study,we simulated a fish population with size characteristics of trawl fishing and the population produces one generation of offspring and lives for one year,used trawl to exploit the simulated fish population,and captured individuals by body size.We evaluated the impact of the changes on selectivity parameters,such as selective range and the length at 50% retention.Under fishing pressure,we specified the selectivity parameters,and determined that smaller selection rates and greater length at 50% retention were associated with an increased tendency towards miniaturization. 展开更多
关键词 selectivity parameters trawl selectivity simulated population
Kinetic Behaviors of Catalysis-Driven Growth of Three-Species Aggregates on Base of Exchange-Driven Aggregations
作者 SUN Yun-Fei CHEN Dan LIN Zhen-Quan KE Jian-Hong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期1042-1054,共13页
We propose a solvable aggregation model to mimic the evolution of population A, asset B, and the quantifiable resource C in a society. In this system, the population and asset aggregates themselves grow through selfex... We propose a solvable aggregation model to mimic the evolution of population A, asset B, and the quantifiable resource C in a society. In this system, the population and asset aggregates themselves grow through selfexchanges with the rate kernels Kl(k,j) = K1kj and K2(h,j) = K2kj, respectively. The actions of the population and asset aggregations on the aggregation evolution of resource aggregates are described by the population-catalyzed monomer death of resource aggregates and asset-catalyzed monomer birth of resource aggregates with the rate kerne/s J1(k,j)=J1k and J2(k,j) = J2k, respectively. Meanwhile, the asset and resource aggregates conjunctly catalyze the monomer birth of population aggregates with the rate kernel I1 (k,i,j) = I1ki^μjη, and population and resource aggregates conjunctly catalyze the monomer birth of asset aggregates with the rate kernel /2(k, i, j) = I2ki^νj^η. The kinetic behaviors of species A, B, and C are investigated by means of the mean-field rate equation approach. The effects of the population-catalyzed death and asset-catalyzed birth on the evolution of resource aggregates based on the self-exchanges of population and asset appear in effective forms. The coefficients of the effective population-catalyzed death and the asset-catalyzed birth are expressed as J1e = J1/K1 and J2e= J2/K2, respectively. The aggregate size distribution of C species is found to be crucially dominated by the competition between the effective death and the effective birth. It satisfies the conventional scaling form, generalized scaling form, and modified scaling form in the cases of J1e〈J2e, J1e=J2e, and J1e〉J2e, respectively. Meanwhile, we also find the aggregate size distributions of populations and assets both fall into two distinct categories for different parameters μ,ν, and η: (i) When μ=ν=η=0 and μ=ν=η=1, the population and asset aggregates obey the generalized scaling forms; and (ii) When μ=ν=1,η=0, and μ=ν=η=1, the population and asset aggregates experience gelation transitions at finite times and the scaling forms break down. 展开更多
关键词 kinetic behavior exchange-driven growth catalyzed birth/death rate equations
Genetic diversity and population structure of a Sichuan sika deer(Cervus sichuanicus) population in Tiebu Nature Reserve based on microsatellite variation 被引量:1
作者 Ya HE Zheng-Huan WANG Xiao-Ming WANG 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期528-536,共9页
Cervus sichuanicus is a species of sika deer (Cervus nippon Group). To date, research has mainly focused on quantity surveying and behavior studies, with genetic information on this species currently deficient. To p... Cervus sichuanicus is a species of sika deer (Cervus nippon Group). To date, research has mainly focused on quantity surveying and behavior studies, with genetic information on this species currently deficient. To provide scientific evidence to assist in the protection of this species, we collected Sichuan sika deer fecal samples from the Sichuan Tiebu Nature Reserve (TNR) and extracted DNA from those samples. Microsatellite loci of bovine were used for PCR amplification. After GeneScan, the genotype data were used to analyze the genetic diversity and population structure of the Sichuan sika deer in TNR. Results showed that the average expected heterozygosity of the Sichuan sika deer population in TNR was 0.562, equivalent to the average expected heterozygosity of endangered animals, such as Procapra przewalsldi. Furthermore, 8 of 9 microsatellite loci significantly deviated from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and two groups existed within the Sichuan sika deer TNR population. This genetic structure may be caused by a group of Manchurian sika deer (Cervus hortulorum) released in TNR. 展开更多
关键词 Sichuan sika deer MICROSATELLITE Genetic diversity Population structure
Effect of Different Nutrient Factors in the Population Growth of Heterocapsa circularisquama 被引量:2
作者 J. Z. Xue A. J. Yan +1 位作者 J. H. Wang H. X. Wu 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第1期47-53,共7页
A marine red tide algae denominated as Heterocapsa circularisquama was cultured under the control factors. And the ecological function of nutrient salts such as nitrogen (mg/L), phosphorus (rag/L) as well as silic... A marine red tide algae denominated as Heterocapsa circularisquama was cultured under the control factors. And the ecological function of nutrient salts such as nitrogen (mg/L), phosphorus (rag/L) as well as silicon (rag/L) in different consistency on the population growth of H. circularisquama was investigated. The results showed that overtop or too low consistency of nutrient salts both delayed the population multiplication of the red tide algae, and different nutrient factors as nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon all had significant effects on the population amplification of H.circularisquama (p〈0.01). The optimal concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon in the culture medium for the algae propagation and growth were 10 mg/L, 1-5 mg/L and 0 mg/L respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Hetevocapsa circularisquama NUTRIENT red tide population.
Statistical Properties of Multispecies Competition Ecosystems Subjected to Dichotomous Noises
作者 聂林如 彭金辉 梅冬成 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期829-834,共6页
We investigate statistical properties of multispecies competition ecosystems subjected to both symmetric and asymmetric dichotomous noises. The expression of the stationary probability distribution function (SPDF) i... We investigate statistical properties of multispecies competition ecosystems subjected to both symmetric and asymmetric dichotomous noises. The expression of the stationary probability distribution function (SPDF) is analytically derived by means of mean-field approximation, and verified by stochastic simulations. The results indicate that: (i) A noise amplitude (a0), a noise autocorrelation time (τ0) and a noise symmetry parameter (k) all can affect the SPDF; (ii) There is an optimal τ0, which makes the mean value of population density be maximal, near which a transition takes place, i.e., the stationary mean value of species density ((x)st) suddenly falls to a lower constant, (iii) As k decreases, the maximum of (x)xt and the optimal 70 increase. The parameter planes of TO -- a20 and τ0- k for the transition are plotted. 展开更多
关键词 statistical properties multispecies competition dichotomous noise TRANSITION
Base of the Pyramid Population: Identifying Populations to Increase Citizen Participation Through Information Technology
作者 Paulina Alvarez Barillas 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第4期551-564,共14页
The Municipality of Puebla is today's capital of the fourth most important city of Mexico. During 2009, its city hall ranked infirst place in category of metropolitan city as information and communication technologie... The Municipality of Puebla is today's capital of the fourth most important city of Mexico. During 2009, its city hall ranked infirst place in category of metropolitan city as information and communication technologies to reach part of "Digital City Award". From the strategy to use governmental efficiency, as well as interact with the population and socioeconomic development of the zone, free wireless internet was implemented in 39 areas to facilitate the access to training of citizenship by using this new form of media. The municipality has a population with great economic disparity, which is translated in strong social exclusion, located mainly in housing units and popular colonies with people in situation of hereditary poverty. Because of that, the need of knowing the profile and the consumer habits of mass media communication emerges. The research evaluates identification of actual and potential users of the web2.0, so it can be possible to recognize the chances of intervention in this segment and increase its participation on public character programs and promoting equality of opportunities and the possibility being a participative citizenship that contributes to the local human development. 展开更多
关键词 POVERTY CITIZENSHIP civic engagement web audience human development
A Metapopulation Model with Patches Distributed in Two Geographical Scales
作者 Vanderlei Manica Jacques Aveline Loureiro da Silva 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第4期284-290,共7页
We propose a metapopulation model with two geographical scales. In a regional scale, the model describes the dynamics of a collection of habitats connected by migratory movements. In a local scale, we consider some gr... We propose a metapopulation model with two geographical scales. In a regional scale, the model describes the dynamics of a collection of habitats connected by migratory movements. In a local scale, we consider some granularity within each habitat, in the sense that each habitat is itself a collection of patches linked by dispersal. The whole ensemble can be seen as a metapopulation composed by local metapopulations. We analyze the synchronization of the model in the two geographical scales. We present an analytic criterion for synchronization where only the habitats in the regional scale evolve with the same dynamics. Through numerical simulations, we discuss the different synchronization modes. It depends on how the individuals are distributed in the local patches that compose a habitat after migration takes place in the regional scale. 展开更多
关键词 METAPOPULATION distribution matrix Lyapunov number.
上海市流感样病例发病趋势的时间序列分析和预测模型研究 被引量:33
作者 李燕婷 张宏伟 +2 位作者 任宏 陈健 王晔 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期496-498,共3页
目的预测上海市流感样病例的发病趋势。方法应用自回归求和移动平均模型(autoregressive integrated moving average model,ARIMA),对上海市2004年1月至2006年4月期间由流感监测点医院每日报告的流感样病例监测资料进行时间序列分析并... 目的预测上海市流感样病例的发病趋势。方法应用自回归求和移动平均模型(autoregressive integrated moving average model,ARIMA),对上海市2004年1月至2006年4月期间由流感监测点医院每日报告的流感样病例监测资料进行时间序列分析并建立预测模型,使用前114周资料建立模型,后9周资料评估模型预测效果。结果流感样病例监测资料构建 ARIMA(1,0,0)(1,1,0)26模型,非季节性和季节性自回归系数差异皆有统计学意义(P<0.001)。白噪声残差分析显示序列白相关函数的 Box-Ljung 统计量最小值为0.803(P>0.1),残差为随机性误差。1~114周资料所建立模型 lgy_t=0.879 lgY_(t-1)+0.418 lgY_(t-26)-0.367 lgY_(t-27)+0.582 lgY_(t-52)-0.512 lgY_(t-53)预测效果良好,实际值均在预测值的95%可信区间内,符合率达100%。结论 ARIMA 模型能较好模拟上海市流感样病例的发病趋势。 展开更多
关键词 流感 模型 统计学 队列研究 人口(种群)监测
前瞻性时空扫描统计量在传染病早期预警中的应用 被引量:10
作者 殷菲 李晓松 +1 位作者 冯子健 马家奇 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第S01期155-158,共4页
目的探索前瞻性时空扫描统计量在传染病早期预警中的应用.方法模拟实时监测系统,采用前瞻性时空扫描统计量对2005年成都市102个乡镇街道的3212例细菌性痢疾病例数据进行逐日前瞻性分析,并与单纯时间聚集性分析结果相比较.结果前瞻性时... 目的探索前瞻性时空扫描统计量在传染病早期预警中的应用.方法模拟实时监测系统,采用前瞻性时空扫描统计量对2005年成都市102个乡镇街道的3212例细菌性痢疾病例数据进行逐日前瞻性分析,并与单纯时间聚集性分析结果相比较.结果前瞻性时空扫描统计量可提供确切的预警信息,对细菌性痢疾进行时间和空间定位.从6月的预警结果可见,前瞻性时空扫描统计量及时探测到了细菌性痢疾的局部暴发,且预警信号较强(P=0.007).而单纯时间聚集性分析滞后2d发出预警,且信号较弱(P=0.039).结论前瞻性时空扫描统计量能够充分挖掘和利用传染病监测数据中的时间和空间信息,能够提高聚集性探测的及时性和有效性,在实际工作中具有潜在的重要应用价值. 展开更多
关键词 疾病报告 时空聚类分析 人口(种群)监测
招远市1970-2004年胃癌死亡率变化趋势 被引量:3
作者 王南达 孙成阳 翟玉庭 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第S01期73-76,共4页
目的根据1970-2004年山东省招远市胃癌死亡资料,分析胃癌死亡率的变化趋势.方法1970-1974年死亡数据为全国肿瘤死因回顾调查资料;1985-2004年为市肿瘤登记监测资料.统计指标为死亡率和1982年人口和世界人口标化死亡率.结果1970-1974、19... 目的根据1970-2004年山东省招远市胃癌死亡资料,分析胃癌死亡率的变化趋势.方法1970-1974年死亡数据为全国肿瘤死因回顾调查资料;1985-2004年为市肿瘤登记监测资料.统计指标为死亡率和1982年人口和世界人口标化死亡率.结果1970-1974、1985-1989、1990-1994、1995-1999和2000-2004年5个时期胃癌粗死亡率分别为34.94/10万、44.34/10万、40.05/10万、48.73/10万和40.18/10万;1982年中国人口构成标化死亡率分别为:30.82/10万、30.35/10万、27.78/10万、31.63/10万和20.10/10万.1970-1999年期间基本稳定,而2000--2004年中国标化死亡率比1970-1974年下降了34.8%.35年中胃癌高发年龄后推了10岁,胃癌死亡率由第1位下降为第3位.结论死亡监测资料表明胃癌的发生呈下降趋势,饮食成分改变可能与胃癌死亡率下降有关联. 展开更多
关键词 胃肿瘤 死亡率 人口(种群)监测
Individual variability in life-history traits drives population size stability 被引量:1
作者 Ned A. DOCHTERMANN C. M. GIENGER 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期358-362,共5页
Understanding how population sizes vary over time is a key aspect of ecological research. Unfortunately, our under- standing of population dynamics has historically been based on an assumption that individuals are ide... Understanding how population sizes vary over time is a key aspect of ecological research. Unfortunately, our under- standing of population dynamics has historically been based on an assumption that individuals are identical with homogenous life-history properties. This assumption is certainly false for most natural systems, raising the question of what role individual variation plays in the dynamics of populations. While there has been an increase of interest regarding the effects of within popula- tion variation on the dynamics of single populations, there has been little study of the effects of differences in within population variation on patterns observed across populations. We found that life-history differences (clutch size) among individuals ex- plained the majority of the variation observed in the degree to which population sizes of eastern fence lizards Sceloporus undula- tus fluctuated. This finding suggests that differences across populations cannot be understood without an examination of differences at the level of a system rather than at the level of the individual 展开更多
关键词 Individual variation Population size variability Ecological stability Demographic stochasticity Demographic heterogeneity Sceloporus undulatus
Reinforcement as an initiator of population Jivergence and speciation 被引量:1
作者 Karin S. PFENNIG 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期145-154,共10页
When hybridization results in reduced fitness, natural selection is expected to favor the evolution of traits that minimize the likelihood of hybridizing in the first place. This process, termed reinforcement (or, mo... When hybridization results in reduced fitness, natural selection is expected to favor the evolution of traits that minimize the likelihood of hybridizing in the first place. This process, termed reinforcement (or, more generally, reproductive character displacement), thereby contributes to the evolution of enhanced reproductive isolation between hybridizing groups. By enhancing reproductive isolation in this way, reinforcement plays an important role in the final stages of speciation. However, reinforcement can also contribute to the early stages of speciation. Specifically, because selection to avoid hybridization occurs only in sympatric populations, the unfolding of reinforcement can lead to the evolution of traits in sympatric populations that reduce reproduction between conspecifics in sympatry versus those in allopatry. Thus, reinforcement between species can lead to reproductive isolation--and possibly speciation-between populations in sympatry versus those in allopatry or among different sympatric populations. Here, I describe how this process can occur, the conditions under which it is most likely to occur, and the empirical data needed to evaluate the hypothesis that reinforcement can initiate speciation. 展开更多
关键词 character displacement ecological speciation gene flow HYBRIDIZATION population divergence reinforcement cascades reproductive isolation sexual selection speciation cascades.
Accurate assessment of antibiotic susceptibility and screening resistant strains of a bacterial population by linear gradient plate 被引量:4
作者 LIU YuQing LI JingRan +8 位作者 DU JiaFa HU Ming BAI Hua QI Jing GAO Chao WEI TianTian SU Hong JIN JianLing GAO PeiJi 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第10期953-960,共8页
The dynamics of a bacterial population exposed to the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of an antibiotic is an important issue in pharmacological research. Therefore, a novel antibiotic susceptibility test is u... The dynamics of a bacterial population exposed to the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of an antibiotic is an important issue in pharmacological research. Therefore, a novel antibiotic susceptibility test is urgently needed that can both precisely determine the MIC and accurately select antibiotic-resistant strains from clinical bacterial populations. For this purpose, we developed a method based on Fick's laws of diffusion using agar plates containing a linear gradient of antibiotic. The gradient plate contained two layers. The bottom layer consisted of 15 mL agar containing the appropriate concentration of enrofloxacin and allowed to harden in the form of a wedge with the plate slanted such that the entire bottom was just covered. The upper layer consisted of 15 mL plain nutrient agar added with the plate held in the horizontal position. After allowing vertical diffusion of the drug from the bottom agar layer for 12 h, the enrofloxacin concentration was diluted in proportion to the ratio of the agar layer thicknesses. The uniform linear concentration gradient was verified by measuring the enrofloxacin concentration on the agar surface. When heavy bacterial suspensions were spread on the agar surface and incubated for more than 12 h, only resistant cells were able to form colonies beyond the boundary of confluent growth of susceptible cells. In this way, the true MIC of enrofloxacin was determined. The MICs obtained using this linear gradient plate were consistent with those obtained using conventional antibiotic susceptibility tests. Discrete colonies were then spread onto a gradient plate with higher antibiotic concentrations; the boundary line increased significantly, and gene mutations conferring resistance were identified. This new method enables the rapid identification of resistant strains in the bacterial population. Use of the linear gradient plate can easily identify the precise MIC and reveal the dynamic differentiation of bacteria near the MIC. This method allows the study of genetic and physiological characteristics of individual strains, and may be useful for early warning of antibiotic resistance that may occur after use of certain antirnicrobial agents, and guide clinical treatment. 展开更多
关键词 linear gradient plate E. coli ENROFLOXACIN MIC resistant strain
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