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作者 王军 《中国研究》 2022年第2期127-144,341-342,共20页
中国超低生育率研究的当务之急并不是简单地拿来国外各类生育支持政策药方,而是要引入“历史性”视角,基于学术史角度去全面解构超低生育率下的生育限制思维及人口发展理念体系,从而为应对超低生育率和人口过快老龄化创造思想前提。生... 中国超低生育率研究的当务之急并不是简单地拿来国外各类生育支持政策药方,而是要引入“历史性”视角,基于学术史角度去全面解构超低生育率下的生育限制思维及人口发展理念体系,从而为应对超低生育率和人口过快老龄化创造思想前提。生育限制思维在当前超低生育率时代依然存在,其理论基石是马尔萨斯主义、新马尔萨斯主义与“适度人口论”的杂糅。在超低生育率形势下,生育限制思维会明显弱化对过低生育率和人口过快老龄化问题严峻性的认识,而建立在生育限制框架下的生育支持政策不仅收效甚微,并且存在出现政策方向和策略双重失误的风险。本研究还对与生育限制思维紧密相关的人口发展“工程视角”和人口“分母效应”进行了批判性分析。 展开更多
关键词 三孩政策 超低生育率 生育限制思维 人口发展理念 适度人口
人口负增长时代的中国人口治理策略研究——基于历史性与反思性视角 被引量:6
作者 王军 《治理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期70-83,159,共15页
要以人口高质量发展支撑人口规模巨大的中国式现代化,尽早确定人口负增长背景下的人口治理策略至关重要。无论在人口高速增长时期还是“低生育与人口低增长并存”时期,发展中国家人口治理的理论与实践均以“人口问题”模式及其背后所体... 要以人口高质量发展支撑人口规模巨大的中国式现代化,尽早确定人口负增长背景下的人口治理策略至关重要。无论在人口高速增长时期还是“低生育与人口低增长并存”时期,发展中国家人口治理的理论与实践均以“人口问题”模式及其背后所体现的应急思维和工程设计视角为主导。这种人口治理模式倡导通过对人口发展的直接干预和操纵来“迎合”经济发展、资源利用和环境保护的需要,该模式虽然在控制人口增速等方面取得了一定成效,但也在经济、社会和人口等方面付出了沉重代价。在总结和反思以往经验教训的基础上,文章提出人口负增长时代的人口治理策略应尽快超越“人口问题”模式,彻底摒弃原有应急思维和工程设计视角,高度重视人口自身均衡发展,并充分认识到人自身的巨大创造性及其适应和改造环境的无穷潜力。具体而言,人口负增长时代的人口治理策略是包括人口与发展理念、人口发展战略、人口政策的有机整体,并呈现出理念决定战略,而战略又决定政策的层次递进关系。其中,人口与发展理念层面应弘扬积极人口观以及人口与发展双向互动观,人口发展战略层面应坚决拒斥人口负增长战略,而人口政策则需缓解性政策和适应性政策两者并重。 展开更多
关键词 人口负增长 人口治理 人口发展理念 人口发展战略 人口政策
Sustainable Urban Restructuring of Khartoum: A Revolutionary Measure for Rapid Growth Absorption and Urban Changes
作者 Sharaf Eldin Ibrahim Bannaga 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第6期732-745,共14页
Rapidly developing cities are under continuous physical and social changes which make sustainable urban growth concept a matured line of thinking. They are therefore, in need of restructuring to contain these changes.... Rapidly developing cities are under continuous physical and social changes which make sustainable urban growth concept a matured line of thinking. They are therefore, in need of restructuring to contain these changes. Likewise, Khartoum is growing rapidly and is subjected to continual transformation. It started in Independence Day (1/1/1956) by 〈3% of Sudan population and reached 16.8% in 2010 while its physical block grew beyond imagination. The objective of this paper is to throw light on Khartoum rapid growth change effects which necessitated implementation of a revolutionary restructuring programme. At first, huge rural influxes were absorbed and later physical distortions were corrected. This included squatter settlements' treatment to strengthen urban fabric, reallocation of incompatible urban functions, revitalization of the CBD (central business district) and other urban renewal schemes. Transportation lines were extended to ease people mobility and higher population concentrations were diluted, particularly the filthy slums. Old neighbourhoods, traditional villages, etc. were re-planned and popular physical development was encouraged. The restructuring programme appropriated population distribution, administrative districts, new local markets' locations and urban activities' distribution. The programme attained social benefits, particularly availing shelter and essential social services. Difficulties from relocation processes were encountered but settlements' regularization achieved social justice and sustained urban growth. 展开更多
关键词 Khartoum RESTRUCTURING rapid growth urban changes urban functions SLUMS RELOCATION re-planning.
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