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基于DAS信号和CNN分类算法的人员运动轨迹监测方法 被引量:2
作者 董旭日 冯晅 +5 位作者 刘财 田有 李静 王天琪 王鑫 衣文索 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期1004-1015,共12页
人员运动轨迹监测目前主要依靠摄像头网络、热成像和雷达系统等方式实现,但这些方法的监测范围有限,且易受到光线、热源、遮挡物和距离的影响.针对上述问题,我们开发了一种利用分布式声学传感(distributed acoustic sensing,DAS)识取人... 人员运动轨迹监测目前主要依靠摄像头网络、热成像和雷达系统等方式实现,但这些方法的监测范围有限,且易受到光线、热源、遮挡物和距离的影响.针对上述问题,我们开发了一种利用分布式声学传感(distributed acoustic sensing,DAS)识取人员振动信号用于监测人员运动轨迹的新方法,能够不受光线、热源、遮挡物等环境改变的影响,实现长距离连续监测.首先,通过长短时窗比值(STA/LTA)法自动拾取DAS信号,再对拾取的信号进行分析,将其分为人员运动、重锤和噪声3类信号;然后,构建卷积神经网络(CNN),将拾取的3类信号作为CNN数据库输入到网络中学习和训练;最后,通过实际数据测试得到3类信号分类结果.结果表明,分类结果的识别准确率均达到80.00%以上.利用识别得到的信号,通过CNN分类结果可确定人员所在的光纤道,追踪人员位置,输入更新的DAS信号连续识别人员运动信号,监测人员运动轨迹;然后用单位时间内识别人员移动的通道数计算运动速率. 展开更多
关键词 人员运动轨迹监测 分布式声学传感 卷积神经网络 长短时窗比值 自动识别分类
作者 张家兴 张永志 +2 位作者 郭增瑞 邢子寒 王平 《洁净与空调技术》 2024年第1期6-9,共4页
随着新冠疫情的全球蔓延,公共卫生安全问题备受关注。新型冠状病毒的奥密克戎毒株不断变异,传播速度加快、交叉感染的风险不断提升。采用缩比实验与数值模拟相结合的方法,对单列人员行走扰动下呼吸污染物的传播规律进行研究。搭建了单列... 随着新冠疫情的全球蔓延,公共卫生安全问题备受关注。新型冠状病毒的奥密克戎毒株不断变异,传播速度加快、交叉感染的风险不断提升。采用缩比实验与数值模拟相结合的方法,对单列人员行走扰动下呼吸污染物的传播规律进行研究。搭建了单列6人行走的缩比模型实验平台,数值模拟基于SST k-ω湍流模型,通过编写UDF和动网格技术来模拟人员行走。结果表明:在人员行走过程中,呼吸污染物通过行走产生的尾流进行扩散传播,单列人员行走的产生尾流涡会周期性脱落,受人员行走扰动的耦合作用增大了呼吸污染物的扩散距离。 展开更多
关键词 人员运动 呼吸污染物 动网格 尾流
作者 肖永良 董银生 +5 位作者 王建光 郭永忠 朱发仁 张鸿 赵秋玲 包宝 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期487-488,共2页
关键词 高原环境 军事三项运动集训人员 营养学
大型室内游乐场人员疏散运动时间的模拟 被引量:1
作者 牛少伟 方黎 《华北水利水电学院学报》 2012年第4期125-128,共4页
针对大型室内游乐场人员疏散运动时间的问题,分析了游乐场人员构成、人员步速和肩宽及其分布与人员疏散运动时间的关系,采用Pathfinder模拟了该运动时间与其影响因素间的关系.模拟结果表明:对于特定的大型室内游乐场,在外界环境和人员... 针对大型室内游乐场人员疏散运动时间的问题,分析了游乐场人员构成、人员步速和肩宽及其分布与人员疏散运动时间的关系,采用Pathfinder模拟了该运动时间与其影响因素间的关系.模拟结果表明:对于特定的大型室内游乐场,在外界环境和人员密度不变的条件下,人员疏散运动时间随人员步速的增大而减少,随人员肩宽的增大而增大,随儿童比例的增大而增大;人员步速和肩宽均服从常值分布时的疏散运动时间最短,服从均匀分布时的疏散运动时间最长,服从正态分布时的疏散运动时间介于二者之间. 展开更多
关键词 游乐场 疏散模拟 人员疏散运动时间 步速 肩宽
运动员辅助人员导致的运动员兴奋剂违规问题研究——兼论“履行辅助人理论”的运用 被引量:4
作者 虞志波 《体育成人教育学刊》 2020年第1期77-84,共8页
通过案例分析对运动员辅助人员导致的运动员兴奋剂违规问题进行了研究。研究认为,"委托理论"仅适用于运动员和动物相互配合的体育项目如马术运动中,运动员不能将自己的反兴奋剂义务完全委托给辅助人员。运动员辅助人员以自己... 通过案例分析对运动员辅助人员导致的运动员兴奋剂违规问题进行了研究。研究认为,"委托理论"仅适用于运动员和动物相互配合的体育项目如马术运动中,运动员不能将自己的反兴奋剂义务完全委托给辅助人员。运动员辅助人员以自己的名义参与民事活动,并非以运动员的名义,"代理人理论"亦很难适用。而"履行辅助人理论"无论是从理论构成要件还是结合《瑞士债法典》的具体法律规定都可以适用于此类案件,将该理论运用到运动员和运动员辅助人员的关系中最为合适。 展开更多
关键词 运动员辅助人员 委托理论 代理人理论 履行辅助人理论
大跨度楼盖结构在运动荷载下的振动性能 被引量:2
作者 杨维国 马伯涛 +4 位作者 宋毛毛 王树 孙新阳 王萌 葛家琪 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期64-69,共6页
为研究人员运动荷载下大跨度楼盖的振动特性,以内蒙古伊旗全民健身体育中心大跨度张弦梁楼盖体系为背景,采用生物力学测力平台进行人员行走、跑步、跳跃、起立等运动荷载实测和相关分析研究.考虑可能出现的各种运动荷载工况,对大跨度张... 为研究人员运动荷载下大跨度楼盖的振动特性,以内蒙古伊旗全民健身体育中心大跨度张弦梁楼盖体系为背景,采用生物力学测力平台进行人员行走、跑步、跳跃、起立等运动荷载实测和相关分析研究.考虑可能出现的各种运动荷载工况,对大跨度张弦梁楼盖区振动开展有限元分析和现场实测.分析表明:行走、跑步及跳跃荷载工况下,人员动力放大系数分别约为1.2、2.4及4.9,大跨度楼盖在人员运动荷载数值模型激励下,所得有限元分析结果与现场实测竖向加速度峰值及理论计算值吻合较好. 展开更多
关键词 大跨度钢结构 楼盖 人员运动荷载 振动 有限元分析
作者 石翰朋 《湖北体育科技》 2023年第10期907-912,共6页
随着我国反兴奋剂工作的不断深入,辅助人员违法问题逐渐暴露。通过文献搜集和规范研究方法,阐述了综合治理模式的引入能有效应对由于传统治理模式单一,所带来的“禁止合作”治理效能不足等问题。为切实推进反兴奋剂的综合治理,依据新修... 随着我国反兴奋剂工作的不断深入,辅助人员违法问题逐渐暴露。通过文献搜集和规范研究方法,阐述了综合治理模式的引入能有效应对由于传统治理模式单一,所带来的“禁止合作”治理效能不足等问题。为切实推进反兴奋剂的综合治理,依据新修订的《体育法》,应尽快建立跨部门协同合作机制,以确保对违规辅助人员的惩处力度;强化构建违法信息披露的失信惩戒机制,以提高辅助人员的违法成本;严格落实俱乐部的日常监管机制,防止违规辅助人员幕后执教等问题。 展开更多
关键词 运动员辅助人员 反兴奋剂 综合治理
作者 倪海涛 《黑龙江史志》 2015年第9期127-127,共1页
人事档案在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色,它是我国一种特有的人事管理方式,在人事档案当中记载着全面的、客观的个人信息,它紧密的连接着劳动保障及社会保障等多种机构,是具有一定法律做用的重要档案形式。而运动员档案是体育部门... 人事档案在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色,它是我国一种特有的人事管理方式,在人事档案当中记载着全面的、客观的个人信息,它紧密的连接着劳动保障及社会保障等多种机构,是具有一定法律做用的重要档案形式。而运动员档案是体育部门独有的一种档案,它具有体育行业特有的性质,做好运动员人事档案的管理,能够更好的把握运动员的训练及专业情况,可对其前期运动进行掌握,进而更为合理的安排后续训练等。因此要做好运动人员的人事档案管理工作,这不仅有利于我国的体育事业发展,同样也是对运动员本身的一种保障方式。本文中首先对我国运动员人事档案的现状进行了分析,并对如何提高运动员人事档案管理工作质量提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 运动人员 人事档案 管理
作者 金景萍 《中国厂矿医学》 2002年第1期33-34,共2页
在运动创伤中,胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎的发病率占常见运动创伤的6.14%。这类创伤多发生于青少年刚参加集训或运动年限较短的运动员中间,而且一旦发生常由于胫骨疼痛严重影响训练与运动成绩的提高。现就本单位自1998年1月至2001年6月发生的2... 在运动创伤中,胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎的发病率占常见运动创伤的6.14%。这类创伤多发生于青少年刚参加集训或运动年限较短的运动员中间,而且一旦发生常由于胫骨疼痛严重影响训练与运动成绩的提高。现就本单位自1998年1月至2001年6月发生的20例胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎进行分析,现报告如下:…… 展开更多
关键词 青少年运动人员 胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎 治疗
大跨度及长悬挑楼层钢结构运动场人员舒适度分析研究 被引量:13
作者 马伯涛 杨国莉 +4 位作者 庞玉涛 张晓娟 葛家琪 张曼生 王树 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期95-103,共9页
以内蒙古伊旗全民健身体育中心工程为背景,对楼层设置运动场的大跨度及长悬挑钢结构振动模拟及结构的人员舒适度问题进行研究。采用基于实测谱的谐波叠加法模拟人员运动荷载和随机振动法模拟悬挑结构脉动风荷载。对大跨度楼层人员舒适... 以内蒙古伊旗全民健身体育中心工程为背景,对楼层设置运动场的大跨度及长悬挑钢结构振动模拟及结构的人员舒适度问题进行研究。采用基于实测谱的谐波叠加法模拟人员运动荷载和随机振动法模拟悬挑结构脉动风荷载。对大跨度楼层人员舒适度的荷载激励频率、张弦梁拉索预应力度和楼板厚度等影响参数进行分析,考虑可能出现的各种荷载工况,分析运动员及看台观众的舒适度。分析表明:改变楼层预应力不能有效改善大跨度结构使用舒适度;随着楼层板厚增加,结构竖向加速度和自振频率均近似线性降低;运动场内和观众看台宜采用不同的舒适度控制指标。研究结果可为楼层设置运动场的预应力大跨度及长悬挑楼层钢结构工程的荷载模拟、人员舒适度性能目标和控制标准等提供设计参考。 展开更多
关键词 大跨度钢结构 悬挑钢结构 预应力结构 人员运动荷载 脉动风荷载 舒适度
作者 叶朝忠 沈喆 《安徽体育科技》 2003年第3期33-34,共2页
关键词 越野运动 定向运动人员 梯队体系 运动 赛事组织人员 路线督察 教练贯 定向技能
Effect of turf on the cutting movement of female football players 被引量:1
作者 Gerda Strutzenberger Hue-Man Cao +2 位作者 Janina Koussev Wolfgang Potthast Gareth Irwin 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第4期314-319,共6页
Purpose: The globalisation of artificial turf and the increase in player participation has driven the need to examine injury risk in the sport of football. The purpose of this study was to investigate the surface--pl... Purpose: The globalisation of artificial turf and the increase in player participation has driven the need to examine injury risk in the sport of football. The purpose of this study was to investigate the surface--player interaction in female football players between natural and artificial turf. Methods: Eight university level female football players performed an unanticipated cutting manoeuvre at an angle of 30° and 60°, on a regulation natural grass pitch (NT) and a 3G artificial turf pitch (AT). An automated active maker system (CodaSport CXS System, 200 Hz) quantified 3D joint angles at the ankle and knee during the early deceleration phase of the cutting, defined from foot strike to weight acceptance at 20% of the stance phase. Differences were statistically examined using a two-way (cutting angle, surface) ANOVA, with an α level of p 〈 0.05 and Cohen's d effect size reported. Results: A trend was observed on the AT, with a reduction in knee valgus and internal rotation, suggesting a reduced risk of knee injury. This findings highlight that AT is no worse than NT and may have the potential to reduce the risk of knee injury. The ankle joint during foot strike showed large effects for an increase dorsiflexion and inversion on AT. A large effect for an increase during weight acceptance was observed for ankle inversion and external rotation on AT. Conclusion: These findings provide some support for the use of AT in female football, with no evidence to suggests that there is an increased risk of injury when performing on an artificial turf. The ankle response was less clear and further research is warranted. This initial study provides a platform for more detailed analysis, and highlights the importance of exploring the biomechanical changes in performance and injury risk with the introduction of AT. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial turf Football-specific movement GENDER Injury risk KINEMATICS
Skill Analysis of Highly Skilled Worker in Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing
作者 Takuo Kikuchi 《Computer Technology and Application》 2016年第3期149-157,共9页
In this study, information related to optical fiber fusion splicing skills is consolidated by extracting explicit knowledge of the proficiency levels of skilled technicians in two ways. The first is to visually captur... In this study, information related to optical fiber fusion splicing skills is consolidated by extracting explicit knowledge of the proficiency levels of skilled technicians in two ways. The first is to visually capture and quantify those skills by identifying differences in the skill levels of a nationally certified technician and a highly skilled expert technician using motion capture software, the other is to explore the relevance of the operation and thinking processes by interviewing the expert technician and then attempt to quantify empirical tacit knowledge by an analysis of mobile tracking views using motion capture software. The results show that a technician's ability to engage in "sensory thinking", such as the proper management of visual and tactile cues, is the most important component of his or her proficiency during optical fiber fusion splicing operations, and it was clear that operations were complemented when work path movements were reduced. 展开更多
关键词 Skill analysis fusion splicing optical fiber highly skilled worker explicit knowledge.
Exercise and antioxidant supplements in the elderly
作者 Mari Carmen Gomez-Cabrera Beatriz Ferrando +2 位作者 Thomas Brioche Fabian Sanchis-Gomar Jose Vina 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2013年第2期94-100,共7页
Both exercise and aging increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can result in damage to cells. Aging is the result of damage caused by ROS to the mitochondrial genome in post mitotic cells and numerous studies... Both exercise and aging increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can result in damage to cells. Aging is the result of damage caused by ROS to the mitochondrial genome in post mitotic cells and numerous studies have demonstrated an increase in ROS or their byproducts with exercise. ROS can cause oxidative stress as they overwhelm the antioxidant cellular defenses. Therefore interventions aimed at limiting or inhibiting ROS production, such as supplementation with antioxidant vitamins, should be able to reduce fatigue during muscle contraction and the rate of formation of aging changes with a consequent reduction of the aging rate and disease pathogenesis. However, it has been shown that ROS are essential signaling molecules which are required to promote the health benefits of exercise and longevity. In young individuals, ROS are required for normal force production in skeletal muscle, for the development of training-induced adaptations in endurance performance, as well as for the induction of the endogenous defense systems. Thus, taking antioxidants during training, in young athletes, seems to be detrimental. However, antioxidant supplementation may be expected to be beneficial and is receiving growing attention in the active old population. In this manuscript we review the literature associated with the main areas of interest in this topic. 展开更多
关键词 ADAPTATIONS Aging Antioxidant enzymes NF-κB Oxidative stress PGC-1Α Skeletal muscle
Use of the stepwise progression return-to-play protocol following concussion among practicing athletic trainers
作者 Jessica Wallace Tracey Covassin Meghan Lafevor 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第2期204-209,共6页
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether practicing athletic trainers(ATs) were using the stepwise progression to make return-to-play(RTP) decisions after concussion and to determine what factors in... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether practicing athletic trainers(ATs) were using the stepwise progression to make return-to-play(RTP) decisions after concussion and to determine what factors influenced their decision to use the stepwise progression.Methods: A total of 166 ATs(response rate = 16.6%) completed a 21-item questionnaire that evaluated participant demographics, methods of concussion management, and RTP decision-making using the stepwise progression. Descriptive statistics and a logistic regression were completed to analyze data.Results: Factors such as education level(p = 0.05) and number of concussions treated(p = 0.05) predicted use of the stepwise progression,whereas sex(p = 0.17), employment setting(p = 0.17), state law(p = 0.86), and years practicing(p = 0.17) did not predict whether ATs were following the stepwise progression.Conclusion: The majority of the ATs from this study are employing the stepwise progression to safely return athletes to play after sustaining a concussion. This demonstrates that ATs are providing a standard of care for concussed athletes across various athletic training settings; however,having a graduate degree and treating more concussions per year are predictors of whether an AT follows all steps of the stepwise progression. 展开更多
关键词 Athletic trainers CONCUSSION Concussion management Graduate degree Return to play Sports medicine Stepwise progression
作者 蔡杰 《国际税收》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期62-66,共5页
本文对演艺人员和运动员条款的活动范围和征税原则等内容进行了具体介绍;分演艺人员和运动员直接或间接取得所得、演出活动全部或部分所得由其他人收取两种情况,对《国家税务总局关于税收协定执行若干问题的公告》解读中三个典型案例的... 本文对演艺人员和运动员条款的活动范围和征税原则等内容进行了具体介绍;分演艺人员和运动员直接或间接取得所得、演出活动全部或部分所得由其他人收取两种情况,对《国家税务总局关于税收协定执行若干问题的公告》解读中三个典型案例的征税权执行逐一分析,探讨演艺人员和运动员条款的落地执行问题。 展开更多
关键词 演艺人员运动员条款 税收协定
Smart Prediction for Seamless Mobility in F-HMIPv6 Based on Location Based Services
作者 rawya rizk heba nashaat 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期192-209,共18页
This paper proposed a new scheme for smooth handoff over F-HMIPv6 networks based on Location Based Services(LBS). It uses the available information about mobile node(MN) such as user mobility patterns and MN's vel... This paper proposed a new scheme for smooth handoff over F-HMIPv6 networks based on Location Based Services(LBS). It uses the available information about mobile node(MN) such as user mobility patterns and MN's velocity to reduce handoff latency. In the proposed scheme, the movement pattern of users plays an important role in the performance analysis. The proposed scheme develops LBS that records a number of mobility patterns based on user daily behavior, and exploits these information to reduce the handoff latency. The proposed scheme is analyzed and compared with F-HMIPv6 protocol. The results show that it improves the performance in terms of handoff latency, packet delivery cost, and location update cost. Specifically, the proposed scheme achieves the tradeoff between realizing a smooth handoff and minimizing the cost that is the demand for all customers of mobile services. 展开更多
关键词 Cost functions F-HMIPV6 loca-tion based services macro handoff mobilitymanagement mobility prediction.
Public Diplomacy and Beijing City Image Research From Major International Sporting Events Perspective
作者 ZHANG Wei-wei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第2期128-133,共6页
This paper focuses on Beijing as the host city for the major international sporting events and its influence on the city image building of Beijing. Major international sporting events are the key channels for the exch... This paper focuses on Beijing as the host city for the major international sporting events and its influence on the city image building of Beijing. Major international sporting events are the key channels for the exchange and dissemination of information among athletes from various countries, media coverages, national and international audiences which involves interpersonal communication, organizational communication, and mass communication at all levels. At the same time, the volunteers, especially young volunteers (mostly college student volunteers) considered as the Beijing city spokesperson and also as a group of "public diplomacy ambassadors", transfer positive energy in international communication during major international sporting events. Therefore, major international sporting events held in Beijing play an irreplaceable role in the image building of the capital city of China, Beijing. 展开更多
关键词 city image public diplomacy college students
《Beijing Review》 2016年第25期10-11,共2页
EX-OLYMPIAN ELECTED AS ISU COUNCIL MEMBER Former short-track speed skater Yang Yang was elected to the Speed Skating Council of the International Skating Union with the highest number of votes of all candidates at the... EX-OLYMPIAN ELECTED AS ISU COUNCIL MEMBER Former short-track speed skater Yang Yang was elected to the Speed Skating Council of the International Skating Union with the highest number of votes of all candidates at the union’s56th Ordinary Congress in Croatia on June 10.She is the frst female member of the council in history. 展开更多
关键词 council union indispensable railway helping shares PEOPLE POINTS equity sports
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