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诱导相温度对毕赤酵母表达重组人复合α干扰素聚合的影响 被引量:12
作者 史琪琪 郝玉有 +3 位作者 吴康华 储炬 庄英萍 张嗣良 《生物工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期311-315,共5页
研究了Pichia pastoris表达重组人复合α干扰素(cIFN)时诱导期温度对cIFN形成聚合体的影响。在5L罐上考察毕赤酵母在不同温度(30、25、20℃)下诱导时菌体生长和cIFN表达的差异,发现毕赤酵母在20℃下菌体生长不受影响,总蛋白表达量有所降... 研究了Pichia pastoris表达重组人复合α干扰素(cIFN)时诱导期温度对cIFN形成聚合体的影响。在5L罐上考察毕赤酵母在不同温度(30、25、20℃)下诱导时菌体生长和cIFN表达的差异,发现毕赤酵母在20℃下菌体生长不受影响,总蛋白表达量有所降低,相当于30℃发酵时胞外总蛋白的67.8%。但是通过非还原性电泳、Native-PAGE及Western blotting分析发现较高温度(30℃)诱导表达时,分泌到胞外的cIFN容易形成聚合体,单体含量很少。诱导相控制温度为20℃时,明显降低了cIFN聚合体的形成,cIFN单体量为570mg/L,发酵上清液抗病毒活性为1.05×109IU/mL。与控制诱导相温度为30℃相比,cIFN单体量提高了7.2倍,发酵上清液中单位体积的cIFN抗病毒活性提高了38.7倍。 展开更多
关键词 诱导相温度 重组人复αa干扰素 聚合体 毕赤酵母
“由人复天”、“艺与道合”及其他 被引量:5
作者 蒲震元 《文艺研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第1期67-74,共8页
在中国传统艺术学的潜体系中,存在着一种合天人、通道艺的文艺本体观。这是一种以天人合一的大宇宙生命本体“道”为艺术生命终极本体的东方文艺本体观,极具中国特色。这种本体观首先是“立天定人”,提出文艺“原于道”(主要指大宇宙生... 在中国传统艺术学的潜体系中,存在着一种合天人、通道艺的文艺本体观。这是一种以天人合一的大宇宙生命本体“道”为艺术生命终极本体的东方文艺本体观,极具中国特色。这种本体观首先是“立天定人”,提出文艺“原于道”(主要指大宇宙生命本体之道,包含儒家理想的社会政治伦理之道)及“明道”、“载道”、“观道”、“文从道中流出”诸说;另一方面,则是重视“由人复天”,要求“人”与“天”一、“艺与道合”,实现“人艺”与“天工”的自然融会。本文侧重论述后一方面。讨论“由人复天”、“艺与道合”的大宇宙生命美学实质及主要理论内涵。 展开更多
关键词 中国 传统艺术学 “由人复天” “艺与道合” 文艺本体观 生命美学
作者 邓显皇 《中国方域(行政区划与地名)》 1997年第6期32-32,共1页
关键词 地名 县名 人复 改名
作者 张红军 《当代艺术》 2013年第1期45-46,共2页
刘熙载的书论以其辩证的文艺观而为书界好评,在碑盛帖微的时代,刘熙载的中肯评价在一定程度上调和了碑学和帖学之间的矛盾。除此之外,刘熙载对书学的别一贡献便是对书家主体意识的强调,有时这一论述不但为论者所忽略,还被过度地理解为... 刘熙载的书论以其辩证的文艺观而为书界好评,在碑盛帖微的时代,刘熙载的中肯评价在一定程度上调和了碑学和帖学之间的矛盾。除此之外,刘熙载对书学的别一贡献便是对书家主体意识的强调,有时这一论述不但为论者所忽略,还被过度地理解为对伦理道德的过分关注,这是有失公允的。其对"碑学"、"帖学"矛盾的调和,在于他上升到哲学的高度,突破"立天定人"的束缚,创造性地提出"由人复天"的命题,强调了在学书过程中"我"的存在,重视发挥主体的求变能力,并将这一思想贯穿于其整个的书论中,建构了一个以人为本位,将德(道统)、人、天整合为一个有机体,使"我"既不为德所缚,又不纯任于天,成为其独开新径,辨证论书的一个重要基点。 展开更多
关键词 人复 “我” 主体意识书如其人
人参白茅根汤联合康复新液对肛瘘术后切口愈合效果及对血清TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-6水平的影响 被引量:1
作者 李剑 吴洪 赵红波 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期66-69,共4页
目的探讨人参白茅根汤联合康复新液对肛瘘术后切口愈合的效果及对血清肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)、白细胞介素-1β(interleukin-1β,IL-1β)和白细胞介素-6(interleukin-6,IL-6)水平影响。方法选取南充市中心医院... 目的探讨人参白茅根汤联合康复新液对肛瘘术后切口愈合的效果及对血清肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)、白细胞介素-1β(interleukin-1β,IL-1β)和白细胞介素-6(interleukin-6,IL-6)水平影响。方法选取南充市中心医院收治的肛瘘患者124例,患者均行肛瘘切开挂线术,随机分为对照组(64例,康复新液)和观察组(60例,人参白茅根汤联合康复新液),两组持续治疗10 d,对比两组临床疗效、创面愈合时间和创面面积、临床症状评分、血清TNF-α、IL-6和IL-1β水平及血清成纤维细胞生长因子-1(fibroblast growth factor-1,FGF-1)、血管内皮细胞生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)及创面表皮生长因子(wound epidermal growth factor,EGF)浓度水平的改变情况。结果观察组总有效率更高(P<0.05);观察组创面愈合时间和术后7 d和10 d创面面积治疗后较对照组更低(P<0.05),而两组术后2 d的创面面积比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组临床症状的评分治疗前比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后疼痛、创面分泌物的评分以及创缘水肿的评分方面,两组治疗后均下降明显(P<0.05);且观察组的下降程度更为明显(P<0.05);治疗前两组血清内的IL-6、TNF-α和IL-1β浓度水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);而两组治疗后血清内的IL-6、TNF-α浓度水平下降明显,而血清内的IL-1β浓度水平升高(P<0.05);且观察组下降更为明显(P<0.05);两组治疗前血清内的FGF-1、VEGF和EGF浓度水平比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后两组血清FGF-1、VEGF和EGF水平显著升高(P<0.05);且观察组上升更为明显(P<0.05)。结论术后肛瘘病人实施康复新液结合人参白茅根汤治疗具有较好的疗效,可改善血清TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-6水平。 展开更多
关键词 人参白茅根汤 新液 肛瘘术后 切口愈合 血清TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-6水平
“自然”论的文艺美学观 被引量:3
作者 蒲震元 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期20-25,共6页
本文研究中国古代美学中作为审美理想的"自然"范畴的东方生命美学特征,并讨论"自然"论美学观对传统文艺创作、作品、接受美学思想产生的影响。因篇幅较长,经删削后先发表前三节。"自然"论美学观对作品美... 本文研究中国古代美学中作为审美理想的"自然"范畴的东方生命美学特征,并讨论"自然"论美学观对传统文艺创作、作品、接受美学思想产生的影响。因篇幅较长,经删削后先发表前三节。"自然"论美学观对作品美学、接受美学思想方面产生的影响以后再发表。 展开更多
关键词 自然 自得 虚静 天地之性 立天定人 人复 身与竹化 趣味天成
作者 邓宝剑 《东南学术》 2003年第6期125-129,共5页
本文旨在从先秦文化典籍《周易》那里探求中国书法的本体论渊源 ,看《易》道在哪些方面启示着中国书法的审美品格。首先 ,《易传》强调易道周盈天地 ,而中国书论所一贯强调的也正是尊崇天地、妙合自然的原道观念。从《易传》中的“乾坤... 本文旨在从先秦文化典籍《周易》那里探求中国书法的本体论渊源 ,看《易》道在哪些方面启示着中国书法的审美品格。首先 ,《易传》强调易道周盈天地 ,而中国书论所一贯强调的也正是尊崇天地、妙合自然的原道观念。从《易传》中的“乾坤其易之门”到书法理论中的“书肇于自然”,正是易道向书法艺术领域的贯注与延伸。其次 ,《易》对书法的启示还在于境界之学的内在品质。重视自然形象与人格境界的统一 ,人道与天道的统一 ,使得易学自《易传》始成为真正的境界之学。而书学同样是在人的情感境界上实现着从“肇于自然”向“造乎自然”的转换和提升。再次 ,易学中“立象尽意”的理论也启示着中国书法重意趣、重精神的审美品格。 展开更多
关键词 天地自然 人复 立象尽意
作者 陶型传 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期133-142,共10页
刘熙载重视人品与艺品的紧密关系,从整体上以人品喻指艺品,把人物的三品简括为艺术的三品,并区分了高下:元分品格最上,英杰品格次之,卑猥品格则不入流。本文从四个方面阐析了刘氏元分品格论的特质:其一,元分品格论植根于思孟心性说,体... 刘熙载重视人品与艺品的紧密关系,从整体上以人品喻指艺品,把人物的三品简括为艺术的三品,并区分了高下:元分品格最上,英杰品格次之,卑猥品格则不入流。本文从四个方面阐析了刘氏元分品格论的特质:其一,元分品格论植根于思孟心性说,体现了中国传统的"由人复天"、"天人合一"理念;其二,元分品格体现为既平凡又伟大的"常道",饱含着中华文明以中道理性制约极端思维的精神;其三,元分品格在艺术上标举和而不同的"兼美",体现着中和之美的精髓;其四,元分品格是"品居极上"的本色美,是"无思无为"理想化审美心境的自然流淌。 展开更多
关键词 元分品格 人复 中道理性 中和之美 无思无为审美心境
Effects of Artificial Vegetation Restoration on Soil Physicochemical Properties in Southern Edge of Mu Us Sandy Land 被引量:3
作者 杨越 孙宏 +3 位作者 韩永娇 武智勇 宋双双 赵瑞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第4期648-652,691,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the artificial vegetations on soil physicochemical properties of sandy land. [Method] The soil physicochemical proper- ties in five representative lands respectively covered... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the artificial vegetations on soil physicochemical properties of sandy land. [Method] The soil physicochemical proper- ties in five representative lands respectively covered by Artemisia ordosica, Salix cheilophila, Hedysarum scoparium, Populus simonii and Amorpha fruticosa, all of which were planted artificially at the same year were measured in the present study, using a bare soil as the control. [Result] Artificial vegetation improved the soil physicochemical properties by different extents in the lands covered by different plants. The soil physicochemical properties such as bulk density under A. Fruticosa and H. Scoparium were improved greatly. The frequency distribution of soil particle size under artificial vegetations exhibited a bimodal curve. The average soil particle size under A. fruticosa was the smallest, and the soil was very poorly sorted. The soil nutrients in the sandy land were not significantly improved by artificial vegeta- tion. [Conclusion] Artificial vegetation has a certain impact on soil properties in sandy land, as it greatly improves the soil physical properties but not the chemical properties. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial vegetation restoration Soil physicochemical properties Mu Us sandy land
Study on Qianling Lake Restoration with Artificial Wetland 被引量:2
作者 敖子强 彭世寿 +3 位作者 严重玲 杜静娜 叶娟 窦扬扬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第5期151-153,165,共4页
The ecological restoration of water quality in Qianling Lake was conducted by artificial wetland, which transformed N and P in wastewater into essential matters in organism tissues, so pollutants discharged into Qiant... The ecological restoration of water quality in Qianling Lake was conducted by artificial wetland, which transformed N and P in wastewater into essential matters in organism tissues, so pollutants discharged into Qianting Lake were reduced for the purpose of restoration. 展开更多
关键词 Qianling Lake Artificial wetland Ecosystem restoration
Force assistant master-slave telerehabilitation robotic system 被引量:4
作者 李会军 宋爱国 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期42-45,共4页
A prototype of the master slave telerehabilitation robotic system with force feedback is developed. This system contains a pair of robots with the master being operated by the therapist and the slave following the mas... A prototype of the master slave telerehabilitation robotic system with force feedback is developed. This system contains a pair of robots with the master being operated by the therapist and the slave following the master to guide the patients to exercise. A slave device with a slave controller is designed to stretch and mobilize the impaired elbow joints accurately and safely. A master device with a master controller is designed to control/monitor the procedure of treatment and assess the outcome of treatment remotely and accurately. By using the twoport network theory and the circuit equivalent impedance models, the position-force control scheme is designed to generate force feedback for the therapist who is to be informed of the interaction force between the subject and the robot arm during exercise. Experiments were conducted with a healthy male. Results show that the therapist can guide the patient to exercise by the master arm and can feel the interaction forces between the impaired arm and the robot. Compared with the traditional therapy, this system is more cost-efficient, more convenient and safer for both the stroke patients and the clinicians. 展开更多
关键词 TELEREHABILITATION force feedback ROBOT positionforce control scheme
Activities of Urease and Phosphatase in Integrated Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland and Purification Effect of Black and Malodorous River 被引量:3
作者 崔伟 张勇 黄民生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第8期1186-1190,共5页
[Objective]The activities of urease and phosphatase in integrated vertical flow constructed wetland and purification effect of black and malodorous river were studied.[Method]Honeycomb stone and soft filler were used ... [Objective]The activities of urease and phosphatase in integrated vertical flow constructed wetland and purification effect of black and malodorous river were studied.[Method]Honeycomb stone and soft filler were used as matrix,the biological grid integrated vertical flow constructed wetland system was built to strengthen treatment for black and malodorous river,and the activities of urease and phosphatase of two fillers in different functional areas of constructed wetland were tested to study the film formation property of two fillers in different functional areas.[Result]Both urease and phosphatase activities on biofilm of soft filler were significantly higher than on biofilm of honeycomb stone filler;indicating that choosing soft filler was more advantageous to the growth of biofilm;and urease activity had significant correlation with total nitrogen removal rate,while phosphatase activity had no significant correlation with total phosphorus removal rate.[Conclusion]This study provided evidences for utilizing the activities of urease and phosphatase to evaluate the purification effect of black and malodorous river and choose appropriate filler. 展开更多
关键词 Integrated vertical flow constructed wetland UREASE PHOSPHATASE Black and malodorous river Purification effect
On the Training Modes of Interdisciplinary and Application-oriented Talents of Business English 被引量:3
作者 郝钦海 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期7-11,共5页
This paper focuses on the training modes of interdisciplinary and application-oriented talents of business English and the constructions of curriculum. In the light of our socialist market-oriented economy characteris... This paper focuses on the training modes of interdisciplinary and application-oriented talents of business English and the constructions of curriculum. In the light of our socialist market-oriented economy characteristics, the discussion proceeds, in theory and practice, by putting forward a relatively profound approach according to the trend in the demands for business English talents and to the operational patterns of business English discipline, with some suggestions about the training modes of interdisciplinary and application-oriented talents and the construction of curriculum. 展开更多
关键词 business English interdisciplinary and application-oriented talents training modes CURRICULUM
Challenges and Demands for College English Teachers Raised by Training All-round Qualified Persons
作者 江庆心 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期1-4,共4页
The latest issue of College English Curriculum Requirements has posed challenges and demands for teachers in terms of linguistic competence, academic knowledge, language skills, professional morality, emotional and at... The latest issue of College English Curriculum Requirements has posed challenges and demands for teachers in terms of linguistic competence, academic knowledge, language skills, professional morality, emotional and attitudinal qualifications, etc., which requires teachers to embrace and handle with active and open-minded responses. Hence, teachers ought to strive to develop and improve their own overall qualifications in collaboration with the long-term development of the subject and of the national higher education, with the need of qualified persons demanded by social development and the students' learning. Teachers also ought to form a notion of scientific development by keeping pace with the time, so as to discern the trend of subject development, to form appropriate judgments concerning the social development and to properly regulate their own development. 展开更多
关键词 all-round qualified persons teaching requirements teachers' overall qualifications CHALLENGES DEMANDS
On educational system of legal translation course in colleges of China
作者 顾维忱 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期47-51,共5页
With the broadening of economic and commercial communication between China and the outside world, the market of legal and contract document translation job is blooming harshly in both China and abroad. Accompanying th... With the broadening of economic and commercial communication between China and the outside world, the market of legal and contract document translation job is blooming harshly in both China and abroad. Accompanying this tendency, the professionalizing forensic development of translation is booming up as well. The request for higher education institutions to establish the education system of forensic translation is shining in human's eyes, and the cultivating system for the future, the world and profession is highly regarded. So comprehensive profession-cultivating, socialization and economy-serving should be the direction of the education of foreign languages department, related foreign forensic document translation and professional direction of public foreign language teaching as well are the aims of this reform of education. So the aim of this new education system should be the establishing the system of professional translation, forensic translation, cross-subject education and the cultivation of multi-professionals. 展开更多
关键词 legal translation professional foreign language cross-subject education professional education
作者 崔忠厚 孙玉鹗 +1 位作者 黄孝迈 戴为民 《解放军医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期27-28,共2页
共完成电视胸腔镜手术16例,包括电刀切除肺内肿块2例,纵隔囊肿摘除2例,胸腔内取异物2例,肺大泡切除和胸膜粘连术2例,纵隔淋巴结活检2例,胸膜活检和胸膜粘连术1例,凝固性血胸血块清除1例,肺楔形切除1例,左下和右下肺... 共完成电视胸腔镜手术16例,包括电刀切除肺内肿块2例,纵隔囊肿摘除2例,胸腔内取异物2例,肺大泡切除和胸膜粘连术2例,纵隔淋巴结活检2例,胸膜活检和胸膜粘连术1例,凝固性血胸血块清除1例,肺楔形切除1例,左下和右下肺叶切除各1例,恶性胸膜间皮瘤切除1例。本组无严重并发症,仅1例恶性胸膜间皮瘤术中剥离肿瘤时出血,立即改为开胸手术。16例VATS均痊愈出院。对VATS的适应证、禁忌证、手术切口、术野暴露和外科手术技术进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 胸部外科手术 电视胸腔镜手术 适应证 禁忌证
Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise therapy in the elderly: Should we invest in the aged? 被引量:25
作者 Arthur R Menezes Carl J Lavie +2 位作者 Richard V Milani Ross A Arena Timothy S Church 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期68-75,共8页
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death worldwide and becomes increasingly prevalent among patients aged 65 years and older.Elderly patients are at a higher risk for complications and accelerated ... Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death worldwide and becomes increasingly prevalent among patients aged 65 years and older.Elderly patients are at a higher risk for complications and accelerated physical deconditioning after a cardiovascular event,especially compared to their younger counterparts.The last few decades were privy to multiple studies that demonstrated the beneficial effects of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) and exercise therapy on mortality,exercise capacity,psychological risk factors,inflammation,and obesity among patients with CHD.Unfortunately,a significant portion of the available data in this field pertains to younger patients.A viable explanation is that older patients are grossly underrepresented in these programs for multiple reasons starting with the patient and extending to the physician.In this article,we will review the benefits of CR programs among the elderly,as well as some of the barriers that hinder their participation. 展开更多
关键词 Cardiac rehabilitation Exercise therapy Elderly patients Exercise capacity
遗传算法优化BP神经网络在中医按摩机器人中的应用 被引量:8
作者 张秋云 张营 李臣 《应用科技》 CAS 2017年第2期73-77,共5页
针对中医按摩设备的临床需求,研制了一种基于多种按摩手法的中医按摩机器人系统。同时,为了提高中医按摩机器人穴位寻找行为规划的精度,提出了一种基于遗传算法优化BP神经网络的中医按摩机器人穴位坐标预测方法,利用遗传算法弥补BP神经... 针对中医按摩设备的临床需求,研制了一种基于多种按摩手法的中医按摩机器人系统。同时,为了提高中医按摩机器人穴位寻找行为规划的精度,提出了一种基于遗传算法优化BP神经网络的中医按摩机器人穴位坐标预测方法,利用遗传算法弥补BP神经网络的缺陷,提高神经网络的预测精度,求解出最优解,保证了中医按摩机器人对患者做出精确的按摩治疗行为决策。并对上述方法进行了实现与仿真,结果表明,该方法对中医按摩机器人寻找患者穴位坐标具有较好的精度和较高的预测准确性。 展开更多
关键词 中医按摩机器人 行为规划 穴位寻找 遗传算法 神经网络
Endoscopic papillectomy of minor papillar adenoma associated with pancreas divisum 被引量:2
作者 Akira Kanamori Takashi Kumada +8 位作者 Seiki Kiriyama Yasuhiro Sone Makoto Tanikawa Yasuhiro Hisanaga Hidenori Toyoda Hiroki Kawashima Akihiro Itoh Yoshiki Hirooka Hidemi Goto 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第9期1138-1140,共3页
Tumors of the minor papilla of the duodenum are quite rare.We successfully and safely treated an 18-mm adenoma of the minor papilla associated with pancreas divisum using endoscopic papillectomy.A 64-year-old man was ... Tumors of the minor papilla of the duodenum are quite rare.We successfully and safely treated an 18-mm adenoma of the minor papilla associated with pancreas divisum using endoscopic papillectomy.A 64-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for treatment of an asymptomatic mass in the minor papilla detected by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.Endscopic analysis showed an 18-mm,whitish,sessile mass,located in the duodenum proximal to a normal-appearing major papilla.Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography did not reveal the pancreatic duct.Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography showed a lack of the ventral pancreatic duct.We suspected this case was associated with pancreatic divisum;therefore,we performed endoscopic papillectomy of the minor papilla tumor.Subsequently,endoscopic pancreatic stent placement in the minor papilla was done to prevent drainage disturbance.The patient has been asymptomatic without recurrence of tumor or stenosis of the Santorini orifice upon endoscopic examination for the past 2 years. 展开更多
关键词 Endscopic papitlectomy Minor papill aradenoma Pancreas divisum Endoscopic pancreatic stent Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography
Global progress against cancer—challenges and opportunities 被引量:2
作者 Frédéric Biemar Margaret Foti 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期183-186,共4页
The last ten years have seen remarkable progress in cancer research. However, despite significant breakthroughs in the understanding, prevention, and treatment of cancer, the disease continues to affect millions of pe... The last ten years have seen remarkable progress in cancer research. However, despite significant breakthroughs in the understanding, prevention, and treatment of cancer, the disease continues to affect millions of people worldwide. Cancer's complexity compounded with financial, policy and regulatory roadblocks has slowed the rate of progress being made against cancer. In this paper, we review a few of the most recent breakthroughs that are fueling medical advances and bringing new hope for patients affected by this devastating disease. We also address the challenges facing us and the opportunities to accelerate future progress against cancer. The efforts of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACK) to address the cancer burden already extend beyond the borders of the United States of America. The AACR is committed to increasing its efforts to stem the tide of cancer worldwide by promoting innovative programs, strategies, and initiatives for cancer researchers and all those engaged in cancer-related biomedical sciences around the world. 展开更多
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