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作者 赵梓陶 《江汉论坛》 北大核心 2024年第7期114-121,共8页
经过百年艰辛探索,中国新文学已然形成新的传统。关于这一传统的发生动因,学界曾从外来影响等方面做过深入的讨论,而对新文学作家的古典文学批评较少寓目。实际上,不管“人学传统”“写实传统”,还是“自然传统”,新文艺之结胎都离不开... 经过百年艰辛探索,中国新文学已然形成新的传统。关于这一传统的发生动因,学界曾从外来影响等方面做过深入的讨论,而对新文学作家的古典文学批评较少寓目。实际上,不管“人学传统”“写实传统”,还是“自然传统”,新文艺之结胎都离不开对古典文学的否思性评判。五四诸子借助外来资源,运用新的思维眼光审视固有文学遗产,不仅“发现”了传统,而且“发明”了传统;正是这些新发明因子与作家新创造元素的相互涵摄,一种新文艺雏形才得以形成。由于时代因素、知识视野的局限,五四人批判遗产的策略方法不免有所偏颇,有的观点经不起推敲检验,然其以批判为继承、以继承促发展的努力,对现代文艺传统的形成还是起到了重要的奠基作用。 展开更多
关键词 五四作家 古典文学批评 新文艺传统 人学传统 写实传统 自然传统
作者 李颖 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2009年第5期22-24,65,共4页
产生于不同历史条件和社会环境下的马克思主义与中国传统哲学,在人学思想方面却有着惊人的一致性。人学思想上的心理相容性也许是中国选择马克思主义的深层文化原因,主要表现在:两者都以现实的人及其现实生活为研究对象;实践性是两者共... 产生于不同历史条件和社会环境下的马克思主义与中国传统哲学,在人学思想方面却有着惊人的一致性。人学思想上的心理相容性也许是中国选择马克思主义的深层文化原因,主要表现在:两者都以现实的人及其现实生活为研究对象;实践性是两者共同的理论目的;群体本位是两者处理人与社会关系的基本准则;以天下为己任的担当精神是两者共同的理论品质;追求和谐是两者共同的价值取向。今天进一步挖掘两者的共性,既能为马克思主义中国化提供丰富的思想,也为落实"以人为本"的科学发展观提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义 中国传统人学思想 心理相容
海德格尔的“此在”对传统人学的超越及其现实意义 被引量:1
作者 于溟 殷靓 《工会论坛(山东省工会管理干部学院学报)》 2010年第2期149-150,共2页
"此在"作为海德格尔哲学思想的根本范畴,极具特色地集中探讨了"人"这一特殊存在,指出"此在"在其他一切存在者中具有优先地位。海德格尔认为传统哲学混淆了"存在"与"存在者",他以&qu... "此在"作为海德格尔哲学思想的根本范畴,极具特色地集中探讨了"人"这一特殊存在,指出"此在"在其他一切存在者中具有优先地位。海德格尔认为传统哲学混淆了"存在"与"存在者",他以"此在"作为探讨存在与存在者的中介,对此在展开了一系列的论述。海德格尔对"此在"的阐述,具有丰富的哲学探讨价值,同时体现了其对传统人学的巨大超越,我们有必要对他的这一思想进行认真的思考。 展开更多
关键词 传统人学 “此在” 海德格尔 西方哲学
浅析中华传统人学对中国现代公关的影响 被引量:1
作者 李振堂 张爱红 《天中学刊》 1995年第1X期79-81,共3页
关键词 中华传统人学 公共关系
马克思主义人学对西方传统人学理论的超越 被引量:1
作者 龚天平 《许昌师专学报》 1998年第2期1-4,共4页
马克思主义人学是马克思、恩格斯在批判继承西方传统人学的优秀成果的基础上,以唯物史观为基础,从现实的、从事实际活动的人出发,科学界定和揭示人的本质以实现人的全面而自由发展为价值取向,沿着辩证的唯物主义的方向而发展的。马... 马克思主义人学是马克思、恩格斯在批判继承西方传统人学的优秀成果的基础上,以唯物史观为基础,从现实的、从事实际活动的人出发,科学界定和揭示人的本质以实现人的全面而自由发展为价值取向,沿着辩证的唯物主义的方向而发展的。马克思主义人学在逻辑起点、理论内容。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义 人学 西方传统人学理论 超越 本质 自由发展 逻辑起点 全面发展 价值取向
作者 李振堂 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2002年第3期94-95,共2页
关键词 中华传统人学 中国 现代公关 影响
作者 周至杰 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第6期72-78,84,共8页
严复在系统性内化了西方人学思想的基础上,用中西学相互融合的方式,实现了对中国传统人学思想的系统性改造,形成了其独特的人学思想。在这个过程中,严复将中国传统人学思想中的民本思想、人伦思想和西方现代人学中“人”的观念相结合,... 严复在系统性内化了西方人学思想的基础上,用中西学相互融合的方式,实现了对中国传统人学思想的系统性改造,形成了其独特的人学思想。在这个过程中,严复将中国传统人学思想中的民本思想、人伦思想和西方现代人学中“人”的观念相结合,形成了“具体的人”的观念;用西方现代人学的开放性批判改造了中国传统人学的束缚性,形成了“发展的人”的观念,从而构建了具有现代意义的人学思想。 展开更多
关键词 严复 中国传统人学思想 中西人学融合
作者 陈曙光 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期159-165,共7页
人类理性天然具有一种对事物穷根究底的品格,对人自身也一样,天然地要求反思人之为人的存在论根据。自古希腊以来,人类便开始了对于人自身的终极追问,这一追问塑造了人学史上坚不可摧的实体本体论传统。实体本体论的僭越严重地冒犯了&qu... 人类理性天然具有一种对事物穷根究底的品格,对人自身也一样,天然地要求反思人之为人的存在论根据。自古希腊以来,人类便开始了对于人自身的终极追问,这一追问塑造了人学史上坚不可摧的实体本体论传统。实体本体论的僭越严重地冒犯了"存在",遮蔽了人的现实生活,它试图把现实的人消融于无限的"实体"之中。西方传统人学在实体本体论的引领之下,走进了一条没有出口的胡同。这种人学形态的集大成之时同时也必定是它的终结之日。为实体祛魔,恢复感性的崇高地位,这是19世纪哲学家们遭遇的重大课题。在终结实体形而上学的人学革命中,费尔巴哈起到了开路先锋的作用。费尔巴哈开辟了"回归感性"的人学存在论道路,以"我欲故我在"的存在论原则颠覆了"我思故我在"的理性主义哲学传统,极大地动摇了实体本体论人学的基本建制,但终归未能贯彻到底而止步于"感性直观"。"感性直观本体论"的出场确实提供了发动一场人学存在论革命的可能性,但绝不是这场革命的实现,更不是这场革命的完成。 展开更多
关键词 西方传统人学 存在论革命 实体本体论 感性直观本体论
作者 关翠玲 《当代青年研究》 2011年第9期52-56,45,共6页
思想政治教育客观属于人学实践活动,人是具有现实性和自我理性的客观存在。中国传统人学基于中国的历史和人文而产生,是中华民族宝贵的人学精神财富。大学生是宝贵的人才资源,具有属人和属教育对象的双重属性。中国传统人学与大学生思... 思想政治教育客观属于人学实践活动,人是具有现实性和自我理性的客观存在。中国传统人学基于中国的历史和人文而产生,是中华民族宝贵的人学精神财富。大学生是宝贵的人才资源,具有属人和属教育对象的双重属性。中国传统人学与大学生思想政治教育之间存在本质联系。中国传统人学精华是大学生思想政治教育人学取向重要的理念来源。从中国传统人学中吸收有益理念借鉴,可以促进大学生思想政治教育更加符合我国大学生思维特点和人文实际,从而切实增强大学生思想政治教育工作的针对性和实效性。 展开更多
关键词 中国传统人学 大学生思想政治教育 理念
作者 赵运鑫 《洛阳农业高等专科学校学报》 2002年第4期284-285,共2页
中国传统哲学是以人和社会为核心内容的 ,但却未能给予人的问题以科学的解答 ,本文从传统哲学中重群体轻个体、重继承轻创新。
关键词 中国传统哲学 传统人学 思维方式 个人治理
Knowledge Innovation of Great Tradition of Chinese Literary Anthropology
作者 HU Jian-sheng YUE Jian-feng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第6期597-602,共6页
It is very innovative significance that Chinese Literary Anthropology invents the Great Tradition in the new century and puts forward series of theoretical propositions and academic points based on it. The new Great T... It is very innovative significance that Chinese Literary Anthropology invents the Great Tradition in the new century and puts forward series of theoretical propositions and academic points based on it. The new Great Tradition transforms the opposition between the Great and Little Tradition of American anthropology, and makes the new concepts gain the legitimacy of the cultural values transferred from the old terms. It dates the second coded significance of the written culture from the material narrative and the image narrative of the oral tradition, and highlights the generative and primary of the symbolic significance. It also questions the authenticity of the written representation, endows the truth and credibility to the material and image representation, and manifests the imaginative and expression of the early human culture. Though its theoretical innovation inverts the binary opposition structure, and it wants to jump out of knowledge limits of dual structure such as structure and destruction, objective and subjective, material and spiritual. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Literary Anthropology Ye Shuxian Great Tradition Little Tradition theoretical innovation
Participation in the Concept or in the Event: Two Ways of Existence of Human Being
作者 Augustinas Dainys 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第2期53-65,共13页
This paper discusses two alternative ways of existence of the human being: participation in the concept of reason and participation in the events of the world. It is argued that the traditional Western philosophy fro... This paper discusses two alternative ways of existence of the human being: participation in the concept of reason and participation in the events of the world. It is argued that the traditional Western philosophy from Parmenides and Plato to R. Descartes, I. Kant, and G. Hegel can be described as the participation in the concept of reason. This tradition is characterized by the goal to assimilate the things of the world by concept of reason and in accordance with a project reason, to change the world. This led to the ecological catastrophe. We can overcome ecological catastrophe successfully only when we change the paradigm and shift to the paradigm of participation in the events of the world. The article is based on A. Badiou's conception of event which is contrasted with Descartes' conception of the event. Argumentation of the article shows the importance of B. Spinoza's monistic philosophy for our epoch, which is struck by the ecological disaster. This philosophy is not characterised by the war between things and thoughts, because both thoughts and things are attributes expressing the same God or Nature and are not in conflict with one another. 展开更多
Technology Embedded Imagination for Arab Women
作者 Muqeem Khan 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第6期351-360,共10页
With advancing channels of communication easing the availability of technological tools, the young minds of women in the Arabian Peninsula are ready to adopt forthcoming challenges. The embrace of storytelling in the ... With advancing channels of communication easing the availability of technological tools, the young minds of women in the Arabian Peninsula are ready to adopt forthcoming challenges. The embrace of storytelling in the digital realm by these young minds reflects the interplay of traditional culture, western modernism, and changes brought about by media industries. These women have adopted and used new media as a vehicle to maneuver their interesting and fresh ideas and have seen the rectilinear screen of a computer as an exit through which to come out and say something to the masses. The thinking methodology has culminated in pragmatic and dynamic visuals in order to celebrate, inform, and create awareness about the issues that they see in the region and among the people. With this freedom of expression, they are creating a new visual culture and transforming themselves into a meaningful workforce. With emerging technological tools, they blend intuitive, pragmatic, emotional, and contextual imagination with a highly-sophisticated production pipeline in order to incorporate the challenges of synthesizing "dialect" and "codes" that have traditionally been segregated in the culture. Their work is an amalgamation of arts/design, animation, life footage, and meaningful communication. With cyclical evaluation, they entwine the two elements, creativity, and technicality with massive exposure of Digital Assists Management (DAM). This paper explains how current technological tools and contextualized teaching instructions foster meaningful content with the elicitation and mergence of Arab anthropological characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 COMMUNICATION ANIMATION PEDAGOGY digital media visual culture
Studies on a Korean Buddhism Community: Searching for Unity Through Open Discourse
作者 Hae-Young Won 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第5期277-286,共10页
Korean Buddhism community has tried to develop its traditions as well as maintaining them through open discussion. Some current incidents, such as the election of the director for the headquarters of the Chogye Order,... Korean Buddhism community has tried to develop its traditions as well as maintaining them through open discussion. Some current incidents, such as the election of the director for the headquarters of the Chogye Order, controversial issues on a prime minster nominee, and the difference between practicing and learning which has been discussed in Buddhist Academia, have generated a new wave in the Korean Buddhism world. Many religious practices which have infiltrated Korean society, including Catholicism and Christianity, have been indigenized to become a unique religious form combined with Korean Shamanism, through which individuals want to achieve personal happiness or material prosperity. Buddhism has been through the same process. Additionally, Buddhism has played a leading role in teaching the public of Korea for a long time and has become a model role for solving national crises. Currently, the Korean Buddhism world has tried to be reborn as a religion that keeps these beneficial traditions in Korea, and the Korean Buddhism can play a positive role in every aspect of culture, politics, and society. Further, the Korean Buddhism is looking for ways to influence Korean society through open discussions. This paper brings out issues that Korean Buddhism faces and presents the solutions to solve those problems. 展开更多
关键词 the Chogye Order Korean Buddhism Korean society practice Buddhist Academia
MEDICLOUD:a holistic study on the digital evolution of medical data
作者 Astha Modi Nandish Bhayani +1 位作者 Samir Patel Manan Shah 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2022年第2期112-122,共11页
The Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic has taught us many valuable lessons regarding the importance of our physical and mental health. Even with so many technological advancements, we still lag in developing... The Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic has taught us many valuable lessons regarding the importance of our physical and mental health. Even with so many technological advancements, we still lag in developing a system that can fully digitalize the medical data of each individual and make it readily accessible for both the patient and health worker at any point in time. Moreover, there are also no ways for the government to identify the legitimacy of a particular clinic. This study merges modern technology with traditional approaches,thereby highlighting a scenario where artificial intelligence(AI) merges with traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), proposing a way to advance the conventional approaches. The main objective of our research is to provide a one-stop platform for the government, doctors,nurses, and patients to access their data effortlessly. The proposed portal will also check the doctors’ authenticity. Data is one of the most critical assets of an organization, so a breach of data can risk users’ lives. Data security is of primary importance and must be prioritized. The proposed methodology is based on cloud computing technology which assures the security of the data and avoids any kind of breach. The study also accounts for the difficulties encountered in creating such an infrastructure in the cloud and overcomes the hurdles faced during the project, keeping enough room for possible future innovations. To summarize, this study focuses on the digitalization of medical data and suggests some possible ways to achieve it. Moreover, it also focuses on some related aspects like security and potential digitalization difficulties. 展开更多
关键词 Cloud computing Medical data DIGITALIZATION One-stop platform Artifical intelligence(AI) Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)
On Skills of Online Publishing Edit
《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期95-96,共2页
The research is based on the skills of online publishing edit. First, it is focused on the influence on traditional publishing ed-it from the online publishing edit. Second, from the different aspects, the requirement... The research is based on the skills of online publishing edit. First, it is focused on the influence on traditional publishing ed-it from the online publishing edit. Second, from the different aspects, the requirements of the abilities of online publishing edit are men- tioned. Finally, constantly progressing skills of online publishing edit are discussed in the two models. The research is expected to be help-ful for relevant study of both professionals and scholars. 展开更多
另类知识、离题书写与人文限度——论当代作家批评中的“原小说”传统 被引量:1
作者 叶立文 《文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期104-111,共8页
对于中国当代作家来说,从小说创作跨界文学批评,固然有借助经典重读去提升自己创作水准的批评意图,但跨文体写作的批评实践,却使其叙述进程指向了对文学现代性模式的质疑与反思。他们的批评实践,不仅为经典重读设立了人文限度,而且在离... 对于中国当代作家来说,从小说创作跨界文学批评,固然有借助经典重读去提升自己创作水准的批评意图,但跨文体写作的批评实践,却使其叙述进程指向了对文学现代性模式的质疑与反思。他们的批评实践,不仅为经典重读设立了人文限度,而且在离题书写中转向了对原作中另类知识的讨论,由此也就触及了古代小说中的"原小说"传统。其中像格非那样游弋于"原小说"传统和小说现代性模式之间的作家最为普遍,他们的批评文本总是充斥了两类异质话语的叙述博弈。台湾作家张大春则立足"原小说"传统,通过对现代小说"有序而不乱"的体系说、反映论的叙事观和进化论的历史观的批评,体现了一种欲与文学现代性观念一较长短的批评雄心。 展开更多
关键词 作家批评 原小说 另类知识 离题书写 人学传统
Long-term Effect of TCM Decoctions in Treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome 被引量:1
作者 魏连波 叶任高 +3 位作者 栾图 吕瑞和 陈保田 王友京 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期83-86,共4页
Fifty-seven cases of nephrotic syndrome were treated with TCM decoctions as accessory treatment for prednisone and cyclophosphamide, and the effects were observed in a follow-up period of 5-15 years. The long-term com... Fifty-seven cases of nephrotic syndrome were treated with TCM decoctions as accessory treatment for prednisone and cyclophosphamide, and the effects were observed in a follow-up period of 5-15 years. The long-term complete remission rate of 68.4% and recurrence rate of 26.3% in the treatment group were respectively higher and lower than those in the control group (P 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOTHERAPY ADOLESCENT ADULT CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE Diagnosis Differential Drug Combinations Drug Therapy Combination Drugs Chinese Herbal Female Follow-Up Studies Humans Male Medicine Chinese Traditional Middle Aged Nephrotic Syndrome PREDNISONE
The Four Different Aspects of Man-World Relations and the Ontological Nature of Culture
作者 Salahaddin Khalilov 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第5期245-254,共10页
In traditional philosophy, man is usually treated as a subject of knowledge, not as a subject of activity. This naturally led to an ignorance of his creative side and had its echoes in the models of the world put forw... In traditional philosophy, man is usually treated as a subject of knowledge, not as a subject of activity. This naturally led to an ignorance of his creative side and had its echoes in the models of the world put forward. Thus, when the world was mentioned the world meant was that perceived by man and the world man created or planned to create himself was given either a secondary treatment or else it was completely forgotten. But, as man is carrier of active spirit, the things he creates have their place in this world along those created by God. It is without doubt that things created by man are not produced against God's will. Still, human creativity is the corruption of the original creation, of the harmony of the world, of the book of nature. Man brings order, so to speak, to the world. He achieves this however at the cost of corrupting the Great Order within some narrow limits. Man himself is among the many highly interesting books written before and there exist as many variations of this book as there are human beings. What is the most difficult for man is though, to read his own book, to understand himself. In this article, the concept of the culture as a human creation is analyzed in the light of Man-World and Man-Nature-God relations. In this case, the author firstly explains the four different world models and then determines the boundaries of science and culture, as well as the individual and social strata of culture. 展开更多
关键词 CULTURE ontology Man-Nature-God world models knowledge
Research on the Trend of Modem Interior Design Education Reform from the Perspectives of Aesthetics and Traditional Regression
作者 Jianwei Ban 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第1期53-55,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the trend of modern interior design education reform from the perspectives of aesthetics and traditional regression. Professional interior design technology is to adapt to the nee... In this paper, we conduct research on the trend of modern interior design education reform from the perspectives of aesthetics and traditional regression. Professional interior design technology is to adapt to the needs of economic development of practical talents in the central plains, with the spirit of the "seeking truth from facts" , pinpoint the target of profession fostering, established the reasonable personnel training mode, trying to explore suitable for the market need of professional personnel training mode and practical teaching methods, architecture art and design professional teaching system in higher vocational colleges. Interior design professional teaching reform goal, the guiding ideology, clear, clearer thinking pay attention to professional skills and professional quality education, skills, for body, quality as the soul. Our research starts from the basic analysis of aesthetics and traditional regression to propose the novel educational paradigm that is innovative. 展开更多
关键词 Interior Design Education Reform AESTHETICS Traditional Regression General Trend.
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