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作者 卢亚明 靖志茹 马晶晶 《保定学院学报》 2014年第4期86-97,共12页
钱谷融"文学是人学"这一主张真正的发生期并不是它产生的1957年,而是在新时期初年。因为这时它才真正参与到文学理论的建构中来,并对新时期文论中人学话语的确立起到了至关重要的作用。钱谷融的人学话语在文论中的确立主要可... 钱谷融"文学是人学"这一主张真正的发生期并不是它产生的1957年,而是在新时期初年。因为这时它才真正参与到文学理论的建构中来,并对新时期文论中人学话语的确立起到了至关重要的作用。钱谷融的人学话语在文论中的确立主要可以从两个方面去理解:从特殊性层面来说,人学话语主要在于确立"个人"、"个性"在文学理论中的存在、地位和价值;从普遍性层面来说,人学话语主要在于确立一种以人生幸福和自我完善为旨归的价值观,以想象的"情感共同体"取代想象的"阶级共同体",以此来形塑文学理论的学科品格。 展开更多
关键词 钱谷融 人学话语 新时期文论 人道主义 情感共同体
作者 晋海学 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期221-224,共4页
"文革"结束之后,宗璞接连创作出《我是谁》和《蜗居》,它们不仅是20世纪80年代初最具代表性的反思"文革"的作品,也是新时期现代派小说的滥觞之作。这两篇小说以作者对"文革"记忆的艺术表现为中心,用夸张... "文革"结束之后,宗璞接连创作出《我是谁》和《蜗居》,它们不仅是20世纪80年代初最具代表性的反思"文革"的作品,也是新时期现代派小说的滥觞之作。这两篇小说以作者对"文革"记忆的艺术表现为中心,用夸张、变形、象征等艺术形式,表述了知识者荒诞的生存境遇。逃避、希望与直面,是知识者面对荒诞现实时的三种不同态度。《蜗居》中的"青年"在寻找"真"的"人"的过程中,完成了既否定自我又拒绝成为他者的主体建构。 展开更多
关键词 知识分子 荒诞 反抗 主体建构 人学话语
作者 卢亚明 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期89-93,共5页
朱光潜将"人学"的学理化进程纳入到他长期关注并为之努力的一个问题域,即如何解决主观与客观的二元对立状态,如何安置审美主体在审美活动中的位置。从朱光潜的思想路径来看,从1950年代的"美学大讨论"到新时期,朱光... 朱光潜将"人学"的学理化进程纳入到他长期关注并为之努力的一个问题域,即如何解决主观与客观的二元对立状态,如何安置审美主体在审美活动中的位置。从朱光潜的思想路径来看,从1950年代的"美学大讨论"到新时期,朱光潜对上述问题的思考经历了从关注"主观"到关注"主体",从强调艺术是一种意识形态到将艺术创作视为一种作为实践的生产劳动,即艺术生产这样一个过程。"美学大讨论"时期,朱光潜虽然标举"美是客观与主观的统一",但是这在主体与客体,主观性与客观性二元对立的理论前提下是不能成立的,在自然与社会对立的预设下是不能实现的。正是在这种困境下,朱光潜将目光转向了"人"。 展开更多
关键词 朱光潜 人学话语 “主观性” “意识形态” “社会性”
作者 卢亚明 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期63-71,共9页
人学话语不是自产生以来就天然地与文学理论的知识生产联系在一起的,而是在特定的时刻以特定的方式成为文学理论知识生产的一部分,并参与了文学理论知识体系的建构。人学话语作为文学理论的知识生产,除了要考虑特定的国际国内历史情境... 人学话语不是自产生以来就天然地与文学理论的知识生产联系在一起的,而是在特定的时刻以特定的方式成为文学理论知识生产的一部分,并参与了文学理论知识体系的建构。人学话语作为文学理论的知识生产,除了要考虑特定的国际国内历史情境和社会实在因素外,还应将其放在新时期文学理论场域的生成过程中来考察。人学文论在新时期文学理论场域形成的初始阶段具有重要意义,正是有了人学文论的话语实践,此后出现的审美-情感文论等文论形态以及各种新概念、新观念和新方法的确立才成为可能。 展开更多
关键词 人学话语 文学理论 知识生产 话语实践
因“人”而异:新青年派与学衡派的人学话语比较分析 被引量:2
作者 张宝明 《天津社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期132-138,共7页
思想启蒙的最终目的是"立人",在这一思想共识下,新青年派与学衡派对所"立"之"人"却有着不同的理解与诉求。将双方的"人"之想象置于各自秉持的思想谱系——人道主义与人文主义中会发现,在两派... 思想启蒙的最终目的是"立人",在这一思想共识下,新青年派与学衡派对所"立"之"人"却有着不同的理解与诉求。将双方的"人"之想象置于各自秉持的思想谱系——人道主义与人文主义中会发现,在两派思想底蕴的深处有着自由意志与责任意识的紧张。梳理两派因"人"而异的思想对峙,从中我们能够清晰看到中国百年启蒙路径差异的来龙去脉,探讨其中"物质之律"与"人事之律"的真意,对中国近代思想启蒙的路径也会有全新的感悟。 展开更多
关键词 新青年派 学衡派 人学话语 人道主义 人文主义
论“人学”视野下当代中国文学中的英雄形象 被引量:1
作者 肖向东 孙周年 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期149-152,共4页
当代中国文学英雄形象的塑造构成了当代文学的一个重要内容与写作视域,"十七年"、"文革"、"新时期"三个阶段的"英雄叙事",观念复杂,演绎变化,其所经历的"人"——"神"——&... 当代中国文学英雄形象的塑造构成了当代文学的一个重要内容与写作视域,"十七年"、"文革"、"新时期"三个阶段的"英雄叙事",观念复杂,演绎变化,其所经历的"人"——"神"——"人"的文学路径,反映了文学的特质与规律,亦成为我们观察当代中国文学的一个镜像。 展开更多
关键词 当代文学 英雄形象 人学话语 历史演变
作者 吴翔宇 迂卓 《云梦学刊》 2024年第4期104-113,共10页
在百年中国儿童文学的演进历程中,理论预设与创作实践上的错位体现在“为艺术”还是“为现实”的歧异上。在历史化的动态发展语境里,现实主义作为艺术手法被理论家不断地阐释与更新,并逐渐生成为具有中国特质的儿童文学思潮。从发生期... 在百年中国儿童文学的演进历程中,理论预设与创作实践上的错位体现在“为艺术”还是“为现实”的歧异上。在历史化的动态发展语境里,现实主义作为艺术手法被理论家不断地阐释与更新,并逐渐生成为具有中国特质的儿童文学思潮。从发生期融入人学体系的考量,到革命与抗战语境的思想牵引,中国儿童文学的现实主义传统得以建构和彰显。在新时期“写什么”和“怎么写”的方向性选择中,批判现实主义的复归助益中国儿童文学主体性的创构。新世纪儿童文学聚焦“中国式童年”,深植于现实的文化土壤,为规避堕入轻逸境地和培育社会主义新人方面贡献了文学的力量。 展开更多
关键词 现实主义思潮 中国儿童文学 演进路向 文学传统 人学话语
论“新时期”初期作家启蒙认同困境 被引量:1
作者 王金胜 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2017年第1期22-28,共7页
随着"写真实"话语蕴涵的调整和"人学"话语的浮现,"新时期"初期小说家初步确立了启蒙者身份,在创作中接通和张扬了"五四"新文学的人学主题。但其对"人学话语"的艺术表现,无法超脱于以... 随着"写真实"话语蕴涵的调整和"人学"话语的浮现,"新时期"初期小说家初步确立了启蒙者身份,在创作中接通和张扬了"五四"新文学的人学主题。但其对"人学话语"的艺术表现,无法超脱于以"人民话语"为关键词的"新时期"想像,无法绕过既是其展开叙事的"前史"同时又在"新时期"发挥现实功能的社会主义文化。"新时期"初期小说的自我认同是个体启蒙认同和人民认同之间的辩证统一。 展开更多
关键词 “新时期”小说 “写真实” 人学话语 人民话语 认同困境
Conversing in Spanish at a Seniors Center: A Brief Experience of Community-Based and Foreign-Language Learning
作者 Samuel A. Navarro 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第10期1590-1600,共11页
This pilot study explored the linguistic gains of intermediate level Spanish learners who completed community-based learning at a Spanish-speaking seniors center. Leamers had the opportunity, rare in foreign-language ... This pilot study explored the linguistic gains of intermediate level Spanish learners who completed community-based learning at a Spanish-speaking seniors center. Leamers had the opportunity, rare in foreign-language instruction, to discuss topics from their textbook in authentic native/non-native dyads. The interactions also allowed the seniors to fulfill an identified community needed by socializing in Spanish. Analyses of a post-service survey revealed that learners assessed the experience positively, because they spoke Spanish creatively. Seniors were described as cooperative and fun interlocutors, suggesting that age difference minimally affected the interactions. Direct observation revealed that learners managed to produce L2 Spanish output in connected speech for an extended period of time. Likewise, the seniors enjoyed a moment of socialization and first language use while sharing their views on the topics of discussion with the young visitors. Seniors' active participation likely encouraged learners to cope with sudden switches of topics that required negotiating for meaning and pushing the still limited interlanguages. A new service leaming study proposes to investigate the use of native/non-native dyads in Spanish in fulfilling a dual function: socialization and first language maintenance for the seniors at the center and language learning for the students. 展开更多
关键词 community service learning native/non-native speaker interaction input/output modifications meaning negotiation SFL (Spanish as a foreign language)
Terms and Metaphors in TasawwufDiscourse
作者 Sabaheta Gacanin 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第4期275-285,共11页
This paper treats metaphors and terminology or the discourse of tasawwuf Having in mind that tasawwuf is a discipline developed in the scope of Islamic tradition and that its focus is on the esoteric dimension of the ... This paper treats metaphors and terminology or the discourse of tasawwuf Having in mind that tasawwuf is a discipline developed in the scope of Islamic tradition and that its focus is on the esoteric dimension of the Qur'an (ta wil), which relates to the cognition of the highest rank, an approach to such a discourse needs special effort, both intellectual and spiritual. The language of literature belonging to either theoretical or practical tasawwuf is highly symbolic: theoretical tasawwuf deals with ontology and discusses God, world, and human being, while pragmatic tasawwuftries, just as the ethics, to change human being, that is, to ennoble him. Because of its specific way of presentation and its specific discourse, a communication with that discourse is determined by the knowledge of its symbolism, its terminology and, generally, its professional terminology. 展开更多
关键词 discourse of tasawwuf METAPHORS TERMINOLOGY
Studies on a Korean Buddhism Community: Searching for Unity Through Open Discourse
作者 Hae-Young Won 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第5期277-286,共10页
Korean Buddhism community has tried to develop its traditions as well as maintaining them through open discussion. Some current incidents, such as the election of the director for the headquarters of the Chogye Order,... Korean Buddhism community has tried to develop its traditions as well as maintaining them through open discussion. Some current incidents, such as the election of the director for the headquarters of the Chogye Order, controversial issues on a prime minster nominee, and the difference between practicing and learning which has been discussed in Buddhist Academia, have generated a new wave in the Korean Buddhism world. Many religious practices which have infiltrated Korean society, including Catholicism and Christianity, have been indigenized to become a unique religious form combined with Korean Shamanism, through which individuals want to achieve personal happiness or material prosperity. Buddhism has been through the same process. Additionally, Buddhism has played a leading role in teaching the public of Korea for a long time and has become a model role for solving national crises. Currently, the Korean Buddhism world has tried to be reborn as a religion that keeps these beneficial traditions in Korea, and the Korean Buddhism can play a positive role in every aspect of culture, politics, and society. Further, the Korean Buddhism is looking for ways to influence Korean society through open discussions. This paper brings out issues that Korean Buddhism faces and presents the solutions to solve those problems. 展开更多
关键词 the Chogye Order Korean Buddhism Korean society practice Buddhist Academia
The Discourse Analysis of Ecology from the Perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics
作者 ZHAO Xue 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期119-121,共3页
In recent decades, ecological problems are becoming more and more serious, which are focused worldwide. "Eco-[inguistics" (EL) also called "Ecology of Language" emerges in the situation that scholars try their b... In recent decades, ecological problems are becoming more and more serious, which are focused worldwide. "Eco-[inguistics" (EL) also called "Ecology of Language" emerges in the situation that scholars try their best to solve the problems in linguistics. As an emerging interdisciplinary area of ecology and linguistics, eco-linguistics aims at analyzing the ecological phenomenon in language, exploring the relation between language and environment, and looking for the variety of internal patterns of language. At present, scholars at home have made a lot of achievements with the tendency from theoretical studies to practical studies. On the theoretical framework of eco-linguistics and the transitivity method of Systemic Functional Linguistics(SFL), by analyzing two texts excerpted from BBC news reports which involve two kinds of animals, this article tries to explore the relation between human and animals and our attitudes toward different animals, analyze the ecological elements and hidden non-ecological features in the discourses, reveal the essential reasons for ecological disruption---inherent human ideology, interpret the influences on nature. We expect that people pay more attention to the issues of environment protection, change anthropocentrism to ecocentrism which builds the harmonious relation between human and nature. 展开更多
关键词 Systemic Functional Linguistics eco-linguistics discourse analysis
作者 张连阁 《戏剧(中央戏剧学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第1期26-35,共10页
苏联文艺史上的解冻———停滞时期 ,形成了一个主流的话语和非主流话语的共生地带 ,这个地带为心理剧派的人学戏剧提供了生存发展的空间 ,在 5 0 -80年代的各个时期 。
关键词 苏联 心理剧派 1950-1980年 戏剧语境 人学话语
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