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作者 李勇 《当代农机》 2023年第2期24-26,共3页
提到辣椒除柄机,估计有不少人包括农机行业内的很多人并不熟悉,所谓辣椒除柄机,也就是辣椒加工产业里说的去除辣椒柄的机器,俗称辣椒去把儿机。与传统农机品类不同,辣椒除柄机械是近几年市场表现不俗的新兴小众农机产品之一,其彻底改变... 提到辣椒除柄机,估计有不少人包括农机行业内的很多人并不熟悉,所谓辣椒除柄机,也就是辣椒加工产业里说的去除辣椒柄的机器,俗称辣椒去把儿机。与传统农机品类不同,辣椒除柄机械是近几年市场表现不俗的新兴小众农机产品之一,其彻底改变了传统的人工去除辣椒柄的操作方式,提高了效率,降低了成本,减少了职业危害,备受辣椒加工产业青睐。 展开更多
关键词 农机市场 人工去除 农机产品 职业危害 辣椒 农机行业 加工产业 运行分析
作者 孙跃春 攀奋成 《农业知识》 2004年第6期50-50,共1页
关键词 牧草生产 牧草产量 寄生植物 无根 寄主植物 危害面积 维管 人工去除 休眠性 吸器
紫花苜蓿种子生产中菟丝子综合防治技术 被引量:2
作者 格明汗.贺孜尔 李国金 《新疆农业科技》 2005年第1期39-39,共1页
菟丝子为旋花科菟丝子属一年生草本寄生植物,自身不能进行光合同化作用,通过缠绕茎,附着寄主,很快产生吸器,刺入寄主表皮吸取营养.菟丝子主要危害苜蓿、大豆、沙打旺和三叶草等豆科作物,也寄生于菊科、藜科植物.菟丝子属世界性苜蓿草地... 菟丝子为旋花科菟丝子属一年生草本寄生植物,自身不能进行光合同化作用,通过缠绕茎,附着寄主,很快产生吸器,刺入寄主表皮吸取营养.菟丝子主要危害苜蓿、大豆、沙打旺和三叶草等豆科作物,也寄生于菊科、藜科植物.菟丝子属世界性苜蓿草地的恶性杂草.我国大部分紫花苜蓿种植地区,菟丝子危害非常严重.新疆塔城地区紫花苜蓿种子样品中,菟丝子种子含量高达13.4%,严重地影响了紫花苜蓿种子的质量和产量. 展开更多
关键词 紫花苜蓿 种子生产 菟丝子 综合防治 寄生植物 种子处理 检疫 人工去除 混作 药物防治
茄果类蔬菜套管嫁接技术 被引量:1
作者 宝琴 《吉林蔬菜》 2016年第1期20-20,共1页
套管嫁接法是采用专用嫁接套管将砧木与接穗连接、固定在一起的一种嫁接方式。套管嫁接优点:由于套管能很好地保持接口周围的水分,阻止病原菌的侵入,有利于伤口的愈合,能提高嫁接成活率。且幼苗成活定植后,塑料套管随着时间的推移,会... 套管嫁接法是采用专用嫁接套管将砧木与接穗连接、固定在一起的一种嫁接方式。套管嫁接优点:由于套管能很好地保持接口周围的水分,阻止病原菌的侵入,有利于伤口的愈合,能提高嫁接成活率。且幼苗成活定植后,塑料套管随着时间的推移,会自行落,不用人工去除。现将其具体技术总结如下:1适期播种砧木和接穗一般不同时播种,具体播种间隔时间要根据种子发芽所需时间与发芽后生长速度及气候因素而定。 展开更多
关键词 嫁接技术 砧木嫁接 嫁接成活率 气候因素 人工去除 种子发芽 塑料套管 套管法 嫁接法 间隔时间
作者 孙国凤 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 1991年第7期11-13,共3页
杂交种子对玉米的增产起了大的作用.同时也给供给种子公司带来了莫大的利益.而且,现在由于新技术的出现,其他作物也能生产杂交种子. 用生物技术生产杂交种子种子生产者能供给农家价格高但收益也高的杂交种子.这种第一代植物比双亲系统优... 杂交种子对玉米的增产起了大的作用.同时也给供给种子公司带来了莫大的利益.而且,现在由于新技术的出现,其他作物也能生产杂交种子. 用生物技术生产杂交种子种子生产者能供给农家价格高但收益也高的杂交种子.这种第一代植物比双亲系统优异,它们继承了双亲的好性质,具有杂种优势.杂交种子对种子生产者的好处是农家不能自己培育第一代种子,而第二代以后的植物因不能继承第一代的性质,它们的种子不能用.所以农家必须每年购买新的种子. 展开更多
关键词 种子市场 杂交种子 雄穗 市场预测 油菜种子 雌穗 人工去除 油莱 不能自己 自花授粉
作者 李勇 《农机市场》 2022年第6期24-26,共3页
提到辣椒除柄机,很多人并不熟悉。所谓辣椒除柄机,也就是辣椒加工产业里说的去除辣椒柄的机器,俗称辣椒去把儿机。与传统农机品类不同,辣椒除柄机械是近几年市场表现不俗的新兴小众农机产品之一,其彻底改变了传统的人工去除辣椒柄的操... 提到辣椒除柄机,很多人并不熟悉。所谓辣椒除柄机,也就是辣椒加工产业里说的去除辣椒柄的机器,俗称辣椒去把儿机。与传统农机品类不同,辣椒除柄机械是近几年市场表现不俗的新兴小众农机产品之一,其彻底改变了传统的人工去除辣椒柄的操作方式,提高了效率,降低了成本,减少了职业危害,备受辣椒加工产业青睐。近年来,伴随着后工业时代的到来。 展开更多
关键词 人工去除 农机产品 职业危害 加工产业 后工业时代 值得关注 辣椒 操作方式
作者 董连银 《现代农村科技》 2015年第14期22-22,共1页
关键词 出菇管理 生理特性 原基 水分管理 菌盖 人工去除 菌袋 菌棒 细菌性病害 降温措施
《农村天地》 2002年第6期26-26,共1页
草莓是一种营养丰富、色香味俱佳的果实。但由于其柔软多汁、收获期短、贮运困难,因此每年都有大量浪费。为此,这里介绍几种草莓制品的加工方法。 一、速冻草莓 选择成熟度(果面着色80%以上)一致,颜色鲜艳,无病虫伤的草莓鲜果,人工去... 草莓是一种营养丰富、色香味俱佳的果实。但由于其柔软多汁、收获期短、贮运困难,因此每年都有大量浪费。为此,这里介绍几种草莓制品的加工方法。 一、速冻草莓 选择成熟度(果面着色80%以上)一致,颜色鲜艳,无病虫伤的草莓鲜果,人工去除叶、萼、杂物,并按大小分级;用流水清洗后控干水分,以免冻品表面带水或发生粘结;包装前按草莓重20%~25%加入糖(酸味重的品种加糖量可大一些),加糖后轻轻搅拌均匀;然后密封包装,置于零下35℃温度下迅速冷冻. 展开更多
关键词 加工方法 加糖量 密封包装 人工去除 色香味 可大 草毒 表面带 残次果 煮制
《中国科技信息》 1991年第10期33-33,共1页
棉花优质高产结铃模式调节新技术是中国农业科学院棉花研究所等8单位协作组共同研制而成的一项新成果。他们经多年多点研究,根据黄淮海平原和长江流域棉区有40天左右的最佳开花结铃期,提出了在最佳结铃期集中多结优桃和早秋桃,主要以这... 棉花优质高产结铃模式调节新技术是中国农业科学院棉花研究所等8单位协作组共同研制而成的一项新成果。他们经多年多点研究,根据黄淮海平原和长江流域棉区有40天左右的最佳开花结铃期,提出了在最佳结铃期集中多结优桃和早秋桃,主要以这两桃拿产量的结铃模式。同时又根据棉花在生理上具有很强的调节补偿功能,参照园艺作物(如西瓜、甜椒等)的去早花和果树进行疏花、疏果的做法,总结出一套棉花优质高产结铃模式调节新技术。其做法是在棉花早发的基础上,采取人工去除旱蕾。 展开更多
关键词 结铃期 长江流域棉区 秋桃 人工去除 生长调节剂 疏花 疏果 春棉 单株成铃 黄淮海平原
Effectiveness of a Subsurface Constructed Wetland on the Treatment of Saline Wastewater 被引量:7
作者 Yushan Zhang Jing Wang Jinquan Qiu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第1期9-13,共5页
This study evaluated the capability of a constructed wetland for treating saline wastewater. A pilot-scale constructed wetland system was set up and was initially operated at low, then increasing salt levels to determ... This study evaluated the capability of a constructed wetland for treating saline wastewater. A pilot-scale constructed wetland system was set up and was initially operated at low, then increasing salt levels to determine the effect of salinity on the contaminants' removal performance. The effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) variation on treatment efficiency of the reed wetland was also discussed. Average removal efficiencies of the reed (Phragmites australis) wetland were found to be 79.0% for COD, 72.2% for ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and 82.8% for total phosphorus (TP). Reed planting had obvious improvement on COD and NH3-N removal efficiency when compared to an unplanted system. With the seawater proportion in the influent increasing from 20% to 30%, the TP removal efficiency improved obviously. COD removal efficiency of the reed wetland was positively correlated with HRT under high salinity condition, while excess HRT had adverse impacts on the NH3-N and TP removal. Optimal HRT for NH3-N and TP removal was 4 days. Results obtained can be beneficially used to improve the use of constructed wetlands in saline wastewater treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Constructed wetland saline wastewater hydraulic retention time reed.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Agricultural Wastewater Using Constructed Rhizofiltration in Durban, South Africa
作者 Mathews Simon Mthembu 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第10期1142-1148,共7页
Constructed rhizofiltration is a relatively new technology and has potential in agricultural wastewater treatment. It has been reported to reduce heavy metals in wastewater but no substantive work has been reported ab... Constructed rhizofiltration is a relatively new technology and has potential in agricultural wastewater treatment. It has been reported to reduce heavy metals in wastewater but no substantive work has been reported about its ability to remove nitrogen and phosphorus, particularly in agricultural wastewater. If this technology's worth in nutrient removal from wastewater can be proved, it can save time as well as reducing wastewater treatment cost. Influent and effluent nitrogen and phosphate concentrations in the constructed rhizofiltration were measured and it was found that there was a significant difference between the two water samples (P = 0.01). It was also found that more nitrogen and phosphate were retained by planted region (P = 0.01) compared to unplanted (P = 0.02), demonstrating high removal efficiency in the planted region than in the unplanted region. Eighty six percent (86%) removal efficiency of phosphorus was achieved at some points in the planted region while 71% was achieved for nitrogen. These results indicate that constructed rhizofiltration systems, if properly constructed and planted with macrophytes and maintained, can be used for nitrogen and phosphorus removal in wastewater and thus could be used as an alternative technology for agricultural wastewater treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Constructed rhizofiltration wastewater treatment NUTRIENTS agricultural wastewater MACROPHYTES phosphorus andnitrogen removal.
Effect of Salinity on Reeds in the Treatment of High Salinity LandfilI-Leachates Using HFs
作者 Tokuo Yano Mika Okanuma Yoshiki Kumagai Kazuaki Sato Akiko Inoue-Kohama Keijiro Enari 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第3期142-150,共9页
The growth of reeds was impeded remarkably under a salinity of 15.0±3.4 g CI·L-1 in the first year of this experiment, recovered in the second year and then increased year-by-year afterward. The growth of re... The growth of reeds was impeded remarkably under a salinity of 15.0±3.4 g CI·L-1 in the first year of this experiment, recovered in the second year and then increased year-by-year afterward. The growth of reeds under a salinity of 9.3±1.9 g CI·Ll was much better than those under 15.0 ± 3.4 g CI·L1. The stress effect was significant for shoot extension but not for the quantity of shoots increase. The dense vegetation bed during the vegetation period (June-October) provided a high rate of evapotranspiration and water loss from HFs (horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands), which made large contributions to reducing pollutant load. The HFs with die-back reeds in the non-vegetation periods (November-March) provided slight evapotranspiration and water loss and made less of a contribution to reducing pollutants removal compared to HFs with the dense vegetation bed in the vegetation periods. However, the HFs with die-back reeds in the non-vegetation periods had higher removal performance than the HF without reeds. This indicated that the rhizosphere of HFs with reeds might play important roles, such as that the microbes around rhizomes might have a higher amount of pollutant-removing microbe activity than those in the HF without reeds during the non-vegetation period. 展开更多
关键词 Landfill-leachate HIGH-SALINITY HFs reeds effect.
Evapotranspiration and Removal Performance in the Treatment of High Salinity LandfilI-Leachate Using HSF
作者 Tokuo Yano Kazuhiro Yamada +3 位作者 Masatomo Nakayama Akiko Inoue-kohama Shinya Sato Keijiro Enari 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第9期440-450,共11页
In this study, the water budget in the treatment of high salinity landfill-leachate was estimated and the influence of evapotranspiration (ET) on treatment performance was investigated. The salinity of the inside of... In this study, the water budget in the treatment of high salinity landfill-leachate was estimated and the influence of evapotranspiration (ET) on treatment performance was investigated. The salinity of the inside of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSF) of the raw leachate inflow was 15.0± 3.4 g.Cl/L which was in the level of the salinity of the survival limit of reed, and that of the double diluted leachate inflow was 9.3 ± 1.9 g.CI7L. There were large differences in the vegetation between HSF of the raw leachate inflow and that of the double diluted leachate inflow. The dense vegetation bed of double diluted leachate inflow during the growing season (April-October) provided a high ET and a large water loss, which made great contributions to the reduction of the outflow load of COD and T-N. The HSF with die-back reeds in the non-growing season (November-March) provided a slight ET and a small water loss and made less of a contribution to pollutant removal compared to the HSF with dense vegetation bed during the growing season. However, the HSF with die-back reeds during the non-growing season exhibited higher removal performance than the unplanted HSF. 展开更多
关键词 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION HSF high salinity landfill-leachate removal performance water budget.
作者 裴文益 刘树生 《病虫测报》 1989年第S2期21-23,共3页
一、引言水稻是越南的主要粮食作物。由于集约耕作而使水稻产量增加。不过,与此同时水稻的保护出现了一些新问题。由于大面积推广矮杆高产而抗性不强的品种、大量施肥和密植,给一些病虫的发生发展创造了有利条件。这些病虫害中有些在以... 一、引言水稻是越南的主要粮食作物。由于集约耕作而使水稻产量增加。不过,与此同时水稻的保护出现了一些新问题。由于大面积推广矮杆高产而抗性不强的品种、大量施肥和密植,给一些病虫的发生发展创造了有利条件。这些病虫害中有些在以前危害并不很突出,如褐飞虱、 展开更多
关键词 病虫害综合治理 抗性品种 矮杆 白叶枯病 扬花期 人工去除 白背飞虱 植保服务 纵卷叶螟 国际顾问
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