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黄土高原半干旱地区刺槐人工林密度与地上生物量效应 被引量:31
作者 王百田 王颖 +3 位作者 郭江红 郑培龙 马丰斌 张华 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 2005年第3期35-39,共5页
以黄土高原半干旱地区的山西省方山县人工刺槐林为对象,采用树干解析与称重法,设立标准地对10个不同密度人工刺槐林进行了生长与生物量调查,分析密度对单木和林分生物量的效应。结果表明:18年刺槐林分的地上现存生物量与测树指标D2H和D... 以黄土高原半干旱地区的山西省方山县人工刺槐林为对象,采用树干解析与称重法,设立标准地对10个不同密度人工刺槐林进行了生长与生物量调查,分析密度对单木和林分生物量的效应。结果表明:18年刺槐林分的地上现存生物量与测树指标D2H和D有很好的相关性,其中树干和叶的生物量与D2H关系密切,而枝条生物量与D关系密切。刺槐单木总生物量及各部分生物量都是密度的幂函数,但是对林分而言,低密度林分和高密度林分的总生物量都比较高,而处于中间密度林分的生物量较低;林分现存总生物量也呈同一趋势。从总生物量来说,林分的水分利用效率与密度不存在线性关系,但是其干材的水分生产效率是随着密度降低而增加的,反映出不同密度水分利用效率的经济价值不同。 展开更多
关键词 黄土高原半干旱地区 刺槐 人工林密度 地上生物量效应 树干解析 称重法 防护
黄土半干旱区白榆人工林密度与林下物种多样性的关系研究 被引量:3
作者 王晓学 吴秀芹 +1 位作者 赵陟峰 王玉 《林业调查规划》 2009年第3期12-16,共5页
选取半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区相似气候、土壤和立地条件下的4种密度白榆人工林为研究对象,通过调查林下物种组成和结构,比较不同密度人工林下的物种组成、结构特征及其差异,评价人工林林下植被的发育状况.结果表明:白榆林下共有维管束植物4... 选取半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区相似气候、土壤和立地条件下的4种密度白榆人工林为研究对象,通过调查林下物种组成和结构,比较不同密度人工林下的物种组成、结构特征及其差异,评价人工林林下植被的发育状况.结果表明:白榆林下共有维管束植物43种,分属18科35属;群落乔木层结构比较简单,灌木层优势种主要以建群种的幼苗和达乌里胡枝子为主,草本层物种较多,优势种为菊科、禾本科;当林分密度为1 667株/hm2时,乔木、灌木及草本层的物种丰富度、多样性、均匀度指数均较高. 展开更多
关键词 白榆 物种多样性 人工林密度 黄土半干旱区
马尾松人工林密度与枝下高相关模式研究 被引量:2
作者 朱炜 《林业科技通讯》 1999年第3期8-10,共3页
关键词 马尾松 人工林密度 枝下高 相对生长式 无节良材
沙棘林密度和丛枝菌根真菌接种对林下植物和土壤性状的影响 被引量:6
作者 王晓 毕银丽 +4 位作者 王义 田野 李强 杜昕鹏 郭芸 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期138-149,共12页
【目的】在我国干旱半干旱地区采煤沉陷区的生态修复区,分析不同沙棘种植密度和接种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)及其交互作用对林下植物和土壤性状的影响,探究最佳人工生态修复方式。【方法】本研究以陕西省神木市大柳塔镇微生物复垦区种植的不... 【目的】在我国干旱半干旱地区采煤沉陷区的生态修复区,分析不同沙棘种植密度和接种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)及其交互作用对林下植物和土壤性状的影响,探究最佳人工生态修复方式。【方法】本研究以陕西省神木市大柳塔镇微生物复垦区种植的不同密度沙棘林(L:835 tree·hm^(-2);M:1111 tree·hm^(-2);H:1667 tree·hm^(-2))为研究对象,布设接菌区和对照区处理,以无人工干预的自然恢复区为完全对照,总样地大小为8400 m^(2)。人工林于2012年4月种植,2012年7月以穴施的方式在接菌区接种AMF。2020年10月,对人工林和林下植物进行调查,并采集表层土壤(0~20 cm)测定土壤性状,每个处理设置3个重复。选取林下植物指标、土壤指标进行主成分分析,筛选出特征值大于1的5个主成分,通过因子载荷矩阵确定权重,计算各处理综合得分。【结果】1)增大种植密度和接种AMF显著提高了沙棘林盖度和现有密度。2)增大种植密度显著提高了林下植物的Pielou均匀度指数,降低了Simpson优势度指数,接种AMF显著提高了林下植物的Pielou均匀度指数,降低了Simpson优势度指数;种植密度显著影响林下植物群落组成、生物量和盖度,中等种植密度下林下植物生物量最大。接种AMF显著影响林下植被群落组成并提高了生物量。3)种植密度和接种AMF显著影响AMF生物量、土壤性状,在中等种植密度下AMF的生物量、微生物生物量、土壤理化性质处于较高水平。4)人工林种植密度和接种AMF对林下植被群落和土壤的理化性质具有显著的交互作用。相较于对照区,在接菌区人工林种植密度对林下植被与土壤性状的影响较小。5)综合得分结果表明,中等种植密度且接种AMF的处理得分最高,自然恢复区的综合得分最低,所以,中等密度且接种AMF的处理对植物和土壤的修复效果最佳。【结论】中等种植密度的沙棘人工林生态修复效果最佳,接种AMF促进了土壤养分的活化,为沙棘人工林提供了更多的生态位,打破了种植密度过高对林下植被生长和正向演替的限制。 展开更多
关键词 沙棘人工种植密度 丛枝菌根真菌 下植物群落 土壤性状 生态修复
晋西黄土残塬沟壑区不同林地土壤水分动态研究 被引量:2
作者 李建军 吴斌 +2 位作者 佐藤俊 宫川清 张建军 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第S4期36-43,共8页
该文应用波谱分析方法对晋西黄土残塬沟壑区不同林地的土壤水分动态进行了观测分析.通过研究表明,在所选的三种不同的林分中,以天然次生林地的土壤水分状况最佳; 28年生人工刺槐林由于林分密度过大而使其林内土壤水分状况最差;2年生人... 该文应用波谱分析方法对晋西黄土残塬沟壑区不同林地的土壤水分动态进行了观测分析.通过研究表明,在所选的三种不同的林分中,以天然次生林地的土壤水分状况最佳; 28年生人工刺槐林由于林分密度过大而使其林内土壤水分状况最差;2年生人工刺槐林地的土壤水分主要消耗于土壤蒸发.因此,通过抚育管理调节人工成林密度,控制幼林地土壤蒸发及有效利用人工幼林地的土壤水分资源应为首选措施. 展开更多
关键词 人工林密度 土壤水分 波谱分析
杉木人工林林分密度管理和研究现状 被引量:3
作者 陈传松 袁小军 +3 位作者 司芳芳 程贵文 颜送宝 李家彧 《林业科技通讯》 2019年第5期37-39,共3页
杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林经营的好坏也影响着我国南方地区森林可持续发展战略的成败。而人工林经营主要是通过调控密度来实现的,适宜的林分密度以及合理的密度调控可以改善林分生长状况,从而提高杉木林分的质量和产量。本... 杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林经营的好坏也影响着我国南方地区森林可持续发展战略的成败。而人工林经营主要是通过调控密度来实现的,适宜的林分密度以及合理的密度调控可以改善林分生长状况,从而提高杉木林分的质量和产量。本文主要从杉木人工林造林密度的设计、调节以及效益来展开综述。 展开更多
关键词 杉木人工 Cunninghamia lanceolata 人工林密度设计 人工林密度调节
Radial Variation in Sap Flux Density as a Function of Sapwood Thickness in Two Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus urophylla ) Plantations 被引量:9
作者 周国逸 黄志宏 +4 位作者 Jim MORRIS 李志安 John COLLOPY 张宁南 白嘉雨 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第12期1418-1424,共7页
Radial variation in sap flux density (SFD) as a function of sapwood thickness is of importance in accurately estimating sap flux through sapwood area which, in turn, decides the precision of heat pulse application. Ho... Radial variation in sap flux density (SFD) as a function of sapwood thickness is of importance in accurately estimating sap flux through sapwood area which, in turn, decides the precision of heat pulse application. However, until now, only a few studies have evaluated the magnitude and significance of sampling errors associated with radial gradients in SFD, which were based on the small monitoring measurement data from a few trees. Based on one year of heat pulse observation of two 3 - 4 years old Eucalyptus urophylla S. T.,P Blake plantations in Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong Province, China, a way of data processing was developed to treat with the lots of SFD data measured from 39 trees. It was found that the radial variation in SFD as a function of sapwood thickness in the two eucalyptus plantation sites could be expressed as y = 3. 667 5x(3) - 7.295 5x(2) + 3.682 6x + 0. 567 4 (R-2 = 0. 939 1, n = 80, P = 0.01), where y is the ratio of SFD of a sensor to the average of four data in different depths, x is the ratio of a sensor depth to tire radial sapwood thickness. It was the same (as in the following equation) in Jijia site, y = 5.006 2x(3) - 9.116 1x(2) + 4. 454 4x + 0.463 4 (R-2 = 0. 806 9, n = 72, P = 0.01) in Hetou site. From cambium to heartwood, SFD showed some increases at first and then decreases continuously. However, because die trees were very young, the maximum SFD was only 0. 33 - 0. 36 times more than the minimum. 展开更多
关键词 radial variation sap flux density sapwood thickness eucalyptus trees
Comparative regeneration status in a natural forest and enrichment plantations of Chittagong (south) forest division, Bangladesh
作者 M. Kamal Hossain M. Lutfor Rahman +1 位作者 A. T. M. Rafiqul Hoque M. Khairul Alam 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期255-260,共6页
The natural regeneration of the tree species in pure natural forest stand and enrichment plantations of Baraitali Forest of Chittagong (South) Forest Division, Bangladesh was studied by stratified random quadrat metho... The natural regeneration of the tree species in pure natural forest stand and enrichment plantations of Baraitali Forest of Chittagong (South) Forest Division, Bangladesh was studied by stratified random quadrat method during April 2002 to November 2002. Totally 100 plots of 3 m X 3 m in size represents a total of 64 regenerating tree species from natural forest with an average seedlings of 24767/hm2, while only 40 regenerating tree species were recorded from enrichment plan-tations with an average seedlings of 18633/hm2. Maximum regeneration in natural forest was found with Castanopsis spp. (2200 seedlings/hm2) followed by Glochidion lanceolarium (2183 /hm2) whereas, in enrichment plantations maximum regen-eration was found with Dipterocarpus gracilis (2117/hm2) followed by Anogeissus acuminata (2000/hm2). For natural forest, highest relative density was found for Castanopsis spp (8.88%), relative frequency for Glochidion lanceolarium (7.36%), rela-tive abundance for Syzygium spp. (3.79%) and Importance Value Index were recorded with Glochidion lanceolarium (18.24%). The corresponding values for enrichment plantations were highest with Dipterocarpus gracilis (11.36%), Glochidion lanceo-larium (9.71%), Dipterocarpus gracilis (5.92%), Glochidion lanceolarium (23.32%) respectively. Stem per hectare of some common trees with their seedlings and saplings in both the natural stands and enrichment plantations showed that only Dip-terocarpus gracilis successfully recruited in both sites but recruitment was higher in natural forest. Like many other primary rain forests, the Baraitoli forest typically has both substantial seedlings and soil seed bank from which regeneration may occur. The naturally regenerated seedlings are quite dense but it could not reach the pole stage due to human interference. 展开更多
关键词 REGENERATION Natural forest Enrichment plantations Relative density Frequency ABUNDANCE Importance Value Index
Collapse-type shrinkage characteristics in plantation-grown eucalypts: I . Correlations of basic density and some structural indices with shrinkage and collapse properties 被引量:3
作者 WUYi-qiang HAYASHIKazuo +3 位作者 LIUYuan CAIYing-chun SUGIMORIMasatoshi LUOJian-ju 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期83-88,共6页
Collapse-type shrinkage is one of highly refractory drying defects inlow-medium density plantation-grown eucalypt wood used as solid wood products. Basic density (BD),microfibril angle (MFA), double fibre cell wall th... Collapse-type shrinkage is one of highly refractory drying defects inlow-medium density plantation-grown eucalypt wood used as solid wood products. Basic density (BD),microfibril angle (MFA), double fibre cell wall thickness (DWT), proportion of ray parenchyma (RP),unit cell wall shrinkage, total shrinkage and residual collapse, which are associated withcollapse-type shrinkage characteristics, were investigated by using simple regression method forthree species of collapse-susceptible Eucalyptus urophyll,, E. grandis and E. urophyllaxE.grandis,planted at Dong-Men Forest Farm in Guangxi autonomous region, China. The results indicated that:unit cell wall shrinkage had a extremely strong positive correlation with BD, moderately strongpositive correlation with DWT, and a weakly or moderately negative correlation with RP and MFA;total shrinkage was positively correlated with BD, DWT and RP and negatively related to MFA, but notable to be predicted ideally by any examined factors alone owing to lower R^2 value (R^2≤0.5712);residual collapse was negatively correlated with BD and DWT, linearly positively correlated withMFA, and had strongly positive linear correlation with RP. It is concluded that BD can be used assingle factor (R^2≥ 0.9412) to predicate unit cell wall shrinkage and RP is the relatively soundindicator for predicting residual collapse 展开更多
关键词 basic density microfibril angle double fibre cell wall thickness proportion of ray parenchyma unit cell wall shrinkage total shrinkage residual collapse eucalyptplantation
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