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作者 刘艺 林祖端 +5 位作者 汤宏赤 施咏康 林丽华 郭媛 王子龙 庞浩 《广西科学院学报》 2022年第3期254-259,共6页
为探究复合人工微生物组对制革废水处理体系中微生物群落的影响,在传统的厌氧/好氧(A/O)污水处理工艺处理制革废水的基础上,投加微生物复合菌形成人工微生物组。利用复合人工微生物组强化废水处理,应用高通量测序技术测定各样品中的细菌... 为探究复合人工微生物组对制革废水处理体系中微生物群落的影响,在传统的厌氧/好氧(A/O)污水处理工艺处理制革废水的基础上,投加微生物复合菌形成人工微生物组。利用复合人工微生物组强化废水处理,应用高通量测序技术测定各样品中的细菌16S rRNA V3-V4变异区序列,并对测序数据进行生物信息学分析、Alpha多样性分析以及物种组成分析。结果表明,投加微生物组后,化学需氧量(COD)和氨氮的处理效果得到提升,COD的去除率约为82.60%,氨氮的去除率约为99.47%。高通量测序结果表明,人工投加微生物组使得活性污泥中微生物群落丰度以及多样性提高,污染物降解功能菌占比有所提升,陶厄氏菌属(Thauera)成为其最主要的优势菌属。复合人工微生物组的投加对强化制革废水处理系统有一定潜力。 展开更多
关键词 人工微生物 制革废水 生物脱氮 高通量测序 微生物群落结构
作者 刘智浓 《现代电子技术》 2013年第16期68-70,共3页
为提高航理智能组卷系统的组卷效率和考核的针对性,提出了一种自动组卷和人工干预组卷相结合的组卷策略。系统采用了VB面向对象的编程技术,基于ADO数据访问接口,设计了人工干预组卷功能,可对自动组成的试卷进行换题、加题、删题等人工... 为提高航理智能组卷系统的组卷效率和考核的针对性,提出了一种自动组卷和人工干预组卷相结合的组卷策略。系统采用了VB面向对象的编程技术,基于ADO数据访问接口,设计了人工干预组卷功能,可对自动组成的试卷进行换题、加题、删题等人工干预操作。应用表明,系统操作简单,运行稳定,组卷效果好,有效地提高了航理考核的客观性和针对性。 展开更多
关键词 VB ADO 智能 人工干预
人工燃气组份的色谱分析法 被引量:3
作者 陈东 《石油化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第9期680-683,共4页
介绍用改进的色谱分析法,分析人工燃气全组份。用一台色谱仪,一个TCD检测器,一个FID检测器,两根填充柱及一根毛细管柱,以氩气为载气,采用标准样品对照法进行定性分析,峰面积外标法进行定量分析。利用本法可在一次进样时很... 介绍用改进的色谱分析法,分析人工燃气全组份。用一台色谱仪,一个TCD检测器,一个FID检测器,两根填充柱及一根毛细管柱,以氩气为载气,采用标准样品对照法进行定性分析,峰面积外标法进行定量分析。利用本法可在一次进样时很好地分离检测并计算出19种组份的体积分数,缩短分析时间。该法操作简便、稳定、可靠、精确度高、重复性好。 展开更多
关键词 气相色谱法 人工燃气 测定 燃气成分分析
不同组卷方式下HSK(四级)题目质量比较研究 被引量:1
作者 卢双双 彭杰 刘小龙 《中国考试》 2015年第11期58-63,共6页
本文从难度、信度、区分度和结构效度四个方面比较了人工组卷和自动组卷的HSK(四级)试卷(以下简称人工卷和自动卷)的题目质量。研究结果显示,自动卷和人工卷的题目质量较好,在结构效度的模型拟合度上,自动卷结构效度能很好规避书写1部... 本文从难度、信度、区分度和结构效度四个方面比较了人工组卷和自动组卷的HSK(四级)试卷(以下简称人工卷和自动卷)的题目质量。研究结果显示,自动卷和人工卷的题目质量较好,在结构效度的模型拟合度上,自动卷结构效度能很好规避书写1部分对阅读理解能力的考查,拟合参数好于人工卷。结果说明计算机自动组卷成功,自动卷可对考生的汉语应用能力准确测量,可用于正式考试。 展开更多
关键词 HSK 自动 人工组 题目质量
磁吸式超导可视人流系统在人工流产术中的应用 被引量:8
作者 朱亚辉 《中国计划生育学杂志》 2016年第2期125-127,共3页
人工流产手术对妇女有一定的创伤,易发生人工流产不完全、宫颈粘连甚至导致日后不孕不育等不良症状。近年来,随着人工流产手术技术的不断发展,尤其是随着超导可视技术的发展与完善,超导可视人流已成为人工流产手术的辅助设备。该技术不... 人工流产手术对妇女有一定的创伤,易发生人工流产不完全、宫颈粘连甚至导致日后不孕不育等不良症状。近年来,随着人工流产手术技术的不断发展,尤其是随着超导可视技术的发展与完善,超导可视人流已成为人工流产手术的辅助设备。该技术不仅操作简单快捷,而且全程在B超定位以及可视监控下进行,使得手术医师能够准确、迅速的摘除孕囊。同时有效避免人工流产不彻底、子宫穿孔、宫颈粘连等并发症的出现,安全性佳。为此,本院采用磁吸式超导可视人流系统进行临床应用取得较好效果,本文进行总结。 展开更多
关键词 人工流产手术 宫颈粘连 不孕不育 辅助设备 孕囊直径 子宫穿孔 无痛率 漏吸 人工流产 手术医师
通用试题库管理系统的设计与实现 被引量:3
作者 谭小容 许志国 《九江学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2006年第4期16-18,20,共4页
1 引言 试题库管理系统主要是针对以往由人工出卷存在的种种弊端:自教自考、所考的知识点不全面、考前漏题等情况,同时试卷的编辑、整理占了很大的工作量,出现大量的重复劳动,这样造成了时间和人力资源的大量浪费。根据以上种种分... 1 引言 试题库管理系统主要是针对以往由人工出卷存在的种种弊端:自教自考、所考的知识点不全面、考前漏题等情况,同时试卷的编辑、整理占了很大的工作量,出现大量的重复劳动,这样造成了时间和人力资源的大量浪费。根据以上种种分析,本系统希望借助计算机强大的数据处理功能,由计算机逐步代替传统的人工出卷,建立一套实用、便于操作的试题库管理系统。 展开更多
关键词 自动 人工组 OLE技术 自动生成
心肌支架材料在心肌梗死治疗中的应用与研究热点 被引量:3
作者 赵亮 邱晓娜 李霞飞 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第14期2279-2284,共6页
背景:近年来心肌组织工程快速崛起,通过应用外源性生物材料模拟细胞外基质,使受损的心肌细胞得到有效修复或重建,在治疗心肌梗死等缺血性心脏病方面具有很大的潜在价值。目的:综述心肌支架材料在心肌梗死治疗应用中的研究进展。方法:应... 背景:近年来心肌组织工程快速崛起,通过应用外源性生物材料模拟细胞外基质,使受损的心肌细胞得到有效修复或重建,在治疗心肌梗死等缺血性心脏病方面具有很大的潜在价值。目的:综述心肌支架材料在心肌梗死治疗应用中的研究进展。方法:应用计算机检索NCBI数据库和万方数据2008至2018年发表的相关文献,检索关键词为"心肌支架材料,心肌梗死;Myocardial scaffold materials,myocardial infarction"。结果与结论:目前常用的心肌支架材料主要有天然生物材料(包括胶原/Matrigel、纤维蛋白、壳聚糖、透明质酸、海藻盐酸等)、人工合成材料(聚酯类人工合成材料与纳米材料)及复合支架材料。由于心脏环境和心脏功能的复杂性,支架材料的选择应充分考虑到生物相容性、免疫原性、导电性、降解率、对缺血缺氧易感性等各方面因素,尽管目前许多支架设计开始满足所提出的诸多要求,但应用于临床仍然存在着各种各样的问题,相信随着研究者的进一步深入及应用工具的进一步发展,人们可期待能够创造出接近原生组织生理机能的心肌支架,使心脏功能得到更理想的恢复。 展开更多
关键词 心肌支架材料 心肌梗死 心肌织工程 纤维蛋白 壳聚糖 天然生物材料 胶原 透明质酸 脱细胞心肌材料 人工合成材料 复合材料 心肌梗塞 心脏 人工组 织工程
计算机试题库管理系统的设计与实现 被引量:3
作者 姜照林 《嘉兴学院学报》 2004年第6期25-27,共3页
介绍了在网络环境下进行试题库管理系统设计的基本思想以及系统的某些关键模块的算法设计 ,并在此基础上介绍了试题库系统的结构设计和实现过程 。
关键词 人工组 自动 试题库
试卷生成系统的设计与实现 被引量:1
作者 许艳 《电脑知识与技术》 2007年第5期863-864,共2页
关键词 人工组 自动 试题库
作者 杨荣英 陈天祥 《制造业自动化》 1999年第6期23-25,共3页
关键词 试题库 CAI 自动 人工组 FORTRAN
Application of novel physical picture based on artificial neural networks to predict microstructure evolution of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy during solid solution process 被引量:6
作者 刘蛟蛟 李红英 +1 位作者 李德望 武岳 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期944-953,共10页
The effects of the solid solution conditions on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al?Zn?Mg?Cu aluminum alloy were investigated by in-situ resistivity measurement, optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron ... The effects of the solid solution conditions on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al?Zn?Mg?Cu aluminum alloy were investigated by in-situ resistivity measurement, optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and tensile test. A radial basis function artificial neural network (RBF-ANN) model was developed for the analysis and prediction of the electrical resistivity of the tested alloy during the solid solution process. The results show that the model is capable of predicting the electrical resistivity with remarkable success. The correlation coefficient between the predicted results and experimental data is 0.9958 and the relative error is 0.33%. The predicted data were adopted to construct a novel physical picture which was defined as “solution resistivity map”. As revealed by the map, the optimum domain for the solid solution of the tested alloy is in the temperature range of 465?475 °C and solution time range of 50?60 min. In this domain, the solution of second particles and the recrystallization phenomenon will reach equilibrium. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy solution treatment electrical resistivity artificial neural network microstructure evolution
Effect of pre-deformation on microstructures and mechanical properties of high purity Al-Cu-Mg alloy 被引量:3
作者 李慧中 刘若梅 +3 位作者 梁霄鹏 邓敏 廖慧娟 黄岚 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1482-1490,共9页
The effects of pre-deformation following solution treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of aged high purity Al-Cu-Mg alloy were studied by tensile test, micro-hardness measurements, transmission el... The effects of pre-deformation following solution treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of aged high purity Al-Cu-Mg alloy were studied by tensile test, micro-hardness measurements, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The micro-hardness measurements indicate that compared with un-deformed samples, the peak hardness is increased and the time to reach peak hardness is reduced with increasing pre-strain. Additionally, a double-peak hardness evolution behavior of cold-rolled (CR) samples was observed during aging. The results of TEM observation show that the number density of S′(Al2CuMg) phase is increased and the size is decreased in CR alloy with increase of pre-strain. The peak hardness and peak strength of the CR alloy are increased because of quantity increasing and refinement of S′ phase and high density dislocation. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Cu-Mg alloy PRE-DEFORMATION age strengthening PRECIPITATION MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties
Comparison of Newly Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat with Its Donors on SSR Products 被引量:2
作者 张连全 孙根楼 +5 位作者 颜泽洪 陈其皎 袁中伟 兰秀锦 郑有良 刘登才 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期939-946,共8页
Microsatellites or SSRs as powerful genetic markers have widely been used in genetics and evolutionary biology in common wheat. Because of the high polymorphism, newly synthesized hexaploid wheat has been used in the ... Microsatellites or SSRs as powerful genetic markers have widely been used in genetics and evolutionary biology in common wheat. Because of the high polymorphism, newly synthesized hexaploid wheat has been used in the construction of genetic segregation population for SSR markers, However, data on the evolution of microsatellites during the polyploidization event of hexaploid wheat are limited. In this study, 66 pairs of specific to A/B genome SSR patterns among newly synthesized hexaploid wheat, the donor tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii were compared. The results indicated that most SSR markers were conserved during the polyploidization events of newly synthetic hexaploid wheat, from Triticum turgidum and Ae. tauschii. Over 70% A/B genome specific SSR markers could amplify the SSR sequences from the D genome ofAe. tauschii. Most amplified fragments from Ae, tauschii were detected in synthetic hexaploid at corresponding positions with the same sizes and patterns as in its parental Ae. tauschii. This suggested that these SSR markers, specific for A/B genome in common wheat, could amplify SSR products of D genome besides A/B genome in the newly synthesized hexaploid wheat, that is, these SSR primers specific for A/B genome in common wheat were nonspecific for the A/B genome in the synthetic hexaploid wheat. In addition, one amplified Ae. tauschii product was not detected in the newly synthetic hexaploid wheat. An extra-amplified product was found in the newly synthetic hexaploid wheat. These results suggested that caution should be taken when using SSR marker to genotype newly synthetic hexaploid wheat. 展开更多
关键词 synthetic hexaploid wheat SSR (microsatellite) genome specificity transferability molecular marker
作者 宋斌 蒲明强 《秘书》 2001年第2期12-13,共2页
高等院校在本、专科生考试方面存在的考教不分的出题方式,产生了试题内容涵盖量不足、题型数量单一、试题内容的相似性、重复率高以及组卷的随意性大等弊端.这些弊端严重影响了考试的效果和水平,同时也浪费了大量的人力和财力.为解决上... 高等院校在本、专科生考试方面存在的考教不分的出题方式,产生了试题内容涵盖量不足、题型数量单一、试题内容的相似性、重复率高以及组卷的随意性大等弊端.这些弊端严重影响了考试的效果和水平,同时也浪费了大量的人力和财力.为解决上述问题,我们经过多年的酝酿和策划,于1998年10月研制成功了一套试题库系统--<行政与秘书管理专业系列试题库>(以下简称<试题库>),经过两年的使用,效果较好.现将其分述如下: 展开更多
关键词 秘书 试题库 题库 子模块 自动 题型 人工组 题目 行政
Neural network approach to predicting mercury emission from utility boiler
作者 杨宏旻 周波 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期55-58,共4页
The feasibility of using an ANN method to predict the mercury emission and speciation in the flue gas of a power station under un-tested combustion/operational conditions is evaluated. Based on existing field testing ... The feasibility of using an ANN method to predict the mercury emission and speciation in the flue gas of a power station under un-tested combustion/operational conditions is evaluated. Based on existing field testing datasets for the emissions of three utility boilers, a 3-layer back-propagation network is applied to predict the mercury speciation at the stack. The whole prediction procedure includes: collection of data, structuring an artificial neural network (ANN) model, training process and error evaluation. A total of 59 parameters of coal and ash analyses and power plant operating conditions are treated as input variables, and the actual mercury emissions and their speciation data are used to supervise the training process and verify the performance of prediction modeling. The precision of model prediction ( root- mean-square error is 0. 8 μg/Nm3 for elemental mercury and 0. 9 μg/Nm3 for total mercury) is acceptable since the spikes of semi- mercury continuous emission monitor (SCEM) with wet conversion modules are taken into consideration. 展开更多
关键词 mercury speciations electric utility boiler PREDICTION artificial neural network
Effect of solution treatment and artificial aging on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Cu alloy 被引量:14
作者 Jae-Ho JANG Dae-Geun NAM +1 位作者 Yong-Ho PARK Ik-Min PARK 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期631-635,共5页
In order to achieve good mechanical properties of Al-Cu alloys such as high strength and good toughness,precipitation hardening and artificial aging treatment were applied.As defined by the T6 heat treatment,the stand... In order to achieve good mechanical properties of Al-Cu alloys such as high strength and good toughness,precipitation hardening and artificial aging treatment were applied.As defined by the T6 heat treatment,the standard artificial aging treatment for Al-Cu alloy followed heat treatments of solution treatment at 510-530 ℃ for 2 h,quenching in water at 60 ℃ and then artificial aging at 160-190 ℃ for 2-8 h.The effects of solution treatment and artificial aging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Cu alloy were studied by optical microscopy(OM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS),transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and tensile test.The results of solution treatment indicate that the mechanical properties of Al-Cu alloy increase and then decrease with the increase of solution temperature.This is because the residual phases dissolve gradually into the matrix,and the fraction of the precipitation and the size of the re-crystallized grain increased.Compared to the solution temperature,the solution holding time has less effect on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of Al-Cu alloy.The artificial aging treatments were conducted at 160-180 ℃ for 2-8 h.The results show that the ultimate tensile strength can be obtained at 180 ℃ for 8 h.Ultimate tensile strength increased with increasing time or temperature.Yield strength was found as the same as the ultimate tensile strength result. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Cu alloy solid solution treatment artificial aging MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical property
Histopathological Study on Chickens Artificially Infected with Infectious Laryngotracheitis
作者 史秋梅 董淑珍 +1 位作者 沈萍 沈文静 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1454-1456,共3页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the histopathological changes in chickens artificially infected with infectious laryngotracheitis(ILT). [Method] Through ar- tificial injection of allantoic liquid contain... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the histopathological changes in chickens artificially infected with infectious laryngotracheitis(ILT). [Method] Through ar- tificial injection of allantoic liquid containing ILTV into chickens to induce infectious laryngotracheitis, the clinical symptoms in infected chickens were observed; tissues of trachea, lungs, heart, liver, kidney and spleen were collected from dead chickens, and prepared into paraffin sections, followed by histopathological observation under a microscope. [Results] This disease occured in the inoculated chickens 3d later, with a morbidity rate of 95%. The main symptoms were dyspnea, asthma and coughing up of bloody exudate; yellowish-white pseudomembrane was observed on dissected larynx trachea; swelling, haemorrhage, and further erosion were observed on the in- fected tracheal mucosa, resulting in death of chickens, with the mortality rate of 25%; histopathological observation showed that parenchymal organs exhibited exuda- tive inflammation; swelling, degeneration, necrosis and shedding of epithelial cells were observed; disturbance of blood circulation occured.[Conclusion] This study pro- vides reference bases for the treatment of ILT. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial infection Infectious laryngotracheitis HISTOPATHOLOGY
Construction of a full bacterial artificial chromosome(BAC) library of Oryza sativa genome 被引量:8
作者 TAO QUANZHOU HAIYING ZHAO +1 位作者 LONGFANG QIU GUOFAN HONG.(National Center for Gene Researsh, Chincse Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200233, China)(Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Chinesc Academyof Scienccs, Shanghai 200031, China) 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第2期127-133,共7页
We have constructed a full BAC library for the superior eaxly indica variety of OryZa sativa, Guang Lu Ai4. The MAX Efficiency DHlOB with increased stabilltyof inserts was used as BAC host cells. The potent pBelo BACI... We have constructed a full BAC library for the superior eaxly indica variety of OryZa sativa, Guang Lu Ai4. The MAX Efficiency DHlOB with increased stabilltyof inserts was used as BAC host cells. The potent pBelo BACII with double selection markers was used as cloning vector. The cloning efficiency we have reached was as high as 98%, and the transformation efficiency was raised up to 1Oo transformants / pg of large fragment DNA. The BAC recombinant transformants were picked at random and analyzed for the size of inserts, which turned out to be of 120 kb in length on average. We have obtained more than 20,000 such BAC clones. According to conventional probabillty equation, they covered the entire rice genome of 420,000 kb in length. The entire length of inserts of the library obtained has the 5- to 6- fold coverage of the genome. To our knowledge, this is the first reported full BAC library for a complex genome. 展开更多
关键词 bacterial artificial chromosome indica Oryza sativa LIBRARY
美研制出让盲人重见光明的芯片 被引量:1
《浙江中医杂志》 北大核心 2002年第12期544-544,共1页
关键词 多元人工视网膜芯片 美国 研制 芯片 眼球移植
作者 黄惠民 孔祥 +2 位作者 王伟 朱德明 张海波 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2007年第1期12-18,共7页
Objective To study if using autologous lung as a substitute of oxygenator in cardiopulmonary bypass is better than the conventional cardiopulmonary bypass with artificial oxygenator in pulmonary preservation. Methods ... Objective To study if using autologous lung as a substitute of oxygenator in cardiopulmonary bypass is better than the conventional cardiopulmonary bypass with artificial oxygenator in pulmonary preservation. Methods Twelve piglets were randomly divided into two groups ( n = 6). The isolated lung perfusion model was established. The experimental animals underwent continuous lung perfusion for about 120 rain. While the control animals underwent 90 rain lung ischemia followed by 30 rain reperfusion. Another 12 piglets were randomly divided into two groups ( n =6). The experimental animals underwent bi-ventricular bypass with autologous lung perfusion. While control animals underwent conventional cardiopulmonary bypass with artificial oxygenator. The bypass time and aortic cross clamping time were 135 rain and 60 rain respectively for each animal. The lung static compliance (Cstat), alveolus-artery oxygen difference (PA-aO2 ) , TNF-α, IL-6 and wet to dry lung weight ratio (W/D) were measured. Histological and ultra-structural changes of the lung were also observed after bypass. Results After either isolated lung perfusion or cardiopulmonary bypass, the Cstat decreased, the PA-aO2 increased and the content of TNF-α increased for both groups, but the changes of experimental group were much less than those of control group. The lower W/D ratio and mild pathological changes in experimental group than those in control group were also demonstrated. Conclusion Autologous lung is able to tolerate the nonpulsatile perfusion. It can be used as a substitute to artificial ogygenator in cardiopulmonary bypass to minimize the inflammatory pulmonary injury caused mainly by ischemic reperfusion and interaction of the blood to the non-physiological surface of artificial oxygenator. 展开更多
关键词 cardiopulmonary bypass autologous lung ischemic reperfusion injury
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