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作者 孙阳 《海峡法学》 2024年第1期94-107,共14页
基于博弈模型分析的人工智能生成行为强调决策收益和决策成本的不同结果,收益和成本的权衡进一步完善人工智能生成行为的决策标准。人工智能生成行为的决策收益与决策成本因生成内容使用行为的共识状态而发生实质变化,对生成行为规范性... 基于博弈模型分析的人工智能生成行为强调决策收益和决策成本的不同结果,收益和成本的权衡进一步完善人工智能生成行为的决策标准。人工智能生成行为的决策收益与决策成本因生成内容使用行为的共识状态而发生实质变化,对生成行为规范性质形成共识的情况下,人工智能设备所有者与内容使用者仅需要依据共识性理解进行决策。共识性理解即双方主体对于生成内容的使用是否需要取得授权形成一致判断,这就需要人工智能生成行为的规范设计足够明确和统一,当双方主体对于生成内容的使用无法形成规则共识,围绕生成行为的权益纠纷必然增加决策成本并降低决策收益。因此,厘清人工智能生成行为及其法律效力,促进规则共识的形成是决策标准指导规范设计的核心要素。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能生成行为 规范设计 博弈模型 收益与成本
论行为主义人工智能的哲学意蕴 被引量:1
作者 曹婷 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第3期22-25,共4页
行为主义人工智能,作为人工智能三大技术流派之一,深受行为主义和控制论的影响。行为主义人工智能主张基于感知运动来模拟人类智能,认为智能是从感应器的信息转换以及智能体与世界互动中涌现出来。从哲学本体论角度来说,人工智能具有智... 行为主义人工智能,作为人工智能三大技术流派之一,深受行为主义和控制论的影响。行为主义人工智能主张基于感知运动来模拟人类智能,认为智能是从感应器的信息转换以及智能体与世界互动中涌现出来。从哲学本体论角度来说,人工智能具有智能的类人性与具身性,反映主体间性、默认表示、在世界中的存在、在手状态等哲学观。从哲学认识论角度来说,人工智能作为认知科学要素,具有自然性和人工性的双重特征,折射出新形态的人技关系。从哲学方法论角度来说,行为主义人工智能继承分而治之的机械还原论,基于涉身认知方法论探讨人工智能的内在机制,包含感知行为、世界学习和预测等研究纲领。总之,行为主义人工智能的哲学探讨,有助于厘清其概念、本质、属性特征,为未来人工智能的发展留下了巨大的研讨空间。 展开更多
关键词 行为主义人工智能 本体论 认识论 方法论
作者 方贤绪 冷少丰 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第6期551-557,共7页
人工智能道德设计的目标是建立完全道德行为体。传统的规范伦理学与美德伦理学同人工智能的工程基础彼此兼容,已经塑造了多种人工道德行为体模式,人工智能似乎有望在未来成为完全道德行为体。然而,运用儒家哲学视角反思人工智能的道德... 人工智能道德设计的目标是建立完全道德行为体。传统的规范伦理学与美德伦理学同人工智能的工程基础彼此兼容,已经塑造了多种人工道德行为体模式,人工智能似乎有望在未来成为完全道德行为体。然而,运用儒家哲学视角反思人工智能的道德设计可以发现,儒家所强调的直接呈现道德意义的“心体”和作为道德根据的“性体”与人工智能道德设计的工程基础发生冲突,使其陷入了“道德封限”“道德他律”“道德表演”等困境,将否决人工智能成为完全道德行为体的可能。综合考量之下,基于生物基础的人工道德设计作为一种折中方案,在通向完全道德行为体的道路上具有更大潜力。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 机器伦理 人工道德行为 心体与性体
论人工智能行为法律因果关系认定 被引量:14
作者 刘志强 方琨 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第12期76-92,共17页
人工智能时代对人工智能风险的法律焦虑,其肇端于法律内部系统正面临因为外部系统中人工智能系统的指令行为、人工智能的机器人行为带来的行为偏离所导致的冲突,表现于民事活动中与刑事犯罪中的行为异化,从而背离了传统法律因果关系中... 人工智能时代对人工智能风险的法律焦虑,其肇端于法律内部系统正面临因为外部系统中人工智能系统的指令行为、人工智能的机器人行为带来的行为偏离所导致的冲突,表现于民事活动中与刑事犯罪中的行为异化,从而背离了传统法律因果关系中行为的构成逻辑与模式。通过观察外部系统中人工智能行为的两个关系:人工智能系统的指令行为、人工智能的机器人行为与有导向性算法的人工智能行为、无导向性算法的人工智能行为,从而对法律内部系统的因果关系进行沟通。基于此反思了法律内部系统中相当因果关系理论、可预见性标准理论的不足,从而融合人工智能行为的外部系统与法律因果关系的内部系统。人工智能行为的法律因果关系适用于风险标准,可在人工智能语境下从人工智能行为的风险作为、风险不作为以及风险标准的例外,实现对人工智能行为法律因果关系予以认定,进而实现行为归因与归责。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 人工智能行为 系统论 法律因果关系
基于行为的机器人足球智能主体系统研究 被引量:2
作者 李晓磊 路飞 田国会 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期940-942,共3页
关键词 基于行为人工智能 智能主体 再励学习
非医学需要鉴定胎儿性别等行为犯罪化分析 被引量:6
作者 陈世伟 《中国青年政治学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期9-14,共6页
我国新生人口的男女性别比例已经严重偏离了正常值,医疗保健等机构实施的非医学需要的鉴定胎儿性别等行为却愈演愈烈。这种行为是造成新生人口的男女性别比例严重失衡的最直接原因。为了有力打击这些行为,保持社会的和谐发展,我国政府... 我国新生人口的男女性别比例已经严重偏离了正常值,医疗保健等机构实施的非医学需要的鉴定胎儿性别等行为却愈演愈烈。这种行为是造成新生人口的男女性别比例严重失衡的最直接原因。为了有力打击这些行为,保持社会的和谐发展,我国政府相关部门建议将这些行为犯罪化,但目前还面临着诸多的困境。 展开更多
关键词 非医学需要鉴定胎儿性别行为 选择性别的人工终止妊娠行为 犯罪化
作者 金继华 赵庆春 《呼和浩特科技》 2001年第4期12-13,共2页
关键词 经济增长 生态平衡 环境保护 人工破坏行为 人工造林 林业投入 森林资源规划
作者 李宗辉 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期35-44,共10页
人工智能的流派大体上可分为符号主义、联结主义和行为主义,它们在历史上与知识产权法各自存在相应的联系。20世纪50年代开始的符号主义人工智能以符号化的知识表征和逻辑推理为主要特点,客观上为知识产权法统一本质的概括提供了新的理... 人工智能的流派大体上可分为符号主义、联结主义和行为主义,它们在历史上与知识产权法各自存在相应的联系。20世纪50年代开始的符号主义人工智能以符号化的知识表征和逻辑推理为主要特点,客观上为知识产权法统一本质的概括提供了新的理论,并可以进行知识产权法专家系统的建构。20世纪80年代兴起的联结主义人工智能以模拟人脑的神经网络和学习过程为主要特点,与知识产权法具有共同的“鼓励学习”宗旨,又在专利客体、创造性审查、创新本质界定和法律伦理等方面提出了挑战。与互联网联系更加密切的行为主义人工智能强调智能行为是适应周围环境的进化行为,其契合了网络时代知识产权立法一定程度的“行为规制”转向,也对相关主体的权利博弈、保护对象的进化升级、智能交互行为的法律规制等带来了挑战。不同流派的人工智能既是知识产权法的调整对象又是其完善工具,它们应当彼此进行深度融合。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能流派 知识产权法 符号主义人工智能 联结主义人工智能 行为主义人工智能
人工智能体的道德设计及其面临的挑战 被引量:2
作者 简小烜 《长沙大学学报》 2020年第4期98-102,共5页
作为人工智能技术的产物,人工智能体具有强烈的社会性特质,人们希望它能遵守人类社会的道德规范和伦理要求,以与人类和谐相处,并更好地服务于人类,而对人工智能体进行道德设计,是让它遵守人类道德的重要路径之一。人工智能体的道德设计... 作为人工智能技术的产物,人工智能体具有强烈的社会性特质,人们希望它能遵守人类社会的道德规范和伦理要求,以与人类和谐相处,并更好地服务于人类,而对人工智能体进行道德设计,是让它遵守人类道德的重要路径之一。人工智能体的道德设计有三条进路,其一是“自上而下”,其二是“自下而上”,其三是“自上而下”与“自下而上”的结合,它们都强调了道德推理和决策能力的重要性。目前人工智能体道德设计面临的主要挑战为:人工道德主体难以实现、道德认知和选择困难、计算机算力的限制、情感计算的限制,以及新技术的运用风险等。道德设计要实现的不是完全道德主体,而是有限道德主体。考虑到人类福利,这个有限道德主体应该是尊重人类道德价值观的,是“向善”而安全的。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能体 道德设计 人工道德行为 挑战
Hot deformation behavior and processing maps of Mg-Zn-Cu-Zr magnesium alloy 被引量:7
作者 余晖 于化顺 +2 位作者 Young-min KIM Bong-sun YOU 闵光辉 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期756-764,共9页
The deformation behaviors of a new quaternary Mg-6Zn-1.5Cu-0.5Zr alloy at temperatures of 523-673 K and strain rates of 0.001-1 s-1 were studied by compressive tests using a Gleeble 3800 thermal-simulator.The results ... The deformation behaviors of a new quaternary Mg-6Zn-1.5Cu-0.5Zr alloy at temperatures of 523-673 K and strain rates of 0.001-1 s-1 were studied by compressive tests using a Gleeble 3800 thermal-simulator.The results show that the flow stress increases as the deformation temperature decreases or as the strain rate increases.A strain-dependent constitutive equation and a feed-forward back-propagation artificial neural network were used to predict flow stress,which showed good agreement with experimental data.The processing map suggests that the domains of 643-673 K and 0.001-0.01 s-1 are corresponded to optimum conditions for hot working of the T4-treated Mg-6Zn-1.5Cu-0.5Zr alloy. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloy Cu addition flow stress deformation behavior constitutive equation artificial neural network processing map
Intelligent method to develop constitutive relationship of Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V alloy 被引量:1
作者 孙宇 曾卫东 +2 位作者 赵永庆 韩远飞 马雄 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1457-1461,共5页
The isothermal compression tests were carried out in the Thermecmastor-Z thermo-simulator at temperatures of 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000 and 1050 ℃ and the strain rates of 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 s-1. The influence of defor... The isothermal compression tests were carried out in the Thermecmastor-Z thermo-simulator at temperatures of 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000 and 1050 ℃ and the strain rates of 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 10 s-1. The influence of deformation temperature and strain rate on the flow stress of Ti-6Al-2Zr-IMo-IV alloy was studied. Based on the experimental data sets, the high temperature deformation behavior of Ti-6A1-2Zr-IMo-IV alloy was presented using the intelligent method of artificial neural network (ANN). The results indicate that the predicted flow stress values by ANN model is quite consistent with the experimental results, which implies that the artificial neural network is an effective tool for studying the hot deformation behavior of the present alloy. In addition, the development of graphical user interface is implemented using Visual Basic programming language. 展开更多
关键词 Ti-6A1-2Zr-1Mo-IV alloy artificial neural network constitutive relationship deformation behavior
作者 邢璐 李磊 +1 位作者 韩勇 陈戈 《中国新技术新产品》 2008年第17期26-27,共2页
本文从动漫的发展入手,对三维海洋数字动漫的特点、研究内容以及应用意义进行了分析。进而引出对其关键技术:海洋场景虚拟仿真技术、海洋特效实时渲染技术以及海洋生命仿真技术的研究,详细介绍了三类技术在三维海洋数字动漫中的实现方... 本文从动漫的发展入手,对三维海洋数字动漫的特点、研究内容以及应用意义进行了分析。进而引出对其关键技术:海洋场景虚拟仿真技术、海洋特效实时渲染技术以及海洋生命仿真技术的研究,详细介绍了三类技术在三维海洋数字动漫中的实现方式及发展现状。最后以动漫系列剧《小海龟漫游海底》为例,验证了三类技术对实践的指导意义,并对三维海洋数字动漫未来的发展方向做出了展望。 展开更多
关键词 三维海洋数字动漫 虚拟海洋环境 海洋特效实时渲染 人工生命行为仿真
自主机器人的道德责任困境研究——基于人类责任视角 被引量:1
作者 简小烜 《湖南第一师范学院学报》 2020年第4期91-95,共5页
自主机器人的道德责任面临着主体缺失之困。从实践上而言,由于存在研发、生产、使用、管理等多个环节及多个参与主体,再加之机器人具有自主性,容易出现因果链失效和远距离效应等问题,导致人类责任的弥散和逃避,最终造成了责任主体的缺... 自主机器人的道德责任面临着主体缺失之困。从实践上而言,由于存在研发、生产、使用、管理等多个环节及多个参与主体,再加之机器人具有自主性,容易出现因果链失效和远距离效应等问题,导致人类责任的弥散和逃避,最终造成了责任主体的缺失。实际上,研发者、制造商、使用者和政府部门等是主要责任主体,因此需要从研发、制造、使用和管理各个环节来确定和分配各个主体的行为规范与责任要求,以保证每个意外、每个环节都有责任主体承担道德责任。研发者和制造商应尽可能地预测自主机器人的行为及其产生的后果,让机器人是安全与可控的。使用者应在遵守自主机器人操作规范的同时,进行强制保险的购买。我国政府则应致力于打造一个集国家法律、社会伦理、行业标准等于一体的人工智能监管体系。 展开更多
关键词 自主机器人 道德设计 人工道德行为
作者 叶欣 张学礼 +1 位作者 陈思明 董贵信 《科学教育与博物馆》 2021年第3期252-261,共10页
丰容是现代动物园提升动物福利的工作重点,有利于保持动物天性,也能让游客在观察过程中加深对动物的了解。长隆野生动物世界动物幼儿园近年来开展了各项丰容工作,建立了丰容库和丰容日常计划表,开创了丰容课堂。游客在保育员的指导下参... 丰容是现代动物园提升动物福利的工作重点,有利于保持动物天性,也能让游客在观察过程中加深对动物的了解。长隆野生动物世界动物幼儿园近年来开展了各项丰容工作,建立了丰容库和丰容日常计划表,开创了丰容课堂。游客在保育员的指导下参与动物丰容制作,现场观察使用效果,提升了科普宣教效果。本文首次讨论了将丰容和科普相结合的创新模式,以及该模式在改善动物行为和达到科普教育目的方面的效果。通过统计分析评估游客科普效果和丰容效果,发现丰容课堂能有效地提升游客对保护教育的理解,同时有效增加野生动物的自然行为。这种将动物丰容和游客科普相结合的创新模式值得进一步探索和推广。 展开更多
关键词 丰容 人工育幼行为 科普
Effect of 17α-Ethinylestradiol on the Time Needed for Males and Females of Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939 to Re-couple
作者 Monika Wisniewska Anna Szaniawska 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第8期419-425,共7页
The aim of presented study was to determine the behavioural response of precopulatory pairs of Gammarus tigrinus exposed to the 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). It was hypothesized that 17α-ethinylestradiol would incre... The aim of presented study was to determine the behavioural response of precopulatory pairs of Gammarus tigrinus exposed to the 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2). It was hypothesized that 17α-ethinylestradiol would increase the time needed for a male to re-capture a female. Hypothesis was tested in a laboratory with 20 precopula pairs exposed to different treatment conditions. Paired animals were exposed to two different compound concentrations of 50 ng·L-1 and 500 ng·L-1. The control and solvent control was artificial sea water and artificial sea water with ethanol (the diluent for EE2). The couples were tested several times under different experimental treatments. The obtained results indicate that EE2 affects the precopulatory mate guarding behaviour of Gammarus tigrinus. EE2 in concentration of 50 ng·L-1 and 500 ng·L-1 prolonged the time needed for re-pairing. However, relative to the controls only EE2 in concentration of 500 ng·L-1 significantly prolonged the time needed for male-female re-coupling. In summary, EE2 affects the reproductive behaviour of Gammarus tigrinus. 展开更多
关键词 Gammarus tigrinus 17α-ethinylestradiol reproductive behavior re-pairing.
Interrelation between Seasonal Grazing Behavior of Guizhou Black Goat and Grassland Productivity
作者 舒健虹 王普昶 丁磊磊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期678-683,共6页
In order to discover the relationship of the Guizhou black goat seasona grazing behavior traits and grassland productivity, the varieties of grazing behavior of Guizhou black goat and its relationship with the grassla... In order to discover the relationship of the Guizhou black goat seasona grazing behavior traits and grassland productivity, the varieties of grazing behavior of Guizhou black goat and its relationship with the grassland productivity under different grazing intensity in all seasons on Guizhou karst artificial grassland were studied. Obvious differences for goat grazing behavior were found under differen grazing intensity in either the same season or different seasons. The grazing behav ior in the same season showed that it could significantly reduce the mouth eating grass within 5 minutes, each step number, feeding speed, each food intake, daily feed intake(P0.05) under high grazing intensity. In different seasons, it could in crease the feeding time within 5 min, marching step, standing time and intake(P0.05) in the spring; while in the summer, it could improve intake mouth number each mouth eating grass number and feeding rate(P0.05). It had no obvious dif ference in ruminant behavior parameters in the same season under different grazing intensity, but in different seasons, it can obviously increase ruminant within 5 minutes, number of ruminant feed group(P0.05) in the spring, and it can obviously in crease the time and number of each food group chew(P0.05) in the summer. The correlation analysis of main goat grazing behavior parameter showed that it had good correlation among other parameters except within 5 min walk time, each feed intake and daily feed intake(P0.05).The relationship between goat grazing behavio parameters and grassland productivity showed that, the foraging time and standing time within 5 min were lower in the medium level of grassland productivity, while number of food intake, every step to eat grass and daily feed intake were higher with increasing grassland productivity, goats feeding speed was reduced, but each intake was increased. 展开更多
关键词 Karst grass Guizhou black goat Grazing behavior Grassland productivity
What Do Cattle Prefer in a Tropical Climate: Water Immersion or Artificial Shade?
作者 Ana Carina Alves Pereira de Mira Geraldo Alfredo Manuel Franco Pereira +1 位作者 Cristiane Gonqalves Titto Evaldo Antonio Lencioni Titto 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第12期1356-1362,共7页
Animal performance is affected by high air temperature and it is known that shade reduces the absorption of radiant temperature, and water for immersion facilitates heat loss. This study intends to find preferences of... Animal performance is affected by high air temperature and it is known that shade reduces the absorption of radiant temperature, and water for immersion facilitates heat loss. This study intends to find preferences of resources that contribute for the well-being of cattle and how they alterdaily behaviour. During summer, six Caracu and six Red Angus bulls were submitted to two different treatments: availability of artificial shade and water for immersion and availability of water for immersion. The categories observed were: positions (in the sun, under the shade, in the water), posture (standing, lying down) and activities (grazing, ruminating leisure). The behavioural patterns were recorded using the focal sampling method every 15 minutes (from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). When shade and water for immersion coexists, cattle in this study prefer shade to avoid solar radiation. Both breeds had remained more time grazing, followed by ruminating in the Caracu breed, and by resting in the Red Angus breed. The Caracu breed had presented clear preference for the shade resource, but that fact was not always observed in the Red Angus breed. In hot climates, resources for defence against heat load, as shade and water for immersion improve the well-being of cattle. 展开更多
关键词 Animal welfare behaviour GRAZING Caracu Red Angus.
Researches On The Robot Obstacle Avoidance Based On Fuzzy Control
作者 Jin Yao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第7期62-63,共2页
With the continuous development of modem sensor technology, coupled with the integration of artificial intelligence and a variety of emerging computer technology, it makes robots more intelligent and diverse.So the ab... With the continuous development of modem sensor technology, coupled with the integration of artificial intelligence and a variety of emerging computer technology, it makes robots more intelligent and diverse.So the ability of the robot to complete the task is also valued and widely used.In this paper, the whole covered area of the local path planning uses a fuzzy control algorithm,which uses the robustness and an action of perception based on the biological behavior of the fuzzy control algorithm combined with itself.For obstacle avoidance system of mobile robots,we put forward the avoidance strategy of fully contacting the obstacles.And we have conducted a deep study about the theory and implementation methods. 展开更多
关键词 Mobile robot full area coverage path planning obstacle avoidance
Corrosion behavior of 907 steel under thin electrolyte layers of artificial seawater 被引量:5
作者 王慧萍 丁少春 +3 位作者 朱娟 张昭 张鉴清 曹楚南 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期806-814,共9页
The corrosion behavior of 907 steel under thin electrolyte layer(TEL) has been investigated by means of cathodic polarization curve measurement, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) and scanning electron micros... The corrosion behavior of 907 steel under thin electrolyte layer(TEL) has been investigated by means of cathodic polarization curve measurement, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The results show that the cathodic diffusion current density presents the variation trend of initial increase and subsequent decrease with the decrease of TEL thickness, and the maximum deposits at 58 μm. The cotangent-hyperbolic impedance(O) is rationally first introduced to study the diffusion process of the reactants through the corrosion products layer with many permeable holes. The initial corrosion rate of 907 steel under different TEL thickness increases with the decrease of TEL thickness except that of 104 μm,whereas the corrosion rate after long time corrosion can be ranked as 104 μm﹥402 μm﹥198 μm﹥301 μm﹥bulk solution. 展开更多
关键词 907 steel atmospheric corrosion electrochemical impedance spectroscopy polarization
Principles About Batho Pele Principles: South African Exploration and Analyses
作者 Nditsheni Emmanuel Tshikwatamba 《Sociology Study》 2014年第7期615-628,共14页
This paper explores Batho Pele principles within the ambit of the South African legislative framework regularizing the public service. It informs that there are original principles apprising what is commonly referred ... This paper explores Batho Pele principles within the ambit of the South African legislative framework regularizing the public service. It informs that there are original principles apprising what is commonly referred to as Batho Pele principles. The original principles are principles about Batho Pele principles. Batho Pele principles are not Bantu principles due to the historical and derogatory orientation of the phrase "Bantu". They are people orientated principles. The analytical axis is premised on that Batho Pele principles are more about the people than about themselves. The people are not only first in relation with the principles but are the first to be first before the principles were documented. The principles are developed by the people in order to regularize the actions of the public functionaries. The Batho Pele principles and the original principles do not exist in isolation. They are deeply rooted in the societal value systems of the people that existed from one generation to the other to the subsequent, emphasizing the centrality of people in relation to principles. The people's centrality is accentuated with references to a reasonable number of specific people orientated instruments that have bearing in the global and international arena. 展开更多
关键词 Batho Pele PRINCIPLES value systems
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