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论制度建设的人性维度 被引量:2
作者 徐斌 《社会科学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期72-77,共6页
社会和谐发展要求重视制度建设,而人是社会发展和制度建设的中间环节,从人性维度解析制度、推动制度建设是一个直接的有益的视角。马克思科学全面地从人的需要、自由自觉的活动和人的社会关系三个方面理解人性,这是我们解析制度的理论... 社会和谐发展要求重视制度建设,而人是社会发展和制度建设的中间环节,从人性维度解析制度、推动制度建设是一个直接的有益的视角。马克思科学全面地从人的需要、自由自觉的活动和人的社会关系三个方面理解人性,这是我们解析制度的理论依据。制度对人性发展存在积极和消极两方面的作用。构建和谐社会是制度建设的人性化路向,它具有以人为本、正义性、和而不同、整体性、历史性的特征。 展开更多
关键词 建设 人性 和谐社会
作者 王锋 《教育与教学研究》 2016年第4期6-12,共7页
现代医学病理认为,疾病的治疗就是弥补结构缺失、改善功能,用负反馈方法使其平衡恢复。文章把中国高等教育当作一个有机体,以《大学的意义》为镜,以民国时期蔡元培为代表的教育家进行的现代高等教育先锋探索与实践为对照体,以此对照当... 现代医学病理认为,疾病的治疗就是弥补结构缺失、改善功能,用负反馈方法使其平衡恢复。文章把中国高等教育当作一个有机体,以《大学的意义》为镜,以民国时期蔡元培为代表的教育家进行的现代高等教育先锋探索与实践为对照体,以此对照当下中国高等教育发展定位不准、特色不明显、盲目跟风、成效不大等现象,用心理医学的方法来诊断,得出阻碍中国高等教育发展的心理病症——自傲、自弃、自怨、自卑,并针对病症一一开出药方,希望通过治疗,能弥补其心理结构上的缺失,改善其心理功能,恢复其心理平衡,最终达到身心健康的目的。 展开更多
关键词 《大学的意义》 人性 民国时期高校 高等教育 心理病症 中国现代大学制
基于人性维度的寒地滨水空间步行环境设计研究 被引量:3
作者 杨斌 《山西建筑》 2016年第26期13-15,共3页
关键词 人性 滨水空间 步行环境 慢行交通
作者 李艳婷 《电影文学》 北大核心 2018年第7期143-145,共3页
《窃听风暴》之所以能赢得业界的青睐,很大程度上在于导演冯·多纳斯马对于残酷与温情的把握,在对历史教训进行批判与否定的同时,电影的价值更在于时代背景下的人性考量。相对于具体时代和政权带来的迫害、压制等,人性及其支配下的... 《窃听风暴》之所以能赢得业界的青睐,很大程度上在于导演冯·多纳斯马对于残酷与温情的把握,在对历史教训进行批判与否定的同时,电影的价值更在于时代背景下的人性考量。相对于具体时代和政权带来的迫害、压制等,人性及其支配下的行为才是更值得咀嚼的。文章从人性三属性在《窃听风暴》中的反映、极权对人性的扭曲与人性的自我救赎、人性可塑性与其对物质世界的改造三方面,解读《窃听风暴》的人性维度。 展开更多
关键词 《窃听风暴》 德国电影 人性
作者 李树文 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2014年第11期55-58,共4页
市场经济负面影响的日益显现及西方所谓普世价值的冲击,使不少国人陷入价值错乱、虚无的状态,亟待对其加强价值引导。社会主义核心价值的提出及构建可谓正当其时。价值与核心价值的构建,必须遵循人性维度。运用理性思维去把握人性,形成... 市场经济负面影响的日益显现及西方所谓普世价值的冲击,使不少国人陷入价值错乱、虚无的状态,亟待对其加强价值引导。社会主义核心价值的提出及构建可谓正当其时。价值与核心价值的构建,必须遵循人性维度。运用理性思维去把握人性,形成科学的人性理论,并将其付之于现实生活予以检验,把握人性的真实,才能为核心价值构建奠定人性的坚实基石。 展开更多
关键词 社会主义核心价值 人性 主体性
作者 宁祺美 《中华建设》 2019年第36期0060-0061,共2页
在现代人对生活质量追求越来越高的背景下,如何构建一个适合驻留、会面、令人印象深刻、充满活力、可持续且健康的街道环境,是当前城市建设的重要内容。文章立足于城市街道空间,试图从人与街道两者之间的影响与互动方面为切入点,结合株... 在现代人对生活质量追求越来越高的背景下,如何构建一个适合驻留、会面、令人印象深刻、充满活力、可持续且健康的街道环境,是当前城市建设的重要内容。文章立足于城市街道空间,试图从人与街道两者之间的影响与互动方面为切入点,结合株洲市街道建设的现状,通过对国内外街道发展相关研究的综述分析,引出株洲市街道发展的基本思路,提出人性化维度下株洲街道空间的优化模式。 展开更多
关键词 人性化维 株洲街道 空间优化
作者 周佳豪 《门窗》 2018年第12期160-161,共2页
绿道慢行交通系统是一种强调功能性的交通系统,与常规交通系统不同,该系统的功能更多着眼于服务性和人性价值。基于此,本文以绿道慢行交通系统的类型与功能作为切入点,分别给予简述,再以此为基础,重点论述人性维度下绿遍陵行交通... 绿道慢行交通系统是一种强调功能性的交通系统,与常规交通系统不同,该系统的功能更多着眼于服务性和人性价值。基于此,本文以绿道慢行交通系统的类型与功能作为切入点,分别给予简述,再以此为基础,重点论述人性维度下绿遍陵行交通系统规划设计的要求和方式,并给出各方式的具体内容,以期通过分析明晰理论,为后续道路建设、市政设施的完善提供必要参考。 展开更多
关键词 人性 绿道慢行交通系统 功能延伸 交通立体化
生命自我敞现的维度与生命教育的使命 被引量:2
作者 何仁富 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期18-22,共5页
生命教育本质上是人的生命的自我敞现和自我教育。因此,对人的生命的自我敞现的了解和理解,实际上是生命教育的逻辑前提。个体生命的自我敞现有人生、人文、人格、人性四个维度,并由此展现着生命的长度、宽度、高度和亮度。由此,生命教... 生命教育本质上是人的生命的自我敞现和自我教育。因此,对人的生命的自我敞现的了解和理解,实际上是生命教育的逻辑前提。个体生命的自我敞现有人生、人文、人格、人性四个维度,并由此展现着生命的长度、宽度、高度和亮度。由此,生命教育便有相应的四重使命,即在人生维度或者说生死维度上学会生死,领悟生命的长度;在人文维度或者说社会维度上拓展人文,扩张生命的宽度;在人格维度或者说精神维度上提升人格,实现生命的高度;在人性维度或者说性情维度上开发性情,增强生命的亮度。 展开更多
关键词 生命 人生维 人性 人文维 人格维 生命教育 使命
管理者人本思维的人性基础 被引量:1
作者 荆学民 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》 2003年第2期22-26,共5页
本文从管理哲学的高度论述了管理者人本思维的人性基础。论述了人性的三个基本维度、人类生存的基本条件或需要、人性与人的活动领域的匹配三个大问题 。
关键词 人本思维 管理 人性
注重“六度” 全方位激发学生思想政治课的学习兴趣
作者 李英 《教师》 2013年第33期66-67,共2页
关键词 尊重 鲜活 生活 人性度 激励 绿色
作者 高祥 《小学教学研究》 2023年第9期1-1,共1页
从过程本体论视角切入将“成人”意义展开为“成其为人”的过程性概念,包括“成人”起点的生命意义,“成人”过程路径的文化意义,“成人”终极导向的人性意义。因此,学校教育作为“教育成人”的主要路径,应置于“成其为人”意义框架下,... 从过程本体论视角切入将“成人”意义展开为“成其为人”的过程性概念,包括“成人”起点的生命意义,“成人”过程路径的文化意义,“成人”终极导向的人性意义。因此,学校教育作为“教育成人”的主要路径,应置于“成其为人”意义框架下,即从生命、文化、人性维度反思育人功能。学校育人应将儿童作为人的自然生命、社会文化与精神境界统一在“成其为人”过程中,促进学生德智体美劳全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 学校育人 意义框架 育人功能 人性 主要路径 教育成人 功能反思 生命意义
自然与当下中国电影的审美内涵及其叙述可能 被引量:5
作者 陈林侠 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期52-60,共9页
自然作为中国传统美学重要的审美范畴,在文化全球化中,能够准确地标识出东方文化的身份。在东西方文化中,自然存在物性、人性与形上三维,具有相通但有别的美学内涵。当下中国电影的自然,仅仅停留在故事地点及烘托主观情感的功能上。相... 自然作为中国传统美学重要的审美范畴,在文化全球化中,能够准确地标识出东方文化的身份。在东西方文化中,自然存在物性、人性与形上三维,具有相通但有别的美学内涵。当下中国电影的自然,仅仅停留在故事地点及烘托主观情感的功能上。相对来说,同属亚洲文化圈层的日本、韩国电影却保存了传统的美学内涵。中国电影的自然美学需要回到三种维度:(1)物性维度,自然意象及其现象的选取,应当重视传统美学体系中的文化记忆、审美经验;(2)人性维度,在主客互为主体的情景交融中,抒发道德情感、感时忧世以及生命的欣喜;(3)形上维度,需体现传统文化所推崇的最高的人生境界与生活态度:真诚(儒家)、无待(道家)、真如(佛教)。 展开更多
关键词 当下中国电影 自然 物性维 人性 形上维
Joint jammer and user scheduling scheme for wireless physical-layer security
作者 丁晓进 宋铁成 +1 位作者 邹玉龙 陈晓曙 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第3期261-266,共6页
In order to improve the performance of the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT), a joint jammer and user scheduling (JJUS) scheme is proposed. First, a user with the maximal instantaneous channel capacity is select... In order to improve the performance of the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT), a joint jammer and user scheduling (JJUS) scheme is proposed. First, a user with the maximal instantaneous channel capacity is selected to transmit its signal to the base station ( BS) in the transmission time slot. Then, when the user transmits its signal to BS, the jammer is invoked for transmitting artificial noise in order to perturb the eavesdropper’s reception. Simulation results show that increasing the number of users can enhance the SRT performance of the proposed JJUS scheme. In addition, the SRT performance of the proposed JJUS scheme is better than that of the traditional round-robin scheduling and pure user scheduling schemes. The proposed JJUS scheme can guarantee the secure transmission even in low main-to-eavesdropper ratio( MER) regions. 展开更多
关键词 security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) multi-user scheduling artificial noise physical-layer security
Spatial heterogeneity in a deep artificial lake plankton community revealed by PCR-DGGE fingerprinting 被引量:8
作者 李强 赵越 +4 位作者 张旭 魏雨泉 邱琳琳 魏自民 李富恒 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期624-635,共12页
To explore the spatial heterogeneity of plankton communities in a deep artificial lake (Songhua Lake, China), samples were collected at seven sites. Samples were investigated by denaturing gradient gel electrophores... To explore the spatial heterogeneity of plankton communities in a deep artificial lake (Songhua Lake, China), samples were collected at seven sites. Samples were investigated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of the PCR-amplified 16S and 18S rRNA genes and specific bands were sequenced. Cluster analysis of the DGGE profiles revealed that all of the samples grouped into two distinct clusters, in accordance with sampling site; while in each cluster, the divergence of sub-clusters correlated with sampling depth. Sequence analysis of selected dominant DGGE bands revealed that most sequenced phylotypes (84%) exhibited 〉97% similarity to the closest sequences in GenBank, and were affiliated with ten common freshwater plankton phyla (Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyta, Pyrrophyta, Cryptophyta, Ciliophora, Stramenopiles, and Rotifera). Several of these groups are also found worldwide, indicating the cosmopolitan distribution of the phylotypes. The relationships between DGGE patterns and environmental factors were analyzed by redundancy analysis (RDA). The results suggested that, total nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, temperature were strongly correlated with the variation ammonia, and CODMn concentrations, and water in plankton composition. 展开更多
关键词 Songhua Lake plankton community composition denaturing gradient gel electrophorcsis (DGGE) artificial lake redundancy analysis
Effects of sexual reproduction of the inferior competitor Brachionus calyciflorus on its fitness against Brachionus angularis 被引量:1
作者 李陈 牛翠娟 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期356-363,共8页
Sexual reproduction adversely affects the population growth of cyclic parthenogenetic animals. The density-dependent sexual reproduction of a superior competitor could mediate the coexistence. However, the cost of sex... Sexual reproduction adversely affects the population growth of cyclic parthenogenetic animals. The density-dependent sexual reproduction of a superior competitor could mediate the coexistence. However, the cost of sex may make the inferior competitor more vulnerable. To investigate the effect of sexual reproduction on the inferior competitor, we experimentally paired the competition of one Brachionus angularis clone against three Brachionus ealyciflorus clones. One of the B. calyciflorus clones showed a low propensity for sexual reproduction, while the other two showed high propensities. The results show that all B. calyciflorus clones were excluded in the competition for resources at low food level. The increased food level promoted the competition persistence, but the clones did not show a clear pattern. Both the cumulative population density and resting egg production increased with the food level. The cumulative population density decreased with the mixis investment, while the resting egg production increased with the mixis investment. A trade-off between the population growth and sexual reproduction was observed in this research. The results indicate that although higher mixis investment resulted in a lower population density, it would not determinately accelerate the exclusion process of the inferior competitor. On the contrary, higher mixis investment promoted resting egg production before being excluded and thus promised a long- term benefit. In conclusion, our results suggest that mixis investment, to some extent, favored the excluded inferior competitor under fierce competition or some other adverse conditions. 展开更多
关键词 sexual reproduction COMPETITION resting egg BRACHIONUS
Analysis of Characteristics of Grazed Artificial Pastures in the South of Guizhou
作者 蔡璐 丁磊磊 +2 位作者 霍可以 王普昶 陈莹 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第9期1319-1321,共3页
"Ryegrass, orchard grass, Festuca arundinacea and Trifolium repens" were researched in Dushan County, Guizhou Province, in order explore grass characteristics by different grazing methods in seasons. The results sho... "Ryegrass, orchard grass, Festuca arundinacea and Trifolium repens" were researched in Dushan County, Guizhou Province, in order explore grass characteristics by different grazing methods in seasons. The results show that grass community height in different groups was of little differences(P0.05); the group of moderate grazing in spring, summer and autumn dominated in grass cover; grass density showed insignificant variations among different treatment groups(P0.05) and in the groups of heavy grazing in spring and autumn and moderate grazing in summer and of moderate grazing in spring, summer and autumn, grass community density was higher compared with the other groups(P0.05); as for above-ground biomass, the group of moderate grazing in spring and autumn and heavy grazing in summer and of moderate grazing in spring, summer and autumn dominated. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial grassland Grazing intensity in seasons Vegetation characters
The perceptions on good death of the older adults in the semi-urban community:A qualitative study 被引量:1
作者 Araya Tipwong Tanawat Ruamsook +1 位作者 Thitavan Hongkittiyanon Kanit Kgowsiri 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第3期389-396,I0005,共9页
Objective This study aimed to explore the perceptions of good death of the older adults living in Bang Nang Li Sub-District,Amphawa District,Samut Songkhram Province,Thailand.Method The data of the study was collected... Objective This study aimed to explore the perceptions of good death of the older adults living in Bang Nang Li Sub-District,Amphawa District,Samut Songkhram Province,Thailand.Method The data of the study was collected using in-depth interviews between October 2019 to January 2020.The data collected a total of 14 older adults who had firsthand experience in caring for terminally ill patients were recruited for the study.Content analysis was employed to analyze qualitative data.Results The results of this study revealed the perceptions of good death which were categorized into three main themes and eight sub-themes,including 1)death without suffering(not suffering from life support devices,dying with care);2)natural death(death with the end of life expectancy,death with illness or ailments);and 3)death without the worries(preparation for death,spiritual and belief practice toward preparation for death,family and property management before death,death among family members and at their familiar place).Conclusion The findings of this research provided the insight to clarify the understanding of the perceptions on a good death of older adults.The findings can be used to support the practice and management of nursing education and health care providers who have to be involved in palliative care for terminally ill older adults. 展开更多
关键词 Attitude to death Aged Community health services Qualitative research
The Effect of Acupuncture on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women 被引量:2
作者 欧阳钢 王玲玲 +3 位作者 王东岩 卓铁军 申志祥 周永生 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期9-11,共3页
  According to the TCM theory that the kidney is in charge of the bone, the authors carried out a study on the effect of acupuncture on bone mineral density in 40 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated by th...   According to the TCM theory that the kidney is in charge of the bone, the authors carried out a study on the effect of acupuncture on bone mineral density in 40 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated by the method of reinforcing the kidney to strengthen the bone, with satisfactory therapeutic results reported as follows.…… 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Bone Density Aged FEMALE Humans Middle Aged Osteoporosis Postmenopausal
Oxidation and roasting characteristics of artificial magnetite pellets 被引量:5
作者 张汉泉 路漫漫 付金涛 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期2999-3005,共7页
Compared with natural magnetite concentrate, artificial magnetite with more lattice defects and higher activity tends to be oxidized. And the artificial magnetite pellet at the temperature of 400℃ has the oxidation d... Compared with natural magnetite concentrate, artificial magnetite with more lattice defects and higher activity tends to be oxidized. And the artificial magnetite pellet at the temperature of 400℃ has the oxidation degree approaching to natural magnetite concentrate pellet fired at 1000℃. Besides, two kinds of pellets displayed quite different roasting characteristics. When preheated at the same temperature for the same period of time, natural magnetite concentrate pellet and artificial magnetite concentrate pellet need to be roasted at the temperature of 1100℃ and 1250℃, respectively, for 25 min to reach the compressive strength of 3000 N per pellet. When roasted at the same temperature of 1200℃, natural magnetite pellet and artificial magnetite pellet need to be roasted for 15 min and 30 min, respectively, to reach the compressive strength over 3000 N per pellet. It can be seen from the test that artificial magnetite pellet has a faster oxidation, resulting in the high porosity in the produced pellet, and it requires a roasting process at higher temperature for a longer time to reach the desired compressive strength for industrial production. 展开更多
关键词 artificial magnetite PELLETS oxidation degree roasting temperature
Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest of eastern Himalaya, India 被引量:1
作者 Anudip GOGOI Uttam Kumar SAHOO 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期2453-2465,共13页
Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest was studied in the foothills of Eastern Himalaya, India. Tree species richness,density, basal area and... Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest was studied in the foothills of Eastern Himalaya, India. Tree species richness,density, basal area and the diversity indices were found significantly(P<0.05) decreased with the increasing level of disturbances whereas, shrub density, basal area and herb density significantly increased with increasing disturbance level. In case of shrubs, Simpson's dominance index significantly(P<0.007) increased along the disturbance gradient,whereas Pielou's evenness index significantly(P<0.005) decreased with an increasing level of disturbance. Shannon-Weiner diversity index for herbs significantly(P<0.016) increased with increasing disturbance whereas, Simpson's dominance index was significantly(P<0.013) declined along the disturbance gradient. Results revealed that10-50 cm dbh classes constituted the highest stem density, and highest basal area was recorded in the >100 cm dbh class in all three sites. Density of the matured trees decreased with increasing DBH whereas, tree basal area tended to increase with increasing DBH in all three sites. Tree species richness was highest in the lower DBH classes.62.07% of the total tree species regenerated in the largely undisturbed site followed by 50% in the mildly disturbed and 26.32% in the highly disturbed site.The overall regeneration condition was found to be good in the largely undisturbed site. Mildly disturbed site exhibited fair regeneration and so was in the highly disturbed site. Discernable variations in species composition, diversity, regeneration and tree population structure revealed the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on rainforest vegetation dynamics. Higher degree of disturbance was furtherly found not only affecting species diversity but also promoting the growth of invasive weed species.Dominance of Hydnocarpus kurzii and Crypteronia paniculata in the highly disturbed site also indicated that these less-valued timber species may benefit from the vegetation mosaic produced by the disturbance; so differences in abundance of these species may be useful for bio-indication. Furthermore,present study suggests the need of adequate biodiversity conservation measures and adaptation of sustainable forest management approaches in disturbed areas of lowland tropical rainforest in the foothills of eastern Himalaya, India. 展开更多
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