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作者 李娜 赵东亮 陈皓宇 《中国医疗设备》 2024年第10期62-67,共6页
目的设计一种智能护理监控系统,用于对患者床位号、输液规格、余量、滴速和体温等护理信息的智能监测和控制。方法通过液滴传感器、温度传感器、可编程逻辑控制器和人机界面等构成终端监测装置,实时监测患者输液和体温情况,通过cMT-SVR... 目的设计一种智能护理监控系统,用于对患者床位号、输液规格、余量、滴速和体温等护理信息的智能监测和控制。方法通过液滴传感器、温度传感器、可编程逻辑控制器和人机界面等构成终端监测装置,实时监测患者输液和体温情况,通过cMT-SVR人机服务器将各终端数据上传至cMT Viewer云平台,实现护士站云端集中监控。结果系统监测滴速与人工实测滴速的最大误差为2滴/min,平均误差为0.77滴/min;系统监测体温与人工实测体温的最大误差为0.2℃,平均误差为0.1℃;余量低于下限、输液中断和体温异常的报警准确率均为100%。结论本设计实现了智能输液监测和体温监控的功能,报警准确,具有一定的应用和推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 智能护理 输液监测 体温监测 云端监控 监控系统 人机服务 智慧病房
作者 王云莉 宋森 《陕西国防职教研究》 2023年第2期43-46,共4页
在社会发展互联互通的背景下,无人机服务相比于消费级无人机、工业级无人机的应用程度略显不足,而无人机一站式平台的搭建则是以无人机服务的应用为核心,充分发挥学校人才储备充沛、专业对口等的优势,利用整合资源最大限度的推广无人机... 在社会发展互联互通的背景下,无人机服务相比于消费级无人机、工业级无人机的应用程度略显不足,而无人机一站式平台的搭建则是以无人机服务的应用为核心,充分发挥学校人才储备充沛、专业对口等的优势,利用整合资源最大限度的推广无人机服务。通过对无人机一站式平台经营模式、盈利模式、公益模式的分析来阐述其可行性,达到培养学生与服务社会的双重目标,从而助推无人机服务的应用发展。 展开更多
关键词 互联网+ 人机服务 人机一站式平台
作者 李欢 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2023年第5期1-4,共4页
本文概述酒店数字化和酒店人机协同服务的研究现状。通过实证研究酒店业务部门使用智能机器服务的工作场景、工作流程、工作说明等,提出人机协同服务的标准,并列举服务员在人机协同服务场景中的工作规范(SOP)。明确研究路径及今后的研... 本文概述酒店数字化和酒店人机协同服务的研究现状。通过实证研究酒店业务部门使用智能机器服务的工作场景、工作流程、工作说明等,提出人机协同服务的标准,并列举服务员在人机协同服务场景中的工作规范(SOP)。明确研究路径及今后的研究方向。以期充实酒店人机协同服务理论体系,为酒店数字化运营提供参考,重塑酒店竞争力,助力酒店发展。 展开更多
关键词 数字化 酒店 人机协同服务
无人机快递服务系统构建和技术优化研究 被引量:2
作者 王琰 《长春大学学报》 2016年第12期81-85,98,共6页
构建无人机快递服务系统能够推动无人机在快递服务业的规模化应用。研究认为,通过建设快递保障系统、飞行控制系统和第三方民航监管部门管理平台来构建无人机快递服务系统。从续航能力、卫星信号失锁和通信信号干扰、防水和防强气流等... 构建无人机快递服务系统能够推动无人机在快递服务业的规模化应用。研究认为,通过建设快递保障系统、飞行控制系统和第三方民航监管部门管理平台来构建无人机快递服务系统。从续航能力、卫星信号失锁和通信信号干扰、防水和防强气流等能力不高、定位精度、电子导航系统数据更新滞后等方面提出优化无人机快递服务系统相关技术从而提升系统快递服务能力的对策,分析了技术优化对无人机快递运营成本的影响。 展开更多
关键词 快递无人机 人机快递服务 快递保障系统 监管 技术优化
作者 石敏 陈风波 陈凤娴 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期314-326,共13页
为了促进农户外包具有信任品属性的农业社会化服务,本研究基于1080个农户,以及他们种植水稻相关的4999个决策单元数据,分析人际信任、制度信任影响农户外包水稻无人机植保社会化服务的内在机理。研究发现:(1)中国农村信任不再局限于“... 为了促进农户外包具有信任品属性的农业社会化服务,本研究基于1080个农户,以及他们种植水稻相关的4999个决策单元数据,分析人际信任、制度信任影响农户外包水稻无人机植保社会化服务的内在机理。研究发现:(1)中国农村信任不再局限于“熟人社会”人际信任,进一步扩大到制度信任层面。人际信任和制度信任构建多维度农户信任,共同影响农户外包。在水稻植保环节,农户信任对外包植保服务起关键作用;(2)经济水平不同地区,农户信任对植保服务外包影响不一致。经济发达的广东珠三角地区,人际信任和制度信任均促进农户外包;而经济欠发达的粤东西北部,制度信任显著促进农户外包;(3)植保服务补贴和水稻种植保险均促进植保服务外包。前者为农户了解植保服务信息提供契机,直接促进农户外包。后者在制度信任对农户外包行为影响中起正向调节作用,有助于弥补供需双方信任基础不强缺陷,提高农户制度信任水平。最后,提出引导植保服务提供本地化、继续完善植保服务补贴、落实水稻种植保险政策赔付制度、完善植保服务契约尤其是保证服务质量条款的政策建议. 展开更多
关键词 人机植保社会化服务 信任品 制度信任 人际信任 外包行为
作者 丁炳 《中国宽带》 2022年第9期143-145,共3页
随着互联网时代的不断发展和5g时代的到来,移动终端用户的数量逐年增加。与此同时,我国网络电子商务平台的发展也进入了一个存量期。各大平台都在寻找互联网电子商务的新增长点,短视频平台的出现让很多商家找到了新的商机。因此,本文将... 随着互联网时代的不断发展和5g时代的到来,移动终端用户的数量逐年增加。与此同时,我国网络电子商务平台的发展也进入了一个存量期。各大平台都在寻找互联网电子商务的新增长点,短视频平台的出现让很多商家找到了新的商机。因此,本文将重点放在视频短视频直播营销领域,探讨视频短视频直播营销对消费者购买意愿的影响。 展开更多
关键词 人机物互联智能移动显示信息服务 消费者决策 影响因素
电网调控系统轻量化人机交互体系架构及关键技术 被引量:23
作者 黄昆 赵昆 +3 位作者 杨立波 严振 彭晖 翟明玉 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期159-165,共7页
在传统电网调控系统的人机交互体系架构下,客户端进行了大量的画面显示处理及复杂的服务交互等工作,这种胖客户端的实现不仅对客户端的资源占用大,而且在实现多终端统一展示方面存在明显局限。文中提出一种轻量化的人机交互体系架构,并... 在传统电网调控系统的人机交互体系架构下,客户端进行了大量的画面显示处理及复杂的服务交互等工作,这种胖客户端的实现不仅对客户端的资源占用大,而且在实现多终端统一展示方面存在明显局限。文中提出一种轻量化的人机交互体系架构,并对其关键技术如基于模型—视图—视图模型(Model-View-ViewModel,MVVM)模式的前端实现、人机服务及负载均衡、统一界面描述规范等进行了讨论。基于该架构实现的轻量化人机交互系统,有效减少了客户端的资源占用,能够更好地适应调控系统对人机展示的需求。 展开更多
关键词 轻量化人机交互 模型-视图-视图模型模式 人机服务 统一界面描述
面向大电网的人机云终端设计 被引量:7
作者 许洪强 赵林 +2 位作者 景沈艳 张亮 孙湃 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第22期130-136,共7页
按照大电网调度控制系统"物理分布、逻辑统一"的总原则,文中设计了面向大电网的人机云终端架构。提出了电力描述语言CIM/G扩展规范和通用的人机交互协议,为不同厂家灵活定制应用的客户端提供了支撑。探讨了构建应用客户端的... 按照大电网调度控制系统"物理分布、逻辑统一"的总原则,文中设计了面向大电网的人机云终端架构。提出了电力描述语言CIM/G扩展规范和通用的人机交互协议,为不同厂家灵活定制应用的客户端提供了支撑。探讨了构建应用客户端的组态化技术,提供了快速开发的技术手段。利用云终端桌面的自动化部署,满足了用户随时随地下载安装应用客户端的需求。研究了与全局云终端管理、全局权限管理和全局服务管理的交互,通过云终端设备的接入认证、用户权限控制和广域人机交互服务的访问机制,实现了对大系统安全透明的访问和故障状态下服务访问的无缝切换,实现了位置无关的无差别调度。 展开更多
关键词 大电网 调度控制系统 人机云终端 人机交互协议 广域人机交互服务
遗传算法优化BP神经网络在中医按摩机器人中的应用 被引量:8
作者 张秋云 张营 李臣 《应用科技》 CAS 2017年第2期73-77,共5页
针对中医按摩设备的临床需求,研制了一种基于多种按摩手法的中医按摩机器人系统。同时,为了提高中医按摩机器人穴位寻找行为规划的精度,提出了一种基于遗传算法优化BP神经网络的中医按摩机器人穴位坐标预测方法,利用遗传算法弥补BP神经... 针对中医按摩设备的临床需求,研制了一种基于多种按摩手法的中医按摩机器人系统。同时,为了提高中医按摩机器人穴位寻找行为规划的精度,提出了一种基于遗传算法优化BP神经网络的中医按摩机器人穴位坐标预测方法,利用遗传算法弥补BP神经网络的缺陷,提高神经网络的预测精度,求解出最优解,保证了中医按摩机器人对患者做出精确的按摩治疗行为决策。并对上述方法进行了实现与仿真,结果表明,该方法对中医按摩机器人寻找患者穴位坐标具有较好的精度和较高的预测准确性。 展开更多
关键词 中医按摩机器人 行为规划 穴位寻找 遗传算法 神经网络
Architecture and Software Design for a Service Robot in an Elderly-Care Scenario 被引量:3
作者 Norman Hendrich Hannes Bistry Jianwei Zhang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第1期27-35,共9页
Systems for ambient assisted living(AAL) that integrate service robots with sensor networks and user monitoring can help elderly people with their daily activities, allowing them to stay in their homes and live active... Systems for ambient assisted living(AAL) that integrate service robots with sensor networks and user monitoring can help elderly people with their daily activities, allowing them to stay in their homes and live active lives for as long as possible. In this paper, we outline the AAL system currently developed in the European project Robot-Era, and describe the engineering aspects and the serviceoriented software architecture of the domestic robot, a service robot with advanced manipulation capabilities. Based on the robot operating system(ROS) middleware, our software integrates a large set of advanced algorithms for navigation, perception, and manipulation. In tests with real end users, the performance and acceptability of the platform are evaluated. 展开更多
关键词 service robots ambient assisted living manipulation and grasping user study
Personalizing a Service Robot by Learning Human Habits from Behavioral Footprints
作者 Kun Li Max Q.-H.Meng 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第1期79-84,共6页
For a domestic personal robot, personalized services are as important as predesigned tasks, because the robot needs to adjust the home state based on the operator's habits. An operator's habits are composed of... For a domestic personal robot, personalized services are as important as predesigned tasks, because the robot needs to adjust the home state based on the operator's habits. An operator's habits are composed of cues, behaviors, and rewards. This article introduces behavioral footprints to describe the operator's behaviors in a house, and applies the inverse reinforcement learning technique to extract the operator's habits, represented by a reward function. We implemented the proposed approach with a mobile robot on indoor temperature adjustment, and compared this approach with a baseline method that recorded all the cues and behaviors of the operator. The result shows that the proposed approach allows the robot to reveal the operator's habits accurately and adjust the environment state accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 personalized robot habit learning behavioralfootprints
Development of a Haptic Interface with Proximity Sensors and Vibration Motors
作者 Keisuke Sato Yuuhei Sugimori 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第6期377-381,共5页
As described in this paper, we propose a new haptic interface for a service robot. For safety with service robots working in a space where people live, some notification before collision with an obstacle is desirable.... As described in this paper, we propose a new haptic interface for a service robot. For safety with service robots working in a space where people live, some notification before collision with an obstacle is desirable. To achieve such a function, we developed a master-slave manipulator system in which the slave manipulator surface is covered with many proximity sensors. Additionally, we developed a haptic device that feeds back proximity sense information to the operator using small vibration motors. We attached the haptic device to the arm of the operator and vibrated the vibration motor corresponding to the sensor. Thereby, the operator was able to ascertain the position of an object near the manipulator, and to make the robot maneuver to avoid it before collision. To confirm the system usefulness, we equipped subjects with the developed proximity sense presentation device and performed a detection-position-specific experiment and an obstacle avoidance experiment in a narrow space. As results of the detection position specific experiment on five subjects, four subjects reported the detection position correctly. The remaining one person failed because of his particular arm shape. Operation experiments conducted in a narrow space showed that all subjects' work was successful when given feedback of proximity sense information. Nobody was successful without proximity sense information. Results of these two experiments demonstrate that this proposed system is useful for obstacle avoidance of a master-slave manipulator system. 展开更多
关键词 Master-slave manipulator proximity sensor vibration motor KINECT haptic device.
Support for Independent Work: Use of Cell Phones by the Intellectually Disabled in Their Daily Lives
作者 Femando Jorge Hernanndez Amaia Mendez Zorrilla Begona Garcia Zapirain 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第7期522-529,共8页
This paper presents a technological solution to promote and help independent access to work for disabled people. The aim is to develop a form of technical assistance that supports them in the control of schedules, pre... This paper presents a technological solution to promote and help independent access to work for disabled people. The aim is to develop a form of technical assistance that supports them in the control of schedules, prevention of dangerous areas in the work place, warnings and automatic alarm generation. The device chosen to exchange all this information is a smartphone based on Android Operating System and GPS (Global Positioning System) technology mainly. A set of Android applications has been developed using Java language, and controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries. All of them are connected to the Server Application through the Communications Module. The Server Application Module provides the assistants or psychologists the possibility of supervise all the handicapped people activities. The assistants, psychologists and users have all evaluated the application very positively as it covers disabled people's needs perfectly. 展开更多
关键词 GPS (global positioning system) SMARTPHONE intellectually disabled people social inclusion.
Research on Cruise Service Talent shortage and Incentive mechanism
作者 Ping Zhou 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期28-30,共3页
With the continuous development of China's cruise tourism industry, the problem of lacking of specialized cruises talents has become increasingly prominent. This paper selects services personnel as the object of stud... With the continuous development of China's cruise tourism industry, the problem of lacking of specialized cruises talents has become increasingly prominent. This paper selects services personnel as the object of study, through analyzing the talent shortage phenomenon, identifying the reasons for the shortage of talent. Meanwhile by introducing the incentive theory and methods, cruise service talents incentive elements be identified and then establishing in accordance with incentive models. In the end of paper, a number of recommendations to strengthen the incentives are concluded, in the hope of society, governments, businesses and their employees join forces and work together to promote the rapid development of cruise service personnel. 展开更多
关键词 cruise industry service talents supply and demand INCENTIVES
A Study on Feelings of Worriment Due to Middle-Sized Robot in Living Space 被引量:1
作者 Kodai Yokoyama Akiko Watanabe 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第4期409-413,共5页
Recently, the demand of services for architectural space is more increasing due to the diversification and complication of people's needs. In this research, it is assumed that the robot will support people's various... Recently, the demand of services for architectural space is more increasing due to the diversification and complication of people's needs. In this research, it is assumed that the robot will support people's various needs and people's lives in the near future. In this study, the authors investigated the relationship between a robot and a person in quasi space close to actual life space. The authors carried out an experiment to clarify the feelings of worriment due to a robot in the living room in the case of Japanese males. This research aims to establish architecture techniques for robots and humans living together. In this experiment, the robot approached a male sitting on a sofa in quasi space. At different distances between the robot and the male, the subject evaluated his feelings of worriment from "no worriment" to "worriment" in five steps from one to five. The robot used in this experiment is middle-sized (380 mm (L) × 380 mm (W) × 350 mm (H)). In this experiment, it is considered that the robot asks for help outside when an emergency occurs. In this experiment, the authors had three situations for the subject: watching television, reading a magazine and just sitting. 展开更多
关键词 ROBOT living space feelings of worriment.
Perfect Shanghai Community Support Mechanism importance
作者 CHEN jian 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期4-6,共3页
With the aging of our population is growing significantly, pension issues are also increasingly prominent in the family pension, social pension and retirement communities, and retirement communities have both advantag... With the aging of our population is growing significantly, pension issues are also increasingly prominent in the family pension, social pension and retirement communities, and retirement communities have both advantages and both have their own characteristics and become an effective means to solve the pension problem, Shanghai is currently analyzing the situation and problems of the pension on the basis of the Shanghai community care services continue to improve mechanisms to forward the healthy and orderly development of Shanghai pension service mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 GOVERNMENT procurement community CARE prevention MECHANISM
Finding misplaced items using a mobile robot in a smart home environment
作者 Qi WANG Zhen FAN +2 位作者 Wei-hua SHENG Sen-lin ZHANG Mei-qin LIU 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第8期1036-1049,共14页
Smart homes can provide complementary information to assist home service robots.We present a robotic misplaced item finding(MIF)system,which uses human historical trajectory data obtained in a smart home environment.F... Smart homes can provide complementary information to assist home service robots.We present a robotic misplaced item finding(MIF)system,which uses human historical trajectory data obtained in a smart home environment.First,a multi-sensor fusion method is developed to localize and track a resident.Second,a path-planning method is developed to generate the robot movement plan,which considers the knowledge of the human historical trajectory.Third,a real-time object detector based on a convolutional neural network is applied to detect the misplaced item.We present MIF experiments in a smart home testbed and the experimental results verify the accuracy and efficiency of our solution. 展开更多
关键词 Home service robot Smart home Heterogeneous sensors Autonomous robot retrieval
A Robot Cooked My Goose!
作者 Sudeshna Sarkar 《Beijing Review》 2016年第22期48-48,共1页
It’s lunch hour on a weekday and a small restaurant in central Beijing is packed to the gil s.Harried-looking waiters run from table to table to cope with the stream of orders,and the manager’s fingers fly like ligh... It’s lunch hour on a weekday and a small restaurant in central Beijing is packed to the gil s.Harried-looking waiters run from table to table to cope with the stream of orders,and the manager’s fingers fly like lightning over the calculator as she tallies up bills.In sharp contrast to the hectic activity,the little kitchen,visible through the long narrow glass window that partitions it from the dining hal,is a calm oasis.A lean but efficient army composed of three cooks is dishing out the orders,working in perfect coordination and harmony. 展开更多
关键词 restaurant lightning kitchen Robot perfect manager looking packed visible robot
Space Cargo Service Now Available!
作者 Ma Xiaowen 《Beijing Review》 2017年第18期36-37,共2页
China’s first cargo spacecraft is launched in preparation for future space stationScience f iction is becoming a reality with China’s first robotic cargo ship firmly anchored in space,paving the way for a manned spa... China’s first cargo spacecraft is launched in preparation for future space stationScience f iction is becoming a reality with China’s first robotic cargo ship firmly anchored in space,paving the way for a manned space station around 2022.Tianzhou-1,China’s first cargo spacecraft as well as its largest and heaviest spacecraft, 展开更多
关键词 cargo spacecraft manned firmly reality becoming captured rocket Russia ahead
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