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作者 吴建国 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2023年第4期62-65,共4页
开展良好的建筑业生态管理有利于整个国家经济发展战略。而幕墙作为建筑业的一个分支,无论是其专业具有整个行业最为高危的施工环境,还是其对建筑外立面观感所独有的质量要求,都是有着不可替代的独特性。然而,随着整个行业的快速发展,... 开展良好的建筑业生态管理有利于整个国家经济发展战略。而幕墙作为建筑业的一个分支,无论是其专业具有整个行业最为高危的施工环境,还是其对建筑外立面观感所独有的质量要求,都是有着不可替代的独特性。然而,随着整个行业的快速发展,日益凸显的施工管理问题也在白热化。所以,如何根据行业发展特征制定适合当下施工管理的方法将是我们所有幕墙人应该值得思考的问题。 展开更多
关键词 幕墙施工管理 人材机 进度计划 统筹 创新
作者 黄俊 鲍雅军 《交通标准化》 2012年第9期109-112,共4页
关键词 人材机 公路 造价 预测 模型
水电工程钻爆法石方开挖人材机耗量测定方法探讨 被引量:1
作者 魏徐良 徐仲平 《水利建设与管理》 2017年第9期58-61,共4页
人材机耗量测定是一项繁杂、费时、费力的工作,目前相关理论体系相对成熟,但具体的测定方法尚无成熟的经验可供借鉴。本文以某水电工程钻爆法石方开挖(明挖)人材机耗量的测定工作为例,分析总结了现场测定工作的开展步骤、测定部位选择... 人材机耗量测定是一项繁杂、费时、费力的工作,目前相关理论体系相对成熟,但具体的测定方法尚无成熟的经验可供借鉴。本文以某水电工程钻爆法石方开挖(明挖)人材机耗量的测定工作为例,分析总结了现场测定工作的开展步骤、测定部位选择时需考虑的因素、工序划分及动作研究的思路及示例、测定对象梳理的方法及示例、不同类型人材机耗量具体测定方法的选择,以期达到与同仁相互探讨并对后续其他类似现场测定工作起到借鉴作用的目的。 展开更多
关键词 石方开挖 人材机耗量 测定方法
作者 魏徐良 徐仲平 《水利水电工程造价》 2015年第2期22-24,共3页
进行施工基本直接费测算需要测定完成单位产品实际人材机耗量和与之相匹配的实际人材机单价。如何确定人材机单价,目前并无统一详尽的方法。结合近期某水利水电工程石方开挖施工基本直接费测算工作,分析总结了人工单价确定的原则及不... 进行施工基本直接费测算需要测定完成单位产品实际人材机耗量和与之相匹配的实际人材机单价。如何确定人材机单价,目前并无统一详尽的方法。结合近期某水利水电工程石方开挖施工基本直接费测算工作,分析总结了人工单价确定的原则及不同工种人工单价的计算方法、材料单价的计算方法、机械台时费确定的原则及不同来源机械台时费的计算方法。以期达到与同仁相互探讨并对后续其他类似工作起到借鉴作用的目的。 展开更多
关键词 石方开挖 人材机单价 确定方法
作者 张惠凯 《公路交通科技(应用技术版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期311-312,共2页
我国对外援助的公路工程概预算编制方法与国内项目存在较大差别,本文根据援外公路工程的特点,详细介绍了人工、材料、机械台班单价的费用组成和计算方法,并结合工程实例,简要分析了对人材机单价计算影响较大的几点因素,进一步说明了只... 我国对外援助的公路工程概预算编制方法与国内项目存在较大差别,本文根据援外公路工程的特点,详细介绍了人工、材料、机械台班单价的费用组成和计算方法,并结合工程实例,简要分析了对人材机单价计算影响较大的几点因素,进一步说明了只有深入现场收集详实的基础资料,才能合理确定人材机单价。 展开更多
关键词 援外项目 公路工程 人材机单价
作者 李雪欢 《交通世界》 2023年第13期179-181,共3页
为研究市政大跨度桥梁工程概算的编制特点,以湖南省长沙市城区某跨江大桥为例,根据其工程特点,分析了市政大跨度桥梁工程概算编制过程中的定额选定、人材机价格取定、费用计算和汇总等多方面概算编制方法,并通过工程实践总结出此类工程... 为研究市政大跨度桥梁工程概算的编制特点,以湖南省长沙市城区某跨江大桥为例,根据其工程特点,分析了市政大跨度桥梁工程概算编制过程中的定额选定、人材机价格取定、费用计算和汇总等多方面概算编制方法,并通过工程实践总结出此类工程概算编制过程的注意事项,可为同类项目概算编制提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 市政桥梁 概算编制 工程定额 人材机价格
工程量清单计价模式下的企业定额研究 被引量:7
作者 沈巍 《武汉工程大学学报》 CAS 2010年第9期82-85,共4页
从建设工程实行工程量清单计价的客观要求和建筑企业自身生存发展的需要出发,阐述了清单计价模式下企业定额的内涵及特点、原则和依据,并且结合实践工程资料探讨了企业定额的编制方法和运用,构建了企业定额的编制模型.为现代建筑企业在... 从建设工程实行工程量清单计价的客观要求和建筑企业自身生存发展的需要出发,阐述了清单计价模式下企业定额的内涵及特点、原则和依据,并且结合实践工程资料探讨了企业定额的编制方法和运用,构建了企业定额的编制模型.为现代建筑企业在清单计价模式下如何建立、运行和维护企业定额提供了有益的指导和借鉴. 展开更多
关键词 工程量清单 计价模式 企业定额 定额编制方法 人材机消耗量
浅谈建筑工程施工进度管理 被引量:2
作者 马峻 《中国设备工程》 2021年第11期249-250,共2页
随着国内建筑业的不断发展,房建项目建设的管控也越来越成熟,因为大数据的诞生,对在建项目的施工进度周期、工序时间,也已经有了比较模式化的进度标准,此外,因开发商房屋预售等原因,对房建项目的预售时间、整体交付时间也变得越来越苛... 随着国内建筑业的不断发展,房建项目建设的管控也越来越成熟,因为大数据的诞生,对在建项目的施工进度周期、工序时间,也已经有了比较模式化的进度标准,此外,因开发商房屋预售等原因,对房建项目的预售时间、整体交付时间也变得越来越苛刻。本文就施工进度管理的概念、必要性、影响因素、管控措施等方面进行了分析和探讨,从资金、人、材、机的管控上提出了施工进度管理的可行性建议。阐明有序的控制施工进度对项目管理的影响,为房建项目管理团队在市场竞争中站稳脚跟提供微薄建议。 展开更多
关键词 工程 进度管理 人材机
工程量清单计价和定额计价模式在实际应用中的体会 被引量:1
作者 叶礼铭 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2013年第6期151-152,共2页
工程量清单计价模式和定额计价模式是当前我国并用的两种建设工程计价模式,本文通过两个实际例子,反映了工程清单计价模式和定额计价模式在实际工作中计价结果存在的差异,并对计价结果存在差异的原因进行了剖析,指出了差异的原因是由于... 工程量清单计价模式和定额计价模式是当前我国并用的两种建设工程计价模式,本文通过两个实际例子,反映了工程清单计价模式和定额计价模式在实际工作中计价结果存在的差异,并对计价结果存在差异的原因进行了剖析,指出了差异的原因是由于风险费和人材机价差造成的。并谈了自己对人材机价差和风险费的一些认识和体会。 展开更多
关键词 工程量清单 定额 人材机价差 风险费
作者 杜娟琴 刘绍凯 《科技创新与应用》 2011年第19期167-167,共1页
关键词 质量管理 人材机 控制
作者 刘海萍 《山西建筑》 2018年第1期241-243,共3页
关键词 前期策划 资金策划 人材机控制 项目定位 成本分析
作者 林开明 《福建建材》 2016年第5期107-109,共3页
更准确计算建筑工程投标预算分部分项工程人工、材料、施工机械消耗量,确定工程造价。具体工程项目特征不同于国家预算定额取代表性工程,时点不同于国家预算定额取目前多数企业具备的机械装备程度、施工中常用的施工方法、施工工艺和劳... 更准确计算建筑工程投标预算分部分项工程人工、材料、施工机械消耗量,确定工程造价。具体工程项目特征不同于国家预算定额取代表性工程,时点不同于国家预算定额取目前多数企业具备的机械装备程度、施工中常用的施工方法、施工工艺和劳动组织,具体企业不同于国家预算定额取社会平均消耗水平。呈一次性函数关系时用插入法确定消耗量,发生质变时增加消耗量。更能准确进行投标报价,降低风险,提高企业利润。 展开更多
关键词 建设工程 造价 人材机 消耗量 价格
加强施工成本管理 提高工程经济效益
作者 张友堂 《大陆桥视野》 2013年第8期18-19,共2页
关键词 成本管理 方法和程序 人材机的控制 动态管理
作者 查理 李五金 +1 位作者 武洋 徐旭敏 《大坝与安全》 2021年第4期52-57,共6页
白鹤滩水电站非常规预应力锚杆使用气腿式风钻、制浆注浆一体机EB-40施工,直径小、长度短、施工更便捷、省时且支护效果良好。应用计时统计法,科学、真实地测定现场人材机消耗量,并进行数理统计分析,提出非常规预应力锚杆预算定额。价... 白鹤滩水电站非常规预应力锚杆使用气腿式风钻、制浆注浆一体机EB-40施工,直径小、长度短、施工更便捷、省时且支护效果良好。应用计时统计法,科学、真实地测定现场人材机消耗量,并进行数理统计分析,提出非常规预应力锚杆预算定额。价格水平测算符合工程实际施工成本,为投资控制、办理结算等提供了支撑。 展开更多
关键词 白鹤滩水电站 非常规预应力锚杆 人材机消耗量 补充定额
Development and Future Challenges of Bio-Syncretic Robots 被引量:13
作者 Chuang Zhang Wenxue Wang +2 位作者 Ning Xi Yuechao Wang Lianqing Liu 《Engineering》 2018年第4期452-463,共12页
Bio-syncretic robots consisting of both living biological materials and non-living systems possess desirable attributes such as high energy efficiency, intrinsic safety, high sensitivity, and self-repairing capabiliti... Bio-syncretic robots consisting of both living biological materials and non-living systems possess desirable attributes such as high energy efficiency, intrinsic safety, high sensitivity, and self-repairing capabilities. Compared with living biological materials or non-living traditional robots based on elec- tromechanical systems, the combined system of a bio-syncretic robot holds many advantages. Therefore, developing bio-syncretic robots has been a topic of great interest, and significant progress has been achieved in this area over the past decade. This review systematically summarizes the development of bio-syncretic robots. First, potential trends in the development of bio-syncretic robots are discussed. Next, the current performance of bio-syncretic robots, including simple movement and controllability of velocity and direction, is reviewed. The living biological materials and non-living materials that are used in bio-syncretic robots, and the corresponding fabrication methods, are then discussed. In addition, recently developed control methods for bio-syncretic robots, including physical and chemical control methods, are described. Finally, challenges in the development of bio-syncretic robots are discussed from multiple viewpoints, including sensing and intelligence, living and non-living materials, control approaches, and information technology. 展开更多
关键词 Bio-syncretic robot Hybrid robot Bio-actuator CARDIOMYOCYTE Muscle cells
Construction of Mechanized Claw as a Teaching Method in Engineering
作者 Gabriel Souza da Silva Andre Felipe Souza da Cruz +2 位作者 Filipe Cavalcanti Fernande~ Alberto Chequer Novais Neto Wellington da Silva Fonseca 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第2期107-111,共5页
The labor market requires, increasingly, an updated and more professional preparation, mainly due to the rapid pace of scientific technical advancement means in the industry. From this point, it is important to encour... The labor market requires, increasingly, an updated and more professional preparation, mainly due to the rapid pace of scientific technical advancement means in the industry. From this point, it is important to encourage the development of the basic techniques of control systems, electronics and communication in order to produce knowledge in the mechatronic field and so apply them to industry. Considering the relevance of this subject, the students of Federal University of Para-Campus Tucumi through the Research Group of Electrical and Mechanical Systems apply their knowledge in multidisciplinary engineering fields in order to generate knowledge from creative techniques using low cost materials, together with the encouragement of social and environmental responsibility which is very important nowadays. At the same time, targeting the needs of the labor market, this work aims to foster in students the skills and requirements through team projects and innovative methods. Therefore, this paper presents a mechanical manipulator, where their operating characteristics are based on industrial robots in the literature, powered by DC (direct current) motors and fully developed from reusable materials. By adding a developed control from the Arduino, prototyping platform with an electronic strategic offers through the internet the long-distance control convenience. 展开更多
关键词 ARDUINO mechanized claw low cost industry.
Analysis of Demagnetizer Operation Using the Finite Element Method
作者 N. Morovvati H. Feshki Farahani +1 位作者 M. Sabaghi S.M. Pedram Razi 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第2期58-64,共7页
Permanent magnets with high energy products are widely used in a variety of electromagnetic devices. Such devices can be found in marine, aerospace, and robotic applications which require the minimization of weight an... Permanent magnets with high energy products are widely used in a variety of electromagnetic devices. Such devices can be found in marine, aerospace, and robotic applications which require the minimization of weight and volume of the electromagnetic device. During the magnetizing process, the magnet may not be perfectly magnetized. Therefore, it needs to be demagnetized. Because of high coercivity of some permanent magnets, the demagnetization process requires the intense magnetic fields in close proximity with the magnetic material. The fields must be produced for a short period of time (millisecond range) and they also must be bidirectional in order to overcome the coercivity of magnetic material. Different parameters have been known to affect the demagnetizer operation such as the core shape, core material, turn number, cross section of air gap, magnet type and so on. The amplitude and waveform of the fixture current is obtained from PSPICE simulations and also from experimental measurement. A 2D finite element analysis is developed to simulate the magnetic fields and the mechanical forces. In this paper, the main parameters affecting the optimal design of the demagnetizer are discussed. Simulation results show that the core structure, air gap width, and turn numbers are the most important parameters when designing such a device. 展开更多
关键词 DEMAGNETIZER effective parameters FIXTURE finite element method ANSYS software.
Organic crystal-based flexible smart materials 被引量:1
作者 Yinjuan Huang Qiuyu Gong Jing Yu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期1994-2016,共23页
Although the famous brittle characteristics of molecular crystals are unfavorable when they are used as flexible smart materials(FSMs),an increasing number of organic crystal-based FSMs have been reported recently.Thi... Although the famous brittle characteristics of molecular crystals are unfavorable when they are used as flexible smart materials(FSMs),an increasing number of organic crystal-based FSMs have been reported recently.This breaks the perception of their stiff and brittle properties and promises a bright future for basic research and practical applications.Crystalline smart materials present considerable advantages over polymer materials under certain circumstances,rendering them potential candidates for certain applications,such as rapidly responsive actuators,ON/OFF switching,and microrobots.In this review,we summarize the recent developments in the field of organic crystal-based FSMs,including the derivatives of azobenzene,diarylethene,anthracene,and olefin.These organic crystal-based FSMs can bend,curl,twist,deform,or respond otherwise to external stimuli,such as heat or light.The detailed mechanisms of their smart behaviors are discussed with their potential applications in exciting intelligent fields.We believe this review could provide guidelines toward future fabrication and developments for novel organic crystal-based FSMs and their advanced smart applications. 展开更多
关键词 organic crystal SMART stimulus-responsive FLEXIBLE mechanical motion
Feasibility analysis of high excess pressure cockpit using material substitution based on strain energy
作者 GAO HaiPeng LIU Meng WANG Jun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第3期598-606,共9页
The design concept of high excess pressure cockpit has been proposed as a solution to solve the ergonomics problems caused by cockpit environment.To address the contradiction among mass,economy,maneuverability and env... The design concept of high excess pressure cockpit has been proposed as a solution to solve the ergonomics problems caused by cockpit environment.To address the contradiction among mass,economy,maneuverability and environment ergonomics,considering the composite advantages of high strength and lightweight,the feasibility analysis concept of high excess pressure cockpit based on material substitution is proposed in the paper.Based on the strain energy analysis on finite element model,the iteration design method of equal stiffness and lightening effect analysis on material substitution are presented,The weight reduction effect after material substitution can be evaluated intuitively by using equal stiffness curve.The calculation result of cockpit indicates that the lightening effect can reach 35.09%.Because of the complexity of cockpit design,bi-level optimization method is proposed and performed by means of the First-Order Radio algorithm.The research shows that the method can achieve good result.The feasibility of high excess pressure cockpit is studied from the aspect of the relationship between excess pressure and mass,and the research demonstrates that,due to the utilization of T300/4211 in place of 6061 alloy,the excess pressure of cockpit increases from 35 to 45 kPa,a 28.57%increase,while the cockpit mass is decreased by 12.56%.Thus,the contradiction among mass,economy and environment ergonomics can be coordinated,which can provide a reference for the design of high excess pressure cockpit. 展开更多
关键词 high excess pressure cockpit material substitution strain energy environmental ergonomics cockpit mass
Preparation of chitosan rods with excellent mechanical properties: One candidate for bone fracture internal fixation 被引量:7
作者 WANG ZhengKe HU QiaoLing WANG YouXiang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第2期380-384,共5页
Chitosan (CS) is one promising material as a temporary mechanical supporter for bone fracture internal fixation.In our previous work,we successfully fabricated CS rods through one in situ precipitation route.But bendi... Chitosan (CS) is one promising material as a temporary mechanical supporter for bone fracture internal fixation.In our previous work,we successfully fabricated CS rods through one in situ precipitation route.But bending strength and bending modulus of CS rods need to be improved to match the commercially available devices used for bone fracture internal fixation.In this research,CS rods were reinforced effectively through cross-linking reaction by using glutaraldehyde as the coupling reagent.Schiff’s base was detected by FTIR due to the chemical reaction between amino groups and aldehyde groups.Crystal plane space of CS rods became small during the formation of network structure.Microstructure was observed by SEM,indicating that layer-by-layer structure became much tighter after cross-linking reaction,and cracks in one layer turned around when they reached another layer to absorb energy.Bending strength and bending modulus of cross-linked CS rods could reach 186.3 MPa and 5.17 GPa,respectively.Compared with uncross-linked CS rods,they are increased by 101.6% and 26.1%,respectively.As a result,mechanical properties of CS rods are equivalent to the commercially available biodegradable devices.CS rods with excellent mechanical properties are a good candidate for bone fracture internal fixation. 展开更多
关键词 CHITOSAN GLUTARALDEHYDE layer-by-layer structure REINFORCEMENT biomedical material
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