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人民想象、塑造与教化——论卢梭立法者的立法技艺 被引量:2
作者 刘华云 《甘肃行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期104-112,128,共10页
立法者在卢梭政治思想中占据着重要位置,是其政治理论中不可或缺的一环,不仅关涉卢梭政治思想的解读,更关涉人民主权原则与民主制度之建构。但与此相悖的是,卢梭的立法者理论却未得到应有的重视与讨论。通过经典文本的解读,可从三个方... 立法者在卢梭政治思想中占据着重要位置,是其政治理论中不可或缺的一环,不仅关涉卢梭政治思想的解读,更关涉人民主权原则与民主制度之建构。但与此相悖的是,卢梭的立法者理论却未得到应有的重视与讨论。通过经典文本的解读,可从三个方面阐释卢梭的立法者理论:一是立法者与人民主权之间存在着紧张关系,但它使人民主权原则成为可能,弥补了人民集体理性能力的匮乏与公民个体理性能力的不足;二是依据立法技艺的差异,立法者可区分为古代立法者与现代立法者,古代立法者运用宗教和语言艺术实现人民的教化;三是现代立法者在个体理性与科学发展的前提下,通过公共舆论引导人的激情与自尊心,实现人民教化。立法者不仅不与平等和民主原则相违背,反而强化了人民主权原则,为政治共同体的建构增加了可能性。 展开更多
关键词 卢梭 立法者 人民主权 人民教
素质教育6个字 教是为了不教
作者 张旭东 《基础教育论坛》 2012年第5Z期3-3,共1页
关键词 社会事业 政府工作报告 杨福家 民办大学 复旦大学校长 各类 民办 育思想 一所 人民教
世界主要邪教简介 被引量:3
作者 胡宗音 《国际资料信息》 2001年第5期30-32,共3页
关键词 美国 人民圣殿” “大卫派”组织 “天堂之门”组织 日本 “奥姆真理 菲律宾 “天主上帝之灵” “太阳圣殿
《基础教育论坛》 2014年第11Z期59-60,共2页
推进义务教育均衡发展是实现教育公平的需要。破解城乡义务教育均衡发展的瓶颈,关键在于科学统筹配置教师资源。沈阳市辽中县深入贯彻党的十八大提出的"努力办好人民满意的教育"和十八届三中全会关于深化教育领域综合改革的... 推进义务教育均衡发展是实现教育公平的需要。破解城乡义务教育均衡发展的瓶颈,关键在于科学统筹配置教师资源。沈阳市辽中县深入贯彻党的十八大提出的"努力办好人民满意的教育"和十八届三中全会关于深化教育领域综合改革的有关精神,采取教师全员化竞聘、多元化分流、一体化交流和集团化办学等一系列重大举措,建立了校长教师交流轮岗制度,率先实现了县域师资力量的科学整合和均衡配置。 展开更多
关键词 育均衡 辽中 城乡义务 集团化办学 均衡配置 全员化 师交流 师资源 统筹配置 人民满意
作者 许涛 《辽宁教育》 2013年第4X期17-17,共1页
盛世逢盛会,盛会绘宏图。党的十八大把科学发展观上升为全党必须长期坚持的指导思想,提出必须把科学发展观贯彻到我国现代化建设全过程、体现到党的建设各方面。这一重要论断对于加强和改进新形势下的教师队伍建设工作具有重要的现实意... 盛世逢盛会,盛会绘宏图。党的十八大把科学发展观上升为全党必须长期坚持的指导思想,提出必须把科学发展观贯彻到我国现代化建设全过程、体现到党的建设各方面。这一重要论断对于加强和改进新形势下的教师队伍建设工作具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。一、深刻认识、准确把握教师队伍建设科学发展的重大意义党的十八大报告在论述教育事业改革发展时,以"努力办好人民满意的教育"开篇立论,以"加强教师队伍建设"压轴收笔,彰显了在建设教育强国、人力资源强国,实现中华民族伟大复兴的征程中教师队伍建设工作的基础性地位;充分体现了党中央。 展开更多
关键词 师德 育强国 立德树人 专业标准 现代 职后培训 师范生免费 特殊关注 人民满意
《北京市人民政府公报》 2007年第5期68-74,共7页
各区县教委,各高等学校、中等专业学校,各直属直管单位:为贯彻落实国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》(国发[2004]10号)和教育部、市政府有关实施意见,进一步加强教育法制建设,提高依法治教水平,结合北京教育系统实际,提出以下意见:一... 各区县教委,各高等学校、中等专业学校,各直属直管单位:为贯彻落实国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》(国发[2004]10号)和教育部、市政府有关实施意见,进一步加强教育法制建设,提高依法治教水平,结合北京教育系统实际,提出以下意见:一、进一步提高对教育法制建设重要性的认识(一)进一步加强教育法制建设是加快首都教育改革与发展。 展开更多
关键词 育法制建设 依法治 行政实施 行政复议 首都 行政执法 法制宣传 行政规范性文件 人民满意
作者 施美彬 黄伟 周慧 《课程教学研究》 2024年第7期29-34,共6页
教材是培根铸魂、启智增慧的重要载体,教材的质量关系到培养有理想、有本领、有担当的时代新人的教育质量。本文通过文献研究、实践研究,根据新课标的育人目标要求,提出粤教人民版初中地理教材的编写需发挥地理学科育人价值,落实立德树... 教材是培根铸魂、启智增慧的重要载体,教材的质量关系到培养有理想、有本领、有担当的时代新人的教育质量。本文通过文献研究、实践研究,根据新课标的育人目标要求,提出粤教人民版初中地理教材的编写需发挥地理学科育人价值,落实立德树人根本任务的价值导向与突显学科逻辑培养,创新教材编写体例,创设真实情境,推进教学方式的转变,培育学生地理核心素养的创新实践,建设精品教材。 展开更多
关键词 新课标 人民版初中地理 价值导向 创新实践
《考试(高考文科版)》 2015年第36期2-,共1页
潘湘云,男,45岁,中共党员,高级教师,扬州市小学语文学科带头人。2007年担任扬州市江都区宜陵小学校长,扬州市江都区名校长。多次在区级、片级进行公开教学展示,执教的《彭德怀和他的大黑骡子》《三顾茅庐》获江苏省"杏坛杯"&q... 潘湘云,男,45岁,中共党员,高级教师,扬州市小学语文学科带头人。2007年担任扬州市江都区宜陵小学校长,扬州市江都区名校长。多次在区级、片级进行公开教学展示,执教的《彭德怀和他的大黑骡子》《三顾茅庐》获江苏省"杏坛杯""蓝天杯"青年教师展示课二等奖,在扬州市师能建设"百千万工程"活动中校长评课获一等奖……近几年数十篇文章分别发表于《中国教育学刊》《语文建设》《江苏教育》《江苏教育研究》《中国农村教育》《人民教师》等各类国家级、省级期刊。 展开更多
关键词 江都 省级期刊 中心小学 中国育学刊 《语文建设》 中国农村 江苏 中共党员 天杯 人民教
Robotics and Mathematics in Citizenship Formation: Associating Negatives Numbers and Education in Traffic
作者 Hutson Roger Silva Suselaine da Fonseca Silva Jessica Ramos da Silva 《Journal of Control Science and Engineering》 2016年第2期90-94,共5页
This article reports the experience of the robotics class taught by a student's degree in mathematics from the Federal University of Uberlandia, as a requirement for co mp letion of the discip line sup ervised traini... This article reports the experience of the robotics class taught by a student's degree in mathematics from the Federal University of Uberlandia, as a requirement for co mp letion of the discip line sup ervised training. The M ineiro Baptist College was chosen in the city of Uberlandia-MG to carry out this work because it is a school that entered the discipline of robotics into their curriculum. The class was held with the students of the seventh grade of elementary school second, linking the areas of mathematics, robotics and traffic education, prioritizing the respect of the contents worked in math classes and civic education of individuals in a dynamic and creative way. 展开更多
Sister Founders in Sociology: Democratisation of Contemporary Sociological Education
作者 Lejla Music 《Sociology Study》 2014年第12期1042-1049,共8页
Sister's founders in sociology as a coin term are formed by Mary ]o Deegan, in order to explain, reintroduction to female stream sociological theory. Even though there are more than 52 women considered to be founders... Sister's founders in sociology as a coin term are formed by Mary ]o Deegan, in order to explain, reintroduction to female stream sociological theory. Even though there are more than 52 women considered to be founders of sociology, they are still not recognized in sociology, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Aristotle's distinction between male and female, according to authoress Shipley, represents the key moment to ideological foundation of the women exclusion from academia and public life, because of their identification with natural and irrational. Results of wars, global ecological movements, and movements for the rights of the minorities were joined together in creation of significant subversion and counterpart of male stream patriarchal ordained theories in eco-feminist movement. The women and nature in male stream theories are considered to be the insignificant other, formed as counterpart for male principal which is culture, reason, and activity. Logic of dominance with its objectification, imperialism, colonialism, patriarchy, and European West racism must be rendered with the logic of nurturing as the prevailing concept of successful bioregional cooperation and interpersonal relationships, pacification and peace agreements. Postmodern sociology especially in works of Rosemarie Tong supports the admissions of all "exiled, alienated, deviant and marginal people", therefore, the posthuman society must involve the egalitarism in works of female and male in the sociology. 展开更多
关键词 Female founders in sociology male stream/female stream posthuman
What Fails English as the Dream Language of Rural India?
作者 J. John Sekar 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第5期352-357,共6页
Rural masses in India view English as the language of socio-economic empowerment through education. Education could be either in English or in regional languages, but children should learn English, because it is seen ... Rural masses in India view English as the language of socio-economic empowerment through education. Education could be either in English or in regional languages, but children should learn English, because it is seen as the key to the world of opportunities in higher education and employment. The governments need to politically respond to the aspirations of the common masses keeping aside both politicised language policies and theoretical linguistic inputs that encourage one's mother tongue as the ideal medium of instruction. Onerous responsibility lays on men, methods, and materials over which government have the least say, but the practising teachers of English and academics who help bureaucrats in framing language policies in India are solely responsible for non-realization of dreams of the masses. There is something terribly rotten in the state of English-teaching enterprise in India. This paper proposes to examine the present state of affairs in the teaching of English to rural students and to offer constructive alternatives to the existing package of men, materials, and methods. 展开更多
关键词 Indian rural English learners humanist literary content CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) structural approach learner profiles de-textualization linguistic handicap non-formal English language program
Black and White, Actual Situation Mr. Liu Pu landscape appreciation
作者 Ziyi ZENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期98-100,共3页
Liu Pu, a visiting professor at Renmin University of China, Vice Chairman of Siehuan landscape, Chairman of Sichuan Chinese Society painting, and the Art Realm presented their works bring us spiritual shock visual exp... Liu Pu, a visiting professor at Renmin University of China, Vice Chairman of Siehuan landscape, Chairman of Sichuan Chinese Society painting, and the Art Realm presented their works bring us spiritual shock visual experience. 展开更多
A Glimpse of the Initial Conditions for the Development of Science and Technology and Soviet Specialists in the PRC:1949–1955
作者 Yuri M.BATURIN 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2021年第2期141-160,共20页
This article aims to analyze the so-called“starting point”when modern scientific and technological successes in China were in their infancy,and to provide the reader with insight on how various challenges were overc... This article aims to analyze the so-called“starting point”when modern scientific and technological successes in China were in their infancy,and to provide the reader with insight on how various challenges were overcome in their development.The period under review is 1949–1955.The information about this period was obtained from Soviet archives and special literature.The first part of the article describes the state of affairs in the People’s Republic of China(PRC)in the early years of its formation,focusing on education,science,industry(including military),communications,and rail transport.The second part turns to the Soviet specialists working in the PRC during these years,focusing on their profession,number,cities of residence and living conditions.Issues regarding Chinese specialists’internship in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR)are also touched upon.The article selects several lesserknown areas in which professional competencies were established in this very weak post-war country to discover the origins of the most important science and technology in the contemporary PRC,thereby contributing to readers’understanding of the initial conditions for the development of science and technology in China. 展开更多
关键词 People’s Republic of China Soviet Union SPECIALISTS SCIENCE education INDUSTRY
Cultural Identities of the Well-Educated Chinese Immigrant Children in the UK
作者 LUAN Ming-xiang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第3期147-162,共16页
Since the Reform and Opening-up in 1978, China has broadened and deepened its exchanges and relations with other countries. This has contributed to the increase in the migration of well-educated Chinese abroad and Uni... Since the Reform and Opening-up in 1978, China has broadened and deepened its exchanges and relations with other countries. This has contributed to the increase in the migration of well-educated Chinese abroad and United Kingdom (UK) has become a most desirable destination for the elite Chinese immigrants. The impact of the migration of well-educated Chinese deserves particular attention and study, especially the second generation's cultural identities--this under-researched topic is the focus of this study. The study investigates the cultural identity differences between Chinese born children (CBC) and British born children (BBC) of the Chinese intellectual families living in Britain. Results indicated that both CBC and BBC had high pride in Chinese and British culture No significant evidence for cultural identity crises was found. The children investigated considered themselves as bi-culturalism and were content with "dual identities," with the CBC a bit more Chinese, while the BBC a bit more British. Much smaller differences in views of cultural identity were reported. 展开更多
关键词 Culture Cultural clash Cultural identity Chinese born children (CBC) British born children (BBC)
Teaching Gallo at School
作者 Cecile Helene Christiane Rey 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第5期342-349,共8页
This study explores the origins and current status of the Gallo language at school--a minority language spoken in the eastern part of Brittany--among older speakers (group 1-41 informants) and students of Gallo (gr... This study explores the origins and current status of the Gallo language at school--a minority language spoken in the eastern part of Brittany--among older speakers (group 1-41 informants) and students of Gallo (group 2-17 informants). The paper discusses different pedagogical methods, learning materials, and learners' status. The most important mission of schools is to increase public awareness about their linguistic environment which helps reassert minority identity through language acquisition and linguistic maintenance. Implementing an educational language curriculum for regional languages constitutes a main step towards the preservation of linguistic minorities. According to the informants interviewed during the fieldwork, both groups express positive reactions towards the presence of Gallo at school (group 1--80%; group 2--92.9%). However, in follow-up discussions, a certain number of older speakers seem to be more reluctant, because the variety of Gallo taught at school is different from the one which was transmitted to them. In conclusion, bilingual and immersion programs are increasingly successful in Brittany and could lead to a wider recognition of Eastern Brittany's language and culture. 展开更多
关键词 language acquisition REPRESENTATIONS language transmission language preservation
作者 唐兴平 《才智》 2012年第7期127-127,共1页
关键词 初中物理 义务育课程 实验科书 课标要求 《物理》 科学探究过程 课程基本理念 知识 人民教
作者 邝忠炽 《民办高等教育研究》 2011年第2期95-97,共3页
关键词 育才学校 古圣寺 周恩来同志 生活育理论 李公朴 马克思墓 国民党统治区 党的领袖 小延安 人民教
作者 邵琪妹 贾勇 《大江南北》 2015年第12期43-43,共1页
9月3日,中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念大会在北京隆重举行,威武雄壮的受阅方阵整齐通过天安门城楼的那一刻,我不禁热泪盈眶。我1934年出生在江苏宜兴农村的一个贫苦家庭,1937年底侵华日军侵占了我的家乡,家里房子... 9月3日,中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念大会在北京隆重举行,威武雄壮的受阅方阵整齐通过天安门城楼的那一刻,我不禁热泪盈眶。我1934年出生在江苏宜兴农村的一个贫苦家庭,1937年底侵华日军侵占了我的家乡,家里房子被日军烧了,我10岁前的童年记忆,就是经常举家逃难,在野地里生活。父母将年幼的我放在竹篓里背着四处流浪。 展开更多
关键词 侵华日军 江苏宜兴 天安门城楼 革命精神 周年纪念 威武雄壮 日本鬼子 联洋新社区 中层干部 人民教
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