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作者 房健 《领导科学》 北大核心 1995年第9期32-32,共1页
人环境:开发区的第一投资环境房健郑州高新技术产业开发区是国务院批准于1988年10月31日动工兴建的,已在原来一片空旷的原野上,完成了5平方公里的开发任务,拥有280余家企业。1994年技工贸总收入达15.2亿元;工... 人环境:开发区的第一投资环境房健郑州高新技术产业开发区是国务院批准于1988年10月31日动工兴建的,已在原来一片空旷的原野上,完成了5平方公里的开发任务,拥有280余家企业。1994年技工贸总收入达15.2亿元;工995年将达到3o亿元。区内基础设... 展开更多
关键词 开发区建设 人环境 投资环境建设 投资者 高新技术产业开发区 技术开发区 管委会 软硬环境 开发区管理 思想素质
作者 孙彩月 《世纪桥》 2016年第8期46-48,共3页
近年来,我国环境污染问题日益严重,多数人环境污染侵权问题也愈演愈烈。而我国《侵权责任法》的规定究竟如何适用于多数人环境污染侵权案件已经引起了社会各界的广泛关注。本文就《侵权责任法》第8到12条以及67条在多数人环境污染责任... 近年来,我国环境污染问题日益严重,多数人环境污染侵权问题也愈演愈烈。而我国《侵权责任法》的规定究竟如何适用于多数人环境污染侵权案件已经引起了社会各界的广泛关注。本文就《侵权责任法》第8到12条以及67条在多数人环境污染责任问题上如何具体适用分别展开讨论。理论上,为了保护受害人的合法权益,维护社会公平,应当将多数人环境污染责任划分为外部的连带责任以及内部的按份责任。但事实上,由于环境污染侵权案件的复杂多变,使得多数人环境污染侵权类型的界定与划分存在困难,应当结合实际情况对此问题进行进一步分析。 展开更多
关键词 多数人环境侵权 按份责任 连带责任 侵权责任法
多说话人语音环境下目标说话人声纹验证方法研究 被引量:2
作者 陈家峥 张斌 李雅明 《物联网技术》 2024年第2期3-7,10,共6页
声纹身份验证技术越来越多的应用于IoT智能设备中,针对多说话人语音环境,应用传统VAD模块的声纹验证系统错误拒绝率严重升高,甚至无法工作。本文从语音分离技术入手,设计实现了一种只对目标说话人触发的轻量化SD-VAD模型。首先,通过在... 声纹身份验证技术越来越多的应用于IoT智能设备中,针对多说话人语音环境,应用传统VAD模块的声纹验证系统错误拒绝率严重升高,甚至无法工作。本文从语音分离技术入手,设计实现了一种只对目标说话人触发的轻量化SD-VAD模型。首先,通过在基线模型中引入CNN和BiLSTM结构,使神经网络获得更强大的特征提取能力和上下文依赖性。其次,重新定义类内加权损失,对不同的分类混淆错误施加不同的惩罚,使模型重点关注目标说话人相关的分类,最大程度保留目标语音的完整性。最后,本文将SD-VAD应用于声纹验证模型的前端。实验结果表明,本文改进的结构相较于基线模型,mAP提升了1.5%,目标说话人类的AP提升了1.9%。相较于传统VAD模块,使基于ECAPA-TDNN的声纹验证系统错误拒绝率(FRR)降低了13.95%,较大提升了声纹验证系统的鲁棒性和使用灵活性。 展开更多
关键词 物联网 声纹验证 语音分离 多说话人环境 语音活动检测(VAD) ECAPA-TDNN
基于移动学习的CPSL环境设计 被引量:2
作者 付卉 朱爱琴 +1 位作者 李汪丽 张顺涛 《高等函授学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第6期1-4,7,共5页
本文应用CPSL(协作 -问题解决学习 )理论 ,从技术环境、物环境和人环境三个方面探究基于移动学习的CPSL环境设计 ,目的是让移动学习实现学习者在任何时间、任何地方都能进行自主的、协作的学习 ,实现移动学习建立人类终身学习体系的目标。
关键词 移动学习 CPSL理论 协作-问题解决学习理论 技术环境 环境 人环境 人类终身学习体系 远程教育形式 网络资源 环境设计
Coupling Coordination Relationship between Ecological Human Settlements and the Happiness Levels of Residents in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration
作者 FAN Hua ZHAO Cuiwei 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第5期1251-1262,共12页
Promoting the coordinated development of ecological human settlements and the happiness levels of residents will help to promote people-centered high-quality development.This study was based on the 2011-2021 data of t... Promoting the coordinated development of ecological human settlements and the happiness levels of residents will help to promote people-centered high-quality development.This study was based on the 2011-2021 data of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration,and constructed an evaluation index system of ecological human settlements and the happiness levels of residents.The entropy value method,coupling coordination degree model,Dagum Gini coefficient and Geodetector model were used to explore the coupling coordination relationship and influencing factors of these two systems.The findings indicate that ecological human settlements and the happiness levels of residents in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration have shown an upward trend over time.By 2021,the overall level of the region had significantly improved.The coupling coordination level between these two systems has gradually increased,showing a spatial distribution pattern of high in the east and low in the west.The Dagum Gini coefficient shows a fluctuating downward trend in the overall and intra-regional differences,with the largest inter-regional difference between Shanghai and Anhui,and the inter-regional difference is the main source of the spatial differences.Economic development level(Eco)was the main factor influencing the coupling coordination of the two systems from 2011 to 2021.The results of this study provide references for constructing ecological human settlements and enhancing the happiness levels of residents. 展开更多
关键词 ecological human settlements happiness levels of residents coupling coordination Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration
试论课堂环境的影响及优化 被引量:2
作者 李璟 《甘肃科技纵横》 2010年第5期170-171,共2页
关键词 课堂环境 人环境 环境
作者 乔致奇 《环境保护》 CAS 1988年第5期2-3,11,共3页
土焦是土法炼焦的简称。由于土焦生产的装备简陋,工艺落后、浪费资源、污染环境。所以,近年来有关部门三令五申:要整顿、要限制、乃至提出禁止生产。然而,时至今日还是有“禁”无“止”,大有发展之势。人们不禁要问:到底我国土焦生产的... 土焦是土法炼焦的简称。由于土焦生产的装备简陋,工艺落后、浪费资源、污染环境。所以,近年来有关部门三令五申:要整顿、要限制、乃至提出禁止生产。然而,时至今日还是有“禁”无“止”,大有发展之势。人们不禁要问:到底我国土焦生产的状况如何?为什么有“禁”无“止”? 展开更多
关键词 土焦生产 土法炼焦 污染环境 技术进步 山西省 人环境 环境保护 工艺 机焦 产量
作者 陈亦非 《艺术生活》 2001年第4期42-44,共3页
中国当代的陶艺艺术创作经过了几十年的发展,已进入了一个较为敏感的转型阶段。陶艺创作领域在探索新的精神层面以及新的创作方法等方面做了大量的努力,取得了可喜的进展,但也存在一些问题。纵观陶艺领域的发展现状,大致有以下几种情形:... 中国当代的陶艺艺术创作经过了几十年的发展,已进入了一个较为敏感的转型阶段。陶艺创作领域在探索新的精神层面以及新的创作方法等方面做了大量的努力,取得了可喜的进展,但也存在一些问题。纵观陶艺领域的发展现状,大致有以下几种情形: 首先,陶艺的创作手法秉承中国传统的陶瓷艺术并与中国绘画、雕塑结合,把陶瓷作为一种特殊的创作媒介。以釉料为色彩,以泥板做画布,这种陶艺创作因袭传统,创新意味较弱,难以充分体现当代陶艺创作的主流形态,同时也较难同国际同行进行深层次交流。其次,陶艺创作以西方外来艺术作为创作基调。 展开更多
关键词 陶艺创作 艺术领域 陶艺作品 创作手法 陶艺家 艺术创作 陶瓷艺术 创作理念 人环境 中国当代
作者 陈安东 贺生 《青岛职业技术学院学报》 1996年第2期51-53,57,共4页
中等师范学校管弦乐欣赏课,主要是介绍乐器、欣赏具有代表性的通俗性标题管弦乐曲,如《卡门序曲》、《动物狂欢节》、《梁祝》小提琴协奏曲等.有标题的管弦乐曲,一般是作曲家根据某一文字作品、戏剧、民间诗歌、历史传说或作曲家自己予... 中等师范学校管弦乐欣赏课,主要是介绍乐器、欣赏具有代表性的通俗性标题管弦乐曲,如《卡门序曲》、《动物狂欢节》、《梁祝》小提琴协奏曲等.有标题的管弦乐曲,一般是作曲家根据某一文字作品、戏剧、民间诗歌、历史传说或作曲家自己予先拟定的文学情节而进行创作的.为便于他人理解。 展开更多
关键词 欣赏教学 管弦乐 音乐形象 环境 欣赏音乐 《梁祝》 音乐作品 小提琴协奏曲 中等师范学校 人环境
化学品与环境 被引量:1
作者 晓东 《环境保护》 CAS 1980年第2期38-40,共3页
在工农业生产,家庭生活和控制疾病的过程中,人们大量使用着各种不同的化学物质。据估计,迄今为止,经鉴定的化学物质已有四百多万种。大批量生产的化学品仅有三万多种,其余是没有直接影响公众的中间产物、废品或实验用的化学品。此外,每... 在工农业生产,家庭生活和控制疾病的过程中,人们大量使用着各种不同的化学物质。据估计,迄今为止,经鉴定的化学物质已有四百多万种。大批量生产的化学品仅有三万多种,其余是没有直接影响公众的中间产物、废品或实验用的化学品。此外,每年都发现几千种新的化学物质。 展开更多
关键词 化学品 化学物质 中间产物 人环境 直接影响 毒性 相结合 六十年代 生态破坏 废物
物流能流与城市环境保护 被引量:2
作者 李兴基 《环境保护》 CAS 1979年第5期11-13,共3页
一、城市物流、能流的含义物质和能量在人和环境之间是不断流动的。如果把城市当作有机体看待,那么,为了维持城市人民的正常生活和城市工业的正常生产,也需要直接或间接从环境中获得物质和能量,并向环境排泄废物,这就叫做城市的环境代... 一、城市物流、能流的含义物质和能量在人和环境之间是不断流动的。如果把城市当作有机体看待,那么,为了维持城市人民的正常生活和城市工业的正常生产,也需要直接或间接从环境中获得物质和能量,并向环境排泄废物,这就叫做城市的环境代谢。例如一个百万人口的典型美国城市需要从环境输入和向环境输出下列物质与能量: 展开更多
关键词 能流 城市物流 城市环境保护 人环境 废物排放 生态系统 能量 百万人口 流动 城市人
走向建筑过程的民主化 被引量:2
作者 吴锦绣 《华中建筑》 北大核心 1999年第1期54-56,100,共4页
走向建筑过程的民主化是实现建筑业持续发展的重要环节,它包括建筑过程对人的民主化、对环境的民主化、对未来的民主化及对社会的民主化四个方面的涵义。该文阐述了走向建筑过程的民主化的迫切性和广义内涵之后,还提出了促进建筑过程... 走向建筑过程的民主化是实现建筑业持续发展的重要环节,它包括建筑过程对人的民主化、对环境的民主化、对未来的民主化及对社会的民主化四个方面的涵义。该文阐述了走向建筑过程的民主化的迫切性和广义内涵之后,还提出了促进建筑过程走向民主化的一些具休手段和值得注意的问题。 展开更多
关键词 建筑民主化 人环境 未来 社会
作者 古维秋 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2000年第S1期175-176,182,共3页
关键词 课堂心理气氛 课堂气氛 教师 人环境 体育课 课堂常规 控制自己 环境 遵守纪律 心理环境
Construction of Urban Overall Water Environment in Xi'an City 被引量:1
作者 于东飞 乔征 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第3期613-616,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to study on construction of overall water environment in Xi'an. [Method] The study discussed necessity and basic principles of over-all restoration and construction of "Chang'an Eight Water... [Objective] The aim was to study on construction of overall water environment in Xi'an. [Method] The study discussed necessity and basic principles of over-all restoration and construction of "Chang'an Eight Water" from urban planning, and explored related methods from long term planning and concrete construction approaches. [Result] The study proposed that urban landscape substrates of "Chang' an Eight Water" should be restored based on overall planning about urban water environment, change of linear metabolism, and construction of drainage circulation system. Furthermore, self-circulation and purification of rainfall and sewage could be made use of there in view of present urban water environment. In addition, urban "metabolism" should be restored progressively to improve urban environment with consideration of water catchment, storage, and diversion. [Conclusion] We should take the initiative to catch the special opportunity to build Xi'an into an international metropolis with overall planning, designing and implementation, which will be conducive to reconstruction of water system and pleasant surroundings, and to presentation of urban ecosystem and context in "Chang'an Eight Water", providing many opportunities for urban development. 展开更多
关键词 Overall water environment in city "Chang'an Eight Water" Urban metabolism Urban living environment
孔子辩证思想探析 被引量:1
作者 谷峰 黄玉臻 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第3期38-41,共4页
孔子辩证思想探析谷峰,黄玉臻孔子思想博大精深,其辩证思想就是他整个思想体系中一个非常重要的部分。尽管孔子思想中也不乏形而上学的因素,但辩证法的成份还是主要的。因此,我们有必要对其进行系统的整理和分析。一、关于联系、发... 孔子辩证思想探析谷峰,黄玉臻孔子思想博大精深,其辩证思想就是他整个思想体系中一个非常重要的部分。尽管孔子思想中也不乏形而上学的因素,但辩证法的成份还是主要的。因此,我们有必要对其进行系统的整理和分析。一、关于联系、发展、变化的思想这在孔子的思想中是显... 展开更多
关键词 孔子 辩证思想 联系 发展 变化 人环境 形式 内容
Relationship between Rice Cultural Diversity and Ecological Environment in Yunnan Province of China 被引量:3
作者 曾亚文 杜娟 +3 位作者 普晓英 罗曦 杨树明 杨涛 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2247-2256,共10页
[Objective] This paper aims to confirm that Yunnan is one origin center of rice and human in the world.[Method] The complicated and unique ecological environment in Yunnan makes Yunnan Province the largest center of g... [Objective] This paper aims to confirm that Yunnan is one origin center of rice and human in the world.[Method] The complicated and unique ecological environment in Yunnan makes Yunnan Province the largest center of genetic diversity and cultural diversity of rice and human being as well as the cradle of human childhood.[Result] The genetic diversity and cultural diversity of rice and human being is closely related to the ecosystem diversity.Rice civilization in Yunnan can be divided into four types,including the diversity center region of rice civilization in southwestern Yunnan,diffusion region of rice civilization of Hani-Zhuang in southern Yunnan,rice civilization region of water-drought rotation in central Yunnan and poverty region of rice civilization in northern Yunnan.Southwestern Yunnan is not only the center of genetic ecological diversity and rice cultural diversity,but also the center of origin and diversity of crop genetic diversity.It is not only a transitional region among East Asia continent,South Asian sub-continent and Indo-China Peninsula,but also a core integration area of Chinese culture,Indian culture and Mid-south Peninsula culture which all merge with the local culture.[Conclusion] Yunnan is one common sphere where the origin of human evolution is closely related to the origin of rice evolution. 展开更多
关键词 Rice culture Ecological environment Origin evolution Human being YUNNAN
Question and Countermeasure Research of Human Living Environment Designs in New Countries 被引量:1
作者 王影 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期134-136,154,共4页
In the view of new rural living environment,problems existing in the construction of current new rural living environment were analyzed so as to propose some theoretical ideas and ways for resolving the problems exist... In the view of new rural living environment,problems existing in the construction of current new rural living environment were analyzed so as to propose some theoretical ideas and ways for resolving the problems existing in the design of new rural living environment. 展开更多
关键词 Living environment layout Adjust measures to local conditions INFRASTRUCTURE
Integration of Ecology and Culture in Environment Creation of Residential District——A Case Study of Landscape Design of Group A in Urban Paradise in Nanning 被引量:1
作者 陈科东 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第3期5-8,共4页
To create a graceful living environment is the core responsibility of landscape designers in the designing process of residential environment. Residential environment design should pay attention to correctly involving... To create a graceful living environment is the core responsibility of landscape designers in the designing process of residential environment. Residential environment design should pay attention to correctly involving cultural feature and environmental and ecological elements which should be integrated in certain living environment through a good design method, so as to reflect landscape designers’ concern on the urban living space. Taking the buildings of Urban Paradise (Paradise in Chinese literature is also called Taohua Yuan, that is, Land of Peach Blossom, originated from the essay by TAO Yuan-ming in the Eastern Jin Dynasty) in Nanning City for example, the research investigated how to integrate ecology and culture in the environment creation of residential district. 展开更多
关键词 Ecology and culture Living environment PARADISE DESIGNING
Review of Soil Nutrients of Forest Nature Reserve 被引量:1
作者 刘晓梅 李小英 +1 位作者 袁勇 申佳艳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1412-1421,共10页
Based on a large number of relevant literatures, the effects of environmental factors and human factors on forest soil nutrients in nature reserve were summarized, as well as the soil quality assessment and correlatio... Based on a large number of relevant literatures, the effects of environmental factors and human factors on forest soil nutrients in nature reserve were summarized, as well as the soil quality assessment and correlation of soil. nutrients, to provide references for a deep research on forest nature reserve soil and its protection. The distribution of forest soil nutrients has significant spatial heterogeneity, and its final distribution pattern is the result of joint action of environmental factors, including topography, vegetation, soil type, seasonal change as well as soil microorganism, and human factors. In natural ecosystem, environmental factors are the main factors that determine the differences of soil nutrients. Effective human management can promote the accumulation of forest soil nutrients, but improper interference will cause a significant loss of soil nutrients. Accurate soil quality evaluation can objectively clarify the impact of different soil management practices on soil, contributing to the timely adjustment of management measures. The establishment of long-term soil monitoring stations in forest nature reserves is a good way to master the influencing factors and the mechanism of forest soil nutrients, and can ultimately provide theoretical guidance for a sustainable and healthy operation of forest nature reserve. 展开更多
关键词 Soil quality Environmental factor Human factor CORRELATION
Coordinated Development of Human Settlement and Economy in County-level Cities in the Yellow River Basin
作者 朱效明 李旭祥 张静 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第3期95-99,共5页
[Objective] To provide quantification means for comprehensively analyzing the coordinated development of urban human settlement and economy by constructing an index system of economy and human settlement. [Method] By ... [Objective] To provide quantification means for comprehensively analyzing the coordinated development of urban human settlement and economy by constructing an index system of economy and human settlement. [Method] By constructing an evaluation index system of economy and human settlement, and using the coordinate measurement model of them, 22 county-level cities in the Yellow River Basin were analyzed. [Result] In the Yellow River Basin, the construction level of economy and human settlement in those county-level cities is low with distinct spatial differences and deteriorating polarization; there is a great spatial corresponding between coordinated development degree and economic level, the higher the economic development level, the higher coordinated development degree in county-level cities; county-level cities around the boundaries of provinces have difficulties in development. [Conclusion] Evaluation standards and models are clear in significance, convenient in application, which can successfully evaluate the coordination of human settlement development in the study region. 展开更多
关键词 County-level city economy Human settlement COORDINATION Yellow River Basin
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