Despite being one of the symbols of civilization throughout human history, Greater Cairo has many slum areas, hosting a population of three million people living in deteriorating conditions and lacking the basic human...Despite being one of the symbols of civilization throughout human history, Greater Cairo has many slum areas, hosting a population of three million people living in deteriorating conditions and lacking the basic human necessities. These slums represent a fertile environment for diseases caused by pollution in all its forms and are subject to crimes, rape and theft. There is a huge difference in the state of conditions when comparing the formally planned areas to the informally planned ones. People living in the formally planned settlements, like Nasr City, and in informal ones, like Ezbet El-Haggana, are similar to the kings and queens and slaves of legends. This paper tries to find solutions to the problem of slums and random areas.展开更多
切萨雷·龙勃罗梭(Cesare Lombroso,1835~1909,又译为"隆布罗索"、"龙布罗梭"、"龙勃罗索")是意大利精神病学家、犯罪学家、实证主义犯罪学学派的创始人和主要代表人物。从犯罪学史来看,龙勃罗梭是...切萨雷·龙勃罗梭(Cesare Lombroso,1835~1909,又译为"隆布罗索"、"龙布罗梭"、"龙勃罗索")是意大利精神病学家、犯罪学家、实证主义犯罪学学派的创始人和主要代表人物。从犯罪学史来看,龙勃罗梭是现代犯罪学最重要的开拓性研究者之一,被许多犯罪学家称为"犯罪学之父"(father of criminology)、"现代犯罪学之父"展开更多
文摘Despite being one of the symbols of civilization throughout human history, Greater Cairo has many slum areas, hosting a population of three million people living in deteriorating conditions and lacking the basic human necessities. These slums represent a fertile environment for diseases caused by pollution in all its forms and are subject to crimes, rape and theft. There is a huge difference in the state of conditions when comparing the formally planned areas to the informally planned ones. People living in the formally planned settlements, like Nasr City, and in informal ones, like Ezbet El-Haggana, are similar to the kings and queens and slaves of legends. This paper tries to find solutions to the problem of slums and random areas.
文摘切萨雷·龙勃罗梭(Cesare Lombroso,1835~1909,又译为"隆布罗索"、"龙布罗梭"、"龙勃罗索")是意大利精神病学家、犯罪学家、实证主义犯罪学学派的创始人和主要代表人物。从犯罪学史来看,龙勃罗梭是现代犯罪学最重要的开拓性研究者之一,被许多犯罪学家称为"犯罪学之父"(father of criminology)、"现代犯罪学之父"