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作者 任再强 李晨 《高校图书馆工作》 1998年第3期23-25,共3页
关键词 图书馆工作 人群因素 图书馆管理 图书馆员
哪些人群因素影响献血决定 被引量:1
作者 宋晓东 《国外医学(输血及血液学分册)》 2004年第4期378-378,共1页
关键词 人群因素 影响献血决定 个体献血动机 血液采集
卒中高危因素人群颈动脉粥样硬化同脂蛋白(a)的关系及其体质分布特点 被引量:4
作者 许丹丹 王倩 +1 位作者 谢晨 黄燕 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第1期100-102,共3页
目的:研究卒中高危因素人群血清脂蛋白(a)同颈动脉粥样硬化的关系,及高血清脂蛋白(a)的中医体质分布特点。方法:将医院体检科进行体检的人群进行卒中高危因素人群筛查,依据颈动脉彩超结果将卒中高危因素人群分为:颈动脉彩超正常... 目的:研究卒中高危因素人群血清脂蛋白(a)同颈动脉粥样硬化的关系,及高血清脂蛋白(a)的中医体质分布特点。方法:将医院体检科进行体检的人群进行卒中高危因素人群筛查,依据颈动脉彩超结果将卒中高危因素人群分为:颈动脉彩超正常组、内中膜增厚组、斑块形成组。结果:斑块形成组脂蛋白(a)水平较内中膜增厚组、颈动脉彩超正常组差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05,P〈0.05),脂蛋白(a)≥300 mg·L-1组以痰湿质、气虚质为特点。结论:脂蛋白(a)是卒中高危因素人群颈动脉异常的独立危险因素。气虚、痰湿体质因素是卒中高危人群出现脂蛋白(a)异常的易感体质因素。颈动脉粥样硬化是引起缺血性卒中重要危险因素,通过简便易行的检测方法或评估手段,及早的预测颈动脉粥样硬化发生的可能,对预防缺血性卒中发生具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 脂蛋白(a) 卒中高危因素人群 颈动脉彩超 体质
脑卒中危险因素暴露人群脑血管血流动力学检测的临床意义 被引量:3
作者 黄胜立 黄昭穗 +2 位作者 刘开渊 余贵翔 张芳芳 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 2006年第19期2242-2243,共2页
目的:从脑卒中危险因素暴露人群中筛选鉴别出高危人群。方法:研究对象选自我院门诊、住院及体检40岁以上人群609例,其中高血压组195例,非高血压危险组177例,脑卒中组34例,对照组203例,检测脑血管血流动力学(CVHI),CVHI积分低于75分者为... 目的:从脑卒中危险因素暴露人群中筛选鉴别出高危人群。方法:研究对象选自我院门诊、住院及体检40岁以上人群609例,其中高血压组195例,非高血压危险组177例,脑卒中组34例,对照组203例,检测脑血管血流动力学(CVHI),CVHI积分低于75分者为高危人群。结果:脑卒中组、高血压组、非高血压危险组脑血管最小血流速度、平均血流速度、最大血流速度明显降低,外周阻力、特性阻抗、脉搏波波速、动态阻力和临界压明显增高,高血压组多项指标变化与脑卒中组无统计学差异,脑卒中组、高血压组及非高血压危险组CVHI异常率分别为100%、41.02%、31.04%,明显高于对照组(12.32%)。结论:卒中危险因素暴露人群,特别是高血压组,卒中风险明显高于对照组,CVHI检测能够筛检出卒中高危人群,在脑卒中临床预防及药物防治效果评价中具有良好的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 脑血管意外 危险因素暴露人群 脑血管 血流动力学
深部真菌感染的人群易感因素探讨 被引量:6
作者 李键 杨肇立 +4 位作者 郑遥奇 李俊如 胡馥生 周文 任萍 《四川省卫生管理干部学院学报》 2006年第2期106-107,共2页
目的:研究真菌感染的人群易感性,以便对可控因素进行控制。方法:阅录1996年~2003年间出院诊断明确呼吸道真菌感染者832例病历资料和同期住院病人统计报表,针对不同状况计算其患病率,并作统计学处理。结果:呼吸道真菌感染患病率... 目的:研究真菌感染的人群易感性,以便对可控因素进行控制。方法:阅录1996年~2003年间出院诊断明确呼吸道真菌感染者832例病历资料和同期住院病人统计报表,针对不同状况计算其患病率,并作统计学处理。结果:呼吸道真菌感染患病率(‰)男:女=11.2:4.5,X^2=138.9,P〈0.005,统计学上有显著性差异,男性较女性易患真菌感染;年龄增大,真菌感染率亦随之增大,特别是≥61岁组患病率高达33.5‰,占全部病例的78.6%,P〈0、005,统计学上有显著性差异,提示老年人有较大易感性;汉族:彝族:其他民族=8、4:5.7:7.5,P〈0.05,民族之间也有差异,汉族略高;干部:工人:农民:其他=21.8:6.0:2.3:2.4,P〈0.005,统计学上有显著性差异,易感性干部〉工人〉农民和其他职业;城市:农村=10,7:2.5,城市明显高于农村,P〈0.005。结论:男性、老龄、汉族、干部职业、城市居住等,是深部真菌感染的人群易感因素。对高危人群,尤其是疑似患者,应尽早做呼吸道分泌物涂片和培养,一旦真菌检查阳性,务必高度重视。 展开更多
关键词 真菌感染 人群易感因素 呼吸道
社区服务中心对有致病因素高危人群的护理策略 被引量:1
作者 武新风 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2012年第11期379-379,共1页
具有致病危险因素的高危人群是指那些目前仍然健康,但本身存在某些致病生物因素、不良行为及不良生活习惯的人群,这类人群发生某些疾病的几率高于一般健康人群,而他的致残、致死率不亚于已患高血压、糖尿病、冠心病等人群。社区护理是... 具有致病危险因素的高危人群是指那些目前仍然健康,但本身存在某些致病生物因素、不良行为及不良生活习惯的人群,这类人群发生某些疾病的几率高于一般健康人群,而他的致残、致死率不亚于已患高血压、糖尿病、冠心病等人群。社区护理是社区卫生服务的重要组成部分,以预防和对疾病进行照顾为服务内容,而达到促进健康的目的。 展开更多
关键词 有致病因素高危人群 健康护理 疾病控制 健康
作者 曾星星 《饮食科学》 2018年第10X期57-57,共1页
目的 :为了研究在糖尿病高危人群危险因素干预工作当中引入健康管理方法所具有的效果。方法 :对我们医院2016年04月到2018年08月开展排查糖尿病高危人群检查活动中,使用糖尿病风险筛查技术检测出来的92例糖尿病高危人群的管理资料加以收... 目的 :为了研究在糖尿病高危人群危险因素干预工作当中引入健康管理方法所具有的效果。方法 :对我们医院2016年04月到2018年08月开展排查糖尿病高危人群检查活动中,使用糖尿病风险筛查技术检测出来的92例糖尿病高危人群的管理资料加以收集,其中管理之前为对比组,管理之后为研究组。结果 :92例患者在进行了健康管理之后,其糖化血红蛋白、餐前血糖、餐后血糖这三项指标数值明显比进行管理之前的数值低,可以得出P<0.05,在统计学上有极大的差异存在。结论 :总而言之,健康管理方法的效果极其显著,因此推广和应用是价值非常大的事情。 展开更多
关键词 健康管理 糖尿病高危人群危险因素干预 效果
冠心病男性患者经皮冠脉介入治疗的预后预测因素 被引量:7
作者 许澎 张高峰 +2 位作者 伍旭升 乔祺 俞利群 《介入放射学杂志》 CSCD 2005年第2期125-127,共3页
目的 探讨影响男性患者经皮冠脉介入治疗 (PCI)中期预后的危险因素。方法  10 4例男性冠心病患者入选 ,包括急性心肌梗死 6 1例 ,不稳定性心绞痛 4 3例。随访 (11.9± 8.7)个月。综合患者的人群因素、无创检查、合并症情况和冠状... 目的 探讨影响男性患者经皮冠脉介入治疗 (PCI)中期预后的危险因素。方法  10 4例男性冠心病患者入选 ,包括急性心肌梗死 6 1例 ,不稳定性心绞痛 4 3例。随访 (11.9± 8.7)个月。综合患者的人群因素、无创检查、合并症情况和冠状动脉造影情况 ,进行Logistic回归分析。结果 分析提示 ,以重要心脏不良事件为因变量 ,前降支近中段病变是有意义的预测因素 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,相关系数为 2 2 .0 0。其他因素为无意义变量 ,P >0 .0 5。 展开更多
关键词 经皮冠脉介入治疗 预测因素 男性患者 Logistic回归分析 预后 心脏不良事件 不稳定性心绞痛 急性冠脉综合征 急性心肌梗死 冠状动脉造影 P〉0.05 冠心病患者 危险因素 人群因素 无创检查 相关系数 前降支 合并症 因变量
江苏盐城宫颈癌及癌前病变危险因素人群归因危险度研究 被引量:8
作者 王春桃 梁戈玉 +5 位作者 许红 付艳云 马书梅 张艳秋 隋静 吴慧玲 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第14期2223-2225,2252,共4页
目的:探讨江苏盐城地区宫颈癌及癌前病变的危险因素,为有效开展预防工作提供科学依据。方法:采取病例-对照研究方法,对115例宫颈癌患者和132例对照者的一般状况、疾病认知情况、月经婚孕史、性行为史、生活方式、生殖道既往患病史、家... 目的:探讨江苏盐城地区宫颈癌及癌前病变的危险因素,为有效开展预防工作提供科学依据。方法:采取病例-对照研究方法,对115例宫颈癌患者和132例对照者的一般状况、疾病认知情况、月经婚孕史、性行为史、生活方式、生殖道既往患病史、家族史等进行调查,通过单因素及多因素统计分析其危险因素,并计算人群归因危险度(PAR)。结果:被动吸烟量、生殖道既往病史、使用避孕套避孕、性生活后阴道冲洗、5年内是否参加宫颈癌筛查与宫颈癌及癌前病变发生密切相关(P<0.05),其OR值分别为2.213、3.104、0.141、0.219、5.001,调整PAR分别为52.28%、41.85%、79.18%、27.83%、44.52%,综合PAR为93.35%。结论:正确了解宫颈癌及癌前病变发生的危险因素,采取针对性的有效措施,可有效预防女性宫颈癌和癌前病变的发生。 展开更多
关键词 宫颈癌 癌前病变 危险因素人群归因危险度
队列研究中多因素调整人群归因危险度的估计及其应用 被引量:11
作者 谢丽 张焕玲 +4 位作者 唐认桥 杨洋 郑苇 舒晓鸥 项永兵 《中国肿瘤》 CAS 2013年第5期373-378,共6页
[目的]介绍多因素调整人群归因危险度(PARP)估计方法及其在队列研究中的应用。[方法]利用2002~2006年建立的上海市男性健康队列(SMHS),在拟合多因素Cox风险比例模型基础上,以男性肺癌为例估计其常见危险因素的PARP。文中分别介绍了PAR... [目的]介绍多因素调整人群归因危险度(PARP)估计方法及其在队列研究中的应用。[方法]利用2002~2006年建立的上海市男性健康队列(SMHS),在拟合多因素Cox风险比例模型基础上,以男性肺癌为例估计其常见危险因素的PARP。文中分别介绍了PAR在未调整和调整混杂因素情况下的估计方法,以及95%可信区间的计算。数据分析通过SAS程序来实现。[结果]上海市男性健康队列共61500名对象,截止2010年12月31日,共发生肺癌507例。调整其他因素对肺癌影响后,吸烟、酗酒、慢性支气管炎史、肺癌家族史对肺癌的多因素调整人群归因危险度及其95%可信区间分别为64.31%(54.95%~72.13%)、8.46%(3.82%~12.97%)、6.43%(1.13%~11.56%)、3.43%(1.15%~5.62%),其他生活方式因素中水果摄入不足、身体消瘦分别可解释18.33%(0.93%~34.60%)和3.16%(0.42%~5.84%)的上海市区男性肺癌的发生。[结论]上海市区男性肺癌的发生很大程度上归因于吸烟、酗酒、身体消瘦、水果摄入不足等不良生活方式因素。多因素调整人群归因危险度是一个重要的流行病学指标,尤其对指导病因复杂的慢性疾病预防和控制的公共卫生实践非常重要,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 人群归因危险度 人群归因危险度百分比 因素调整人群归因危险度 肺癌 队列研究
作者 张应奎 于国龙 +2 位作者 聂小双 冉龙旭 黄荣翠 《电脑知识与技术》 2018年第12X期222-223,共2页
通过对景区垃圾产生相关联因素进行分析,建立数学模型对景区垃圾产量进行预测,利用所得预测结果进而相应地建立各景点垃圾回收点模型,针对所建的模型进行求解,得到景区垃圾回收点设置模型,从而为景区垃圾管理提供可用的模型,为景区进一... 通过对景区垃圾产生相关联因素进行分析,建立数学模型对景区垃圾产量进行预测,利用所得预测结果进而相应地建立各景点垃圾回收点模型,针对所建的模型进行求解,得到景区垃圾回收点设置模型,从而为景区垃圾管理提供可用的模型,为景区进一步规划提供科学的参考。 展开更多
关键词 景区垃圾 回收点 人群因素 客流量
SNP Identification in α_(2A)-Adrenergic Receptor Gene in Chinese and the Effect on Gene Expression
作者 袁栎 沈士弼 罗超权 《Journal of Nanjing Medical University》 2003年第6期277-282,共6页
Objective: To scan single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP ) in Chinese alpha-2Aadrenergic receptor (α_(2A)-AR) gene and study the effects of the SNP on the gene expression.Methods: The complete sequence of α_(2A)-AR g... Objective: To scan single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP ) in Chinese alpha-2Aadrenergic receptor (α_(2A)-AR) gene and study the effects of the SNP on the gene expression.Methods: The complete sequence of α_(2A)-AR gene was analyzed with automated DNA sequencer to scanSNPs. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood and a 239 bp fragment containing the G/Cpolymorphism was amplified with PCR using a pair of. specific primers. PCR-RFLP was used to performthe genotyping of the SNP at the site-1 296 bp of the people in the North of China. Electrophoresismobility shift assay ( EMSA ) was used to study the binding of the 390 bp fragments (- 1 414-1 025bp) with G or C at the site-1 296 bp and nuclear extracts . Results: In our study, two SNPs werefound in α_(2A)-AR gene. Allele frequencies of the SNP at the site-1 296 bp were 0.61 and 0.39 forG and C , and the genotype frequencies were 0.34 , 0.54 and 0.13 for GG, GC and CC respectively fromthe people in the North of China. In the EMSA, a specific binding appeared in the complex ofnuclear extracts and DNA with C at-1 296 bp . Conclusion: Two SNPs exist in α_(2A)-AR gene from thepeople in the North of China , and DNA fragment with allele C of the SNP at the site-1 296 bp couldbind with a specific protein, which could influence the gene expression. 展开更多
关键词 α_(2A)-adrenergic receptor single nucleotide polymorphism gene expression
Risk factors for hilar cholangiocarcinoma:A case-control study in China 被引量:17
作者 Wen-Ke Cai Hui Sima Ben-Dong Chen Guang-Shun Yang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期249-253,共5页
AIM:To study the association between hilar cholangiocarcinoma(HC) and pre-existing medical conditions. METHODS:Three hundred and thirteen HC patients admitted to the Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital(Shanghai,Chi... AIM:To study the association between hilar cholangiocarcinoma(HC) and pre-existing medical conditions. METHODS:Three hundred and thirteen HC patients admitted to the Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital(Shanghai,China) in 2000-2005 and 608 healthy controls were enrolled in this study.Association between HC and pre-existing medical conditions was studied with their adjusted odds ratio(OR) calculated by logistic regression analysis. RESULTS:The prevalence of choledocholithiasis(adjusted OR=2.704,P=0.039) ,hepatolithiasis(adjusted OR=3.278,P=0.018) ,cholecystolithiasis(adjusted OR =4.499,P<0.0001) ,cholecystectomy(adjusted OR =7.012,P=0.004) ,biliary ascariasis(adjusted OR= 7.188,P=0.001) ,liver fluke(adjusted OR=10.088,P =0.042) and liver schistosomiasis(adjusted OR=9.913,P=0.001) was higher in HC patients than in healthy controls. CONCLUSION:Biliary tract stone disease(choledocho-lithiasis,hepatolithiasis,cholecystolithiasis) and parasitic liver disease(biliary ascariasis,liver fluke,liver schistosomiasis) are the risk factors for HC in Chinese population. 展开更多
关键词 Hilar cholangiocarcinoma CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus Liver fluke
Seasonal variation of plankton communities influenced by environmental factors in an artificial lake 被引量:3
作者 李学梅 余育和 +3 位作者 张堂林 冯伟松 敖鸿毅 颜庆云 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期397-403,共7页
We evaluated the seasonal variation in plankton community composition in an artificial lake. We conducted microscopic analysis and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNAand 18... We evaluated the seasonal variation in plankton community composition in an artificial lake. We conducted microscopic analysis and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified partial 16S rRNAand 18S rRNAgenes to characterize the plankton community. The clustering of unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) was then used to investigate the similarity of these plankton communities. DGGE fingerprinting revealed that samples collected at the different sites within a season shared high similarity and were generally grouped together. In contrast, we did not observe any seasonal variation based on microscopic analysis. Redundancy analysis (RDA) of the plankton operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in relation to environmental factors revealed that transparency was negatively correlated with the first axis (R=-0.931), and temperature and total phosphorus (TP) were positively correlated with the first axis (R=0.736 and R=0.660, respectively). In conclusion, plankton communities in the artificial lake exhibited significant seasonal variation. Transparency, phosphorus and temperature appear to be the major factors driving the differences in plankton composition. 展开更多
关键词 plankton community PCR-DGGE redundancy analysis community diversity artificial lake
Verapamil and vasospastic angina: underuse in the elderly population 被引量:1
作者 Xavier Humbert Vincent Roule +1 位作者 Paul Milliez Joachim Alexandre 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第7期430-435,共6页
The first case of Prinzmetal angina was described in 1959 by Prinzmetal, et al. Since this description, several triggering factors have been associated with vasospastic angina (VA) and included: illicit drugs such ... The first case of Prinzmetal angina was described in 1959 by Prinzmetal, et al. Since this description, several triggering factors have been associated with vasospastic angina (VA) and included: illicit drugs such as cocaine, amphetamine or marijuana, but also bitter-orange, alcohol, butane, chemotherapy drugs, over-the-counter medication and different antibiotics. Smoking is also a major risk factor for developing VA.t21 Thus, except for smoking, many of conventional atherosclerosis risk factors do not appear to be applicable to VA.t21 However, vasospastic angina can also occur without any triggering factor. 展开更多
关键词 Calcium antagonists Elderly population Prinzmetal angina Variant angina VERAPAMIL
Prognostic factors analysis of 138 patients with stage IV gastric cancer
作者 Zhixiang Zhuang Yufeng Lu Liqin Shen 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第12期714-717,共4页
Ab Objective: We evaluated the prognostic factors of patients with stage IV gastric cancer. Methods: In the current retrospective study, 138 patients of stage I gastric cancer treated with platinum-based chemotherap... Ab Objective: We evaluated the prognostic factors of patients with stage IV gastric cancer. Methods: In the current retrospective study, 138 patients of stage I gastric cancer treated with platinum-based chemotherapy were analyzed. Survival rate was estimated by using Kaplan-Meier method. The prognostic factors were analyzed using univariate (Log rank) and multivariate (Cox model) analysis methods. Results: Univariate analysis showed and multivariate analysis showed that poor performance status (P = 0.001), weight loss (P = 0.001), depth of invasion (P = 0.000), presence of peritoneal metastasis (P = 0.005), more than 1 metastatic site (P = 0.029) and elevated total bilirubin (P = 0.018) were confirmed as independent prognostic factors. According to the outcomes of the Cox model analysis, a formula of the prognostic index was developed. According to the values of PI, 16 patients were categorized as the good risk group, 28 patients were categorized as the moderate risk group and 8 patients were categorized as the poor risk group, respectively. The survival ratios of 6 months, 12 months and 24 months of the good risk group were 75.00%, 50.00%, 25.00%, respectively. The survival ratios of 6 month, 1-year and 2-year of the moderate risk group were 71.79%, 28.57%, 7.14%, respectively. While the survival ratios of 6 month, 12 months and 24 months of the poor risk group were 50%, 0, 0, respectively. The overall survival ratios of the 3 groups were compared in pairs. Conclusion: Poor performance status, depth of invasion, elevated total bilirubin, more than 1 metastatic site, presence of peritoneal metastasis ,weight loss were the independent prognostic factors. A formula of the prognostic index was developed, and it could help clinicians and patients in clinical decision-making and treatment tailoring based on the estimated prognosis. 展开更多
关键词 gastric cancer prognostic factors PLATINUM CHEMOTHERAPY
作者 王千秋 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1996年第1期56-62,共7页
The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) increased from 26. 04 per 100 000 in 1987 to 104. 81 per 100 000 in 1993 in selected areas of the country. Gonorrhea is by far the most common STD but its constitue... The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) increased from 26. 04 per 100 000 in 1987 to 104. 81 per 100 000 in 1993 in selected areas of the country. Gonorrhea is by far the most common STD but its constituent ratio declined because of a rapid increase of nongonococcal uretheritis and genital warts during most recent years. The incidence of syphilis is relatively low and cases of congenital infection are noted. The wide spread of resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection gives a challenge to the therapeutical and control strategies of STDs. Sexually transmitted Chlamydia trachomatis infections, an important cause of urethritis. cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease. is becoming common in our country. Attention has been drawn on viral hepatitis in their means of transmission by sexually behaviors, and also, on the homosexuals, assumed to be the high risk group to catch STDs. Coordinated national efforts to control STDs in China have been taken. 展开更多
关键词 sexually transmitted diseases EPIDEMIOLOGY
无传统心血管危险因素的开滦职工高敏C反应蛋白与新发心脑血管事件相关 被引量:4
作者 金俊茹 赵晓琳 +6 位作者 李俊娟 陈永刚 高明 黄卫 刘英 李冬青 吴寿岭 《中华高血压杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期57-62,共6页
目的探讨基线血清高敏C反应蛋白(hsCRP)水平与无传统心血管危险因素人群新发心脑血管事件的关系。方法采用前瞻性队列研究,将参加2006—2007年健康体检的开滦集团职工101510人中的无传统心血管危险因素的人群[无对血清hsCRP水平有影... 目的探讨基线血清高敏C反应蛋白(hsCRP)水平与无传统心血管危险因素人群新发心脑血管事件的关系。方法采用前瞻性队列研究,将参加2006—2007年健康体检的开滦集团职工101510人中的无传统心血管危险因素的人群[无对血清hsCRP水平有影响的疾病和(或)病史、影像学及实验室检查无任何异常者]共计9062例作为观察队列,按基线hsCRP水平分为3组,即hsCRP0.05~〈1.00mg/L(n=6478);hsCRP1.00~〈3.00mg/L(n=1522);hsCRP3.00-〈10.00mg/L(n=1062)。随访38-53月,随访期间每半年收集1次新发心脑血管事件情况。结果3组总心脑血管事件(0.172/千人年、0.28e/千人年和o.453/千人年)、心肌梗死(o.016/千人年、0.080/千人年和0.118/千人年),脑梗死(O.069/千人年、0.107/千人年和0.276/千人年)的发生密度随着hsCRP水平的升高而升高(均P〈O.01)。多因素Cox比例风险回归分析表明,校正年龄、性别、收缩压、舒张压、总胆固醇、三酰甘油、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、空腹血糖、体质量指数和吸烟因素后,hsCRP3.00~〈10.00mg/L组发生总心脑血管事件、心肌梗死和脑梗死的相对危险比分别为hsCRP0.05~〈1.00mg/L组的1.88倍(95%CI1.10~3.22)、4.23倍(95%CI1.23~14.53)和2.41倍(95%CI1.19~4.86)(均P〈0.05)。结论基线血清hsCRP水平与无传统心血管危险因素人群新发心脑血管事件相关;hsCRP水平较高者发生心脑血管事件的危险增加,尤其是心肌梗死和脑梗死。 展开更多
关键词 高敏C反应蛋白 无传统心血管危险因素人群 心脑血管事件
Genetic polymorphisms of CYP2D6 in Chinese mainland 被引量:12
作者 纪玲 潘世秀 +2 位作者 吴健民 Jacqueline Marti-Jaun Martin Hersberger 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第12期1780-1784,145,共5页
OBJECTIVE: To observe the significant differences in the frequencies of the cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) alleles in Chinese popoulations. METHODS: Tetra-primer polymerase chain reaction (PCR), allele specific amplific... OBJECTIVE: To observe the significant differences in the frequencies of the cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) alleles in Chinese popoulations. METHODS: Tetra-primer polymerase chain reaction (PCR), allele specific amplification (ASA) PCR and multiplex long PCR were developed to detect the CYP2D6 alleles * 2, * 3, * 4, * 5, * 6, * 8, * 10 and * 14 in 223 subjects from Chinese mainland. RESULTS: The CYP2D6 * 5 allele was the most frequent poor metabolizer (PM) allele in Chinese (7.2%), followed by CYP2D6 * 14 (2.0%) which was only detected in orientals. There was only 0.2% CYP2D6 * 4, and no CYP2D6 * 3, * 6 and * 8 were detected. In contrast to the Caucasians, the most frequent allele in Chinese was the * 10 allele with a frequency of 51.6%. CONCLUSION: The frequencies of PM alleles, CYP2D6 * 5 and CYP2D6 * 14, were higher; but the frequency of CYP2D6 * 10 was lower in mainland Chinese population than that in other orientals. 展开更多
关键词 Polymorphism Genetic Alleles China Cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6 Humans
Risk factors of recurrence in small-sized, node negative breast cancer in young women: a retrospective study in Chinese population 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG XiaoSan LI PengFei +6 位作者 MA WenJie DI WenYu ZHAO Shu GAO QingZu ZHAO YuYing YANG MaoPeng ZHANG QingYuan 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第4期335-340,共6页
We aimed to investigate risk factors of local and distant recurrence in small-sized, node negative breast cancer in women 〈35 years in a Chinese cohort. Between January 1994 and January 2007, 107 patients with pathol... We aimed to investigate risk factors of local and distant recurrence in small-sized, node negative breast cancer in women 〈35 years in a Chinese cohort. Between January 1994 and January 2007, 107 patients with pathologically confirmed small-sized (E1 cm), node negative breast cancer who did not receive neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy were included. The 5-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) was estimated according to different prognostic variables. With a median time of 60 months (range, 8-60 months) follow-up, local and distant recurrence were observed in 25 cases (23.4%). By univariate analysis, HER-2 positivity, triple negative (TN), and high Ki-67 index (~14%) were risk factors of a lower RFS (hazard ratio (HR) 6.680, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.350-18.985, P〈0.0001 for HER-2 positive; HR 4.769, 95%CI 1.559-14.591, P=0.006 for TN; HR 6.030, 95%CI 2.659-13.674, P〈0.0001 for high Ki-67 index). Patients with grade 3 tumors had a lower RFS (HR 2.922, 95%CI 1.096-7.791, P=0.032) compared with those with grade 1 or grade 2 tumors. By multivariate analysis, HER-2 positivity (HR 10.204, 95%CI 3.391-30.704, P〈0.0001), TN (HR 10.521, 95% CI 3.152-35.113, P〈0.0001) and high Ki-67 index (HR 10.820, 95%CI 4.338-27.002, P〈0.0001) remained risk factors of RFS. In this cohort, HER-2 positivity, triple neg- ative and high Ki-67 index were independent risk factors of RFS in young patients with Tla,bN0 breast cancer. Subsequent pregnancy did not affect RFS. 展开更多
关键词 breast cancer recurrence-free survival risk factors young women
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