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文化社会学视阈中的孔德——对孔德始于实证哲学终于人道教的文化社会学解释 被引量:4
作者 袁阳 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期104-109,共6页
以文化社会学视阈观照,孔德并非许多批评者所看待的那样,仅仅是提出了实证社会学概念的思辨哲学家,而是连接了哲学与社会学的大思想家,只不过孔德的社会学思想应该归属于文化社会学而不是被狭隘理解的实证社会学。因此,孔德的始于实证... 以文化社会学视阈观照,孔德并非许多批评者所看待的那样,仅仅是提出了实证社会学概念的思辨哲学家,而是连接了哲学与社会学的大思想家,只不过孔德的社会学思想应该归属于文化社会学而不是被狭隘理解的实证社会学。因此,孔德的始于实证哲学而终于人道教有其统一在文化社会学取向中的内在逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 孔德 文化社会学视阈 实证精神 人道教
作者 翟奎凤 《东岳论丛》 北大核心 2024年第3期117-126,192,共11页
康有为经常引述《谷梁传》"独阴不生,独阳不生,独天不生,三合然后生"来阐述孔教的特点与优越性.人由天而生,决定了人要敬天、祭天,修心养性、净化灵魂是"事天"的重要工夫.上天有好生之德、仁爱之心,决定了人要有博... 康有为经常引述《谷梁传》"独阴不生,独阳不生,独天不生,三合然后生"来阐述孔教的特点与优越性.人由天而生,决定了人要敬天、祭天,修心养性、净化灵魂是"事天"的重要工夫.上天有好生之德、仁爱之心,决定了人要有博爱精神.由阴阳而生,即人由父母而生,决定了人要孝敬父母,要祭祀祖先.康有为认为,基督教、佛教、伊斯兰教等宗教都是神道教,只注重上天或灵魂的一面,忽视了人的身体性,对父母和祖先的敬重不够,即只有仁的向度,"孝"的维度较弱.而孔子儒学是全面的,"三合而生"、仁孝并重、祭天与祭祖并重、情理并重、智仁勇统一.晚年康有为认为,孔教是一种人道教,此教兼摄神道,但以人道为主,有着很强的整体性、中和性和包容性.作为人道教的孔教本质上是一种文明之教,它可以与所有神道宗教对话融合,化解宗教冲突.孔子人道教有着很强的中国性,是中华民族国魂所系,康有为对孔子人道教的阐发对我们重新认识儒学、探索儒学与当代中国社会的精神建构有重要启发意义. 展开更多
关键词 三合 康有为 孔子 神道 人道教
作者 宫志翀 《哲学门》 CSSCI 2016年第1期21-46,共26页
关键词 人道教 《中庸注》
作者 钟艳艳 《淮北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第2期25-29,共5页
纪昀以批判"理"为主线,以鬼狐为辅助,展开对儒家神道设教宗教性功能的贯彻,继而追求恢复人性之天然样态。他的思想是不彻底的,在实践上表现为对教化劝诫的重视,强调循礼法行人事才是圣人所倡之原则。以彼得·贝格尔"... 纪昀以批判"理"为主线,以鬼狐为辅助,展开对儒家神道设教宗教性功能的贯彻,继而追求恢复人性之天然样态。他的思想是不彻底的,在实践上表现为对教化劝诫的重视,强调循礼法行人事才是圣人所倡之原则。以彼得·贝格尔"宗教合理化论证"理论为工具,剖析纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》中"人道设教"的天命人事观在社会秩序维护、个人角色追求及边缘情境的意义化三个维度具备的合理化论证功能。并以此为路径,考察纪昀从德性教化与赞颂人性两大脉络展开的对个人主体性地位论证,以及由此实现的鬼神观念与人事权能的平衡。这亦可拓展学界与清代知识分子关于宗教、人与秩序化生活对话的空间与情怀。 展开更多
关键词 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记》 人道 合理化论证
中国传统德性智慧的三个来源及其当代审视 被引量:1
作者 李承贵 《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第2期81-88,共8页
中国传统道德思想史中,对德性的来源有三种解释,即道德源于天(自然)道、来源于性(心性)道和来源于人(社会)道。这些解释不仅显示了中国古代思想家在建造伦理道德方面的独特智慧;而且对于更准确地理解中国传统道德、对于清除近世以来所... 中国传统道德思想史中,对德性的来源有三种解释,即道德源于天(自然)道、来源于性(心性)道和来源于人(社会)道。这些解释不仅显示了中国古代思想家在建造伦理道德方面的独特智慧;而且对于更准确地理解中国传统道德、对于清除近世以来所形成的对道德的错误观念、对如何使德性由“潜在”变为“现在”、对如何建设德性社会等都具有特别的启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 传统德性智慧 三种来源 天道设 性道设 人道
说“熊经” 被引量:1
作者 沈從文 《中国文化》 1990年第1期95-100,共6页
《莊子·刻意》中說到: 吹(口句)呼吸,吐故納新,熊經鳥伸,為壽而已矣,此道(導)引之士,養形之人,彭祖壽考者之所好也。其中“熊經”即是一種健身方法,郭慶藩《集釋》引司馬彪注云:“若熊之攀樹而引氣也”,而成玄英注亦云:“如熊攀樹... 《莊子·刻意》中說到: 吹(口句)呼吸,吐故納新,熊經鳥伸,為壽而已矣,此道(導)引之士,養形之人,彭祖壽考者之所好也。其中“熊經”即是一種健身方法,郭慶藩《集釋》引司馬彪注云:“若熊之攀樹而引氣也”,而成玄英注亦云:“如熊攀樹而自懸”,看來乃是模倣熊的動作而創造的類似今日體操的健身方式。 展开更多
关键词 成玄英 熊经 彭祖 而已矣 健身方式 健身方法 中說 人道教 抱朴子 莊子
作者 丁子天 《探索与批评》 2020年第2期158-170,共13页
本文考察、梳理并总结乔治·艾略特对实证主义的接受和应用。其主要表现在三个方面:首先,艾略特阅读、接受孔德的思想并加入人道教会;其次,她将实证主义理念融入文学创作之中;最后,艾略特对德国圣经高等评断学的研究和扬弃成为她最... 本文考察、梳理并总结乔治·艾略特对实证主义的接受和应用。其主要表现在三个方面:首先,艾略特阅读、接受孔德的思想并加入人道教会;其次,她将实证主义理念融入文学创作之中;最后,艾略特对德国圣经高等评断学的研究和扬弃成为她最重要的实证主义思想实践。上述三点在反映艾略特深受实证主义科学理性原则影响的同时,也彰显出二者兼备的人文倾向和关怀。 展开更多
关键词 乔治·艾略特 实证主义 人道教 圣经高等评断学
论《尚书》的“人神观”及其思想史意义 被引量:3
作者 黄诚 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第4期46-57,146,共13页
《尚书》经典中蕴涵丰富的宗教哲学思想,文本所涉天命、鬼神、上帝、群神、神人等与“神”直接相关之思想概念与哲学范畴,是建构《尚书》“人神观”与先秦宗教神学思想体系不可或缺之内容。《尚书》文本论“神”与论“人”,既弥漫着强... 《尚书》经典中蕴涵丰富的宗教哲学思想,文本所涉天命、鬼神、上帝、群神、神人等与“神”直接相关之思想概念与哲学范畴,是建构《尚书》“人神观”与先秦宗教神学思想体系不可或缺之内容。《尚书》文本论“神”与论“人”,既弥漫着强烈的神性意识,亦具有浓厚的人文精神;所论人神关系内容,蕴含天人关系、天神关系和天祖关系,是天、神、祖、人、上帝之间立体融合。《尚书》“人神观”反映了殷周之际思想世界复杂之人神关系图景,体现了“人本”与“神本”并行发展之态势,展示了“人神同构”“天民一体”“神人不二”与“天人合一”之理论特征,彰显了中国古代社会以“神道设教”和“人道设教”为特质的历史文化思想面相。“神本”向“人本”转向之观点,并非完全真实反映历史发展轨迹与状态。“神本”与“人本”、“神道设教”与“人道设教”在中国历史文化进程张力中并行发展且互为补充,并成为社会稳定与人心安定的重要教化之道。 展开更多
关键词 《尚书》 人神观 天人关系 神道设 人道
Doctors' faith
作者 ZHANG Junbo Lü Ying +8 位作者 ZHANG Aifeng SUN Chaofeng HAN Wenqi LI Guoliang GAO Jie HUO Jianhua PAN Junqiang ZHOU Xin NIU Xiaolin 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2013年第1期35-38,共4页
We make some efforts to find some connections between religion and medical science. Medical science can be regarded as sacred and holy as a religion for doctors to believe. The common points between them are the basis... We make some efforts to find some connections between religion and medical science. Medical science can be regarded as sacred and holy as a religion for doctors to believe. The common points between them are the basis to successfully integrate them into doctors' faith. Furthermore, we explain that doctors need a faith to believe so as to meet the demand of humanitarian traits we should have and to do better in the scientific work and win in the battles with the diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Doctors' faith Medical science DISEASES
Inescapable Choices in Runaway
作者 LIU Jun-min 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第2期106-110,共5页
Runway (2006) is the masterpiece of Alice Munro who is a famous Canadian female writer, concerns about women's living status. Through depiction of women's living states in some smal which shows her I places of Can... Runway (2006) is the masterpiece of Alice Munro who is a famous Canadian female writer, concerns about women's living status. Through depiction of women's living states in some smal which shows her I places of Canada, Munro explores women's dilemmas that may lead to their inescapable and hopeless situation. The motif of Runway is running away: running away from family, marriage, religion, virtue, betrayal, and even themselves, but the result of running away is no escape and still lingering at their depressed origins. The cause of this situation is women's escape from their inescapable choices, as in the different phases of female's initiation some choices do more harm than good. Through the analysis feminine living wisdom about the balance husband, and child of the text and the comparison between different in dilemmas is explored from three aspects: the heroines, choice of Munro's religion, 展开更多
A Humanist God? On the troubled Relationship Between Humanism and Religion Today
作者 Marco Russo 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第4期190-195,共6页
The relationship between humanism and religion has always been difficult, since the Renaissance. If we look at the Humanist Associations active today in the world, we find that the relationship has become almost a dec... The relationship between humanism and religion has always been difficult, since the Renaissance. If we look at the Humanist Associations active today in the world, we find that the relationship has become almost a declared war. Religion appears to be the greatest enemy of humanism, i.e., of the humanity. Authentic humanism seems to be exclusively secular and atheistic: you can do good only if there is no God. In this contribution I look at some programmatic documents of Humanist Associations to understand the reasons for this contrast, in the background of secularization. The result is that some criticisms of religion -- its potential for violence and obscurantism -- are historically and theoretically justifiable but partial. Indeed, they show a poor and narrow vision of religion that leads to a narrow view of the human experience. A more complex vision of man requires a more complex vision of religion. A complex vision of man includes the most "irrational" and enigmatic aspects of our being, as love, death, pain, desire, imagination and even freedom and creativity. On this basis we can appropriately understand the historical and existential role of religion. Otherwise, if God is the one painted by humanists, God would not be good, let alone a good humanist. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM RELIGION Humanist Associations SECULARISM secularization complexity existence TRANSCENDENCE
Ezra Pound's Conversion to Confucianism 被引量:2
作者 TAN Xiao-cui 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第3期165-173,共9页
The paper aims to explore Pound's early discovery of Confucianism and his conversion to Confucianism. Pound's interest in Confucianism coincided with the time when Christianity, already "contaminated" by "histori... The paper aims to explore Pound's early discovery of Confucianism and his conversion to Confucianism. Pound's interest in Confucianism coincided with the time when Christianity, already "contaminated" by "historical diseases" in Pound's view, could not offer a valid vision by which to guide the spiritual life, resulting in losing self in a modem society. Pound discovers three main deficiencies of Christianity: lack of respect for individuality, the decline of ethics, and open attack upon nature, which could not provide solutions to Western problems. Pound turned to Confucianism to search the existence of modem man in the face of society, and nature, which results in Pound's Confucian medicine to cure Western moral obtuseness. 展开更多
The Influence of Confucius' Moral Standards on Wellbeing of Academics in Higher Education in China in the Context of the Chinese Dream
作者 MA Wen-ying LIU Xi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第12期1129-1133,共5页
The Chinese Dream, adopted by General Secretary Xi Jinping, was used and spread in China. It is about Chinese prosperity, collective effort, socialism and national glory. It is also about the welfare, wellbeing, and q... The Chinese Dream, adopted by General Secretary Xi Jinping, was used and spread in China. It is about Chinese prosperity, collective effort, socialism and national glory. It is also about the welfare, wellbeing, and quality of life of every Chinese. Academics in higher education in China are facing changes both across the globe and in China, they must take the challenges. This paper does research on wellbeing of the academics from the aspects of the definition of wellbeing, the situation both in the world and in China, the Chinese concept of happiness, the possible influence of Confucius moral standards on wellbeing of Chinese. This paper may help school leaders implement policies that foster effective work environment in the new era in China. 展开更多
关键词 wellbeing Confucius' moral standards the Chinese dream academics higher education China
Intercultural Logical Analysis of Business Communication From Daoism and Vagueness
作者 Tongjun Wang 《Sociology Study》 2015年第1期74-81,共8页
This paper discusses the interconnection between the Daoism and vagueness. On one hand, it summarizes the viewpoints of vagueness proposed by numerous scholars, displaying the function of such expressions, stressing t... This paper discusses the interconnection between the Daoism and vagueness. On one hand, it summarizes the viewpoints of vagueness proposed by numerous scholars, displaying the function of such expressions, stressing the affirmative role; on the other hand, it launches the term into the Chinese first philosophy Daoism, revealing the links of these two good brothers. Then, the paper argues about the insights of the logics put forward by the Chinese and the Western professionals, drawing on the conclusion that the Daoism is concerned with the Dao of vagueness. It is a fuzzy set as well as logics of dialectics with reversion reasoning. The two high context terms resemble the cultures of the East and West. The integration can contribute to the success in business communication. No universal way can guide the business interaction; our heart and soul can soften all the discrepancy and conflict. Harmony can be achieved through a variety of Daoes, each cultural group bearing their own vagueness, silence, rhetoric, and reasoning. The logics of the Dao in business communication are in your eyes, your mouth, your hands, and your heart and soul in particular. 展开更多
University culture, project culture and enterprise culture jointly build the training road of the excellent engineers
作者 Chen Dongsong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期182-186,共5页
The "Education and training plan of excellence engineers" is the base to comprehensively improve the training quality of the engineering talents, and is the power and guarantee of our country to march towards the gr... The "Education and training plan of excellence engineers" is the base to comprehensively improve the training quality of the engineering talents, and is the power and guarantee of our country to march towards the great power of the engineering education fi'om the engineering educational power. In the training process, not only it is required to complete the training and improvement of the theoretical knowledge, the practical abilities and the engineering qualities in the colleges, but it also needs the active participation and the close cooperation of the enterprises. Therefore, the students will have the influence of the effects and edification from the university culture, the project culture and the enterprise culture, and will feel the power and benefits a variety of cultures bring about by interleaving. This paper expounds the important position and the function of the university culture, the project culture, and the enterprise culture in the personal training, and elucidates that the complete fusion of the three is the social ideal and support to complete the task of cultivating the outstanding engineers. 展开更多
关键词 University culture engineering culture enterprise culture cultivation of the outstanding engineers
Humanistic Principles in the Circle of European Literature Themes
作者 Gordana Pokrajac 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期552-563,共12页
There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence o... There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence of essential humanistic points. As the historial period, humanism means revival of classical culture, and as a specific culturological phenomenon, it means erudite education created by Hellens and developed by Romans, who recovered "humanitas" as global education. Italy was the first who helped humanists to contemplate on classical culture; and in post-medieval age, Italian humanists achieved a supreme measure of humanism through their "humanistic studies." We will try to point out good achievements of humanism erudite education in European culture in later epochs. Humanism leads man to turn over to world--after medieval stricture--and it becomes self-conscious revolution, what we can see in Latin literature till the 18th century. Rise of individualism, development of libraries and humanistic academies give chance to latin tradition in European literature as universal discipline, including erudite education in international corpus (Ragusa also). High-intellectual and latinized elites with humanistic state of mind develop complex spiritual inteligency with science requests in later epochs too. We will try to explain in which degree humanism, with its synthetic point of view, influences on later corpus of European literary themes and how great its actuallity is nowdays. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM latinism ERUDITION studia humana ITALY Ragusa encyclopedism
作者 何倩 《温州瞭望》 2008年第19期90-92,共3页
关键词 物质文化遗产 大型专题 东瓯 拦街福 民间习俗 中国传统文化 速写画 狂风大作 人道教 心血之作
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