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作者 夏鳌安 周天梅 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第11期1414-1418,共5页
[目的]探析从表论治小儿抽动障碍(tic disorder,TD)的施治策略,为辨证论治提供临床思路。[方法]通过搜集整理文献、跟随导师周天梅临证及观察临床疗效,论述TD所属中医学范畴及各家主张病机,分析从表论治TD的理论,总结病因病机分期以及... [目的]探析从表论治小儿抽动障碍(tic disorder,TD)的施治策略,为辨证论治提供临床思路。[方法]通过搜集整理文献、跟随导师周天梅临证及观察临床疗效,论述TD所属中医学范畴及各家主张病机,分析从表论治TD的理论,总结病因病机分期以及相应的治法,后附验案二则加以佐证。[结果]TD属中医“抽搐”等范畴,许多医家主张与内风相关,而经方体系重视表里观,即“首辨表里,尤重表证”。周天梅临证发现,TD的临床表现与风邪的致病特点密切相关,病因以外风为主,病位初期症状表现均以表为所急所苦,可从表论治。根据疾病进展的过程,邪气逐渐由表入里,可将TD的病机分为三期,初期则以风邪侵袭、上焦和表位官窍痹阻为主,中期以水火攻冲、里位气机升降失常为主,后期以津血亏虚、官窍失于温煦濡养为主,故临床分别治以解表散邪、平衡水火、濡养津血为主,使得里邪出表。列举的两则验案,体现了从表论治可使TD的症状得以控制甚至消失。[结论]从表论治TD加深了对其病因病机及临床治疗的认识。临证辨证关注表位症状,施治用以表药,期以里邪出表,具有一定的疗效,为临床发挥中医药优势治疗TD提供了一定的思路。 展开更多
关键词 小儿抽动障碍 从表论治 经方 外风 痉病 医案 临床经验
张仲景“从表求治”思想探析 被引量:8
作者 刘永刚 常占杰 《江苏中医药》 CAS 2015年第4期8-9,共2页
张仲景在《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》中多处用到了发表的方法,主要体现在治疗黄疸病的麻黄连轺赤小豆汤,治疗肺热喘证的麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤及治疗水气病的越婢汤、越婢加术汤、甘草麻黄汤、麻黄附子汤中,使用发表的方法宣透邪气,调和里气... 张仲景在《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》中多处用到了发表的方法,主要体现在治疗黄疸病的麻黄连轺赤小豆汤,治疗肺热喘证的麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤及治疗水气病的越婢汤、越婢加术汤、甘草麻黄汤、麻黄附子汤中,使用发表的方法宣透邪气,调和里气。温病学卫气营血辨证的治则即源于仲景这种"从表求治"的治疗思想。 展开更多
关键词 黄疸 肺热喘证 水气病 从表求治 麻黄 温病治法 伤寒杂病论
运用经方从表论治痹症临床体会 被引量:9
作者 董延芬 李秋艳 《四川中医》 2015年第1期38-39,共2页
关键词 从表论治 痹证 经方
《伤寒论》身痒从表论治 被引量:2
作者 马家驹 张广中 《中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 2012年第4期224-225,共2页
目的身痒是临床常见症,多见于荨麻疹、银屑病等皮肤疾患,是皮肤科疾患的常见伴随症状之一。通过文献分析及临证体会,证实身痒多见于表证,当从表论治。方法《伤寒论》中对身痒有诸多论述,分析解读后发现其认为身痒多见于表证范畴,临床治... 目的身痒是临床常见症,多见于荨麻疹、银屑病等皮肤疾患,是皮肤科疾患的常见伴随症状之一。通过文献分析及临证体会,证实身痒多见于表证,当从表论治。方法《伤寒论》中对身痒有诸多论述,分析解读后发现其认为身痒多见于表证范畴,临床治疗当从表论治,后世医家也对此多有发挥,临床上用之常常有效。结果临床上对于身痒,判定为属于表证范畴的,采用从表论治的原则,可获得满意疗效。结论身痒可见于六经,但多见于表证,《伤寒论》身痒从表论治。对于诊断为表证的身痒,从表论治可获满意疗效。 展开更多
关键词 伤寒论 身痒 从表论治 六经 经方
作者 张谨枫 江雪纯 郭立中 《中医临床研究》 2023年第11期125-127,共3页
牛皮癣又名银屑病,是一种慢性炎症性皮肤病,病程较长,顽固难愈,复发率高,尤以侵犯青壮年为多。其临床主要表现为鳞屑性红斑样皮损,伴局部或全身瘙痒。西医认为多与遗传、感染、免疫等因素有关,但目前尚无特效疗法。导师临床擅用“因势... 牛皮癣又名银屑病,是一种慢性炎症性皮肤病,病程较长,顽固难愈,复发率高,尤以侵犯青壮年为多。其临床主要表现为鳞屑性红斑样皮损,伴局部或全身瘙痒。西医认为多与遗传、感染、免疫等因素有关,但目前尚无特效疗法。导师临床擅用“因势利导”法辨治各种疑难杂病,从本案亦可窥视导师辨证处方之旨归。本案体现导师“因势利导”思想,皮肤肌表疾病,病邪在表在外在上,当因势利导,助正驱邪,从表而散,而“风”邪为银屑病的基本病因。导师认为其发病机制为营卫郁滞,风盛血燥。本案首诊因病邪性质及部位之势,侧重解表祛风;次诊因经潮之势,活血调经;末诊因病情转归之势,补养先后二天,扶正强本,杜其复发。临证多因势利导,以调合营卫,祛风养血为法,多获良效。整个辨治过程明辨病机,用药精简,配伍得当,发散不伤正,活血不耗血,标本同治,气血兼调。 展开更多
关键词 牛皮癣 因势利导 从表治疗 郭立中 名家经验
郁证从表论治探讨 被引量:2
作者 涂厚姝 洪静 章文春 《江西中医药》 2015年第3期18-19,共2页
广义的郁病主要是《内经》所发五运六气皆可致郁,狭义的郁证指七情所致的情志不舒、气机郁滞所导致的一类病证,以心情抑郁、情绪不宁、胸部满闷、胁肋胀痛,或易怒喜哭、或咽中如有异物梗塞等症为主要临床表现的一类病症。历代医家对郁... 广义的郁病主要是《内经》所发五运六气皆可致郁,狭义的郁证指七情所致的情志不舒、气机郁滞所导致的一类病证,以心情抑郁、情绪不宁、胸部满闷、胁肋胀痛,或易怒喜哭、或咽中如有异物梗塞等症为主要临床表现的一类病症。历代医家对郁证病理阐述及论治较为详尽,但从表论治郁证较为少见。在总结前人经验的同时探讨了郁证从表论治的意义。 展开更多
关键词 郁证 从表论治 气郁湿困
作者 徐炜 张志祥 寇建华 《舰船电子工程》 2003年第3期57-59,共3页
主要介绍了一种基于三层结构的通信装备管理系统的实现方法 ,并从系统组成。
关键词 通信装备 维修管理系统 网络 Delphi INTERBASE 系统组成 数据库服务器 应用服务器 客户端程序 开发环境 从表 借口 公文处理
Tunable activity of electrocatalytic CO dimerization on strained Cu surfaces:Insights from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations 被引量:1
作者 Hong Liu Jian Liu Bo Yang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期2898-2905,共8页
Controlling catalytic activities through surface strain engineering remains a hot topic in electrocatalysis studies.Herein,ab initio molecular dynamics(AIMD)simulation associated with free energy sampling technology w... Controlling catalytic activities through surface strain engineering remains a hot topic in electrocatalysis studies.Herein,ab initio molecular dynamics(AIMD)simulation associated with free energy sampling technology were performed to study the energetics of the key step of producing C2 products in electrocatalytic reduction of CO or CO_(2),i.e.CO dimerization,on strained Cu(100)with an explicit aqueous solvent model.It is worth mentioning that when compressive strain reaches a certain extent,the surface of Cu(100)will undergo reconstruction.We showed that,from tensile to compressive strain,the free energy barrier of CO dimerization decreased,suggesting that the activity of CO dimerization increases.It was also found that some of the reconstructed surfaces showing the lowest free energy barriers but might be less stable can be stabilized in the presence of adsorbed O or CO.Upon detailed quantitative analysis on the charges of surface Cu atoms,we found that the free energy barriers were strongly correlated with the charge of Cu atoms where the OCCO intermediate adsorbs.When the surfaces structures of Cu(100)were altered under compressive strain,the electronic structure of surface Cu atoms was monitored and thus the activity of electrocatalytic CO dimerization can be tuned. 展开更多
关键词 Electrocatalytic CO dimerization Surface strain CU Surface reconstruction Ab initio molecular dynamics
谈cross cousin和parallel cousin的汉语表达方式
作者 汪连兴 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第1期80-80,共1页
cross cousin 和 parallel cousin 是民族学中的两个西文术语,俄文称(或)和。在国内和港台著作中,前者通常译作“交表”、“交错从表”或“交错姑舅表”等;后者则译作“平表”、“平行从表”或“平行表亲”等(参见《民族译丛》1988年第4... cross cousin 和 parallel cousin 是民族学中的两个西文术语,俄文称(或)和。在国内和港台著作中,前者通常译作“交表”、“交错从表”或“交错姑舅表”等;后者则译作“平表”、“平行从表”或“平行表亲”等(参见《民族译丛》1988年第4期,第71、76页;《婚姻和家庭的起源》,蔡俊生译,中国社会科学出版社,第193页; 展开更多
关键词 平行从表 姑舅 科学出版社 汉语 术语翻译 兄弟姐妹 译作 交错从表 原始社会 民族学
New ab initio Potential Energy Surfaces for Cl(^2P3/2,^2P1/2)+H2 Reaction
作者 Bin Jiang Dai-qianXie 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期601-604,J0001,共5页
New global three dimensional potential energy surfaces for the Cl+H2 reactive system have been constructed using accurate multireference configuration interaction calculations with a large basis set. The three lowest... New global three dimensional potential energy surfaces for the Cl+H2 reactive system have been constructed using accurate multireference configuration interaction calculations with a large basis set. The three lowest adiabatic potential energy surfaces correlating asymptotically with Cl(^2p)+H2 have been transformed to adiabatic representation, which leads to a fourth coupling potential for non-linear geometries. In addition, the spin-orbit coupling surfaces have also been computed using the Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian. Properties of the new potential are described. Reaction dynamics based on the new potential agrees with the recent experimental results quite well. 展开更多
关键词 Potential energy surface Multi-reference configuration interaction Spin-orbit coupling Non-adiabatic effect
女真社会史研究的新成果 被引量:1
作者 宋德金 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第5期150-151,共2页
长期以来,我国史学界对女真和金朝社会史的研究很少,论著不多。近十年来,这种情况有所改变。论文时有发表,专著也相继问世。王可宾同志的《女真国俗》,便是女真社会史研究的可喜成果之一。本书分上、中、下三编,分别探讨辽金时期女真人... 长期以来,我国史学界对女真和金朝社会史的研究很少,论著不多。近十年来,这种情况有所改变。论文时有发表,专著也相继问世。王可宾同志的《女真国俗》,便是女真社会史研究的可喜成果之一。本书分上、中、下三编,分别探讨辽金时期女真人的婚姻家庭形态、社会制度和社会习俗。上编是关于婚姻和家庭形态的研究。作者对女真氏族外婚与部落外婚,世婚与表亲,接续婚与隶役婚,抢婚与"放偷"等婚姻形式及其本质,都作了比较详细的论述。指出,氏族部落时期,氏族外婚制和部落内婚制,是一般的婚姻准则。建国前的女真人,在氏族外婚和部落内婚这一习俗继续存在的同时,出现了新的部落外婚习俗。部落外婚制,也是氏族外婚制的一种形式,只是把禁婚和通婚的范围扩大了而已。所谓世婚制,指的是完颜宗室与某些异姓的交错从表婚。 展开更多
关键词 社会史研究 女真人 家庭形态 外婚制 社会制度 社会习俗 婚姻形式 族外婚 氏族部落 交错从表
Formulation of a new ocean salinity boundary condition and impact on the simulated climate of an oceanic general circulation model 被引量:8
作者 JIN JiangBo ZENG QingCun +2 位作者 WU Lin LIU HaiLong ZHANG MingHua 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期491-500,共10页
The salinity boundary condition at the ocean surface plays an important role in the stability of long-term integrations of an oceanic general circulation model (OGCM) and in determining its equilibrium solutions. Th... The salinity boundary condition at the ocean surface plays an important role in the stability of long-term integrations of an oceanic general circulation model (OGCM) and in determining its equilibrium solutions. This study presents a new formulation of the salt flux calculation at the ocean surface based on physical processes of salt exchange at the air-sea interface. The formulation improves the commonly used virtual salt flux with constant reference salinity by allowing for spatial correlations between surface freshwater flux and sea-surface salinity while preserving the conservation of global salinity. The new boundary condition is implemented in the latest version of the National Key Laboratory of NumericaI Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics Climate Ocean Model version 2 (LICOM2.0). The impact of the new boundary condition on the equilibrium simulations of the model is presented. It is shown that the new formulation leads to a stronger Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) that is closer to observational estimates. It also slightly improves poleward heat transport by the oceans in both the Atlantic and the global oceans. 展开更多
关键词 OGCM Surface salinity boundary condition Virtual salinity flux Upward salt flux from oceanic surface AMOC
《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期192-192,共1页
TYPES OF ARTICLES1.Research articles Research articles belong to the full length article type,and should include elements as follows:title,running title,and byline;correspondent footnote;abstract and keywords;introdu... TYPES OF ARTICLES1.Research articles Research articles belong to the full length article type,and should include elements as follows:title,running title,and byline;correspondent footnote;abstract and keywords;introduction;materials and methods;results;discussion;acknowledgements;compliance;author contributions;references;figure legends and figures/tables. 展开更多
关键词 figures contributions references discussion tables length running please submit submission
Linear perspective shape-from-shading method with two images 被引量:2
作者 Lei Yang Ning Zhang +1 位作者 Yanyun Ren Huosheng Hu 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第5期1080-1087,共8页
Shape-from-shading(SFS) is one of the important approaches of 3-D surface reconstruction in computer vision. Since reflectance map equation in SFS is a nonlinear partial differential equation(PDE) with two unknown var... Shape-from-shading(SFS) is one of the important approaches of 3-D surface reconstruction in computer vision. Since reflectance map equation in SFS is a nonlinear partial differential equation(PDE) with two unknown variables, SFS with one image is ill-posed in mathematical sense. A linear perspective SFS method with two images is proposed to deal with the problem. We assume that two images with different light source directions are captured firstly. Orthogonal projection is not as accurate as perspective one to simulate imaging processes. Two reflectance map equations are established based on the Lambertian model under perspective projection, and the equations are further transformed into one linear PDE. Then the iterative semi-Lagrangian algorithm is used to approximate the solution. Finally, 3-D height values of pixel points in imaging planes are solved by the numerical interpolation method. Experimental results of both hemisphere and complex surfaces show that the proposed method can reconstruct surfaces accurately. 展开更多
关键词 shape-from-shading (SFS) perspective projection semi-Lagrangian algorithm numerical interpolation method
Ocean surface wave measurements from fully polarimetric SAR imagery 被引量:6
作者 XIE Tao William PERRIE +4 位作者 HE YiJun LI HaiYan FANG He ZHAO ShangZhuo YU WenJin 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期1849-1861,共13页
A new method for the retrieval of ocean wave parameters from SAR imagery is developed,based on the shape-from-shading(SFS)technique.Previously,the SFS technique has been used in the reconstruction of 3D landform infor... A new method for the retrieval of ocean wave parameters from SAR imagery is developed,based on the shape-from-shading(SFS)technique.Previously,the SFS technique has been used in the reconstruction of 3D landform information from SAR images,in order to generate elevation maps of topography for land surfaces.Here,in order to retrieve ocean wave characteristics,we apply the SFS methodology,together with a method to orient the angular measurements of the azimuth slope and range slope,in the measurement of ocean surface waves.This method is applied to high resolution fine-quad polarization mode(HH,VV,VH and HV)C-band RADARSAT-2 SAR imagery,in order to retrieve ocean wave spectra and extract wave parameters.Collocated in situ buoy measurements are used to validate the reliability of this method.Results show that the method can reliably estimate wave height,dominant wave period,dominant wave length and dominant wave direction from C-band SAR images.The advantage of this method is that it does not depend on modulation transfer functions(MTFs),in order to measure ocean surface waves.This method can be used in monitoring ocean surface wave propagation through open water areas into ice-covered areas,especially the marginal ice zone(MIZ)in polar oceans. 展开更多
关键词 polarimetric SAR imagery ocean surface wave shape from shading
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