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供暖居住建筑代表温度确定方法研究 被引量:2
作者 梁媛 孙春华 +1 位作者 赵子安 赵红霞 《建筑节能》 CAS 2019年第2期11-15,共5页
居住建筑用户的室温是评价一个居住建筑供热效果的好坏的重要指标,室温作为反馈参数修正供热控制曲线是实现精细化调控的关键。选取某典型供暖建筑为研究对象,在入住率不同时,利用DeST-h软件对各工况下住户的耗热量和室温进行仿真模拟,... 居住建筑用户的室温是评价一个居住建筑供热效果的好坏的重要指标,室温作为反馈参数修正供热控制曲线是实现精细化调控的关键。选取某典型供暖建筑为研究对象,在入住率不同时,利用DeST-h软件对各工况下住户的耗热量和室温进行仿真模拟,计算模型建筑各种工况的代表温度标准值。实际供热系统所有住户的室温不一定能全部获得,往往只采集几户典型用户室温。因此对不同入住率建筑的典型位置用户分为6类,并对基于典型位置用户的建筑代表温度计算方法进行研究。通过对建筑代表温度的计算方法进行理论分析和模拟研究,为实际工程反馈供热效果的建筑代表温度的确定提供了有价值的理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 建筑代表温度 室温 DEST-H
基于高阶矩法的梁-轨系统温度作用代表值 被引量:2
作者 朱俊樸 戴公连 +1 位作者 苏海霆 梁金宝 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期1195-1200,共6页
提出了一种基于高阶矩法的结构温度统计方法,可避免传统方法拟合曲线求分布的不确定性,计算效率、精度高.基于我国华东一高铁桥梁长期监测数据,将箱梁和轨道作为整体,计算了其竖、横向温度和温差代表值,分析了温度云图和温差分布规律,... 提出了一种基于高阶矩法的结构温度统计方法,可避免传统方法拟合曲线求分布的不确定性,计算效率、精度高.基于我国华东一高铁桥梁长期监测数据,将箱梁和轨道作为整体,计算了其竖、横向温度和温差代表值,分析了温度云图和温差分布规律,研究了轨道结构对箱梁表面温度的遮盖效应.研究表明:结构年温度样本属中变异,分布规律平稳;高温标准值分别为35.4℃,38.15℃,竖向最大高温梯度分别为10.33℃,12.93℃;混凝土竖向有效导热长度约为60 cm,轨道遮盖可降低箱梁表面温度4.4℃. 展开更多
关键词 高阶矩法 桥梁工程 轨道工程 温度作用代表 高速铁路
沥青路面弯沉的温度修正研究 被引量:5
作者 石志勇 李倩倩 +1 位作者 周兴业 王旭东 《中外公路》 2021年第1期36-42,共7页
为了更好地分析沥青路面动态弯沉随行车荷载的演化规律,通过FWD现场实测动态弯沉和不同类型的温度采集,采用变量分离的方法开展弯沉温度的修正研究。首先选取指数函数、Boltzmann和DoseResp函数模型分别与6种温度指标拟合,寻找出最能反... 为了更好地分析沥青路面动态弯沉随行车荷载的演化规律,通过FWD现场实测动态弯沉和不同类型的温度采集,采用变量分离的方法开展弯沉温度的修正研究。首先选取指数函数、Boltzmann和DoseResp函数模型分别与6种温度指标拟合,寻找出最能反映路面动态弯沉变化的温度类型,在此基础上建立了3种温度修正模型,从修正效果对比发现,基于DoseResp函数的类S形曲线温度修正模型的相关系数达到了0.92以上,可靠度高,形式简洁,修正效果良好,符合路面动态弯沉演变规律。 展开更多
关键词 沥青路面 动态弯沉 代表温度 S形曲线 温度修正
典型地区沥青混合料疲劳寿命动态模量代表值研究 被引量:1
作者 乔俊峰 《内蒙古公路与运输》 2017年第6期1-5,共5页
沥青混合料在不同的试验温度和荷载频率作用下,其力学响应特征不同,不同的温度和行车荷载作用下服役的沥青路面产生的主要路面病害也不同。在沥青路面常见的病害中,疲劳破坏属于结构性破坏,可以利用行车荷载作用下的沥青面层混凝土力学... 沥青混合料在不同的试验温度和荷载频率作用下,其力学响应特征不同,不同的温度和行车荷载作用下服役的沥青路面产生的主要路面病害也不同。在沥青路面常见的病害中,疲劳破坏属于结构性破坏,可以利用行车荷载作用下的沥青面层混凝土力学响应特征参数来描述。文章通过调研内蒙古地区基本路况得到分析路面结构参数,并选取典型区域历年温度参数,利用调研所得数据,进行疲劳寿命等效温度预估分析,进一步得到疲劳寿命模量代表值。研究结果显示:典型路面结构下面层(AC-25C)的代表温度为3.1℃,疲劳寿命动态模量代表值为23291MPa。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 沥青混合料 疲劳寿命 代表温度 动态模量代表
作者 张洪伟 《内蒙古公路与运输》 2018年第1期1-5,共5页
沥青混合料在不同的试验温度和荷载频率作用下,其动态力学响应特征不同,不同的温度和行车荷载作用下服役的沥青路面产生的主要路面病害也不同。在沥青路面常见的路面病害中,永久变形属于结构性破坏,可以利用行车荷载作用下的沥青面层混... 沥青混合料在不同的试验温度和荷载频率作用下,其动态力学响应特征不同,不同的温度和行车荷载作用下服役的沥青路面产生的主要路面病害也不同。在沥青路面常见的路面病害中,永久变形属于结构性破坏,可以利用行车荷载作用下的沥青面层混凝土力学响应特征参数来描述。文章通过对内蒙古地区基本状况进行调研,得到分析路面结构参数,然后选取典型区域历年温度参数进行调研,利用调研所得数据,进行永久变形等效温度预估分析,进一步得到永久变形模量代表值。研究结果显示:典型路面结构上、中、下面层的代表温度分别为22.2℃、21.1℃、20.8℃,永久变形模量代表值分别为8570 MPa、9755 MPa、9276 MPa。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 沥青混合料 永久变形 代表温度 动态模量代表
钢板组合梁温度作用的极值统计模型 被引量:5
作者 闫新凯 刘永健 +3 位作者 刘江 白永新 张宸瑜 马志元 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期856-865,共10页
为建立桥梁温度作用的实用统计模型,梳理了代表值的统计计算方法.以钢板组合梁有效温度为例,利用试验测试、数值模拟和气象相关性公式计算3种方式得到温度作用样本,采用区组模型和超阈值模型推算了代表值,分析了样本和统计模型的适用性... 为建立桥梁温度作用的实用统计模型,梳理了代表值的统计计算方法.以钢板组合梁有效温度为例,利用试验测试、数值模拟和气象相关性公式计算3种方式得到温度作用样本,采用区组模型和超阈值模型推算了代表值,分析了样本和统计模型的适用性.结果表明:试验测试样本最直接有效,但样本量较小导致推算结果偏小;数值模拟和气象相关性公式计算利用历史气象数据得到数十年的丰富样本,推算结果更准确;数值模拟适用性更广泛,气象相关性公式计算仅适用于影响因素较简单的温度作用;选择合适的区组间隔可保证极值的独立性,提高区组模型的准确性;桥梁温度极值成串出现概率较高,应用超阈值模型需对样本除串;温度规律性变化拟合时需关注短时波动,避免高估随机部分离散性;试验地区组合梁100 a重现期的最高和最低有效温度分别为46.69和-21.04℃,有必要细化规范温度分区或绘制等温线图. 展开更多
关键词 钢板组合梁 温度作用代表 极值统计 数值模拟 气象相关性公式 区组模型 超阈值模型
基于多标准的空调系统季节能效比计算分析 被引量:7
作者 胡健 曾伟平 +1 位作者 谷波 王朋 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期77-81,共5页
关键词 季节能效比 计算标准 城市代表温度 功耗分布率
分户热计量地板供暖系统房间位置对室温及耗热量影响的研究 被引量:1
作者 孙春华 赵红霞 +1 位作者 夏国强 朱宇光 《河北工业大学学报》 CAS 2017年第6期79-84,共6页
引用基因房间的概念,将建筑中每个热用户看作是建筑能耗中的最小空间单元.通过理论分析建立了基因房间对整个建筑供暖代表温度影响程度的计算模型,并通过某典型建筑2015/2016年度供暖季采集数据进行了研究,结果表明基因房间在建筑中的... 引用基因房间的概念,将建筑中每个热用户看作是建筑能耗中的最小空间单元.通过理论分析建立了基因房间对整个建筑供暖代表温度影响程度的计算模型,并通过某典型建筑2015/2016年度供暖季采集数据进行了研究,结果表明基因房间在建筑中的位置不同,对室温、耗热量以及整个建筑供暖代表温度的影响不同.处于内侧的基因房间对建筑供暖代表温度影响较大,非供暖房间对相邻下侧的房间影响较大,相邻上下侧均为非供暖房间时,在计算建筑代表温度时需单独考虑. 展开更多
关键词 基因房间 房间位置 建筑室温 耗热量 建筑供暖代表温度
作者 蒋利龙 易又庆 《勘察科学技术》 2006年第4期37-39,49,共4页
关键词 山区 光电测距 温度代表性误差
温度代表性误差对基线测距的影响 被引量:2
作者 邓向瑞 梁宝敏 +2 位作者 肖华杰 李建双 李连福 《计量科学与技术》 2020年第12期7-11,共5页
气象代表性误差是影响光电测距仪测距精度的重要因素。而温度代表性误差又是气象代表性误差中最主要的部分,当温度的误差为1℃时,将会对距离观测值带来约1mm/km(9.6×10^-7)的误差。通过对测线上的温度观测,发现测线上不同区域、不... 气象代表性误差是影响光电测距仪测距精度的重要因素。而温度代表性误差又是气象代表性误差中最主要的部分,当温度的误差为1℃时,将会对距离观测值带来约1mm/km(9.6×10^-7)的误差。通过对测线上的温度观测,发现测线上不同区域、不同高度上温度差异较大,对测线上的温度梯度分布做了实测分析及论证。 展开更多
关键词 基线测距 精密测距 大气折射率 温度代表性误差 积分法
Comparison between the interannual and decadal components of the Silk Road pattern 被引量:2
作者 HONG Xiao-Wei XUE Shu-Hang +1 位作者 LU Ri-Yu LIU Yu-Yun 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2018年第3期270-274,共5页
The Silk Road pattern(SRP), which is a teleconnection pattern along the Asian upper-tropospheric westerly jet in summer, exhibits both interannual and decadal variabilities. Through the nineyear Gaussian filtering m... The Silk Road pattern(SRP), which is a teleconnection pattern along the Asian upper-tropospheric westerly jet in summer, exhibits both interannual and decadal variabilities. Through the nineyear Gaussian filtering method and regression analyses, this study compares the interannual and decadal components of the SRP. The results indicate that the interannual SRP corresponds to a well-organized wave train of alternate cyclonic and anticyclonic anomalies across the Eurasian continent along the Asian westerly jet, resulting in a similar wave-like pattern of cold and warm surface temperature anomalies. This pattern of temperature anomalies differs from that associated with the original SRP, which is characterized by warmer or cooler temperatures mainly over Europe–West Asia and Northeast Asia, depending on the phase of the SRP. On the other hand, the decadal SRP shows a similar pattern to the interannual one from Europe to Central Asia, but the meridional wind anomalies tend to be weak over East Asia. These circulation anomalies are responsible for the significant temperature anomalies over Europe–West Asia and Northeast Asia but weak anomalies between these two domains. 展开更多
关键词 Silk Road pattern interannual variability decadal variation TEMPERATURE
Teleconnection between Winter Arctic Oscillation and Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon in the Pre-Industry Simulation of a Coupled Climate Model 被引量:3
作者 CUI Xue-Dong GAO Yong-Qi +2 位作者 GONG Dao-Yi GUO Dong Tore FUREVIK 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第5期349-354,共6页
A 600-year pre-industrial simulation with Bergen Climate Model(BCM)Version 2 is used to investigate the linkage between winter Arctic Oscillation(AO)and the Southeast Asian summer monsoon(SEASM)on the inter-decadal ti... A 600-year pre-industrial simulation with Bergen Climate Model(BCM)Version 2 is used to investigate the linkage between winter Arctic Oscillation(AO)and the Southeast Asian summer monsoon(SEASM)on the inter-decadal timescale.The results indicate an in-phase relationship between the AO and SEASM with periods of approximately 16–32 and 60–80 years.During the positive phase of winter AO,an anomalous surface anti-cyclonic atmosphere circulation appears over North Pacific in winter.The corresponding anomalies in ocean circulation and surface heat flux,particularly the latent and sensible heat flux,resemble a negative Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO)-like sea surface temperature(SST)pattern.The AO-associated PDO-like winter SST can persist into summer and can therefore lead to inter-decadal variability of summer monsoon rainfall in East and Southeast Asia. 展开更多
关键词 Southeast Asian summer monsoon Arctic Oscillation Pacific Decadal Oscillation inter-decadal timescale sea surface temperature
A New Method for Predicting the Decadal Component of Global SST 被引量:3
作者 LUO Fei-Fei LI Shuanglin +1 位作者 GAO Yong-Qi Tore FUREVIK 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第6期521-526,共6页
A simple approach that considers both internal decadal variability and the effect of anthropogenic forcing is developed to predict the decadal components of global sea surface temperatures (SSTs) for the three decades... A simple approach that considers both internal decadal variability and the effect of anthropogenic forcing is developed to predict the decadal components of global sea surface temperatures (SSTs) for the three decades 2011-2040. The internal decadal component is derived by harmonic wave expansion analyses based on the quasiperiodic evolution of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), as obtained from observational SST datasets. Furthermore, the external decadal component induced by anthropogenic forcing is assessed with a second-order fit based on the ensemble of projected SSTs in the experiments with multiple coupled climate models associated with the third Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) under the Intergovernmental Panels on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Reports on Emissions Scenario (SRES) A1B. A validation for the years from 2002 to 2010 based on a comparison of the predicted and the observed SST and their spatial correlation, as well as the root mean square error (RMSE), suggests that the approach is reasonable overall. In addition, the predicted results over the 50°S-50°N global band, the Indian Ocean, the western Pacific Ocean, the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, and the North and the South Atlantic Ocean are presented. 展开更多
关键词 decadal climate prediction internal decadal variability anthropogenic forcing SST
A multidecadal oscillation in the northeastern Pacific
作者 CHEN Dong WANG Hui-Jun +1 位作者 YANG Song GAO Yaa 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第4期315-326,共12页
The internal modes of the North Pacific can lead to climatic oscillations through ocean-atmosphere interactions and induce global climate responses.The best example is the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, but this fails t... The internal modes of the North Pacific can lead to climatic oscillations through ocean-atmosphere interactions and induce global climate responses.The best example is the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, but this fails to explain many climate phenomena. Here, another multidecadal variability over the North Pacific is described, found by analyzing reconstructed data covering the past 140 years. It is named the Pacific Multidecadal Oscillation (PMO), with anomalously high/low SSTs over the northeastern Pacific, and a quasi-60-year cycle. Related to this low-frequency variability of SST, the global mean temperature and precipitation present significant interdecadal differences. More importantly, the PMO index leads the global mean surface air temperature and SST by one to three years. The Arctic Oscillation pattern and atmospheric circulations are shown to change substantially with the transition of the PMO mode from positive to negative phases. This multidecadal oscillation improves the prospect for a long-term forecast of the global warming trend, since the PMO bears a remarkable relationship with global temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change multidecadal oscillation seasurface temperature Arcticoscillation Paci^c
考虑有效温度及荷载的沥青混凝土路面车辙等效温度研究 被引量:9
作者 栗培龙 张争奇 王秉纲 《公路》 北大核心 2011年第2期6-11,共6页
针对当前车辙等效温度计算方法的不足,提出了考虑有效温度和有效荷载作用次数的沥青混凝土路面车辙等效温度计算思路,讨论了车辙等效温度的计算参数及有效路面代表温度和有效荷载作用次数的计算方法,并根据车辙预估模型提出了车辙等效... 针对当前车辙等效温度计算方法的不足,提出了考虑有效温度和有效荷载作用次数的沥青混凝土路面车辙等效温度计算思路,讨论了车辙等效温度的计算参数及有效路面代表温度和有效荷载作用次数的计算方法,并根据车辙预估模型提出了车辙等效温度计算方法,以陕西省西安地区为例给出了计算实例。结果表明,不同地区的对应有效车辙温度的月份并不相同,在计算有效交通量时要同时考虑车道系数、轮迹分布系数和有效时间分布系数,西安市、黄陵市和唐山市的车辙等效温度分别为46.3℃、43.8℃和45.6℃。车辙等效温度可以作为道路设计、分析和性能预估的参数。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 沥青混凝土路面 车辙等效温度 路面代表温度 有效荷载 计算方法
Data-driven methods for predicting the representative temperature of bridge cable based on limited measured data
作者 WANG Fen DAI Gong-lian +2 位作者 HE Chang-lin GE Hao RAO Hui-ming 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2024年第9期3168-3186,共19页
Cable-stayed bridges have been widely used in high-speed railway infrastructure.The accurate determination of cable’s representative temperatures is vital during the intricate processes of design,construction,and mai... Cable-stayed bridges have been widely used in high-speed railway infrastructure.The accurate determination of cable’s representative temperatures is vital during the intricate processes of design,construction,and maintenance of cable-stayed bridges.However,the representative temperatures of stayed cables are not specified in the existing design codes.To address this issue,this study investigates the distribution of the cable temperature and determinates its representative temperature.First,an experimental investigation,spanning over a period of one year,was carried out near the bridge site to obtain the temperature data.According to the statistical analysis of the measured data,it reveals that the temperature distribution is generally uniform along the cable cross-section without significant temperature gradient.Then,based on the limited data,the Monte Carlo,the gradient boosted regression trees(GBRT),and univariate linear regression(ULR)methods are employed to predict the cable’s representative temperature throughout the service life.These methods effectively overcome the limitations of insufficient monitoring data and accurately predict the representative temperature of the cables.However,each method has its own advantages and limitations in terms of applicability and accuracy.A comprehensive evaluation of the performance of these methods is conducted,and practical recommendations are provided for their application.The proposed methods and representative temperatures provide a good basis for the operation and maintenance of in-service long-span cable-stayed bridges. 展开更多
关键词 cable-stayed bridges representative temperature gradient boosted regression trees(GBRT)method field test limited measured data
Decadal changes of the wintertime tropical tropospheric temperature and their influences on the extratropical climate 被引量:1
作者 张嘉莹 王林 +2 位作者 杨崧 陈文 皇甫静亮 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期737-744,共8页
A decadal change of the tropical tropospheric temperature (TT) was identified to occur in the winter of 1997. Compared with that in the former period (1979-1996), the wintertime TT was significantly high over most... A decadal change of the tropical tropospheric temperature (TT) was identified to occur in the winter of 1997. Compared with that in the former period (1979-1996), the wintertime TT was significantly high over most of the tropical regions except over the tropical eastern Pacific during the latter period (1997-2014) because the sea surface temperature (SST) exhibited a decadal La Nifia-like pattern after 1997. The warm SST anomalies over the tropical western Pacific facilitated enhanced precipitation and increased heat release to the tropical atmosphere, leading to a warmer tropical tropo- sphere in the latter period. In addition to the mean TT values, the interannual variability of the tropical TT changed in 1997. The leading mode of the tropical TT explained 72.9 % of the total variance in the former period. It led to significant warming over midlatitude North America via a Pacific-North America (PNA)-like wave train and off the coast of East Asia via an anomalous lower-tropospheric anticyclone around the Philippines. The mode remained a similar pattern but explained 85.4 % of the total variance in the latter period, and its location was slightly westward-shifted compared with that in the former period. As a result, the structure of the PNA-like wave train changed, leading to anomalous warming over northwestern North America and enhanced precipitation over the southern North America. Meanwhile, the anomalous lower- tropospheric anticyclone around the Philippines shifted westward, leading to increased precipitation and regional warming over East Asia. The decadal changes of the leading mode of the tropical TT and its influences on the extratropical climate can be attributed to the changes of the tropical SST variability. 展开更多
关键词 Tropospheric temperature Sea surfacetemperature Decadal shift Interannual variabilityEast Asia North America
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