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鲁土司信奉的宗教 被引量:1
作者 赵朋柱 《兰州学刊》 1988年第4期101-,共1页
鲁土司系蒙古人出身,信奉喇嘛教。喇嘛教者,系视为无上之称,其教源出西藏佛教。蒙古人信奉的是喇嘛教的别一支派,即黄教(格鲁派),其宗祖为宗喀巴。历代鲁土司在连城附近建立了一些喇嘛寺,主要有:东耳(?)隆寺(即东大寺,在连城北十五里的... 鲁土司系蒙古人出身,信奉喇嘛教。喇嘛教者,系视为无上之称,其教源出西藏佛教。蒙古人信奉的是喇嘛教的别一支派,即黄教(格鲁派),其宗祖为宗喀巴。历代鲁土司在连城附近建立了一些喇嘛寺,主要有:东耳(?)隆寺(即东大寺,在连城北十五里的水磨沟),西耳(?)隆寺(即西大寺,在连城西十五里的水硖),报恩寺(在窑街的红山村)等,各寺内均有众多的喇嘛。当时规定凡辖区蒙古人有二子者其中一子必充喇嘛,有三子者两个当喇嘛,甚至只有一个儿子,因患疾病或其他原因,也要送到寺里当喇嘛,土司子弟也不例外。 展开更多
关键词 鲁土司 西大寺 宗喀巴 格鲁派 寺内 子者 宗祖 蒙古人 城北 代鲁
《文史杂志》 1992年第S1期9-9,共1页
唐裴度《蜀丞相诸葛武侯祠堂碑》,今在昭烈庙大门后面东偏。裴度撰文,柳公绰书,世称双绝;连同镌字人鲁建精湛的刻工,又称三绝。碑到明代,字多剥落,成化中,蜀府承奉滕嵩,访得旧本,“镌补以还其旧”,见碑面右下题识。明盛时泰《苍润轩碑... 唐裴度《蜀丞相诸葛武侯祠堂碑》,今在昭烈庙大门后面东偏。裴度撰文,柳公绰书,世称双绝;连同镌字人鲁建精湛的刻工,又称三绝。碑到明代,字多剥落,成化中,蜀府承奉滕嵩,访得旧本,“镌补以还其旧”,见碑面右下题识。明盛时泰《苍润轩碑跋》谓此碑“乃成化中重刊者”,称“镌补”为“重镌”,不免使人怀疑今碑已非唐代鲁建旧刻,不能再称三绝了。清钱大昕《潜研堂金石文跋尾》。 展开更多
关键词 三绝碑 碑面 昭烈庙 盛时泰 武元衡 守正不回 代鲁 润轩 题名碑 王象之
作者 徐忱 石平 《今日中国》 1991年第3期52-53,共2页
在紙未發明之前,中國古代人們書寫使用的是笨重的竹片、昂貴的縑帛或蒲葉。紙的出現是人類文化史上的一個飛躍,它“攬之則舒,捨之則卷”,書寫自如,擕帶方便,對人類科學文化交流起到了極大的促進作用。據考古學家從大量古遺址中發現,早... 在紙未發明之前,中國古代人們書寫使用的是笨重的竹片、昂貴的縑帛或蒲葉。紙的出現是人類文化史上的一個飛躍,它“攬之則舒,捨之則卷”,書寫自如,擕帶方便,對人類科學文化交流起到了極大的促進作用。據考古學家從大量古遺址中發現,早在西漢(前二○六——公元二五年)就有人用大蔴等植物纖維製作紙。最初的紙較為粗糙,所以還不能完全代替竹帛。經蔡倫的改進,紙的質量有了很大提高,應用才廣泛起來。蔡倫是東漢和帝時(八九——一○五年)的宦官,在內廷任尚方令,主持製造宮廷御用的各種器物。《後漢書》本傳說他“用樹膚。 展开更多
关键词 尚方 用才 大蔴 文化交流 竹片 青檀皮 代鲁 封人 生宣 熟宣
作者 温迪思 徐希望 《中华手工》 2015年第5期80-83,共4页
远离城市,离群索居,徐希望默默努力着,用他喜欢的方式,将工业意识融入到生命中。不问爱恨,这就是他的人生。徐希望的工作室说是院子更合适,它是徐希望在朋友的建议下设计的,而场地,则由另一个朋友提供。徐希望3年前搬到这里,有些避世,... 远离城市,离群索居,徐希望默默努力着,用他喜欢的方式,将工业意识融入到生命中。不问爱恨,这就是他的人生。徐希望的工作室说是院子更合适,它是徐希望在朋友的建议下设计的,而场地,则由另一个朋友提供。徐希望3年前搬到这里,有些避世,却又每天风雨无阻地去工厂、废品站、旧货摊、老房子……找寻那些年代已久的旧工具、破零件。除了几位同样是搞艺术创作的朋友,其他人大都无法理解这种执著,颇有些当代鲁滨逊的感觉。 展开更多
关键词 徐希 在希望的田野上 鲁滨逊 艺术创作 太远 青春晚期 第一眼 这个世界 代鲁 三台子
Robust Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertain Exogenous Disturbances 被引量:3
作者 杨洪勇 郭雷 韩潮 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1161-1166,共6页
The objective of this paper is to investigate the consensus of the multi-agent systems w/th nonlinear coupling function and external disturbances. The disturbance includes two parts, one part is supposed to be generat... The objective of this paper is to investigate the consensus of the multi-agent systems w/th nonlinear coupling function and external disturbances. The disturbance includes two parts, one part is supposed to be generated by an exogenous system, which is not required to be neutrally stable as in the output regulation theory, the other part is the modeling uncertainty in the exogenous disturbance system. A novel composite disturbance observer based control (DOBC) and H∞ control scheme is presented so that the disturbance with the exogenous system can be estimated and compensated and the consensus of the multi-agent systems with fixed and switching graph can be reached by using Hoo control law. Simulations demonstrate the advantages of the proposed DOBC and H∞ control scheme. 展开更多
关键词 robust controller multi-agent systems CONSENSUS uncertain disturbance
Maximum Likelihood Blind Separation of Convolutively Mixed Discrete Sources
作者 辜方林 张杭 朱德生 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期60-67,共8页
In this paper,a Maximum Likelihood(ML) approach,implemented by Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm,is proposed to blind separation of convolutively mixed discrete sources.In order to carry out the expectation proce... In this paper,a Maximum Likelihood(ML) approach,implemented by Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm,is proposed to blind separation of convolutively mixed discrete sources.In order to carry out the expectation procedure of the EM algorithm with a less computational load,the algorithm named Iterative Maximum Likelihood algorithm(IML) is proposed to calculate the likelihood and recover the source signals.An important feature of the ML approach is that it has robust performance in noise environments by treating the covariance matrix of the additive Gaussian noise as a parameter.Another striking feature of the ML approach is that it is possible to separate more sources than sensors by exploiting the finite alphabet property of the sources.Simulation results show that the proposed ML approach works well either in determined mixtures or underdetermined mixtures.Furthermore,the performance of the proposed ML algorithm is close to the performance with perfect knowledge of the channel filters. 展开更多
关键词 Blind Source Separation convolutive mixture EM Finite Alphabet
Innovative Techniques and Technologies in Conservation Projects
作者 Andrzej Bialkiewicz 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第8期943-951,共9页
The present paper analyses the possibilities of using modern technology and technical engineering in conservation practices. Some examples of heritage abuse are given alongside some innovative ways of presenting relic... The present paper analyses the possibilities of using modern technology and technical engineering in conservation practices. Some examples of heritage abuse are given alongside some innovative ways of presenting relics of the past to society. Methodology consists in the scrutinizing of chosen examples, selecting conclusions and a synthetic presentation of research results. The aim is proper protection of historic architectural resources through documentation and dissemination of knowledge. First part is concerned to rejection of old aesthetics values and implementing a new one on example of Brussels' House of the People (the largest work by Victor Horta that opened on 1899 and demolished in 1965 despite a protest of architects) and ridiculous renovation in Krynica, Poland. In second part, it presents tree examples of successful implementation of innovative techniques and technologies as the Pauline fathers realizations of renovation sacred architecture (churches, cloisters), also valuable digital projects of the reconstruction of the vaults and realization of underground Museum in Krakow, Poland (the outstanding creation of the atmosphere of virtual historic reality by the latest audio-visual techniques). 展开更多
Robustness of reinforced gradient-type iterative learning control for batch processes with Gaussian noise
作者 Xuan Yang Xiao'e Ruan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期623-629,共7页
In this paper,a reinforced gradient-type iterative learning control pro file is proposed by making use of system matrices and a proper learning step to improve the tracking performance of batch processes disturbed by ... In this paper,a reinforced gradient-type iterative learning control pro file is proposed by making use of system matrices and a proper learning step to improve the tracking performance of batch processes disturbed by external Gaussian white noise.The robustness is analyzed and the range of the step is speci fied by means of statistical technique and matrix theory.Compared with the conventional one,the proposed algorithm is more ef ficient to resist external noise.Numerical simulations of an injection molding process illustrate that the proposed scheme is feasible and effective. 展开更多
关键词 Batch process lterative learning control Reinforced gradient Gaussian white noise
宁阳“四八” 传承千年鲁味 被引量:1
作者 桑蕊 《走向世界》 2017年第6期70-72,共3页
在宁阳县乡饮乡西云村,"四八"宴席的第四代传承人于朝民正在厨房里热火朝天地忙碌着,炉灶内的火舌舔舐着一口大锅,大锅上放置了三层蒸笼,屋子里热气腾腾。今天,他要为前来的几位宾客做一桌最为正宗的传统"四八"宴席。于朝民说,"传... 在宁阳县乡饮乡西云村,"四八"宴席的第四代传承人于朝民正在厨房里热火朝天地忙碌着,炉灶内的火舌舔舐着一口大锅,大锅上放置了三层蒸笼,屋子里热气腾腾。今天,他要为前来的几位宾客做一桌最为正宗的传统"四八"宴席。于朝民说,"传统宁阳‘四八'已有一千多年历史,做工讲究风味独特让其长盛不衰,是民间贵客临门或有喜事庆祝之时必备礼俗。" 展开更多
关键词 宁阳 乡饮乡 于朝 云村 水晶丸子 孔子故里 代鲁 上菜顺序 淀粉颗粒 海米白菜
作者 王海玲 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第S1期385-385,共1页
《遍地杏黄》,一部近百万字的原生态乡村长篇小说,一部平凡女人与贫穷命运抗争的现实主义作品,一部全景式展现我国农村改革开放30年艰辛历程和丰硕成果的鸿篇巨著。中国是农业大国,农村改革的轨迹,直接影响着中国整体改革的路径:农村、... 《遍地杏黄》,一部近百万字的原生态乡村长篇小说,一部平凡女人与贫穷命运抗争的现实主义作品,一部全景式展现我国农村改革开放30年艰辛历程和丰硕成果的鸿篇巨著。中国是农业大国,农村改革的轨迹,直接影响着中国整体改革的路径:农村、农业、农民的走向,形塑着中国的历史与未来。改革开放30年,中国农村发生了翻天覆地的变化,取得了世界瞩目的成就。但是,改革的过程并非一帆风顺,而是充满了艰辛与波折、忐忑与抉择、苦涩与喜悦。为了真实再现这段一波三折、矛盾频生、凝聚着三代人激情与热望的历史,《遍地杏黄》的作者推开历史的沉重大门。 展开更多
关键词 农村改革 代鲁 现实主义作品 三代人 鸿篇巨著
作者 张培锋 《月读》 2015年第3期82-83,共2页
曲阜孔府内宅门的内壁上,绘有一只状似麒麟的动物。这种被人们称为貔貅(pí?xiū)的传说动物,长相怪诞,据说能吞下一切金银财宝乃至日月星辰,实可谓贪得无厌。孔府将貔貅画于内宅,旨在告诫、警醒家中做官之人不可贪心。可笑的是,今... 曲阜孔府内宅门的内壁上,绘有一只状似麒麟的动物。这种被人们称为貔貅(pí?xiū)的传说动物,长相怪诞,据说能吞下一切金银财宝乃至日月星辰,实可谓贪得无厌。孔府将貔貅画于内宅,旨在告诫、警醒家中做官之人不可贪心。可笑的是,今日貔貅大行其道,成为很多人送礼的选择,希望它能招财进宝、 展开更多
关键词 内宅门 心里便 经商之道 西方主流 药地炮庄 萧宏 带钩 易茗 萧综 代鲁
作者 袁勇 《齐鲁周刊》 2016年第7期32-34,共3页
关键词 鲁能泰山 桑特 代鲁 袁勇 传播时代 封面报道 李强 桑尼 文节
作者 王遥驰 《走向世界》 2015年第40期90-93,共4页
这就是董里,没有普吉岛的盛名远播,没有芭提雅的璀璨夺目,有的岛上甚至没有公路和汽车。她也有着无数的可能性,她或许会成为探险、徒步和潜水爱好者的户外训练场,或许会成为可以躲避喧嚣的"现代鲁滨孙"理想的放逐地,但无论何时,这里... 这就是董里,没有普吉岛的盛名远播,没有芭提雅的璀璨夺目,有的岛上甚至没有公路和汽车。她也有着无数的可能性,她或许会成为探险、徒步和潜水爱好者的户外训练场,或许会成为可以躲避喧嚣的"现代鲁滨孙"理想的放逐地,但无论何时,这里始终是泰国最后一块度假天堂。 展开更多
关键词 普吉岛 鲁滨孙 早餐店 Thailand 日游 橡胶出口 进洞口 达曼 YOURSELF 代鲁
Robust consensus of multi-agent systems with time-varying delays in noisy environment 被引量:5
作者 CHEN Yao LV JinHu YU XingHuo 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第8期2014-2023,共10页
Over the last ten years, the consensus of multi-agent systems (MAS) has received increasing attention from mechanics, mathematics, physics, engineering sciences, social sciences, and so on. It is well known that the r... Over the last ten years, the consensus of multi-agent systems (MAS) has received increasing attention from mechanics, mathematics, physics, engineering sciences, social sciences, and so on. It is well known that the robustness of consensus of MAS is usually determined by several key factors, including noise, time-delays, and packet drop. In this paper, we introduce a general time-delayed MAS model with noise and also further investigate its robust consensus. In particular, we prove that the proposed algorithm is robust against the bounded time-varying delays and bounded noises. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed consensus algorithm has been validated in the classical Vicsek model with time-varying delays. And two simulation examples are also given to justify the above theoretical results. These results may have some potential applications in various fields, including mechanics, biology, and engineering sciences. 展开更多
关键词 multi-agent systems time-varying delay noise robust consensus Vicsek model
RNA-seq reveals the critical role of Csp A in regulating Brucella melitensis metabolism and virulence 被引量:5
作者 Zhen Wang Wenxiao Liu +2 位作者 Tonglei Wu Pengfei Bie Qingmin Wu 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期417-424,共8页
Brucella melitensis is a facultative intracellular bacterium that replicates within macrophages. The ability of Brucella to survive and multiply in the hostile environment of host macrophages is essential for its viru... Brucella melitensis is a facultative intracellular bacterium that replicates within macrophages. The ability of Brucella to survive and multiply in the hostile environment of host macrophages is essential for its virulence. The cold shock protein Csp A plays an important role in the virulence of B. melitensis. To analyze the genes regulated by Csp A, the whole transcriptomes of B. melitensis NI?csp A and its parental wild-type strain, B. melitensis NI, were sequenced and analyzed using the Solexa/Illumina sequencing platform. A total of 446 differentially expressed genes were identified, including 324 up-regulated and 122 down-regulated genes. Numerous genes identified are involved in amino acid, fatty acid, nitrogen, and energy metabolism. Interestingly, all genes involved in the type IV secretion system and Lux R-type regulatory protein Vjb R were significantly down-regulated in NI?csp A. In addition, an effector translocation assay confirmed that the function of T4 SS in NI?csp A is influenced by deletion of the csp A gene. These results revealed the differential phenomena associated with virulence and metabolism in NI?csp A and NI, providing important information for understanding detailed Csp A-regulated interaction networks and Brucella pathogenesis. 展开更多
关键词 Brucella melitensis cold shock protein transcriptome virulence
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