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作者 王雁 周桔 《吉林广播电视大学学报》 2020年第1期38-43,共6页
本文通过利用语料库工具WordSmith7.0,对所选取的以色列媒体涉华报道自建语料库,从高频词、关键词、索引行方面,进行了批评性话语分析。从分析结果看,以色列作为一带一路国家,整体上对中国及中国的崛起,持正面和积极的态度;同时,以色列... 本文通过利用语料库工具WordSmith7.0,对所选取的以色列媒体涉华报道自建语料库,从高频词、关键词、索引行方面,进行了批评性话语分析。从分析结果看,以色列作为一带一路国家,整体上对中国及中国的崛起,持正面和积极的态度;同时,以色列也避免不了其西方国家阵营的身份,在某些方面对中国仍保持警觉和排斥。因此,我们应当继续加大与以色列在各个层面的合作与交流。同时,就少数民族问题、网络攻击问题、高科技领域交流问题,我们应当加大宣传力度,让以色列从根本上了解到我们积极和公平的民族政策以及我们和平崛起的愿望。 展开更多
关键词 中国 一带一路 以色列媒体 语料库 批评性话语
Edward Said on Jerusalem
作者 Tawfiq Yousef Nisreen Yousef 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1489-1501,共13页
This paper explores the status of Jerusalem as viewed by Edward Said in his political works particularly in his article "The Current Status of Jerusalem" written in 1995 and published posthumously in 2011 in Jerusal... This paper explores the status of Jerusalem as viewed by Edward Said in his political works particularly in his article "The Current Status of Jerusalem" written in 1995 and published posthumously in 2011 in Jerusalem Quarterly, the only Arab journal that focuses exclusively on the city of Jerusalem's history, political status, and future. In his article, Said raises various issues regarding Jerusalem and the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. The article depicts Israel's policy of Judaizing Jerusalem and its attempts to make Jerusalem its eternal capital. Said tries to expose the Israeli meretricious strategies regarding Jerusalem which begin by projecting an image of what it wants the world to believe and then translating that false image into reality. Said also underscores the fact that both Palestinians and the pan-Arab nation have failed to counteract the Israeli policy of selling to the world the notion of Jerusalem belonging exclusively to Israel, a failure that has enabled Israel to tighten its grip on the Holy City and to curb the Palestinians', the Arabs' and the Muslims' attempts to counterattack on the level of media information. In Said's view, the only hope for the future is a decent and fair coexistence between the two peoples based upon equality and self-determination. For him, the separation between the Palestinians and the Israelis since 1948 has not led to successful outcomes; a one state---rather than a binational-state solution is, therefore, the more possible way of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. 展开更多
关键词 JERUSALEM Edward Said Judaization INFORMATION Israel Palestine
大国竞争背景下美国对中以关系的影响 被引量:2
作者 汪舒明 王健 《国际关系研究》 CSSCI 2023年第5期21-41,156,共22页
自美国对华政策明显转向大国竞争以来,美国通过多种途径和方式对以色列施压和诱导,意图影响以色列的对华政策和舆论,破坏和阻滞中以关系的发展。美国政府高层的频繁施压,美国右翼智库和少数犹太组织的积极鼓噪,以及一些以色列“内部人... 自美国对华政策明显转向大国竞争以来,美国通过多种途径和方式对以色列施压和诱导,意图影响以色列的对华政策和舆论,破坏和阻滞中以关系的发展。美国政府高层的频繁施压,美国右翼智库和少数犹太组织的积极鼓噪,以及一些以色列“内部人”的积极参与,都对以色列产生了强大的外部压力。出于意识形态偏见和迎合美国主流社会反华共识的需要,以新保守派为核心的美国右翼亲以游说势力,成为美国反向游说以色列的主要代理人。来自美国的压力进一步导致以色列舆论界对华认知的明显恶化。以《耶路撒冷邮报》为代表的部分以色列主流媒体,热衷于宣扬对标美国的外交观,积极担当美国反华的传声筒,传播美国式的政治病毒,以意识形态化和妖魔化方式塑造中国形象。美国的压力和以色列对华舆论的恶化,已经成为中以关系健康发展的重要障碍,导致近年来中以关系从蜜月期迅速降温,阶段性地转向调整期。 展开更多
关键词 大国竞争 美国 以色列媒体 对华舆论 中以关系
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