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仿昆虫微飞行器仰俯姿态伺服控制器的设计 被引量:3
作者 颜幸尧 张洪军 +1 位作者 苏中地 孙在 《微电机》 北大核心 2010年第7期1-3,8,共4页
在风洞实验中,为动态地研究仿昆虫微飞行器的仰俯姿态控制方法,微飞行器的仰俯姿态需要根据安装于其上的微型多维力传感器的输出扭矩进行实时调节,为此设计了本伺服控制器。控制器采用STC增强型51单片机作为本控制器的核心,用模拟SPI接... 在风洞实验中,为动态地研究仿昆虫微飞行器的仰俯姿态控制方法,微飞行器的仰俯姿态需要根据安装于其上的微型多维力传感器的输出扭矩进行实时调节,为此设计了本伺服控制器。控制器采用STC增强型51单片机作为本控制器的核心,用模拟SPI接口与多维力传感器进行数据采集,采用电位器作为姿态角传感器,外接模数转换电路对姿态角度进行采样;采用步进电机实现对仰俯姿态角角速度的动态调节,并采用PID算法对姿态角角速度进行闭环反馈控制,以确保仰俯姿态角速度的控制精度。 展开更多
关键词 仿昆虫 MAV(Micro-Aerial-Vehicle) 仰俯姿态 风洞
1200t/h链斗式卸船机仰俯机构的分析与设计改进 被引量:1
作者 潘承海 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第1期17-18,共2页
1200t/h链斗式卸船机仰俯机构的分析与设计改进上海海港职工大学潘承海链斗式卸船机是一种利用链斗从货船舱内挖取物料并将物料卸至码头上的散货连续卸船机(图1)。该机的仰俯机构是由液压推杆7推动平衡杠杆,使臂架1绕支点... 1200t/h链斗式卸船机仰俯机构的分析与设计改进上海海港职工大学潘承海链斗式卸船机是一种利用链斗从货船舱内挖取物料并将物料卸至码头上的散货连续卸船机(图1)。该机的仰俯机构是由液压推杆7推动平衡杠杆,使臂架1绕支点在[72°,134.5°]的范围内... 展开更多
关键词 链斗式卸船机 仰俯机构 分析 设计
仰俯斜开采在Y486综放工作面的研究 被引量:2
作者 程丛洋 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2013年第1期118-118,124,共2页
关键词 仰俯斜开采 综放工作面
船坞壁行式直臂液压升降机仰俯及回转机构设计 被引量:1
作者 张鑫 尹超利 +2 位作者 马彦杰 段其瑛 吕红征 《港口装卸》 2016年第5期5-8,共4页
船坞壁行式直臂液压升降机是以液压为动力可沿船坞侧壁的轨道行驶的载人维修升降机。以一台载重0.5 t的维修升降机为例,利用Math CAD软件对仰俯机构和回转机构进行了受力计算,完成了仰俯机构和回转机构液压缸的选型。
关键词 船坞 液压升降机 仰俯机构 回转机构
作者 于冬 《山西焦煤科技》 2011年第3期14-15,共2页
15121综放工作面位于新疆焦煤集团公司2130煤矿二采区5#煤层,15121工作面运输、回风顺槽受地质条件影响,两巷均出现多处拐弯、下坡,巷道最大坡度达到10,°为提高煤炭回收率,设计在二采区15121工作面采用放顶煤开采技术,采用放顶煤... 15121综放工作面位于新疆焦煤集团公司2130煤矿二采区5#煤层,15121工作面运输、回风顺槽受地质条件影响,两巷均出现多处拐弯、下坡,巷道最大坡度达到10,°为提高煤炭回收率,设计在二采区15121工作面采用放顶煤开采技术,采用放顶煤开采必须解决工作面仰俯开采的工艺流程及顶煤厚度控制问题。目前,该工作面已顺利回采完毕,多回采原煤16.87万t。 展开更多
关键词 急倾斜 综放工作面 仰俯开采 技术应用
太阳能推杆在跟踪装置仰俯机构中的应用 被引量:2
作者 李如强 李新昂 +1 位作者 朱杰 黄磊 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期124-128,共5页
以安装在武汉的3kW聚光光伏电站为例,计算了其跟踪装置的风载,确定了跟踪装置中仰俯机构的高度角运行范围,选择太阳能推杆作为仰俯机构的执行机构,对其结构参数(如推杆固定角)和运动参数(如推杆行程、传动角和承受的拉力或压力)进行了... 以安装在武汉的3kW聚光光伏电站为例,计算了其跟踪装置的风载,确定了跟踪装置中仰俯机构的高度角运行范围,选择太阳能推杆作为仰俯机构的执行机构,对其结构参数(如推杆固定角)和运动参数(如推杆行程、传动角和承受的拉力或压力)进行了推导、计算和分析,说明了仰俯机构的设计和推杆的选用要点。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能推杆 跟踪装置 仰俯机构 结构参数 运动参数
轮式装载机行驶中仰俯振动的分析及处理 被引量:3
作者 季广中 皇甫艺 赵继云 《矿山机械》 北大核心 2002年第9期39-40,共2页
关键词 轮式装载机 仰俯振动 行驶速度 激振频率 力学模型
作者 吴浩然 刘雅雯 肖力 《价值工程》 2023年第15期122-124,共3页
本文以自然界海豚为原型,通过仿生设计一款机器海豚,设计的海豚可以在复杂危险的环境中巡航,依靠自身携带的摄像头和各种传感器对周围环境进行实时监测,应用于探索、调研以及保护鱼群等诸多领域.通过以模块化设计的思想将机器海豚分为... 本文以自然界海豚为原型,通过仿生设计一款机器海豚,设计的海豚可以在复杂危险的环境中巡航,依靠自身携带的摄像头和各种传感器对周围环境进行实时监测,应用于探索、调研以及保护鱼群等诸多领域.通过以模块化设计的思想将机器海豚分为五部分:头部机构、尾部正弦推进机构、重心调节机构、胸鳍机构以及尾部辅助机构,并通过对转向机构以及重心调节机构的设计,实现机器海豚的转向运动和仰俯运动,以适应机器海豚在未知的海洋领域进行探索任务. 展开更多
关键词 仿生 机器海豚 模块化设计 转向运动 仰俯运动
论中国古典舞基本功训练的特性 被引量:5
作者 李炜 任芳 《音乐探索》 CSSCI 2011年第3期131-134,共4页
对中国古典舞基本功训练特性的认识与研究,关系到中国古典舞在舞动技术层面、舞动风格韵律层面的训练指向、训练实质和教学规律,因此,具有十分突出的重要性。对于中国古典舞基本功训练的特性的把握,应当紧紧抓住一是"基本",二... 对中国古典舞基本功训练特性的认识与研究,关系到中国古典舞在舞动技术层面、舞动风格韵律层面的训练指向、训练实质和教学规律,因此,具有十分突出的重要性。对于中国古典舞基本功训练的特性的把握,应当紧紧抓住一是"基本",二是"功"来展开;应当始终把极富民族舞蹈风格韵律特色的"拧倾仰俯"的动态"、闪转腾挪"的动势和"逆向起动"的舞动运行规律融汇贯通在基本功的训练之中。 展开更多
关键词 基本功 训练特性 拧倾仰俯 闪转腾挪 逆向起动
采煤机自适应滑靴系统研究 被引量:2
作者 王鹏 马宏伟 《煤矿机械》 2015年第5期104-106,共3页
针对采煤机在仰俯采时,由于仰俯角过大导致采煤机导向滑靴出现载荷过大而出现采煤机卡死和导向滑靴出现磨损、断裂等情况,提出了采煤机自适应滑靴系统。该系统包含了自适应导向滑靴和采煤机仰俯角调节机构。能够对采煤机的仰俯角进行不... 针对采煤机在仰俯采时,由于仰俯角过大导致采煤机导向滑靴出现载荷过大而出现采煤机卡死和导向滑靴出现磨损、断裂等情况,提出了采煤机自适应滑靴系统。该系统包含了自适应导向滑靴和采煤机仰俯角调节机构。能够对采煤机的仰俯角进行不同角度的调节,使采煤机在仰俯采时,导向滑靴和支撑滑靴处的受力达到均衡,进而提高导向滑靴和支撑滑靴的寿命。该方法也为采煤机设计提供了新思路,具有一定的借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 采煤机 仰俯 滑靴系统 创新
作者 李有光 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期122-126,共5页
从比较的视角来看,无论是布洛的距离说,还是闵斯特堡的孤立说,都与中国的"出入"说和"俯仰"说有着本质的区别。中国古代的解释智慧和审美情趣在距离观照上是有无相生、远近相成、不偏执一隅的,在理论上则具有圆融性... 从比较的视角来看,无论是布洛的距离说,还是闵斯特堡的孤立说,都与中国的"出入"说和"俯仰"说有着本质的区别。中国古代的解释智慧和审美情趣在距离观照上是有无相生、远近相成、不偏执一隅的,在理论上则具有圆融性,方法上具有辩证性。 展开更多
关键词 距离解释 “出入”说 “俯仰”说 沉潜体味 整体直悟
作者 宋民 《美育学刊》 2021年第2期100-106,共7页
关键词 书法 欹中取正 仰俯 转侧 向背
作者 柯贤敏 蒲治国 丁湘 《中国煤炭地质》 2020年第5期41-44,共4页
为了查明内蒙某矿02工作面回采过程中面前水量大的原因,结合矿井实际水文地质条件和采掘活动,对其主要影响因素进行分析。结果表明:煤层顶板含水层富水性、断层及导水裂缝带发育高度和范围对工作面面前水量影响很小;煤层底板起伏变化对... 为了查明内蒙某矿02工作面回采过程中面前水量大的原因,结合矿井实际水文地质条件和采掘活动,对其主要影响因素进行分析。结果表明:煤层顶板含水层富水性、断层及导水裂缝带发育高度和范围对工作面面前水量影响很小;煤层底板起伏变化对面前水量影响最大,是造成面前水量大的根本原因;工作面俯采及煤层底板低于相邻采空区时,也会造成工作面面前水量增大。 展开更多
关键词 工作面面前水 富水性 导水裂隙带 仰俯 采空区
The Nonlinear Bifurcation and Chaos of Coupled Heave and Pitch Motions of a Truss Spar Platform 被引量:3
作者 HUANG Lei LIU Liqin +1 位作者 LIU Chunyuan TANG Yougang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第5期795-802,共8页
This paper presents the results from a numerical study on the nonlinear dynamic behaviors including bifurcation and chaos of a truss spar platform. In view of the mutual influences between the heave and the pitch mode... This paper presents the results from a numerical study on the nonlinear dynamic behaviors including bifurcation and chaos of a truss spar platform. In view of the mutual influences between the heave and the pitch modes, the coupled heave and pitch motion equations of the spar platform hull were established in the regular waves. In order to analyze the nonlinear motions of the platform, three-dimensional maximum Lyapunov exponent graphs and the bifurcation graphs were constructed, the Poincare maps and the power spectrums of the platform response were calculated. It was found that the platform motions are sensitive to wave fre- quency. With changing wave frequency, the platform undergoes complicated nonlinear motions, including 1/2 sub-harmonic motion, quasi-periodic motion and chaotic motion. When the wave frequency approaches the natural frequency of the heave mode of the platform, the platform moves with quasi-periodic motion and chaotic motional temately. For a certain range of wave frequencies, the platform moves with totally chaotic motion. The range of wave frequencies which leads to chaotic motion of the platform increases with increasing wave height. The three-dimensional maximum Lyapunov exponent graphs and the bifurcation graphs reveal the nonlinear motions of the spar platform under different wave conditions. 展开更多
关键词 truss spar platform coupled heave and pitch quasi-periodic motion chaotic motion 1/2 sub-harmonic motion maximum Lyapunov exponent bifurcation graph
Effects of Bulbous Bow on Cross-Flow Vortex Structures Around a Streamlined Submersible Body at Intermediate Pitch Maneuver: A Numerical Investigation 被引量:1
作者 Saeed Abedi Ali Akbar Dehghan +1 位作者 Ali Saeidinezhad Mojtaba Dehghan Manshadi 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第1期8-15,共8页
A flow field around a streamlined body at an intermediate angle of incidence is dominated by cross-flow separation and vortical flow fields. The separated flow leads to a pair of vortices on the leeside of the body; t... A flow field around a streamlined body at an intermediate angle of incidence is dominated by cross-flow separation and vortical flow fields. The separated flow leads to a pair of vortices on the leeside of the body; therefore, it is essential to accurately determine this pair and estimate its size and location. This study utilizes the element-based finite volume method based on RANS equations to compute a 3D axisymmetric flow around a SUBOFF bare submarined hull. Cross-flow vortex structures are then numerically simulated and compared for a submarine with SUBOFF and DRDC STR bows. Computed results of pressure and shear stress distribution on the hull surface and the strength and locations of the vortex structures are presented at an intermediate incidence angle of 20°. A wind tunnel experiment is also conducted to experimentally visualize the vortex structures and measure their core locations. These experimental results are compared with the numerical data, and a good agreement is found. 展开更多
关键词 SUBMARINE intermediate angle cross-flow separation vortex structures computational fluid dynamics (CFD) wind tunnel experiment
Investigation of Pitch Motion Portion in Vertical Response at Sides of a Tension-Leg Platform
作者 Mohammad Reza Tabeshpour Ebrahim Malayjerdi 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第2期175-181,共7页
Tendons vertically moor Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs), thus, a deep understanding of physical tendon stresses requires the determination of the total axial deformation of the tendons, which is a combination of the he... Tendons vertically moor Tension-Leg Platforms (TLPs), thus, a deep understanding of physical tendon stresses requires the determination of the total axial deformation of the tendons, which is a combination of the heave, pitch, and surging responses. The vertical motion of the lateral sides of the TLP is coupled with surge and constitutes a portion of the pitch motion. Tendons are connected to the sides of the TLP; hence, the total displacement of the lateral sides is related to the total deformation of the tendons and the total axial stress. Therefore, investigating the total vertical response at the sides of the TLP is essential. The coupling between various degrees of freedom is not considered in the Response Amplitude Operator (RAO). Therefore, in frequency domain analysis, the estimated vertical RAO is incomplete. Also, in the time domain, only the heave motion at the center of TLP is typically studied; this problem needs to be addressed. In this paper, we investigate the portion of the pitch motion in the vertical response at the sides of the TLP in both the frequency and time domains. Numerical results demonstrate a significant effect of the pitch motion in the vertical motion of the edges of the TLP in some period ranges. 展开更多
关键词 tension-leg platform heave motion pitch motion response amplitude operator sides of TLP frequency domain timedomain
Dynamic Behaviors of a Moored Floating Structure with Flexible Skirts
作者 Wen-Kai Weng Duc-Tru Tran Ruey-Syan Shih 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第1期13-22,共10页
A numerical model was developed by using the dual boundary element method to investigate the dynamic behavior of a moored floating structure with a pair of vertical and flexible skirts attached at its bottom in the li... A numerical model was developed by using the dual boundary element method to investigate the dynamic behavior of a moored floating structure with a pair of vertical and flexible skirts attached at its bottom in the linear wave field. Theoretical conception is based on potential theory with linear external forces. The motions of the structure were assumed to be small and linear. The flexible skirts mounted beneath the structure were assumed uniform flexural rigidity and the thickness of the skirts was negligible. Comparison between the present model and Gesraha's solution was made to verify the results for a moored floating structure with or without rigid skirts. The influence of the skirt rigidity on the moored floating structure, moored lines and waves is investigated in this study. The results show that, the natural frequencies of structure's oscillation, moored force, wave reflection and transmission tend to the region of short-period waves when the flexible rigidity gradually decreases. Positive correlation exists between the aft mooring force and the pitch motion of the floating structure. 展开更多
关键词 Floating structure dual boundary element method response amplitude operators flexible skirts.
探究中国古典舞“翻身”技术的风格特征 被引量:1
作者 张燕 《大观(论坛)》 2018年第4期80-81,共2页
“翻身”是中国古典舞独有的技术技巧,探究其风格特征一定是紧紧围绕“翻身”的动态形象与审美追求。正如,在快速翻转中舞姿形式始终保持的“拧倾仰俯”的舞姿形态,持续手臂划“立圆”,形成独有的“翻卷”技术。流动时如滚滚车轮般“急... “翻身”是中国古典舞独有的技术技巧,探究其风格特征一定是紧紧围绕“翻身”的动态形象与审美追求。正如,在快速翻转中舞姿形式始终保持的“拧倾仰俯”的舞姿形态,持续手臂划“立圆”,形成独有的“翻卷”技术。流动时如滚滚车轮般“急速流畅”,这些汇集而成“翻身”的风格特征,掌握风格特征不仅有助于实践训练中提升技艺能力,更是对中国古典舞“翻身”技术做出应有的思考,展现浓郁的民族舞蹈风格特征,达到应有的审美追求。 展开更多
关键词 拧倾仰俯 流畅
Numerical investigation of an advanced aircraft model during pitching motion at high incidence 被引量:7
作者 LIU Jian SUN HaiSheng +2 位作者 HUANG Yong JIANG Yong XIAO ZhiXiang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期276-288,共13页
An unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes(URANS) method combined with a rigid dynamic mesh technique was developed to simulate unsteady flows around complex configurations during pitching motion. First, a test case... An unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes(URANS) method combined with a rigid dynamic mesh technique was developed to simulate unsteady flows around complex configurations during pitching motion. First, a test case with the NACA0012 airfoil was selected to validate the numerical methods and our in-house codes. Then, we evaluated the unsteady flows around an advanced aircraft model during harmonic pitching motion at high incidence. The effects of pitching motion on the hysteresis of aerodynamic force, the evolution of the leading-edge vortex, and the distribution of pressure on the model's surface were analyzed in detail. The roles of several significant parameters such as the reduced frequency and pitching amplitude were revealed. Several conclusions were found: pitching motion would delay the initiation of the leading-edge vortex, strengthen the vorticity, postpone the occurrence of vortex breakdown, and weaken the massively separated flows, thus causing additional aerodynamic force. Two categories of critical reduced frequency have been found, which divide the influence of reduced frequency on aerodynamic force into three stages, called the linear increasing range, slowly increasing range, and constant range. The first-order phase lag between the aerodynamic force and the incidence is a constant that is independent of the amplitude when the reduced frequency is sufficiently high. A scaled maximum value of C_L is proposed; it depends only on the reduced frequency(instead of the amplitude), and increases linearly when the reduced frequency is sufficiently low. 展开更多
关键词 pitching motion HYSTERESIS critical reduced frequency phase lag scaled maximum of CL
Principle demonstration of fine pointing control system for inter-satellite laser communication 被引量:5
作者 DONG YuHui LIU HeShan +2 位作者 LUO ZiRen LI YuQiong JIN Gang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期449-453,共5页
Due to high data rates and reliability,inter-satellite laser communication has developed rapidly in these days.However,the stability of the laser beam pointing is still a key technique which needs to be solved;otherwi... Due to high data rates and reliability,inter-satellite laser communication has developed rapidly in these days.However,the stability of the laser beam pointing is still a key technique which needs to be solved;otherwise,the beam pointing jitter noise would reduce the communication quality or,even worse,would make the inter-satellite laser communication impossible.For this purpose,a bench-top of the fine beam pointing control system has been built and tested for inter-satellite laser communication.The pointing offset of more than 100rad is produced by the steering mirror.With beam pointing control system turned on,the offset could be rapidly suppressed to lower than 100 nrad in less than 0.5 s.Moreover,the pointing stability can be kept at 40 nrad for yaw motion and 62 nrad for pitch motion,when the received beam jitter is set at 20rad. 展开更多
关键词 laser beam pointing control inter-satellite laser communication heterodyne laser interferometer differential wave-front sensing(DWS) technique
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