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论商品价值性质 被引量:1
作者 张学安 《经济经纬》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期5-9,共5页
不是任何抽象劳动都形成商品的价值,而是具有社会性、交换性和补偿性的抽象劳动才形成商品的价值。形成价值的抽象劳动的社会性、交换性和补偿性同时存在,三者互为前提,相互联系。抽象劳动的社会性、补偿性和交换性在生产过程和交换过... 不是任何抽象劳动都形成商品的价值,而是具有社会性、交换性和补偿性的抽象劳动才形成商品的价值。形成价值的抽象劳动的社会性、交换性和补偿性同时存在,三者互为前提,相互联系。抽象劳动的社会性、补偿性和交换性在生产过程和交换过程中形成商品价值性质。商品价值性质的核心是生产者的劳动时间与社会总劳动时间的关系。价值性质范畴有助于深化和发展劳动价值论,为判断劳动是否生产商品和形成价值提供新的视角。依据商品价值性质有助于解释一些经济现象,使劳动价值论更有说服力,从而增强其生命力。 展开更多
关键词 劳动价值 商品价值性质 抽象劳动的社会性 补偿性和交换性 社会总劳动时间
对教师劳动的价值性质的再思考 被引量:1
作者 孙传宏 《教育学术月刊》 1994年第1期36-40,共5页
本文针对教师的劳动是一种非生产性劳动,不具有和创造价值的观点,通过对马克思主义相关理论的分析和对马克思主义相关理论若干误解的辩正,结合对规定教师劳动价值观形成的考察,论证了这样两点:一是劳动不能分为生产性劳动扣非生产... 本文针对教师的劳动是一种非生产性劳动,不具有和创造价值的观点,通过对马克思主义相关理论的分析和对马克思主义相关理论若干误解的辩正,结合对规定教师劳动价值观形成的考察,论证了这样两点:一是劳动不能分为生产性劳动扣非生产性劳动;二是教师的劳动具有并创造价值。 展开更多
关键词 教师劳动 生产劳动 马克思主义政治经济学 非生产性劳动 教师的劳动 价值性质 马克思恩格斯 创造价值 劳动价值 教育商品化
作者 朱妙宽 《唯实》 2004年第3期16-21,共6页
关键词 价值实体 价值载体 价值性质 劳动价值
对中学音乐课程性质和价值再认识 被引量:1
作者 赵丹 马克实 《北方音乐》 2015年第1期206 208-,208,共2页
近年来,伴随着教育事业的整体发展,中学音乐教学质量也有了鲜明的提高。特别是新世纪新的音乐课程标准的颁布,更是为中学音乐教育的发展指明了方向。而对音乐课程性质和价值的明晰,则是开展好整个音乐教育的前提和基础。鉴于此,本文结... 近年来,伴随着教育事业的整体发展,中学音乐教学质量也有了鲜明的提高。特别是新世纪新的音乐课程标准的颁布,更是为中学音乐教育的发展指明了方向。而对音乐课程性质和价值的明晰,则是开展好整个音乐教育的前提和基础。鉴于此,本文结合教学实际,对中学音乐课程标准中关于音乐课程性质和价值的论述,进行了重新的分析和思考,以期能够获得更加深刻而本质的认识。 展开更多
关键词 中学音乐 课程标准 性质价值 认识和思考
作者 李发成 《时代金融》 2015年第32期225 229-,共2页
关键词 价值价值性质
作者 袁爽爽 王崟 《长治学院学报》 2018年第5期81-83,共3页
关键词 初中生物教师 生物学课程性质价值 现状分析
作者 邓菊花 黄矿生 《中国实用医药》 2011年第12期41-42,共2页
目的探讨运动平板检查对胸痛原因鉴别诊断意义。方法 171例因胸痛就诊患者根据症状分为缺血型胸痛59例(A组),非缺血型胸痛122例(B组),分别进行运动平板检查及冠脉造影检查,并将结果进行比较分析。结果 A组运动平板检查阳性45例,占76.3%... 目的探讨运动平板检查对胸痛原因鉴别诊断意义。方法 171例因胸痛就诊患者根据症状分为缺血型胸痛59例(A组),非缺血型胸痛122例(B组),分别进行运动平板检查及冠脉造影检查,并将结果进行比较分析。结果 A组运动平板检查阳性45例,占76.3%,冠脉CT检查38例,占A组平板阳性病例84.4%;B组运动平板检查阳性34,占B组病例27.9%,冠状CT检查阳性28例,占平板阳性病例82.4%,两组病例运动平板检查与冠脉CT检查符合率均在82%以上。结论运动平板检查对鉴别缺血型胸痛及非缺血型胸痛有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 运动平板 胸痛 诊断 运动平板检查对胸痛性质的鉴别诊断价值
马克思主义的社会主义的两重性质──兼论科学社会主义与空想社会主义的关系 被引量:1
作者 信德初 《现代哲学》 CSSCI 2000年第2期30-35,共6页
关键词 空想社会主义 映象 科学性 乌托邦社会主义 马克思主义 思想体系 资本主义社会 资产阶级社会 价值性质 社会主义者 社会主义学说 无产者 无产阶级
作者 郭寿玉 《经济科学》 1985年第6期75-79,共5页
资本总公式的矛盾是什么? 马克思说:"货币羽化为资本的流通公式,是和前面阐明的所有关于商品、价值、货币和流通本身的性质的规律相矛盾的"。这句名言概括了资本总公式的四个矛盾:即资本总公式与"前面所阐明的"(《... 资本总公式的矛盾是什么? 马克思说:"货币羽化为资本的流通公式,是和前面阐明的所有关于商品、价值、货币和流通本身的性质的规律相矛盾的"。这句名言概括了资本总公式的四个矛盾:即资本总公式与"前面所阐明的"(《资本论》第一卷第一篇所阐明的")简单商品的性质、价值的性质、单纯货币的性质和价值规律都是矛盾的。现将这四对矛盾简述如下: 总公式中商品的性质与简单商品性质相矛盾:总公式中的商品是商品资本,是资本的"特殊的也可以说只是化了装的存在方式"(第175页)是"把货币变成更多的货币的奇妙的手段"(第176页)而简单商品不具有这种属性。这是一对矛盾。总公式中的价值是"扩张着的主体"(第176页)是"处在过程中的、自行运动的实体,"(第176页)它"自行增殖。……获得创造价值的奇能",(第176页) 展开更多
关键词 资本总公式 矛盾理论 货币流通 马克思 价值规律 剩余价值 价值性质 资本主义 商品资本 商品性质
中国红色旅游全面发展研究 被引量:5
作者 韩福文 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第5期87-89,共3页
目前,中国红色旅游即将进入全面发展阶段。要促进我国红色旅游全面发展,关键是深刻认识红色遗产的性质和文化价值。红色遗产的公益性质和独特的文化价值决定其具有超乎寻常的旅游魅力和功能,但必须把社会效益放在首位。红色旅游的景点... 目前,中国红色旅游即将进入全面发展阶段。要促进我国红色旅游全面发展,关键是深刻认识红色遗产的性质和文化价值。红色遗产的公益性质和独特的文化价值决定其具有超乎寻常的旅游魅力和功能,但必须把社会效益放在首位。红色旅游的景点应尽可能免票或降低价格。红色旅游业要想获得理想的经济效益,应深入挖掘红色遗产的文化内涵,保护其真实性和完整性,扩展产品链,延伸产业,培育新兴产业体系。 展开更多
关键词 红色旅游 红色遗产 性质价值 评价与功能
基础教育体育课程改革VS竞技运动 被引量:1
作者 丁宝龙 顾渊彦 《山东体育科技》 2003年第4期43-44,共2页
关键词 体育课程 学科性质价值取向 竞技运动 课程结构
作者 李亚晨 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第3期113-113,共1页
关键词 黄金时代 新中国 承包制 所有制 价值 黑龙江教育 三个特点 价值性质 熊映梧 抢购风潮
作者 殷如宏 《陕西师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1986年第4期32-37,共6页
弄清马克思在《资本论》第一卷第四章第二节中提出的关于资本总公式的矛盾,对于确切理解劳动力成为商品、货币转化为资本等关键性的问题,正确认识《资本论》第一卷的体系结构,深入批判资产阶级经济学家的一系列反动谬论,澄清学术界的一... 弄清马克思在《资本论》第一卷第四章第二节中提出的关于资本总公式的矛盾,对于确切理解劳动力成为商品、货币转化为资本等关键性的问题,正确认识《资本论》第一卷的体系结构,深入批判资产阶级经济学家的一系列反动谬论,澄清学术界的一些不尽切合原意的说法甚至误解,是有重要意义的。资本总公式的矛盾究竟是什么?我认为,马克思在第二节开头的那段话对这个问题讲得很清楚,就是:“货币羽化为资本的流通形式,是和前面阐明的所有关于商品、价值、货币和流通本身的性质的规律相矛盾的”。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 正确认识 资本总公式 等价交换 学术界 价值增殖 价值性质 资本论 商品生产者 恩格斯
作者 龚斌 《云梦学刊》 2023年第6期116-122,共7页
魏晋清谈的源流与东汉末年学术风气的转变、人物品题由具象至抽象的变化等因素有关。清谈是雅谈、美论、正论,它最有价值的部分是“三玄”(《易》《老子》《庄子》)的谈论,在中国思想史和哲学史上具有重要的学术意义。清谈又是一种语言... 魏晋清谈的源流与东汉末年学术风气的转变、人物品题由具象至抽象的变化等因素有关。清谈是雅谈、美论、正论,它最有价值的部分是“三玄”(《易》《老子》《庄子》)的谈论,在中国思想史和哲学史上具有重要的学术意义。清谈又是一种语言艺术,是经过修饰的“雅调”,娓娓动听。在有关魏晋清谈的研究中,有一种观点认为嘲戏是清谈的源流。其实,嘲戏归嘲戏,清谈归清谈,二者谈论的内容与语言风格都有很大差异。嘲戏非清谈源流。认为嘲戏是清谈之源,是误解了清谈的性质,会弱化清谈的学术价值。 展开更多
关键词 清谈源流 雅论美谈 嘲戏 清谈的性质价值
Value of Multi-slice spiral CT in diagnosis of malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumors 被引量:5
作者 Zhongheng He Fajin Lv +1 位作者 Zhaofei Cao Mingxia Qian 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2009年第8期443-446,共4页
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the value of multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) in the diagnosis of malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). Methods: Twenty-seven cases of MSCT images of ... Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the value of multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) in the diagnosis of malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). Methods: Twenty-seven cases of MSCT images of malignant GIST proved by surgery and pathology were retrospectively analyzed. Both plain and enhanced CT scan was performed and multiplanar reconstruction was made in all cases. Results: The lesions originated from the stomach (n = 11), small intestine (n = 9), colon (n = 4), rectum (n = 1), and mesentery (n = 2). The transverse diameters of mass were 4.2-22 cm, the edges clearly (n = 12), unclearly (n = 15). The mass were mainly irregular in shape Iobulated (n = 19). The lesions were mainly heterogeneity on plain scan, moderate to marked enhancement in arterial phase and durative enhanced in venous phase. Cystic necrosis were observed in all the lesions, 9 cases were cystic and solid mixed mass. Hepatic metastases (n = 4), pulmonary metastasis (n = 1), lymphatic metastasis (n = 2) were detected. The accuracy rate of MSCT diagnosis for location and pathologic features of GISTs were 85.2% (23/27) and 77.8% (21/27). Conclusion: Two-phase MSCT examination and axial images combined with multiplanar reconstruction images have important value for diagnosis of malignant GIST. 展开更多
关键词 gastrointestinal tract stromal tumor tomography X-ray computed multiplanar reconstruction
Unparticle Effects on Top Quark Pair Production at Photon Collider
作者 LI Hai-Feng LI Hong-Lei SI Zong-Guo YANG Zhong-Juan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期707-712,共6页
The unparticle effects on tt^- production at the future photon collider are investigated. Distributions of tt^- invariant mass and that for transverse momentum of top quark with respect to Standard Model and unparticl... The unparticle effects on tt^- production at the future photon collider are investigated. Distributions of tt^- invariant mass and that for transverse momentum of top quark with respect to Standard Model and unparticle production are predicted. An odd valley with scalar unparticle contribution appears for some values of du, which is due to the big cancellation between the contribution from SM and that from unparticle. This character may be used to study the properties of scalar unparticle. Our investigations also show that scalar unparticle may play a significant role in tt^- production at the photon collider if it exists. 展开更多
关键词 UNPARTICLE top quark linear collider
Sustainable Development and the Basic Value of Natural Environment 被引量:1
作者 Jia Zhong Li Jianhua 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第1期89-93,共5页
Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustain-able material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosys... Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustain-able material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosystem offers the material source of human development, fractal structure of nature offers new field of space and information source to this high-density and information-based society, dissipative structure of nature links the new system of energy with whole ecosystem organi-cally, and life-chain regulation is the base of sustainable life environment. Nature guarantees the physical healthy environ-ment by its all-dimension healthy factor, constructs the mental healthy environment by its quality of co-ordinate and chaos, so that guarantees the whole emergence of sustainable develop-ment on the 'super-science' level. In the view of sustainable development, construction, green economy and human health are basic fields. With the concept of ecosystem regulation, we can relate these fields organically and fulfill the task of human health, welfare and sustainable development. Ecosystem regulation is the base of sustainable development's new para-digm. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable development natural environment ECOSYSTEM HEALTH SELF-ORGANIZATION
The new economy of nature:can carbon pay for nature conservation? The case of the Hong Kong Country Parks
作者 Claudio O.DELANG 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第2期115-130,共16页
The Country Parks of Hong Kong occupy 40%of the total landmass of Hong Kong,and consists of vast areas of secondary woodlands,scrublands,grasslands,and reservoirs.That vegetation-and the soil underneathsubtract carbon... The Country Parks of Hong Kong occupy 40%of the total landmass of Hong Kong,and consists of vast areas of secondary woodlands,scrublands,grasslands,and reservoirs.That vegetation-and the soil underneathsubtract carbon from the atmosphere,which has a market value.The aim of this paper is to estimate the value of that carbon,to assess whether that value would be sufficient to pay for the upkeep of the Country Parks,and to compare that value to the costs of alternative ways to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide.To do this,we compare the land cover of 1978,1991,1997 and 2004 using remote sensing,and identify the three predominant land covers(woodlands,scrublands,grasslands) .We then estimate the amount and value of the carbon sequestered by the vegetation and soil of the Country Parks,and compare it to the budget available to the Agriculture,Fisheries and Conservation Department to run the Country Parks(HK$234 million in 2009/2010) .We extrapolate our results over 50 years,from 1978 to 2028.We conclude that by 2028 the carbon sequestered would be valued over HK$800 million,but the value of the additional carbon subtracted yearly would only cover approximately 7%of the total budget needed to run the Country Parks.We also conclude that because of the large budget allocated to the Country Parks,alternative methods of carbon sequestration-represented by the EU ETS price of carbon-are much cheaper. 展开更多
关键词 Hong Kong Country Parks Protected areas Carbon sequestration Carbon credits
Managing the Value of the Organization Based on Organizational Culture
作者 Joanna Gajda 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第5期265-271,共7页
Managing the value of the organization is taking place based on factors forming it. It is becoming possible thanks to such managing operations of the organization, when in the end an image in accordance with expectati... Managing the value of the organization is taking place based on factors forming it. It is becoming possible thanks to such managing operations of the organization, when in the end an image in accordance with expectations, giving the state back to the value of organizations is being got. Creating the goodwill is based among others on immaterial factors, which although they are becoming impossible to include in balance, are taken hold in time value of the organization. Creation of the value of an organization may be based on the organizational culture. The article presents the essence of value management and organization characterized the factors affecting the formation of organizational culture, ways of dealing with an organization aimed at consolidating and strengthening the organizational culture. Sometimes organizations feel the need to change the culture in order to achieve increased efficiency and ensure the success of the company to implement the necessary changes. Therefore, the rest of this article presents the elements to ensure a smooth implementation and consolidation of cultural change. 展开更多
关键词 managing the value of the organization the organizational culture MANAGING
The Hedonic Modelling of Rental Values of Properties in Nasarawa, Nigeria
作者 Abdullahi Alhassan Ahmed Joseph Awoamim Yacim 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第5期382-390,共9页
The purpose of this study is to explore the need to adopt the CAMA (computer assisted mass appraisal) based system into the Nigerian property market with an example data from Nasarawa in Nasarawa State. Using the ... The purpose of this study is to explore the need to adopt the CAMA (computer assisted mass appraisal) based system into the Nigerian property market with an example data from Nasarawa in Nasarawa State. Using the hedonic regression models on 312 samples, the results reveal the linear form to outperform the semi-log specification. This demonstration shows that CAMA system can be introduced into the local market of Nasarawa and indeed the whole of Nigeria for property taxes. 展开更多
关键词 CAMA hedonic regression net annual value and mass appraisals.
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