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作者 晓云 《沧桑》 1993年第4期36-36,共1页
提起明代的抗倭英雄,人们都会想起俞大猷与戚继光,而任环这个名字便感到很陌生了。这也许由于为他过早去世,官位也较低,名声未著。但他的抗倭功绩同样不可磨灭,而他的英雄气概、报国精神更堪与俞、戚二将媲美。任环(1518—1558)字应乾,... 提起明代的抗倭英雄,人们都会想起俞大猷与戚继光,而任环这个名字便感到很陌生了。这也许由于为他过早去世,官位也较低,名声未著。但他的抗倭功绩同样不可磨灭,而他的英雄气概、报国精神更堪与俞、戚二将媲美。任环(1518—1558)字应乾,号复庵,山西长治人。在少年就读府学时,他就胸怀大志,以“充海阔天空之量,养先忧后乐之心”自励。嘉靖十九年(1595)乡试中举,四年后中进士,历任黄平、沙河、滑县知县,任苏州同知时,倭寇入侵苏州,知府不善军事,任环便担起抗倭大任。后因抗倭有功,先后提拔为按察佥事、布政使右参政。由于他舍身抗倭,多处受伤,加上长期积劳,所以40岁时就过早辞世。死后朝廷追封他为光禄卿,并令苏州等地建祠奉祀。 展开更多
关键词 抗倭 任环 州同知 按察佥事 追封 府学 俞大猷 应乾 山海漫谈 光禄
明嘉靖《皇帝谕祭》任环碑:沪苏抗倭真迹刻符 被引量:1
作者 方汉文 《上海文化》 CSSCI 2020年第4期75-82,126,共9页
本文应用真迹刻符研究方法来研究明嘉靖《皇帝谕祭》任环的碑刻。作为沪苏地区的明代抗倭战争中发现的唯一御题真迹,此碑记载苏松兵备任环率领明军击败长期危害海防、大肆劫掠的倭寇的史实,补充了相关文献记载的不足。结合碑刻所再现的... 本文应用真迹刻符研究方法来研究明嘉靖《皇帝谕祭》任环的碑刻。作为沪苏地区的明代抗倭战争中发现的唯一御题真迹,此碑记载苏松兵备任环率领明军击败长期危害海防、大肆劫掠的倭寇的史实,补充了相关文献记载的不足。结合碑刻所再现的明代沿海抗倭历史语境,可以诠释苏松地区在明代沿海抗倭斗争中所处的地域特性及其对江南人民生活安定与社会经济发展保障的重要性。在文本分析中也解释了《皇帝谕祭》中所用"倭变"与史料所用"倭寇"之间的差异来由,指出嘉靖倭患的原因与中日政府的不同对策。 展开更多
关键词 《皇帝谕祭》 任环 苏松 倭寇
作者 郗韬 《内江师范学院学报》 2017年第3期49-52,共4页
明代抗倭英雄任环的古文创作成就颇高。其诗文集《山海漫谈》被收录进《四库全书》。任环的古文关注现实,注重教化,有为而作,有感而发,较好反映了他胸怀大局的气概。同时,他的不少古文具有刚强坚毅、为文高简有法的特点,文章气势充足,... 明代抗倭英雄任环的古文创作成就颇高。其诗文集《山海漫谈》被收录进《四库全书》。任环的古文关注现实,注重教化,有为而作,有感而发,较好反映了他胸怀大局的气概。同时,他的不少古文具有刚强坚毅、为文高简有法的特点,文章气势充足,和当时专讲形式、空洞迂腐的时文(八股文)大相径庭。 展开更多
关键词 任环 古文 风云气多 崭崭有笔力
抗倭名将任环 被引量:1
作者 范金民 周惠仓 《文史知识》 北大核心 1990年第8期65-69,共5页
明朝嘉靖年间的抗倭将领,以俞大猷、戚继光最为有名,数百年来,他们一直备受人们崇敬和颂扬。但是很多人却不知道,比他们稍前,还有一位抗倭将领,其功绩之卓异,事迹之感人,是足可以与俞、戚二人后先辉映的。他就是誓死抗倭、保卫苏松而英... 明朝嘉靖年间的抗倭将领,以俞大猷、戚继光最为有名,数百年来,他们一直备受人们崇敬和颂扬。但是很多人却不知道,比他们稍前,还有一位抗倭将领,其功绩之卓异,事迹之感人,是足可以与俞、戚二人后先辉映的。他就是誓死抗倭、保卫苏松而英年早逝的任环。任环,字应乾,号复庵,山西长治1人。正德十四年(1519)生于较为殷实的农家。其父任翱,教子甚严,随事训诫,教育儿子,'读圣贤书,当身体力行。苟徒知之而不能行,犹不知也,于身心何益哉?'(朱希周《任公墓表》)任环有这样的父亲随时训导,又自幼'警悟不凡',学习用功,因而年少时就立下大志,要做一个崇尚高风亮节、躬行实践的人。就读于府学时。 展开更多
关键词 任环 抗倭 应乾 朱希周 俞大猷 府学 山西长治 昌国卫 山海漫谈 州同知
作者 唐浩 《历史教学问题》 CSSCI 2021年第6期49-55,166,167,共9页
16世纪中叶,明代嘉靖"倭乱"自华南蔓延至江南地区。苏州府同知任环虽出身文官,毅然担起了 "御倭"重任,不仅谋划防御战略,还亲自领兵,活跃在战场前线。任环领兵"御倭"的足迹遍布苏州、昆山、吴江、常熟、... 16世纪中叶,明代嘉靖"倭乱"自华南蔓延至江南地区。苏州府同知任环虽出身文官,毅然担起了 "御倭"重任,不仅谋划防御战略,还亲自领兵,活跃在战场前线。任环领兵"御倭"的足迹遍布苏州、昆山、吴江、常熟、太仓、嘉定、上海、华亭、崇明等地。其在军事上功绩卓越,是明代江南地区"御倭"的杰出将领。而任环在"倭乱"平息不久后逝世,引发了江南民众的追思热潮。其在一片赞誉声中成为了江南民众心中的"御倭"英雄。明代万历年间,日本丰臣秀吉率兵入侵朝鲜,重新唤醒了江南民众的"倭乱"记忆和反抗情绪,江南各地再次掀起了追思任环和谈兵议倭的热潮。而明末宦官与东林党人相争的朝局,又催使任环渐成为江南士人心中"忠孝完节""不屈权贵"的精神榜样。明清鼎革间,江南再遭兵燹。任环在江南各地"御倭"的故事中不断被添入地域因素和虚构色彩,反映出江南民众在遭遇危机时渴望安定的心理需求。 展开更多
关键词 任环 故事流变 江南社会
作者 吉登云 《陕西青年职业学院学报》 1994年第3期46-46,共1页
关键词 高校青年教师 青年教师队伍 思想政治工作 政治状况 教师总数 问卷调查 始膏 尸花 召方 任环
作者 朱润起 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 1998年第Z1期76-76,共1页
小学数学活动课的内容是极其丰富的.从来源来看,可以有五方面的内容:生活中的数学、工农业生产中的数学、科学技术中的数学、作为学科的数学、智力活动中的数学.前三类是数学的应用,目的在于培养学生应用数学知识解决各种问题的意识和能... 小学数学活动课的内容是极其丰富的.从来源来看,可以有五方面的内容:生活中的数学、工农业生产中的数学、科学技术中的数学、作为学科的数学、智力活动中的数学.前三类是数学的应用,目的在于培养学生应用数学知识解决各种问题的意识和能力,第四类侧重于小学数学教材中部分内容的加深、拓宽和延伸,第五类在培养学生数学兴趣的同时,发展学生的智力和能力. 展开更多
关键词 活动课 小学数学教材 智力活动 口问 胃风 于邵 任环 学习过程 首引 卜力
《华东森林经理》 1994年第2期58-58,共1页
本园林工程室,是林业部华东林业调查规划设计院对外专门从事园林绿化规划设计的处室。设有园林、建筑、环保、生态、制图等专业,仪器设备齐全,技术力量雄厚。院有林业部颁发的甲级规划设计证书和建设部颁发的甲级工程设计证书,具有二十... 本园林工程室,是林业部华东林业调查规划设计院对外专门从事园林绿化规划设计的处室。设有园林、建筑、环保、生态、制图等专业,仪器设备齐全,技术力量雄厚。院有林业部颁发的甲级规划设计证书和建设部颁发的甲级工程设计证书,具有二十多年的规划设计经验。本园林工程室本着“重质量、守信誉”的宗旨,积极为创造优美的生产、工作和生活环境作贡献。先后承担过浙江、福建等省近二十个森林公园的规划设计,浙江尖峰通迅电缆厂厂区绿化设计。 展开更多
关键词 工程室 设计证书 厂区绿化 绿化规划设计 森林公园 设备齐全 风景名胜区 调查设计 资源调查 任环
Legal regulation of enterprises' environmental impact:a survey
作者 Gu Ming'an Tong Liechun Wang Lei 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第3期346-356,共11页
The enterprise coordinates social resources, which changes the dialogue between human and the environment into that between enterprise and environment. The profit-making character of enterprise leads to the abandonmen... The enterprise coordinates social resources, which changes the dialogue between human and the environment into that between enterprise and environment. The profit-making character of enterprise leads to the abandonment of environmental ethics. Enterprise, which has the capability to solve environmental problems, however, lacks the motive to do it. It has controlling power over society and should assume the responsibility of environmental protection. For its lack of environmental conscience, the external institutional arrangements should be made for enterprise. The strategy for environmental cost should be designed in connection with the interest orientation of enterprise. And various legal measures in constitutional law, social law, civil law, administrative law and criminal lave should be utilized to regulate enterprise's behaviors regarding environmental protection. 展开更多
关键词 ENTERPRISES Environmental impact Legal regulation
Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability: The Case of Caixa Geral de Dep6sitos (Portugal) and Vale (Brazil)
作者 Jose Antonio Candeias Bonito Filipe Manuel Francisco Pacheco Coelho +1 位作者 Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira Ivo Cunha Figueredo 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第5期352-375,共24页
Social responsibility requires a set of duties and obligations, whether individuals or firms in relation to society and to the communities in which the organization is operating. The tradition of social intervention i... Social responsibility requires a set of duties and obligations, whether individuals or firms in relation to society and to the communities in which the organization is operating. The tradition of social intervention in Portugal dates from the fifteenth century and the founding of Mercy. However, environmental issues have never been felt in a sensitive position in responsible business, given the weakness of industrial development which lasted until the 60's. In Brazil, the corporate social responsibility is still particularly a big challenge, since the actions of social responsibility have not contributed effectively to improve the living conditions of society and the transformation of existing social reality. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the perspective of environmental sustainability that underpins the more general concept of social responsibility and, through the case study Caixa Geral de Dep6sitos, assess the strengths and weaknesses of the development of measures of social responsibility in this area in Portugal, and present the case of the company Vale, carrying out business in Brazil 展开更多
关键词 social responsibility sustainable development environmental sustainability Caixa Geral deDepositos Vale
A study on recycling of discarded garments based on the seller' s responsibility for recycling
作者 ZHOU Jing 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期68-69,共2页
By the closed-loop supply chain responsibility model, analysis the condition of seller taking the responslblhty for recychng of discarded clothes and derived utility of recycling by UNIQLO. The author thinks that the ... By the closed-loop supply chain responsibility model, analysis the condition of seller taking the responslblhty for recychng of discarded clothes and derived utility of recycling by UNIQLO. The author thinks that the best choice is to recycle by seller. At present, it should be encouraged that seller, who are at dominant position in the supply chain, to carry out recycling old clothing so as to lead the other members in the supply chain to participate in recycling. Meanwhile, establish the corresponding legal provisions for the recycling of discarded clothing. 展开更多
关键词 closed-loop supply chain reverse supply chain waste clothing recovery environmental protection UNIQLO
Sustainable Waterfront Development-A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt 被引量:1
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第4期380-394,共15页
Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together ... Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together many strands of place making such as environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability, planning and transportation policy, architectural design into the creation of places of beauty and distinct identity. The development of waterfronts shapes communities around the water bodies and reflects the ability of cities to adapt to altered economic and social circumstances. The aim of this paper is to identify some approaches for applying sustainable waterfront development. By respecting the quality of life and defining sustainability in a broader context, a case will he made for enhancing the waterfront development, through the place making criteria, analyzing the Bahary waterfront in Alexandria, Egypt. The paper concludes some recommendations to develop Bahary waterfront based on the principles that are collected from the theoretical study in order to well design a waterfront responded to the wishes of the community. 展开更多
关键词 Place making quality of life Bahary sustainable waterfront development.
Study on the legal system of the summer fishing moratorium in the Bohai Sea
作者 YANG Si-ting PEI Zhao-bin QU Ya-nan 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2018年第2期17-27,共11页
In1995,the official implementation of the system of summer fishing moratorium was one of the most important systems in the field of marine fishery management in China.It mainly focuses on offshore fishery resources an... In1995,the official implementation of the system of summer fishing moratorium was one of the most important systems in the field of marine fishery management in China.It mainly focuses on offshore fishery resources and the specific situation of the fishery production,taking special protection of marine fishery resources system in order to alleviate the pressure on the marine fishery resources and the marine environment caused by the ever-increasing of fishing vessels and the excessive fishing intensity.The implementation of this system is a major policy for promoting the sustainable development of marine fishery resources in China.This paper conducts a special legal study on the system of summer fishing moratorium in the Bohai Sea,aiming to further improve the system and protect marine fishery resources and marine ecological environment. 展开更多
关键词 the system of summer fishing moratorium fishery resources marine environment responsible party
TPTVer: A Trusted Third Party Based Trusted Verifier for Multi-Layered Outsourced Big Data System in Cloud Environment 被引量:3
作者 Jing Zhan Xudong Fan +2 位作者 Lei Cai Yaqi Gao Junxi Zhuang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期122-137,共16页
Cloud computing is very useful for big data owner who doesn't want to manage IT infrastructure and big data technique details. However, it is hard for big data owner to trust multi-layer outsourced big data system... Cloud computing is very useful for big data owner who doesn't want to manage IT infrastructure and big data technique details. However, it is hard for big data owner to trust multi-layer outsourced big data system in cloud environment and to verify which outsourced service leads to the problem. Similarly, the cloud service provider cannot simply trust the data computation applications. At last,the verification data itself may also leak the sensitive information from the cloud service provider and data owner. We propose a new three-level definition of the verification, threat model, corresponding trusted policies based on different roles for outsourced big data system in cloud. We also provide two policy enforcement methods for building trusted data computation environment by measuring both the Map Reduce application and its behaviors based on trusted computing and aspect-oriented programming. To prevent sensitive information leakage from verification process,we provide a privacy-preserved verification method. Finally, we implement the TPTVer, a Trusted third Party based Trusted Verifier as a proof of concept system. Our evaluation and analysis show that TPTVer can provide trusted verification for multi-layered outsourced big data system in the cloud with low overhead. 展开更多
关键词 big data security outsourced ser-vice security MapReduce behavior trustedverification trusted third party
Checkpointing Scheme for Relevant Distributed Real-Time Tasks 被引量:1
作者 方明 袁由光 +1 位作者 杨升春 赵晓勇 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第3期23-27,共5页
A checkpointing scheme for relevant distributed real-time tasks which can be scheduled as a DAG is proposed. A typical algorithm, OSA, is selected for DAG scheduling. A new methods based a new structure, Scheduled Clu... A checkpointing scheme for relevant distributed real-time tasks which can be scheduled as a DAG is proposed. A typical algorithm, OSA, is selected for DAG scheduling. A new methods based a new structure, Scheduled Cluster Tree, is presented to calculate the slack time of each task in the task cluster. In the checkpointing scheme, the optimal checkpoint intervals which minimize the approximated failure probability are derived formally and validated experimentally. The complexity of approximated failure probability is quite small compared with that of the exact probability. Meanwhile, the consistency of the checkpointing is discussed also. 展开更多
关键词 CHECKPOINT task scheduling DAG scheduled clusters tree
SOE Ownership Diversification and Environmental Performance
作者 Du Wencui Niu Haipeng Zhang Pingdan 《China Economist》 2018年第3期54-65,共12页
Based on the panel data of China's 34 industrial sectors during 2005-2013, this paper tests the water pollution effects of SOE ownership diversification in China. The result shows that in general, greater state ow... Based on the panel data of China's 34 industrial sectors during 2005-2013, this paper tests the water pollution effects of SOE ownership diversification in China. The result shows that in general, greater state ownership and less private ownership in a sector will lead to lower water pollution intensity. Test of threshold effect shows that, irrespective of its current level, an increase in state ownership helps improve the environment by different degrees. When pollution intensity is low, ownership diversification helps reduce pollution intensity; when pollution intensity is high, state ownership is the optimal choice for mitigating pollution. This paper's findings suggest that while advancing the mixedownership reform of SOEs, China cannot relax the environmental responsibilities of SOEs, and still less should economic interests override environmental concerns. 展开更多
关键词 ownership diversification POLLUTION threshold effect
Dependent task assignment algorithm based on particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing in ad-hoc mobile cloud 被引量:3
作者 Huang Bonan Xia Weiwei +4 位作者 Zhang Yueyue Zhang Jing Zou Qian Yan Feng Shen Lianfeng 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第4期430-438,共9页
In order to solve the problem of efficiently assigning tasks in an ad-hoc mobile cloud( AMC),a task assignment algorithm based on the heuristic algorithm is proposed. The proposed task assignment algorithm based on pa... In order to solve the problem of efficiently assigning tasks in an ad-hoc mobile cloud( AMC),a task assignment algorithm based on the heuristic algorithm is proposed. The proposed task assignment algorithm based on particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing( PSO-SA) transforms the dependencies between tasks into a directed acyclic graph( DAG) model. The number in each node represents the computation workload of each task and the number on each edge represents the workload produced by the transmission. In order to simulate the environment of task assignment in AMC,mathematical models are developed to describe the dependencies between tasks and the costs of each task are defined. PSO-SA is used to make the decision for task assignment and for minimizing the cost of all devices,which includes the energy consumption and time delay of all devices.PSO-SA also takes the advantage of both particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing by selecting an optimal solution with a certain probability to avoid falling into local optimal solution and to guarantee the convergence speed. The simulation results show that compared with other existing algorithms,the PSO-SA has a smaller cost and the result of PSO-SA can be very close to the optimal solution. 展开更多
关键词 ad-hoc mobile cloud task assignment algorithm directed acyclic graph particle swarm optimization simulated annealing
Multiway Dynamic Trust Chain Model on Virtual Machine for Cloud Computing 被引量:1
作者 Jie Zhu Guoyuan Lin +2 位作者 Fucheng You Huaqun Liu Chunru Zhou 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期83-91,共9页
This paper sums up four security factors after analyzing co-residency threats caused by the special multitenant environment in the cloud.To secure the factors,a multiway dynamic trust chain transfer model was proposed... This paper sums up four security factors after analyzing co-residency threats caused by the special multitenant environment in the cloud.To secure the factors,a multiway dynamic trust chain transfer model was proposed on the basis of a measurement interactive virtual machine and current behavior to protect the integrity of the system.A trust chain construction module is designed in a virtual machine monitor.Through dynamic monitoring,it achieves the purpose of transferring integrity between virtual machine.A cloud system with a trust authentication function is implemented on the basis of the model,and its practicability is shown. 展开更多
关键词 cloud computing virtual machine trustworthiness measurement dynamic trust transfer
Corporate Social Responsibility——From the Perspective of Polish Enterprises
作者 Katarzyna Olejniczak 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第4期232-242,共11页
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming more and more frequently emphasized part of management in the structure of Polish enterprises. These results from the fact that growing awareness of consumers, destr... Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming more and more frequently emphasized part of management in the structure of Polish enterprises. These results from the fact that growing awareness of consumers, destructive impact of industry on the natural environment, economic scandals, unethical behavior among entrepreneurs, bring about redefining the principles of a business activity on the market by entrepreneurs. As a result of the above, such values as honesty, trust, or responsibility take on greater importance. Additionally, more and more often, Polish entrepreneurs pay attention to the influence of the company on the environment, the way the stakeholders are treated, while striving to maximize profit. The present paper looks into the subject of social responsibility from the point of view of Polish enterprises. To verify this objective, there was the analysis of the due literature performed, and also carried out the survey among 174 entrepreneurs running their business activity in the area of Southern Poland. The research tool used in the research was the questionnaire (PAPI and CAWI). In the conducted research, there were factors analyzed referring to knowledge of social responsibility among the people holding both managerial and lower-level positions, in particular opinion, is it important for enterprises to be driven by ethical standards? How to implement CSR in their structures? How to understood concept of CSR? What are the reasons for the implementation of CSR in the strategy of the company? The considerations (both the theoretical and practical ones) confirmed that the Polish enterprises feel the increased need to implement the activities in the field of social responsibility, which, in the present conditions, constitutes an important part of running a business activity. 展开更多
关键词 corporate social responsibility (CSR) development stages of CSR in Poland good practices aspects ofCSR
Allocation of Inter-Industry Environmental Responsibilities Based on Economic Benefits: Principles and Indicators
作者 张友国 《China Economist》 2012年第6期56-67,共12页
Rational inter-industry allocation of environmental responsibilities has great significance to instituting effective policies on industrial environment and transforming the pattern of economic development. From the pe... Rational inter-industry allocation of environmental responsibilities has great significance to instituting effective policies on industrial environment and transforming the pattern of economic development. From the perspective of economic benefit and industrial linkage, this paper discusses the issue of inter-industry allocation of environmental responsibilities. Based on input-output model and three responsibility principles (producer responsibility, consumer responsibility and shared responsibility), this paper develops seven industrial environmental responsibility indicators and conducts an empirical analysis on the S02 emission responsibilities at China's industry level. Results indicate that all these indicators can avoid the double calculation of environmental responsibilities and results using different indicators have significant differences. Some industries such as power, heat production and supply may have little difference of the relative ranking of environmental responsibility under different indicators, but the magnitude of specific assumed responsibilities may have significant changes. Environmental responsibilities of some other industries (such as construction) may seem not important under certain indicators but can be among the most significant under some other indicators. More importantly, despite close connections between these indicators, they reflect different mechanisms of environmental responsibility allocation and have totally different policy significance. 展开更多
关键词 allocation of inter-industry environmental responsibilities economic benefits input/output analysis
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