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作者 曲再鸣 《美术教育研究》 2021年第9期93-96,共4页
近代中药仿单是研究传统广告设计、商业文化的重要载体。该文作者以自藏的仿单实物为参照,从雕版印刷与书法艺术的融合、装饰纹样与绘画艺术与视觉流程与设计布局的统一三个维度,探讨近代中药仿单版式设计的法则,结合功能的实用定位、... 近代中药仿单是研究传统广告设计、商业文化的重要载体。该文作者以自藏的仿单实物为参照,从雕版印刷与书法艺术的融合、装饰纹样与绘画艺术与视觉流程与设计布局的统一三个维度,探讨近代中药仿单版式设计的法则,结合功能的实用定位、形式的象征隐喻,分析近代中药仿单的审美特征。 展开更多
关键词 近代中药仿单 版式设计 审美特征
松鹤堂阿胶仿单述要及启示 被引量:1
作者 苏苑苑 王忠 王海南 《中医文献杂志》 2018年第1期12-14,共3页
以现存山东东阿县松鹤堂制胶厂仿单为切入点,对仿单进行简要描述。松鹤堂仿单通过对阿胶的制作、功能主治、验方等内容的描述,从侧面揭示了古代的制药、售药文化。其在强调道地性、注重炮制、服务患者、凸显品牌、重视诚信、彰显文化等... 以现存山东东阿县松鹤堂制胶厂仿单为切入点,对仿单进行简要描述。松鹤堂仿单通过对阿胶的制作、功能主治、验方等内容的描述,从侧面揭示了古代的制药、售药文化。其在强调道地性、注重炮制、服务患者、凸显品牌、重视诚信、彰显文化等方面蕴含着丰富的中医药知识和人文精神,予当代人以深刻启示。 展开更多
关键词 仿单 阿胶 中药炮制 中医药文化
版刻医药仿单 被引量:3
作者 钱永兴 《中医药文化》 2009年第3期28-31,F0003,共5页
存世的清代、民国时期的雕版印刷医药广告,多仿单,少包装纸。医药仿单版印药名、主治、功效、用法、禁忌、价目、店址、标识等,随药附送。典型的医药仿单由立冠、平目、齐身、落足四个部分构成,或其中的两三个部分构成,其精品往往是中... 存世的清代、民国时期的雕版印刷医药广告,多仿单,少包装纸。医药仿单版印药名、主治、功效、用法、禁忌、价目、店址、标识等,随药附送。典型的医药仿单由立冠、平目、齐身、落足四个部分构成,或其中的两三个部分构成,其精品往往是中国书画、版印艺术的完美融合。其版印艺术的主要元素有:字体采用宋体或其他印刷字体;边栏使用花边;表达吉祥文化内容;双钩印章或书法;双色套印。其书画艺术的主要元素有:字体为体现个性的书法;图画表达意境和笔墨情趣;印鉴用篆体的朱文或白文。 展开更多
关键词 医药广告 仿单 雕版印刷 艺术元素
作者 吴双同 《大众硬件》 2004年第3期131-131,共1页
关键词 仿单反长焦相机 光学变焦镜头 曝光 图片质量 富士FINEPIX S5000
作者 李威 《中国检验检疫》 2012年第12期61-61,共1页
正近年来,我国进出口贸易发展迅猛,各大国外品牌纷纷落户国内代加工,由于贸易合同规定、代工厂追求利益等原因,催生了一个新的产物——外贸服装行业。现如今,大街小巷的外贸成衣店、竞争激烈的网站,随处都可看到外贸服装的影子,其价格... 正近年来,我国进出口贸易发展迅猛,各大国外品牌纷纷落户国内代加工,由于贸易合同规定、代工厂追求利益等原因,催生了一个新的产物——外贸服装行业。现如今,大街小巷的外贸成衣店、竞争激烈的网站,随处都可看到外贸服装的影子,其价格也参差不齐,但都要比专卖店价格低许多。多数店主声称自己的衣服是原厂原单,若真如此,确实便宜实惠。然而多数消费者鉴别能力有限。 展开更多
关键词 外贸 服装行业 仿单 跟单 消费者 价格 贸易发展 进出口 国外品牌 代加工
清代仿单广告的版式设计与美学特征研究 被引量:2
作者 张文菁 《艺术教育》 2020年第3期175-178,共4页
仿单是商业印刷广告的重要组成部分,是中国传统商业文化的重要载体。文章从设计学的角度出发,基于设计学的理论和方法,以相关实物以及文献记载为参照,探寻清代仿单广告设计的基本设计规则及传统印刷广告中的意境和形式法则,从而探明清... 仿单是商业印刷广告的重要组成部分,是中国传统商业文化的重要载体。文章从设计学的角度出发,基于设计学的理论和方法,以相关实物以及文献记载为参照,探寻清代仿单广告设计的基本设计规则及传统印刷广告中的意境和形式法则,从而探明清代仿单中所包含的中国传统的设计观和文化内涵。 展开更多
关键词 清代仿单 印刷广告 设计规则
作者 崔如飞 《民艺》 2021年第3期107-111,共5页
仿单在清代达到顶峰,印制技术以及艺术特色都出现了创新和发展。在仿单的印制中出现了彩色套印和多样化图案,其版式、内容都有不同程度的发展,并且很多行业都青睐于仿单形式。不同行业间的仿单图案形式也不尽相同,但是其功能性都是一样... 仿单在清代达到顶峰,印制技术以及艺术特色都出现了创新和发展。在仿单的印制中出现了彩色套印和多样化图案,其版式、内容都有不同程度的发展,并且很多行业都青睐于仿单形式。不同行业间的仿单图案形式也不尽相同,但是其功能性都是一样的,图文并茂起到吸引顾客、宣传、产品介绍的作用。百姓对仿单的接受程度很高,仿单日益成为清代较为普及的广告形式之一。本文从仿单的历史发展、技术特色与设计艺术等方面入手,对这一民间商业应用形式做探析。 展开更多
关键词 仿单 商业印刷广告 技术与艺术
N-苯基异羟肟酸过渡金属配合物仿生氧载体研究 被引量:5
作者 周先礼 杜瑛 +2 位作者 魏星耀 阳华 秦圣英 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期96-99,共4页
考查了N -苯基异羟肟酸过渡金属配合物ML12 ~ML4 2 [M =Co(Ⅱ ) ,Cu(Ⅱ ) ,Mn(Ⅲ )Cl]的二氧亲和性和仿生催化氧化性能 制备了种二氧加合物 [CoL3 2 ·O2 ·Py]·H2 O ,并以元素分析 ,IR和TG分析表征 .测定了它们的氧合... 考查了N -苯基异羟肟酸过渡金属配合物ML12 ~ML4 2 [M =Co(Ⅱ ) ,Cu(Ⅱ ) ,Mn(Ⅲ )Cl]的二氧亲和性和仿生催化氧化性能 制备了种二氧加合物 [CoL3 2 ·O2 ·Py]·H2 O ,并以元素分析 ,IR和TG分析表征 .测定了它们的氧合反应平衡常数和相应的热力学参数ΔHo、ΔSo.模拟单加氧酶 ,研究了锰 (Ⅲ )配合物对苯乙烯的催化环氧化 .讨论了分子结构对二氧亲和性和催化环氧化性能的影响 . 展开更多
关键词 N-苯基异羟肟酸过渡金属配合物 二氧加合物 二氧亲和性 仿单加氧酶 催化环氧化性能 仿生氧载体
Banach空间中广义混合变分不等式解的迭代算法 被引量:5
作者 李艳 夏福全 《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期13-19,共7页
利用R.S.Burachik和S.Scheimberg(SIAM J Control Optim,2001,39(5):1633-1649.)介绍的近似点算法和Bregman泛函,在自反Banach空间中建立了一类广义混合变分不等式解的迭代算法,证明了迭代序列是有定义的,并且弱收敛于广义混合变分不等... 利用R.S.Burachik和S.Scheimberg(SIAM J Control Optim,2001,39(5):1633-1649.)介绍的近似点算法和Bregman泛函,在自反Banach空间中建立了一类广义混合变分不等式解的迭代算法,证明了迭代序列是有定义的,并且弱收敛于广义混合变分不等式的解.同时,给出了广义混合变分不等式解的存在性的一个充分必要条件. 展开更多
关键词 迭代算法 近似点算法 Bregman距离 仿单调算子 伪单调算子
苯并-10-氮杂-15-冠-5取代的单Schiff碱的合成及其锰(Ⅲ)配合物的催化环氧化性能 被引量:3
作者 魏星耀 李建章 +1 位作者 冯发美 秦圣英 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期155-159,共5页
由苯并 10 氮杂 15 冠 5经Mannich反应、还原和缩合制得了含单氮杂冠醚的水杨醛亚胺单Schiff碱HL1和HL2.研究了它们的锰(Ⅲ)配合物MnL21Cl和MnL22Cl的仿酶催化性能,并与非冠醚类似物MnL23Cl比较,考察了配体芳环上挂接氮杂冠醚环对锰(Ⅲ... 由苯并 10 氮杂 15 冠 5经Mannich反应、还原和缩合制得了含单氮杂冠醚的水杨醛亚胺单Schiff碱HL1和HL2.研究了它们的锰(Ⅲ)配合物MnL21Cl和MnL22Cl的仿酶催化性能,并与非冠醚类似物MnL23Cl比较,考察了配体芳环上挂接氮杂冠醚环对锰(Ⅲ)配合物的催化环氧化性能的影响.结果表明,在常温常压下,MnL21Cl和MnL22Cl比MnL23Cl具有更高的催化活性.其中,具有正庚氧基的MnL22Cl最佳,苯乙烯转化率52.6%,环氧化选择性96.2%,摩尔转化频率(TOF)17.5h-1. 展开更多
关键词 苯并-10-氮杂-15-冠-5 水杨醛亚胺单Schiff碱 锰(Ⅲ)配合物 催化环氧化 仿单加氧酶
作者 杨国军 《酿酒》 CAS 2020年第3期125-128,共4页
关键词 绍兴酒 仿单 云集 酒票
The Superiority of Like-rocket Immunoelectrophoresis Using in Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay 被引量:1
作者 穆淑梅 康现江 郭明申 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第7期17-19,共3页
[Objective] The like-rocket immunoelectrophoresis was used to explore a new feasible electrophoresis method for single cell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay).[Method] The like-rocket immunoelectrophoresis was ... [Objective] The like-rocket immunoelectrophoresis was used to explore a new feasible electrophoresis method for single cell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay).[Method] The like-rocket immunoelectrophoresis was used for single cell gel electrophoresis assay to detect DNA damage at single cell level,then it was compared with traditional electrophoresis method to analyze its advantage and disadvantages.[Result] Under cell DNA undamaged state,the results of two electrophoresis methods were consistent.When cell DNA was damaged,the comet tail divergence of some cells under traditional electrophoresis method were drifted,however,the comet tail image of like-rocket immunoelectrophoresis was concentrated and not shifted.[Conclusion] The like-rocket immunoelectrophoresis had some advantages. 展开更多
关键词 Single cell gel electrophoresis DNA damage Like-rocket immunoelectrophoresis
作者 马捷 《中医药文化》 2021年第1期20-31,共12页
在近代中国社会转型期,"中医药文告"在各地区突发重大公共卫生事件防控中扮演着重要的角色。从霍乱防控中"中医药文告"的应用状态,以及近代社会转型期霍乱中医药防控情态两个方面切入,揭示了近代中国疫病防控中所... 在近代中国社会转型期,"中医药文告"在各地区突发重大公共卫生事件防控中扮演着重要的角色。从霍乱防控中"中医药文告"的应用状态,以及近代社会转型期霍乱中医药防控情态两个方面切入,揭示了近代中国疫病防控中所形成的"国家—地区—医疗机构—其他机构—个人"互为补充的隐形社会中医防控网络。体现了中医药在社会多元因素与势力的博弈过程中,积极参与到疫病防控的"宣导""避秽""普济"等环节,逐渐从疾病个体化的"辨证论治"向疫病群体化的"专病专方""病证结合"转变与升华。 展开更多
关键词 霍乱 中医药文告 疫病防控 中医药仿单 抗疫
Subsurface Damage in the Monocrystal Silicon Grinding on Atomic Scale
作者 郭晓光 郭东明 +1 位作者 康仁科 金洙吉 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期1353-1358,共6页
A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is carried out to analyze the effect of cutting edge radius,cutdepth, and grinding speed on the depth of subsurface damage layers in monocrystal silicon grinding processes on an ... A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is carried out to analyze the effect of cutting edge radius,cutdepth, and grinding speed on the depth of subsurface damage layers in monocrystal silicon grinding processes on an atomic scale. The results show that when the cutting edge radius decreases in the nanometric grinding process with the same cut-depth and grinding speed, the depth of the damage layers and the potential energy between the silicon atoms decrease too. Also, when the cut depth increases, both the depth of the damage layers and the potential energy between silicon atoms increase. When the grinding speed is between 20 and 200m/s,the depth of the damage layers does not change much with the increase of the grinding speed under the same cutting edge radius and cut depth conditions. This means that the MD simulation is not sensitive to changes in the grinding speed, and thus increasing the grinding speed properly can shorten the sion,the subsurface damage of monocrystal silicon is silicon atoms, which is verified by the ultra-precision simulation time and enlarge the simulation scale. In conclumainly based on the change of the potential energy between grinding and CMP experiments. 展开更多
关键词 molecular dynamics GRINDING subsurface damage monocrystal silicon
Bionic structure of shark's gill jet orifice based on artificial muscle 被引量:3
作者 DU Ye ZHAO Gang +1 位作者 SUN Zhuang-zhi GU Yun-qing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期855-865,共11页
Based on the biological prototype characteristics of shark’s gill jet orifice,the flexible driving characteristics of ionic exchange polymer metal composites(IPMC)artificial muscle materials and the use of sleeve fle... Based on the biological prototype characteristics of shark’s gill jet orifice,the flexible driving characteristics of ionic exchange polymer metal composites(IPMC)artificial muscle materials and the use of sleeve flexible connector,the IPMC linear driving unit simulation model is built and the IPMC material-driving dynamic control structure of bionic gill unit is developed.Meanwhile,through the stress analysis of bionic gill plate and the motion simulation of bionic gill unit,it is verified that various dynamic control and active control of the jet orifice under the condition of different mainstream field velocities will be taken by using IPMC material-driving.Moreover,the large-deflection deformation of bionic gill plate under dynamic pressure and the comparative analysis with that of a rigid gill plate is studied,leading to the achievement of approximate revised modifier from real value to theoretical value of the displacement control of IPMC. 展开更多
关键词 shark’s jet orifice ionic exchange polymer metal composite drive musculoskeletal structure bionic gill unit
Self-Mixing Interference Effects in LD Pumped Multi-Mode Solid-State Laser 被引量:2
作者 张勇 姚建铨 +2 位作者 王鹏 禹延光 陈进 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第4期261-263,共3页
Based on the effective structure of the self-mixing interference effects,a general model for the self-mixing interference effects in the LD pumped solid-state laser has been established for the first time.The numerica... Based on the effective structure of the self-mixing interference effects,a general model for the self-mixing interference effects in the LD pumped solid-state laser has been established for the first time.The numerical simulation of the self-mixing interference signal has been done,the results show that when the external cavity length is integral times of 1/2,1/3,2/3,1/4,3/4 of the effective cavity length,the intensity of the self-mixing interference signals reach maximum in value.While that of single mode laser is integral times of half of the effective cavity length,the measuring precision of displacement of single mode laser is λ/2.A conclusion can be drawn from the above results that the measuring precision of displacement of multi-mode laser is higher than that of single mode laser. 展开更多
关键词 general model self-mixing interference effects LD pumped multi-mode solid-state laser numerical simulations
Work characteristic analysis of single-rod symmetric cylinders 被引量:4
作者 沈伟 Huang Honglei +2 位作者 Li Yang Zhang Dijia Jiang Jihai 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2017年第3期286-292,共7页
Hydraulic cylinders are divided into single-rod asymmetric cylinders and double-rod symmetric cylinders. The single-rod asymmetric cylinder has the advantages of small size and simple structure,but its speed character... Hydraulic cylinders are divided into single-rod asymmetric cylinders and double-rod symmetric cylinders. The single-rod asymmetric cylinder has the advantages of small size and simple structure,but its speed characteristic is not symmetric. The double rod symmetric cylinder has the characteristic of symmetric speed,but it cannot be used in some special occasions. In this paper,one special hydraulic cylinder,a single-rod symmetric cylinder,is developed. Firstly,characters of this type of cylinder are introduced. Then,the system model is constructed by using one software which is Simulation X. Moreover,one single rod asymmetric cylinder is designed and the test rig using the symmetric valve to control single-rod symmetric or asymmetric cylinder is constructed. Both of the simulation and experimental results show that the symmetric valve control single-rod symmetric cylinder servo system is of symmetric speed characteristic,which can be used in practical occasion. 展开更多
关键词 single-rod symmetric cylinders Simulation X servo system
Influences of Temperature and Average Interparticle Distance on the Properties of Two-Dimensional Dusty Plasma 被引量:1
作者 LIUSong-Fen WANGXin +4 位作者 LIUYu-Bin HUBei-Lai WANGLong LIUYan-Hong HUANGFeng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期919-922,共4页
The structure and single-particle motion of a two-dimensional dusty plasma have been investigated. Pair correlation function, mean square displacement, velocity autocorrelation function, and the corresponding spectrum... The structure and single-particle motion of a two-dimensional dusty plasma have been investigated. Pair correlation function, mean square displacement, velocity autocorrelation function, and the corresponding spectrum function have been computed by molecular dynamical simulation. The results show that the coagulation of a two-dimensional dusty plasma system is strongly affected by particle density and temperature, which are discussed in details. 展开更多
关键词 dusty plasma molecular dynamics simulation structure single particle motion
Computer aided modeling and pore distribution of bionic porous bone structure 被引量:5
作者 李虎 杨建宇 +1 位作者 苏鹏程 王宛山 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3492-3499,共8页
Artificial bone with porous structure is crucial for tissue scaffold and clinic implants.Scaffold provides structure support for cells and guides tissues regeneration for final tissue structure.A computational aided p... Artificial bone with porous structure is crucial for tissue scaffold and clinic implants.Scaffold provides structure support for cells and guides tissues regeneration for final tissue structure.A computational aided process of porous bone modeling was developed which described the design and fabrication of tissue scaffolds by considering intricate architecture,porosity and pore size.To simulate intricate bone structure,different constructive units were presented.In modeling process,bone contour was gotten from computed tomography(CT)images and was divided into two levels.Each level was represented by relatively reconstructive process.Pore size distribution was controlled by using mesh generation.The whole hexahedral mesh was reduced by unit structure,when a 3D mesh with various hexahedral elements was provided.The simulation results show that constructive structure of porous scaffold can meet the needs of clinic implants in accurate and controlled way. 展开更多
关键词 tissue scaffold geometry modeling porous structure compute aided design optimal design clinic implants
A new single degree-of-freedom resonance device 被引量:1
作者 高改梨 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2782-2787,共6页
A new single degree-of-freedom (1 DOF) resonance device was developed. It mainly comprises a linear motor, a vibrating screen, a supporting spring set, a supporting frame and a damper set. Forces acting on the vibra... A new single degree-of-freedom (1 DOF) resonance device was developed. It mainly comprises a linear motor, a vibrating screen, a supporting spring set, a supporting frame and a damper set. Forces acting on the vibrating screen were found. A differential equation for describing the forces was set up. Equations that were used to evaluate the exciting force and exciting frequency in resonance were derived from the solution to the differential equation. In addition, an equation for evaluating the deformed magnitude of the damping springs in the damper set was presented so that the suitable damping may be obtained. Finally, a Matlab/Simulink model of the new i DOF resonance device was also built. Displacement-time curves of the vibrating screen under four conditions were obtained in the use of the Matlab/Simulink simulation. The curves indicate that it can shorten the time for the vibrating screen to be into the stable resonance with increasing the damping, and it can lengthen the time with increasing the vibrated mass or amplitude, but every given angular frequency cannot acquire the desired amplitude value of resonance. 展开更多
关键词 vibrating screen single degree-of-freedom RESONANCE dynamics analysis
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