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智利北部伊基克地区铜多金属矿地质特征与找矿远景分析 被引量:1
作者 侯伟伟 《资源信息与工程》 2019年第2期14-15,共2页
伊基克地区位于太平洋板块西缘消减带以东的科迪勒拉—安第斯褶皱带上,地处环太平洋成矿域东带、美洲大陆科迪勒拉-安第斯斑岩铜成矿带的南端,成矿地质条件优越。研究区断裂构造较发育,主要构造表现为北西向和近南北向两个断裂,岩浆岩... 伊基克地区位于太平洋板块西缘消减带以东的科迪勒拉—安第斯褶皱带上,地处环太平洋成矿域东带、美洲大陆科迪勒拉-安第斯斑岩铜成矿带的南端,成矿地质条件优越。研究区断裂构造较发育,主要构造表现为北西向和近南北向两个断裂,岩浆岩多期次发育,为区内矿化提供了丰富的物资来源。研究区成矿地质条件优越,找矿前景良好,研究结果对研究区以后的地质找矿具有很重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 铜多金属矿 地质特征 找矿远景 智利北部 伊基克地区
智利伊基克市的卒中发病率、30d病死率以及预后:一项历时2年基于社区的前瞻性研究(PISCIS计划) 被引量:1
作者 Lavados P.M. Sacks C. +1 位作者 Prina L. 郭俊 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册)》 2005年第10期4-5,共2页
Background: The epidemiology of stroke in Latin- American populations and va riation of subtypes between communities are unclear. Our aim was to ascertain pr ospectively the incidence of first- ever stroke in the pred... Background: The epidemiology of stroke in Latin- American populations and va riation of subtypes between communities are unclear. Our aim was to ascertain pr ospectively the incidence of first- ever stroke in the predominantly Hispanic- Mestizo population of Iquique, a city in the northern desert region of Chile. M ethods: We prospectively identified all possible cases of stroke and transient i schaemic attacks between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2002, from several overlappi ng sources. Patients were rapidly assessed by two field neurologists. Standard d efinitions for incident cases, stroke, transient ischaemic attack, pathological type, and infarction subtype were used. All cases identified were adjudicated by at least two stroke neurologists and followed up at 6 months. Incidence rates o f first- ever strokes were calculated from the population of Iquique (214 526) according to the national census of 2002. Findings: Of 380 cases of stroke ident ified, 292 were incident. CT scans were done in 267 (91% ) patients and the mea n time to scan was 2.2 days. The hospital admission rate was 71% (207/292). Th e overall age- adjusted incidence rate of first- ever stroke was 140.1 per 100 000 (95% CI 124.0- 156.2). The incidence rates per 100 000 according to path ological type were: infarcts 87.3, intracerebral haemorrhage 27.6, and subarachn oid haemorrhage 6.2. The 30 day and 6- month case- fatality rates were 23.3% and 33.0% , respectively. Interpretation: Our results show incidence rates of stroke similar to those reported in other community studies. Although the propor tion of intracerebral haemorrhages was higher than reported in previous studies, the overall incidence was not, which could indicate a slightly lower incidence of ischaemic strokes in this population than in other countries. The prognosis w as similar to that found in other population- based studies. 展开更多
关键词 卒中发病率 PISCIS 伊基克 缺血性卒中 蛛网膜下出血 疑似病例 神经病学 疑似患者 颅内出血 研究人群
作者 赵仲田 《世界经济与政治论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第8期14-18,共5页
智利是个军人统治的国家。总统阿·皮诺切特将军是1973年推翻了阿连德政府上台的,至今已有16年。他取缔了一切政党,禁止了各种政治活动,凭借着军人的纪律和一群从美国毕业的经济学家,治理着这个国家。16年过去了,智利已出一个贫穷... 智利是个军人统治的国家。总统阿·皮诺切特将军是1973年推翻了阿连德政府上台的,至今已有16年。他取缔了一切政党,禁止了各种政治活动,凭借着军人的纪律和一群从美国毕业的经济学家,治理着这个国家。16年过去了,智利已出一个贫穷落后的国家变成一个稳定发展的国家。在几乎经济停滞的拉丁美洲,智利堪称是一花独放。1988年,拉美国家的国内生产总值的增长率大多不尽人意,巴西不超过1%,墨西哥达不到1%,阿根廷1.5%,玻利维亚1.5%,委内瑞拉2%,只有智利,持续五年增长,年平均增长率为6%。去年,智利出口额达64亿美元,比87年增长23.9%,外贸顺差达18.65亿美元,目前是拉美唯一有偿还能力的国家。1987年智利偿还外债后有45。 展开更多
关键词 伊基克 外贸顺差 拉美国家 经济停滞 皮诺切特 国内生产总值 群从 偿还能力 阿连德 进口原料
作者 Alejandro Aravena 李安琪(翻译) 《设计新潮》 2007年第2期64-69,共6页
关键词 智利 伊基克 社会住宅 土地利用率 建筑设计
《经济》 2005年第5期91-91,共1页
关键词 伊基克 智利 ZOFRI自由贸易区 经济发展 基础设施 城市经营 对外贸易
作者 周维几 《大自然》 1992年第4期45-45,共1页
说起世界的"旱城",人们大概会翻开地图,到浩瀚无垠的沙漠深处去寻找.然而全球最干旱的城市,却紧靠着波涛汹涌的海洋.南美洲智利北部,虽然濒临世界最大的大洋——太平洋,却在副热高气压带的下沉气流与海面流过的秘鲁寒流共同... 说起世界的"旱城",人们大概会翻开地图,到浩瀚无垠的沙漠深处去寻找.然而全球最干旱的城市,却紧靠着波涛汹涌的海洋.南美洲智利北部,虽然濒临世界最大的大洋——太平洋,却在副热高气压带的下沉气流与海面流过的秘鲁寒流共同作用下,具有极其干旱的气候,这里年降水量几乎等于"O".安托法加斯塔城和阿里卡城年降水量分别为0.4毫米和0.7毫米,比埃及的阿斯旺(1毫米)还少.阿里卡城还创下过连续91年未降滴雨的记录.尽管如此。 展开更多
关键词 安托法加斯塔 阿里卡 伊基克 秘鲁寒流 气压带 浩瀚无垠 阿斯旺 下沉气流 波涛汹涌 年降水量
作者 昱中乐 《中国钼业》 1991年第4期16-16,共1页
据《世界采矿快报》1991年第19期报导,智利矿山部宣布,已在智利北部卡马拉和伊基克附近发现新的铜钼矿床,该矿床含铜品位1.2%以上的矿石约1.9亿 t。
关键词 铜钼矿 铜品位 伊基克 卡马拉 铝矿
《科技传播》 2014年第7期16-17,共2页
美国America发现阿米巴变形虫咬食肠道细胞能引起致命的腹泻溶组织内阿米巴(一种变形虫)通过咬食和吞下细胞碎片来攻击人类的肠道,从而引起致命的腹泻。4月10日出版的英国《自然》杂志发表的微生物学新研究,报告了它们吞下肠道细胞的过... 美国America发现阿米巴变形虫咬食肠道细胞能引起致命的腹泻溶组织内阿米巴(一种变形虫)通过咬食和吞下细胞碎片来攻击人类的肠道,从而引起致命的腹泻。4月10日出版的英国《自然》杂志发表的微生物学新研究,报告了它们吞下肠道细胞的过程,并证明这一过程正是杀死细胞的关键。 展开更多
关键词 肠道细胞 溶组织内阿米巴 细胞碎片 科技论坛 伊基克 量子纠缠 军用卫星 空降演习 Israel
作者 周季钢 《中国报道》 2005年第7期86-89,共4页
关键词 南美洲 投资 中华人民共和国 财政管理 伊基克 高新技术 科学技术
《中国经贸》 2001年第6期63-64,共1页
鞋城捷克的特瓦尔德夫城,年产鞋2亿双。钟城伯尔尼,瑞士首都。全城拥有近万家钟表工厂和商店,年产钟表4000万只,享有“世界钟表厂”之称。酒城慕尼黑,德国的酒业中心,以产啤酒闻名全球。该城每年举办啤酒节,喝掉啤酒100万公升,还没有啤... 鞋城捷克的特瓦尔德夫城,年产鞋2亿双。钟城伯尔尼,瑞士首都。全城拥有近万家钟表工厂和商店,年产钟表4000万只,享有“世界钟表厂”之称。酒城慕尼黑,德国的酒业中心,以产啤酒闻名全球。该城每年举办啤酒节,喝掉啤酒100万公升,还没有啤酒大学。旱城伊基克市,位于智利的阿塔卡玛沙漠,曾连续14年不下一场雨。秘鲁首都利马年降雨量37毫米,也有“旱城”之称。水城威尼斯,意大利名城。全城有117条河、118个岛、400多座桥和2300条水巷。雪城华盛顿,每年降雪量达1870毫米。 展开更多
关键词 西方人 啤酒节 首都利马 伯尔尼 瑞士 伊基克 酒业 钟表厂 威尼斯 意大利 水巷 商店 服务设施 瓦尔
作者 巫楠 《中国报道》 2005年第6期86-87,共2页
“在智利伊基克市,餐馆就叫‘其发’(广东话‘吃饭’),馄饨就叫‘完蛋’(浙江话‘馄饨’)。”赵兰健谈起南美洲最大的自由贸易港时津津乐道,他一点也不觉得大洋彼岸、地球另一端的那个神奇大陆有多么遥远。 赵兰健是中国与南美洲高... “在智利伊基克市,餐馆就叫‘其发’(广东话‘吃饭’),馄饨就叫‘完蛋’(浙江话‘馄饨’)。”赵兰健谈起南美洲最大的自由贸易港时津津乐道,他一点也不觉得大洋彼岸、地球另一端的那个神奇大陆有多么遥远。 赵兰健是中国与南美洲高科技商品和工业博览会项目总监,3月26日—4月11日,伊基克市市长斯奥利阿亚率团12人访华,足迹遍布长三角及珠三角。此次访问主要是为今年11月14日在伊基克举办的“中国企业高科技商品和工业博览会”做准备。目前,伊基克的自由贸易区ZOFRI有2300家国际企业。 展开更多
关键词 美洲开发银行 美国 巴西 泛美开发银行 美利坚合众国 北美洲 中华人民共和国 南美洲 伊基克 台湾
作者 容晖 《四川统一战线》 2010年第12期17-17,共1页
1860年,一支3万余人的太平军退守福建后,在西方列强和清军联合围剿下踏上到海外当"契约矿工"的求生之路。两年后,他们来到南美洲秘鲁的伊基克从事挖鸟粪和开采硝石工作。此时,太平军仅剩1万余人。1867年渴望回国的太平军士兵... 1860年,一支3万余人的太平军退守福建后,在西方列强和清军联合围剿下踏上到海外当"契约矿工"的求生之路。两年后,他们来到南美洲秘鲁的伊基克从事挖鸟粪和开采硝石工作。此时,太平军仅剩1万余人。1867年渴望回国的太平军士兵趁秘鲁、智利和玻利维亚三国发生硝石战争而起义。 展开更多
关键词 太平军 秘鲁 智利 军队 国家机器 南美洲 伊基克 士兵
《新疆农垦科技》 2016年第11期I0001-I0001,共1页
关键词 伊基克 太空望远镜 织网
《中国公路》 2023年第18期10-11,共2页
巴西计划修建横穿南美四国的“超级高速”近日,巴西总统卢拉宣布正式启动“加速增长计划”,一项横穿南美四国的“超级高速公路”建设工程被列入了该计划。根据巴西政府公布的信息,该条高速公路建成后,将连接巴西桑托斯港和智利伊基克、... 巴西计划修建横穿南美四国的“超级高速”近日,巴西总统卢拉宣布正式启动“加速增长计划”,一项横穿南美四国的“超级高速公路”建设工程被列入了该计划。根据巴西政府公布的信息,该条高速公路建成后,将连接巴西桑托斯港和智利伊基克、安托法加斯塔,还将途经巴拉圭,以及阿根廷两国,全程3400公里。 展开更多
关键词 巴西政府 建设工程 巴西总统 高速公路 桑托斯 安托法加斯塔 卢拉 伊基克
作者 刘厚福 《科学之友》 1994年第4期12-13,共2页
世界上有许许多多千奇百怪的城。听者,怪诞迷离;闻者,不寒而栗。如果了解它,能使你洞悉人世间的风土人情,丰富你的知识领域。呼风唤雨的"环境城" 雨城印度梅加拉亚邦的乞拉朋齐,是一个不到万人的小山城,每年降雨量1.2万毫米... 世界上有许许多多千奇百怪的城。听者,怪诞迷离;闻者,不寒而栗。如果了解它,能使你洞悉人世间的风土人情,丰富你的知识领域。呼风唤雨的"环境城" 雨城印度梅加拉亚邦的乞拉朋齐,是一个不到万人的小山城,每年降雨量1.2万毫米以上。1861年创造了全年下雨22990.1毫米的世界纪录,1960年又创26461毫米的最高纪录。 展开更多
关键词 乞拉朋齐 梅加拉亚 世界纪录 闻者 门牌号码 变幻无穷 蛇节 伊基克 阿塔卡马沙漠 花城
作者 宁绪琴 《中学政史地(初中适用)》 2006年第12期25-27,共3页
关键词 阿塔卡马沙漠 秘鲁寒流 东南信风 阿里卡 安托法加斯塔 伊基克 南美大陆 一团团 天文学家们 美国宇
Calculation of Maximum Allowable Free Span Length and Safety Assessment of the DF1-1 Submarine Pipeline 被引量:4
作者 XU Jishang LI Guangxue +2 位作者 Juan J. Horrillo YANG Rongmin CAO Lihua 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2010年第1期1-10,共10页
The DFI-1 submarine pipeline was investigated using a dual-frequency side-scan sonar and a swath sounder system. More than a hundred scour pits under the pipeline were found, most of which have caused the span of the ... The DFI-1 submarine pipeline was investigated using a dual-frequency side-scan sonar and a swath sounder system. More than a hundred scour pits under the pipeline were found, most of which have caused the span of the pipeline to increase and threatened its safety. The maximum allowable free span length (MAFSL) of the pipeline was determined through the limitations re- garding maximum allowable stress under static or quasi-static loads and the onset of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) under different hydrodynamic actions. The results show that the MAFSL under static conditions is 56m. However, the MAFSLs are 30m and 20m under ordinary weather conditions and hurricane-induced currents for the 100-year return period, respectively, to avoid VIV as cal- culated by using the highest safety class factor. It is suggested that spanning pipelines longer than 20 m should be supported. Addi- tionally, eight successive spans which may also threaten the pipeline were proposed. The most hazardous scour pits are along the pipeline section from KP42 to KP51. 展开更多
关键词 submarine pipeline SCOUR SPAN safety assessment Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) maximum allowable span length
Foundation Assessment in Different Parts of Iraq Using STAAD Pro V8i 被引量:2
作者 Entidhar A1-Taie Nadhir A1-Ansari Sven Knutsson Tarek Edrees Saaed 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第3期273-281,共9页
Foundation is considered as one of the main parts of any structure. The type of foundation used is highly dependent on the type and properties of soil. The design of foundations requires many factors that should be de... Foundation is considered as one of the main parts of any structure. The type of foundation used is highly dependent on the type and properties of soil. The design of foundations requires many factors that should be defined. There are number of differences in the geological and soil conditions in Iraq. As a consequence, these differences are reflected on the type of foundation to be used. Despite these differences, same materials and style of buildings are used all over Iraq. The main problems of Iraqi soil are high gypsum content, salinity and shallow water table depth. These factors that influence the foundations are the soil properties and the amount of loads that transmitted by the superstructure. The situation has been analysed through a case study which illustrated the link between soil and foundation types in three different parts of Iraq (Mosul, Baghdad and Basra). One building was analysed using "STAAD (structural analysis and design). Pro" software in these regions. It is evident that Iraqi designers and engineers require local code to define all the loads, materials and design of the foundation to be used. The use of local materials might be very effective from both engineering and economic perspectives. 展开更多
关键词 GYPSUM bearing capacity Iraqi soil raft foundation foundation design base pressure
General Evaluation of Biocide (Bt-ASF-1) Produced from Iraqi Isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis 被引量:1
作者 A. S. Ahmed S. Kadim F. M. Sajet J. A. Juwaed A. Hamdy I. Atyia S. A. Alhamid 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第5期669-674,共6页
General evaluation of isolate Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-ASF-1) used as biocide in meddle scale application was conducted. Some morphological and confirmation tests were achieved. The sensitivity tests had been acco... General evaluation of isolate Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-ASF-1) used as biocide in meddle scale application was conducted. Some morphological and confirmation tests were achieved. The sensitivity tests had been accomplished by diffusion and dilution techniques to determine the response of isolate against the antibiotics. The results of diffusion tests showed to the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics of cefixime, erythromycin, gentamicin and tetracycline respectively. It was resistant to trimethoprim sulfonamide (TMP), bacitracin, penicillin and all its generations, and moderate resistance to nalidixic acid. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for amoxicillin was ranged between 30-40 pg/mL and these results are an approximation of the universal findings. Curing experiments showed the effective role of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (1.5%) comparing with temperature. The bacterial cells became sensitive to amoxicillin and TMP. The curing by temperature did not differ significantly from control treatment in plasmid pattern or antibiotics response. Plasmid profile referring that curing by SDS has been caused disturbance in beta -lactamase genes through the sensitivity to amoxicillin and remaining resistance to ampicillin. Curing isolate by SDS also became more sensitive to nalidixic acid, erythromycin and tetracycline respectively. It was found from the curing treatments the complexity distribution of r-genes between different plasmid size and chromosome but not effect on their insecticidal ability. 展开更多
关键词 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt-ASF-1) Iraqi isolate general characteristics antibiotic susceptibility tests curing plasmid profile.
Genetic Biodiversity in Buffalo Population of Iraq Using Microsatellites Markers 被引量:1
作者 Talib Ahmed Jaayid Maytham Abdulkadhim Dragh 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第4期297-301,共5页
Genetic structure of Iraqi buffalo population, in the South, Middle and North area of the country was characterized, using six microsatellite markers (ETHI52, ETH02, ETH225, CSSM060, BM1706 and INRA005). Seventy all... Genetic structure of Iraqi buffalo population, in the South, Middle and North area of the country was characterized, using six microsatellite markers (ETHI52, ETH02, ETH225, CSSM060, BM1706 and INRA005). Seventy alleles were detected across the six loci. Total number of alleles per locus (TNA) varied from 3 (INRA005 locus) to 16 (ETH 152 locus). The mean number of allele (MNA) across the six loci in Iraqi indigenous buffalo was 11.4. The locus ETHI52 was the most polymorphic marker according to its number of allele (16), the expected heterozygosity (0.86) and polymorphism information content (0.80) number of alleles (3), expected Heterozygosity (0.1-0.2) and polymorphism information content (0.1-0.2). Results showed that these markers were suitable in population genetics researches. It was concluded that a high degree of genetic diversity exist in the Iraqi buffalo populations. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY Iraqi buffalo microsatellites marker gene structure
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