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作者 肖劲涛 《电力设备管理》 2024年第12期20-22,共3页
本公司推进电网数字化转型,通过改造45.7万低压用户的电表、构建实时监测模型、深化用户画像分析等手段,提升了电网的可观测和控制能力,并改善了运检、客户服务和光伏监测性能。项目成功实现了台区及低压用户的全面实时感知,提高了客户... 本公司推进电网数字化转型,通过改造45.7万低压用户的电表、构建实时监测模型、深化用户画像分析等手段,提升了电网的可观测和控制能力,并改善了运检、客户服务和光伏监测性能。项目成功实现了台区及低压用户的全面实时感知,提高了客户服务速度和光伏监测能力,显著提升了电网智能化和运行效率,为电网数字化转型提供了支撑和经验。 展开更多
关键词 伏线变识别技术 智能电网 实时监测
作者 邓海霞 《枣庄学院学报》 2008年第6期32-35,共4页
关键词 红楼梦 脂砚斋批语 千里伏线
作者 杨万寿 《河西学院学报》 2016年第4期85-90,共6页
《红楼梦》一书中,作者处处设伏,对此,脂砚斋多有提示,所谓"草蛇灰线,伏脉千里"。伏线在结构上照应前后,在情节发展上人物命运和故事结局处处设伏。周汝昌先生指出第七十二回是暗示后半部故事发展的关键,后半部的故事由此展开... 《红楼梦》一书中,作者处处设伏,对此,脂砚斋多有提示,所谓"草蛇灰线,伏脉千里"。伏线在结构上照应前后,在情节发展上人物命运和故事结局处处设伏。周汝昌先生指出第七十二回是暗示后半部故事发展的关键,后半部的故事由此展开,本回事件都指向人物命运和故事结局。本文详细梳理了第七十二回的所有事件,将其归结为22个叙述句,指出其关涉后文的因果关系,论证本回是开启全书后半部的关键所在。 展开更多
关键词 《红楼梦》 第七十二回 伏线 关键
厌氧-接触氧化工艺处理光伏线切废水工程设计与运行 被引量:1
作者 宋玉琼 高迎新 +3 位作者 李跃辉 丁然 韩立辉 杨敏 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期72-75,共4页
针对2 400m3/d主要污染物为聚乙二醇的光伏线切废水,采用了厌氧-接触氧化处理工艺。论述了工程技术参数和设计特点,初步评价了污染物的去除效果与经济性。工程运行结果显示该工艺处理效果较好,即使在北方冬天低温条件下也能很好运行;聚... 针对2 400m3/d主要污染物为聚乙二醇的光伏线切废水,采用了厌氧-接触氧化处理工艺。论述了工程技术参数和设计特点,初步评价了污染物的去除效果与经济性。工程运行结果显示该工艺处理效果较好,即使在北方冬天低温条件下也能很好运行;聚乙二醇在厌氧段能有效降解,最终出水COD可以达到50mg/L以下,满足《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)的二级标准,具有很高的回用价值。 展开更多
关键词 伏线切废水 聚乙二醇 厌氧-接触氧化 降解
作者 蒋慧 丁鑫 冯双 《电线电缆》 2018年第2期25-28,共4页
关键词 伏线束组件 组件外观 水中漏电流 接头拉断力 注塑接头
作者 王怀安 田亚飞 +5 位作者 董瀚元 蒋宝军 纪艳丽 王金民 张永恒 窦丽梅 《光纤与电缆及其应用技术》 2023年第3期10-13,共4页
为了提高光伏发电系统的电气安全性能,进行了一体式限流光伏线束的自主研制。根据UL 9703:2018标准,对一体式限流光伏线束基本组成部件主线和支线(分支)光伏电缆、转接头及其外壳、保险丝及其外壳、光伏连接器合理选用,同时对整体结构... 为了提高光伏发电系统的电气安全性能,进行了一体式限流光伏线束的自主研制。根据UL 9703:2018标准,对一体式限流光伏线束基本组成部件主线和支线(分支)光伏电缆、转接头及其外壳、保险丝及其外壳、光伏连接器合理选用,同时对整体结构精心设计,对制造工艺严格控制。经检测,所设计的一体式限流光伏线束各性能指标完全满足UL标准要求。该一体式限流光伏线束具有安装快捷、敷设简单、多分支接头、电流汇集、限制电流过载等功能,可满足各类光伏发电系统的应用需求。 展开更多
关键词 伏线 光伏发电系统 光伏电缆 光伏连接器 UL标准
送宫花一事连众芳 簇花锦千里设伏线——从第七回看《红楼梦》的扇形开合结构
作者 任在喻 《红楼梦学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期222-235,共14页
《红楼梦》第七回不仅集中了几乎全部主要人物,预示了人物命运和情节结局,也为整部作品灵活多样的创作手法的巧妙运用奠定了必要的基础。这部鸿篇巨著所采用的是随情节发展而相应变化的动态结构。从这一回对整部作品故事情节的展开、发... 《红楼梦》第七回不仅集中了几乎全部主要人物,预示了人物命运和情节结局,也为整部作品灵活多样的创作手法的巧妙运用奠定了必要的基础。这部鸿篇巨著所采用的是随情节发展而相应变化的动态结构。从这一回对整部作品故事情节的展开、发展和结局所起的特殊作用以及作者为了达成这样的作用所采用的高超而精妙的创作手法,可以看出作品情节的展开就如折扇的打开,情节的收束则如折扇的合拢,这种扇形开合的动态结构为作品增添了无尽的耐人寻味的艺术光彩。 展开更多
关键词 《红楼梦》第七回 结构 扇形开合 伏线
预设埋伏 伏线千里——解读《桃花扇》的双重套式结构
作者 李文娜 《芒种(下半月)》 2016年第6期9-12,共4页
《桃花扇》是我国清代初期著名的戏剧,带有明显的现实主义色彩;其作者是号称中国传奇戏剧“南洪北孔”的孔尚任。孔尚任对于《桃花扇》的创作带有明显的伏笔色彩,其中一些伏笔是带有全局性色彩的。例如“桃花扇”的存在、天下大势的... 《桃花扇》是我国清代初期著名的戏剧,带有明显的现实主义色彩;其作者是号称中国传奇戏剧“南洪北孔”的孔尚任。孔尚任对于《桃花扇》的创作带有明显的伏笔色彩,其中一些伏笔是带有全局性色彩的。例如“桃花扇”的存在、天下大势的发展、侯李二人的爱恨离合等都有伏笔的存在。在结构上,孔尚任也做了精深的设置,采用了双重套式结构。《桃花扇》的主旨内容并非一般意义上的“舞台情境”,而是通过这种表象和双重套式结构来阐述家国、天下等更深层次的内容。 展开更多
关键词 桃花扇 伏线 双重 套式结构
作者 蒋慧 石阳 《光纤与电缆及其应用技术》 2018年第3期14-16,24,共4页
跟踪器光伏线束组件是C7光伏发电系统跟踪器的关键配套元器件,主要用于跟踪器上直流电流的传输。为了确保跟踪器光伏线束组件的防水、绝缘、水中漏电流以及爬电距离等性能的优良性,在跟踪器光伏线束组件研制过程中对其组成元件(光伏电... 跟踪器光伏线束组件是C7光伏发电系统跟踪器的关键配套元器件,主要用于跟踪器上直流电流的传输。为了确保跟踪器光伏线束组件的防水、绝缘、水中漏电流以及爬电距离等性能的优良性,在跟踪器光伏线束组件研制过程中对其组成元件(光伏电缆、太阳能连接器、连接器冲压端子、分支接头、线束标签、绑线带等)的材料进行了合理选择。跟踪器光伏线束组件的成功研发保证了C7光伏发电系统跟踪器的安全及正常使用。 展开更多
关键词 伏线束组件 光伏发电 水中漏电流 耐紫外线 防水 分支接头拉断力
作者 邱畅 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期657-662,共6页
虽然纳博科夫是一位典型的后现代主义作家,其作品充分彰显后现代主义风格,但是仔细研读不难发现,纳博科夫小说叙事中蕴含了丰富的东方元素,在小说叙事的诸多方面均可以置于东方叙事美学的框架下展开研究。以纳博科夫的经典作品《洛丽塔... 虽然纳博科夫是一位典型的后现代主义作家,其作品充分彰显后现代主义风格,但是仔细研读不难发现,纳博科夫小说叙事中蕴含了丰富的东方元素,在小说叙事的诸多方面均可以置于东方叙事美学的框架下展开研究。以纳博科夫的经典作品《洛丽塔》和中国古典小说巅峰之作《红楼梦》为例,运用叙事理论创新性地在西方后现代主义小说与中国古典小说之间架起一座桥梁,通过运用点面结合的关联性研究方法,分析《洛丽塔》与《红楼梦》的叙事策略在叙述者、叙事空间和叙事伏线方面的契合之处:两部作品均运用了不可靠叙述,而且运用的手法具有一定对应性;两部作品均运用了三重叙事空间,虽然对于各层空间的指称不同,但其内在含义是相通的;两部作品均运用了叙事伏线,在行文中暗中行走,谋篇布局。 展开更多
关键词 纳博科夫 不可靠叙述 叙事空间 叙事伏线
试论刘姥姥在《红楼梦》中的多重作用 被引量:1
作者 范凌飞 《泰州职业技术学院学报》 2011年第6期30-32,共3页
《红楼梦》塑造了众多鲜活而有生命力的人物,而刘姥姥是仅次于宝黛钗凤的经典形象之一。历来读者将之视为一个喜剧性的角色,实际上刘姥姥在《红楼梦》中承载着多重严肃的文学价值。文章从刘姥姥在作品布局谋篇中发挥的独特作用、陌生化... 《红楼梦》塑造了众多鲜活而有生命力的人物,而刘姥姥是仅次于宝黛钗凤的经典形象之一。历来读者将之视为一个喜剧性的角色,实际上刘姥姥在《红楼梦》中承载着多重严肃的文学价值。文章从刘姥姥在作品布局谋篇中发挥的独特作用、陌生化视角的运用以及对人物形象的映衬等角度论述其在《红楼梦》中的重要作用和价值。 展开更多
关键词 刘姥姥 陌生化视角 映衬 伏线 《红楼梦》
Seismic wavefield modeling in media with fluid-filled fractures and surface topography 被引量:2
作者 兰海强 张中杰 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期301-312,361,共13页
We present a finite difference (FD) method for the simulation of seismic wave fields in fractured medium with an irregular (non-fiat) free surface which is beneficial for interpreting exploration data acquired in ... We present a finite difference (FD) method for the simulation of seismic wave fields in fractured medium with an irregular (non-fiat) free surface which is beneficial for interpreting exploration data acquired in mountainous regions. Fractures are introduced through the Coates-Schoenberg approach into the FD scheme which leads to local anisotropic properties of the media where fractures are embedded. To implement surface topography, we take advantage of the boundary-conforming grid and map a rectangular grid onto a curved one. We use a stable and explicit second-order accurate finite difference scheme to discretize the elastic wave equations (in a curvilinear coordinate system) in a 2D heterogeneous transversely isotropic medium with a horizontal axis of symmetry (HTI). Efficiency tests performed by different numerical experiments clearly illustrate the influence of an irregular free surface on seismic wave propagation in fractured media which may be significant to mountain seismic exploration. The tests also illustrate that the scattered waves induced by the tips of the fracture are re-scattered by the features of the free surface topography. The scattered waves provoked by the topography are re-scattered by the fractures, especially Rayleigh wave scattering whose amplitudes are much larger than others and making it very difficult to identify effective information from the fractures. 展开更多
关键词 finite difference MODELING FRACTURE irregular free surface curvilinear coordinate
作者 周哲达 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第11期184-185,191,共3页
《三国演义》中的方术描写为人物命运、战争成败、王朝更迭设下层层伏笔,与此同时方术描写在贯通小说情节、完善行文逻辑方面也起到了不可替代的作用。更难能可贵的是作者将道德教化融合在方术的描写的过程中,并通过主要人物诸葛亮运用... 《三国演义》中的方术描写为人物命运、战争成败、王朝更迭设下层层伏笔,与此同时方术描写在贯通小说情节、完善行文逻辑方面也起到了不可替代的作用。更难能可贵的是作者将道德教化融合在方术的描写的过程中,并通过主要人物诸葛亮运用各种方术彰显出作者的政治理想。 展开更多
关键词 三国演义 方术 伏线 完善逻辑 道德劝诫
精心构思 数易其稿 《红楼梦新补》正式出版
作者 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 1984年第4期84-84,共1页
张之同志,研究《红楼梦》数十年,历十个春秋,循八十回《红楼梦》伏线、暗示和脂胭斋对后书的提示,吸收前人研究成果,精心构思,数易其稿,完成《红楼梦新补》。这是今人续《红楼梦》的一部好书。该书追踪蹑迹,力避穿凿,从总体结构、发展脉... 张之同志,研究《红楼梦》数十年,历十个春秋,循八十回《红楼梦》伏线、暗示和脂胭斋对后书的提示,吸收前人研究成果,精心构思,数易其稿,完成《红楼梦新补》。这是今人续《红楼梦》的一部好书。该书追踪蹑迹,力避穿凿,从总体结构、发展脉络,与前八十回原著密切关合。 展开更多
关键词 红楼梦 好书 发展脉络 总体结构 构思 研究成果 出版社 春秋 伏线 暗示
Nonlinear Current-Voltage Characteristics and Electroluminescence of cBN Crystal
作者 窦庆萍 陈占国 +3 位作者 贾刚 马海涛 曹昆 张铁臣 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期609-612,共4页
The current-voltage(I-V) characteristics of cBN crystal sandwiched between two metallic electrodes are measured and found to be nonlinear. Over 20 samples are measured at room temperature with various electrodes, an... The current-voltage(I-V) characteristics of cBN crystal sandwiched between two metallic electrodes are measured and found to be nonlinear. Over 20 samples are measured at room temperature with various electrodes, and the resulting curves are all similar in shape. When a voltage of about 560V is applied to the cBN crystal, the emitted light is visible to the naked eye in a dark room. We explain these phenomena by the space charge limited current and the electronic transition between the X and Г valleys of the conduction band. 展开更多
关键词 n-cBN crystal nonlinear I-V characteristics space charge limited current electronic transition in two valleys
Effects of polyaniline on electrochemical properties of composite inert anodes used in zinc electrowinning 被引量:4
作者 詹鹏 徐瑞东 +2 位作者 黄利平 陈步明 周建峰 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第7期1693-1700,共8页
In order to search for a suitable anode material used in zinc electrowinning in place of Pb-Ag alloy,Al/Pb-PANI(polyaniline)-WC(tungsten carbide) composite inert anodes were prepared on aluminum alloy substrate by... In order to search for a suitable anode material used in zinc electrowinning in place of Pb-Ag alloy,Al/Pb-PANI(polyaniline)-WC(tungsten carbide) composite inert anodes were prepared on aluminum alloy substrate by double pulse electrodeposition(DPE) of PANI and WC particles with Pb2+ from an original plating bath.Thereafter,anodic polarization curves,cyclic voltammetry curves and Tafel polarization curves for the composite inert anodes obtained under different PANI concentrations in the original plating bath were measured,and the microstructural features were also investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The results show that Al/Pb-PANI-WC composite inert anode obtained under PANI concentration of 20 g/L in the original plating bath possesses uniform microstructures and composition distributions,higher electrocatalytic activity,better reversibility of electrode reaction and corrosion resistance in a synthetic zinc electrowinning electrolyte of 50 g/L Zn2+,150 g/L H2SO4 at 35 °C.Compared with Pb-1%Ag alloy,the overpotential of oxygen evolutions for the composite inert anode are decreased by 185 mV and 166 mV,respectively,under 500 A/m2 and 1000 A/m2. 展开更多
关键词 composite inert anodes double pulse electrodeposition anodic polarization curves cyclic voltammetry curves Tafel polarization curves MICROSTRUCTURES
Direct Synthesis of High Purity Silicon Wires by Electrorefining in Molten KF-NaF Eutectic
作者 邹祥宇 谢宏伟 +1 位作者 翟玉春 郎晓川 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期88-94,I0004,共8页
The electrochemical synthesis silicon wires by electrorefining metallurgical grade silicon in thermally dried and pre-electrolyzed molten KF-NaF eutectic were studied at temperatures 800-900 ℃ using cyclic voltammetr... The electrochemical synthesis silicon wires by electrorefining metallurgical grade silicon in thermally dried and pre-electrolyzed molten KF-NaF eutectic were studied at temperatures 800-900 ℃ using cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance. One oxidation peak at -0.14 V could be attributed to the reaction of Si to Si4+. A cathodic peak occurred at -0.56 V in the cyclic voltammogram and one response semicircle in the ac impedance spectrum was observed, supporting a one-step electrochemical reduction process of Si4+-→Si. The electrochemical reaction of silicon was controlled by the diffusion process. The purity of electrorefined silicon wires was up to 99.999% by ICP-MS analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Silicon wire ELECTROREFINING Cyclic voltammetry ac impedance
Oblique Water Wave Scattering by Bottom Undulation in a Two-layer Fluid Flowing Through a Channel 被引量:4
作者 Smrutiranjan Mohapatra Swaroop Nandan Bora 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第3期276-285,共10页
The problem of oblique wave (internal wave) propagation over a small deformation in a channel flow consisting of two layers was considered. The upper fluid was assumed to be bounded above by a rigid lid, which is an... The problem of oblique wave (internal wave) propagation over a small deformation in a channel flow consisting of two layers was considered. The upper fluid was assumed to be bounded above by a rigid lid, which is an approximation for the free surface, and the lower one was bounded below by an impermeable bottom surface having a small deformation; the channel was unbounded in the horizontal directions. Assuming irrotational motion, the perturbation technique was employed to calculate the first-order corrections of the velocity potential in the two fluids by using Green's integral theorem suitably with the introduction of appropriate Green's functions. Those functions help in calculating the reflection and transmission coefficients in terms of integrals involving the shape ftmction c(x) representing the bottom deformation. Three-dimensional linear water wave theory was utilized for formulating the relevant boundary value problem. Two special examples of bottom deformation were considered to validate the results. Consideration of a patch of sinusoidal ripples (having the same wave number) shows that the reflection coefficient is an oscillatory function of the ratio of twice the x-component of the wave number to the ripple wave number. When this ratio approaches one, the theory predicts a resonant interaction between the bed and the interface, and the reflection coefficient becomes a multiple of the number of ripples. High reflection of incident wave energy occurs if this number is large. Similar results were observed for a patch of sinusoidal ripples having different wave numbers. It was also observed that for small angles of incidence, the reflected energy is greater compared to other angles of incidence up to π/ 4. These theoretical observations are supported by graphical results. 展开更多
关键词 two-layer fluid oblique waves wave scattering reflection coefficient transmission coefficient linear water wave theory perturbation technique Bottom Undulation
Anodic passivation of Pb-Ag-Nd anode in fluoride-containing H_2SO_4 solution 被引量:1
作者 钟晓聪 蒋良兴 +2 位作者 刘芳洋 李劼 刘业翔 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期2894-2901,共8页
An attempt was made to build up a thick and compact oxide layer rapidly by pre-treating the Pb-Ag-Nd anode in fluoride-containing H2SO4 solution. The passivation reaction of Pb-Ag-Nd anode during pre-treatment process... An attempt was made to build up a thick and compact oxide layer rapidly by pre-treating the Pb-Ag-Nd anode in fluoride-containing H2SO4 solution. The passivation reaction of Pb-Ag-Nd anode during pre-treatment process was investigated using cyclic voltammetry, linear scanning voltammetry, environmental scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. The results show that Pb F2 and PbSO4 are formed near the potential of Pb/PbSO4 couple. The pre-treatment in fluoride-containing H2SO4 solution contributes to the formation of a thick, compact and adherent passive film. Furthermore, pre-treatment in fluoride-containing H2SO4 solution also facilitates the formation of PbO2 on the anodic layer, and the reason could be attributed to the formation of more PbF2 and PbSO4 during the pre-treatment which tend to transform to PbO2 during the following electrowinning process. In addition, the anodic layer on anode with pre-treatment in fluoride-containing H2SO4 solution is thick and compact, and its predominant composition is β-PbO2. In summary, the pre-treatment in fluoride-containing H2SO4 solution benefits the formation of a desirable protective layer in a short time. 展开更多
关键词 lead-based anode FLUORIDE passive film anodic layer synergistic effect
I- VCurve Characterization of n +/p/p+ Silicon Solar Cell 被引量:1
作者 MabroukGAbdrhman YAOKai-lun 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1999年第4期226-228,共3页
The analysis of solar cell performance has been done by simulating the external I-V characteristics of n +/p/p + single crystal silicon solar cell under high light intensity and 1.5 air mass (AM). This method allows t... The analysis of solar cell performance has been done by simulating the external I-V characteristics of n +/p/p + single crystal silicon solar cell under high light intensity and 1.5 air mass (AM). This method allows the maximization of solar cell efficiency. To fabricate low-cost n +/p/p + single crystal silicon solar cells, solid source of doped phosphorous and boron was used. 展开更多
关键词 CHARACTERISTICS EFFICIENCY Single Crystal Silicon Solar Cell
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