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作者 吴勇 刘培 《天津教育》 1997年第11期33-34,共2页
关键词 习方 优化学法 自能读书 指导 教师 能力 阅读教 阅读实践 过程 引导
作者 冯发柱 《湖北教育》 1995年第10期24-25,共2页
学法作为教学重要内容之一,教师要指导学生去感 知、理解、运用学法,不是一蹴即就、稍点即可的,总要经历一段过程。这是由学法本身和人们认识实践的规律决定的。任何一个学法,无论是一个简单的学法,还是一个复杂的学法,都不是某种单一... 学法作为教学重要内容之一,教师要指导学生去感 知、理解、运用学法,不是一蹴即就、稍点即可的,总要经历一段过程。这是由学法本身和人们认识实践的规律决定的。任何一个学法,无论是一个简单的学法,还是一个复杂的学法,都不是某种单一行为的反映,它总是从有关学法的知识、具体的操作程序和顺利实现操作的有关技能三方面体现自己完整的内涵。怎样指导学生完成对学法这种“规律”、“理论”的认识和实践呢?其指导的过程是怎样的呢?这种过程有什么特点和规律?如何优化?需要注意什么?等等,研究课堂教学中有效落实学法指导必须要研究这些问题,建立学法指导的教学和教材体系也必须以这种研究为基础。 展开更多
关键词 优化学法 指导 阅读理解 阅读实践 操作程序 课外阅读 思维导向 类比联想 实验研究 比喻句
优化学法指导过程 推进素质教育——湖北省小学语文学法指导研讨会纪略
作者 晓宇 《湖北教育》 1999年第Z2期97-97,共1页
“学法指导”经过10多年的实验与研究,取得了一定成果,为推进素质教育奠定了良好基础。今年6月,本刊在宜昌举行了湖北省小学语文学法指导研讨会,其主题是,优化学法指导过程,培养学生创新意识,提高学生素质。全省从事“学法指导”理论研... “学法指导”经过10多年的实验与研究,取得了一定成果,为推进素质教育奠定了良好基础。今年6月,本刊在宜昌举行了湖北省小学语文学法指导研讨会,其主题是,优化学法指导过程,培养学生创新意识,提高学生素质。全省从事“学法指导”理论研究的专家学者和热心于“学法指导”教学实践的教师代表近300人与会。研讨会上,潘文艳、张思偲。 展开更多
关键词 优化学法 指导 纪略 语文 推进素质教育 研讨会 湖北省 教师代表 提高生素质 认识过程
作者 王临安 《卫生职业教育》 1998年第1期22-24,共3页
优化学法的几种形式及其评价方法北京市丰台卫校(100075)王临安在贯彻落实部颁教学大纲、计划的过程中,许多教师在教学理论、教学方法、编写教材方面做了许多工作,优化了教法。也有许多教师在培养学生的能力和指导学生的学习... 优化学法的几种形式及其评价方法北京市丰台卫校(100075)王临安在贯彻落实部颁教学大纲、计划的过程中,许多教师在教学理论、教学方法、编写教材方面做了许多工作,优化了教法。也有许多教师在培养学生的能力和指导学生的学习方法上做了大量工作,优化了学法。比... 展开更多
关键词 优化学法 评价方 教师管理 课堂教 卫校教师 大纲 创造性思维 组织教 三大遗传规律 系统因素
作者 戈思齐 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2002年第S1期120-121,共2页
新的教育体制要求教师重新审视自己作为知识传授者的地位,树立新的教学观,对学生学法加以 优化指导,变“授之以鱼”为“授之以渔”。
关键词 优化学法 基本原则 要求 模式 艺术
作者 何吉飞 《化学教学》 CAS 北大核心 1996年第4期17-19,共3页
试论化学教法与学法的优化上海市七宝中学(201101)何吉飞最近,国家教委有关领导首次提到:应试教育对教育改革起着破坏性的作用,强调广大教育工作者必须更新人才观、质量观等教育观念,变应试教育为素质教育.明确提出,在进... 试论化学教法与学法的优化上海市七宝中学(201101)何吉飞最近,国家教委有关领导首次提到:应试教育对教育改革起着破坏性的作用,强调广大教育工作者必须更新人才观、质量观等教育观念,变应试教育为素质教育.明确提出,在进行课程改革的同时,应当研究教法、学... 展开更多
关键词 优化学法 习能力 应试教育 培养 教师 习方 超前意识
作者 魏克雄 《生活教育》 2015年第20期42-45,共4页
关键词 识字教 调研 提炼教 优化学法
作者 晓宇 发柱 《湖北教育》 1999年第10期24-24,共1页
六月芳菲地,葛洲草茵茵。刚刚同孩子们度过欢乐节日的400余名教师,带着一种愉悦,带着一种渴求,会聚宜昌,会聚葛洲坝,会聚大江小学。在全省小学语文学法指导研讨会上,代表们围绕“优化学法指导过程,培养学生创新意识,提高学生素质”这一... 六月芳菲地,葛洲草茵茵。刚刚同孩子们度过欢乐节日的400余名教师,带着一种愉悦,带着一种渴求,会聚宜昌,会聚葛洲坝,会聚大江小学。在全省小学语文学法指导研讨会上,代表们围绕“优化学法指导过程,培养学生创新意识,提高学生素质”这一主题,开展研讨,并结合现场展示的6节研究课,各抒己见,畅所欲言。三天来,论文交流,小组讨论,说课评课,会上呈现出热烈、祥和、求实的氛围。大家达成了这样一个共识:开展学法指导研究,必须实事求是。 展开更多
关键词 指导研究 金针 语文 实事求 研讨会 优化学法 湖北省 科方 研究课 形成概念
作者 刘玲玲 《东西南北(教育)》 2016年第16期212-212,共1页
通过调整和改善小学英语教学环境,力求使英语教学面向全体学生,以学生为主体,关注学生,让学生掌握学习方法,积极主动、自主地学习,学生因学习得法而在课堂教学中表现得积极主动,如果教师的教法与学生的学法达到优化和谐的结合,那么,提... 通过调整和改善小学英语教学环境,力求使英语教学面向全体学生,以学生为主体,关注学生,让学生掌握学习方法,积极主动、自主地学习,学生因学习得法而在课堂教学中表现得积极主动,如果教师的教法与学生的学法达到优化和谐的结合,那么,提高课堂教学效率的目的就能达到。 展开更多
关键词 关注 优化 优化学法
作者 沈龙儿 《浙江万里学院学报》 1997年第Z1期93-95,82,共4页
早在六十年代吕淑湘先生就提出了“语文课的教学是一个比较严重的问题。”1978年他再次在《当前语文教学中两个迫切问题》一文中提出:“是不是应该研究研究如何提高语文教学的效率,用较少的时间取得较好的成绩?”他的告诫,曾在广大语文... 早在六十年代吕淑湘先生就提出了“语文课的教学是一个比较严重的问题。”1978年他再次在《当前语文教学中两个迫切问题》一文中提出:“是不是应该研究研究如何提高语文教学的效率,用较少的时间取得较好的成绩?”他的告诫,曾在广大语文教学工作者中引起强烈反响,促进了语文教学的改革和实验。十多年来,在理论研究和教学实验方面取得不少有一定价值的成果,教学效率也有一定程度的提高。但是问题依然存在,正如著名语言教育家张志公先生在写给特级教师林炜彤先生的信中所说,“效率太低”还是我们语文教学一直存在的“一个问题”! 展开更多
关键词 语文教 优化语文课堂教 优化 过程 优化学法 效率 单元教 教师的主导作用 任务 实验
作者 陈光洁 《湖南教育(上旬)(A)》 1999年第6期45-45,共1页
数学课堂教学『三优化』陈光洁一、优化教学内容数学知识具有较严密的逻辑性和系统性,有些知识点有着特殊而巧妙的联系。因此,教师如何处理知识之间的关系,选择什么方法教学显得十分重要。同样的教学内容,照本宣科的教师会教得平淡... 数学课堂教学『三优化』陈光洁一、优化教学内容数学知识具有较严密的逻辑性和系统性,有些知识点有着特殊而巧妙的联系。因此,教师如何处理知识之间的关系,选择什么方法教学显得十分重要。同样的教学内容,照本宣科的教师会教得平淡无奇,使学生感到厌倦,注意力分散,... 展开更多
关键词 课堂教 优化内容 质量 教师选择 函数概念 函数关系 优化学法 相向而行 内容优化
作者 刘锐 魏永生 《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 1997年第3期33-34,共2页
居高声自远──省小学语文第二届最佳教师评选综述本刊特约记者刘锐本刊记者魏永生小学语文第二届最佳教师于1996年11月1日,在齐齐哈尔市同参加评选活动的300多名代表见面了。新的最佳教师,平均年龄低于30岁,将给省小学... 居高声自远──省小学语文第二届最佳教师评选综述本刊特约记者刘锐本刊记者魏永生小学语文第二届最佳教师于1996年11月1日,在齐齐哈尔市同参加评选活动的300多名代表见面了。新的最佳教师,平均年龄低于30岁,将给省小学语文教学带来新的生机与新的活力。看... 展开更多
关键词 语文 语文素质教育 教师评选 语文课堂教 《狐狸与乌鸦》 教书育人 齐齐哈尔市 哈尔滨市 教育思想 优化学法
作者 江玲 黄辉 《课堂内外(小学教研)》 2023年第6期50-52,共3页
统编版教材在每个单元的导语页中明确揭示了这个单元的训练要点,教师要从学生的认知特点入手,引导学生一起精准解读,从整体到局部逐步落实语文要素。教师要充分利用统编教材提供的习题、泡泡提示语、插图、语文园地,优化学生学习语文的... 统编版教材在每个单元的导语页中明确揭示了这个单元的训练要点,教师要从学生的认知特点入手,引导学生一起精准解读,从整体到局部逐步落实语文要素。教师要充分利用统编教材提供的习题、泡泡提示语、插图、语文园地,优化学生学习语文的方法,提升学习语文的能力,鼓励学生自读自悟,学以致用,为实现“不教”的目标努力。 展开更多
关键词 统编教材 优化学法 迁移实践
ANN Model and Learning Algorithm in Fault Diagnosis for FMS
作者 史天运 王信义 +1 位作者 张之敬 朱小燕 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1997年第4期45-53,共9页
The fault diagnosis model for FMS based on multi layer feedforward neural networks was discussed An improved BP algorithm,the tactic of initial value selection based on genetic algorithm and the method of network st... The fault diagnosis model for FMS based on multi layer feedforward neural networks was discussed An improved BP algorithm,the tactic of initial value selection based on genetic algorithm and the method of network structure optimization were presented for training this model ANN(artificial neural network)fault diagnosis model for the robot in FMS was made by the new algorithm The result is superior to the rtaditional algorithm 展开更多
关键词 fault diagnosis for FMS artificial neural network(ANN) improved BP algorithm optimization genetic algorithm learning speed
作者 贺谦 李元生 +2 位作者 敖良波 温志勋 岳珠峰 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2010年第3期213-218,共6页
A new reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization (RBMDO) framework is proposed by combining the single-loop-based reliability analysis (SLBRA) method with multidisciplinary feasible (MDF) method. Th... A new reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization (RBMDO) framework is proposed by combining the single-loop-based reliability analysis (SLBRA) method with multidisciplinary feasible (MDF) method. The Kriging approximate model with updating is introduced to reduce the computational cost of MDF caused by the complex structure. The computational efficiency is remarkably improved as the lack of iterative process during reliability analysis. Special attention is paid to a turbine blade design optimization by adopting the proposed method. Results show that the method is much more efficient than the commonly used double-loop based RBMDO method. It is feasible and efficient to apply the method to the engineering design. 展开更多
关键词 multidisciplinary design optimization multidisciplinary feasible method single loop method reliability analysis Kriging approximate model
作者 唐智礼 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第2期81-86,共6页
Deterministic optimization methods are combined with the Pareto front concept to solve multi-criterion design problems. The algorithm and the numerical implementation are applied to aerodynamic designs. Evolutionary a... Deterministic optimization methods are combined with the Pareto front concept to solve multi-criterion design problems. The algorithm and the numerical implementation are applied to aerodynamic designs. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) and the Pareto front concept are used to solve practical design problems in industry for its robustness in capturing convex, concave, discrete or discontinuous Pareto fronts of multi-objective optimization problems. However, the process is time-consuming. Therefore, deterministic optimization methods are introduced to capture the Pareto front, and the types of the captured Pareto front are explained. Numerical experiments show that the deterministic optimization method is a good alternative to EAs for capturing any convex and some concave Pareto fronts in multi-criterion aerodynamic optimization problems due to its efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 multi-criterion design Pareto front deterministic optimization methods AERODYNAMICS
Two-dimensional cross entropy multi-threshold image segmentation based on improved BBO algorithm 被引量:2
作者 LI Wei HU Xiao-hui WANG Hong-chuang 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2018年第1期42-49,共8页
In order to improve the global search ability of biogeography-based optimization(BBO)algorithm in multi-threshold image segmentation,a multi-threshold image segmentation based on improved BBO algorithm is proposed.Whe... In order to improve the global search ability of biogeography-based optimization(BBO)algorithm in multi-threshold image segmentation,a multi-threshold image segmentation based on improved BBO algorithm is proposed.When using BBO algorithm to optimize threshold,firstly,the elitist selection operator is used to retain the optimal set of solutions.Secondly,a migration strategy based on fusion of good solution and pending solution is introduced to reduce premature convergence and invalid migration of traditional migration operations.Thirdly,to reduce the blindness of traditional mutation operations,a mutation operation through binary computation is created.Then,it is applied to the multi-threshold image segmentation of two-dimensional cross entropy.Finally,this method is used to segment the typical image and compared with two-dimensional multi-threshold segmentation based on particle swarm optimization algorithm and the two-dimensional multi-threshold image segmentation based on standard BBO algorithm.The experimental results show that the method has good convergence stability,it can effectively shorten the time of iteration,and the optimization performance is better than the standard BBO algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 two-dimensional cross entropy biogeography-based optimization(BBO)algorithm multi-threshold image segmentation
Process optimization with consideration of uncertainties——An overview 被引量:6
作者 Ying Chen Zhihong Yuan Bingzhen Chen 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1700-1706,共7页
Optimization under uncertainty is a challenging topic of practical importance in the Process Systems Engineering.Since the solution of an optimization problem generally exhibits high sensitivity to the parameter varia... Optimization under uncertainty is a challenging topic of practical importance in the Process Systems Engineering.Since the solution of an optimization problem generally exhibits high sensitivity to the parameter variations, the deterministic model which neglects the parametric uncertainties is not suitable for practical applications. This paper provides an overview of the key contributions and recent advances in the field of process optimization under uncertainty over the past ten years and discusses their advantages and limitations thoroughly. The discussion is focused on three specific research areas, namely robust optimization, stochastic programming and chance constrained programming, based on which a systematic analysis of their applications, developments and future directions are presented. It shows that the more recent trend has been to integrate different optimization methods to leverage their respective superiority and compensate for their drawbacks. Moreover, data-driven optimization, which combines mathematical programming methods and machine learning algorithms, has become an emerging and competitive tool to handle optimization problems in the presence of uncertainty based on massive historical data. 展开更多
关键词 Optimization under uncertainty Robust optimization Stochastic programming Chance constrained programming Data-driven optimization
The Energy Optimization Mathematic Algorithm on Multi-energy Resource Powertrain of Fuel Cell Vehicle
作者 张毅 郭海涛 +1 位作者 杨林 卓斌 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第4期500-505,共6页
In order to solve the core issue of the energy regulation (ER) on multi-energy resource powertrain of fuel cell vehicle, the work functions of each component were defined; the mathematical algorithm model of energy ... In order to solve the core issue of the energy regulation (ER) on multi-energy resource powertrain of fuel cell vehicle, the work functions of each component were defined; the mathematical algorithm model of energy regulation was established and the relevant solution was found. This algorithm was evaluated successfully on the hardware in loop (FILL) platform under three typical urban running cycles. The results showed ER control target had been realized and the mathematical algorithm was effective and reasonable. Based on the HIL simulation, some conclusions and ER strategies were made. According to the different power component parameters and real time control request, this algorithm should be modified and calibrated for application in the actual control system. 展开更多
关键词 multi-energy powertrain fuel cell engine(FCE) energy regulation mathematic algorithm
Statistical approach for the culture conditions optimization of magnetotactic bacteria for magnetic cells production
作者 Li Wenbing Yu Longjiang Zhou Pengpeng 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2006年第4期2-9,共8页
The culture of Magnetospirillum magneticum WM-1 depends on several control factors that have great effect on the magnetic cells concentration. Investigation into the optimal culture conditions needs a large number of ... The culture of Magnetospirillum magneticum WM-1 depends on several control factors that have great effect on the magnetic cells concentration. Investigation into the optimal culture conditions needs a large number of experiments So it is desirable to minimize the number of experiments and maximize the information gained from them. The orthogonal design of experiments and mathematical statistical method are considered as effective methods to optimize the culture condition of magnetotactic bacteria WMol for high magnetic cells concentration. The effects of the four factors, such as pH value of medium, oxygen concentration of gas phase in the serum bottle, C:C (mtartaric acid: m=succinic acid) ratio and NaNO3 concentration, are simultaneously investigated by only sixteen experiments through the orthogonal design L16(44) method. The optimal culture condition is obtained. At the optimal culture condition ( pH 7.0, an oxygen concentration 4.0%, C:C (mtartaric acid: m=succinic acid) ratio 1:2 and NaNO3 100 mg 1^-1), the magnetic cells concentration is promoted tO 6.5×10^7 cells ml^-1, approximately 8.3% higher than that under the initial conditions. The pH value of medium is a very important factor for magnetic cells concentration. It can be Proved that the orthogonal design of experiment is of 90% confidence. Ferric iron uptake follows MichaelisoMenten kinetics with a Km of 2.5 pM and a Vmax of 0.83 min^-1. 展开更多
关键词 magnetotactic bacteria orthogonal design OPTIMIZATION iron uptake
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