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作者 张梅 《虹》 2023年第10期90-92,共3页
在当今社会,英语已经成为一种全球通用的语言,对于学生来说,掌握良好的英语能力不仅有助于他们在学术上取得优异的成绩,还能为他们未来的职业发展奠定坚实的基础。基于此,该文旨在探讨初中英语优生培养的教学策略。首先简要分析探索初... 在当今社会,英语已经成为一种全球通用的语言,对于学生来说,掌握良好的英语能力不仅有助于他们在学术上取得优异的成绩,还能为他们未来的职业发展奠定坚实的基础。基于此,该文旨在探讨初中英语优生培养的教学策略。首先简要分析探索初中英语优生培养的意义,再提出包括采取分层教学方法、加强学生之间合作、创设情境教学模式等,初中英语优生培养的教学策略,以期提高初中英语优生的学习成绩和学习兴趣。 展开更多
关键词 初中英语 优生培养 教学策略
“双导师、学徒式”框架下的技优生培养研究 被引量:3
作者 刘成刚 刘晓阳 《高教学刊》 2017年第3期148-149,共2页
双导师、学徒制是指院校与企业合作,为学生提供校内导师与企业师傅双重教学指导人才,一方面提高学生的理论学习能力、培养学生良好的学风,另一方面培养学生职业道德素质,提高学生的岗位操作能力,使学生在"双导师、学徒式"框... 双导师、学徒制是指院校与企业合作,为学生提供校内导师与企业师傅双重教学指导人才,一方面提高学生的理论学习能力、培养学生良好的学风,另一方面培养学生职业道德素质,提高学生的岗位操作能力,使学生在"双导师、学徒式"框架下得到全面发展,为培养技优生提供有利条件。 展开更多
关键词 双导师 学徒式 优生培养
“三新”背景下高中化学尖优生培养模式研究 被引量:1
作者 吕称红 《世纪之星—高中版》 2021年第25期136-137,共2页
随着新课标、新教材、新高考的全方位推进,更加重视所有学生的发展,需要教师在进行授课活动的过程中,高度重视培养高中生的化学素养、积极革新教育观念、拓展教学内容、完善授课方式,利用全新的教育观念持续完善高中化学授课活动,进一... 随着新课标、新教材、新高考的全方位推进,更加重视所有学生的发展,需要教师在进行授课活动的过程中,高度重视培养高中生的化学素养、积极革新教育观念、拓展教学内容、完善授课方式,利用全新的教育观念持续完善高中化学授课活动,进一步促进高中生全方位发展。教师能够将“三新”背景作为切入点,对高中化学授课现状进行分析,在此前提下根据化学尖优生的培养内容,合理改进课堂设置,加强高中生的课堂体验,提升授课效果和质量。 展开更多
关键词 “三新”背景 高中化学 优生培养路径
作者 朱伟鹏 胡遥虹 《老区建设》 2009年第6期58-60,共3页
近几年,不少欠发达地区高考录取情况尽管在数量上一年上一个新台阶,但在质量上没有大的突破。其原因大多是学校紧张过度,患得患失;教育主体淡化,动力迟钝;优生培养欠缺,攻坚不力;备考方法简单,大拼消耗;科任急功近利,各自为政。为此,应... 近几年,不少欠发达地区高考录取情况尽管在数量上一年上一个新台阶,但在质量上没有大的突破。其原因大多是学校紧张过度,患得患失;教育主体淡化,动力迟钝;优生培养欠缺,攻坚不力;备考方法简单,大拼消耗;科任急功近利,各自为政。为此,应强化动力,优化引力,深化合力。 展开更多
关键词 高考备考 优生培养 对策
作者 赖乐燕 《中华活页文选(高中版)》 2022年第9期24-26,共3页
随着教育教学体制的改革完善和创新,在新高考的背景下,加强语文尖优生的培养,有利于形成积极主动学习的优良班风。尖优生是学校教学水平的体现,是教师教学能力的展示,在高中语文课堂上,创新适合尖优生的培养策略,吸引尖优生学习的兴趣,... 随着教育教学体制的改革完善和创新,在新高考的背景下,加强语文尖优生的培养,有利于形成积极主动学习的优良班风。尖优生是学校教学水平的体现,是教师教学能力的展示,在高中语文课堂上,创新适合尖优生的培养策略,吸引尖优生学习的兴趣,提高尖优生的学习水平,丰富尖优生的语文知识储备,不断优化对尖优生进行培养的方法,有助于尖优生带动班级其他学生共同进步,以尖优生为榜样,营造良好的语文学习氛围,提高高中语文课堂整体教学水平。本文主要探讨了新高考背景下,高中语文尖优生的培养策略。 展开更多
关键词 新高考 高中语文 优生培养 策略
作者 郑欢欢 《电脑乐园》 2019年第6期217-217,共1页
高中阶段的学生学习压力非常大,同时需要学习多门课程,语文课程往往会被学生忽视,如何在高中语文中,提高学生的语文 自主学习性,是高中语文教师一直在探索的问题。近年来,培养优生被越来越多的学校所重视,一所学校的优生数量的多少,决... 高中阶段的学生学习压力非常大,同时需要学习多门课程,语文课程往往会被学生忽视,如何在高中语文中,提高学生的语文 自主学习性,是高中语文教师一直在探索的问题。近年来,培养优生被越来越多的学校所重视,一所学校的优生数量的多少,决定着学校 的教学质量的高低。本文就高中语文自主学习和优生培养提出一定的方法。 展开更多
关键词 高中语文 自主学习 优生培养
开设荣誉课程:普通高中资优生培养的有效策略 被引量:3
作者 夏正江 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第8期24-33,共10页
在应试教育的大环境下,普通高中那些学业成绩优良的学生未必就是在智力上受到严格训练、得到充分发展的人。为了论证这一观点,本文首先提出了衡量学生在智力上是否受过良好教育的四条标准,并据此标准从培养结果与过程两个方面论证了为... 在应试教育的大环境下,普通高中那些学业成绩优良的学生未必就是在智力上受到严格训练、得到充分发展的人。为了论证这一观点,本文首先提出了衡量学生在智力上是否受过良好教育的四条标准,并据此标准从培养结果与过程两个方面论证了为普通高中资优生开设荣誉课程的必要性。为了增强普通高中课程对资优生的内在吸引力,更好地满足资优生智力发展的需要,本文提出了开发"哲学思辨类""、名著选读类""、自主探究类"荣誉课程的基本构想,并对三类荣誉课程的具体体现作了进一步的解释与说明。 展开更多
关键词 普通高中 优生培养 荣誉课程
循序渐进 层层深入——以“竖直平面内的圆周运动”为例谈优生培养策略 被引量:2
作者 简伟伟 《中学物理教学参考》 北大核心 2016年第10期23-25,共3页
关键词 优生培养 高中物理 圆周运动
作者 马贤 《学周刊》 2017年第32期71-72,共2页
每个学生并非天生地因学习好、品质好而成为优等生,不同学生在从小到大的各个学习阶段,都会表现出明显的个体差异。究其原因,与学生个人的自身资质、客观学习环境以及后天的教导培育有密切关系。因而在初中数学的教学当中,教师应学会因... 每个学生并非天生地因学习好、品质好而成为优等生,不同学生在从小到大的各个学习阶段,都会表现出明显的个体差异。究其原因,与学生个人的自身资质、客观学习环境以及后天的教导培育有密切关系。因而在初中数学的教学当中,教师应学会因材施教,在善待每一位学生的同时,还要针对优等生运用特别的教学方式来进一步优化其学习效果。 展开更多
关键词 初中数学 优生培养 策略和措施
作者 陈勤 《中国科教创新导刊》 2013年第3期5-6,共2页
关键词 重视农村教育 优生培养 实践思考
作者 陈建 《科教文汇》 2021年第3期153-155,共3页
进入21世纪,党和政府提出,要加快建设创新型国家,要“培养造就一大批具有国际水平的战略科技人才、科技领军人才、青年科技人才和高水平创新团队”。建设创新型国家,发现和培养创新人才是关键,作为一线教育工作者的教师,使命在肩,责无... 进入21世纪,党和政府提出,要加快建设创新型国家,要“培养造就一大批具有国际水平的战略科技人才、科技领军人才、青年科技人才和高水平创新团队”。建设创新型国家,发现和培养创新人才是关键,作为一线教育工作者的教师,使命在肩,责无旁贷。从学校层面来说,资优生的培养事关学校的生存与发展,加强资优生的培养,是学校教育教学工作的重中之重、当务之急,也是学校要长期坚持的一项发展战略。 展开更多
关键词 优生培养 一个核心 二个素养 三个意识 四个能力
土耳其STEM教育:发展脉络、特点与主要经验 被引量:4
作者 冯帮 刘小云 《教育与教学研究》 2020年第7期19-30,共12页
当前,STEM教育已被不少国家作为培养创新型人才、提升国家综合国力的重要途径。STEM教育在土耳其经历了资优生培养-科学高中建立-STEM教育兴起几个发展阶段。土耳其STEM教育的特点是:重视政府与大学共建STEM教育中心、重视STEM专业教师... 当前,STEM教育已被不少国家作为培养创新型人才、提升国家综合国力的重要途径。STEM教育在土耳其经历了资优生培养-科学高中建立-STEM教育兴起几个发展阶段。土耳其STEM教育的特点是:重视政府与大学共建STEM教育中心、重视STEM专业教师培训、强调学生的实践性课程学习和实践能力提升、搭建国际国内多种互动交流平台。土耳其STEM教育的主要经验是:不仅加强政府与高校合作、构建一体化STEM教育框架,而且注重建设良好的STEM教育环境,积极开展STEM国际交流。 展开更多
关键词 土耳其教育 STEM教育 优生培养 STEM专业教师
Optimization for Production of Intracellular Polysaccharide from Cordyceps ophioglossoides L2 in Submerged Culture and Its Antioxidant Activities in vitro 被引量:2
作者 许勤勤 刘振华 +3 位作者 孙一晟 丁忠杰 吕龙贤 李永泉 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期294-301,共8页
Cordyceps ophioglossoides is a valuable traditional medicinal material.We have found that intracellular polysaccharide(IPS) is the major biologically active ingredient in Cordyceps ophioglossoides.This study is the fi... Cordyceps ophioglossoides is a valuable traditional medicinal material.We have found that intracellular polysaccharide(IPS) is the major biologically active ingredient in Cordyceps ophioglossoides.This study is the first time to optimize the yield of IPS from Cordyceps ophioglossoides.The optimal medium for IPS production consists of glucose 54.50 g·L·1,yeast powder 25.50 g·L·1,NaH2PO4 0.4 g·L·1 and K2HPO4 0.4 g·L·1.The suggested culture conditions are 24 ℃,initial pH 4.5 with a rotary speed of 120 r·min·1 for 168 h.The yield of IPS is 737.93 mg·L·1,which is 50% higher than the yield under the conditions prior to optimization.The anti-oxidative activities of IPS in Cordyceps ophioglossoides L2 are also characterized using various in vitro assay.The anti-oxidative activity may explain the reason why IPS from Cordyceps ophioglossoides can be used to fight against neurodegenerative dis-eases and menopausal symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 antioxidant activity Cordyceps ophioglossoides L2 intracellular polysaccharide submerged culture optimization
High-frequency Plant Regeneration from Leaf Cultures of Moringa oleifera Lam: a Multipurpose Plant 被引量:1
作者 李国葱 周启艳 李欣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1318-1321,1358,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to optimized and established the regeneration system of Moringa oleifera and provided foundation for its rapid propagation and further research. [Method] Tissue culture techniques and large sca... [Objective] The aim was to optimized and established the regeneration system of Moringa oleifera and provided foundation for its rapid propagation and further research. [Method] Tissue culture techniques and large scale micropropagation of M. oleifera were studied in this paper. By means of a series of experiments, we used the leaf of aseptic seedling from M. oleifera as explants to optimize and establish the regeneration system cultured in vitro by means of direct organogenesis. [Result] It was observed that using the fresh shelled M. oleifera seeds with 0.1% mercuric chloride for 6 minutes could reach the best disinfection effect. The seed germination rate was 85%. The leaf could produce cluster buds well using the medium with MS+2.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.05 mg/L NAA, while the best proliferation condition was under MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+KT 0.1 rag/L+2, 4-D 2.0 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L. The best rooting induction culture medium was MS+0.5 mg/L IBA, with the rooting rate as 100%. [Cenclusien] This protocol might find use in mass production of true- to-type plants and in production of transgenic plants through Agrobacterium/biolisticmediated transformation. 展开更多
关键词 Moringa oleifera Tissue culture PROLIFERATION ROOTING Optimization
Medium Optimization for Improved Ethanol Production in Very High Gravity Fermentation 被引量:6
作者 胡纯铿 秦晴 高培培 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1017-1022,共6页
An optimal medium (300 g·L^-1 initial glucose) comprising 6.3 mmol·L^-1 Mg2+, 5.0 mmol·L^-1 Ca2+, 15.0 g·L^-1 peptone and 21.5 g·L^-1 yeast extract was determined by uniform design to impr... An optimal medium (300 g·L^-1 initial glucose) comprising 6.3 mmol·L^-1 Mg2+, 5.0 mmol·L^-1 Ca2+, 15.0 g·L^-1 peptone and 21.5 g·L^-1 yeast extract was determined by uniform design to improve very high gravity (VHG) ethanol fermentation, showing over 30% increase in final ethanol (from 13.1% to 17.1%, by volume), 29% decrease in fermentation time (from 84 to 60 h), 80% increase in biomass formation and 26% increase in glucose utilization. Experiments also revealed physiological aspects linked to the fermentation enhancements. Compared to the control, trehalose in the cells grown in optimal fermentation medium increased 17.9-, 2.8-, 1.9-, 1.8- and 1.9-fold at the fermentation time of 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 h, respectively. Its sharp rise at the early stage of fermentation when there was a considerable osmotic stress suggested that trehalose played an important role in promoting fermentation. Meanwhile, at the identical five fermentation time, the plasma membrane ATPase activity of the cells grown in optimal medium was 2.3, 1.8, 1.6, 1.5 and 1.3 times that of the control, respectively. Their disparities in enzymatic activity became wider when the glucose levels were dramatically changed for ethanol production, suggesting this enzyme also contributed to the fermentation improvements. Thus, medium optimization for VHG ethanol fermentation was found to trigger the increased yeast trehalose accumulation and plasma membrane ATPase activity. 展开更多
关键词 medium optimization very high gravity fermentation TREHALOSE plasma membrane ATPase
Production of Alkaline Protease by Bacillus Licheniformis 被引量:1
作者 Bahareh Sadeghein Seyed Abolhasan Alavi 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第2期105-109,共5页
In this research the results of studies on optimization of alkaline protease production by Bacillus licheniformis are reported. The parameters, which were taken into consideration, are pH, temperature, time course of ... In this research the results of studies on optimization of alkaline protease production by Bacillus licheniformis are reported. The parameters, which were taken into consideration, are pH, temperature, time course of enzyme production, stirring rate and kinetics parameters. The effect of various carbon and nitrogen sources in culture medium compound on enzyme production was also considered The result of optimization revealed that maximum protease production was obtained at 37 ℃, pH equivalent tol 0.0 and with 150 rpm will occur after 72 hours. By comparing the effect of 5 carbon sources (maltose, glucose, starch, casein and lactose) in enzyme production, it has been known that using lactose will increase about 1.5 times enzyme production, compared to condition in which maltose is used. The result of studies on the effect of five nitrogen sources (i.e., peptone, tryptone, ammonium sulfate, urea and corn steep liquor) shows that corn steep liqour increases enzyme production more than others, while peptone can also be considered as a good nitrogen source; but, ammonium sulfate and urea reduce enzyme production considerably. It was concluded that protease production occurs in the stationary phase of growth. Studying the kinetics parameters resulted that the best model for the enzyme above is Lineweaver-Burk model according to which Km is 0.64 mmol and Vmax is 88 lamol/min. 展开更多
关键词 Bacillus licheniformis PRODUCTION ENZYME alkaline protease
Scale-up of NaA zeolite membranes on α-Al_2O_3 hollow fibers by a secondary growth method with vacuum seeding 被引量:4
作者 刘艳梅 王学瑞 +2 位作者 张玉亭 何勇 顾学红 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1114-1122,共9页
NaA zeolite membranes were prepared by secondary growth method on the outer surface of α-Al2O3 hollow fiber supports. Vacuum seeding method was used for planting zeolite seeds on the support surfaces. Hydrothermal cr... NaA zeolite membranes were prepared by secondary growth method on the outer surface of α-Al2O3 hollow fiber supports. Vacuum seeding method was used for planting zeolite seeds on the support surfaces. Hydrothermal crystallization was then carried out in a synthesis solution with molar ratio of Al2O3:SiO2:Na2O:H2O = 1:2:2:120 at 100 ℃ for 4 h. Effects of seeding conditions on preparation of hollow fiber NaA zeolite membranes were extensively investigated. Moreover, hollow fiber membrane modules with packing membrane areas of ca. 0.1 and 0.2 m2 were fabricated to separate ethanol/water mixture. It is found that the thickness of seed layer is obviously affected by seed suspension concentration, coating time and vacuum degree. Close-packing seed layer is required to obtain high-quality membranes. The optimized seeding conditions (seed suspension mass concentration of 0.5%-0.7% coating time of 5 s and vacuum degree of 10 kPa) lead to dense NaA zeolite layer with a thickness of 6-8 gin. Typically, an as-synthesized hollow fiber NaA zeolite membrane exhibits good pervaporation performance with a permeation flux of 7.02 kg· m^- 2· h^- 1 and separation factor 〉 10000 for sepa- ration of 90%; (by mass) ethanol/water mixture at 75 ℃ High reproducibility has been achieved for batch-scale production of hollow fiber NaA zeolite membranes by the hydrothermal synthesis approach. 展开更多
关键词 JNaA zeolite membraneVacuum seeding methodHollow fiberPervaporation
Effect of Plant Hormones on Callus Induction from Fruit and Seedling Explants of Chilli Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
作者 E1 Kaaby Ekhlas Abdulkareem jasim +3 位作者 A1-Ajeel Saadon. Abdulhadi A1 Hattab Zahra Noori 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第1期18-26,共9页
This experiment was conducted to optimize the culture conditions to induce calli from chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) local cultivar. The mature seeds were surface sterilized for one min with 70% Ethanol followed... This experiment was conducted to optimize the culture conditions to induce calli from chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) local cultivar. The mature seeds were surface sterilized for one min with 70% Ethanol followed by 20 min with (0%, 2%, 4% or 6%) NaOCI and were germinated on MS medium with 2 mg/L GA3. Seedlings and mature fruits were used as explants source. The placenta, pericarp, hypocotyls, cotyledonal leaves, shoot tips and roots were cultured on MS media supplemented with Kinetin (0.0 mg/L, 0.5 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 2.0 mg/L) and IAA (0.0 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 2.0 mg/L) in different combinations or NAA or 2,4-D (0.0 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 2.0 mg/L, 4.0 mg/L). Callus fresh weight was recorded after 4 weeks in culture. The results showed that the best sterilizing method was with 70% Ethanol followed by 20 mints with (4% or 6%) NaOCI, however 6% NaOCI reduced seed's viability. Callus was induced from all explants cultured on MS media supplemented with IAA and Kinetin except the placenta and the pericarp. The results showed that the hypocotyls surpass all other explants in the mean callus fresh weight which was 160.58 mg compared with 147.81 mg, 134.95 mg, and 122.33 mg for cotyledonal leaves, shoot tips and roots respectively. Moreover the analysis of the interaction between the growth regulators and the explants showed that 2 mg/L IAA and Kinetin had significant effect on callus mean fresh weight which was (309.74, 339.14, 358.48, and 284.64) mg for the shoot tips, cotyledonal leaves, hypocotyls and roots, respectively. On the other hand, 2 mg/L 2,4-D or NAA was the best concentration for callus induction from the placenta and the pericarp. The pericarp gave a mean fresh weight of 276.90 mg in the presence of 2,4-D compared with 253.60 mg for the placenta. Moreover the pericarps gave significantly higher fresh weight than the placenta with an average of 210.3mg and 184.9 mg respectively in the presence of 2 mg/L NAA. In conclusion the best sterilization method of chilli pepper seeds is by 70% ethanol for one minute followed by 20 min in 4% (NaOCI). The best explants for callus induction only is the Hypocotyls grown on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/L oflAA and Kinetin under the conditions of the current experiment. 展开更多
关键词 Fresh weight IAA NAA 2 4-D KINETIN periearp root hypoeotyls cotyledonal leaves shoot tips.
Research On Construction And Optimization Of Curriculum System To Biological Engineering
作者 Sun Rui 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期64-66,共3页
Curriculum system construction is the core of talent training plan and the key to school operations.This article carried on a more in-depth study and discussion to biological curriculum system construction project,des... Curriculum system construction is the core of talent training plan and the key to school operations.This article carried on a more in-depth study and discussion to biological curriculum system construction project,described the four aspects characteristics of the curriculum,and discussed in the course of system integration, comprehensive and updated curriculum, bilingual education and the strengthening of the four areas to carry out comprehensive, innovative experiments. 展开更多
关键词 biological engineering curriculum system OPTIMIZATION
Practical significance research of elegant campus culture improving the quality of cultivating university students
作者 Hongwei Feng Lei Sun Feng Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期41-43,共3页
We should adhere to the socialist orientation construction of elegant campus culture and socialistic common ideal with Chinese characteristics. Whether a country is prosperous or not lies in if it can adhere to correc... We should adhere to the socialist orientation construction of elegant campus culture and socialistic common ideal with Chinese characteristics. Whether a country is prosperous or not lies in if it can adhere to correct development direction. Socialistic common ideal with Chinese characteristics is our dream and pursuit for the nation' s glorious development prospects. University campus construction is a basic work for teaching and developing, in the mean time, it is also a systematic creative work. Campus construction set the systematic goal of being in favor of cultivating university students. It should not only have a good using function to meet material needs in the working and living aspects of teachers and students, hut also to create a high level and high style campus environment, reflecting the university spirit and culture, improving university elegant taste. Strengthening campus culture construction has vital theoretical and practical significance for improving the quality of personnel training, building, elegant camt^us culture and enhancing core competitiveness of universities. 展开更多
关键词 campus culture QUALITY campus culture construction
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