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“校际联盟+学习型网络社区”助推城乡中小学教师伙伴式合作 被引量:1
作者 顾淑红 付海波 刘孙芸 《新课程研究(下旬)》 2014年第12期17-18,共2页
农村中小学教育问题日渐成为我国教育界关注的重点,鉴于我国城乡教育资源分布严重不均衡的现状,促进城乡中小学教师伙伴式合作就成为了促进教育资源相对均衡的重要举措。文章通过分析农村地区中小学教育的背景,发现城乡中小学教师伙伴... 农村中小学教育问题日渐成为我国教育界关注的重点,鉴于我国城乡教育资源分布严重不均衡的现状,促进城乡中小学教师伙伴式合作就成为了促进教育资源相对均衡的重要举措。文章通过分析农村地区中小学教育的背景,发现城乡中小学教师伙伴式合作存在着编制和保障、人才流通等一系列问题,认为构建校际联盟,成立学习型网络社区是助推城乡中小学教师伙伴式合作的方法之一,有益于助推农村整体教育水平的提高。 展开更多
关键词 中小学教师 伙伴式合作 校际联盟 学习型网络社区
作者 何宇 封欣蔚 杨小丽 《中国卫生资源》 北大核心 2017年第4期345-348,355,共5页
鼓励医疗机构开展公私伙伴式合作(PPP)模式是当前政府的一项重要举措。由于法律法规不健全及监督管理机制缺失,公立医疗机构开展PPP模式尚存在着诸多问题和阻碍。文章阐述了PPP模式的涵义、特点及分类;结合我国经济发展、政策环境、国... 鼓励医疗机构开展公私伙伴式合作(PPP)模式是当前政府的一项重要举措。由于法律法规不健全及监督管理机制缺失,公立医疗机构开展PPP模式尚存在着诸多问题和阻碍。文章阐述了PPP模式的涵义、特点及分类;结合我国经济发展、政策环境、国民需求与供给现状分析了公立医疗机构开展PPP模式的必要性和可行性以及PPP模式推进中可能存在的阻碍和风险;在上述结论的基础上探讨了当前适合我国公立医疗机构的PPP模式;最后从法律法规的建设、监督管理和评估机制的建立、风险分担与利益分配机制的构建等方面为公立医疗机构开展PPP模式提供了政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 公私伙伴式合作 公立医院 私人资本
作者 李兰凤 《作文成功之路》 2016年第10期17-17,共1页
关键词 伙伴式合作 语文教学 教学方法 扬帆远航
伙伴合作式语文教学的实践与探索 被引量:1
作者 许燕霞 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 2017年第1期42-42,共1页
传统的课堂以“师教生听”的方式展开教学,影响了教学效率的提高.新课程背景下,采用伙伴合作式的教学,通过多元互助、全员参与和实践活动等途径,让学生在课堂上自学、导学、对学、互学,打开多条学习渠道,使他们享受学习的过程,进而想学... 传统的课堂以“师教生听”的方式展开教学,影响了教学效率的提高.新课程背景下,采用伙伴合作式的教学,通过多元互助、全员参与和实践活动等途径,让学生在课堂上自学、导学、对学、互学,打开多条学习渠道,使他们享受学习的过程,进而想学、会学、乐学. 展开更多
关键词 伙伴合作 多元互助 实践活动
“伙伴式”小组合作学习 提高数学课堂实效
作者 胡海霞 《小学时代》 2020年第6期57-57,59,共2页
为了提升课堂数学的质量和效率,帮助学生掌握数学核心素养,构建伙伴式小组合作学习模式已经成为了当前主要的教育诉求。本文将对当前小学中、高年级数学课堂教学的现状进行分析,探求伙伴式小组合作学习模式的实际应用途径,期望能够对构... 为了提升课堂数学的质量和效率,帮助学生掌握数学核心素养,构建伙伴式小组合作学习模式已经成为了当前主要的教育诉求。本文将对当前小学中、高年级数学课堂教学的现状进行分析,探求伙伴式小组合作学习模式的实际应用途径,期望能够对构建高效的小学数学课堂提供有效的帮助。 展开更多
关键词 伙伴”小组合作学习 小学数学教学 课堂实效
《现代制造》 2004年第7期106-106,共1页
关键词 WINDOWS 操作系统 嵌入合作伙伴计划 Eurotech 微软公司
作者 Willem P.Burgersl 《上海管理科学》 2002年第1期45-47,共3页
关键词 欺骗 伙伴式合作 企业 双赢合作关系
面向农村的高师学前教育专业“合作伙伴式”实践教学模式探讨 被引量:1
作者 曾平生 曾会英 《才智》 2014年第10期55-55,58,共2页
高师院校与农村幼儿园间建立多维的深度合作伙伴关系,有利于发挥双方资源优势,既改善农村学前师资现状,又提高学生实践应用能力。高师学前教育专业"合作伙伴式"实践教学模式的建构应坚持整合、共生、发展、多维、有序的原则,... 高师院校与农村幼儿园间建立多维的深度合作伙伴关系,有利于发挥双方资源优势,既改善农村学前师资现状,又提高学生实践应用能力。高师学前教育专业"合作伙伴式"实践教学模式的建构应坚持整合、共生、发展、多维、有序的原则,参与各方先对合作伙伴关系进行充分认知,再进行实践理论学习、教育实践、管理实践及实践教学科研等一系列合作实践,并对合作伙伴关系进行科学地管理。 展开更多
关键词 农村 高师学前教育专业 合作伙伴 实践教学
德国柏林城市中心区更新的经验与启示 被引量:2
作者 胡淼 周俭 《规划师》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第7期137-144,151,共9页
针对20世纪90年代中后期电子商务兴起等社会经济变化导致的德国城市中心区物质空间老化、商业结构失衡、中产阶层流失等问题,以及社会隔离与排斥的挑战,德国于2008年提出系统性的城市中心区更新计划,采取目标综合、行动主体联合、空间... 针对20世纪90年代中后期电子商务兴起等社会经济变化导致的德国城市中心区物质空间老化、商业结构失衡、中产阶层流失等问题,以及社会隔离与排斥的挑战,德国于2008年提出系统性的城市中心区更新计划,采取目标综合、行动主体联合、空间整合及措施综合的整体性行动方法,促进环境、经济、社会协调发展,维护城市中心结构体系。在此过程中,政府和非公共部门相互配合,前者发挥着引导、管控、激励作用,主导公共空间资源开发和公共利益公正性分配,后者通过多种形式促进建设文化的形成与身份认同,决定着商品和服务的种类与品质。德国的实践可在规划编制、空间设计、功能业态、城市文化和运营管理等方面为我国城市提供经验借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 城市中心区更新 伙伴式合作 整体性方法 柏林
中小学学者型教师内涵与培养路径的探究 被引量:5
作者 朱志勇 汤博闻 +1 位作者 阮琳燕 郝少毅 《中小学管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期43-47,共5页
新时代要全面提高中小学教师质量,建设一支高素质专业化教师队伍。通过梳理当前国内外有关中小学学者型教师的研究进展与局限,同时基于与小学合作开展的“研究-实践伙伴合作式行动研究”项目,本研究提出并完善了中小学学者型教师的理论... 新时代要全面提高中小学教师质量,建设一支高素质专业化教师队伍。通过梳理当前国内外有关中小学学者型教师的研究进展与局限,同时基于与小学合作开展的“研究-实践伙伴合作式行动研究”项目,本研究提出并完善了中小学学者型教师的理论框架与内涵。中小学学者型教师理论框架包含“自我认同”的身份与价值观、“自我革命”的意识与理念、“自我行动”的方法与策略三个维度,它为中小学教师职业发展以及大学培养未来中小学教师提供了实践-理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 学者型教师 中小学学者型教师 教师职业发展 研究-实践伙伴合作行动研究
作者 杨本芳 高莉 《中国市场》 2015年第45期109-109,111,共2页
关键词 C2C顾客满意度 物流服务 伙伴式合作
深化“三社联动”机制建设的基本思路、框架设计与推进策略 被引量:1
作者 许亚敏 《中国民政》 2020年第10期29-31,35,共4页
"三社联动"的实质是不同社区行动者主体基于平等、协商、互助的原则进行伙伴式合作治理,以回应社区居民多样化的需求,实现社区善治。自2013年民政部要求各省市将开展"三社联动"作为基层社会治理创新的重点工作加以... "三社联动"的实质是不同社区行动者主体基于平等、协商、互助的原则进行伙伴式合作治理,以回应社区居民多样化的需求,实现社区善治。自2013年民政部要求各省市将开展"三社联动"作为基层社会治理创新的重点工作加以推进后,各地积极探索并积累了一些实践经验。但由于对"三社联动"这一新生事物认识不一,各地在不断总结经验、持续摸索改进的同时,也都尚有较大的发展与完善空间。 展开更多
关键词 推进策略 框架设计 三社联动 发展与完善 基本思路 伙伴式合作 行动者 社区居民
作者 谭小芍 《职业时空》 2010年第1期67-68,共2页
信息化时代,知识和技术更新换代的周期越来越短。职业院校应依托自身职业教育这一基本校情,建设适合自身发展特点的师生关系。作为既传授知识又传授技能的职业院校教师,必须建立与学生之间互相学习、教学相长型的师生关系;必须建立与学... 信息化时代,知识和技术更新换代的周期越来越短。职业院校应依托自身职业教育这一基本校情,建设适合自身发展特点的师生关系。作为既传授知识又传授技能的职业院校教师,必须建立与学生之间互相学习、教学相长型的师生关系;必须建立与学生之间的合作互助伙伴式师生关系。 展开更多
关键词 师生关系 沟通交流 教学相长 伙伴式合作互助
Sharing and evaluation of a new community co-management model for protecting Crested Ibis:a case study of Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve,China 被引量:5
作者 WANG Chang-hai WEN Ya-li +2 位作者 LIU Xiao-hai KANG Kai-li LI Bing 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第4期376-386,共11页
The Crested Ibis(Nipponia Nippon) is endemic to Qinling Mountains of China and was once abundant over vast areas of north-east of Asia habitat.During the 20th century,however,the population declined greatly in numbers... The Crested Ibis(Nipponia Nippon) is endemic to Qinling Mountains of China and was once abundant over vast areas of north-east of Asia habitat.During the 20th century,however,the population declined greatly in numbers.Habitat quality used to be the main threat to this species but recent actions by the government and wildlife protection organizations have brought this under control.With the establishment of Crested Ibis Nature Reserve in China,conflicts between socio-economic development and Crested Ibis conservation have become more acute.How do we deal with the relation between Crested Ibis conservation and community development? In this study,the Crested Ibis Nature Reserve co-management model namely "companies + farmers + Nature Reserve" model is proposed and evaluated with demonstration investigation methods,including continuous six-year fixed-site socio-economic development data of surrounding community,company sales revenue data and monitored data of Crested Ibis Nature Reserve.The results show that farmers' income and conservation awareness increased greatly from 2003 to 2008;company sales revenue has increased by about 20% annually in the recent years;management level has noticeably improved in Nature Reserve,the scope of Crested Ibis habitat has expanded 50 hm2;chemical composition of habitat reduced year after year;and the number of Crested Ibis had been growing annually.At the end,the success of the model is evaluated,and problems in implementation of the model are discussed from the following aspects:management system,co-management concept,economic base of partners,marketing mechanism,technical capacity and so on. 展开更多
关键词 SHARING EVALUATION Community co-management Crested Ibis Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve MODEL Marketing mechanism
Learning L2 English in Tandem Partnerships On-Line
作者 Noccetti Sabrina 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第7期1318-1324,共7页
Tandem learning via email and computer-mediated communication activities flanked standard frontal English lessons for Italian adult learners in Italy. It is here suggested that the combination of tandem learning, vari... Tandem learning via email and computer-mediated communication activities flanked standard frontal English lessons for Italian adult learners in Italy. It is here suggested that the combination of tandem learning, various communication activities performed on-line, and standard courses help mature students to boost their self-esteem, give them more autonomy, and enhance their motivation. Tandem learning, which is based on the principles of reciprocity and autonomy, is ideally suited for adult students. It helps overcome the problems connected to the affective reactions of adults, and at the same time, being content driven, offers a more natural setting to learn an L2 (second language) on a mutual supportive basis. 展开更多
关键词 computer-mediated communication content and language integrated learning L2 (second language)learning tandem partnership
Healthy Business Environment According to the General Theory of Sustainable Development
作者 AntoninMoravec 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第11期681-691,共11页
The article continues thinking about prospective of human society. Is the healthy business environment a fiction or a real opportunity? How far-reaching are the roots of the future natural processes of changes? How ... The article continues thinking about prospective of human society. Is the healthy business environment a fiction or a real opportunity? How far-reaching are the roots of the future natural processes of changes? How to work with the current global economic models? Can the current European integration process be considered as natural? Is a weak state a new opportunity for a future strong economy? What is the historical essence of the liberal thought? Why the current economic models are not permanent, why are they not sustainable, and why are they not developing for the basic quantum, which is the man as an individual? Can also the basic quantum be integration units as family, society, company, municipality, region, country, or EU, etc.? Qualified answers to the questions can be seen in a theoretical context of the General Theory of the Sustainable Development (GTSD), too. Theoretical trinity of GTSD is based on three theoretical pillars: GPT (Gravitation Polarity Theory), QET (Quantum Economy Theory), and BIT (Big Integration Theory). They can be considered as relevant theoretical basics for historical, current, and future sustainable development process. The healthy business environment is based on the healing of man. In GTSD, businessman and man gain a new source of knowledge, a new natural relationship, and a new content. This is a responsibility towards the customer and towards the pa^ner in business. Businessman's profit speaks about a new business in natural partnerships. Sustainable development without the Groove Management (second generation management) and without the fourth Reformation (with second generation of innovation) is a process that only reflects the regressive trend that takes place for more than 6000 years. Without the new content of the Fifth Theoretical Dimension (Consciousness) the historical mainstream of sustainable development process cannot be grasped. The biggest risk for the expected Healthy business society is a contemporary slave communism and contemporary crazy capitalism. Feasibility of business models of healthy business doing societies stands not only on adequate theoretical basis, but also on predicted cannibalism between slave communism and crazy capitalism. The biggest current risk of healthy business environment is a political arbitrariness, the desire for power, and the desire for money----corruption. 展开更多
关键词 healthy business doing society Groove management and Stowaway management crazy capitalism andslave communism natural spontaneous order consciousness as the new fifth theoretical dimension
Financial Model of a PPP Project
作者 Altin Turhani Ali Turhani 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第7期975-982,共8页
Over the last decade or so, private sector's financing through public-private partnerships (PPPs) has become increasingly popular as a way of procuring and maintaining public-sector infrastructure. Albania in the l... Over the last decade or so, private sector's financing through public-private partnerships (PPPs) has become increasingly popular as a way of procuring and maintaining public-sector infrastructure. Albania in the last few years had improved the legal frame so as to give the local authorities the right to initiate PPP projects. The local authorities have not built the expertise for such projects yet. The aim of this paper is to help the local authorities in Albania to support the building of the expertise for such projects. A financial model is used to make the required calculations for the bid at various phases of the project, although this paper is not intended to cover financial modeling in depth, the key inputs and outputs for the financial model are reviewed, including the financing costs. The model has to work within the constraints of: (I) the public authority's requirements for the PPP contract term and service fee profile; and (2) lenders' requirements for the term and payment profile of their debt. 展开更多
关键词 public-private partnership (PPP) project company operational expenditure capital expenditure service fee
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