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社会保障“全覆盖”研究 被引量:7
作者 黄匡时 《西部论坛》 2013年第6期1-11,共11页
改革开放之前,我国通过单位福利保障实现"单位全覆盖";改革开放之后,我国社会保障经历了从"建制扩面"向"广覆盖"与"双覆盖"的转变;"十八大"将"全覆盖"作为我国社会保障的... 改革开放之前,我国通过单位福利保障实现"单位全覆盖";改革开放之后,我国社会保障经历了从"建制扩面"向"广覆盖"与"双覆盖"的转变;"十八大"将"全覆盖"作为我国社会保障的首要方针,提出到2020年全面建成小康社会时实现社会保障全覆盖。社会保障全覆盖既指制度全面覆盖,也指人数全民覆盖(即应保人口的全覆盖)。社会保障全覆盖反映了普遍主义福利思想,折射出政府反对社会排斥、促进社会融合的施政理念。要坚持"保基本、多层次、可持续"的方针,以制度全覆盖带动人口全覆盖,以实现基本养老保险和最低生活保障制度全覆盖为突破口,以社会保险、社会救助和社会福利全覆盖为重点,逐步完善全覆盖的补充性社会保障制度,循序渐进地推进社会保障全覆盖进程。目前,应全面启动社会保障全覆盖计划,做好社会保障全覆盖政策的顶层设计,尽快实现全国社会保障信息联网,理顺全覆盖网络,并避免全覆盖陷阱。 展开更多
关键词 会保障全覆盖 普遍主义 融合 制度全覆盖 人口全覆盖 高福利陷阱 低福利陷阱 会保障信息联网 单位全覆盖 会保障广覆盖 会保障双覆盖
作者 胡亚光 《吉林省教育学院学报(中旬)》 2015年第7期144-145,共2页
随着我国社会经济的改革和发展,人们的经济生活水平也进入到新的高度。我国已进入高速发展阶段,而城市化发展就是我国其中一个重要的发展战略手段,更是我国未来发展的必然方向。社会保障作为社会体制中的一个科学化和人性化的标志,也被... 随着我国社会经济的改革和发展,人们的经济生活水平也进入到新的高度。我国已进入高速发展阶段,而城市化发展就是我国其中一个重要的发展战略手段,更是我国未来发展的必然方向。社会保障作为社会体制中的一个科学化和人性化的标志,也被充分体现出来。我国目前社会保障制度虽然已经有所发展,但是还存在诸多问题,特别是由于城市乡村的二元体制差异造成的矛盾问题,构建城乡社会保障一体化将对我国社会完善发展具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 城乡一体化 会保障制度 会保障
作者 骆楠 《大观周刊》 2011年第18期131-131,共1页
立一个完善、合理、公平的社会保障体系,是当前世界各国面临的一个共同课题。随着我国社会保障事业的蓬勃发展.社会保障的研究领域也随之不断拓展。维护职工合法权益是工会最基本、最重要的职责,工会参与社会保障体系建设、构建社会... 立一个完善、合理、公平的社会保障体系,是当前世界各国面临的一个共同课题。随着我国社会保障事业的蓬勃发展.社会保障的研究领域也随之不断拓展。维护职工合法权益是工会最基本、最重要的职责,工会参与社会保障体系建设、构建社会主义和谐社会意义重大。本文通过分析研究工会参与社会保障体系的可行性.进一步明确,并找到工会组织在参与社会保障制度建设中的切入点.进一步提高工会在推动和完善社会保障体系建设中的积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 会保障 组织 会保障工作 可行性
作者 力群 《上海信息化》 2002年第4期2-2,共1页
2002年10月24日,上海市信息化办公室副主任孙建平、市劳动保障局信息中心主任刘国良、市社保卡服务中心主任张惠芬等一行7人,赴国家劳动保障部专题汇报上海市社会保障卡工程建设和社保卡的应用情况。劳动保障部副部长李其炎、规划财... 2002年10月24日,上海市信息化办公室副主任孙建平、市劳动保障局信息中心主任刘国良、市社保卡服务中心主任张惠芬等一行7人,赴国家劳动保障部专题汇报上海市社会保障卡工程建设和社保卡的应用情况。劳动保障部副部长李其炎、规划财务司副司长王爱文、信息中心主任王东岩等领导听取了汇报。 展开更多
关键词 上海市社会保障卡工程 建设成果 会保障事业 IC卡应用工程 信息技术 试点效果 优化论证
作者 程志强 黄一健 《市场周刊·理论版》 2021年第4期138-139,共2页
随着国家经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平也在不断地提高,人们在各个方面也提出了越来越多的需求。 我国相关政府部门越来越重视居民的社会保障问题,不断想办法提高人们的社会保障水平。 首先,社会保障水平发展的相关理论是我国建设该事... 随着国家经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平也在不断地提高,人们在各个方面也提出了越来越多的需求。 我国相关政府部门越来越重视居民的社会保障问题,不断想办法提高人们的社会保障水平。 首先,社会保障水平发展的相关理论是我国建设该事业的指导,应该仔细研究把握。 其次,国内外的社会保障事业是如何适应经济的,这也是重要问题,怎样去解决人民群众的社会保障问题,并以此为基础促进社会经济发展是需要进行深入研究的。 展开更多
关键词 会保障水平 经济发展 适应性关系
作者 陈柱之 周群霞 《行政与法制》 2002年第10期49-49,共1页
关键词 中国 第八届中运食品卫生安全保障工作 食物中毒事件 卫生监督
办公室会务工作经验谈 被引量:1
作者 魏建霞 陶婷华 《办公室业务》 2019年第14期106-106,112,共2页
关键词 前准备 保障 后收尾
作者 陈邦柱 《湖南社会科学》 1993年第2期4-7,共4页
借湖南省经济学学会1992年年会暨市场经济讨论会的机会,我就社会主义市场经济理论与实践的研究提几点意见,同大家一起研究讨论。 一、充分重视社会主义市场经济的研究 党的十四大报告指出:“实践的发展和认识的深化,要求我们明确提出,... 借湖南省经济学学会1992年年会暨市场经济讨论会的机会,我就社会主义市场经济理论与实践的研究提几点意见,同大家一起研究讨论。 一、充分重视社会主义市场经济的研究 党的十四大报告指出:“实践的发展和认识的深化,要求我们明确提出,我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制,以利于进一步解放和发展生产力”。把建立社会主义市场经济体制,作为我国经济体制改革的目标提出来了,这是理论上和实践上的一次重大突破,是一个从根本上解决现实经济生活深层矛盾。 展开更多
关键词 强社 市场经济理论 转换企业经营机制 经济学 主义市场经济体制 科学 会保障体系 党的十四大 加快改革 深层矛盾
现行基金、社保费征管工作中存在的问题及对策 被引量:2
作者 周惠强 高小明 《山西煤炭管理干部学院学报》 2004年第2期17-17,共1页
随着税制改革的不断完善,基金、社保费在税收征收管理中存在的问题也日见端倪。如何加强基金、社保费征管,使其更有效地与税收征管有机结合,向着一体化、系统化、规范化方向发展,更好地发挥基金、社保费的社会保障职能,使其真正地做到... 随着税制改革的不断完善,基金、社保费在税收征收管理中存在的问题也日见端倪。如何加强基金、社保费征管,使其更有效地与税收征管有机结合,向着一体化、系统化、规范化方向发展,更好地发挥基金、社保费的社会保障职能,使其真正地做到取之于民、用之于民,为国家经济建设和改革开放服务,是我们必须注意研究的一个大问题。 展开更多
关键词 基金 会保障 征管工作 税制改革 企业
作者 国家计委宏观研究院课题组 《经济研究参考》 1999年第95期40-41,共2页
关键词 期间收入 政策思路 适度增长 贫困地区 三者分配 经营者年薪制 会保障体系 分配关系 工资集体协商 税制改革
作者 吴志评 《广西财政》 2002年第5期36-37,共2页
关键词 农业结构调整 财政政策 罗城县 财政投入 农村让会保障体系 农民负担
作者 张晓仲 《中国民政》 1996年第3期31-31,共1页
关键词 庄稼人 养老金 农村养老保险 青州市 养老 办事处 农村社 资金管理 保险手册 会保障体系
Status Quo and Reform Ideas for Accounting Calculation of Social Security Fund in China 被引量:2
作者 冯洁霏 朱正根 韩婀娜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2664-2666,共3页
With the steady development of China's economic policy and social secu- rity system, social security fund has become more and more important. Therefore, in the process of establishing and implementing social security... With the steady development of China's economic policy and social secu- rity system, social security fund has become more and more important. Therefore, in the process of establishing and implementing social security system, the status of the accounting system of social security fund has become particularly prominent. The existing problems in the system were discussed and corresponding reform ideas were proposed by analyzing the current situation of the social security fund accounting system. 展开更多
关键词 Social security fund Accounting calculation system Cash basis of ac-counting Accrual system
作者 黄伦成 《警察教育》 2003年第3期25-27,共3页
关键词 群体性事件 依法行政 会保障机制 民主思想 工作作风 政府职能 群众观念
Effects of Social Security Spending on Income Distribution and Poverty Reduction in China 被引量:23
作者 Yue Ximing Zhong Cong 《China Economist》 2020年第4期100-131,共32页
Reasonable income distribution and eradication of rural poverty are vital for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in China.This paper primarily examines the income distribution and poverty reducti... Reasonable income distribution and eradication of rural poverty are vital for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in China.This paper primarily examines the income distribution and poverty reduction effects of social security spending.Market income and redistribution policies are two determinants of income gaps.Based on CHIP2018 household survey data,we find that inadequate income redistribution policies have contributed to yawning income gaps,and that social security spending is more redistributive than personal income tax and social security contributions.After estimating the redistribution effects of social security spending and itemized incomes,we find that pension payments have contributed the most to household income gaps,and that subsistence protection and rural pension payments help improve income distribution.With respect to the poverty reduction effects of social security spending,we have estimated China’s current poverty incidence and the poverty reduction effects of pension payments,healthcare,and educational allowances with CHIP2018 data,and discover that an increase in social security spending may effectively reduce rural poverty.In building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,China should increase social security spending,focusing on specific target groups,and promote the role of social security spending in regulating income distribution and offering social protection to rural residents. 展开更多
关键词 income distribution market income personal income tax social security spending poverty reduction through social protection
Social Security Development in China and Its Support to Economic Transition 被引量:7
作者 Zheng Bingwen Zhang Xiaoli 《China Economist》 2019年第4期96-121,共26页
In 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,China has successfully transitioned from a closed economy to an open economy with the watershed year of reform and opening up in 1978 and modernized it... In 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,China has successfully transitioned from a closed economy to an open economy with the watershed year of reform and opening up in 1978 and modernized its social security system accordingly.This paper divides the transition of China’s social security system into seven stages before and after 1978.The traditional social security system was predicated on the dominant public ownership,a highly centralized economy,and“full employment.”It was congruous with the ownership structure,income distribution,and labor systems under the closed economy.The modern social security system is developed to meet the needs of an open economy and promotes economic development by giving play to consumption and investment,facilitating labor flow,and boosting productivity.The modern social security system requires further supply-side structural reforms to promote the high-quality development of the open economy. 展开更多
关键词 closed economy open economy social security system production factor labor market
Problems of Rural Migrant Workers and Policies in the New Period of Urbanization 被引量:2
作者 Gu Shengzu Zheng Lingyun Yi Shance 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第3期14-20,共7页
The huge migration of rural workers has new characteristics such as the bad order, high degree of concentration, low level of collective action, marginality in social status, unfair treatment, difficult integration of... The huge migration of rural workers has new characteristics such as the bad order, high degree of concentration, low level of collective action, marginality in social status, unfair treatment, difficult integration of the new generation, and the new return trend of rural migrants, which causes ‘urban diseases’ in China. Countermeasures should be taken to develop medium-sized and small cities, integrate the labor market of the city and countryside, provide necessary public services, social security and vocational training, guide the rural migrant workers to return rationally, and help the new generation live in harmony with urban residents. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION rural migrant workers strategy countermeasures
Brazil After Lula and Dilma Administrations: The Bolsa Familia and Implantation of a Basic Income 被引量:1
作者 Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva Valeria Ferreira Santos de Almada Lima 《Sociology Study》 2017年第4期179-194,共16页
The Family Stipend Program (Bolsa Famflia--BF) has been implemented since 2003 as the main strategy to face poverty in Brazil. Its benefit is the transfer of income to poor and extremely poor families as well as to ... The Family Stipend Program (Bolsa Famflia--BF) has been implemented since 2003 as the main strategy to face poverty in Brazil. Its benefit is the transfer of income to poor and extremely poor families as well as to articulate the monetary income transfer with some structural policies, mainly education, health, and work. The BF has already reached almost 14 million of families and is implemented in all the 5,545 Brazilian municipalities, i.e. about ~ of the Brazilian population. The program requires the fulfillment of some conditionalities in the field of education and health, such as: enrollment and attendance of the children and adolescents in school; children must get basic health care; and pregnant women must receive prenatal care. The BF is considered in Brazil, according to Eduardo Suplicy's Law Bill 266/2001 sanctioned by President Lula on ]anuary 8 of 2004, as the first step towards creating a Citizenship Basic Income. The goal of this proposal is to present and to problematize the recent political and economic post Lula and Dilma Administrations situation in order to demonstrate the climate of regression in the social protection programs and the dismantling of the same social rights already conquered by the worker class and the poor population. Among the programs to be mentioned is the BF. The intention is to highlight the economic situation of a long recession and rise in unemployment rates besides the decrease of the workers' income and the repression of social movements, in order to develop an analysis of the BF in this context. 展开更多
关键词 Family stipend income transfer programs Brazil
Costs and Strategies on Urbanization of Chinese Megacities’ Rural Areas Based on a Case Study of Beijing 被引量:1
作者 魏后凯 陈雪原 《China Economist》 2015年第3期38-48,共11页
As urbanization expands' into the suburbs of Chinese cities, the conversion of farmers into citizens with urban social protection is becoming an important issue facing Chinese megacities. Taking Beijing as an example... As urbanization expands' into the suburbs of Chinese cities, the conversion of farmers into citizens with urban social protection is becoming an important issue facing Chinese megacities. Taking Beijing as an example, this paper has calculated the one-off urbanization cost of farmers in China and arrived at the results of 500, 000 yuan per person for urbanization of centralized target regions in the suburb and 200, 000 yuan per person for urbanization of scattered target regions in the exurb. This paper considers that a diversified cost sharing mechanism should be put into place for the step-by-step urbanization of farmers. In addition, policy recommendations are proposed regarding the functional transformation of collective economic organizations, eradication of the urban-rural divide, enhancement of land system innovation and policy improvements for urbanization of rural residents. 展开更多
关键词 MEGACITIES URBANIZATION urbanization of farmers cost of urbanization
The Experimental Study on the Risk Convergence of the Entrusted Portfolios of NSSF
作者 瞿宝忠 庞青 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期230-234,共5页
This paper makes use of statistical tools of parameter correlation, multi-parameter regression, and does experimental analysis on issues of risk diversification of portfolios entrusted by National Social Security Fund... This paper makes use of statistical tools of parameter correlation, multi-parameter regression, and does experimental analysis on issues of risk diversification of portfolios entrusted by National Social Security Fund (NSSF). The issues are industry related investment fields distribution, the trend of capitalization movement, and investment style factors in stock selection. The results show that there are risk problems with portfolios entrusted by NSSF, which include similar investment fields distribution trend, little difference among portfolios, and high risk preference degree. 展开更多
关键词 National Social Security Fund (NSSF) entrusted portfolio risk Convergence risk diversification
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