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作者 那莎 《纺织导报》 CAS 1989年第24期10-10,共1页
关键词 吴文英 法鲁克 会孟 乔杜里 驻华大使 代表团团长 丝绸业 老厂改造 纺织领域 纺织设备
作者 孟广章 《财会研究》 1994年第10期47-48,共2页
实现共同富裕的伟大战略构想──学习邓小平“社会主义本质论”的体会孟广章社会主义中国如何才能消灭贫穷,实现共同富裕,是贯穿《邓小平文选》第三卷的一个重要议题。他在,总结以往经验教训的基础上,提出了科学的“先富带动后富,... 实现共同富裕的伟大战略构想──学习邓小平“社会主义本质论”的体会孟广章社会主义中国如何才能消灭贫穷,实现共同富裕,是贯穿《邓小平文选》第三卷的一个重要议题。他在,总结以往经验教训的基础上,提出了科学的“先富带动后富,实现共同富裕”的战略构想,这一战略... 展开更多
关键词 主义本质论 共同富裕 《邓小平文选》 会孟 收入差别 分配领域 经验教训 主义国家 差距问题 强大思想武器
作者 易庭源 《武汉财会》 1986年第10期4-,共1页
读了《武汉财会》最近连续刊登的、日本九州大学西村明教授所写《会计的控制职能和制度问题》和《论会计的社会属性》文后,我认为,文中关于会计是数学、经济和政治三方面互相交叉的边缘科学的观点;关于劳动过程是一个创造剩余生产物的过... 读了《武汉财会》最近连续刊登的、日本九州大学西村明教授所写《会计的控制职能和制度问题》和《论会计的社会属性》文后,我认为,文中关于会计是数学、经济和政治三方面互相交叉的边缘科学的观点;关于劳动过程是一个创造剩余生产物的过程,为了达到所费劳动最小所得经济效益最大的目的,要依靠会计系统记帐,定期总结的观点;关于会计是考核实物与帐簿数值之间的关系的观点;关于会计社会属性的观点;关于会计立法与会计公开的观点; 展开更多
关键词 控制职能 制度问题 日本九州大学 会孟 利益机 文中 最优值 电脑程序 大型设备 生产经营管理
《中国冶金教育》 2015年第3期3-3,共1页
第二届全国冶金行指委换届得到教育部批准任命2015年6月8日,教育部以教职成函(2015)9号文件,批准了由周成祥任主任委员、夏昌祥任秘书长、10同志任副主任委员、45位同志任委员组成的换届后的第二届全国冶金行指委。(学会夏昌祥)学会为... 第二届全国冶金行指委换届得到教育部批准任命2015年6月8日,教育部以教职成函(2015)9号文件,批准了由周成祥任主任委员、夏昌祥任秘书长、10同志任副主任委员、45位同志任委员组成的换届后的第二届全国冶金行指委。(学会夏昌祥)学会为配合宝钢教育奖评审同步开展了年度杰出人物奖评选学会下发了中冶教会(2015)37号(6月9日)和38号(6月19日)文件,为配合每年宝钢教育奖的评审。 展开更多
关键词 夏昌 教育奖 教职 评选对象 中国冶金 以学 会孟 评估等级 民服 服务中心
《中国冶金教育》 2015年第4期3-,共1页
2015年7月28日,"中国冶金教育学会职业院校自动化专业委员会会员大会暨2015年学术会议"在承办单位辽宁科技大学召开。来自昆明冶金高等专科学校、河北工业职业技术学院、山西工程职业技术学院、山西冶金技师学院、首钢工学院... 2015年7月28日,"中国冶金教育学会职业院校自动化专业委员会会员大会暨2015年学术会议"在承办单位辽宁科技大学召开。来自昆明冶金高等专科学校、河北工业职业技术学院、山西工程职业技术学院、山西冶金技师学院、首钢工学院、吉林电子信息职业技术学院、辽宁科技学院、辽宁冶金职业技术学院、山东工业职业学院等全国9个单位的20多位同志参会。 展开更多
关键词 中国冶金 教育学 辽宁冶金 辽宁科技学院 辽宁科技大学 会孟 首钢工学院 学术 冶金科技 河北
《中国冶金教育》 2015年第4期126-,共1页
2015年8月4日,"中国冶金教育学会学科建设研究会换届会员大会暨2015年学术年会"在承办单位东北大学秦皇岛分校召开。来自东北大学、北京科技大学、西安建筑科技大学、武汉科技大学、安徽工业大学等全国17所冶金院校的48位同... 2015年8月4日,"中国冶金教育学会学科建设研究会换届会员大会暨2015年学术年会"在承办单位东北大学秦皇岛分校召开。来自东北大学、北京科技大学、西安建筑科技大学、武汉科技大学、安徽工业大学等全国17所冶金院校的48位同志参会。中国冶金教育学会孟江副秘书长到会并主持了会员大会选举阶段的会议,东大秦皇岛分校校长助理齐西伟和东大发展规划与学科建设处副处长贾东风分别主持了随后的学术交流会议,东大秦皇岛分校王雷震副校长向大会致欢迎辞,孟江副秘书长代表学会讲话。会员大会按照预备会议通过的选举程序和候选人协商名单, 展开更多
关键词 中国冶金 教育学 预备 会孟 武汉科技大学 安徽工业大学 学术交流 发展规划 选举程序
《甘肃政报》 2008年第8期27-27,共1页
关键词 甘肃省人民政府 会孟 侨资企业 兰州铁路局 药品监督 名牌产品 驻外办事处 投资规模 协助配合 省台
刘辰翁年谱 被引量:14
作者 吴企明 《中国韵文学刊》 1990年第2期56-73,共18页
刘辰翁,字会孟,号须溪,又自号须溪居士、须溪农、小耐,门生后人称须溪先生。 《宋史》无传。万斯同《宋季忠义录·刘辰翁传》:“刘辰翁,字会孟,庐陵人。”陆心源《宋史翼》:“刘辰翁字会孟,庐陵人。” 须溪取号于故里之须溪山。须... 刘辰翁,字会孟,号须溪,又自号须溪居士、须溪农、小耐,门生后人称须溪先生。 《宋史》无传。万斯同《宋季忠义录·刘辰翁传》:“刘辰翁,字会孟,庐陵人。”陆心源《宋史翼》:“刘辰翁字会孟,庐陵人。” 须溪取号于故里之须溪山。须溪山即龙须山之阳,《须溪词》卷三《水调歌头·谢和溪园来寿》:“从此须溪里,更著赤松湖。”自注云:“仆故居须山之阳,曰须溪山。” 《龙须禅寺记》(《须溪集》卷一):“未至龙须,苍翠逼人。”“自吾行须山,千章如云。”吉安府志:“龙须山在二十一都绝顶。”《同治庐陵县志》卷三云:“ 展开更多
关键词 须溪 刘辰翁 宋史翼 养吾斋集 忠义录 刘将孙 会孟 词云 水调歌头 宋度宗
刘辰翁在中国古代小说批评史上的地位 被引量:3
作者 杨星映 《重庆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1986年第4期28-32,共5页
刘辰翁,是由宋入元的文学家和文学批评家。在中国古代小说批评史上,他第一个把评点这种形式运用于小说批评,批点了“志人”小说《世说新语》,从而对后世的小说批评产生了重要影响。 辰翁字会孟,号须溪,庐陵(今江西吉安)人,生于南宋理宗... 刘辰翁,是由宋入元的文学家和文学批评家。在中国古代小说批评史上,他第一个把评点这种形式运用于小说批评,批点了“志人”小说《世说新语》,从而对后世的小说批评产生了重要影响。 辰翁字会孟,号须溪,庐陵(今江西吉安)人,生于南宋理宗绍定五年壬辰(1232),卒于元成宗大德元年丁酉(1297),和关汉卿时代大致相值。他在南宋时因廷试直言忤贾似道,仅做过濂溪书院山长等小官,宋亡不仕。“抑于时而天下知名。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代小说 刘辰翁 批评史 小说批评 须溪 元成宗 《世说新语》 小说评点 绍定 会孟
机器人的权利 被引量:3
作者 蔡良武 陆菁 《未来与发展》 1989年第1期58-59,共2页
近几年的未来学研究中有一个问题常使我们魂牵梦绕——“机器人有权利吗?”对这个问题,“老学究”们嗤之以鼻,严肃的政府官员则怀疑这种研究的意义。尽管如此,我们坚信,机器人的发展并拥有权利将会是历史的必然,它不仅对司法和审判系统... 近几年的未来学研究中有一个问题常使我们魂牵梦绕——“机器人有权利吗?”对这个问题,“老学究”们嗤之以鼻,严肃的政府官员则怀疑这种研究的意义。尽管如此,我们坚信,机器人的发展并拥有权利将会是历史的必然,它不仅对司法和审判系统,而且会对统治我们社会制度的哲学思想和政治思想产生强烈的、影响深远的冲击。因为,虽然现在的机器人还被认为是机器,是一种无生命的物体,它们只能进行有限的活动,它们需要人工制定的“思维”,它们缺乏理性和感情,它们不会痛苦和恐惧,它们不会爱……等等。 展开更多
关键词 缺乏理性 这一天 会孟 宇宙学 这个世界 民事侵权行为 智能结构 人类中心论 记忆能力 电脑控制
作者 张连扬 《数学教学通讯》 1983年第5期44-46,共3页
关键词 数学竞赛 对称点 正整数 已知点 共线 填充题 已知条件 会孟 一初 极限值
作者 赵永宝 《半岛新生活》 2007年第11期71-71,共1页
关键词 美容医学 会孟 女同事 医疗场所 上睑 永宝 心理阴影 自然流畅 泉明 女同学
作者 行驶悠然 《成长先锋:女人街》 2007年第5期61-63,共3页
关键词 纷繁芜杂 刘觉 我爱你 人到中年 擦皮鞋 二十四小时 没理 七八 一杯茶 会孟
Food Security through Community Food Bank and Employment Generation: A Study in the North-Eastern Bangladesh
作者 M. N. Islam B. T. Rumsby 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期713-721,共9页
About twenty percent people in Bangladesh are poor and ultra-poor, and they face severe food insecurity every year. Since food deficit is a recurring phenomenon especially in the northern area of Bangladesh, due to sc... About twenty percent people in Bangladesh are poor and ultra-poor, and they face severe food insecurity every year. Since food deficit is a recurring phenomenon especially in the northern area of Bangladesh, due to scarcity of jobs in agriculture dilring the lean period, there is a necessity for creating employment opportunities in non-crop agriculture and off-farm services. This action research program is therefore planned and offered skill development training in different trades to the target beneficiaries in the study area for employment generation. It is observed from the field survey that introduction of self-employment opportunities of the poor farmers by conducting skill development training program in different income generating economic activities enabling them to acquire necessary skills, and helping them to choose self-employment in off-farm sectors. In addition, education and advocacy programs also helped them to ensure food security by depositing their money/foods in a community food bank aiming to use during crisis period. 展开更多
关键词 Monga food security SELF-EMPLOYMENT commtmity food bank.
The Baul Sursadhak: The Tradition and Individual Talent
作者 Jayita Sengupta 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第2期151-157,共7页
The Bauls or the fakirs of Bengal have been unacknowledged prophets even a century back, till the recent interest now in their music, philosophy, and performance. The Bauls do not revere class/caste/religious divides ... The Bauls or the fakirs of Bengal have been unacknowledged prophets even a century back, till the recent interest now in their music, philosophy, and performance. The Bauls do not revere class/caste/religious divides and often flout the norms of the society by their divine madness. Etymologically, the word derives from Sanskrit, "vatula" (meaning one who is affected by the wind disease or is mad), or "vyakula" (meaning restless or disordered). In recent years however, Bauls have been recognized as a religious sect, yet the connotation of madness still clings to their reputation. This paper is going to discuss briefly how the Baul tradition developed in Bengal and then focus on the Baul philosophy in the Baul-gan texts and on their musical appeal. Many of the Baul-gans have had profound influence on other forms of music. Closely associated with the Baul sangeet is the Bhatiali music whose rhythm, has often won the hearts of many classical musicians. Often times the classical musicians have been found to render the ektatra or dotara sounds in their improvisations. Rabindranath Tagore too has used some of the Baul maestro, Lalon Fakir's lyrics, philosophy as well as music in many of his songs. More recently, Baul songs have been rendered through fusion bands or experimental music. 展开更多
Will the Holocaust Please Hush? Social and Historical Incongruity in Savyon Liebrecht's Hayuta's Engagement Party
作者 Corinne E. Blackmer 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期513-520,共8页
Mendel, a survivor of Auschwitz who lives in Israel, remains silent for forty years after his traumatic experiences. However, Mendel, for no reason that his daughter Bella, also a survivor, can discern, begins to test... Mendel, a survivor of Auschwitz who lives in Israel, remains silent for forty years after his traumatic experiences. However, Mendel, for no reason that his daughter Bella, also a survivor, can discern, begins to testify to his horrific ordeals during the Holocaust at putatively inopportune times, such as religious holidays and family celebrations. When his granddaughter Hayuta plans an engagement party, the social and historical incongruities of the Holocaust in the context of contemporary Israeli society become apparent. Ordinary pleasures are matters of moral obloquy in the face of the unfathomable black hole of the Holocaust. While critics have charged Mendel's daughter with preoccupation with invidious social climbing and his granddaughter Hayuta with moral reprehensible compartmentalization of her historical and familial existences, Liebrecht unwittingly implies that historical trauma has very diverse and inexplicable effects on different family members: Some, like the daughter Bella, eventually wish to hear more about the experiences of her father (while feeling that his words will "'ruin" her social life), while Hayuta and Shifra his daughter-in-law react by shunning the speech of Mendel, which they experience as destroying their quotidian happiness. 展开更多
关键词 Liebrecht Savyon HOLOCAUST intergenerational PTSD traumatic testimonial Jewish history Israel remembrance
Direct and Indirect Effects of Socioeconomic Factors on Age at First Marriage in Slum Areas,Bangladesh
作者 Shamima Akter Md.Mizanur Rahman 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第3期79-82,共4页
This article attempts to examine the influence of some selected predictor variables on female age at first marriage in slum areas of Bangladesh.A path and multiple classification analysis(MCA) approach have been adopt... This article attempts to examine the influence of some selected predictor variables on female age at first marriage in slum areas of Bangladesh.A path and multiple classification analysis(MCA) approach have been adopted.Authors thought that respondent's educational level and the mass media such as watching television have a significant direct impact on age at marriage,while the types of family and occupational status have an indirect effect on age at marriage. 展开更多
关键词 age at first marriage slum areas MCA and path analysis
Analysis of Social and Psychological Terrain of Bank Erosion Victims: A Study Along the Bhagirathi River, West Bengal, India
作者 Aznarul ISLAM Sanat Kumar GUCHHAIT 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1009-1026,共18页
Social psychology of people affected by hazards is different from normal psychology. For example, severe bank erosion in the lower reach of the Bhagirathi River in West Bengal has resulted in significant land loss (-... Social psychology of people affected by hazards is different from normal psychology. For example, severe bank erosion in the lower reach of the Bhagirathi River in West Bengal has resulted in significant land loss (-60% of all households lost land over last 20 years) and affected the livelihoods of the people in the study villages along the river. Per capita income has almost halved from 1970-2012 due to land loss. This stark nature of land erosion and vulnerability of livelihood has had far-reaching repercussions on the fabric of society and the psychology of the people in this region. Results showed that erosion-affected villages have registered compara- tively larger average family sizes (-4.1 as compared to -3.9 in non-affected villages), lower literacy levels (〈 50% compared to 〉 65% for the non-affected villages), and poor health. Reports of poor health as a result of land erosion include -60% of the respondents having reported physical ailments such as headache and abdominal discomfort, as well as 3%-5% reporting loss of emotional and psychological balance. Villages suffering from erosion showed higher positive loadings in average-coefficient of variation (CV) differential (25%-40%) depicting objectivity in their opinions for select variables of social processes. Principal component analysis (PCA) por- trayed maximum eigenvalues in the first principal component for interpersonal processes (-98%) and a minimum for intergroup proc- esses (-80%). Categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA) depicted a cluster between interpersonal and intergroup processes and another between intra-individual and group categories. The positive loadings in female-male differences in CV of perceptions portrayed relative consistency of males over the females concerning fear/phobia and physical stress while negative loadings exhibited higher consistency for females regarding psychological stress and shock. Lastly, the Taj fel matrix portrayed a distinction between hazard psychology characterized by maximum joint profit as found in Rukunpur, and normal psychology characterized by in-group favoritism as found in Matiari. 展开更多
关键词 social terrain psychological terrain riverbank erosion principal component analysis Tajfel matrix Bhagirathi River
Bangladesh Economic Development Model (BED Model)
作者 Chowdhury Mahbubul Alam 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第6期823-843,共21页
Bangladesh economy has experienced some stable growths with regard to major macroeconomic indicators, significant progress in social development indicators, rural infrastructure, investment in industrial agricultural ... Bangladesh economy has experienced some stable growths with regard to major macroeconomic indicators, significant progress in social development indicators, rural infrastructure, investment in industrial agricultural sector, and poverty alleviation since the 1990s. Bangladesh has made major strides in its human development index (HDI), population growth rate achieved to 1.3%, gross domestic product (GDP) over the last five years achieved more than 5% growth consecutively; as a result, it mooted the Brazil, Russia, India, China (BRIC) successors, otherwise known as the Next-11. The success has come through the miracle activities of micro finance (MF: Grameen Bank and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)), remittance from migrant worker (RMW), and export of readymade garment (ERMG) products. These three (MF, RMW, and ERMG) as the "prime powers" or engines have been achieving to "bottom up" of social economic development. This paper reviews aspects of economic development in Bangladesh, analyzes three prime powers, and tries to find out a development pattern, vis-a-vis construct Bangladesh economic development model or BED model. Finally, this paper examines Bangladesh's development experience in light of the BED model. It has recognized MF model for poverty alleviation in the worldwide. 展开更多
关键词 micro finance (MF) Grameen Bank non-govemmental organizations (NGOs) remittance from migrant workers (RMW) export of readymade garment (ERMG) SELF-EMPLOYMENT micro enterprises prime power
《中国劳动》 1960年第11期25-26,共2页
全面鋪开声势浩大自从劳动部在青島召开了全国企业編制定員工作会议以后,編制定員工作已在全国全面鋪开,而且声势浩大,进展很快。根据不完全統计,截至今年四月底止,已經有辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、山东、安徽、浙江、江西、湖南、广东、陝... 全面鋪开声势浩大自从劳动部在青島召开了全国企业編制定員工作会议以后,編制定員工作已在全国全面鋪开,而且声势浩大,进展很快。根据不完全統计,截至今年四月底止,已經有辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、山东、安徽、浙江、江西、湖南、广东、陝西、內蒙、甘肃、河北、北京、旅大、鞍山、杭州、石家庄、吉林市等十九个省、市、自治区和邮电、铁道、化工、石油、水利电力、商业等六个部召开了編制定員工作会议,认真地传达了全国企业編制定員工作会议的精神,反复地学习了有关文件,研究了开展編制定員工作的規划和措施。 展开更多
关键词 水利电力 旅大 技术革命运动 十二个 会孟 傅达 兰月 专阴 炸心 工作
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