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作者 高金凤 《教育视界》 2021年第10期19-20,共2页
管理"思享"会,就是本着"1+1+1>3"的集团管理价值取向,变革集团校级管理例会,以"阅读共思,问题共研,智慧共享"为实践要素,追求"锤炼思维""突破瓶颈""合作共赢"的例会价... 管理"思享"会,就是本着"1+1+1>3"的集团管理价值取向,变革集团校级管理例会,以"阅读共思,问题共研,智慧共享"为实践要素,追求"锤炼思维""突破瓶颈""合作共赢"的例会价值,从行政喊话式管理走向专业对话式管理。 展开更多
关键词 管理“享” 行政喊话 专业对话
多思会算 不畏困难
作者 戴德文 《数理化解题研究》 2021年第34期25-27,共3页
关键词 减少运算 尽量少算 防止漏算
“课堂”哪得清如许,“会学善思”活水来——以《天游峰的扫路人》一课为例浅谈小学语文高效课堂的构建 被引量:1
作者 郭莉 《小学教学研究》 2020年第9期81-83,共3页
为实现高效课堂的目标,在教学工作中我们要注意以生为本、以学定教、为学而教,把学习的主动权还给学生,指导学生真正做到"会学善思"。本文从以下三个方面进行了阐述:一、以生为本,自学为先,为"会学善思"提供舞台;... 为实现高效课堂的目标,在教学工作中我们要注意以生为本、以学定教、为学而教,把学习的主动权还给学生,指导学生真正做到"会学善思"。本文从以下三个方面进行了阐述:一、以生为本,自学为先,为"会学善思"提供舞台;二、革新课堂,合作互动,为"会学善思"创造契机;三、归纳总结,自主探究,为"会学善思"拓宽渠道。 展开更多
关键词 学善 语文教学 高效课堂
作者 郭健 《时代人物》 2020年第33期358-359,共2页
习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上发表的重要讲话,为新时期高校的思想政治工作指明了方向,提出了要求,是新形势下开展高校思想政治工作的行动纲领。深入贯彻落实思政会精神,是一项关乎高校办学方向和学生培养方向的质量工程,... 习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上发表的重要讲话,为新时期高校的思想政治工作指明了方向,提出了要求,是新形势下开展高校思想政治工作的行动纲领。深入贯彻落实思政会精神,是一项关乎高校办学方向和学生培养方向的质量工程,更是一项从思想意识、学习理解到贯彻落实三个层面都需要扎实推进的系统工程,三者相互联系、相互促进,缺一不可,所以必须坚持“三个到位”,即思想认识到位、理论学习到位、行动对标到位。本文从坚持“三个到位”的主要依据、具体举措和重要意义这三个方面,对从“三个到位”入手,深入贯彻落实全国高校思想政治工作会议精神展开具体阐述。 展开更多
关键词 “三个到位” 贯彻落实 精神
用数学日记教学的点滴体会 被引量:1
作者 陈玲 《科技创新导报》 2010年第21期170-170,共1页
关键词 数学日记 内容 指导方法 会思
作者 李德刚 《小学教学参考》 2019年第15期77-77,共1页
思想品德是一门很实用也很有趣的课程,学好它的八字要诀是"会读、会问、会思、会练"。在思想品德教学中,教师要教会学生读懂教科书,整体把握课文内容;要提高提问质量,引导学生做出正确的判断;要激活学生的思维,透过现象抓住本... 思想品德是一门很实用也很有趣的课程,学好它的八字要诀是"会读、会问、会思、会练"。在思想品德教学中,教师要教会学生读懂教科书,整体把握课文内容;要提高提问质量,引导学生做出正确的判断;要激活学生的思维,透过现象抓住本质;要强化训练,使学生举一反三,掌握学习方法。 展开更多
关键词 想品德 会思
作者 华晓娟 《试题与研究(教学论坛)》 2014年第26期59-61,共3页
导学案的“学案”是教师根据课程标准要求、学生认知水平、认知规律和学生已有知识经验编写的供学生课外预习和课内自学使用的书面学习方案。通过导学案的运用,使学生在科学教学中学会阅读、动手实验、学会问问题、学会思考和归纳整理... 导学案的“学案”是教师根据课程标准要求、学生认知水平、认知规律和学生已有知识经验编写的供学生课外预习和课内自学使用的书面学习方案。通过导学案的运用,使学生在科学教学中学会阅读、动手实验、学会问问题、学会思考和归纳整理,真正使学生学会学习。 展开更多
关键词 会思
作者 谷亚楠 《教育教学论坛》 2010年第10期43-43,共1页
关键词 “要”“会思”“善
“让学引思”:初中数学课堂的新视点 被引量:35
作者 华云锋 《教学与管理(中学版)》 北大核心 2017年第2期62-64,共3页
"让学"是为了指导学生自主学习、独立思考,训练学生主动学习、学会学习、善于学习的学习力;"引思"是为了引导学生学会审题、学会分析、学会联想,学会信息整合,发展学生学会思考、善于思考、勤于思考的思考力。课堂... "让学"是为了指导学生自主学习、独立思考,训练学生主动学习、学会学习、善于学习的学习力;"引思"是为了引导学生学会审题、学会分析、学会联想,学会信息整合,发展学生学会思考、善于思考、勤于思考的思考力。课堂适时让学、引思,既能挖掘学生的学习潜能,又能增强学生的数学悟性。 展开更多
关键词 让学 潜能 考力 学善
指向高阶思维发展的会学深思及其教学实现 被引量:4
作者 蒋永贵 《上海教育科研》 北大核心 2022年第10期37-40,共4页
当前课堂教学存在学习不得法、浅层思考的普遍性问题,难以培养学生的高阶思维能力。实践发现,学生发展高阶思维有门道,会学深思是关键。搭建学习进阶支架可引导学生学会学习:一是要梯级呈现;二是要学生爬梯;三是要用动宾结构描述学习活... 当前课堂教学存在学习不得法、浅层思考的普遍性问题,难以培养学生的高阶思维能力。实践发现,学生发展高阶思维有门道,会学深思是关键。搭建学习进阶支架可引导学生学会学习:一是要梯级呈现;二是要学生爬梯;三是要用动宾结构描述学习活动。注重显性学科思维可促进学生深度思考:一是要优先选用学科思维动词;二是思维动词要契合学生认知。 展开更多
关键词 高阶 学深 实现策略
元代驿站、客馆的建设及经济文化交流 被引量:1
作者 乌云高娃 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第6期72-76,共5页
元代的驿站交通非常发达,在中外使臣往来、经济文化交流、丝绸之路畅通等方面起到了重要作用。元代对馆驿的建设也比以往各个朝代更为重视。会同馆不仅是接待外国使臣的中央客馆,同时,也是诸国使臣、商人进行官方贸易的场所。元代海上... 元代的驿站交通非常发达,在中外使臣往来、经济文化交流、丝绸之路畅通等方面起到了重要作用。元代对馆驿的建设也比以往各个朝代更为重视。会同馆不仅是接待外国使臣的中央客馆,同时,也是诸国使臣、商人进行官方贸易的场所。元代海上、陆路丝绸之路非常畅通,元代驿站、客馆的建设使国内驿站交通网与陆海丝绸之路相连接,有效地推动了元代与中亚、西亚、欧洲,以及东亚世界之间的经济文化交流。 展开更多
关键词 站赤 同馆 丝绸之路
作者 王中伦 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2016年第8期146-146,共1页
关键词 要学 乐学 会思
作者 孙振娥 《中国科教创新导刊》 2011年第7期59-59,共1页
关键词 素质教育 学习 会思
"Some Things Must Be Left Unsaid!" On How Macherey Is Dialogically Engaged with Post-Marxism1 被引量:1
作者 Billy Bin Feng Huang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期487-508,共22页
This paper aims to examine how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism in formulating his reading strategy. First Macherey thinks that the author must have left something unsaid in his text. The unsaid or t... This paper aims to examine how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism in formulating his reading strategy. First Macherey thinks that the author must have left something unsaid in his text. The unsaid or the narrative rupture is responsible for the multiplicity of the voices in the text, enabling the text to exist. Most of all, Macherey argues that a text, embedded in History, is where the author represents ideology inaccurately. And it is from this inaccuracy where the narrative rupture emerges. At this point, Macherey is dialogically correlated with several major post-Marxists, such as Althusser, Eagleton, and Jameson. First, all three of them give their own definitions to ideology, and they all define the relationship between the text, ideology, and History in a similar fashion. For Althusser, ideology is men's imaginary relation to History and is insufficiently reflected in the text, which perfectly corresponds to Macherey's claim. For Eagleton, a text absorbs ideology and puts it into contradiction, establishing its relationship with History. As Eagleton himself has stated, his so-called "ideological contradiction" is tantamount to Macherey's so-called "narrative rupture." In Jameson's opinion, ideology is designed to repress social contradictions, and a text, a symbolic act, is supposed to offer imaginary solutions to them. Above all, they end up as the latent meanings of a text. As for History, it is the inaccessible Real. In speaking of "the latent meanings of a text," Jameson literally echoes Machery's said/unsaid model. Thus, we can confirm how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism. 展开更多
关键词 Macherey (un)said narrative rupture post-Marxism ALTHUSSER EAGLETON JAMESON
Practical Significance and Effect of Image Design in Interpersonal Communication
作者 Jing Yu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期103-105,共3页
According to Marx, man is the sum of all social relationships. Social relationships are interpersonal communication, and realizing good interpersonal communication is all that social people desire. Analyzing the signi... According to Marx, man is the sum of all social relationships. Social relationships are interpersonal communication, and realizing good interpersonal communication is all that social people desire. Analyzing the significance and effect of image design (impression management) in interpersonal communication is the best way to strengthen our emphasis on image design and to make good use of image design and to achieve personal dream with real social integration. 展开更多
关键词 interpersonal communication image design interpersonal cognition
On the Tarmac of Nationhood: Dismantling Caste and Tribal Loyalty in Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger and Shadrach Ambanasom's Son of the Native Soil
作者 Gilbert Tarka Fai 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第10期1123-1132,共10页
The White Tiger is Aravind Adiga's first novel just like Son of the Native Soil which is Shadrach Ambanasom's first oeuvre. The two novels address two major social concerns (the caste system and tribal loyalty) th... The White Tiger is Aravind Adiga's first novel just like Son of the Native Soil which is Shadrach Ambanasom's first oeuvre. The two novels address two major social concerns (the caste system and tribal loyalty) that impair national cohesion in India and Cameroon respectively. Briefly speaking, the caste refers to the classification of peoples in India (and other South Asian countries) into in-marrying hereditary social classes of the privileged and the underprivileged while tribal loyalty refers to selfish attachment to a tribe or clan to the detriment of community or national feeling. The two concepts are related in the sense that the word "caste" derives from the Spanish or Portuguese "casta" meaning race, lineage, breed or clan. In both cases therefore, the issues of sectionalism, division, discrimination, selfishness, marginalization, and hegemony (amongst others) are at play--issues that impede the notion of nationhood. Read principally from the Marxist perspective of power dynamics and class struggle, the paper argues that Adiga and Ambanasom through skillful manipulation of symbols, time, characters and events, try to imagine the deconstruction of caste and ethnic loyalty in India and Cameroon respectively, which to the two authors, are only historically and socially erected edifices rather than natural order. For the two authors, although global forces may seem to play in favor of a more equitable human society, a necessarily violent revolution might be required to dismantle a blighted body politico-modus operandi that has operated in the people's psyche for a long time, as characters and events in the two novels reveal. 展开更多
关键词 CASTE tribal loyalty MARXISM globalization
Legal thinking under legal globalization and social transformation
作者 Shao Ma 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期51-53,共3页
China now is in an important period of social transformation, it puts forward unique requirements for changes from the ethics community to the legal social, and also for law operation, legal developments and public aw... China now is in an important period of social transformation, it puts forward unique requirements for changes from the ethics community to the legal social, and also for law operation, legal developments and public awareness of the laws. Law globalization both is a result of globalization in other areas, but also a tool to promote other areas of globalization, and its essence is the performance of the laws of all countries in the world being more interdependent to further strengthen. From a legal point to analysis, to identify the root causes and find ways to solve and to provide a useful reference for the current socialist harmonious society is very necessary. 展开更多
关键词 LEGAL GLOBALIZATION social transformation.
The Sociological Analysis on the Teacher' s Notion of Judging Students Based on Achievements
作者 HE Jingli 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期99-101,共3页
There is a popular notion of teachers that they judge a student according to their score. On this basis, teachers developed a systematical thinking method, perspective and way of act. Currently, teachers arrange seats... There is a popular notion of teachers that they judge a student according to their score. On this basis, teachers developed a systematical thinking method, perspective and way of act. Currently, teachers arrange seats and interact with students and do many other things according to their score sub-consciously. This phenomenon, however, has a long-standing basis on which the school evaluates teachers and teachers evaluate themselves. 展开更多
关键词 Performance-Oriented Teacher' s Culture Relationship between Teachers and Students
From Critical Thinking to Artful Communication: Inspirations from Dewey's Theory of Communication 被引量:1
作者 Jessica Ching-Sze Wang 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第2期103-113,共11页
The idea of Philosophy for Children (P4C) initiated by Matthew Lipman aims to foster critical and creative thinking in children through the pedagogy of a community of inquiry. In his formulation of P4C, Lipman empha... The idea of Philosophy for Children (P4C) initiated by Matthew Lipman aims to foster critical and creative thinking in children through the pedagogy of a community of inquiry. In his formulation of P4C, Lipman emphasizes the role of logical reasoning in thinking and assumes a mutually reinforcing relationship between critical and creative thinking. In this paper, I present an example of a real classroom dialogue which illustrates the inherent tension between logical and creative thinking, as well as the need to go beyond critical thinking. I then proceed to argue for the importance of communication in creating and sustaining a genuine community of inquiry. In conclusion, I suggest that John Dewey's view of communication as essentially transformative, aesthetic, educative, and moral can be made the basis for envisioning an alternative focus of P4C--namely, the ideal of artful communication, which has far-reaching implications for realizing the democratic idea of "community" in a community of inquiry. 展开更多
关键词 Matthew Lipman John Dewey philosophy for children critical thinking COMMUNICATION
Opportunities and Challenges for Global Student Mobility: A Study on Undergraduates' Experiences
作者 Amy Shumin Chen 《Sociology Study》 2014年第5期385-394,共10页
This paper examines the study abroad experiences of undergraduates, explores the students' values and perspectives on being global citizens, and expresses the way they think of themselves as members of the broader wo... This paper examines the study abroad experiences of undergraduates, explores the students' values and perspectives on being global citizens, and expresses the way they think of themselves as members of the broader world community. The research was conducted by interviewing students who had experiences studying abroad. It aims to open a debate about the meanings and understandings of global student mobility which is based on the opinions and values of college students who had either long or short-term study abroad experiences. The study shows that students have grasped the transformation of globalization and are concerned with their competitiveness in the global stage. They pointed out that their higher education courses are lacking in providing enough opportunities for students to encounter the broader world. Also, students often cope with culture shock issues such as the way they interact with classmates, the attitude of contributing toward society, and the barrier to communicate using local languages. Proposed changes can start with professors, for example, by bringing the reality of other cultures into the students' learning process, by showing the common values and competencies of modern college students, and by contributing to critical thinking. 展开更多
关键词 GLOBALIZATION global student mobility study abroad PEDAGOGY
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