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作者 谢明 《魅力中国》 2010年第17X期194-194,共1页
关键词 中小学体育教育 大学体育教育 会练 途径
学生“乐学、会练”是体育教学的追求目标 被引量:6
作者 施履冰 《体育科研》 2005年第2期85-87,共3页
关键词 学生 乐学 会练 体育教学
NBA最强大胡子 詹姆斯·哈登既能吃也会练
作者 周铭 《健与美》 2020年第12期12-13,共2页
关键词 NBA 标新立异 詹姆斯 会练 球员 标志性 刻苦训
作者 楼文梁 《新体育(下半月)》 2022年第6期76-78,共3页
2017版普高新课标发布后,基层学校和教师对于模块的设置与模块计划的制订有了方向性、指引性和灵活性。“练、赛、会”教学模式是近年来国内新兴的教学理论,经过数年发展已经日渐成熟,特别在具体课堂教学层面。以这个背景来建构高中排... 2017版普高新课标发布后,基层学校和教师对于模块的设置与模块计划的制订有了方向性、指引性和灵活性。“练、赛、会”教学模式是近年来国内新兴的教学理论,经过数年发展已经日渐成熟,特别在具体课堂教学层面。以这个背景来建构高中排球模块教学计划符合新课标精神,也符合教育部最新的政策导向。本研究经此模式制订了排球模块1的教学计划并进行了一定教学实践,验证了这种模式的可操作性与实效性。也期待“练、赛、会”背景下后续排球模块计划的制订与教学实践。 展开更多
关键词 、赛、 排球模块 教学计划
作者 李德刚 《小学教学参考》 2019年第15期77-77,共1页
思想品德是一门很实用也很有趣的课程,学好它的八字要诀是"会读、会问、会思、会练"。在思想品德教学中,教师要教会学生读懂教科书,整体把握课文内容;要提高提问质量,引导学生做出正确的判断;要激活学生的思维,透过现象抓住本... 思想品德是一门很实用也很有趣的课程,学好它的八字要诀是"会读、会问、会思、会练"。在思想品德教学中,教师要教会学生读懂教科书,整体把握课文内容;要提高提问质量,引导学生做出正确的判断;要激活学生的思维,透过现象抓住本质;要强化训练,使学生举一反三,掌握学习方法。 展开更多
关键词 思想品德 会练
论中小学体育教育与大学体育教育的衔接 被引量:1
作者 王世哲 《甘肃科技》 2003年第11期170-171,共2页
大学体育教育应与中小学体育教育区别开 ,中小学打基础 ,练会大纲中规定的内容 ,提高学生的健康水平。大学则要强化学生的体育意识 ,培养锻炼习惯。即会练。
关键词 中小学体育教育 大学体育教育 会练 途径
作者 张文轩 《中华武术》 2020年第6期57-57,共1页
古人云:练拳不懂养,百练功不长。练拳人,会练的练一生,不会练的只能练英年。武术的第一目的是:养生,其次才是技击。试想,若是没有一个好的身体,何谈对敌?若是练武练伤或练坏了身体,这无疑是自己练拳打自己,更不用说技击了。那么,怎样练... 古人云:练拳不懂养,百练功不长。练拳人,会练的练一生,不会练的只能练英年。武术的第一目的是:养生,其次才是技击。试想,若是没有一个好的身体,何谈对敌?若是练武练伤或练坏了身体,这无疑是自己练拳打自己,更不用说技击了。那么,怎样练拳能达到养生的目的呢? 展开更多
关键词 技击 红拳 养生 武术 会练 身体 目的
《作文(5-6年级适用)》 2022年第5期63-63,共1页
吐槽1号古筝老师让我多练练摇指。我回家练了,可还是弹不好。烦死了?(周辛冉)一针鸡血找出自己弹不好的原因,然后找对方法,用心练,你一定会练好的。吐槽2号今天,我正在给赫洪锦检查作业,老师却以为我在和他玩儿。我心里十分不痛快,因为... 吐槽1号古筝老师让我多练练摇指。我回家练了,可还是弹不好。烦死了?(周辛冉)一针鸡血找出自己弹不好的原因,然后找对方法,用心练,你一定会练好的。吐槽2号今天,我正在给赫洪锦检查作业,老师却以为我在和他玩儿。我心里十分不痛快,因为老师误会我了。(朱坤浩)一针鸡血下课去和老师解释解释,他会相信你的! 展开更多
关键词 老师 鸡血 吐槽 检查作业 会练
作者 孙振娥 《中国科教创新导刊》 2011年第7期59-59,共1页
关键词 素质教育 学习 会练
作者 李宇涵 苑蕾(指导) 《作文(初中年级)》 2022年第7期26-27,共2页
天空下起蒙蒙细雨,水中的涟漪一圈一圈地缓缓荡开。我微感凉意,叹了一口气。右手轻轻抚摸着扭伤的脚踝,试图再踮起脚,跳一支舞蹈的梦被脚上钻心的疼痛粉碎。我失望地坐回床上,不停地埋怨着自己,真是太不小心了。一次次的失败浮现在我眼... 天空下起蒙蒙细雨,水中的涟漪一圈一圈地缓缓荡开。我微感凉意,叹了一口气。右手轻轻抚摸着扭伤的脚踝,试图再踮起脚,跳一支舞蹈的梦被脚上钻心的疼痛粉碎。我失望地坐回床上,不停地埋怨着自己,真是太不小心了。一次次的失败浮现在我眼前,我不禁怀疑:我真的适合跳舞吗?最近,我为了舞蹈比赛而努力着,每天都会练上几个小时,动作早已熟记于心,却无论怎样都差最后一点儿“韵味”。 展开更多
关键词 舞蹈比赛 慢下来 会练
The Role of Education in Fostering Peace and Unity in Nigeria Between 1914 and 1938
作者 Hannah Okediji 《History Research》 2015年第3期156-168,共13页
As the world marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War and Nigeria celebrates the centenary of the amalgamation of the northern and southern Protectorates of 1 st January 1914, when Nigeria became a n... As the world marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War and Nigeria celebrates the centenary of the amalgamation of the northern and southern Protectorates of 1 st January 1914, when Nigeria became a nation, it is pertinent to examine the contribution of education to fostering peace and unity in the post War era in Nigeria, from 1914 to 1938. Through historical research this project analyzes primary and secondary sources such as journals, publications, textbooks and internet materials. The findings of the study revealed that Nigeria, like other participating British colonial territories felt the impact of the First World which began in Europe in 1914 and ended in 1918. Much of the fighting took place among the central powers. In 1917, the USA joined the war against Germany as a consequence of her submarine activities and intrigues in Mexico. The War had a negative political, economic and social impact on all nations, leading to the peace conference in Paris and the treaty of Versailles in June 1919. Nigeria played a very vital role in the drive to achieve this by providing military training as well as a training in citizenship for democracy and political leadership. A culture of peace, education and non-violence has been the norm in Nigeria since the post-war period. The aims of the paper therefore are to understand the state and the role of education during the war and post-war period in Nigeria, to analyze the role of education in fostering peace in the education and to recommend ways of maintaining peace in the education sector in Nigeria. It is therefore recommended in this paper that the Nigerian Educational Research Development Council, should formulate policies that will bring cohesion with a bid to balancing the gap between the North and the South, that Labour Unions should resolve issues with government on a round table conference and not through violence and strike actions i.e. the Nigeria Union of Teachers, government should not mix educational matter with politics and education personnel should be well remunerated and given maximum encouragement to enhance productivity in the sector. 展开更多
Training theory and practice of crossing cultural awareness in college English teaching
作者 Guangfeng Zhao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期148-150,共3页
English is the current most widely used international language of communication, with the improvement of China' s comprehensive national strength, participation in the exchange, cooperation and increase trade opportu... English is the current most widely used international language of communication, with the improvement of China' s comprehensive national strength, participation in the exchange, cooperation and increase trade opportunities for the international community, particularly the WTO, Beijing 's successful Olympic bid, the Shanghai World Expo, several major events more and more people are realizing the importance of English practical applications. Now students acquire decent rules of successful communication in English, and this should be the starting point and final destination of English teaching. Therefore, in the process of teaching English, the penetration of the language and cultural knowledge, cross-cultural communication awareness training must cause concern and attention of English teachers to improve students ' intercultural communication content acumen, thus to improve students' English communication in practice capacity. 展开更多
关键词 Training theory PRACTICE crossing cultural English teaching.
The Analysis on Item-group Competition Olympic Gold Athlete' s Success Factor in China
作者 Daling Shi Xuehong Wang Yiliang Sun Jie Zhang Bo Sun 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期25-28,共4页
Skills leading class project including the backlash against, the nets of combat. To compete against, 3 groups against the crowd at the Asian games and the Olympic Games. The gold medal up a significant portion of the ... Skills leading class project including the backlash against, the nets of combat. To compete against, 3 groups against the crowd at the Asian games and the Olympic Games. The gold medal up a significant portion of the distribution, fighting against sex and the nets to resistance is the advantage of China's competitive sports items. With modern training development, in today's big games is confrontational project on athletes. Fitness put forward higher request, our country adversarial program in athletes. Physically and foreign athletes, there are still some difference, need to roll out. For this, this paper, from the perspective of comparative study, tries to combat fight, the nets against, physical stamina training to compete against the comparative study. The characteristics of the dialysis physical stamina training, in order to arrange different scientific against body training and promote training methods and means to provide optimization. 展开更多
关键词 Item-group Competition OLYMPIC Success Factor
作者 陈偲婧(采访) 卢可馨(采访) 《乒乓世界》 2022年第9期106-107,共2页
平常我们总是在各种大赛中看到国手们奋力拼搏的影子,而他们的训练生活到底是个什么样子呢?以发球为例,他们怎么练发球?每天发多少?是不是发球必须得踩脚?有没有趣味性的发球训练……这些问题,赶紧在下面找找答案吧~~~每天都会练发球吗... 平常我们总是在各种大赛中看到国手们奋力拼搏的影子,而他们的训练生活到底是个什么样子呢?以发球为例,他们怎么练发球?每天发多少?是不是发球必须得踩脚?有没有趣味性的发球训练……这些问题,赶紧在下面找找答案吧~~~每天都会练发球吗?练一次大概多少量,或者说练几盆?樊振东:每天都练,这是一个固定训练项目,我每次都发一盆左右吧。陈梦:每天都要练,感觉发得好的时候就不发了,发得不好的时候就多练一点。 展开更多
关键词 项目 樊振东 发球 趣味性 会练 大赛
Web-based cognitive interventions on subjective cognitive impairment in cancer survivors:A systemic review
作者 Ye Wang Yi Zhang +2 位作者 Rongyu Li Zheng Sun Qiuping Li 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 2024年第4期429-438,共10页
Objective:Cancer survivors have experienced subjective cognitive impairment(SCI)when they received cancer diagnoses or treatments.Their psychosocial and emotional statuses were also impacted.With the advancement of we... Objective:Cancer survivors have experienced subjective cognitive impairment(SCI)when they received cancer diagnoses or treatments.Their psychosocial and emotional statuses were also impacted.With the advancement of web technologies,web-based cognitive interventions have been implemented in the management and the alleviation of the SCI,the psychosocial distress,and the emotional distress in cancer survivors.This review aimed to summarize the intervention contents of web-based cognitive interventions for SCI,and to explore the effects of the interventions on SCI,psychosocial status,and emotional health.Methods:Six databases(CINAHL Plus,Cochrane Library,Embase,APA PsycInfo,PubMed and CNKI)were searched from the establishment of databases up to December 2023.Literature references were also manually searched for related articles.Results:This review contained 21 studies that covered the contents of web-based cognitive interventions,such as computer-assisted cognitive training,online cognitive rehabilitation,cognitive behavior therapy with the Internet,telehealth physical exercise,and web-based mindfulness interventions.The effects of web-based cognitive interventions positively impacted SCI for cancer survivors.Also,these interventions showed varying degrees of effectiveness in alleviating psychosocial and emotional distresses.Conclusion:By summarizingfive types of cognitive intervention contents delivered via web technology,this review demonstrated that web-based cognitive interventions optimized SCI and overall psychosocial and emotional statuses for the cancer survivors.It is recommended that future research focus on the development of customized web-based cognitive interventions for individuals with SCI,along with their psychosocial and emotional statuses. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer survivors Cognitive dysfunction Internet-based cognitive intervention Subjective cognitive impairment Psychosocial status Emotional distress
作者 陈偲婧 赵晖(图) 《乒乓世界》 2020年第11期46-47,共2页
“全锦赛开始前,我心里其实一直是挺忐忑的那种状态。”担心因为今年比赛打得少而无法将自己全部发挥出来的何卓佳,在赛前训练的时候都会练得比平时更多一点,包括储备体能,“身体上有保障才能打好比赛,练得多也是为了让自己能更踏实一... “全锦赛开始前,我心里其实一直是挺忐忑的那种状态。”担心因为今年比赛打得少而无法将自己全部发挥出来的何卓佳,在赛前训练的时候都会练得比平时更多一点,包括储备体能,“身体上有保障才能打好比赛,练得多也是为了让自己能更踏实一点”。 展开更多
关键词 赛前训 会练 比赛 一点
《围棋天地》 2004年第17期78-79,共2页
关键词 第8届三星杯围棋赛预选赛 2004年权甲龙道场夏季修 方式 比赛方式
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