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对新中国会计制度发展演变的几点认识 被引量:1
作者 付磊 陈杰 《财务与会计》 北大核心 2019年第19期8-10,共3页
会计制度是会计工作的核心,体现了会计工作的基本内容和方法。考察新中国会计制度发展演变的历程,可以从中分析归纳出一些基本经验或成功做法:政治和社会稳定是会计制度健康发展的前提;中国特色的政府主导是会计制度建设的核心;与经济... 会计制度是会计工作的核心,体现了会计工作的基本内容和方法。考察新中国会计制度发展演变的历程,可以从中分析归纳出一些基本经验或成功做法:政治和社会稳定是会计制度健康发展的前提;中国特色的政府主导是会计制度建设的核心;与经济社会发展协调共进是会计制度建设的目标;改革创新是会计制度建设的动力;理论指导是会计制度建设的思想准备;处理好中国国情与国外经验的关系是会计制度建设的重心;渐进变迁是会计制度改革的方式;严格监管是会计制度建设的保证。 展开更多
关键词 新中国 会计制度发展 基本经验
作者 刘梦 《辽宁工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期22-25,共4页
在国际会计制度不断变换和更新的今天,会计制度趋同似乎是未来发展的必然趋势,因此过往的国际会计制度分类理论在很大程度上受到质疑。然而尽管各国间加强合作的意愿是美好的,但由于会计制度本身条款界限的模糊等其他原因,各国间会计制... 在国际会计制度不断变换和更新的今天,会计制度趋同似乎是未来发展的必然趋势,因此过往的国际会计制度分类理论在很大程度上受到质疑。然而尽管各国间加强合作的意愿是美好的,但由于会计制度本身条款界限的模糊等其他原因,各国间会计制度的差异是不可避免的,甚至这种差异在未来难以弥合。一个好的、适应于今天会计核算发展的会计制度分类理论是非常实用的,它对于促进各国多边贸易发展、缓和国际经济关系有着重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 会计制度分类理论 会计制度格局 会计制度理论发展
作者 陈银芳 《商情》 2012年第52期107-107,共1页
近些年来,我国市场经济快速发展,促进了公路事业的不断发展,与此同时,为了与当前的经济发展形势相适应,我国公路行业也在持续进行一系列的改革,对于公路相关的水费改革以及体制改革等方面的研究也逐渐的深入。尤其是2000年以后,... 近些年来,我国市场经济快速发展,促进了公路事业的不断发展,与此同时,为了与当前的经济发展形势相适应,我国公路行业也在持续进行一系列的改革,对于公路相关的水费改革以及体制改革等方面的研究也逐渐的深入。尤其是2000年以后,我国公路事业单位的财务收支预算纳入到政府部门预算管理的范畴内,使得我国公路养护会计环境从此发生了巨大的变化,这对于公路养护单位的财务管理也产生了一定的影响。基于此,笔者对建国以来我国公路养护会计制度改革与发展的相关问题进行简单的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 公路养护 公路养护会计制度 会计制度改革与发展
制度变迁视角下会计稳健性与盈余价值相关性的影响研究 被引量:1
作者 宣胜瑾 《商业时代》 北大核心 2014年第26期93-94,共2页
稳健性对会计理论和实务具有重要的影响,在贯彻国际稳健性会计政策和我国对公允价值的使用两种相反"作用力"的影响下,会计盈余的稳健性如何变化是当前学界关注的问题。本文以我国2000-2012年A股上市公司为研究对象,从会计制... 稳健性对会计理论和实务具有重要的影响,在贯彻国际稳健性会计政策和我国对公允价值的使用两种相反"作用力"的影响下,会计盈余的稳健性如何变化是当前学界关注的问题。本文以我国2000-2012年A股上市公司为研究对象,从会计制度变迁视角,验证和分析了会计制度变迁是否会对会计稳健性与盈余价值之间的相关性产生影响,验证结果显示,整体上我国会计盈余信息具有稳健性但统计不显著,会计稳健性和盈余价值相关性呈负相关系。因而,未来我国需要使公允价值与会计稳健性适度耦合,正确处理会计信息质量特征相关性和可靠性关系、适度运用稳健性等,以弥补会计稳健性缺失,提高会计信息质量。 展开更多
关键词 会计稳健性 会计制度发展盈余价值相关性 中国
Motifs and Impediments for the Harmonization of Accounting Regulations for Small and Medium-Sized Companies in the EU 被引量:1
作者 Tamara Cirkveni 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第11期1021-1027,共7页
Small and medium-sized companies in most EU countries form a considerable share in the total number of companies and are also an important development impeller of the entire economy. Therefore, one of the most essenti... Small and medium-sized companies in most EU countries form a considerable share in the total number of companies and are also an important development impeller of the entire economy. Therefore, one of the most essential goals of accounting authorities in the EU is accomplishing the harmonization of accounting regulations for these companies. In this paper, the author have discussed and explained the main motifs and impediments for this harmonization. One of the main motifs is a big span and complexity of international standards of financial reports which is allowed and even prescribed in many countries. Some of the main impediments are a lack of uniformity as far as criteria for classification of small and medium-sized companies according to size are concerned as well as the determining of limitations up to which the requirements in accounting standards for small and medium-sized companies should be set. 展开更多
关键词 IFRS for SMEs accounting regulation small and medium sized entities MOTIFS IMPEDIMENTS
The Impact of Switching Standard on Accounting Quality
作者 Metin Uyar Trakya Universiy Edime Turkey 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第4期459-479,共21页
In a developing country, modernization and change of the accounting regime are possible if the standards are in compliance with global ones. The change of accounting standards adopted by Turkey started to be implement... In a developing country, modernization and change of the accounting regime are possible if the standards are in compliance with global ones. The change of accounting standards adopted by Turkey started to be implemented, and this created a number of qualitative and quantitative results. This study examines the impact of change of accounting standards on accounting quality. In order to determine how switching standard reflects accounting quality, first of all, the earnings management, timely loss recognition, and value relevance variables pertaining to accounting quality were listed and the findings were stated after subjecting the obtained data to statistical analyses. Accordingly, by the transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the earnings management practices were observed to decrease as compared with the pre-IFRS period and the timely loss recognition and value-relevance values were observed to increase, which constitute the dimensions of accounting quality. It was also concluded that by the switch from domestic accounting standards to International Accounting Standards (IAS), the quality of accounting in the country was improved and the market became more active than it was before. 展开更多
关键词 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting quality earnings management timely loss recognition value relevance
Discussion on the Enhanced Accounting Supervision System of Financial Management
作者 Yan FENG 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期148-150,共3页
Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important rol... Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important role in the social and economic development. In China, there are many accounting supervision problems in accounting practice at present, and a lot of the problems have exerted a negative impact on the social and economic life. Therefore, the causes for these problems are discussed and analyzed, so that the corresponding methods and measures are proposed for solving the existing problems and promoting the accounting supervision to play a better and greater role in the financial management of enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 Financial Management Accounting Supervision PROBLEMS Measures
Discussion on the Enhanced Accounting Supervision System of Financial Management
作者 Yan FENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期40-42,共3页
Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important rol... Accounting supervision is a management activity to monitor and supervise the production, business operation, and budget implementation in enterprises, and a good accounting supervision plays an extremely important role in the social and economic development. In China, there are many accounting supervision problems in accounting practice at present, and a lot of the problems have exerted a negative impact on the social and economic life. Therefore, the causes for these problems are discussed and analyzed, so that the corresponding methods and measures are proposed for solving the existing problems and promoting the accounting supervision to play a better and greater role in the financial management of enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 Financial Management Accounting Supervision PROBLEMS Measures
作者 汪佳琪 《市场周刊·理论版》 2021年第44期148-149,共2页
从 1998 年我国第一次在会计准则中引入公允价值至今,公允价值这一计量方法就饱受争议,但会计信息的相关性和真实性都是会计信息使用者强调的属性。 在新会计准则的应用中,建立了相对完整的有关公允价值应用范围的体系,而在实际运用中... 从 1998 年我国第一次在会计准则中引入公允价值至今,公允价值这一计量方法就饱受争议,但会计信息的相关性和真实性都是会计信息使用者强调的属性。 在新会计准则的应用中,建立了相对完整的有关公允价值应用范围的体系,而在实际运用中还存在着许多问题。 文章简要分析了我国公允价值计量的发展,寻找在实际应用中的问题,提出如何加强公允价值计量的真实性、谨慎性,防止利用公允价值的盈余管理的建议。 展开更多
关键词 公允价值计量 会计信息质量 会计制度发展
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