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作者 陈德荣 葛希群 费名琦 《上海会计》 CSSCI 1995年第6期7-12,26,共7页
控股企业合并会计报表方法再探陈德荣,葛希群,费名琦我们曾在《控股企业合并会计报表方法初探》一文(见本刊1994年第8期)中,阐明了控股企业合并资产负债表和损益表的一些基本操作方法。现再对合并过程中可能遇到的另一些情况... 控股企业合并会计报表方法再探陈德荣,葛希群,费名琦我们曾在《控股企业合并会计报表方法初探》一文(见本刊1994年第8期)中,阐明了控股企业合并资产负债表和损益表的一些基本操作方法。现再对合并过程中可能遇到的另一些情况及合并财务状况变动表再作一些探索。... 展开更多
关键词 控股企业合并 会计报表法 合并报表
将净利润调节为经营活动现金流量净额的三种方法 被引量:1
作者 温玉彪 《会计之友》 北大核心 2008年第36期103-104,共2页
利润表中的净利润是企业三种活动共同作用的结果,是会计人员依据权责发生制的原则计算出来的;而现金流量表主表中的经营活动现金流量是会计人员按照收付实现制的原则计算得出来的。当利润表中的净利润与现金流量表主表中的经营活动现金... 利润表中的净利润是企业三种活动共同作用的结果,是会计人员依据权责发生制的原则计算出来的;而现金流量表主表中的经营活动现金流量是会计人员按照收付实现制的原则计算得出来的。当利润表中的净利润与现金流量表主表中的经营活动现金流量净额不相等时,应将净利润调节为经营活动现金流量净额。这里介绍三种不同的调节方法与广大读者商榷。 展开更多
关键词 计算公式调节 单项业务调节 会计报表调节
作者 王书慧 《中国储运》 2000年第1期46-47,共2页
现代经济中,企业的无形资产发挥着越来越大的作用。在知名企业中无形资产的价值通常达到总资产的50%左右。例如“可口可乐”商标价值为439亿美元,“万宝路”香烟商标价值为430亿美元。美国一家石油公司为设计“埃克森(EXXON)”商标,耗... 现代经济中,企业的无形资产发挥着越来越大的作用。在知名企业中无形资产的价值通常达到总资产的50%左右。例如“可口可乐”商标价值为439亿美元,“万宝路”香烟商标价值为430亿美元。美国一家石油公司为设计“埃克森(EXXON)”商标,耗资达1.22亿美元。无形资产数量多少、价值高低是决定企业技术水平和竞争力的标志。知名企业占领市场、分割资源不是靠拼资金而是靠无形资产取胜。无形资产是指没有实物形态,但却能给使用者带来收益的长期资产。包括商标权、著作权、土地使用权、专利权、非专利技术、商誉以及其他财产权利。 展开更多
关键词 企业 无形资产 使用权转让 资产价值变化 揭示方 计提折耗 会计报表附注
IAS-IFRS Adoption Impact on Accounting Information: The Case of France
作者 Olfa Nafti Emna Boumediene Salem Lofti Boumediene 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第3期321-334,共14页
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has established international standards (International Accounting Standards (lASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)) to ensure more co... The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has established international standards (International Accounting Standards (lASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)) to ensure more comparability and transparency and also higher-quality financial statements. The creation of such standards by the IASB aims at achieving harmonization of accounting practices among countries. The objective of this research is to show that in accordance with the expectations of international organizations, the adoption of IAS-IFRS increases the information content of financial statements and also to identify the key accounting variables that have been affected by this adoption. This article used a sample of year observations of 150 French firms which have adopted IAS-IFRS since 2005 as data to study the association relationship between accounting variables and stock returns before and after the adoption of IASs. The findings of this paper show that the application of IAS-IFRS as accounting standards increases the information content of accounting numbers. Dividends, long-term debts, equity, and revenue variables are most correlated with stock returns. Their information content has reached 80% after the adoption, while it was 30% before. 展开更多
关键词 International Accounting Standards (IASs)-International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) dividend yield accounting variables
Financial Statement Valuations in Italian Accounting Thought Between the 19th and the 20th Century: From "Exchange Value" to "Historical Cost"
作者 Enrico Gonnella 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第9期1255-1271,共17页
The main subject of this paper is the theory of financial statement valuations observed in its historical development. More notably, regarding the subject, the research is concerned with some theoretical concepts deve... The main subject of this paper is the theory of financial statement valuations observed in its historical development. More notably, regarding the subject, the research is concerned with some theoretical concepts developed by the Italian doctrine in a very specific age, namely, between the 19th and the 20th century, which in fact, devoid of any accounting regulation. This paper analyzes in particular the shift from the exchange value rule to the historical cost method and tries to explain the reasons of such a development. In the second half of the 19th century, some of the best Italian scholars, who were faced with the need to properly develop the problem of accounting valuations, thought that it was appropriate to rely on concepts that belonged to similar sciences, such as economics and real estate appraisal, by blindly borrowing the theory of value from the former and the theory of valuations from the latter. During that age, everything hinged around the concept of exchange value. At the dawn of the 20th century, the Italian accounting doctrine began to wonder about a subject that was crucial to the financial statement theory: the informative purposes underlying the financial statements. At the same time, the first principle took shape, which might be called as the "finalistic principle of value". It is still the basis of the theory of financial accounting measurements, for which different evaluative criteria must be applied to different informative purposes. Thus, an alternative criterion to that of the exchange value makes its appearance on the scene of the accounting valuations, notably the historical cost. The introduction of the historical cost criteria and above all the relinquishment of the combination of the "economic cost" in favor of that of the "manufacturing cost" allow the Italian accounting to get rid of the theories of economics and real estate appraisal, thus, becoming independent regarding the financial statement valuations. 展开更多
关键词 accounting history financial statement valuations asset valuation exchange value historical cost ITALY
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