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作者 马立民 宋梅 《河北法律职业教育》 2024年第5期33-38,共6页
中国自主经济法学知识体系构建应聚焦知识性、经济性和自主性的内在逻辑。服务经济法治实践和人才培养是中国自主经济法学知识体系构建的任务,以当前法治实践中的问题为导向,运用领域法的思维,在部门法的基础上,构建经济法学知识体系,... 中国自主经济法学知识体系构建应聚焦知识性、经济性和自主性的内在逻辑。服务经济法治实践和人才培养是中国自主经济法学知识体系构建的任务,以当前法治实践中的问题为导向,运用领域法的思维,在部门法的基础上,构建经济法学知识体系,构建有效市场、有为政府和有机社会相统一的经济法治实践机制和格局。建构中国自主的会计法学知识体系要坚持公私兼顾,以公为主的核心理念,要以追求个体利益与社会整体利益之间的平衡为遵循。中国自主会计法学知识体系构建要以会计法律法规和会计准则为基础,坚持与国际会计准则相协调,构建体现经济性、社会性和规制性三个特征的会计法学主体体系和会计法学客体体系。 展开更多
关键词 经济法学 会计法学 知识体系 中国自主
从“会计法”到“法律与会计”的嬗变——我国会计法与会计法学三十年发展 被引量:11
作者 刘燕 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期131-138,共8页
传统上,会计法被视为有关会计工作的一套技术规范,与经济法律制度相对脱节。经过近三十年的发展,《会计法》及其统领的准则与制度体系已成为我国经济法制框架的重要基础,为其他经济法律制度的实施创造了必不可少的条件。与此同时,会计... 传统上,会计法被视为有关会计工作的一套技术规范,与经济法律制度相对脱节。经过近三十年的发展,《会计法》及其统领的准则与制度体系已成为我国经济法制框架的重要基础,为其他经济法律制度的实施创造了必不可少的条件。与此同时,会计法学也完成了从传统的部门法研究向"法律与会计交叉研究"的嬗变,展示了其广阔的发展空间。会计学者与法律学者之间、实务界与学界之间的冲突与碰撞给这个领域与学科的发展注入了持久的活力。 展开更多
关键词 会计 会计法学 会计准则 司法会计 法务会计
作者 乔兴旺 《四川会计》 北大核心 2003年第4期38-39,共2页
关键词 会计法学 中国 法学研究 科研选题
作者 乔兴旺 《财会月刊(下)》 北大核心 2003年第4期3-4,共2页
关键词 会计法学 信息资料 学术刊物 科研题目 会计法制建设 科研选题
作者 董仁周 《中国集体经济》 2009年第6X期181-182,共2页
财经院校应立足法学,注重法学与会计学、管理学、经济学的交叉融合,坚持法学专门化、差异化、精细化、市场化的专业发展路径,创建跨学科、应用性、复合型的会计法律事务人才培养模式,逐步形成以世界性难题会计假账防范和财务、税收、财... 财经院校应立足法学,注重法学与会计学、管理学、经济学的交叉融合,坚持法学专门化、差异化、精细化、市场化的专业发展路径,创建跨学科、应用性、复合型的会计法律事务人才培养模式,逐步形成以世界性难题会计假账防范和财务、税收、财政、金融法律风险防控为核心的会计法学教育特色,走出传统法学教育的就业低下困局,成为办好财经法学教育、推动法学教育快速创新的根本出路。 展开更多
关键词 财经院校 会计法学 教育 思考
作者 王迅 王桂福 《山东财政学院学报》 2001年第1期83-87,共5页
会计法学是研究会计法律关系及其产生与发展规律的一门学科。它主要是运用法学基础理论和会计学基本原理与方法 ,研究、探讨如何正确有效地组织会计活动中的法律问题。会计法学主要研究会计法律产生和发展的规律、会计法律现象、会计法... 会计法学是研究会计法律关系及其产生与发展规律的一门学科。它主要是运用法学基础理论和会计学基本原理与方法 ,研究、探讨如何正确有效地组织会计活动中的法律问题。会计法学主要研究会计法律产生和发展的规律、会计法律现象、会计法律与其他社会现象的关系、会计法律与其他有关法律的关系等 ,以达到建立和逐步完善会计法学学科的目的。 展开更多
关键词 会计法学 会计法律渊源 会计法律体系 会计法律现象 会计法律关系
作者 于胜道 《财会月刊》 1996年第5期7-8,共2页
一、建立会计法学的必要性自1978年以来,我国在会计法规建设方面取得了巨大的成绩.它使我国会计工作的各个领域都发生了很大的变化.随着会计法规体系的逐步完善,建立会计法学日渐迫切和必要.1.建立会计法学是完善会计学科体系的需要.目... 一、建立会计法学的必要性自1978年以来,我国在会计法规建设方面取得了巨大的成绩.它使我国会计工作的各个领域都发生了很大的变化.随着会计法规体系的逐步完善,建立会计法学日渐迫切和必要.1.建立会计法学是完善会计学科体系的需要.目前,我国会计方面的法律已有:《中华人民共和国会计法》、《中华人民共和国审计法》》、《中华人民共和国注册会计师法》.然而,这么丰富的会计法学内容在会计教材体系中几乎无立锥之地.除了个别《会计学原理》教材中有几百字的“会计法”介绍外,“审计法”和“注册会计师法”在会计学教材中几乎没有涉及. 展开更多
关键词 会计法学 中华人民共和国会计 会计人员 会计法规体系 注册会计师法 会计审计 会计教材体系 我国会计 基础理论 审计法
作者 叶陈刚 舒萍 陈敦国 《财会月刊》 1996年第8期8-9,共2页
建设社会主义市场经济体制,要用经济于段、法律手段管理经济。法律已成为调节经济关系和经济活动的重要工具。在此情况下,尽早建设和完善会计法学,显得相当重要。 一、会计法学的基本内容 会计法和会计法学是两个不同的范畴。会计法... 建设社会主义市场经济体制,要用经济于段、法律手段管理经济。法律已成为调节经济关系和经济活动的重要工具。在此情况下,尽早建设和完善会计法学,显得相当重要。 一、会计法学的基本内容 会计法和会计法学是两个不同的范畴。会计法是指对组织会计活动所形成的会计关系加以调整的法律规范的总称,主要指政府及有关主管部门颁布实施的会计法令、规章及制度。 展开更多
关键词 会计法律关系 会计法学 法律规范 会计法规 会计工作 会计制度 会计关系 会计法律体系 行为规范 国家政权机关
作者 叶陈云 王晓勇 龚剑鑫 《湖北财经高等专科学校学报》 1997年第1期34-37,43,共5页
一、会计法学建设的现实意义 会计法学是一门亟待建设的新学科。目前我国正在建设社会主义市场经济体制,市场竞争机制深入经济法学,加强法制建设成为当务之急,从而要求改变传统行政手段管理经济的模式,用经济手段、法律手段管理经济已... 一、会计法学建设的现实意义 会计法学是一门亟待建设的新学科。目前我国正在建设社会主义市场经济体制,市场竞争机制深入经济法学,加强法制建设成为当务之急,从而要求改变传统行政手段管理经济的模式,用经济手段、法律手段管理经济已成为调节经济关系和经济活动的重要工具。在此情况下,尽早建设和完善会计法学,显得相当重要,必将具有积极的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 会计法学 会计法规 会计工作 会计法律体系 法律规范 会计制度》 经济体制改革 会计关系 人民代表大会常务委员会 法制建设
会计学与法学的边缘学科探析 被引量:12
作者 黄申 《财会月刊(合订本)》 2000年第6期11-12,共2页
关键词 会计 法学 会计法学 法律会计
财经类本科院校法学与会计学人才培养模式研究 被引量:5
作者 王梅生 徐丽 《经济师》 2015年第3期222-223,共2页
社会对法学与会计学的复合型人才的输出需要增加促使在财经类院校的法学会计学复合型应用人才培养教学改革应该受到关注。文章根据社会需要首先确定法学与会计学复合型人才培养目标的需求,再阐述人才培养过程中的课程设置以及实现方式... 社会对法学与会计学的复合型人才的输出需要增加促使在财经类院校的法学会计学复合型应用人才培养教学改革应该受到关注。文章根据社会需要首先确定法学与会计学复合型人才培养目标的需求,再阐述人才培养过程中的课程设置以及实现方式的培养模式改革方案论述,最后提出人才培养改革几点注意事项,为同类院校的人才培养提供有价值的参考建议。 展开更多
关键词 复合型人才培养 法学会计 财经类本科院校
法务会计相关问题的研究 被引量:2
作者 胡波 《市场周刊》 2009年第5期68-69,共2页
关键词 法学会计 发展
作者 田昆儒 《财会月刊》 1996年第6期27-31,共5页
于玉林先生,生于1934年12月,湖北省建始县人。1956—1960年就读于南开大学经济系和河北财经学院计统系。1960年毕业后即执教于天津财经学院至今。现任天津财经学院会计学系教授、博士生导师,天津现代无形资产研究所所长,天津市高教局专... 于玉林先生,生于1934年12月,湖北省建始县人。1956—1960年就读于南开大学经济系和河北财经学院计统系。1960年毕业后即执教于天津财经学院至今。现任天津财经学院会计学系教授、博士生导师,天津现代无形资产研究所所长,天津市高教局专家咨询委员,天津社会科学联合会常委、学术指导委员会成员,天津市会计教育研究学会会长,并享受国务院颁发的“政府特殊津贴”。 展开更多
关键词 会计关系 会计工作 会计管理 会计 会计核算 会计哲学 会计方法 会计理论 会计法学 会计教育学
The embedded financial governance system based on COSO framework A new method of integration
作者 TAN Wen-hao LIU Hong 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2009年第11期28-37,共10页
The global financial crisis is spreading at an alarming rate across the world. The speed of the spreading and its tremendous impacts to economic is unprecedented in half a century. Through researching its impacts to f... The global financial crisis is spreading at an alarming rate across the world. The speed of the spreading and its tremendous impacts to economic is unprecedented in half a century. Through researching its impacts to finance, the authors can clearly find that to a large extent most enterprises went bankrupt and closed down because of the weak financial governance system and lack of effective control to internal financial operation Based on this background, the authors analyzed the problems of the traditional financial governance, and tried to find solutions. Applying the concept of COSO (The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of The National Commission of Fraudulent Financial Reporting) framework into the financial governance system, the authors can reconstruct the embedded financial governance system based on COSO framework, and better control the company's financial activities. In this way, the enterprise can effectively improve its management level and operational efficiency, and promote its sound and sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 COSO framework the embedded financial governance risk management
A citation analysis measuring the impact of Albrecht & Sack (2000)
作者 Grace F. Johnson Abdel K. Halabi 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2009年第9期21-29,共9页
This educational note measures the impact of the Albrecht & Sack (2000) monograph in accounting education literature from its publication date at the end of 2000. Impact refers to the number of times Albrecht & Sa... This educational note measures the impact of the Albrecht & Sack (2000) monograph in accounting education literature from its publication date at the end of 2000. Impact refers to the number of times Albrecht & Sack (2000) has been cited and referenced in the three leading US Accounting education journals, being Advances in Accounting Education, Issues in Accounting Education, and the Journal of Accounting Education. This educational note found that since 2001, and until 2007, "Albrecht & Sack (2000)" has been cited in 29.3% of research papers, and the most cited chapter was Chapter 5-"Improving accounting education". While Albrecht & Sack (2000) has been widely cited, the impact in terms of policy changes, and changes to the accounting curriculum has yet to be eventuated. Indeed it may still be too early to examine impact beyond pure citation. 展开更多
关键词 accounting education Albrecht Sack (2000)
The Multi-Disciplined Skills Required of Forensic Accountants
作者 Maria Italia 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第3期365-373,共9页
Forensic accountants today are required to possess a number of characteristics and skills that are derived from a range of disciplines. They must be inquisitive, able to delve into motivations, operations and justific... Forensic accountants today are required to possess a number of characteristics and skills that are derived from a range of disciplines. They must be inquisitive, able to delve into motivations, operations and justifications underlying the behavior of white collar criminals. They must be able to simplify technical accounting information and convey it effectively orally and in writing to a court or tribunal; be able to trace information via information technology tools; have an understanding of the adversarial legal system and the rules of evidence. Universities offering forensic accounting courses in various formats are on the increase. The aim of this paper is to investigate the subject areas that any course specializing in forensic accounting needs to cover. 展开更多
关键词 forensic accounting FRAUD accounting information systems white collar crime
The analysis of determinants of going concern audit report
作者 Oni Currie Masyitoh Desi Adhariani SE.Ak, Msi 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第4期26-37,共12页
Going concern is one of essential things for user to make a financial decision. This research aims to explore factors that caused the issuance of going concern audit report by auditor. This research adds two new varia... Going concern is one of essential things for user to make a financial decision. This research aims to explore factors that caused the issuance of going concern audit report by auditor. This research adds two new variables, audit size and audit committee, besides the other factors that cause auditor issue a going concern audit report. This research uses a regression logistic analysis to determine the relationship of each variable (liquidity, solvability, profitability, cash flow, audit firm size and audit committee) to going concern audit report. Different from previous researches, the results of this research show that liquidity, profitability, cash flow, and audit committee are not significant to influence the issuance of audit opinion. Audit size has a more significant relationship to audit opinion, while solvability is the most significant factor. 展开更多
关键词 LIQUIDITY SOLVABILITY PROFITABILITY cash flow audit firm size audit committee going concernaudit report
The role of self-accounting and financial capability in consumer credit decisions
作者 Filotto Umberto Nicolini Gianni 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第2期43-58,共16页
The role of financial capability in the consumers' financial behaviour has been widely analyzed by the literature. The same happened for the relationship between debt and financial capability. The consensus about the... The role of financial capability in the consumers' financial behaviour has been widely analyzed by the literature. The same happened for the relationship between debt and financial capability. The consensus about the benefits of an increase in the levels of financial literacy collides with a diversity of opinions on what the best solutions to increase financial capability. While methods based on traditional teaching may not be an effective solutions and they could not provide results in the short term, solutions oriented to support consumers in important financial decisions (requests for funding, choice of retirement solutions, etc.) may show greater effectiveness. Studies in literature have shown the tendency of subjects with high levels of financial capability to adopt a long term view and to upgrade their daily financial behaviour with attitudes and practices related to self-finance (budget, financial check-up, saving for goals, etc.) The paper focuses on the relationship between financial capability and self-accounting practices, interpreting the latter as evidence of conduct financially aware. After a review of the literature designed to emphasize the role of self-accounting in the context of personal finance, a financial check-up based tool is proposed, pointing out how the financial accounts' schemes and logics (regular budget, estimates and forecasts checking targets) may find useful application in the context of personal finance. 展开更多
关键词 self-accounting financial capability consumer credit
A study on accountant regulation and accountant behavior alienation
作者 GAO Jing-xiao 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第1期64-66,共3页
This paper describes the relation of accountant regulation and accountant behavior alienation through institutional economics. The creation and development of the accountant regulation are result that restrain account... This paper describes the relation of accountant regulation and accountant behavior alienation through institutional economics. The creation and development of the accountant regulation are result that restrain accountant behavior alienation, accountant behavior alienation is unceasing mutant after the development of accountant regulation. 展开更多
关键词 accountant regulation accountant behavior alienation
An empirical study on information content of accounting earnings and cash flow
作者 JIANG Bo 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2009年第7期44-48,共5页
Based on deep analyzing the colluding and checking relation of income statement and cash flow statement, this paper chooses and designs the corresponding profit index, carries on the comparative study of information c... Based on deep analyzing the colluding and checking relation of income statement and cash flow statement, this paper chooses and designs the corresponding profit index, carries on the comparative study of information content between accounting earnings and cash flows. The paper utilizes the financial data of Chinese listed company in manufacturing industry from 2003 to 2005, adopts the price model and analyzes empirical study about two kinds of profit indexes and value relevance. Studies have suggested: accounting earnings and cash flows all have relevant relations to stock prices; however, the relevance between cash flow and stock price is stronger, and cash flows have higher information quality. 展开更多
关键词 accounting earnings cash flow earnings index listed company value relevance
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