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作者 何悦玲 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期121-129,共9页
传"奇"作为中国古代小说本质特征,不论属性生成,还是内涵变迁,均与中国古代史传存在密切渊源联系。小说与史,"不尽同而可相通",史之叙事基于"神道设教"目的对奇闻异事的采撷、基于传"义"目的对... 传"奇"作为中国古代小说本质特征,不论属性生成,还是内涵变迁,均与中国古代史传存在密切渊源联系。小说与史,"不尽同而可相通",史之叙事基于"神道设教"目的对奇闻异事的采撷、基于传"义"目的对"文"的凭藉,均对古代小说传"奇"提供了丰富艺术资源。"子不语怪力乱神"的历史正统观、史传编撰对"怪力乱神"的一般性排斥及对"文"的限制使用,既促成了中国古代小说传"奇"本质的生成,又促使小说传"奇"由"怪力乱神"向化奇入正、常中见奇、笔下生奇道路迈进。好奇异之事,喜谲怪之谈,能于常中见奇,笔下生奇,既是中国古代小说最大的民族特点,也是中国文化中一直遭受"雅正"文化压抑的"亚文化"或"第二文化"。本文目的就是要揭示这一历来被遮蔽和压抑的"第二文化",以"去蔽"方式,还它们的本来面目。 展开更多
关键词 古代小说 传“奇” 神道设教 常中见
作者 张欣 《中国文字研究》 2024年第1期237-244,共8页
《传奇语录》是朝鲜时代的汉文写本词典,全书共收录、训释汉语词677例,所收词条口语性鲜明。经调查,全书有俗写、异构、记音三种异文,在归类、分词、书写、训释等方面存在讹误,对这些问题进行梳理考订,可以发现全书异文与讹误的形成与... 《传奇语录》是朝鲜时代的汉文写本词典,全书共收录、训释汉语词677例,所收词条口语性鲜明。经调查,全书有俗写、异构、记音三种异文,在归类、分词、书写、训释等方面存在讹误,对这些问题进行梳理考订,可以发现全书异文与讹误的形成与汉语俗字传承、本民族语言文字影响、抄写随意以求便捷有关。本书的汉语字词,在推动域外汉字研究、相关古籍整理等方面均有价值。 展开更多
关键词 语录》 讹误 异文 汉字发展史
作者 王小岩 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2007年第7期46-50,共5页
关键词 冯梦龙 墨憨斋定本 重编
作者 范红娟 《殷都学刊》 2005年第4期64-70,共7页
关键词 戏曲史 戏曲研究
从集唐下场诗看传奇作家的唐诗接受——以明中期至清初传奇为范围 被引量:1
作者 王亚男 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第5期54-60,共7页
明中期始,传奇剧本中逐渐兴起使用集唐下场诗的写作风潮,一直到清初仍有延续。这为研究传奇作家的唐诗接受情况提供了重要的资料库。从集唐下场诗的引诗情况来看,不同诗人诗作被引用频率具有明显差异,呈现出受唐诗流传情况、诗作风格和... 明中期始,传奇剧本中逐渐兴起使用集唐下场诗的写作风潮,一直到清初仍有延续。这为研究传奇作家的唐诗接受情况提供了重要的资料库。从集唐下场诗的引诗情况来看,不同诗人诗作被引用频率具有明显差异,呈现出受唐诗流传情况、诗作风格和剧本选诗要求等主客观因素影响。非唐人诗句的引用,反映了传奇作家在唐诗记忆上的出错及唐诗传播中存在的讹误现象。引诗需要贴合剧情,因而传奇作家需要从意象和字面义等角度挖掘诗句的意义可能,并关注诗句内部情蕴与戏曲语境的共通。这也促进了冷门作品被“重新发现”。 展开更多
关键词 集唐下场诗 唐诗 接受
李安电影美学思想三题 被引量:2
作者 何世剑 《电影文学》 北大核心 2014年第11期47-48,共2页
李安的电影美学思想主要体现在三个方面:一是贵"情"。李安电影美学的内涵就在于写情、演情、言情、移情、宣情、畅情。"情"乃李安电影的"核心",在他看来,情动于中而形于象,惟情在态先,方能意超影外,最终... 李安的电影美学思想主要体现在三个方面:一是贵"情"。李安电影美学的内涵就在于写情、演情、言情、移情、宣情、畅情。"情"乃李安电影的"核心",在他看来,情动于中而形于象,惟情在态先,方能意超影外,最终感染和点燃观众之情;二是传"奇"。他拍摄电影,讲究创意奇、故事奇、表演奇及拍摄手法奇,重视从故事题材、表演形式、演艺方法上求奇立异;三是尚"和"。他受中西方尚"和"思想文化的熏陶、浸染和综合作用,将"以和为美"作为其电影美学的叙事法则和理想境界。 展开更多
关键词 李安 电影美学 贵“情” 传“奇” 尚“和”
作者 任小芳 《六盘水师范学院学报》 2020年第2期36-41,共6页
作为晚明时期重要的传奇作品,孟称舜《娇红记》对婢女形象的塑造取得了成功。其对《娇红记》小说有继承,也有创新。继承表现于婢女描写都以飞红为重心,突出了她才貌俱全、精通翰墨、恩怨分明等性格特征。创新主要体现在刻画她们对"... 作为晚明时期重要的传奇作品,孟称舜《娇红记》对婢女形象的塑造取得了成功。其对《娇红记》小说有继承,也有创新。继承表现于婢女描写都以飞红为重心,突出了她才貌俱全、精通翰墨、恩怨分明等性格特征。创新主要体现在刻画她们对"情"的渴慕,并且赋予她们的"情"以理性规范的约束。孟称舜对婢女形象的这种塑造,既是出于作品传"奇"的文体需要,也反映了晚明重"情"的时代特征,同时对人们认识晚明婢女生存境况提供了借鉴,亦体现出作者"发乎情,止乎礼"的价值观念。 展开更多
关键词 《娇红记》 婢女 传“奇” 重情 作家思想
作者 乔光辉 《湖南科技学院学报》 2005年第3期91-94,共4页
元明之际是文言小说发展的徘徊阶段。元末文坛领袖杨维桢重视通俗小说,他既强调小说的"补史性"特征又突出文学性本体。受他的影响,一方面形成了元末松江笔记小说的兴盛,另一方面又直接导致明初传奇小说的复苏,最终使小说走向... 元明之际是文言小说发展的徘徊阶段。元末文坛领袖杨维桢重视通俗小说,他既强调小说的"补史性"特征又突出文学性本体。受他的影响,一方面形成了元末松江笔记小说的兴盛,另一方面又直接导致明初传奇小说的复苏,最终使小说走向文学化的正轨。 展开更多
关键词 文言小说 杨维桢 元末明初 嬗变 通俗小说 笔记小说 小说 文学性 文学化 兴盛
Surveillance colonoscopy practice in Lynch syndrome in the Netherlands:A nationwide survey 被引量:4
作者 Jan J Koornstra Hans FA Vasen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第34期4658-4659,共2页
Lynch syndrome, or hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), is the most common genetic disorder predisposing to colorectal cancer. As regular colonoscopic surveillance has been shown to reduce the incidence ... Lynch syndrome, or hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), is the most common genetic disorder predisposing to colorectal cancer. As regular colonoscopic surveillance has been shown to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer, this strategy is recommended worldwide. Recently, several advances in colonoscopic techniques have improved detection rates of neoplasia in Lynch syndrome. In this nationwide survey, we evaluated current surveillance colonoscopy practices for Lynch syndrome in the Netherlands and the extent to which advanced techniques have been adopted in routine clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 Lynch syndrome Hereditary nonpolyposiscolorectal cancer COLONOSCOPY SURVEILLANCE CHROMOENDOSCOPY
The Avenue of Sphinxes: Restoration of a Legend
作者 Adham Abulnour 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第8期952-962,共11页
The redevelopment of historic cities is often challenged by intricate--and in many cases contradictory--missions. From one side, there is the urge to comprehensively preserve cultural resources. At the same time, oppo... The redevelopment of historic cities is often challenged by intricate--and in many cases contradictory--missions. From one side, there is the urge to comprehensively preserve cultural resources. At the same time, opportunities of economic growth should be made available and needs of contemporary living maintained and nourished. The main aim of this paper is to reconcile probable incompatibilities between such missions through promoting "sensitive" redevelopment approaches in historic cities. The paper focuses on the city of Luxor, Egypt with its immensely capturing yet quite undermined legend: the Avenue of Sphinxes. In Luxor, the injection of nonintrusive interventions presents itself as a highly potential candidate in protecting and enhancing the experience of the avenue while meeting contemporary needs of living. Adopting less sensitive development approaches can lead the quality of experiencing the whole city to be worsened for the increasing numbers of tourists and locals. 展开更多
关键词 Noninvasive interventions image of the city sense of place SELECTIVITY RESPONSIVENESS
Wounding Ideals" Israel Epstein's Life Saga in Communist China
作者 Mengxi Sun 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第3期142-152,共11页
Despite of all its enigma and revealingness, Israel Epstein's (1915-2005) life in communist China remains a vacuum in English-language scholarship on the history of the People's Republic of China. This paper inten... Despite of all its enigma and revealingness, Israel Epstein's (1915-2005) life in communist China remains a vacuum in English-language scholarship on the history of the People's Republic of China. This paper intends to fill this vacuum. It seeks to rediscover Epstein's communist experience, with particular focus on his fervent activism in and unapologetic defense of the Cultural Revolution. Through analyzing his experience, this paper exposes the essential allurement of Chinese communism encapsulated in the ideals of revolutionary regeneration and revolutionary virtues. Beyond Epstein's communist experience, this paper calls for a deeper and broader pondering on the analogy between communism and religion. Such an illuminating analogy should inspire more intellectual efforts than critical expositions of formalistic vainglory or personality cult. 展开更多
关键词 Israel Epstein Chinese Communist Party Pro-communism foreigners cultural revolution
College Coaching Legends
作者 Xue Yang Jiwei Jin 《Sociology Study》 2016年第10期676-681,共6页
Everyone has his heroes, like the college coaches, many of them play a important role in our college life, and they hve a legendary life here at the same time. In America, college student pay attention to NCAA (Natio... Everyone has his heroes, like the college coaches, many of them play a important role in our college life, and they hve a legendary life here at the same time. In America, college student pay attention to NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), there are many famous coaches in it, such as Nich Saban, Jerry Tarkanian, and more. The authors are very interested in the competitive life of those who are the top five coaches in the world. So the authors concentrate on the winning rate, the contribution rate, and the cycle of the honors to evaluate each coach, by standardizing the metrics, they get the final scores of each metric for basketball; according to the scores, they get the top five coaches in a century. And in this paper, the authors also take the gender and timeline into account. 展开更多
关键词 Standardization of the dispersion coefficient of variation method weighted arithmetic mean of comprehensive evaluation
Nonlinear parity space applied to an electric autonomous vehicle 被引量:1
作者 Bouibed Kamel Aitouche Abdel Bayart Mireille 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2009年第12期10-18,共9页
The autonomous navigation of an electric vehicle requires the implementation of a number of sensors and actuators intended to inform it about his environment or his position and velocity and deliver necessary inputs. ... The autonomous navigation of an electric vehicle requires the implementation of a number of sensors and actuators intended to inform it about his environment or his position and velocity and deliver necessary inputs. That's why it is important to detect and locate sensor and actuator faults as soon as possible to enable the operator to run the vehicle in degraded mode or use the fault tolerant control system if it exists. The main purpose of this paper deals with sensors or actuators faults diagnosis of autonomous vehicle. A diagnosis method using a nonlinear model of the vehicle is developed. Nonlinear state space model of the autonomous electric vehicle is used with the method of nonlinear analytical redundancy to detect and to isolate faults occurred on sensors or actuators. Computer simulations are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the method. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous electric vehicle nonlinear systems fault detection and isolation nonlinear analytical redundancy
Solving Hitchcock’s transportation problem by a genetic algorithm
作者 陈海峰 CHO Joong. Rae LEE Jeong. Tae 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第2期54-57,共4页
Genetic algorithms (GAs) employ the evolutionary process of Darwin’s nature selection theory to find the solutions of optimization problems. In this paper, an implementation of genetic algorithm is put forward to sol... Genetic algorithms (GAs) employ the evolutionary process of Darwin’s nature selection theory to find the solutions of optimization problems. In this paper, an implementation of genetic algorithm is put forward to solve a classical transportation problem, namely the Hitchcock’s Transportation Problem (HTP), and the GA is improved to search for all optimal solutions and identify them automatically. The algorithm is coded with C++ and validated by numerical examples. The computational results show that the algorithm is efficient for solving the Hitchcock’s transportation problem. 展开更多
关键词 Hitchcock’s transportation problem genetic algorithm multiple optimal solutions
Shadow obstacle model for realistic corner-turning behavior in crowd simulation 被引量:2
作者 Gao-qi HE Yi JIN +3 位作者 Qi CHEN Zhen LIU Wen-hui YUE Xing-jian LU 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期200-211,共12页
This paper describes a novel model known as the shadow obstacle model to generate a realistic comer-tuming behavior in crowd simulation. The motivation for this model comes from the observation that people tend to cho... This paper describes a novel model known as the shadow obstacle model to generate a realistic comer-tuming behavior in crowd simulation. The motivation for this model comes from the observation that people tend to choose a safer route rather than a shorter one when turning a comer. To calculate a safer route, an optimization method is proposed to generate the corner-turning rule that maximizes the viewing range for the agents. By combining psychological and physical forces together, a full crowd simulation framework is established to provide a more realistic crowd simulation. We demonstrate that our model produces a more realistic comer-turning behavior by comparison with real data obtained from the experiments. Finally, we per- form parameter analysis to show the believability of our model through a series of experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Comer-turning behavior Crowd simulation Safety awareness Rule-based model
A survey of photon mapping state-of-the-art research and future challenges 被引量:1
作者 Chun-meng KANG Lu WANG +1 位作者 Yan-ning XU Xiang-xu MENG 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期185-199,共15页
Global illumination is the core part of photo-realistic rendering. The photon mapping algorithm is an effective method for computing global illumination with its obvious advantage of caustic and color bleeding renderi... Global illumination is the core part of photo-realistic rendering. The photon mapping algorithm is an effective method for computing global illumination with its obvious advantage of caustic and color bleeding rendering. It is an active research field that has been developed over the past two decades. The deficiency of precise details and efficient rendering are still the main challenges of photon mapping. This report reviews recent work and classifies it into a set of categories including radiance estimation, photon relaxation, photon tracing, progressive photon mapping, and parallel methods. The goals of our report are giving readers an overall introduction to photon mapping and motivating further research to address the limitations of existing methods. 展开更多
关键词 Global illumination Photon mapping Radiance estimation Photon relaxation Progressive photon mapping
Fast implementation of kernel simplex volume analysis based on modified Cholesky factorization for endmember extraction 被引量:1
作者 Jing LI Xiao-run LI +1 位作者 Li-jiao WANG Liao-ying ZHAO 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期250-257,共8页
Endmember extraction is a key step in the hyperspectral image analysis process. The kernel new simplex growing algorithm (KNSGA), recently developed as a nonlinear alternative to the simplex growing algorithm (SGA... Endmember extraction is a key step in the hyperspectral image analysis process. The kernel new simplex growing algorithm (KNSGA), recently developed as a nonlinear alternative to the simplex growing algorithm (SGA), has proven a promising endmember extraction technique. However, KNSGA still suffers from two issues limiting its application. First, its random initialization leads to inconsistency in final results; second, excessive computation is caused by the iterations of a simplex volume calculation. To solve the first issue, the spatial pixel purity index (SPPI) method is used in this study to extract the first endrnember, eliminating the initialization dependence. A novel approach tackles the second issue by initially using a modified Cholesky fac- torization to decompose the volume matrix into triangular matrices, in order to avoid directly computing the determinant tauto- logically in the simplex volume formula. Theoretical analysis and experiments on both simulated and real spectral data demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly reduces computational complexity, and runs faster than the original algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Endmember extraction Modified Cholesky factorization Spatial pixel purity index (SPPI) New simplex growingalgorithm (NSGA) Kernel new simplex growing algorithm (KNSGA)
Analytical Study on Propagation Dynamics of Optical Beam in Parity-Time Symmetric Optical Couplers 被引量:1
作者 周政 朱博 张丽娟 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期406-412,共7页
We present exact analytical solutions to parity-time(P T) symmetric optical system describing light transport in P T-symmetric optical couplers. We show that light intensity oscillates periodically between two wavegui... We present exact analytical solutions to parity-time(P T) symmetric optical system describing light transport in P T-symmetric optical couplers. We show that light intensity oscillates periodically between two waveguides for unbroken P T-symmetric phase, whereas light always leaves the system from the waveguide experiencing gain when light is initially input at either waveguide experiencing gain or waveguide experiencing loss for broken P T-symmetric phase. These analytical results agree with the recent experimental observation reported by Ru¨ter et al. [Nat. Phys.6(2010) 192]. Besides, we present a scheme for manipulating P T symmetry by applying a periodic modulation. Our results provide an efficient way to control light propagation in periodically modulated P T-symmetric system by tuning the modulation amplitude and frequency. 展开更多
关键词 exact solutions parity-time symmetry optical couplers
Quantum-dot cellular automata based reversible low power parity generator and parity checker design for nanocommunication
作者 Jadav Chandra DAS Debashis DE 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期224-236,共13页
Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an emerging area of research in reversible computing. It can be used to design nanoscale circuits. In nanocommunication, the detection and correction of errors in a received me... Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an emerging area of research in reversible computing. It can be used to design nanoscale circuits. In nanocommunication, the detection and correction of errors in a received message is a major factor. Besides, device density and power dissipation are the key issues in the nanocommunication architecture. For the first time, QCA-based designs of the reversible low-power odd parity generator and odd parity checker using the Feynman gate have been achieved in this study. Using the proposed parity generator and parity checker circuit, a nanocommunication architecture is pro- posed. The detection of errors in the received message during transmission is also explored. The proposed QCA Feynman gate outshines the existing ones in terms of area, cell count, and delay. The quantum costs of the proposed conventional reversible circuits and their QCA layouts are calculated and compared, which establishes that the proposed QCA circuits have very low quantum cost compared to conventional designs. The energy dissipation by the layouts is estimated, which ensures the possibility ofQCA nano-device serving as an alternative platform for the implementation of reversible circuits. The stability of the proposed circuits under thermal randomness is analyzed, showing the operational efficiency of the circuits. The simulation results of the proposed design are tested with theoretical values, showing the accuracy of the circuits. The proposed circuits can be used to design more complex low-power nanoscale lossless cation architecture such as nano-transmitters and nano-receivers 展开更多
关键词 Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) Parity generator Parity checker Feynman gate Nanocommunication Powerdissipation
Design and simulation of a standing wave oscillator based PLL
作者 Wei ZHANG You-de HU Li-rong ZHENG 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期258-264,共7页
A standing wave oscillator(SWO) is a perfect clock source which can be used to produce a high frequency clock signal with a low skew and high reliability. However, it is difficult to tune the SWO in a wide range of fr... A standing wave oscillator(SWO) is a perfect clock source which can be used to produce a high frequency clock signal with a low skew and high reliability. However, it is difficult to tune the SWO in a wide range of frequencies. We introduce a frequency tunable SWO which uses an inversion mode metal-oxide-semiconductor(IMOS) field-effect transistor as a varactor, and give the simulation results of the frequency tuning range and power dissipation. Based on the frequency tunable SWO, a new phase locked loop(PLL) architecture is presented. This PLL can be used not only as a clock source, but also as a clock distribution network to provide high quality clock signals. The PLL achieves an approximately 50% frequency tuning range when designed in Global Foundry 65 nm 1P9 M complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor(CMOS) technology, and can be used directly in a high performance multi-core microprocessor. 展开更多
关键词 Standing wave oscillator (SWO) Clock distribution Phase locked loop (PLL) VARACTOR
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