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云南民间道教传度奏职仪式研究 被引量:1
作者 萧霁虹 吕师 《宗教学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期144-151,共8页
云南民间道教是早期巫教与五斗米道融合并呈现地域特色的一种区域道教,经历了一个动态发展的过程。"传度"是道教的一种入教仪式,"奏职"异同于"授箓",均为道士获得宗教神职的一种"教阶制"。云... 云南民间道教是早期巫教与五斗米道融合并呈现地域特色的一种区域道教,经历了一个动态发展的过程。"传度"是道教的一种入教仪式,"奏职"异同于"授箓",均为道士获得宗教神职的一种"教阶制"。云南族群的多样性和自然环境的独特性,以及社会历史条件,孕育了具有区域特色的民间道教,并形成了"传度·奏职"这一宗教的核心仪式。云南民间道教的"传度·奏职"仪式,深刻反映了不同的族群对一种宗教的自觉接收并转化运用的过程,说明了道教的民族性、包容性,彰显了民间道教在中华民族多元一体格局中的纽带作用。 展开更多
关键词 民间道教 传度 奏职 瑶族 奏授职帖
考虑压力火用时换热器的传火用有效度 被引量:7
作者 吴双应 袁晓凤 李友荣 《华北电力大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第2期111-115,共5页
在考虑压力火用损失的情况下,给出了换热器传火用有效度的计算式。系统地讨论了传热单元数、冷热流体热容量比以及流型对以理想气体和不可压缩流体为目标介质的换热器传火用有效度的影响,并与不考虑压力火用损失的情况进行了比较,最后... 在考虑压力火用损失的情况下,给出了换热器传火用有效度的计算式。系统地讨论了传热单元数、冷热流体热容量比以及流型对以理想气体和不可压缩流体为目标介质的换热器传火用有效度的影响,并与不考虑压力火用损失的情况进行了比较,最后把换热器的传火用有效度与传热有效度进行了比较。 展开更多
关键词 换热器 压力(火用)损失 (火用)有效 热有效
基于智能传感器SHT15的温湿度数据采集系统设计 被引量:6
作者 许慧芳 《中国农机化学报》 2015年第5期237-239,共3页
介绍一种以数字温湿度传感器SHT15为核心的智能温湿度数据采集系统。系统采用具有高速A/D转换、加密性强和解密难度高等优点的芯片STCLE5A32S2,在阐述系统硬件组成、通讯和数据采集软件的基础上,通过传感器采集温度和湿度信号,并通过A/... 介绍一种以数字温湿度传感器SHT15为核心的智能温湿度数据采集系统。系统采用具有高速A/D转换、加密性强和解密难度高等优点的芯片STCLE5A32S2,在阐述系统硬件组成、通讯和数据采集软件的基础上,通过传感器采集温度和湿度信号,并通过A/D转化成数字信号,然后再输入给计算机。经过处理后,计算机向温度、湿度控制电路输出数字信号来控制下位机的操作。该系统具有液晶显示、数据监控、数据存储和低功耗等功能及特性,可以广泛应用于各种温、湿度智能控制系统。 展开更多
关键词 STCLE5A32S2 SHT15 温湿 数据采集
温阳补肾法治疗三度房室传导阻滞一例 被引量:1
作者 李龙 高旭阳 遇昕 《光明中医》 2011年第8期1676-1677,共2页
三度房室传导阻滞为一种严重心律失常,由于心率缓慢可以出现严重心脑供血不足,发生心绞痛、心力衰竭及阿-斯综合征,甚至可致病人猝死。现阶段除置入起搏器尚无更有效的治疗方法。我院在名老中医郭文勤教授的指导下,采用温阳补肾法治疗... 三度房室传导阻滞为一种严重心律失常,由于心率缓慢可以出现严重心脑供血不足,发生心绞痛、心力衰竭及阿-斯综合征,甚至可致病人猝死。现阶段除置入起搏器尚无更有效的治疗方法。我院在名老中医郭文勤教授的指导下,采用温阳补肾法治疗缓慢心律失常取得了不错的疗效。现将近日收治的一例三度房室传导阻滞患者的治疗好转情况报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 房室阻导滞 温阳补肾法 中医药疗法
作者 徐兆龙 刘仁光 《实用心电学杂志》 2003年第1期44-44,共1页
关键词 室性心动过速 室房逆阻滞 并发症 心电图
作者 张凯 《中国道教》 2005年第6期5-5,共1页
关键词 南昌万寿宫 西山万寿宫 净明道 海峡两岸净明归宗传度祈福大法会 中国 道教
基于温湿度传感器的特护失禁内裤的研发 被引量:2
作者 黄锐 肖爱民 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期141-148,共8页
针对现有失禁内裤价格、功效和使用效率不对等的问题,从服装材料、结构以及功能模块等方面对失禁内裤提出优化设计,以实现对特殊护理人群失禁问题的实时监测。首先对现有具备提示功能的排泄物处理用品进行分析,总结其使用不够简便、更... 针对现有失禁内裤价格、功效和使用效率不对等的问题,从服装材料、结构以及功能模块等方面对失禁内裤提出优化设计,以实现对特殊护理人群失禁问题的实时监测。首先对现有具备提示功能的排泄物处理用品进行分析,总结其使用不够简便、更换不够便捷、价格昂贵以及兼容性差等缺点,其次利用温湿度传感器与STC89C52控制器实现对患者的监测及失禁时的多层报警机制,通过WI-FI模块实现在手机APP上实时接收患者信息,最后经过服装结构优化与服装服用效果测试评价实验,完成对特护失禁患者的失禁内裤研究与设计。研究结果显示:该款失禁内裤在满足舒适性要求的基础上,可以显著提高护工的二次更换效率和实际看护效率,同时具有造价低廉,品牌兼容性好等特点。 展开更多
关键词 智能服装 失禁监测 温湿 内裤设计
基于数字型温湿度传感器的医药精密环境温度湿度测量 被引量:1
作者 沈国平 沈星易 《中国医学装备》 2017年第11期5-8,共4页
目的:设计一款数字化电子温湿度计,作为智能化控制的基础,为数据记录、分析、处理、传输以及远程监控提供方便。方法:应用单片机ATMEGA16编程驱动传感器AM2311等外围器件DIY一款数码显示的温湿度计。结果:参照江苏省质量技术监督局发布... 目的:设计一款数字化电子温湿度计,作为智能化控制的基础,为数据记录、分析、处理、传输以及远程监控提供方便。方法:应用单片机ATMEGA16编程驱动传感器AM2311等外围器件DIY一款数码显示的温湿度计。结果:参照江苏省质量技术监督局发布的数字温湿度计检定规程JJG(苏)99-2010"数字温湿度计检定规程",采用精密露点仪YGM-2610检测达到要求,环境温度与湿度同时测出,并醒目地LED显示。结论:电子测量温湿度,带来数字化测量的优势,通过灵活的二次定标程序来提高准确度,且微处理器的编程相当灵活,具有可编程性和可扩充性,内部资源较丰富,且可降低成本和功耗均低。 展开更多
关键词 微控制器 温湿 温湿感AM2311
基于无线传输的通信器材库温湿度检测系统研究 被引量:1
作者 叶亮 《中国新通信》 2018年第4期49-49,共1页
关键词 温湿 无线
论二十八宿古距度在先秦时期的应用及其意义 被引量:2
作者 宋会群 苗雪兰 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 1995年第2期140-153,共14页
该文认为《洪范传》古度和夏侯灶墓圆盘古度是古距度系统中两种不同类型的古距度。在此基础上,运用计算实证的方法,证明了古历、秦历、《五星占》的行星观测使用的都是古距度,它的距星与传统距度的距星有巨大差别,提出只有在搞清古... 该文认为《洪范传》古度和夏侯灶墓圆盘古度是古距度系统中两种不同类型的古距度。在此基础上,运用计算实证的方法,证明了古历、秦历、《五星占》的行星观测使用的都是古距度,它的距星与传统距度的距星有巨大差别,提出只有在搞清古代天象观测使用何种距度和距星坐标的前提下,才能正确计算其观测年代的论点。揭示了古距度坐标系统在天文学史、历史年代学研究中的重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 洪范 圆盘古 古颛顼历 秦历 廿八宿
基于DHT22的数字式温湿度计的设计 被引量:15
作者 林珠妹 《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第2期223-225,共3页
关键词 温湿 DHT22 数字化
一种便携式温湿度仪的软硬件实现 被引量:2
作者 李中华 《工业仪表与自动化装置》 2003年第4期61-64,5,共5页
关键词 单片机 温湿检则仪 温湿感嚣 技术参数
基于光纤光栅传感器的变压器油中微水在线监测 被引量:1
作者 刘春鹏 姚毅 +1 位作者 贾金玲 梅幼亚 《电气应用》 2015年第17期62-65,共4页
针对传统变压器油中微水监测存在的不足,提出了一种以光纤光栅传感器为基础的变压器油中微水监测方法,并据此设计了相应的微水在线监测系统。详细阐述了以聚酰亚胺薄膜为湿敏涂层的光纤光栅湿度传感原理和温湿度测量方法,重点对变压器... 针对传统变压器油中微水监测存在的不足,提出了一种以光纤光栅传感器为基础的变压器油中微水监测方法,并据此设计了相应的微水在线监测系统。详细阐述了以聚酰亚胺薄膜为湿敏涂层的光纤光栅湿度传感原理和温湿度测量方法,重点对变压器油中微水间接测量进行分析。讨论了系统装置的工作过程和相关参量的获取方法,实验结果对比表明该方法对于变压器油中微水含量的实时监测是行之有效的。 展开更多
关键词 光纤光栅感器 变压器油 温湿 微水监测
Temperature and Salinity Dual-parameter Sensing Based on Forward Brillouin Scattering in 1060-XP SMF
作者 LIU Pengkai ZHANG Wujun LU Yuangang 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第S01期89-95,共7页
A novel temperature and salinity discriminative sensing method based on forward Brillouin scattering(FBS)in 1060-XP single-mode fiber(SMF)is proposed.The measured frequency shifts corresponding to different radial aco... A novel temperature and salinity discriminative sensing method based on forward Brillouin scattering(FBS)in 1060-XP single-mode fiber(SMF)is proposed.The measured frequency shifts corresponding to different radial acoustic modes in 1060-XP SMF show different sensitivities to temperature and salinity.Based on the new phenomenon that different radial acoustic modes have different frequency shift-temperature and frequency shift-salinity coefficients,we propose a novel method for simultaneously measuring temperature and salinity by measuring the frequency shift changes of two FBS scattering peaks.In a proof-of-concept experiment,the temperature and salinity measurement errors are 0.12℃and 0.29%,respectively.The proposed method for simultaneously measuring temperature and salinity has the potential applications such as ocean surveying,food manufacturing and pharmaceutical engineering. 展开更多
关键词 forward Brillouin scattering(FBS) optical fiber sensor salinity sensing temperature sensing
High Sensitivity Submicron Scale Temperature Sensor Based on Perovskite Nanoplatelet Lasers
作者 ZHAO Ruofan TAO Jianxun +7 位作者 XI Yuying CHEN Jiangzhao JI Ting WANG Wenyan WEN Rong CUI Yanxia CHEN Junsheng LI Guohui 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1511-1520,共10页
Submicron scale temperature sensors are crucial for a range of applications,particularly in micro and na-noscale environments.One promising solution involves the use of active whispering gallery mode(WGM)microresonato... Submicron scale temperature sensors are crucial for a range of applications,particularly in micro and na-noscale environments.One promising solution involves the use of active whispering gallery mode(WGM)microresonators.These resonators can be remotely excited and read out using free-space structures,simplifying the process of sensing.In this study,we present a submicron-scale temperature sensor with a remarkable sensitivity up to 185 pm/℃based on a trian-gular MAPbI3 nanoplatelet(NPL)laser.Notably,as temperature changes,the peak wavelength of the laser line shifts lin-early.This unique characteristic allows for precise temperature sensing by tracking the peak wavelength of the NPL laser.The optical modes are confined within the perovskite NPL,which measures just 85 nm in height,due to total internal reflec-tion.Our NPL laser boasts several key features,including a high Q of~2610 and a low laser threshold of about 19.8μJ·cm^(−2).The combination of exceptional sensitivity and ultra-small size makes our WGM device an ideal candidate for integration into systems that demand compact temperature sensors.This advancement paves the way for significant prog-ress in the development of ultrasmall temperature sensors,opening new possibilities across various fields. 展开更多
关键词 temperature sensor submicron scale perovskite nanoplatelet
Solution for Output Coordination Equations of Several Typical Parallel Six-Dimensional Acceleration Sensing Mechanisms
作者 ZHANG Xianzhu YOU Jingjing ZHANG Yuanwei 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第S01期96-102,共7页
Aiming at the problem that it is difficult to generate the dynamic decoupling equation of the parallel six-dimensional acceleration sensing mechanism,two typical parallel six-dimensional acceleration sensing mechanism... Aiming at the problem that it is difficult to generate the dynamic decoupling equation of the parallel six-dimensional acceleration sensing mechanism,two typical parallel six-dimensional acceleration sensing mechanisms are taken as examples.By analyzing the scale constraint relationship between the hinge points on the mass block and the hinge points on the base of the sensing mechanism,a new method for establishing the dynamic equation of the sensing mechanism is proposed.Firstly,based on the scale constraint relationship between the hinge points on the mass block and the hinge points on the base of the sensing mechanism,the expression of the branch rod length is obtained.The inherent constraint relationship between the branches is excavated and the branch coordination closed chain of the“12-6”configuration is constructed.The output coordination equation of the sensing mechanism is successfully derived.Secondly,the dynamic equations of“12-4”and“12-6”configurations are constructed by the Newton-Euler method,and the forward decoupling equations of the two configurations are solved by combining the dynamic equations and the output coordination equations.Finally,the virtual prototype experiment is carried out,and the maximum reference errors of the forward decoupling equations of the two configuration sensing mechanisms are 4.23%and 6.53%,respectively.The results show that the proposed method is effective and feasible,and meets the real-time requirements. 展开更多
关键词 six-dimensional acceleration sensor parallel mechanism topological configuration coordination equation dynamics
作者 胡光熹 曾佳雨 罗海梅 《光学与光电技术》 2024年第6期59-67,共9页
光纤温湿度传感器因其易集成、抗电磁干扰及耐腐蚀等特性,在医疗、生物等领域得到广泛应用。聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl Alcohol,PVA)材料因其独特性质常用于湿度传感。为此,设计了一种结合聚乙烯醇的温湿度敏感特性与表面等离子体共振原理(Sur... 光纤温湿度传感器因其易集成、抗电磁干扰及耐腐蚀等特性,在医疗、生物等领域得到广泛应用。聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl Alcohol,PVA)材料因其独特性质常用于湿度传感。为此,设计了一种结合聚乙烯醇的温湿度敏感特性与表面等离子体共振原理(Surface Plasma Resonance,SPR)并实现高灵敏度的光纤混合等离子体波导温湿度传感器,并进行了仿真验证。该传感器是由PVA光纤两端搭连微纳米光纤制成的,并在PVA光纤下方放置金属光栅衬底,通过表面等离子效应来增强其传感灵敏度。研究发现,在20%~90%RH范围内,传感器的灵敏度为-1.750 31 nm/%RH;在20~90℃温度范围内,其温度灵敏度为-0.518 93nm/℃。结果表明,波长偏移与外部参数(温度和湿度)之间有良好的线性关系。 展开更多
关键词 光纤 温湿 布拉格光栅 表面等离子共振 聚乙烯醇
Effect of Apis mellifera on community composition of local pollinator bees and their pollination network in Qinling Mountains and surrounding areas
作者 Cheng'en ZHONG Qingle XIE +1 位作者 Yaoyao SI Yalin ZHANG 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2024年第3期167-205,共39页
The Qinling Mountains, known for their rich vegetation and diverse pollinating insects, have seen a significant decline in bee species richness and abundance over recent decades, largely due to the introduction and sp... The Qinling Mountains, known for their rich vegetation and diverse pollinating insects, have seen a significant decline in bee species richness and abundance over recent decades, largely due to the introduction and spread of Apis mellifera. This decline has caused cascading effects on the region's community structure and ecosystem stability. To improve the protection of native bees in the natural and agricultural landscape of the Qinling Mountains and its surrounding areas, we investigated 33 sampling sites within three habitats: forest, forest-agriculture ecotones, and farmland. Using a generalized linear mixing model, t-test, and other data analysis methods, we explored the impact of Apis mellifera on local pollinator bee richness, abundance, and the pollination network in different habitats in these regional areas. The results show that(1)Apis mellifera significantly negatively affects the abundance and richness of wild pollinator bees,while Apis cerana abundance is also affected by beekeeping conditions.(2)There are significant negative effects of Apis mellifera on the community structure of pollinator bees in the Qinling Mountains and its surrounding areas: the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, and Margalef richness index of bee communities at sites with Apis mellifera influence were significantly lower than those at sites without Apis mellifera influence.(3)The underlying driver of this effect is the monopolization of flowering resources by Apis mellifera. This species tends to visit flowering plants with large nectar sources, which constitute a significant portion of the local plant community. By maintaining a dominant role in the bee-plant pollination network, Apis mellifera competitively displaces native pollinator bees, reducing their access to floral resources. This ultimately leads to a reduction in local bee-plant interactions, decreasing the complexity and stability of the pollination network. These findings highlight the need for targeted conservation efforts to protect native pollinator species and maintain the ecological balance in the Qinling Mountains. 展开更多
关键词 Apis mellifera Pollinator bees Species richness ABUNDANCE Interaction networks
MZI/FPI Fiber Optic Dual-parameter Sensor Based on a Double Cone and Air Cavity Structure(Invited)
作者 YUAN Tingxuan ZHAO Lilong +5 位作者 REN Jianxin MAO Yaya ULLAH Rahat WU Xiangyu MAO Beibei XIA Wenchao 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期64-72,共9页
This paper proposes a Mach Zehnder/Fabry Perot Interferometer(MZI/FPI)fiber sensor based on Single-mode Fiber(SMF)and Hollow-core Fiber(HCF),which has high sensitivity to temperature and lateral loads.The proposed dev... This paper proposes a Mach Zehnder/Fabry Perot Interferometer(MZI/FPI)fiber sensor based on Single-mode Fiber(SMF)and Hollow-core Fiber(HCF),which has high sensitivity to temperature and lateral loads.The proposed device consists of two single-mode fiber cones formed by manually controlling the fusion splicer and an air cavity formed by fusing a section of hollow-core fiber.The structure of the sensor is a double cone cascaded air cavity.At the beginning of the design,we compared the basic transmission spectra of single cone structure and double cone structure experimentally,and therefore chose to use double cone structure and air cavity cascade.Light undergoes its first reflection at the first interface between the single-mode fiber and the air cavity structure,and its second reflection at the second interface between the air cavity structure and the single-mode fiber.The two reflected light waves produced by the two reflections form FP interference,which can be used to measure lateral loads.The transmitted light is excited through the first cone,and a portion of the core mode light is excited to the cladding,while another portion of the core mode light continues to propagate in the core.The light couples at the second cone,and the cladding mode light couples back into the core,forming MZ interference with the core mode light,which can be used to measure temperature.The use of hollow-core fiber to form an air cavity has little effect on transmitted light,while avoiding the problem of crosstalk in dual parameter measurements.By designing temperature and lateral load experiments,this article verifies the sensitivity characteristics of this sensor to temperature and lateral loads.A significant redshift phenomenon was observed in the temperature experiment.A significant redshift phenomenon also occurred in the lateral load experiment.Through wavelength demodulation,the experimental results show that the wavelength sensitivity of the sensor to temperature is 56.29 pm/℃in the range of 30℃to 80℃.The wavelength sensitivity of the sensor to lateral loads is 1.123 nm/N in the range of 0~5 N.In addition,we have prepared multiple sets of fiber optic sensors with this structure and conducted repeated experiments to verify that the sensing performance of this structure of fiber optic sensors for temperature and lateral load is relatively stable.Also,the different waist diameters of cones will have a certain impact on the transmission spectrum of MZ,while the length of the air cavity will also have a certain impact on the reflection spectrum of FP.This article lists some fiber optic sensors for dual parameter measurement of temperature and lateral load.Compared with the listed sensors,the fiber optic sensor proposed in this article has better sensitivity to temperature and lateral load.And the fiber optic sensor proposed in this article has a simple manufacturing process,low production cost,and good performance,which has certain prospects in scientific research and industrial production. 展开更多
关键词 Temperature Lateral load Fiber sensor Mach-Zehnder interferometer Fabry-Pérot interferometer
山西省大雪天气的分析预报 被引量:33
作者 赵桂香 杜莉 +2 位作者 范卫东 张国勇 胡志新 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期727-738,共12页
利用1971-2008年山西108个地面气象观测站基本资料和常规观测资料,综合分析了山西大雪天气的主要特征。结果表明:(1)山西大雪天气主要出现在10月~次年4月间,但以3月最多;常出现连续2天以上的大雪天气,且多以局地为主,区域大雪仅占16%... 利用1971-2008年山西108个地面气象观测站基本资料和常规观测资料,综合分析了山西大雪天气的主要特征。结果表明:(1)山西大雪天气主要出现在10月~次年4月间,但以3月最多;常出现连续2天以上的大雪天气,且多以局地为主,区域大雪仅占16%。38年来,山西大雪次数年际差异大,其中有3年异常偏多,5年异常偏少,且有两个显著偏少期和一个显著偏多期,但整体上呈缓慢增加趋势,平均增长率为0.259次.(10a)-1;山西大雪次数南部最多、中部最少,北部和中部呈缓慢增加趋势,南部呈减少趋势。(2)山西大雪天气的主要影响系统有地面回流、河套倒槽及两者共同作用等三类,74%的区域大雪天气伴随500hPa阻塞形势。(3)诊断分析表明,大雪区上空上升运动存在两种垂直环流结构,涡度平流下传是导致垂直上升运动加强,出现大雪持续和增幅的重要动力因素;低空超低空急流的维持和加强,不仅是水汽输送和补充的重要途径,而且加强了大范围辐合上升运动,成为对称不稳定的组织者和不稳定能量释放的触发者,同时加强了低空中尺度上升运动;在回流形势影响下,近地层形成"湿冷垫",不仅使得暖湿空气沿其爬升,增湿、冷却达到饱和,而且加强了动力抬升作用,导致大雪的持续和增幅。(4)不同系统影响下高低空流型配置不同,造成的大雪强度、落区、时间均不同。 展开更多
关键词 山西省 大雪 平流下 冷垫 流型配置
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