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作者 杨建东 《西安金融》 2003年第10期63-63,共1页
关键词 传形五铢说蜀汉》 五铢拓片 东汉五铢 蜀汉五铢 传形五铢
货币文字中的“传形”探讨 被引量:1
作者 陶霞波 《中国文字研究》 2008年第1期207-212,共6页
关键词 先秦货币 传形 书写
作者 周海阔 宋占海 《北方金融》 2019年第9期108-109,共2页
钱币学中所说的“传形”是指古钱币的钱文左右二字位置与正常品相反,而且钱文的字体也类似印章一样,是反书的,当然,如半两、大泉五十之类的钱币,其钱文每个字都是轴对称图形,说成钱文正书也可。传形的概念与“左读”很相近,所不同的是... 钱币学中所说的“传形”是指古钱币的钱文左右二字位置与正常品相反,而且钱文的字体也类似印章一样,是反书的,当然,如半两、大泉五十之类的钱币,其钱文每个字都是轴对称图形,说成钱文正书也可。传形的概念与“左读”很相近,所不同的是左读钱的钱文是正书,而不是反书。 展开更多
关键词 大泉五十 西汉五铢 传形 古钱币 钱文 轴对称图 钱币学
作者 陶霞波 《中国文字研究》 2009年第1期80-83,共4页
关键词 传形 标记性语境 先秦货币文
从铸造工艺角度试谈传形五铢形成原因 被引量:1
作者 徐国洪 《广西金融研究》 2004年第z1期16-17,共2页
关键词 传形五铢 五铢钱 古代货币 叠铸法 钱范 钱模 母范 铸钱 铸造工艺
李存义首传形意拳 老龙头搏斗沙俄军
作者 李瑞林 《开卷有益(求医问药)》 2014年第8期36-37,共2页
刘快庄,原名天津东乡刘快庄,现在是北辰区的一个普通村落。刘快庄坐落于天津东北方向30余里,是东北方向进津必经之路;紧靠北运河,是天津的物流码头。这里民性豪爽、彪悍。清代年间,刘快庄是津门的木炭集散地,有存百万斤木炭的货栈20多... 刘快庄,原名天津东乡刘快庄,现在是北辰区的一个普通村落。刘快庄坐落于天津东北方向30余里,是东北方向进津必经之路;紧靠北运河,是天津的物流码头。这里民性豪爽、彪悍。清代年间,刘快庄是津门的木炭集散地,有存百万斤木炭的货栈20多家。由于木炭是民生物资,需要雇能力强的人看护。村落的地理位置、村民谋生的方式,决定了村民要有强健的身体、保护自我的手段。 展开更多
关键词 李存义 刘快 意拳 东北方向 里民 传形 十九世纪 武术动作 武术界 聂士成
作者 侯海智 刘百林 《西安金融》 2003年第2期60-60,共1页
关键词 蜀汉时期 传形五铢 直百诸钱 行虚值钱 刘备 刘巴
积万象于胸怀 传形神于笔端——《李瑞兆油画集》读后感
作者 张芷岷 《美术之友》 2005年第3期33-33,共1页
关键词 传形 李瑞 油画语言 色彩表现 力感 艺术 我的母亲 画中人 心歌 作品风格
作者 纪中 《中国钱币》 北大核心 1993年第2期51-51,共1页
传形“賹六化”钱纪中THEOPPOSITEWHITTEN“YILIUHUA”COINJiZhong先秦货币中,文字传形的方足布时有所见,不足为奇,而文字传形的刀币和圜钱却甚为少见,尤其像“共”字、“六化”等几种圜钱的... 传形“賹六化”钱纪中THEOPPOSITEWHITTEN“YILIUHUA”COINJiZhong先秦货币中,文字传形的方足布时有所见,不足为奇,而文字传形的刀币和圜钱却甚为少见,尤其像“共”字、“六化”等几种圜钱的传形钱更是如凤毛麟角,十分罕见;最近中国钱币博物馆征集到一枚传形“六化”钱,使我得以目睹了一枚旧谱未载的罕见品。该枚传形“六化”钱(见彩插及拓片1)重7.15克,较通常“六化”钱稍轻薄;铸文同常见品相反,“”字在正面方穿之左,“六化”二字在方穿之右,其中“六”字右侧一笔有明显流铜痕迹;该钱正背两面通体呈生坑绿锈底色,表层有土灰色硬质包浆,品相甚佳;此钱开门见山,勿庸置疑,且显见是出土新品。据该钱原主人陈德林君介绍,此钱1988年出土于山东省青州市(益都),与此钱伴随出土的是为数二、三百枚以上的一批:“四化”和“六化”钱,只因该枚系传形异品,当时即被单独挑出。笔者近几年先后共见到两枚传形“六化”钱,均为新出土品;除去前面介绍的一枚外,另见过山东省青州市丁昌五君有一枚,前两年丁君曾有该钱拓片一纸相赠,现一同发表附在这里(见拓片2),可供研究者鉴赏和参考比较。传形“賹六化” 展开更多
关键词 传形 中国钱币博物馆 方足布 生坑 异品 流铜 丁昌 圜钱 山东省青州市 二字
作者 郑祖武 《视听纵横》 2021年第1期80-81,共2页
今年1月6日晚,吾颇有兴趣看了浙江卫视推出的纪录片《东向大海》第2集《探海》,深为编导、摄像师辛勤拍摄所呈现镜头的传形传神叫好。这里讲的镜头传形,指镜头画面的真实连同声音的真实,这是电视纪录片艺术真实的第一层次。此处讲的镜... 今年1月6日晚,吾颇有兴趣看了浙江卫视推出的纪录片《东向大海》第2集《探海》,深为编导、摄像师辛勤拍摄所呈现镜头的传形传神叫好。这里讲的镜头传形,指镜头画面的真实连同声音的真实,这是电视纪录片艺术真实的第一层次。此处讲的镜头传神,指镜头画面和声音,对生活的本质进行概括,按纪录片创作艺术规律来表现高于生活的真实,这是电视纪录片艺术真实的第二层次。 展开更多
关键词 电视纪录片 纪录片创作 镜头画面 艺术真实 浙江卫视 传形 生活的真实 摄像师
疾病形层传变论 被引量:2
作者 周东浩 吕德 周明爱 《医学与哲学》 2003年第6期54-57,共4页
关键词 疾病变论 病原体侵袭 免疫细胞 序贯性激活 免疫调节紊乱 非特异性免疫亢盛期
基于温度减敏的光纤Bragg光栅应变传感器 被引量:5
作者 李薇 侯睿 杨文俊 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1-2,6,共3页
分析了光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)传感器的温度、应变交叉敏感机制,基于等强度梁的变形特点,提出了一种新型的90°楔形传感探头式双光纤光栅矩阵算法,既克服了传统矩阵算法的限制,又有效地消除了光纤Bragg光栅测量过程中温度对应变测量的影... 分析了光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)传感器的温度、应变交叉敏感机制,基于等强度梁的变形特点,提出了一种新型的90°楔形传感探头式双光纤光栅矩阵算法,既克服了传统矩阵算法的限制,又有效地消除了光纤Bragg光栅测量过程中温度对应变测量的影响,且由这种结构上的减敏措施,可以求出温度的变化。该方案简单易行,具有实际应用价值。改进封装工艺,可以使得测量数据更加精确。 展开更多
关键词 光纤BRAGG光栅 90°楔感探头 应变
作者 姜晶 方志良 +2 位作者 刘福来 林列 母国光 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 1998年第2期132-135,共4页
关键词 位移 感器 多信息输出 曲面测量
Prediction of Hot Deformation Behavior of 7Mo Super Austenitic Stainless Steel Based on Back Propagation Neural Network
作者 WANG Fan WANG Xitao +1 位作者 XU Shiguang HE Jinshan 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第17期165-171,共7页
The hot compression tests of 7Mo super austenitic stainless(SASS)were conducted to obtain flow curves at the temperature of 1000-1200℃and strain rate of 0.001 s^(-1)to 1 s^(-1).To predict the non-linear hot deformati... The hot compression tests of 7Mo super austenitic stainless(SASS)were conducted to obtain flow curves at the temperature of 1000-1200℃and strain rate of 0.001 s^(-1)to 1 s^(-1).To predict the non-linear hot deformation behaviors of the steel,back propagation-artificial neural network(BP-ANN)with 16×8×8 hidden layer neurons was proposed.The predictability of the ANN model is evaluated according to the distribution of mean absolute error(MAE)and relative error.The relative error of 85%data for the BP-ANN model is among±5%while only 42.5%data predicted by the Arrhenius constitutive equation is in this range.Especially,at high strain rate and low temperature,the MAE of the ANN model is 2.49%,which has decreases for 18.78%,compared with conventional Arrhenius constitutive equation. 展开更多
关键词 7Mo super austenitic stainless steel hot deformation behavior flow stress BP-ANN Arrhenius constitutive equation
作者 朱安祥 《内蒙古金融研究》 2013年第S1期32-34,共3页
一、"四阳"应是"安阳"有一枚"四阳"方足布,最早由1985年《中原文物》发表,出土于郑州市沟赵乡,原文作者云:此布为新发现的品种之一,按""即"四"字,为"泗"字简化字,泗阳即... 一、"四阳"应是"安阳"有一枚"四阳"方足布,最早由1985年《中原文物》发表,出土于郑州市沟赵乡,原文作者云:此布为新发现的品种之一,按""即"四"字,为"泗"字简化字,泗阳即泗水之阳(图1)。①此枚方足布后被《中国钱币大辞典·先秦编》(以下称《先秦编》)和多本著作收录,大都认为:"四阳",通作汜阳,与汜水有关,在今河南荥阳,战国属韩。按此布面文第一字作""形。 展开更多
关键词 方足布 中国钱币 沟赵乡 此布 钱币学 原文作者 中国历代货币 汜水 尖足布 传形
Ovule Development, Formation of Pollination Drop and Pollination Process in Taxus chinensis (Taxaceae) 被引量:11
作者 邢树平 陈祖铿 +2 位作者 胡玉熹 周馥 林金星 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第2期126-132,共7页
Pollen morphology and hydration, ovule development, formation of pollination drop and the pollination process of Taxus chinensis (Pilg.) Rehd were investigated in detail. The results showed that mature pollen was ... Pollen morphology and hydration, ovule development, formation of pollination drop and the pollination process of Taxus chinensis (Pilg.) Rehd were investigated in detail. The results showed that mature pollen was one_celled, irregular in shape, nonsaccate, and the surface was covered with orbicules. When pollen became hydrated, the intine swelled and the exine bursted. The exine usually remained on the surface of water or on the pollination drop all the time, while the rest portion of the pollen sank into the drop of water or the pollination drop. In the late August, the down_curved female buds could be observed in the field trees. The downturning of the female buds was an characteristic feature discriminating from the vegetative buds. At this stage ovular primordium was present in the female bud with a dome_shaped nucellar primordium encircled by a rudimentary integument. The integument grew fast and overgrew the nucellus. In the March of the following year, the ovule formed a micropylar canal about 1?000 μm in length, 200-300 μm in width. Except the micropyle, the other part of the ovule was enclosed by 20-25 scales. During the early stage of the ovule development, the nucellar surface clearly showed cell configuration; but a membrane_like structure covering the nucellar apex appeared in the late stage of the ovule development, and subsequently broke down with nucellar cell disintegration before pollen shedding. The disintegrated cell products might partake in the formation of the pollination drop. Before and during pollination, the nucellar cells contained abundant mitochondria, endospermic reticulum and dictysomes with vesicles; the plasma membrane was undulated and there was no accumulation of electron_dense substances in the pericytoplasm. Pollination drops usually occurred at night, and disappeared by noon in the field tree. 15 days before pollination, the in vitro ovules from the field trees already had the capability of producing pollination drops, which could last for 4-5 days indoors. However, after these drops received pollen, they did not withdraw noticeably compared with the unpollinated ones. The retraction of the pollination drop was presumed not to be a nonmetabolic outcome but rather a result of evaporation. 展开更多
关键词 Taxus chinensis POLLEN ovule development nucellar ultrastructure pollination drop
Analysis and identification of SCAR molecular markers associated with birch fiber length trait 被引量:1
作者 王丹 魏志刚 +1 位作者 杨传平 刘关君 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期288-292,共5页
The fiber length trait (FLT) of 538 individuals from nature birch population in Maorshan region, Heilongjang, China were measured, of which 100 individuals were selected as representative variety of correlated fragm... The fiber length trait (FLT) of 538 individuals from nature birch population in Maorshan region, Heilongjang, China were measured, of which 100 individuals were selected as representative variety of correlated fragments screening with random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) technique. In total of 20 RAPD primers were tested through multiple regression analysis between amplified strip and the character behaviors, and a correlative segment BFLR-16 was obtained. The correlation coefficient between BFLI-16 and FLT was 0.6144, with the significant level of 1%. BFLI-16 was then cloned, sequenced and transformed into SCAR marker. The percentage of identifying long fiber birches by this SCAR was more than 92. The result indicates that the SCAR markers has high specificity for the long fiber individuals and is highly linked with the gene controlling the character of fiber length, and its existence is significantly correlative with the increase in the fiber length. 展开更多
关键词 Betula platyphylla fiber length trait random amplified polymorphism DNA sequence characterized amplified region
Progress of Genetic Research on Grain Shape in Rice 被引量:4
作者 余应弘 谢红军 +2 位作者 汤国华 吴云天 袁隆平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第5期1-5,共5页
Grain character is an important factor in yield components of rice. Progress of genetic research on grain length, grain width, lengthwidth ratio, grain thickness and grain weight were reviewed. It's considered that t... Grain character is an important factor in yield components of rice. Progress of genetic research on grain length, grain width, lengthwidth ratio, grain thickness and grain weight were reviewed. It's considered that the genetic research on grain shape in rice has achieved considerable progress by exploration on genetic research for many years, but there are still some aspects waiting to be strengthened such as the grain shape, the genetic mechanism of grain shape and the genetic and potential value of grain shape in characteristic germplasm resources, etc. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Grain shape GENETIC Research progress
Evaluation of volcanic reservoirs with the "QAPM mineral model" using a genetic algorithm 被引量:8
作者 潘保芝 薛林福 +2 位作者 黄布宙 闫桂京 张丽华 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期1-8,共8页
Gas-bearing volcanic reservoirs have been found in the deep Songliao Basin, China. Choosing proper interpretation parameters for log evaluation is difficult due to complicated mineral compositions and variable mineral... Gas-bearing volcanic reservoirs have been found in the deep Songliao Basin, China. Choosing proper interpretation parameters for log evaluation is difficult due to complicated mineral compositions and variable mineral contents. Based on the QAPF classification scheme given by IUGS, we propose a method to determine the mineral contents of volcanic rocks using log data and a genetic algorithm. According to the QAPF scheme, minerals in volcanic rocks are divided into five groups: Q(quartz), A (Alkaline feldspar), P (plagioclase), M (mafic) and F (feldspathoid). We propose a model called QAPM including porosity for the volumetric analysis of reservoirs. The log response equations for density, apparent neutron porosity, transit time, gamma ray and volume photoelectrical cross section index were first established with the mineral parameters obtained from the Schlumberger handbook of log mineral parameters. Then the volumes of the four minerals in the matrix were calculated using the genetic algorithm (GA). The calculated porosity, based on the interpretation parameters, can be compared with core porosity, and the rock names given in the paper based on QAPF classification according to the four mineral contents are compatible with those from the chemical analysis of the core samples. 展开更多
关键词 QAPM mineral model well logs genetic algorithm volcanic reservoirs
Elsholtzia:review of traditional uses,chemistry and pharmacology 被引量:2
作者 刘艾林 Simon M.Y. Lee +2 位作者 李铭源 王一涛 杜冠华 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2007年第2期73-78,共6页
The chemical constituents, pharmacological activity and traditional uses of 20 species attributed to the genus Elsholtzia (Labiatae) used in China are reviewed and compared. A survey of the literature available show... The chemical constituents, pharmacological activity and traditional uses of 20 species attributed to the genus Elsholtzia (Labiatae) used in China are reviewed and compared. A survey of the literature available shows that these species are used mostly for the treatment of respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. Additionally, some of these Elsholtzia species show antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, relieving fever, analgesic activities and myocardial ischemia protection. Generally, the essential oils or flavonoids from these plant extracts are assumed to be the active principles. 展开更多
关键词 Elsholtzia species Chemical constituent Traditional uses LABIATAE
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